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1 • Run multiple distros with VM (by Aqua on 2024-01-01 01:36:12 GMT from Germany)
Happy New Year!
There are several major families of Linux distributions, including Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora/CentOS, SUSE, Arch, Gentoo and even the unique NixOS. I'll go with two or three of these different families of distributions to run in a virtual machine, and my main OS is Arch Linux.
2 • Void and general sound issues on other distributions (by Chris on 2024-01-01 02:10:34 GMT from New Zealand)
Glad to hear that Void has overcome sound issues. Many other mainstream distros presently have no sound or perpetual reset with Pulse to digital settings like Mint LMDE6 that then don't function despite configuration settings saying they should . I had eventual success with Peppermint and Spiral, but best is AV Linux. Can sound issues be tabled for research in a article please ?
3 • I no longer distro-hop (by mcellius on 2024-01-01 02:15:27 GMT from United States)
When I started with Linux in 2011, I distro-hopped and kept it up for years. I can't even begin to guess how many I tried. I set up multiple partitions to install various distros.
But I learned. It was fun - and very instructive and worthwhile - to learn how things were done by different distros, but eventually I realized that it was losing its value: it was getting rarer to find things I hadn't already investigated in another distro. I'm not saying I saw everything, but increasingly I had seen most things. In addition, more and more I was seeing problems and bugs that made many of the distros pains to use for very long.
So I pretty much stopped distro-hopping and settled on one I found usable, stable, relible, configurable, full-featured and easy to use. For me it was Ubuntu, although I could have chosen others. The other leading contenders were Arch, Makulu, Debian, and Mint. I'm not bothered that others may make other choices, of course, but I have never had a reason to regret choosing Ubuntu: for me it always "just works" and has never given me problems. (I know some other distros can - and do - make this claim. Good! I wish ALL Linux distros could do the same.)
Every now and then, though, I still briefly install another distro just to see what's happening there. I sometimes like to see what's going on with Fedora, and Makulu is so innovative and creative that I've kept a srong interest in it. I also get curious from time about the changes in Arch installation. I always install the next development version of Ubuntu, too, in it's own partition, just to get a headstart on where Ubuntu's going. So I no longer consider myself a distro-hopper, but just a Linux user who is still curious about developments and advancements, but mostly just happy with Linux as my OS.
4 • Multi-booting & Distro hopping by Linux's inbuilt fragility (by Greg Zeng on 2024-01-01 03:59:50 GMT from Australia)
Distrowatch, by design, is about Open source based distributions based on the Unix operating system. The 2023 summary might reflect this bias and this limitation.
Some of us need a computer operating system to do non-computing stuff. So our applications are needed to fit our non-computer projects.
Where are those computer applications? With the biggest, most widely used computer systems. In descending order: Windows, Apple, Android, Linux, and then perhaps BSD. The runners-up, Apple and Linux have enough muscle to run virtual machines, containers and emulators. These alternatives are need to run the diversity and depth of Windows, Apple and Android.
In the Linux world, only PC LINUX OS (PCLOS) can very easily run the best available, to try to match Windows. Necessary freeware applications are Free File Sync (FFS), Dolphin file manager (down-grade attempt to WINDOWS Salamander), Grub Customizer (almost), Onboard keyboard (almost), and Slimjet web browser.
Not many Linux systems allow easy access to the Linux application world. FFS is usually only available in Flatpack form. Grub Customizer, Slimjet and sometimes Synaptic Package Manager are only available in the PPA available on the Ubuntu-based systems. The inner Ubuntu family make it very difficult to use Devuan and Flatpack versions of Linux. Wayland is rightfully restricted to risk-takers, at this moment.
The GNOME versions of Linux try to destroy the WIMP standard, which was created by Xerox, and further promoted by Apple, Windows and the GNOME-2 versions of Linux. The Carpal tunnel (keyboard) addicts seem unaware of these necessary WIMP changes. The CLI and GNOME-3 bullies continue to try to destroy WIMP and its GUI world.
Simultaneous to this week's Distrowatch are the several editions of Peppermint OS. These system creators know what is obvious. The later Linux developments are beta-ware, for risk-takers only. So Devuan, GNOME and application-loaded versions of their systems are available. Peppermint as usual offers the non-Devuan, the non-GNOME and the usual Synaptic Package Manager options: Snap, Flatpak, appimage, etc. Slimjet exists only in Windows and the Debian Linux format, with the only exception being PCLOS).
Like most non-Ubuntu systems, however, the PPA system is not available. One big anomaly in the Linux world is the RPM mess, with many inconsistent systems trying to use this unreliable binary format. PCLOS is part of this RPM mess.
Exotic Linux systems exist: IoT, containers, and server-only (no desktop encouraged), The Arch-based systems have varying degrees of predictability and reliability about the delivery of user applications. Most Linux operating systems are isolated orphans, with their self-centered obsessives. Applications and application users are discouraged or hated.
Most computer users will continue with Windows, Apple and Android, until the Linux minority discovers that there is more to life than just the isolated operating system, alone. Applications and application users come first.
5 • Do you distro-hop? (by mandatory on 2024-01-01 04:37:04 GMT from United States)
Arch for desktop use, Debian for servers.
6 • multiple distributions (by Andy Figueroa on 2024-01-01 05:27:34 GMT from United States)
I've used Gentoo since @ 2004 on the desktop and server, but on the side also run mainly MX-Linux both remotely and as a virtual machine primarily for development and support of the desktop computers at a small private school. I don't distro-hop.
