DistroWatch Weekly |
DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 921, 14 June 2021 |
Welcome to this year's 23rd issue of DistroWatch Weekly!
While the capabilities of hardware marches ever-forward, with computers becoming faster and more powerful each year, there is always a segment of the population which appreciates distributions which run on older hardware that continues to function. This week we begin with a look at Bodhi Linux, an Ubuntu-based distribution which features the lightweight Moksha desktop and a small resource footprint. Read on to learn how this distribution balances modern features while remaining suitable for older equipment. In our News section we visit a review of FreeBSD written from the perspective of a NetBSD developer. We also share news on Slackware upgrading its kernel, moving away from the current long-term support kernel while UBports expands to support more mobile devices. We also link to a public discussion with Fedora's Matthew Miller and report on Mageia 7 nearing the end of its supported life. Then, in our Questions and Answers column, we explore how to treat multiple storage devices as one, big filesystem. Do you merge multiple drives together on your own computer? Let us know what method you use to combine storage space in this week's Opinion Poll. Plus we are pleased to share the releases of the past week and list the torrents we are seeding. We wish you all a wonderful week and happy reading!
- Review: Bodhi Linux 6.0.0
- News: FreeBSD from a NetBSD developer's perspective, Slackware updating to a newer kernel, UBports installs on more devices, Mageia 7 nearing its end of life, Matthew Miller answers community questions
- Questions and answers: Combining the storage space of multiple disks
- Released last week: GeckoLinux 153.210608, Redcore Linux 2101
- Torrent corner: Absolute, CloudReady, GeckoLinux, Mabox, MakuluLinux, Manjaro, PakOS, Redcore, SalientOS, Venom
- Opinion poll: Do you have a multi-device filesystem?
- Reader comments
Listen to the Podcast edition of this week's DistroWatch Weekly in OGG (13MB) and MP3 (10MB) formats.
Feature Story (by Jesse Smith) |
Bodhi Linux 6.0.0
Bodhi Linux is a member of the Ubuntu family which features the Moksha desktop environment. Moksha is a fork of the popular Enlightenment window manager which has been customized to better fit with the Bodhi Linux project. The latest release of Bodhi is version 6.0.0 which is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Bodhi is available in several flavours, including one regular, fairly minimal edition; a hardware enablement (HWE) edition which features a newer kernel; and an AppPack edition with extra applications installed. A Legacy edition is planned which offers support for older, 32-bit machines with no PAE support, though at the time of writing the download link for the Legacy edition is not working.
I decided to download the default edition for 64-bit computers. The ISO I downloaded was 832MB in size. Booting from this media brings up a menu where we are invited to Try or Install Bodhi. There is also an option to try the live desktop environment in safe graphics mode.
Taking the Try option brings up a graphical environment. A window appears and shows us a list of languages accompanied with country flags. We are asked to pick one. Then we are shown another list of country flags and languages and asked to pick one that matches our keyboard's layout. After our selection is made the Moksha desktop loads.
The default theme uses a lot of flat, green icons on a charcoal background while text is mostly white on charcoal. I typically don't like flat icons, but Bodhi tends to make icons rather large and typically matches icons with text or tool tips which make the interface easier to navigate.
The Moksha desktop places a panel at the bottom of the screen with an application menu to the left and a system tray to the right. A list of open windows is displayed in the middle. Icons on the desktop offer to launch the system installer and provide help. Over to the right side of the desktop are two widgets, one for switching between virtual desktops and the other provides clock and calendar information.
Bodhi Linux 6.0.0 -- The Moksha desktop and application menu
(full image size: 1.2MB, resolution: 1360x768 pixels)
The Help icon on the desktop opens a web browser to display local documentation pages which explain what Bodhi is, how to navigate the Moksha desktop, and get connected to the Internet. The documentation offers additional helpful information pages and links to an on-line wiki. The documentation provided is clear and nicely laid out.
Bodhi uses the Ubiquity installer which is used by most Ubuntu-based distributions. The installer asks us to pick our preferred language and offers us a link to the project's release notes. We are then walked through confirming our keyboard layout. We're asked whether we wish to download available updates and third-part packages for wireless networking and media codec support. When it comes time to partition the hard drive we can take a friendly, straight forward manual partitioning screen. Alternatively we can use a guided option. The guided option offers to take over all available free space and set up an ext4, LVM, or ZFS volume. The default is to use ext4 and the guided option also sets up a swap file for us. We are asked to select our time zone from a map of the world and make up a username and password for ourselves. The distribution is then quickly copied to the hard drive and Ubiquity offers to restart the computer. The whole process with Ubiquity was pleasantly painless.
Early impressions
Bodhi boots to a graphical login screen with green wallpaper. Signing into the account we make through Ubiquity quickly loads the Moksha desktop. The desktop is pleasantly responsive, uses large icons, offers tool tips for most things, and features a classic tree-style application menu. There are not many applications installed, but I will explore what is available later in this review.
I started my trial with Bodhi Linux in a VirtualBox environment. Bodhi ran quickly in this test environment. The distribution offered short boot times, the desktop was unusually fast to response, and tasks completed quickly. My only concern was that the Moksha desktop did not automatically resize to match the dimensions of the VirtualBox window. There is a display settings module in the application menu which will change the resolution of the desktop. This display resizing module appears to be available only through the application menu; I did not find it in the settings panel.
