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1 • First impressions of openSUSE 13.1 (by Roland on 2013-12-02 11:00:02 GMT from Netherlands)
Dear Jesse Smith, the difficulty of getting the right multimedia support in openSUSE, was also always one of the downside I saw in this distribution. However, luckily I recently made the discovery of the 'Unofficial Guide to OpenSUSE 13.1' that purpose is: "...to provide new users with everything they need to know to get started using openSUSE as a home user/small office desktop operating system - quickly and easily". Find here more about the Multimedia Codecs: http://opensuse-guide.org/codecs.php Cheers Roland
2 • multimedia codecs (by gino on 2013-12-02 11:15:07 GMT from Italy)
the "one click install" button, on community pages, is about two years on (version 11.4, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3)... So if it's so difficult to press a button to install codecs what is friendly?
3 • Open Suse 13.1 (by kc1di on 2013-12-02 11:15:09 GMT from United States)
I would say from my perspective that this release is a good one but along with the Multimedia stuff being so difficult to install comes the Problems with machines using Nvidia Graphics cards. It simply does not work with the present setup or at least it did not work and there was no drivers for my card that worked easily. At the time I tried it. Hope this is fixed soon, maybe it is now but it makes what should be an easy setup a nightmare :(
4 • opensuse-13.1 (by Rajesh Ganesan on 2013-12-02 11:17:42 GMT from India)
Thanks Jessee, for an excellent review of opensuse-13.1. I installed it on the date of release itself and have been using it since. I agree with your views on its stability, speed and ease of use. Regarding multimedia, my experience is that once you open yast2 package manager, it automatically selects java, flash and few codecs. For the rest, we can add packman using add community repository. Well, as you said, better documentation may be suggested. :)
5 • @2 (by kc1di on 2013-12-02 11:22:37 GMT from United States)
The problem is not with the concept of the one click install it simply is never ready when the new release comes. unlike other Distros that have it available right out of the box or with the simple check of a box. or available and easy to find in their repositories. As much as Open Suse offers it still not an easy setup for most who try it when it's offered-- takes months sometimes for the One Click options to catch up with the Distro. There should be much better coordination of these things by now. Just MHO.
6 • @5 (by gino on 2013-12-02 11:38:55 GMT from Italy)
but codecs install for 13.1 IS ready, no months to wait
7 • @6 (by kc1di on 2013-12-02 11:53:58 GMT from United States)
I'll try it again today. Still don't know if I can if I can't get nvidia drivers to work.
8 • openSUSE 13.1 and multimedia support (by Pierre on 2013-12-02 11:56:49 GMT from Germany)
I see the point that enabling the multimedia support for openSUSE always has been a little more tricky than on Ubuntu. But I don't agree on the claim it were more difficult than on Debian or Fedora. On Debian you have to add the non-free repository by adding non-free to your repository URLs in APT's repository config file. On Fedora you will have to enable an additional RPM repository. And for openSUSE it's exactly the same. Simply add the Packman repository to your repositories. This can be done very easily on two ways. 1. Add it via YaST -> Package Management -> Repositories (Community/ Custom Package Repositories -> Packman) 2. zypper ar -f -n packman http://packman.inode.at/suse/openSUSE_13.1/ packman (on command line with administrator rights / sudo)
After that trying to play mp3 files will prompt you for searching after according codecs and now will find them. Or you go on by your on, adding the needed gstreamer plugins bad, ugly and ffmpeg. If you are not using gstreamer as back-end but xine there is libxine2-codecs available as well. So it's not more awkward than on other distribution although I would like to see a simple check-box on install time, where Packman would be added to the repositories and codecs grabbed from the internet. Nevertheless, I have never seen the current approach as really complicated. http://en.opensuse.org/Additional_package_repositories gives a fair and understandable guide to additional package repositories and there is even more useful documentation available - on both, the official wiki, forum and third party sources.
Have a lot of fun with this beautiful and powerful distro.
9 • Slackware 14.1 (by coolpup on 2013-12-02 12:06:41 GMT from Canada)
A few months ago (less than 6), I decided to revisit Slackware, the distro I cut my Linux teeth on many years ago. It started nicely from the USB stick, but when it came to actually installing it, it demanded a CD/DVD disc. End of discussion. I decided to grab the ISO again yesterday and have it sit until I got around to getting some blank DVDs. For the heck of it, I wrote it to a USB stick and booted from it. Much to my surprise, there was an option to install from the stick. I'm not sure if it was because I wrote the ISO to the stick using 'dd' rather than Unetbootin, or because Patrick, et al, realized a lot of people are using USB sticks these days and decided to add that option.
