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1 • CDE (by Brad on 2023-02-06 01:24:21 GMT from United States)
On a VMS Workstation, back in the day...
2 • Nutyx but what is CDE (by mnrv-ovrf-year-c on 2023-02-06 01:37:35 GMT from Puerto Rico)
Nutyx is a good distribution but has some rough edges. Unlike the reviewer on this site, I preferred a desktop environment. First I went with XFCE but had to give up because I couldn't get Wifi. Then I installed it with KDE, which was better but I was unable to get through one item to help me connect. I should have read the whole review above but, when picking one of the ISO's with D.E., the installer is one of the most straightforward I've ever encountered. First choose a partition then it copies files as if it were making a "live" CD/DVD. Then choose a different partition to place the bootloader. But the user should be prepared to edit a couple of text files for the right partitions. For me it was able to boot via UEFI but I had to go looking for the EFI file right after turning on computer. It seems to come with "stock" KDE Plasma because a few things were missing such as the compositor section of "System Settings". Therefore I had to deal with transparency and a few other visual effects I detested. Some programs might not resize to maximum correctly. The "FLCards" program is a joke, should use the terminal instead to deal with packages. To run AppImages must install "fuse2". This is the first distro where I had an issue like this. This distro is not for people who have slow Internet connections, and for those who only "want to consume". It does have fewer packages than competitors and there's no "multilib". It's possible to have "musl" for those who prefer that branch. Might have to install the "devel" group to get serious work done.
3 • CDE (by Friar Tux on 2023-02-06 02:01:36 GMT from Canada)
If you're running any gtk3/4 DEs (Gnome, Cinnamon, Mate, XFCE, etc.) you may find the OneStepBack gtk theme will work nicely without having to change to CDE. If you're comfortable messing with the code and image files, you can change the colours to your liking.
4 • CDE... (by Joe on 2023-02-06 03:29:56 GMT from New Zealand)
Once, a multitude of moons ago. Modern desktops are light years ahead!
It was applicable in that era of single CPUs, single threading, 8-bits (16 if you got lucky) and processors with frequency only a bit above high C on a piano. Today, NO.
5 • UID vs NFS (by Bob McConnell on 2023-02-06 03:37:30 GMT from United States)
The biggest issue with the UID differing on various systems is trying to use NFS mounts for NAS devices. NFS doesn't allow you to assign them in the mount command like CIFS does. I have multiple Slackware boxen where my UID is always 1000. But Raspian has already pre-assigned that one, so I can't mount my Raspberry Pi to those NAS drives using NFS and share files with the other systems. I have to have both NFS and CIFS mounts available. I have yet to find a way out of this dilemma.
6 • Desktop environments CDE, etc. (by Bobbie Sellers on 2023-02-06 05:40:43 GMT from United States)
I never used CDE nor NsCDE. Someone mentions 8 or 16 bit computers but I ran AmigaOS which was proprietary as you needed an Amiga to run it on. At 1.2 or 1.3 it was pretty primitive but by 3.1 it looked better and took less resources than most systems, running on a 16/32 bit implementation of the 68000 chip and the OS came on a few 3.5 inch floppies. It had an additional 256 KB of ram that loaded the vital parts of the OS on boot and nearly every program had to use a special Workbench disk which provided the needed libraries. When we got hard drives that became unnecessary. It was intended for home use without internet which was practically unobtainable at the time. My A2000b ended up with 32 Megabytes of ram, and a 68060 running at 50 MHz about 3 times the speed of the old 68000. I had a 3.2 GB hard disk and sadly no memory protection. So I switched to GNU/Linux after some years, with 2006 Mandriva. Sadly my skill at termination of SCSI drives is now obsolete. But Linux is much better and practically never falls over due to Memory conflicts. Oh but the Amiga went from BBS programs to Internet eventually but no real security. When it was turned on you were running in root mode essentially with unrestricted access to the system.
7 • CDE (by Pecka on 2023-02-06 07:03:26 GMT from Sweden)
I remember my father using Sun workstations back in the day but he preferred OpenWindows to CDE.
8 • UID vs NFS (by Terryn Serge on 2023-02-06 07:48:10 GMT from Belgium)
Use rpi-imager to write your image. Before writing, click on the cogwheel and change the user to your username to login with ssh. Then you get 1000 as UID.