When I tried Bodhi on my laptop the distribution ran smoothly. All my hardware was detected, the distribution could boot in UEFI and Legacy BIOS mode, and the operating system was perfectly stable the entire week.
The Bodhi distribution is unusually lightweight. It requires about 160MB of RAM to login to Moksha and a fresh install only consumed 3.6GB of disk space, plus any swap area we enable. This makes Bodhi one of the smallest (in RAM) distributions I have used which also offers a feature-rich desktop environment.
The Moksha desktop
The Moksha desktop is different in a few ways from most other modern desktop environments. Some aspects, such as the panel, application menu, and system tray are similar. Unlike most other desktop environments clicking on the desktop opens an application menu.
Moksha makes use of desktop widgets, which it calls gadgets. These gadgets can be placed on the panel or around the desktop. Right-clicking on a widget usually provides access to settings and the option to move or close the selected widget. Sometimes when a widget is near the edge of a screen its menu is not displayed properly and this can make it difficult to adjust or remove the target gadget.
At first I had trouble finding a way to add new gadgets to the desktop. I never did find a way to do this directly. I discovered I could right-click on the desktop panel, then click "start moving gadgets", then select Contents, and then select a new widget to add to the panel. Then I could right-click on a gadget to move it to the desktop. This is quite indirect and I suspect there is an easier way to perform this action, but it was not immediately obvious.
Bodhi Linux 6.0.0 -- Adjusting the clock gadget
(full image size: 899kB, resolution: 1360x768 pixels)
Menus and options screens, particularly those for gadgets, work differently on Moksha than when using other desktop environments. Such windows often do not have a Close button. Instead, clicking outside of a widget usually closes its options window. However, if we end up clicking on an empty part of the desktop then it will open the application menu without closing the options window and then we end up with two components cluttering the screen. This takes some getting used to and I often found exploring application and widget menus awkward as a result. It's not that Moksha's approach doesn't work, but it works differently from virtually every other desktop interface and that takes a period of adjustment.
Bodhi ships with a small collection of applications. The Chromium web browser is included along with the Leafpad text editor and the Ephoto image viewer. The Thunar file manager is installed for us along with a bulk file renamer. The distribution provides manual pages and the GNU Compiler Collection. In the background Bodhi runs the systemd init software and version 5.4 of the Linux kernel.
The applications which ship with the distribution all worked for me. I did make a few notes during my trial of interesting aspects which stood out. For instance, the Terminology virtual terminal flashes red when the terminal bell sounds. This visual and auditory notification gets annoying quickly as it happens any time the terminal wants attention or the user presses Backspace one too many times at a prompt.
When running software from the command line, if a program we tried to run is not found on the system, Bodhi will try to find it in the distribution's repositories. When the proper package is found we will be shown the command required to install the missing package. This happens quite quickly and there is almost no delay most of the time.
Chromium's default home page shows local copies of the project's documentation. The provided documentation offers tips for, among other things, setting up network connections. This is a thoughtful touch - making sure people can get on-line when they want to use the web browser, and gives a good early impression of the distribution.
Bodhi Linux 6.0.0 -- Opening Chromium to find documentation
(full image size: 659kB, resolution: 1360x768 pixels)
Settings panel
The Moksha desktop includes a settings panel. This panel places categories of options across the top of the window. These categories include such items as Look, Screen, Windows, and Language. Clicking one of these category buttons shows settings modules listed below for that category. Clicking a module in the list opens a separate window to display the individual options.
Bodhi Linux 6.0.0 -- The settings panel
(full image size: 621kB, resolution: 1360x768 pixels)
Modules usually use text to convey information with check boxes to toggle a feature on/off. The modules have a sort of classic look to them which I think would feel at home in an operating system from the 1990s. It took me a while to get accustomed to the way some modules display information. There were times I wasn't certain if an indicator was meant to be clicked or was showing me status and was non-interactive. Despite these initial stumbles once I got used to the settings modules they all worked quickly and functioned properly.
Software management
Apart from the APT command line tools, Bodhi ships with two utilities for managing software packages. One is the Synaptic package manager. Synaptic is a classic package manager which gives us low-level access to working with software. It offers tools for updating, installing, and removing packages. It can also manage repositories. Synaptic mostly pulls software from Bodhi's package mirrors and it also grabs security updates from Ubuntu's repositories. Synaptic is a little awkward to use because of way it defaults to displaying massive amounts of low-level packages. However, it did work quickly and successfully.
The second tool included in the distribution is the Bodhi AppCentre. Clicking the AppCentre's launcher opens a web browser and brings us to a website that features 19 categories of packages, each one containing just a few applications. This website offers a mini curated repository with popular desktop applications. Available items include LibreOffice, Firefox, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, and the Transmission bittorrent client.
Bodhi Linux 6.0.0 -- The Bodhi AppCentre
(full image size: 676kB, resolution: 1360x768 pixels)
We can click a category, then click an entry in the category, then read its description and click an Install button to download the item. Once we click the Install button, the browser asks us to confirm we want to open the item, then we are asked to confirm we want to install the package, and then we are asked for our password. This happens with each download and we cannot queue downloads. We need to wait for each one to finish before installing the next item. This makes working with the AppCentre slow, but the minimal number of programs and the clean interface means it is quite easy to navigate. One of my few complaints with the AppCentre is its text tends to be grey on white (or sometimes bright orange on white) which I find difficult to read.