7 • Evolution of my distrohopping (by Manda Tory on 2024-01-01 07:34:54 GMT from France)
I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find a workflow that works for me rather than getting in the way. It was great to see the number of distros all doing interesting things grow at the start of the previous decade. At this point I branched away from Slackware and did lots of distrohopping and tried a lot of unusual things, some which worked for me some that didn’t. At some point later, though, all distros seemed to just be a repackaging of a base distribution with a bunch of default applications installed and a choice of desktop environment (I would say a spin rather than an actual distro). There was nothing super interesting happening in distros. I therefore stuck to Arch for desktop and Debian for servers and started doing application exploration rather than distro exploration and actually honed a setup I liked (custom sway configuration, really minimal number of applications, very terminal based, optimised for the hardware). At some point that evolved to Void for desktop and Alpine for servers, but remained the same in terms of software. Then I found NixOS and it was like what I had been looking for the whole time. I have a bunch of different machines, quite a lot with exotic architectures, and getting these to work in a way that I liked (or at all) could be tricky. With NixOS however I have a git repo of configurations for desktop or server applications and the specific configurations for specific machines, I click go and I’m running my perfect machine! I’ve been using it for years now and it so good! Love it!
Having said that, I do do a bit of experimental hopping (GNU Hurd, Haiku, Redox) but that’s another story…
8 • Agree with #3 About No Longer Distro Hopping (by Justin Ridgers on 2024-01-01 07:54:41 GMT from United States)
I used to distro hop all the time. Trying this bistro then that one. Never using one for more than a month sometimes. Although that has changed in 2023 and I settled on Debian Unstable with KDE. I've learned a lot about Linux over the years by distort hopping as not everything would work out of the box and I tried my best to fix things. Will I distort hop again? Most likely! I have a netbook that I use for the occasional bistro hop, while my day to day desktop computer stays on Debian Unstable.
9 • distrohopping (by Dave Postles on 2024-01-01 08:30:31 GMT from United Kingdom)
Entered the world of Linux/BSD in 2002. Still distrohopping for several reasons. 1 New learning experience; 2 new distros of interest (esp. educational distros); 3 FOMO? 4 Enjoy the variety (easily bored).
10 • Poll (by Someguy on 2024-01-01 10:20:09 GMT from United Kingdom)
None of above missing again! Run mainly LM & MX, but on different machines and/or on different discs. Using SSDs and caddies interchanging distros is easy, although SSDs are hot plug-able enabling more than one distro available on same running machine. Sometimes manually swap SSDs, too. Only run 'new' testing distros (usually Jesse recommendations) simultaneously on separate machines!
11 • 10 above (by Someguy on 2024-01-01 10:24:57 GMT from United Kingdom)
..for 'simultaneously' read 'separately'. Please can we have an author correction option in these Comments file?!
12 • Multi-boot (parallel hopping) (by Daniel on 2024-01-01 10:31:23 GMT from United Kingdom)
I use Arch as a daily driver, but also have KDE Neon and OpenSUSE installed. I have tried "pure" Debian, including Debian itself, Devuan and MX-Linux, but on my system all three of these produce stuttering sound on playback of audio files, YouTube videos etc. This does not occur with Neon (despite its being a Debian derivative) or OpenSUSE, which have both worked just fine from the word go without any messing about with configurations. I can get vanilla Debian to work perfectly, including sound output, in a VM running in QEMU, just not on bare metal.
13 • Multi Distro life (by Mark B on 2024-01-01 10:43:57 GMT from United Kingdom)
@10 I agree with you about the poll options. This has come up again and again and is always ignored. I use three different distros on three separate machines for three different jobs - Mint for daily desktop use, Xubuntu for home server and OMV for NAS.
14 • Distro-hopping not always voluntary (by SuperOscar on 2024-01-01 10:50:58 GMT from Finland)
I used to distro-hop a lot before I landed on openSUSE Leap, and now that Leap is on its way out, I’m kinda distro-hopping again… although Debian is looking more and more like the best candidate to permanently replace Leap. There seems to be no more stable distros left, since most are now rolling (ie., changing too fast to be anything but testbeds).
15 • Multiple Distro's (by Derek Rickareds on 2024-01-01 11:05:37 GMT from United Kingdom)
I run OpenSuse,Linux Mint,MX Linux and Fedora on my Dell tower,all on their own SSD's. Two distro's are on interrnal drives and two on external drives,all of them are encrypted and all work perfectly without problems. I also have two laptops which run one distro on an internal drive and a second one via an external drive and no problems there either.I have the use of Debian,Arch and RPM based distro's at the drop of a hat. I also make use of VM's when testing out new releases.I do not need to use any of Microsoft's offerings as Linux does all I need from a system.
16 • My discovery for the past year... (by Haidut on 2024-01-01 11:31:51 GMT from Bulgaria)
... was SpiralLinux!
Rock solid (pure Debian) and configured "just how I love things to be(TM)".
Waiting for ZorinOS 17 Lite, though... Cheers!!!
17 • multi-boot (by Jame on 2024-01-01 11:32:41 GMT from United States)
I have three laptops right now, and run Ubuntu Mate (juke box) Mint Mate (primary) and Sparky Mate (test box). You really can't tell the difference, because I only use the Mate desktop. I use the same settings on all of them. Yes there are some minor differences under the hood, but a user won't really notice them.
18 • openSUSE Leap (by Peter on 2024-01-01 11:41:19 GMT from Sweden)
I also have a pleasant desktop experience with openSUSE Leap. The last version 15.6 will be released this summer, then it will be be replaced by Snowroll that's supposed to be something in between Leap and Tumbleweed.
19 • OpenSUSE Slowroll (by Peter on 2024-01-01 11:43:26 GMT from Sweden)
I meant Slowroll, not Snowroll. :D
20 • Distro Hopping (by kc1di on 2024-01-01 12:09:36 GMT from United States)
Been distro hopping for many years first started back in 1996/7 Have tried at one time or other most of the major distros. But in the last few years have settled on just a few i use regularly. 1. MX-23 KDE 2. PCLinuxOS KDE 3. Linux Mint Cinnamon.
90% of the time you will find me on one of those. they just work for me. With Little hassle. Also use Debian 12 KDE at times.
But as I often tell people at Least in Linux we have choices. :) Happy New Year all!