9 • CDE (by Dr.J on 2023-02-06 08:20:07 GMT from Germany)
I bought my first computer in the mid 80's and at university we had Sun workstations with Unix, so i'm always interested in the old stuff. I'll certainly take a look at CDE out of curiosity. I will not change just as sure, because for about 10 years my Openbox-WM is the measure of things and I have everything I need.
10 • CDE (by Sasi on 2023-02-06 10:32:51 GMT from India)
Yes. I remember to have run Windows 3.1 on an Intel 286 machine with 8mb RAM and 40mb HDD (Sony)!!!
11 • Could Use NsCDE But... (by joncr on 2023-02-06 10:58:44 GMT from United States)
The jagged fonts would keep me away from CDE but NsCDE is in Fedora's repos so I installed it on a 4K laptop running Fedora Mate. I'm too lazy to mess with xrandr just for a test but everything looked as expected, just tiny.
More importantly, tap-to-click wasn't working. There's likely a way to deal with that. But, given its heritage, NsCDE is probably best suited for a mouse and a 1080p display.
12 • CDE (by eb on 2023-02-06 13:02:50 GMT from France)
Is a desktop useful ?
13 • CDE is/was a blast (by crayola-eater on 2023-02-06 13:17:12 GMT from United States)
Maybe 1-2 years ago, I saw CDE as a DE option in Sparky), and gave it a go. The install of CDE was from inside a running install, and it installed and ran just fine when chosen from the DM on the next reboot. I never ran CDE before, but wanted to give it a look from both an historical curiosity, and wanting to see how what was arguably the first real desktiop handled the task. I remember looking somewhat deep under the hood, and was pleasantly surprised to find editable text files as being the core of how a great deal of the desktop operated. After my initial get to know you dances with the desktop, I started to try and see if I could mould it into a possible daily runner. I remember even being able to partially redesign the core control panel a bit to make it more convienient. I was able to add programs already installed show up in the apps drawer, but can't recall if I was ever able to create a cohesive 'menu' or not. In the end, it was a load of fun to play with, but the legacy aspects of it that made it the superpower of the big iron days, I felt were more of a burden to my meager desktop today. So on the next distro hop, it was gone, but not forgotten. I from time to time look at CDE and NsCDE in the Sparky repro and go "should I?".
14 • CDE (by kc1di on 2023-02-06 13:49:08 GMT from United States)
Remember using CDE on unix systems. Not willing to go back there now :) But were fun days back then when almost everything was done via terminal. Most machine then had no Desktop so to speak.
15 • CDE (by Otis on 2023-02-06 14:35:29 GMT from United States)
My thought processes went, "Well, I don't always drive my car or ride my motorcycle, I sometimes walk or ride my bicycle, so maybe I should have CDE on my Linux system.
But that's where analogies often fall apart: In the real world, "on the ground," in real life, etc. CDE is just not efficient enough as compared to evolved DEs and WMs.
Have fun. ;o)
16 • CDE (by Voelsen on 2023-02-06 15:20:31 GMT from Sweden)
Used it with SparcStation 2+ som 30 years ago.
17 • CDE? (by JeffC on 2023-02-06 15:27:24 GMT from United States)
The first version of Xfce was built to be a Linux FOSS clone of CDE, it has evolved considerably since then.
I believe I will stick with Xfce.
18 • CDE/XFCE (by Zipslack on 2023-02-06 16:04:47 GMT from United States)
I've tried and been disappointed with the Linux CDE implementations. What I want is the original XFCE version that tried to mimic the look and feel of CDE (when it was still based on FLTK).
19 • CDE and GeoWorks (by James Larue on 2023-02-06 16:58:02 GMT from United States)
I remember using GeoWorks back in the 90s--a multi-threaded graphic desktop environment that used Motif. It looked a lot like CDE. At the time, it was also way, way ahead of Windows. Even on a 286 is ran fast, allowed for long file names, did true multitasking, and printed beautifully. Microsoft crushed it, I believe.
20 • I don't do quaint or vintage either... (by tom joad on 2023-02-06 16:03:01 GMT from Germany)
I read the explanation of the 'CDE.' And the one word question popped into my head...'Why?"
As of this writing 16% of the respondents have used CDE and left it in the dust. Add that to the 70 or so percent who stated they were not interested in using CDE. That is roughly 86% total.
Progress is better than vintage. Evolution is better than old static.
21 • CDE keystrokes? (by AdamB on 2023-02-06 20:56:42 GMT from Australia)
If I remember correctly, the keystrokes used, almost universally, in GUI applications for Cut, Copy and Paste - Control-X, Control-C and Control-V - were originally part of the CDE specification.