The AppCentre appears to include programs available through Synaptic (and APT) so it doesn't offer additional software, just a more user friendly way to browse and find popular applications.
In the past, when I have reviewed Bodhi Linux, I've typically stated that whether you enjoy the distribution or not will depend largely on what you think of the Enlightenment (or these days Moksha) desktop. If you like Moksha, like its quirky approach, its super lightweight nature, and its unusual green-focused style then you will probably love Bodhi Linux. However, if you find using Moksha frustrating or just too alien compared to other desktops, then Bodhi will probably leave you with an unpleasant feeling.
I believe the above statement is probably still true - whether you enjoy Bodhi will depend largely on whether navigating Moksha feels like coming home or like you're trying to learn an alien language from a Martian with a lisp. However, maybe I'm warming up to Bodhi or maybe the distribution has polished some of its features because I found myself more at home with it this time around. I liked that Bodhi was so lightweight (with a surprisingly small resource footprint). I like that the distribution is easy to install, thanks to Ubiquity, and I like that an effort is made to provide access to popular applications through the AppCentre. I'm still not a big fan of Moksha, but I do think the new theme and default widgets are making it more appealing than the last few times I ran its parent desktop, Enlightenment.
All in all, Bodhi offers a lot of good things - ease of use, easy to install, light, fast, good hardware support - while having few negative points. I had a mostly good experience with the distribution and, apart from wrestling with Moksha's unusual approach to some tasks, enjoyed my time with the operating system. I especially think it is a good option for resurrecting older computers.
* * * * *
Hardware used in this review
My physical test equipment for this review was a de-branded HP laptop with the following
- Processor: Intel i3 2.5GHz CPU
- Display: Intel integrated video
- Storage: Western Digital 700GB hard drive
- Memory: 6GB of RAM
- Wired network device: Realtek RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast
- Wireless network device: Realtek RTL8188EE Wireless network card
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Visitor supplied rating
Bodhi Linux has a visitor supplied average rating of: 9.1/10 from 67 review(s).
Have you used Bodhi Linux? You can leave your own review of the project on our ratings page.
Miscellaneous News (by Jesse Smith) |
FreeBSD from a NetBSD developer's perspective, Slackware updating to a newer kernel, UBports installs on more devices, Mageia 7 nearing its end of life, Matthew Miller answers community questions
Most of the time we talk about differences in technology and style between Linux distributions. It is less common for us to read comparisons of the various flavours of BSD. This week we are able to share a rare treat of a NetBSD developer test driving FreeBSD and comparing the two. "FreeBSD Jails are very nice. NetBSD doesn't really have a comparable feature, although it does have hardened chroots which are commonly used as sandboxes. On NetBSD, there is a surprising amount of tooling for working with chroot sandboxes - my favourite is sandboxctl. It is really quite amazing for what it is, with a few commands you have a NetBSD/i386 8.0 shell on a NetBSD/amd64 9.2 host machine. It even automatically handles downloading the operating system. With FreeBSD it seems recommended to use the bsdinstall tool (this is just the normal FreeBSD installer program) to set up jails, which is quite surprising." The full article has several more comparisons between the two operating systems.
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In the past Slackware Linux has typically shipped with versions of the Linux kernel which were tagged for receiving long-term support. For instance, Slackware 14.2 shipped with version 4.4 of the Linux kernel which was expected to be supported from January 2016 through to February 2022. Originally it was thought the next stable release of Slackware would ship with Linux 5.10 (supported from December 2020 through to December 2026). However, issues with the 5.10 kernel have caused this approach to be reconsidered. "Probably the highlight of this update set is that we've decided to abandon the 5.10 LTS kernel in favor of following the latest one. We've never really had a policy that required LTS in a stable release although that is how it has been done for years, but based on comments from the Slackware
community it seems like 5.10 LTS isn't getting a lot of love and lacks hardware support that people need now. Conversely, the reports on 5.12 have been almost entirely positive, so we're going to provide what we think is the best available kernel. It's unlikely that we'll see another LTS prior to release, so the plan for maintenance is to keep following the latest kernels as needed for security purposes." Further information on this situation can be found in the Slackware changelog.
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The UBports team has published a new blog post in which the developers talk about efforts and hurdles involved in upgrading UBports to version 20.04. There is also some information on new phones being added to the list of devices the UBports automated installer can handle. "Some new devices are starting to come onstream. Six in total in the installer, in the past couple of weeks. Ari has ported the LG G4. The Pixel 2 and the Pixel 2 XL are both now in there. Those are courtesy of Florian. The Pixel 3aXL was done by Alfred. The OnePlusFive/5T has been done by Vince. Also the Xiaomi Poco F1 by Joel is in, together with the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 by Nikita." The growing list of ported devices can be found on the project's Devices page.
* * * * *
The Mageia team have announced that, following the release of Mageia 8 earlier this year, Mageia 7 will soon reach the end of its supported life. "Mageia 8 was released Feb 26th, 2021.
Mageia 7 will receive updates up until the 30th of June, including security updates. It is then highly recommended upgrading to Mageia 8 as soon as possible. As usual, before the upgrade, do a thorough backup of your data and documents." Upgrading tips are offered in the announcement.