21 • Distrohopping (by Rich52 on 2024-01-01 12:25:32 GMT from United States)
I've been distro hopping for well over 20-25 years? Maybe my mind is gone. I quite using Windows after Windows Me. Started with Windows 3.0. Thought there was a better alternative to 'Windows' that didn't cost an arm or a leg with all the Licensing eula bs. Started with Suse, tried and failed at Open BSD went to Mepis, Ubuntu, PClinusOS, Linux Mint,Fedora, Debian, LinuxMX finally ended up with Manjaro for a few years and am now I'm using EndeavourOS. I've tried typically the top 15 distro's in popularity. Now I'm using EndeavourOS and am happy to see how everything has finally evolved. Software works, variety of programs with all the bells and whistles all work. This isn't to say there hasn't been glitches along the way. It's taught me some things about computers, software, all while hardware has been evolving. It's been fun and frustrating both. . . but the repetition and installation has been well worth the effort.
22 • My distros (by Tony on 2024-01-01 12:38:50 GMT from Bulgaria)
I use Void on my production desktop and MX Linux on my laptops, for stability while traveling and to showcase it to interested people, if they decide to move to Linux.
23 • Distributions (by c00ter on 2024-01-01 14:13:21 GMT from United States)
I have been enjoying Linux since the kernel went stable @ 1.0. I have had the pleasure of spending time in all of the major and many minor distributions. I "found" Arch Linux in mid-2012 and have stuck with it. It has everything I need, the best Wiki bar-none, extremely talented developers and a very good help forum. I'm also an active member of several Arch-based distribution forums I like being with like-minded Linux users.
I cannot stress the last part enough. A distribution is nothing without a forum where that distribution's members can help each other. *Forums connect the dots.*
24 • All of the above (by John on 2024-01-01 15:31:56 GMT from Canada)
For this week's poll, I'm an All of the above :-) Spent years distro-hopping, simultaneously on different machines and in VMs. But finally found one to settle on and unless something goes horribly wrong, I think I've found my stable distro.
25 • Distro-hopping (by David on 2024-01-01 16:36:47 GMT from United Kingdom)
For me the computer is there to run applications, so I only switch distros when forced to do to. Thus on my desktop Fedora replaced Red Hat when they split, CentOS replaced Fedora when that became too experimental, and PCLinuxOS has now replaced CentOS. On my old laptop, Debian replaced Salix when the latter lost its non-PAE kernel.
26 • To Hop or Not To Hop???? (by TOM JOAD on 2024-01-01 16:47:23 GMT from United States)
Nope. No hopping here. All three of my machines run Mint Cinnamon. That is my laptop, tower and tor relay. Mint seems to get the job done with ease. I find it stable, predictable and it stays out of the way. So I just don't see the value of 'shopping.' Of course that may change in the future. But now, no hopping.
The truth is I don't really care for endless trouble shooting, setting up and the configuration issues to get all of one's toys installed. I read about that sort of thing here and I say no thanks. I think most folks are that way too; taking the path of least resistance. I troubleshoot when I am dragged kicking and screaming to do it.
As I have said a number of times in the past...'I gotta get 'stuff' done.'
27 • Freedom of choice (by Fred on 2024-01-01 16:51:05 GMT from Sweden)
" Every man must get to Heaven his own way." Frederick II
One of the best things with Gnu/Linux is freedom of choice.
I have gone from Linux Mint to Fedora by way of Xubuntu and Debian, and many other distributions I hardly remember. I often choose distribution from a hardware oriented approach. That is the reason I switched from Debian to Fedora. The full rolling release model is not for me, though I have tried Opensuse Tumbleweed and was impressed with its stability.
Today I find the most interesting development in Gnu/Linux is the immutables. I do not use any of them but are considering. Opensuse Aeon/Kalpa and Fedora Silverblue/Kinoite/Onyx etc seems the most important ones. My impression is that the immutables are only in the beginning of development and still have rough edges that makes them a somewhat problematic choice. It also seems that Opensuse has the most compelling alternative today.
FOSS is without a doubt the most innovative realm of software development.
28 • Distrohopping (by Kanguru on 2024-01-01 17:12:59 GMT from Spain)
I multi-boot (parallel hopping):
Mint, LMDE and Sparky (all of then with Xfce DE)
29 • New LMDE Mint upgrade (by M.Z. on 2024-01-01 17:15:07 GMT from United States)
I have a memory of Linux Mint 7 falling over on me during multiple attempts at an in place upgrade before I think I wiped it & installed PCLInuxOS, which ran fairly well for about 5 years on one rolling release install.
With that in mind my best Linux experience of 2023 was the upgrade from LMDE 5 to the new Mint Debian Edition 6. I put it off for way too long because I noticed that they had a new upgrade method for Debian edition & I wanted to try it, but was a bit wary after all the problems quite a few years back. It went quite excellent. With a modern processor & SSD I think it could have taken less than half an hour if I had paid more attention to it.
I have had similar positive experiences with my last upgrades of both Mageia & KDE Neon, but it was a very pleasant surprise to to see the second priority version of Mint get it nailed down so well after all these years of me ignoring the possibility of trying that again on a version of Mint.
30 • Multi-boot (by Jyrki on 2024-01-01 17:48:04 GMT from Czechia)
Actually I don't have just one machine at home. Notebooks for all family members are running Artix Linux. HTPS and home storage servers are running OpenBSD. I have also older secondary notebook where I have five parallel OSes for my testing purpose (OpenBSD / NetBSD / FreeBSD / DragonflyBSD / Haiku).