I presume that Control-O for Open, and Control-S for Save, were part of the same specification.
I seem to recall articles back in the day referring to "CDE-compatible" text editors.
If so, part of CDE lives on.
22 • Old static?? (by Friar Tux on 2023-02-06 21:48:37 GMT from Canada)
@20 (tom) You can actually have both - progress AND vintage. Evolution AND old static. As I mentioned in comment 3, the OneStepBack theme looks like CDE but works on modern DEs (based on gtk3/4). I rather like the look of it, though, I did change the drab grey to a darkish cyan, which I like better. All you'll need to complete the look is an appropriate icon set - of which there are plenty.
23 • WebApps (by poiema on 2023-02-06 22:43:57 GMT from United States)
Would like to see DistroWatch track Distro's that make it easy to run WebApps. I've found it simple on Mint. Peppermint, and BigLinux. BigLinux actually has somewhat of a 'store front' of WebApps. For those that have arguements against non-native tools like FlatPaks, Snaps, and AppImages it seems that WebApps offer a simpler solution that can also run behind the safety of your favorite browser in many cases. Sure beats having to install Microsoft Edge for a browser that can setup the same thing. Though it seems Gnome Web has also started adding this functionality.
Can DistroWatch track Distros that make it easy to use WebApps?
24 • Web apps (by Jesse on 2023-02-07 02:03:55 GMT from Canada)
@23: Web apps aren't native applications, they're just websites, typically running in a browser window without the normal address bar and menu. Which is why they aren't an alternative in most situations to portable formats like Snap and Flatpak.
Any and all Linux distributions which include a web browser make it easy to run web apps. All you need to do is create a shortcut on your desktop (or in the application menu) which launches your web browser with the "--app=URL" command.
For example: "brave-browser --app=https://duckduckgo.com". Just swap out Brave,in this case, for Chrome or Chromium or Falkon or whatever you normally use.
You can do this on almost any Linux desktop simply by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting "Create launcher", then put in the URL as shown in the example about. It's almost exactly the same steps and amount of time as using ICE or WebApp Manager.
25 • CDE fonts (by Marcus on 2023-02-07 02:43:26 GMT from Switzerland)
Is it possible to turn on hinting and antialiasing for fonts in the CDE user interface?
26 • Nuke 'em, Dano (by Trihexagonal on 2023-02-07 04:45:56 GMT from United States)
The nuclear option is the one I always use with installing an OS, with one disk/one OS many laptops my way..
No, I would not use CDE or any other flavor of Linux but a Debian bastard. I'm a long time Fluxbox user and all that I use on FreeBSD. I do use Xfce on Linux sometime, but I have many more packages installed on it and the DE menu is handy to use.
Package managers,... Baskin Robins has 31 flavors. Vanilla ports and apt is what I like, and all I use. If it's not in the ports tree of repositories of choice I don't use that program and I have all the programs I need through them to suit my purposes nicely..
And stay off my lawn, darn space age whiz kids....
27 • CdE (by Npaladin2000 on 2023-02-07 14:27:25 GMT from United States)
Used it back when I was working with AIX systems. And i used XFCE back when it was a CDE clone. At the time I'd take it over Windows.
28 • CDE? (by Slobbering Fanboy on 2023-02-08 07:57:01 GMT from United States)
CDE, who cares (sorry Jesse)? There are other way more interesting DE/WM’s around that are still being developed & maintained. Window Maker & Fluxbox, for example. On a side rant, I have never understood why it is that whenever Fluxbox is mentioned, someone always shifts the conversation to extolling the superiority of Openbox. This happens in spite of the highly opinionated, disputable fact, that Fluxbox looks better and is more easily configurable. Meh, to each his own. The same goes for Snap packages, I like them.
29 • CDE (by bgstack15 on 2023-02-08 15:08:29 GMT from United States)
I used CDE on AIX 6.1 back in 2014. I do not have access to that environment anymore, but I'm guessing nothing has changed and those systems still have this CDE environment running.
30 • NuTyX the malware disk wiper (by Simon on 2023-02-10 08:29:02 GMT from New Zealand)
How disgusting that it formats and writes over a user's hard disk without warning. I'm struggling to believe that any developer could be so clueless as to code an installer that simply goes ahead and trashes a user's system without giving the user a single warning that this was going to happen. Just on the basis of that fact, the developers' total disregard for the possible impacts of their software upon their users, I would never touch this distro and will certainly warn others against it.
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