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Matthew Miller is the Fedora Project Leader. In what has become a semi-regular tradition, Miller has taken to Reddit to answer questions put forward by the community. Questions put to him along with his answers are available for viewing in this thread.
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These and other news stories can be found on our Headlines page.
Questions and Answers (by Jesse Smith) |
Combining the storage space of multiple disks
Bringing-it-all-together asks: I have a 1TB SSD and a 750GB mechanical drive. Is there any way I can combine the storage of the two so I've got 1.75TB of space without fussing about with which files are on which drive?
DistroWatch answers: Yes indeed, you can merge the available storage space from both drives into one filesystem volume. On Linux there are two main approaches to treating multiple drives or partitions as one collective storage space that is accessed as one big disk.
The first approach is to use Logical Volume Management, which is typically referred to as simply LVM. LVM is the traditional way to treat multiple storage devices as one big disk on Linux and it's relatively complex. LVM essentially consists of three layers. These three layers are physical volumes (PV) which are the actual disks or partitions you want to use. We initialize these and then combine them into Volume Groups (VG). A Volume Group is a bit like one big, virtual hard drive you can then partition into sections. These sections are called Logical Volumes (LV). A Logical Volume is like a regular partition, but it can span across multiple devices inside the Volume Group.
In short, LVM allows us to group a bunch of separate physical devices together into one big, virtual hard drive. Then divide that merged drive into separate filesystems, like we would normally divide a single drive into partitions. You can see tutorials on how to set up LVM and install Linux on a LVM in past articles we have published.
If LVM seems unnecessarily complicated, by modern standards it is. Some Linux distributions have system installers which make the process of using LVM easier, but it's still more complex of a concept than most people need to deal with.
Modern systems are typically better off using a filesystem specifically designed to handle working with multiple storage devices. Btrfs and ZFS are both advanced filesystems which can easily span multiple hard drives and do not require several special commands or extra layers to manage.
The system installers of some distributions will handle setting up ZFS for you, but for those that do not, it's possible to set up multi-disk volumes with relatively little effort. With ZFS all we need to do is run the zpool command like this:
zpool create pool-name /dev/device-name1 /dev/device-name2
Where device-name1 and device-name2 are the names of the disks or partitions we want to add to the ZFS storage pool. Then the pool is treated as one big directory on your system and can span as many disks as you like. The FreeBSD Handbook has some great examples for working with ZFS.
While Btrfs uses a slightly different approach, the overall concept is similar. With Btrfs usually the system installer sets up the initial disk volume for us on one device and then we can add new disks to the storage volume as needed. For example, if the system installer set up our root partition on the first disk (/dev/sda), then we could add our second disk to the volume by running the command:
btrfs device add /dev/sdb /
At this point you would have two disks both acting as one big filesystem. We can also add new disks as desired or swap out old disks for newer ones using Btrfs and ZFS's built-in commands.
Whichever approach you take, LVM or an advanced filesystem like Btrfs, the operating system will treat your two physical storage drives like one big disk, allowing for seamless 1.75TB storage in one joined filesystem.
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Answers to other questions can be found in our Questions and Answers archive.
Released Last Week |
GeckoLinux 153.210608
GeckoLinux is a Linux spin based on the openSUSE distribution, with a focus on polish and out-of-the-box usability on the desktop. The project's latest release is based on openSUSE 15.3 which offers binary compatibility with SUSE Linux Enterprise. "GeckoLinux is pleased to announce the 153.210608 update to its full range of STATIC and NEXT editions. These updated editions are now based on the new openSUSE Leap 15.3 release, which in turn is built from SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) packages. The Linux kernel is still at version 5.3.18, but additional backports are included for better compatibility with newer hardware. GeckoLinux in turn continues to refine its package selection and unique configuration to provide a simple, clean system that works out of the box. For this GeckoLinux STATIC release, the Calamares installer is now at version 3.2.36, and has been configured to use the Btrfs filesystem with LZO transparent compression by default for the guided partitioning options, although of course all other modern Linux filesystems are also available with the custom partitioning option." Additional information can be found in the distribution's release announcement.
Redcore Linux 2101
Ghiunhan Mamut has announced the release of Redcore Linux 2101, the latest stable release of the project's Gentoo-based distribution whose goal is to "bring the power of Gentoo Linux to the masses": "More than a year after our previous stable release, I'm happy to announce that Redcore Linux Hardened 2101 ('Orion') has reached the stable milestone. Changelog: rsync with Gentoo's testing tree as of 2021-05-31; built using Gentoo's new profiles, for details read here; Linux kernel 5.11.22 as the default, 5.10.40 LTS and 5.4.122 LTS Legacy in repositories; glibc 2.32, GCC 10.2.0, Binutils 2.35 and&& LLVM 12.0.0 toolchain; Mesa 21.1.1, libdrm 2.4.106, X.Org Server 1.20.11 graphics stack; ALSA 1.2.5, PulseAudio 13.0, GStreamer 1.16.3 audio stack (no pipewire, as per our testing it breaks audio or bluetooth or both); KDE Plasma 5.21.5, KDE Frameworks 5.82, KDE Applications 21.04.1 desktop stack; rich web browser selection with Firefox 89.0, Chromium 91.0.4472.77, Google Chrome 91.0.4472.77, Opera 76.0.4017.154, Vivaldi 3.8.2259.42, Microsoft Edge 91.0.864.37, Falkon-3.1.0; Flatpak is supported out of the box, just enable Flathub in Discover (do not follow any 'flatpak on Gentoo' guides you find online, Flatpak support is built-in in Redcore); no more passwords for the live environment, the ISO image will boot straight into Plasma...." Continue to the release announcement for a full changelog and errata.