As a result, Slack lives on the same drive as Windows (pardon the profanity :P), and I'll be making my brain even mushier relearning what to do with Slack.
10 • Re: OpenSuSe 13.1 (by silent on 2013-12-02 12:08:40 GMT from France)
Strictly speaking I have OpenSuSe Tumbleweed (rolling) on my PC. Current repositories should be also enabled with the rolling version, and practically it was still a full upgrade to 13.1, as apparently Tumbleweed takes a conservative approach. Apper has tried to complete the upgrade, but failed silently due to a handful of dependency problems. They were easily sorted out manually in Yast2 by deleting some obsolete packages.Perhaps apper could have sent an error message and offer to launch yast2. Otherwise, no problems and not much has changed either. As concerning third party repositories with multimedia codecs, neither Fedora nor OpenSuse want to take any responsibility for them. Let me call attention to the one-click-install multimedia and driver collection at http://opensuse-community.org/1-click-collection .
11 • thanks.. (by musty on 2013-12-02 12:20:31 GMT from France)
Hi Jesse, thanks for supporting Octave and for reviewing openSuse. Also good news that CentOS 6.5 is there. It's my favorite distro for all my servers.
12 • DistroWatch donation pot (by sam on 2013-12-02 12:38:23 GMT from United Kingdom)
I was wondering about "Those readers who wish to contribute towards these donations, please use our advertising page to make a payment" Is this for readers to add to the donation pot even if they don't want to buy advertising? The advertising page does not make it very clear.
I would be great if you could encourage readers to add more money to the pot. It would not take many $10/months to double the impact of your donations.
13 • @ #9 (by AleCon on 2013-12-02 12:49:29 GMT from Italy)
USB booting can be tricky sometimes! based on my personal experience I'm quite reluctant about Unetbootin but never had problems with dd. I guess the hardware may play a role as well
14 • @#13 (by coolpup on 2013-12-02 13:25:15 GMT from Canada)
I've noticed that Unetbootin has been iffy lately (the past few months). Yes, hardware may have something to do with it, although the distribution factors in to the mix too. Some go without a hitch, while others are plain cranky when processed with Unetbootin. I've found myself using dd more and more because of that, and am contemplating getting rid of Unetbootin altogether.
15 • @9 Slackware USB install (by Microlinux on 2013-12-02 13:25:30 GMT from France)
Here's a little documentation on how to install Slackware on a machine without an optical drive:
It's in french, but the UNIX bits are universal :o)
PS: thanks to DW for adding my MLED project to the list!
16 • @#15 (by coolpup on 2013-12-02 14:14:26 GMT from Canada)
I have the drive, not the media. I normally don't have any since I quite often just look to see what it's about. USB sticks are better suited for that. I don't need that many coasters. :)
As for the site being in French, Google Translate does a fine job on sites as well as words and sentences.
17 • @17 (by Microlinux on 2013-12-02 14:28:54 GMT from France)
If you only wish to test-drive a distribution, just install VirtualBox on your computer. Download the distribution's ISO and configure it as an installation media in VirtualBox. You don't even need a USB stick for that.
18 • @#16 (by coolpup on 2013-12-02 14:35:21 GMT from Canada)
Only test-driving a distro is basically pointless, IMO. I'll usually look first, and if I like it, I'll keep it on the stick until something "better" comes along.
19 • Octave (by dbrion on 2013-12-02 14:42:54 GMT from France)
That is a bright idea to support and explain Octave is meant to be matlab-compatible : colleagues of mine are happy with it when they are advised (if they have been trained with Matlab; if they have been trained with R, they keep R) and use it mostly for graphics (gnuplot would be enough, but PCs have a lot of RAM and CPU). OTOH, I noticed that, in DW data base, Rapsbian http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=raspbian had no octave packaged; this is unconsistent with the fact that one can find two octaves (3.6.2 and 3.6.4) in http://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian/pool/main/o/octave/)
Same thing seems to happen with pidora http://pidora.ca/pidora/releases/18/packages/armv6hl/os/Packages/o/ : octave-3.6.2 seems to exist (but is alone), and is not listed in http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=pidora Maybe an automatic software cannot manage with two versions, maybe it is felt wise not to put octave on a less powerful platform...maybe there are other puzzling explanations .