31 • Multiple Distros and Distro Hopping (by Steve K on 2024-01-01 18:40:57 GMT from United States)
I have done a lot of distro hopping over the last 15+ years with multi-boot systems with a dozen or more linux distros on a single hard drive and Windows systems with multiple linux distros in VirtualBox virtual machines on the Windows desktop. I'm mostly done now with Linux Mint MATE as my all-time favorite and daily driver and MX Linux as my second most favorite distro. They are both very usable, powerful and stable. I have been using Linux Mint continuously for the last 15+ years and never had any problems at all. I am not alone in my favorable impressions of these two distros since they are also the top two listed on the DistroWatch Page Hit Ranking.
32 • distro hopping (by Jay on 2024-01-01 18:58:26 GMT from The Netherlands)
I lean heavily towards the @5 approach now (Arch workstations, Debian [or Devuan] servers), but I've tried everything your survey asks about at various times in the last few decades.
There are two approaches your survey missed - @30 mentioned one (multi-machines, especially networked ones) and the other is Xen.
I gave up on multi-boots when hypervisors hit. I don't distro-hop a lot outside of the Arch and De*an ecologies, but I've run Illumnos, Haiku, various BSDs, and innumerable Linux distros in tandem and learned a fair bit about them doing it.
Why do distro-hopping serially when you can have it all in parallel?
33 • Distro hopping vs Distro exploring (by Otis on 2024-01-01 19:17:15 GMT from United States)
MX Linux stopped my true hopping as an effort to find the best for my needs. But I will always have at least two other machines used for exploring Linux distros and BSDs. It’s no longer an effort to find a better one. Just fun and interesting to see and use from Suse to Garuda to GhostBSD etc.
34 • Distro hopping (by Sam Crawford on 2024-01-01 19:43:00 GMT from United States)
I and my systems have evolved to using either LMDE6 or Debian stable with Gnome. Both are stable and work well as daily drivers.
Beside the LMDE 6 desktop, I have a Windows 11 desktop and laptop, both rarely used except when I have to pay bills and need Quickbooks and Quicken. There is also a laptop running LMDE 6 and a Chromebook hanging out under my desk. Both are rarely used.
My wife has a Macbook Pro but hardly, if ever, uses it. She does all her browsing and media consumption with her iPad and will use a linux or Windows 11 desktop on rare occasions.
Flatpaks and multi-platform software make distro hopping less necessary as almost all distros can be configured to run the same software. I use Microsoft Edge as my browser on both Windows and linux, along with Zoom, VueScan and Skype from flatpaks, and VMWare workstation should I need to run Windows 11 without rebooting into it from LMDE. I know, it's proprietary software but it makes my desktops work for me.
35 • @34 additional comments (by Sam Crawford on 2024-01-01 19:50:24 GMT from United States)
After posting my comment above I probably should have added that I use Insync to keep my Google Drive and OneDrive synced across all my devices and use Office 365 as a webapp on linux.
I also have webapps for SiriusXM Player, Youtube Music and Youtube TV.
I just want my desktop to work for me and with these mods it works wether its Windows or linux. I really don't know the difference between them while using one or the other.
36 • multiple distros and mx linux upgrades (by a on 2024-01-01 20:06:14 GMT from France)
Interesting to read the opinion of someone who tries a lot of distros! I wanted to recommend MX to a friend but I read that you can’t upgrade without reinstalling, not easily anyway? Not sure how factual that is. That’s annoying.
Poll, I voted "one distro" but I use two. Gentoo on the desktop, PCLinuxOS on the laptop.
37 • MX upgrades (by Otis on 2024-01-01 20:18:35 GMT from United States)
@36 No, I simply invoke each update as the they are presented. “Full upgrade” is not necessary. Some users do seem to feel the need to actually reinstall. I have never done that with MX.
38 • Distro Hopping (by Steve on 2024-01-01 21:03:12 GMT from United States)
I voted that I don't hop.... at least not on any one system.
I do run PCLinuxOS (w/Mate) on a desktop PC I built a few years back and FreeBSD on a Raspberry Pi (as a "small" in house server) but that's it on each system. No hopping (as such).
39 • Distro hopping..... (by Bof on 2024-01-01 21:13:41 GMT from United Kingdom)
I do not hop ! But I RUN with PCLinuxOS KDE.
40 • Ignored distros (by anticapitalista on 2024-01-01 21:43:36 GMT from Greece)
antiX on all my boxes despite no DW review since 2015!
41 • Distro Hopping (by Devlin7 on 2024-01-01 20:30:43 GMT from New Zealand)
I like trying out distros I find here on Distrowatch. I have multiple spare drives that I swap to test things. I would love to use a Debian or Opensuse distros as this seems to be the only format supplied by companies for printers or commercial software. However, I am drawn to the independant distros, you know the ones that run like rockets and have limited software repositories when compared to the big names. I have a quirky HP laptop that a lot of distros struggle to run on. It has a shitty graphics card, weird screen dimensions, a terrible wifi adapter and the sound card is rubbish. So I find myself loading up distro after distro looking for that one OS that does it all and find myself returning to my daily driver. I toggle between i3 with the XFCE panel and Enlightenment for a desktop. I love the speed and the low memory usage of around 240Mb. I have been using Nutyx for 2023, sure the software library is sparse but if Ubuntu is relying on Snaps and Flatpak then so can I!
. The Nutyx installer isn't graphical but it is super easy. I take my hat off to Debian, their network installer is incredible! However, when I boot it up and see that it is using nearly double the memory and it feels laggy I switch back. I would love to use Opensuse, maybe it is my hardware but my experience is runaway processes using 100% CPU and erratic behaviour. I think PopOS has got it right and the polished desktop that does tiling but the memory consumption puts me off. The Cosmic desktop might change this. Enligtenment does tiling, not quite to i3 standard but I have found the right settings to make it work well. It may not be everyones cup of tea but it is a feature full desktop that is super light and flexible. If your distro is consuming 2Gb of RAM at boot, you might as well switch back to Windows :-)
42 • distrohopping (by Patrick on 2024-01-01 22:57:39 GMT from Luxembourg)
I use Linux on servers mainly, and I ended up staying with 2 distros: Debian and Alpine Linux. I really like them both, and they are sufficiently different so that one always fits my use case, and I get no FOMO symptoms. I like other distros, and I despise some, but eventually you need to get out of the vicious circle of hopping and broaden your technical horizon with applications and networking. So many crafts, so little time!