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Development, unannounced and minor bug-fix releases
Torrent Corner |
Weekly Torrents
The table below provides a list of torrents DistroWatch is currently seeding. If you do not have a bittorrent client capable of handling the linked files, we suggest installing either the Transmission or KTorrent bittorrent clients.
Archives of our previously seeded torrents may be found in our Torrent Archive. We also maintain a Torrents RSS feed for people who wish to have open source torrents delivered to them. To share your own open source torrents of Linux and BSD projects, please visit our Upload Torrents page.
Torrent Corner statistics:
- Total torrents seeded: 2,483
- Total data uploaded: 38.3TB
Upcoming Releases and Announcements |
Summary of expected upcoming releases
Opinion Poll (by Jesse Smith) |
Do you have a multi-device filesystem?
In this week's Questions and Answers column we talked about a few approaches to spanning one filesystem across multiple storge devices. These days using multiple hard drives as one big storage pool is often accomplished using advanced filesystems like ZFS and Btrfs. However, there are other approaches. Do you have a filesystem that extends across multiple drives? Let us know about your setup in the comments.
You can see the results of our previous poll on writing ISO files to thumb drives in last week's edition. All previous poll results can be found in our poll archives.
To span multiple devices I use
Btrfs: | 104 (8%) |
LVM: | 131 (10%) |
HAMMER: | 7 (1%) |
ZFS: | 80 (6%) |
Another approach: | 98 (7%) |
I do not have multi-device filesystems: | 906 (68%) |
Website News |
DistroWatch database summary
* * * * *
This concludes this week's issue of DistroWatch Weekly. The next instalment will be published on Monday, 21 June 2021. Past articles and reviews can be found through our Article Search page. To contact the authors please send e-mail to:
- Jesse Smith (feedback, questions and suggestions: distribution reviews/submissions, questions and answers, tips and tricks)
- Ladislav Bodnar (feedback, questions, donations, comments)
- Bruce Patterson (podcast)
Tip Jar |
If you've enjoyed this week's issue of DistroWatch Weekly, please consider sending us a tip. (Tips this week: 1, value: US$23.78) |
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Reader Comments • Jump to last comment |
1 • To span multiple devices I use: ext4 (by vern on 2021-06-14 00:17:31 GMT from United States)
I once tried the others, but in my case it doesn't warrant the effort.
2 • To span multiple devices I use: BTRFS (by Carlos Felipe Araujo on 2021-06-14 01:07:15 GMT from Brazil)
only because I use Fedora, but I don't know the real difference.
3 • To span multiple devices I use: ext4 (by Richard on 2021-06-14 01:37:10 GMT from United States)
I use ext4 combined with mount points in fstab. I have a combination of sata and usb drives and have them mounted in fstab with ext4 filesystem on all.
4 • Redcore Linux 2101's password requirements (by eco2geek on 2021-06-14 01:40:10 GMT from United States)
I'm running Redcore Linux 2101 Live and set passwords for both the regular and the root user. (Out of the box, there are no passwords set.) Curiously, the "passwd" command refused to let me set passwords that didn't have upper case and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols in them.
It was actually more complicated than that. If I wanted to set a password that was only 7 characters long, I'd have to use all 4 types of characters. If I wanted to set a password 8 characters long or longer, it would let me use only 3 out of the 4 types of characters. It also recommended passwords for me to use if no one was looking over my shoulder.
That's the first time the "passwd" command has refused to let me set a password of my own choosing, so I thought it was notable. I wonder if all Linux distros plan on making the "passwd" command act like this.
5 • multiple concurrent desktop sessions under moksha/enlightenment? (by Laubster on 2021-06-14 02:44:52 GMT from United States)
Two or three years ago I tried Bodhi, and liked what I saw, until I found that it didn't support switching to another user without terminating the current desktop session. (For our family dekstop, quickly switching between users is critical.) I recall being told it was simply not supported. Has that changed?
6 • Switching users (by Jesse on 2021-06-14 02:57:33 GMT from Canada)
@5: There is no option in the Moksha application menu to switch users. There are ways around that, but it's a bit technical and not particularly user friendly.
7 • To span, or not (by DB on 2021-06-14 04:16:42 GMT from United States)
I use ext4 on all my Linux OS's and most of my storage drives too. I have a couple drives for a Win 7 OS and can't see any advantage to merging them together. At least not for me. Don't even merge my drives on my NAS. I like the the idea of seperate drives being seperate. Seem easier find which physical drive is bad and replace it. I do have backups. Has worked well for me.
8 • Storage pools (by Romane on 2021-06-14 06:58:12 GMT from Australia)
Tried LVM once or twice. As stated above, complicated. Too much for me, abandoned due to its difficulty.
Don't use ZFS - it may be simple to some, but it too appears from what I have read too complicated for a simple person like myself. XFS serves all my needs, as per next paragraph.
Don't use any such system of amalgamating drive space over multiple drives. Found that with judicious partitioning, this serves my needs far better overall. If I wish for a multi-terabyte drive, I will buy one rather than play with any amalgamation processes with the smaller drives.