20 • openSUSE "papercuts" (by AnklefaceWroughtlandmire on 2013-12-02 15:11:25 GMT from Ecuador)
@4: "Regarding multimedia, my experience is that once you open yast2 package manager, it automatically selects java, flash and few codecs."
Yes, this has always been my experience too. However, I personally think this is terrible default behavior. If the first thing that the user tries to install is NOT Java or Flash, it is very confusing to see all those additional packages being installed. For example, if the first thing I do after installing openSUSE is to go and install, say, Thunderbird, it makes no sense to see 200MB worth of Java and Flash and related dependencies being installed. Worse yet, it is very difficult for new users (and indeed experienced users) to figure out how to un-select all of those additional packages so they don't keep popping up again. Looks like I'm not the only one irritated by this, in the recent Dedoimedo review of openSUSE 13.1 he mentioned being annoyed by this same issue.
So according to Jesse's review of openSUSE 13.1, it looks like they messed up NetworkManager after the initial install, just like in the last release? (http://lizards.opensuse.org/2013/03/13/one-that-got-away-12-3-networking/) This is also a pretty major issue, which I was hoping would not persist for two entire releases.
Another issue is that openSUSE has disgustingly ugly font rendering out of the box. This is an issue that has persisted release after release after release. While Ubuntu and even Arch have beautiful subpixel rendering out of the box, openSUSE continues to ignore this issue. Yes, it is possible to add an OBS repo and switch versions of packages to get superb Infinality font rendering. But although this is possible, the majority of users will probably never bother to go through these steps, and will probably prefer another distro that doesn't torture their eyes with awful fonts. I personally find openSUSE such a nice distro that it's worth the time and effort to configure the fonts, but I sure wish it wasn't necessary to do so.
The openSUSE team seems to view some of these issues as minor papercuts. However, in reality they are complete turn-offs for new users when I try to demonstrate the OS to them and their first impression is a system that has no networking support or arbitrarily installs hundreds of megabytes of packages out of nowhere for no apparent reason. openSUSE is so close to being fantastic, but the devil is in the details. I hope openSUSE will listen to these complaints that get repeated release after release in order to produce a truly refined open source OS we can be proud to show off.
21 • computer crashes (by dive.ed on 2013-12-02 15:22:09 GMT from United States)
It has been my experience that when a computer starts to crash randomly it is usually a hardware issue either caused by overheating or the power supply going bad. First open the case and check that all the fans are working and clean. If all of that looks OK, try replacing the power supply. I was just able to repair a friends computer, that was randomly crashing, by replacing the power supply. I have also repaired three other computers for other people in the same manner. The mother board might also be failing, but they are not as easy to replace.
22 • OpenSuse 13.1 and @9 slackware 14.1 (by Tuxtest on 2013-12-02 16:06:40 GMT from Canada)
OpenSuse 13.1: I installed version of gnome on my laptop Lenovo and I must say that there is a lot of improvement compared to the 12.4 release. Much more refined in terms of user experience. Eg wifi configuration much simpler. Good work dev team
@9 For people who want a 14.1 slackware experience without having to configure anything, I invite you to visit Slackel here http://www.slackel.gr/. Use the LiveDVD for easy installation or the installation DVD to the installation as slackware. With Slackel you have a fast Slackware full experience.
Nice Distro
23 • OpenSUSE (by David McCann on 2013-12-02 17:19:51 GMT from United Kingdom)
When I tried it recently, I found my video driver was broken. A visit to the forum showed a lot of people with video problems, particularly those with Intel chips. When I got it running (with the vesa driver), I found that Lightdm (supplied if you choose any desktop other than KDE or Gnome) was also broken. I got it running eventually, but it took a couple of days: SUSE hasn't run out of the box for me since version 11.