43 • Do you distro-hop? (by Geo. on 2024-01-01 23:23:25 GMT from Canada)
No, but I do experiment. I have a Win machine (employer compliance), This one I'm on now is Mint and is my daily driver (no fuss, no muss), and an ancient machine running Bodhi, which has superseded Antix and Puppy (even a trained monkey like me can use Bohdi). Happy 2024 to everyone. :-)
44 • distrohop (by rhtoras on 2024-01-02 00:17:32 GMT from Greece)
I distrohop and multihop. I am in the nosystemD side of things and everything has to be checked to see if there are real altrernatives and so on. Firasuke git page has some interesting projects like eltanin Os which is not only systemDless but non gnu too... these projects are cool especially if you see what happened with redhat linux lately. AND always a bsd as an alternative (i prefer openbsd but others might work too and i check them from time to time). That's why i multihop.
45 • @40--ignored distro: antiX (by R. Cain on 2024-01-02 00:49:17 GMT from United States)
Completely agree--one of the most ignored distros, yet one of the most rigorously and meticulously maintained, is antiX. 4 different versions: '-Full' (1600MB); '-Base (960MB)'; '-Core' (520 MB; "-Net (220 MB). RUNS ON ANYTHING. No fluff; just all hard work. No bug-filled "Latest, Biggest, Greatest, Boffo, Fastest, Most-Dynamite-You've-Ever-Seen" ("...and don't bother sending bug reports; we're to busy working on the next 6-month Dynamite Version...") distro here. Choice of sysVinit or runit--no systemd. VERY close association with DW's #1 distro (since forever): MX Linux. This last fact might explain why antiX has--with almost no recognition--been solidly entrenched in DistroWatch's #14/#15 position for at least one year.
46 • Distro Hopping (by Pengu-Ha on 2024-01-02 01:21:27 GMT from United Kingdom)
Running MX23 Plasma - It's the best all-rounder for me. If I didn't run MX, I'd probably go for SpiralLinux Plasma. If there was no KDE, I'd probably head for LMDE Cinnamon or Mint Cinnamon.
I'll check a distro out in a VM occasionally, with Nobara's latest Plasma spin on my radar and I maintain an interest in what OpenSuse does next, even though I've never used it as a daily driver; but really, I find Debian (Stable) Plasma excellent as a base for polishers.
47 • secure distros (by distrobowlful on 2024-01-02 01:46:51 GMT from Philippines)
have distrohopped many distros looking for security out-of-the-box in live mode. But most just provide a standard distro with inherent insecurities - except with some security / privacy softwares included, without much thought otherwise.
but have found Easyos to have good innovative security features: built from scratch to use its own containers, no systemd, gui-centric configuration, numerous services disabled by default, containerised web surfing - and all while running as root. just goes to show you 'can' teach an old puppy new tricks.
48 • Distro hoppping or best tool for the job? (by GTC on 2024-01-02 01:55:54 GMT from Uruguay)
I voted the last one, but I have a variety of use case scenarios so could be a rare mix of most of the options (except the first one) and then some. For example, my daily driver at the time of writing is Manjaro KDE. But I plan to migrate to Qubes-OS because I need some of its features. But I also use Tails, from a pen drive. I have a Kali machine for learning purposes. I have an OpenBSD notebook to test some stuff. I recently got an used machine, has alpine installed right now but probably will migrate to something else. And of course, I have a bunch of VMs to test distros, Void being one of them but also Haiku, FreeDOS, *BSD, etc. I even use Windows, because its the OS I am given by my employer. I also used other distros in the past, like mint. Besides, I use some tools like parted magic, clonezilla, etc. for specific tasks. Yet I don't consider myself doing any distrohopping. More like choosing the right distro for the task at hand at the time I need them. I am not that smart and I am not a developer, so I take one of the best strengths distributions offer: the freedom of choice. The only freedom I care for, being able to use whatever I need whenever I need it. Happy new year to everyone at distrowatch.com and its readers!!!!
49 • @40--ignored distro: antiX (by Andy Prough on 2024-01-02 04:08:54 GMT from Switzerland)
>"antiX on all my boxes despite no DW review since 2015!"
Lack of DW reviews hasn't stopped antiX from being top-25 in the Page Hit Ranking every year since 2015, and top-15 most years. Maybe Jesse doesn't really have all that much influence over distro popularity after all, and great distros with great tools will be popular regardless.
50 • I don't distrohop now (by DistroHop on 2024-01-02 07:46:21 GMT from India)
Earlier, I used to switch distributions in every few months. From Trisquel to Zorin, then to Fedora, and some other distributions for few days. Then I settled with Linux Mint Xfce for my low-end laptop. Since I purchased a new laptop, I'm happy with Ubuntu. I don't focus on distributions any longer. I just want a platform that will allow me to work in peace.
51 • Distro hop (by DachshundMan on 2024-01-02 09:41:07 GMT from United Kingdom)
There is not really an option in the poll that fits my case. I no longer use VMs but sometimes I boot from an external SSD. I used to distro hop quite often but I got fed up with it so I fixed on Mint Mate for my laptop and Ubuntu Mate for my RPi 4. Perhaps this will change in the future as I used to like Manjaro and I think that MX Linux looks quite interesting.
52 • Distro Hopping (by Dan on 2024-01-02 14:20:06 GMT from United States)
Since I've been using Salix since Sept. 5 2022, my distro hopping years have been over.
53 • Distro Hopping (by DaveT on 2024-01-02 14:56:03 GMT from United Kingdom)
20 years ago I tried various distributions. I quickly acquired an immense dislike of RPM based distributions and stayed with Debian until I had to move on to Devuan. I now use OpenBSD with Devuan for those things that have not yet been ported to OpenBSD. Worked in IT for 25 years and refused to work on anything involving Windows! Had a good career.