9 • bodhi (by arda on 2021-06-14 09:40:14 GMT from Turkey)
bodhi is often advertised as oldpc friendly but whenever I try it, it's slow on even newer computers
10 • Multiple drives and partitions (by John on 2021-06-14 10:53:41 GMT from United States)
Hi All,
I would be nice to have an easy way to combine multiple drives and partitions into one large virtual filesystem so I can easily search for some hard to find 'where is it' file!
11 • Multiple Drives (by Pat H on 2021-06-14 11:11:17 GMT from United States)
I found that the best way to manage my 3 hard disks was to install a seperate OS on each of them and let grub ask which one to boot. I still have a BIOS on the old box. My computer education has been a meandering, trial and error experience, not very formal. Thank you DW for the help.
12 • Multiple drives (by fox on 2021-06-14 11:23:17 GMT from Canada)
I had the opposite situation on my 2014 iMac. It came with what Apple calls a Fusion Drive, which is the software merging of a small (128 gb) blade SSD with a much larger capacity (but slow) HD. I separated the two so I could put Linux Mint on the SSD and MacOS X on the HD.
13 • Multi-device OS system, not filesystem (by TheTKS on 2021-06-14 11:34:43 GMT from Canada)
I have no reason to run a multi-device filesystem yet.
On a side note, I multiboot Linuxes and Windows 10 on 2 drives. One drive has only one Linux and all its files, the other drive has everything else - no sharing of files across the two drives.
Similarly to Pat H above, I use Grub to boot into the OS I want (or into the UEFI menu.)
ext4 for all Linuxes, NTFS for Windows 10.
I may be trying this soon, though. I will be adding an SSD to my OpenBSD box. I haven’t read up on it yet, but if FFS2 allows it, I will set it up to have OpenBSD use both my new SSD and my old HDD.
14 • Filesystem spanning multiple drives (by Quazatron on 2021-06-14 11:41:19 GMT from Portugal)
It doesn't matter which route you follow to span a filesystem over multiple drives, when one of your disks fail, you *will* lose all your data.
Make regular backups, people.
15 • Bodhi Linux Review (by Otis on 2021-06-14 12:12:08 GMT from United States)
Very nice review (as usual wrt Jesse's reviews).
A phrase in the review might as well have had the old blink tags: "Moksha feels like coming home or like you're trying to learn an alien language from a Martian with a lisp." It was NOT like coming home for this user. My gosh I felt like I was using something on my computer that was making efforts at nearly every turn to annoy me.
What I did like was the efforts by the distro to keep things coming as to app/packages when I did a search in cli. But that was about it.. all the annoying things are pointed out in the review, and there are many of them. But of course that DE has its fans or it would not be there.
16 • ext4 (by papapico on 2021-06-14 12:49:51 GMT from Australia)
I am not smart enough to run more than that. I have 4 drives in my desktop + 2 external hdd. everything is ext4. I keep backups but also don't have anything I would consider critical on my desktop I would be upset about losing (that is usually on laptop). Should I be using something else?
17 • NetBSD/FreeBSD comparison (by Otis on 2021-06-14 13:32:18 GMT from United States)
Thank you for that valuable article comparing those two BSD projects.
I've run GhostBSD (developed off of FreeBSD) off and on for about a year and now for the first time understand a frustration I've had with it regarding my Nvidia/Intel CPU. Heat has been the issue, and the absence of nouveau has been the cause; now I see why as the writer explains that in NetBSD the module approach is much less so than the drivers baked into the kernel:
"On FreeBSD, you have to explicitly install and load graphics drivers, while on NetBSD they’re baked in to the default kernel and will automatically be loaded. FreeBSD has a proprietary driver for Nvidia GPUs, which takes some extra care to configure, while on NetBSD the open source driver nouveau is used instead."
Several other questions answered there as well, and I'll be giving NetBSD a try very soon.
18 • ZFS (by Rando on 2021-06-14 14:01:16 GMT from United States)
Didn't know much about advanced filesystems until switching my file servers over to TrueNAS and now I couldn't live without it. ZFS and RAID-Z do everything that was once confusing and laborious to do with hardware RAID. Snapshots mean I can flip back to previous versions of a file on the fly and the automatic self-healing features mean file integrity is basically guaranteed. Working with ZFS datasets is way easier than just thinking in terms of block devices. Got new drives you want to add to a pool? Just add them to a pool and ZFS literally does everything else by itself from formatting to mounting. There's some learning curve due to the fact that ZFS works so differently than other file systems but once you get past that, it's great.
19 • JBOD (by Tad Strange on 2021-06-14 14:30:39 GMT from Canada)
I cringe when I hear of someone wanting to trust their data to some JBOD deal. Storage is cheap - buy a couple big drives and mirror the suckers. I either use RAID of some form, and/or have backup drives. If I really wanted a virtual contiguous sort of drive structure I'd use mount points, but I'm set enough in my ways that I like each storage device to identify itself to me, a RAID array notwithstanding.
20 • @7 @14 (by Linux Revolution on 2021-06-14 15:10:41 GMT from United States)
I agree with both these sentiments. I have never found a use case for LVM in any of my computing environments, be it business or personal. Its expensive in the fact that you're using multiple disk for one set of data. If one goes down, well there goes your data anyway. Not only that, you're increasing the odds losing your data due to disk failure by just shear numbers. If you're needing to span multiple disk, why not just use raid. Even though raid is a different concept, at least you'll have a built-in backup or data redundancy AND you're getting bang for the buck with adding drives.