24 • @23 (by jaws222 on 2013-12-02 17:33:21 GMT from United States)
"When I tried it recently, I found my video driver was broken. A visit to the forum showed a lot of people with video problems, particularly those with Intel chips. When I got it running (with the vesa driver), I found that Lightdm (supplied if you choose any desktop other than KDE or Gnome) was also broken. I got it running eventually, but it took a couple of days: SUSE hasn't run out of the box for me since version 11."
That's weird cause I had nothing but problems with 11. 12.2 worked like a dream for me and so far 13.1 is holding up well in virtualbox. Did you install KDE or Gnome? I've noticed the Gnome runs smoother for some reason. The only issue I had was network manager not running out of the box for 13.1. A somple visit to Yast I configured my ethernet and it's worked ever since.
25 • @ 3 kc1di NVIDIA (by RayRay on 2013-12-02 18:23:40 GMT from United States)
Try changing compositing to opengl 1.2. You can also try turning off desktop effects, it may be tricky due to the poor rendering of the desktop with the Desktop effects on by default. I'm using opensuse just fine with an Nvidia GeForce 6200 on opengl 1.2, I don't do gaming so I don't know well it will do for gamers.
26 • @25 (by kc1di on 2013-12-02 19:01:56 GMT from United States)
Thanks RayRay I'll give it a try but I should not have to disable everything just to make my card work.. don't have to do that in any other distros i've used.
@ 20 Nicely written hope they listen
27 • Uses of DragonFly BSD (by Xfce_fan on 2013-12-02 20:50:26 GMT from United States)
Glad to see DFly 3.6 get mentioned this week. I've been intrigued by it for a while but never had much luck getting it to run smoothly on my desktop. (Obviously not as polished of a user experience as *buntu & Debian.)
Then again, DFly seems to be targeted at servers. Is anybody aware of any major websites that are running on aDragonFly BSD servers? It also seems like a good OS to run on a supercomputer with some inherent advantages over Linux (even though Red Hat & SuSE rule the supercomputer market at this time.)
28 • Mint # 1 (by Joe on 2013-12-03 01:05:12 GMT from Mexico)
Another and another way! More than two years ago Mint is maintining its top popularity in DW, Something good is doing the team lidered by Clem Lefebre. Super complet in drivers and codecs. Now with Cinamon 2.0 totally indepent of gnome, faster and secure than in its previous 1.x version. Thanks a lot for this wonderful distro.
29 • SOLYDXK (by vt on 2013-12-03 01:16:57 GMT from United States)
Just wanted to put in a good word for Solydxk. Installed it about a week ago and am sticking with it. The Distro picks up where Linux MINT Debian Edition left off, offering an XFCE and KDE version (both of which were discontinued by Clem). Hopefully, the distro will have some staying power.
30 • re 21 - Computer Crashes (by Been there... on 2013-12-03 02:02:57 GMT from Canada)
You're correct about opening the computer and making certain everything is clean and not covered in dust. The major culprit here is people insisting on placing there desktop PC on the floor, to make more room on their (physical) "desktop". In terms of your computer's health, that would be the worst place to position it. You ever wonder why dogs and cats don't live as long as we do? It's because they are closer to the ground and inhale all the crud you find at lower altitudes!
Okay; I wasn't serious about that last bit - but certainly the visualization about what detris lurks in the lower regions should serve to get across the message that in a sense, computers "breath". They need to circulate air to cool various parts (CPU, video card, not-so-hard drive, etc.) which would otherwise self-fricasee.
You would not believe the crud one finds on opening some PC's. I've learned when repairing PC's from industrial areas and showrooms, to place the unit over a newspaper or other disposable item, wear a mask and gloves, and maybe keep some disinfectant handy... It helps to make sure the case is grounded, and if working on synthetic rug, to maybe use a "ground strap" as well.
Wearing a white lab coat helps contrast the amount of dirt, as well as making you look like an expert who can justify whatever it is you are charging to expose yourself to these spores, viruses, bacteria, pet hair, rat droppings, etc. I only wish this part actually was a joke. Never occurred to me to take photo examples, but was too busy gagging and gasping for fresh air in some cases.
Another tip: Experts sometimes advise using a compressor to blow out the gunk and avoid creating static. In drastic cases, ignore them! Use a grounded shop-vac and suck the stuff out rather than spreading it around. A soft photostyle brush helps as well. It used to be possible to buy "antistatic" brushes, but they disappeared off the market after a few well publicized spy death caused by polonium (the alpha particle emissions from thesmall amount in the handle were what neutralized the static charges). Now you can get inexpensive electrostatic dischargers with no such danger.