54 • Mint made me stop distro-hopping (by S on 2024-01-02 14:57:59 GMT from Canada)
I found out about Linux thanks to Ubuntu, which I loved (and I still have a soft spot for). Then, I tried several distros because it was exciting. Finally, once I tried Linux Mint, I stopped distro hopping because I simply love it (it's beautiful, simple and just works out of the box). Additionally, my girlfriend just wants to turn our only laptop on (we're minimalists) and getting things done without any headaches. So, my distro-hopping days are on pause for now. One of the things I love about Linux is the freedom of choice. This can mean a lot of things but one of the things I love is that you can even use an old system and 1) be able to get things done and 2) make it as fast as a new system. Our laptop is 11 years old and it's still running great thanks to Linux. I just wish we had the same support for phones which after only a few years become obsolete because of the software.
55 • Distro hopping (by zetamacs on 2024-01-02 15:47:25 GMT from United States)
Long ago, I was a distro hopper who had no idea what he wanted. Not knowing the similarities and differences between distributions had a lot to do with that. Nowadays, I tend to stick with Mint when I just want something up and running on new hardware (up until recently it was on my primary rig). Occasional experiments in VMs satisfy what little is left of the old hopper ways.
Otherwise, having something simple and effective like OpenBSD or interesting and declarative like GuixSD is about as exotic as it gets. It's not that I don't appreciate what all the distributions bring to the table, it's that they have to be doing something fundamentally different for me to want to spend much time on them. If there is nothing that sticks out in a big way, I'd sooner think about the software running on the OS than the OS itself.
But hey, that's just me. I won't say anyone is wrong for having preferences. There are so many good choices out there.
56 • Distro Hopping (by John on 2024-01-02 18:20:45 GMT from Canada)
Over the years, I have been keep with one specific Linux Distro. But in the last few years, Linux has been heading in a direction I do not like. So a few years ago I "distro hopped" with the BSDs on an older Laptop. I have pretty much settled on one BSD. So now, it is 1 Linux Distro and 1 BSD.
I have them both set up in a similar manner to the point most people would not see a difference. So, should Linux finally "jump the shark", I will have an escape route.
Why not move now ? Hardware Support in the BSDs are similar to what Linux had 20 years ago. One can deal with it, but in some rare cases it can be trying :)
57 • Distro hopping.... (by sephiroth7818 on 2024-01-02 21:49:58 GMT from United States)
In 2006 I ran a version of Debian on the Playstation 2. Then in 2007, I switched to PC with Debian "Etch". Debian Sid has been my main distro since then. I try other distros here and there just to see what the others offer. But always find myself using Debian.
58 • favourites and hopping (by jonathonb on 2024-01-02 22:20:59 GMT from Australia)
AntiX 23 using the IceWM/zzzFM session is my favourite. I keep a Partition for hopping using shared /Home partition with Symbolic links to a home directory not derived from an OS install, this has all the common Documents, Downloads etc. AntiX 23 is the most user friendly way to have what I want (or don't want) from a distro. I am also trying to learn how to set up Joborun, umm properly. It's not a standard install and exceeds my current know how. Thank you distrowatch
59 • Multi-Booting (by luvr on 2024-01-02 23:01:37 GMT from Belgium)
I currently have Ubuntu 20.04, Debian 11, Devuan 5 and Slackware 15.0 installed on my desktop computer and use Limine as my boot loader.
Ubuntu is my daily driver for now, but I will be moving off it in favour of Devuan; the Ubuntu system will likely be replaced with Slackware-Current.
Not sure if I will keep Debian; I'm not in a hurry to remove it, though.
60 • Debian all the way + others in vm's. (by Jerimya2024 on 2024-01-02 23:22:03 GMT from United States)
I run Debian for about the first year after a new release then I will update some of my machines to testing and run it it into the next release and repeat each cycle. I have used pretty much every major distro out there at some point and Debian is always rock solid and I have never had any major issues to speak of. On vm's I run some servers and test images of Debian and other distros that I find interesting and want to learn more about such as NixOS, Silverblue, Opensuse, & Alma. Used to use Gentoo in a vm in the past and it was a learning experience but required too much upkeep but with the latest announcement that they will be offering binarys I may fire up another one.
61 • RE:40 and Distribution usage. (by Landor on 2024-01-03 00:33:51 GMT from Canada)
RE: 40
I might be using it right now, I forget which iteration, or I installed Devuan (ascii) and made it look like antiX. I remember taking your build for a look on a netbook(which it's still on, but stripped clean as in FSF clean) and thinking it was absolutely beautiful so emulated it on Devuan with the same wm, etc. You're still doing fine work.
Distribution Use:
I started with Unix and BSD long ago. I remember the first time I looked at Linux someone handed me DOSlinux on a disk(anyone here ever use that?). I would usually just stay on the command line until the early 2000s so Linux was easy for me to use and try out the latest and greatest. Fast forward a few years and I looked for what I wanted to stay with. I only ever really found Gentoo to completely satisfy my hands-on technical wants, but have recently slowly inching my way back to using the cli for almost everything. There's pretty well a cli tool for just about all anyone could want and the cli hands down will always beat a mouse and graphical interface regardless of what some here and elsewhere will profess.
Current install(s) antiX, Devuan, Gentoo, all three with a wm and FSF compliant. antiX and Gentoo cli only. None of those are going anywhere, and some are actually outdated or close.
Keep Your Stick On The Ice...