21 • Multidisks and filesystems (by Robert on 2021-06-14 15:56:16 GMT from United States)
I don't find LVM particularly harder to work with than ZFS. The complexity comes when you also have to work with md. Including you fs of choice and now you've got 3 separate tools to work with for what seems like a single task - managing storage.
I do not and never have used a JBOS setup. I've used md+lvm raid before and use a zfs mirror now. Once I get around to finishing my files every there will be more zfs, but I'm undecided on how I will configure the disks. I know groups of mirrors is often recommended, but that seems so wasteful no matter how 'cheap storage is.
22 • Bodhi 6.0 (by Peter086 on 2021-06-14 16:55:18 GMT from Spain)
I wish someone would take the Enlightemnment framework and design a "new" MATE-like desktop. Weren't all the libs and guts well documented? Didn't Samsung seriously look into using the ELF?
23 • BIND mount (by Alien on 2021-06-14 20:14:40 GMT from Canada)
I have a laptop with a 16GB SSD and a 500GB HDD. The SSD was originally supposed to be a cache drive for Windows. I chose to install Debian on the SSD and I bind mount /var, /tmp and /home to the HDD. The files on the SSD remain relatively static, thus reducing wear on the small SSD. All of the binaries reside on the SSD, thus the system and apps open very quickly. The files on the HDD include files that are more dynamic in nature and include log files, cache and documents.
24 • Multiple devices spanning. (by Tuxedoar on 2021-06-14 20:38:30 GMT from Argentina)
Hi. Even though I voted for LVM, I really use a combination of software RAID (mdadm) + LVM. In this way, I get the best of both worlds: LVM flexibility for managing different volumes (on-line resizing, flexible naming schemes, etc) and data redundancy with RAID I, in my case. As someone already pointed out (see @14), using LVM across multiple disks without ANY kind of RAID, is a risky game!. Nonetheless, one should ALWAYS have working uptodate backups!!.
25 • To span multiple devices I use: ZFS (by vasile on 2021-06-14 21:16:02 GMT from Moldova)
I use ZFS on netbsd with 2 hard disks...
26 • mlocate (by Bob on 2021-06-14 23:13:21 GMT from United States)
mlocate finds files on any medium that is mounted. I currently have and SSD and a hard drive, and it works just fine that way.
27 • Multiple drives in a single pool... (by Tech in San Diego on 2021-06-15 00:21:45 GMT from United States)
Question, Wouldn't adding an SSD to an existing HDD volume and making one large volume decrease the overall performance of the system? I use BTRFS (openSUSE Tumbleweed), and have the O/S on the SSD and the remaining data on an external Seagate Barracuda @ 7200RPM. Am I missing something here?
All the Best! Tech in San Diego
28 • Multiple devices spanning - mergerfs (by Juraj on 2021-06-15 10:24:10 GMT from United States)
Not the "typical" solution, but at least worth to mention. Someone using it?
29 • Spanning multiple devices (by Joseph on 2021-06-15 16:36:37 GMT from United States)
I'm surprised by those who dismiss spanning multiple disks. I'm old enough to remember 20MB (yes, megabyte) hard disks, DOS operating system, having to format each one separately and be assigned a different drive letter.
Let's say you have some pictures on drive C and drive C is now filled up. You'd have to do something like create a "PICTURE2" directory on drive D and put the rest there, and now you're constantly searching both drives trying to find a particular picture.
I told my boss at the place I was working as a teen, "I wish there was some way that when you added a second drive it could see it as one big drive and then you wouldn't have to split directories". He thought that was an interesting idea.
Flash forward at least 20 years and I'm installing Linux on my desktop and discover the wonders of LVM for the first time. I had a "Eureka!" moment, realizing that this was what I'd been dreaming of for decades!
When you get a new hard drive, no need to copy all the old stuff to the new one then figure out how you're going to partition/mount the old one if it's still good... just join those suckers together! No need to spend 30 minutes moving unmounted partitions around because you want to expand one with remaining free space or resize them... simple, online, instant resizing (well, expanding is instant anyway)!
At the present moment I've got two 3TB drives joined as a single volume along with a 1TB NVMe SSD which is used 50GB as boot partition, the rest as LVM Cache so I can access those hard drives about as fast as an SSD! I also have one 8TB 5400RPM drive in a hot swap dock for backup using BorgBackup. My actual partitions are formatted with BTRFS and the home partition creates hourly snapshots while the root partition snapshots on update and, thanks to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, I can boot into older snapshots if needed.
It's really a great setup, best I've had in about 11 years of using Linux every day, and not too hard to set up either (due in part to OpenSUSE's amazing installer).
30 • Bodhi's Idiosyncracies (by vtpoet on 2021-06-15 18:30:32 GMT from United States)
That Moksha "works differently from virtually every other desktop interface" is what turned me off from using the desktop. I just saw no reason for it; and the desktop itself didn't provide enough of a commensurate advantage to make all of its random and pointless idiosyncrasies worth adjusting to.