Once everything is cleaned off and you can actually discern individual parts on the motherboard, check the electrolytic capacitors for signs of bulging or other obvious deterioration. This is probably the single chief cause of random computer crashes not related to software.
Legal notice: This advice is free, but I take NO responsibility if you kill yourself laughing over this advice, or perhaps choke to death cleaning some of the PCs out there.
31 • Linux Mint 16 - no review (by Linadian on 2013-12-03 02:04:00 GMT from Canada)
I'm not a shill or fanboi or troll, etc, but Mint's release of 16 with standalone DE Cinnamon 2.x with new features is huge. AFAIAC, openSUSE is the same old, release to release with bug fixes and GUI tweaks. I just find it odd there's no Mint 16 Cinnamon review. I've been using Kubuntu but I'm fed up with KDE's bloated and overbearing nature (nepomuk, PIM, etc), that being said, Cinnamon is nice balance between functionality and simplicity, like somebody put old Gnome and KDE in a blender and out popped Cinnamon. :-D
32 • One Issue with openSUSE (by Tom Trotter on 2013-12-03 02:13:27 GMT from United States)
For many years, I have installed every new version of Ubuntu, Fedora and openSUSE. I also maintain (at least) one machine with an enhanced version of RHEL 6. For a complex set of reasons, most of the installs are done on machines which must also run Windows 8.1. I have found that all except openSUSE have boot protocols that enable a recovery of the windows boot loader, via a "bootrec.exe /fixmbr" command. But if you install openSUSE using a dual boot on a machine with Windows 8.1, you had best be prepared for a full installation from scratch of the Windows OS if you ever decide to go back to the starting point.
33 • Mint 16 (by fernbap on 2013-12-03 02:41:15 GMT from Portugal)
I had not much time with Mint 16 yet, but i had enough to say that Mint 16 is: Very polished, as usual, even by Mint standards Significantly faster than previous releases It contains 2 small gems, a USB stick formatter and a Bootable USB creator.
I still don't understand why smplayer didn't reach mainstream within the distro universe, since it is, according to my own experience, the best video player available. Perhaps because most of the distro creators are english spoken and are used to english spoken videos, and can't appreciate the importance of a player capable of dealing with subtitles without any issue. VLC (included in Mint) comes close, but not enough.
34 • openSUSE - Multimedia, Nvidia, and observations from a long-term user (by Andy Prough on 2013-12-03 03:35:53 GMT from )
Some of the concerns that have been raised so far about openSUSE are typical - frustration with the lack of restricted multimedia codecs, trouble with graphic drivers, trouble with network setup. I've been using openSUSE and overcoming these "speed bumps" with each release for many years now - here's my thoughts on a few of these issues:
1. Multimedia codecs openSUSE very specifically distances itself from restricted multimedia codecs, so I don't think you will ever see an "easy Ubuntu-style checkbox" at installation to add these.
However, the Packman repository is the largest and most popular 3rd-party repository for openSUSE, and offers nearly all the multimedia functionality you would need. Instructions for adding the Packman repository are here: http://en.opensuse.org/Additional_package_repositories#Packman
2. Nvidia drivers openSUSE has not made the Nvidia driver repository available for 13.1 yet, but should do so within the next week. In the meantime, you can still install the drivers by following the instructions on the following page: http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_the_hard_way
My advice is to get used to installing Nvidia drivers "the hard way" in openSUSE. It's the best way to ensure you get a problem-free installation, and really doesn't take long once you've done it a time or two.
3. More advice a. DVD Installation is Better - Download the DVD if possible, not the live CD versions for installation. Unlike Ubuntu, openSUSE puts a lot more packages on the DVD, and you will get a better installation overall with it. Sometimes, network problems are completely avoided by installing initially from the DVD rather than from one of the live CD's.
b. Be Patient - don't install it on the first day of release unless you are adventurous. I've been using SUSE and openSUSE for over 13 years, and I ALWAYS wait until several weeks to a month after the new distribution version has been released to install it on any critical "production" machine. There are always tons of bugs that are found and fixed in the first few weeks after release. Keep in mind, a full release of openSUSE gets hundreds of thousands more users than an RC or beta release, so a lot more bugs are found.
c. Ask For HELP - The openSUSE forums are an incredibly knowledgeable and friendly place to ask questions and get help and advice: http://forums.opensuse.org
Don't hesitate to ask. Usually, you'll get a quick response from a volunteer engineer who has a wealth of experience in the specific area you are having trouble. Often, your specific problem has occurred repeatedly, and someone will helpfully guide you to a step-by-step how-to on resolving the issue.