62 • distro-hopping (by Will on 2024-01-03 00:45:37 GMT from United States)
I distro-hop as a hobby and have since SLS, Yggdrasil, and Slackware hit the Internet oh so many years ago. I used Slackware, then RedHat, then Debian (thank god no more rpms), the MacOS, then FreeBSD, then Mint, now MX. FreeBSD, Mint and MX pretty much ended my distro hopping days. If FreeBSD would run everything I ever want to run, it'd be my OS of choice, unfortunately, it isn't so. Mint got boring and I am not the biggest Cinnamon fan, so I'm currently using MX - it's like LMDE, but everything works :). I may occasionally try out other stuff, but I keep returning to Mint/MX - I gave up entirely on rpm based distros cuz I can't stand them. However, I'm currently giving Gentoo another go and may evolve, who knows :).
63 • less hopping than in the past (by tommy on 2024-01-03 02:52:06 GMT from United States)
LM, MX, & Ubuntu for different purposes and users. Occasionally experiment, some serial some paralle hoppingl, with 3 or 4 other distros a year. Much less now than years ago. On some PCs, I have racks for easy switching between different 2.5" boot SSDs. Totally appreciate DW's thorough reviews, access to an abundance of affordable hardware, software that really and truly just works, and friendly forums. Almost makes me want to become a competent hobbyiest... but nah, cuts into beertime.
Not a flatpak fan. Mostly good luck with PPAs but just enough hassle so that my limited expertise makes me reluctant. So, big repos are a plus.
64 • Do you run multiple distributions ? (by eb on 2024-01-03 10:18:38 GMT from France)
No, only one ! Thanks to my profession, 25 years ago I discovered Linux with Suse (and KDE). Unsatisfied with Suse, I tested a handful of other distros and eventually discovered Slackware, that suits all my needs and taste ; so I stick faithfully with it on all my computers. I hopped on windows managers and feel happy with Fluxbox.
65 • Another option (by Vukota on 2024-01-03 10:24:40 GMT from Serbia)
I usually stick with what I install on "device" (laptop, desktop, server, docker, VM, live stick). Once i have reasons to change or upgrade, or are configuring from scratch, I reconsider. These days I mostly stick with Mint on laptop/desktop (though not exclusively).
66 • Multiple Distributions (by Trinidad Cruz on 2024-01-03 11:26:15 GMT from United States)
My main system is Debian 12 though I also run two Windows 10/11 machines. I also run Linux Lite on hardware, in qemu/kvm, and in hyper-v. I run Busnen Labs, LMDE, Devuan Trinity, all in qemu/kvm. I test and run different distributions for different reasons i/e Bunsen Labs for openbox DE, Devuan for Trinity DE, LMDE for Cinnamon DE, and Linux Lite for XFCE DE. and all of them for networking function testing. Since Debian 8 my main system has become Debian gnome with wayland. Rock solid stable though I usually never upgrade until halfway through the release cycle.
67 • One distribution. (by Steve on 2024-01-03 12:29:39 GMT from Canada)
Debian w/ LXDE. I used to use Puppy, but I either don't like the never versions or am just no longer interested. I'm tired of bash-ing my head with Slackware, though I might try (again) if I had a large enough hard drive for dual-booting (recycled computer w/ minimum everything).
68 • Distro Hopping (by KenS on 2024-01-03 16:19:17 GMT from Canada)
I have a dual boot setup. I always have Fedora gnome installed and have used it as my main driver for years. It always just works with no issues and I like the gnome setup. The other boot option changes depending on issues I run into or just how much I like the distro. Currently, I have been running Makulu Max Beta 1 gnome for the last few months which I am quite enjoying. I have not run into any issues yet, but it is a beta release.
69 • Asahi Remix for other Linux distributions (by DAR on 2024-01-03 21:32:36 GMT from United States)
It's very nice that we now have Fedora Asahi Remix. Will we have Asahi Remix for other Linux distributions soon, such as Debian Asahi Remix?
70 • Jump When It Makes Sense (by Wanting Fresh Apps on 2024-01-03 23:06:11 GMT from United States)
@Reset-the-shell: You want the bash 'reset' command. Some terminal emulators have menu items corresponding.
@All: Comments promoting staying put are wonky. I jump with delight when I find something better. If FreeBSD supported modern hardware I'd use it. If someone makes a distro with Linux core and FreeBSD apps I'll use it. I'm on Void with Wayland/Sway but looking for a distro sans systemd with better app freshness. Now that Gentoo supports binary apps, I may jump the Void ship. Current examples of stale packages in Void (forgive any errors, I checked this list a few weeks back, not just now, but some like Mercury have been stale for ages):
R 4.3.1 ... should be at 4.3.2
foliate 2.6.4 ... should be at 3.0.1
calibre 6.17.0 ... should be at 7.1.0
juliaup 1.8.16 ... should be at 1.12.5
nix 2.11.0 ... should be at 2.19.2
hledger 1.27.1 ... should be at 1.32
mercury* 22.01.3 ... should be at 22.01.8 with its *-libs *-tools packages too
lily 1.11 ... should be at 2.0
71 • hopping around (by hotdiggettydog on 2024-01-04 00:53:49 GMT from Bolivia)
I still try new distros in VBox but Mint is my go to OS. Why? 1. Rock hard stability 2. Near flawless upgrading. 3. It just works. I hate fiddling around in my old age.
72 • Distro test hopping (by Dan on 2024-01-04 02:06:13 GMT from Australia)
I used to distro hop a lot when trying to understand the different approaches to the Linux ecosystem. Eventually I settled on Sparky Minimal for quite a while (4 years) due to it's design and performance, but I've switched to running VoidLinux as of around five months ago. It's like Sparky but more unique, leaner and even faster. Happy to support their work, it's a great distro and I've been able to work out the few issues I've had with common sense doco/support. I'm a gamer too and it's been working nicely with Steam and everything I throw at it.
I still have Sparky on another partition, but I mostly just update it every now and then.
73 • Stopped Hopping (by Hank on 2024-01-04 10:27:30 GMT from United States)
After using too many distros to list during about 15 years or more on linux.
antiX all the way, both stable and rolling with sid. Desktop ICEWM. AntiX toolbox makes for simple setup, antiX is fast reliable good hardware support for 32 and 64 bit, responsive an capable support through forum. Init choice, sysV or my go to option runit. Try and Enjoy.