31 • bodhi and spanners (by fonz on 2021-06-16 08:58:01 GMT from Indonesia)
yep, bodhi was awesome when i last tried it ages ago. its what sparked my interest with puppy and a bunch of other smaller distros. but currently MX is working well for me and i might switch to it on the long term...
spanning is a bit dangerous IMHO, def not for me. keeping things separate is easier if we do follow our own rules. and as 7 14 20 said, i guess the fall would hurt a ton if we werent prepared. i did try it a long time ago with aging HDs, despite only testing it out, 'a chain is only as strong as its weakest link' type of thing has too many risks. RAID was also pretty harsh to setup but still more forgiving being able to somewhat recover from my herps and derps. all in all having a bunch of external (includes internal with power adapter) is less of a hassle...
32 • Bodhi Linux (by Rick on 2021-06-16 13:35:53 GMT from United States)
Definitely one of the worst distros (along with Pop! OS and Ultimate Edition) that I have ever tested in the past 15 years. It's ugly looking and the desktop is unlike any I have ever seen. Just to think that prior to 2011 there were only 2 main desktops: Gnome 2 and KDE. There are many better distros to choose from!
33 • File Systems (by Vladamir Biden on 2021-06-16 21:16:24 GMT from Switzerland)
I wonder what the one who knows it all uses (but ironically feigns ignorant with "who knows?")? I just use what the OS installs by default, and that just happens to be ext4. But, I STILL use NTFS on some storage HDDs, that's in case my PC gets Covie-Omega-Jillion.875545 and dies, then, because most peepz around me are still addicted to that certain monopoly OS, I could borrow a SATA port or two, if I had to, without too much trouble. Bill (G.) Vader banned file system compatibility many eons ago. My USB sticks still use fatty fat fat32, just less headaches.
34 • Bodhi (by Sebastian on 2021-06-17 01:58:02 GMT from Canada)
I loved Bodhi Linux. It's really snappy and my laptop's battery lasted much longer since it was very light on resources. However, after a few months, I couldn't really stand how bizarre Moksha was and switched back to Mint, my go-to distro. I would definitely tell people to go ahead and try Bodhi, it's worth it. But Moksha will take some time to get used to (if you manage). In a way, it's great because one thing that I love about open-source is how diversified your experience can be unlike Mac, Windows and even Android.
35 • span multiple devices (by Trihexagonal on 2021-06-17 10:18:29 GMT from United States)
I use the UFS file system and USB sticks to distribute data from one machine to another.
I save all relevant data from the last build to a USB stick, then populate the new builds with data saved to the USB stick. Saving and distributing files as necessary during the run.
I have 7 laptops running FreeBSD and they all serve as backup drives for the others that way.
36 • Bodhi (by Mike on 2021-06-17 12:12:45 GMT from United States)
It's amazing to me that people can condemn a distro, like Bodhi, simply because they don't like the way it looks on their screens. Deeply superficial judgments IMO.
37 • Bodhi reviews (by Otis on 2021-06-17 13:18:50 GMT from United States)
@36 it seems deeply superficial for a person to read through the comments and reviews of the latest Bodhi linux and come away from them noticing only remarks on how it looks on their screens.
That distro left me feeling like its developer(s) created mazes where straight paths are on most distros, to simplify. The screen appearance was fine, and configurable, as are just about all linux distros.
38 • Bodhi (by Tad Strange on 2021-06-17 13:35:13 GMT from Canada)
Well, considering it's Ubuntu under the hood, it's a superficial step away from its parent, so how else should it be judged?
I detest Gnome and would rather use most any other MeTooBuntu myself. Am I judging Ubuntu superficially?
Computers are for getting work done, not for working on the computer itself - that's a hobby. Systems that make getting work done with as little pain as possible are superior, else evolution would have ended at the single user terminal. Choices abound, because creative people have judged for themselves what best suits them, and have produced these environments to reflect that.
So why are you judging users for having preferences?
Deeply superficial times, these...
39 • Bodhi (by Sam on 2021-06-17 16:02:26 GMT from United States)
I completely agree with the review, especially the conclusions about the desktop Moksha desktop UI. The few times I've tried Bodhi, it was the UI that turned me off quickly. And not just because it did things differently -- I don't mind learning different aways of doing things if those different ways end up being more efficient. But Moksha's "different ways" didn't seem any more efficient than Gnome's or KDE's ways of doing things. Also, and this is nit-picking, but the icons and other graphical elements of the UI in Moksha just seemed, well, amateurish and in love with Apple's old skeumorophic design language - as if the whole UI was put together without the help of a talented graphic designer.
40 • Question for #32 (by Brian on 2021-06-17 23:55:53 GMT from United States)
“Definitely one of the worst distros (along with Pop! OS and Ultimate Edition)”
You mention Pop! OS’ appearance, but why else do you dislike it so strongly? I’m just curious—no judgment intended.
41 • Pop! OS (by Andrew on 2021-06-18 16:50:44 GMT from United States)
@32, @40
Plasma fanboi here. I haven't had much experience with Enlightenment/Moksha but am generally turned off by the enormous, almost cartoon-ish icons, etc. This version of Bodhi looks a bit more refined though.
I don't get Pop! OS at all. Essentially Gnome with window tiling, right? I love System 76's hardware, but immediately blew up their OS for vanilla Kubuntu.
42 • To span multiple devices (by Jyrki on 2021-06-18 19:42:38 GMT from Czechia)
typically I don't use this too much, but I have one machine like that and I use Hammer2 there, now that it has this ability finally. And it works just fine.
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