If you've ever been put off by the sometimes chaotic and/or hostile nature of other distro help forums, I think you'll find that the openSUSE forums are much more friendly, organized and effective.
d. File those Bug Reports - Unlike some other Distros, Novell set up the SUSE and openSUSE bug tracking system as an excellent 2-way communication forum. Sometimes you'll find yourself discussing the bug with the maintainer of the specific package itself. File the bug reports - you'll help make it a better distribution: https://bugzilla.novell.com
35 • Mint review (by M.Z. on 2013-12-03 06:02:10 GMT from United States)
@31 You want a full review after only 2 days? I think there might be something to be said for using it for a week to see if any bugs pop up and giving the thing a little time to show the good points & bad points. Try to have a little patience. That being said, Mint 16 will definitely be on my laptop by the end of the week.
36 • Solydx (by retriever on 2013-12-03 06:18:45 GMT from United States)
@29 - I agree! Solydx is very stable and fast. It is my main distro at the momment. If you haven't tried it you should.
37 • @34 (by kc1di on 2013-12-03 10:48:40 GMT from United States)
Thank you for the timely comments, But I think much of the frustration comes in, in that you have to make the same corrections and additions with each release , should there not be at least some progress on the complaint over time and I've been using / Trying OpenSuse since the early days. and do find it frustrating to have to install nvidia drivers the hard way every time, etc. have filed bug reports and have been told on the forums to just wait many times but then the issue is not solved.
That being said once everything is ironed out it is a very good distro. I guess my frustration with it is that I have to spend hours sometimes tracking down the things to make it work for me.
Anyway this is I hope constructive not just complaining. I do like OpenSuse and it's one of the great distros.
38 • OpenSuse Gnome (by Chanath on 2013-12-03 10:53:30 GMT from Sri Lanka)
Jesse, would you try to install OpenSuse Gnome version from the live DVD/usb stick? KDE install is okay, but Gnome won't allow installation, as the OK button goes below the screen in one of the partition pages. Would you try?
39 • @38 (by Gustavo on 2013-12-03 11:24:22 GMT from Brazil)
Chanath, please try this tip: keep pressing left ALT and drag mouse to move the window.
40 • @39 (by Chanath on 2013-12-03 15:05:30 GMT from Sri Lanka)
Thanks! Will do. Someone above wrote, its always better to wait few days, before downloading OpenSuse. Maybe, if I download it now, maybe it won't have this bug.
41 • @37, @38 - openSUSE (by Andy Prough on 2013-12-03 16:57:28 GMT from United States)
@37 kc1di - "But I think much of the frustration comes in, in that you have to make the same corrections and additions with each release , should there not be at least some progress on the complaint over time and I've been using / Trying OpenSuse since the early days. and do find it frustrating to have to install nvidia drivers the hard way every time, etc." -----------------------------------------------------------
- It's important to keep in mind that SUSE has thousands of corporate installations that they are primarily concerned with. Making it easy to play games or watch movies is never going to be their top priority. If I want an easy install for a game setup or a home entertainment system, I'm going with Mint or Ubuntu.
But, feel lucky you've got an Nvidia card. Radeon support used to be complete and utter garbage on openSUSE (might still be - I gave up years ago). At least you can get Nvidia drivers working. Intel graphics support usually works right out of the box. If you don't need games, I recommend an Intel graphics card for openSUSE.
@38 Chanath - "Jesse, would you try to install OpenSuse Gnome version from the live DVD/usb stick? KDE install is okay, but Gnome won't allow installation, as the OK button goes below the screen in one of the partition pages. Would you try?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If at all possible, don't do an installation from the "Live CD" or "Live DVD" versions of openSUSE. If you have the bandwidth, download the "4.7 GB DVD" version for a full installation - even if you just want Gnome or KDE. The live CDs/DVDs are good for a preview version, but in my opinion they are missing so many packages that they are basically broken as an installer (others may disagree here - but that's my experience).