74 • multi-boot? (by mb on 2024-01-04 15:36:17 GMT from United States)
One of my laptops has 6 Debian installations (on 6 separate partitions) with different desktop environments and settings. There is also another partition that contains some data that can be shared by these 6 Debian installations. Can this laptop be considered as multi-boot or single-boot?
75 • Never hopped, just chose (by pass on 2024-01-04 16:38:51 GMT from Italy)
When I got a distro I liked, that was the one. Never left one unless it had left me before I could. Many many years ago, it was RedHat (up to 9.C), then Knoppix, then Kanotix. Now it's been at least fourteen years I'm on Debian. It works, it's good to me. Why bother further?
76 • Recently tried several Linux at old CPU (by Jan on 2024-01-04 17:06:32 GMT from The Netherlands)
I recently tried several live and installed Linux at an old CPU (P8400, but with 8GB and SSD). I used the ability to do smooth scrolling in an opened browser (on a news-site) as judgement.
I found that PCLinuxOS-Mate and AntiX seemed the best. The Gnome version (latest version) of Fedora and OpenSuse were a little less but also good.
Most other Linux-distos (Mate, Cinnamon, XFCE) were worse.
Probably low-hardware-distros are for hardware with low memory (and really old CPU's)
77 • Year of 'Linux-On-The-Desktop'? Not at this rate, and definitely not this way. (by R. Cain on 2024-01-04 19:25:26 GMT from United States)
"...I think the distro world needs to gear down a notch or two. Bi-annual releases CONTRIBUTE NOTHING to the quality of the end product and detract people from focusing on delivering high-quality, robust products. IT'S JUST NOISE FOR THE SAKE OF NOISE — generating activity the likes of the Civil Service in Yes, Prime Minister. No one will get a medal for releasing their distro twice a year...Most people are happy to replace their software come the end of life of their hardware. And that means once every six years...
"We don’t need to be so conservative. But let’s trying slowing down to one release a year. That gives everyone twice as much time to focus on fixing problems and creating beautiful, elegant distributions with the passion and love they have, and the passion and love and loyalty that their users deserve. Free does not mean you can toss the emotions down the bin...
"The Year of Linux is the year that you look at your distribution, compare to the year before, and you have that sense of stability, the knowledge that no matter what you do, you can rely on your operating system. Which is definitely not the case today. If anything, the issues are worsening and multiplying. You don’t need a degree in math to see the problem. "I FIND THE LACK OF CONSISTENCY TO BE THE PUBLIC ENEMY NO. 1 IN THE OPEN-SOURCE WORLD. In the long run, it will be the one deciding factor that will determine the success of Linux. Sure, applications, but if the operating system is not transparent, people will not choose it. They will seek simpler, possibly less glamorous, but ultimately more stable solutions, BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO INSTALL A PATCH AND DREAD WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER A REBOOT. It’s very PTSD..."
"Linux 2017 – The Road to Hell" https://www.ocsmag.com/linux-2017-the-road-to-hell/
78 • Re: Do you distro-hop? (by Whattteva on 2024-01-04 22:14:41 GMT from United States)
I never hop for servers. It's always FreeBSD.
For desktop, I distro-hop from Mint to whatever flavor of the month, but generally keep coming back to Mint.
79 • THE reason computer operating systems are discussed so much... (by R. Cain on 2024-01-04 22:30:18 GMT from United States)
From Douglas Adams, in "The Salmon of Doubt"---
“We notice things that DON'T work. We don’t notice things that do. We notice computers, we don’t notice pennies. We notice e-book readers, we don’t notice books.”
“We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works..."
80 • It's all the same now (by Antony Royle on 2024-01-05 20:39:57 GMT from Denmark)
Used to distrohop with a passion but most distros are the same now, perhaps with a different set of colours slapped on. If there's something new from the parent distros I test them in a vm, just to stay in the loop.
Daily driver: MX (+Win11 dual-boot for Office compatibility reasons) Pi1: NextcloudPi (yes, that's a distro) for sync, storage, hosting rss-reader etc. Pi2: Pi-hole for adblocking on the home network.
81 • Distro-hopping (by John C on 2024-01-05 21:35:48 GMT from United States)
Did that a long time ago, but I use Linux as my daily driver now, for work, and that means I need something stable that just works. PCLinuxOS fills the bill and that is what I use.
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• Issue 1087 (2024-09-09): COSMIC desktop, running cron jobs at variable times, UBports highlights new apps, HardenedBSD offers work around for FreeBSD change, Debian considers how to cull old packages, systemd ported to musl |
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• Issue 1057 (2024-02-12): Adelie Linux 1.0 Beta, rolling release vs fixed for a smoother experience, Debian working on 2038 bug, elementary OS to split applications from base system updates, Fedora announces Atomic Desktops |
• Issue 1056 (2024-02-05): wattOS R13, the various write speeds of ISO writing tools, DSL returns, Mint faces Wayland challenges, HardenedBSD blocks foreign USB devices, Gentoo publishes new repository, Linux distros patch glibc flaw |
• Full list of all issues |
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Star Labs - Laptops built for Linux.
View our range including the highly anticipated StarFighter. Available with coreboot open-source firmware and a choice of Ubuntu, elementary, Manjaro and more. Visit Star Labs for information, to buy and get support.
Random Distribution | 
Myah OS
Myah OS was an independently developed live CD designed for desktop use. It was built with custom build scripts and optimised for the i686 processor architecture.
Status: Discontinued

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Star Labs |

Star Labs - Laptops built for Linux.
View our range including the highly anticipated StarFighter. Available with coreboot open-source firmware and a choice of Ubuntu, elementary, Manjaro and more. Visit Star Labs for information, to buy and get support.