My advice - don't install from the openSUSE "Live" versions - you'll end up with a borked system that you'll never get completely right. If you really want to install it and run it for a significant period of time or for any type of production, install it off the "4.7GB DVD".
openSUSE should really just stop releasing the "Live" CDs/DVDs as installation disks. They haven't done themselves any favors at all over the years, and the majority of the unfavorable reviews they get are from reviewers who install off the Live versions. To give you an idea how bad this is - if you ask for installation help in the openSUSE forums, one of the first questions you'll often get is "Did you install from the full DVD? If not, please try that first". It's THAT bad.
42 • @35 Re: Mint 16 Cinnamon review (by Linadian on 2013-12-03 17:40:44 GMT from Canada)
You make a good point, still have my Kubuntu 12.04.x LTS installed, still testing Mint 16 Cinnamon LIVE to make sure it will completely suit MY needs, having trouble with Kubuntu only printing once, then having to reboot to print again, very annoying, it has to pass the test, might even wait for the next release, LTS in the spring, why install again 4 months from now unless there's be an upgrade option?
43 • @42 (by jaws222 on 2013-12-03 17:54:21 GMT from United States)
"having trouble with Kubuntu only printing once, then having to reboot to print again, very annoying, it has to pass the test, might even wait for the next release, LTS in the spring, why install again 4 months from now unless there's be an upgrade option?"
Yes, if it's the network printer issue I had that same issue which was kinda weird. There is a fix for this if you do some googling, but the way I got around it was to install the LXDE desktop, install the printer then print a test page. Reboot computer into kde desktop and it worked like a charm.
44 • @43 Re: (K)ubuntu printer issue (by Linadian on 2013-12-04 02:12:02 GMT from Canada)
Mint 16 Cinnamon did the same thing, this is an under the hood issue with the Ubuntu base of the system. That being said, tried Knoppix (Debian based) 7.0, no problem, tons of multiple prints in multiple apps. Going to try Knoppix 7.2 now, if it works and it will install on my dual SSD raid 0, sticking with it, been a little miffed at the path Ubuntu is taking lately anyway, snoopware and wanting to go out on a limb with their new graphics server, Wayland I believe, or is it the other one?
45 • libdvdcss , Blu-ray on OpenSuse, Mint KDE (by Elcaset on 2013-12-04 02:27:15 GMT from United States)
I've been using Mint KDE LTS as my primary distro for about six years now. It just works with DVDs & usually, with Blu-ray, too. I haven't gotten either of these to work in OpenSuse, or the buntus. Is it worth me trying the new version of OpenSuse with DVD & Blu-ray support? Cheers.
46 • @44 Ubuntu is using Mir. Kubuntu & most distros are using Wayland. (by Elcaset on 2013-12-04 02:41:03 GMT from United States)
I'm looking forward to trying Wayland, once it matures. I won't be trying spybuntu with Mir. XFCE tried using XMir, but then gave up, & decided not to use it.
47 • Opensuse 13.1 Gnome (by Praveen on 2013-12-04 03:54:17 GMT from Europe)
Dear Jesse,
why no one opt opensuse gnome for review at 1st? Gnome support is also great in opensuse. other and community guide is so perfect for multimedia support didnt face any issues at all.Yast is superb. please review Gnome edition as well
48 • @41 OpenSuse, @42 and others Mint (by Chanath on 2013-12-04 05:19:08 GMT from Sri Lanka)
Thanks, Andy. Will do. A long time ago, the OpenSuse live cds were pretty good, everything got installed nicely. Whatever happened to them?
Mint I always have a look at Mint. And, I usually drop it after a while. Two reasons; their inflated ego and lack of upstream security updates. Mint is Ubuntu + Cinnamon + few Mint apps - security updates. Just take vanilla Ubuntu, add Petra repos, delete Unity, add few apps, and you have a better Mint than the official Mint, and safer too. And, you can keep Unity, if you want to experiment with.
It'd be quite interesting to see, what would be the next Mint edition, when Unity 8 would be the main Ubuntu DE. Also, when Ubuntu drops Gnome flashback from their repos.
49 • @44 Knoppix (by jaws222 on 2013-12-04 11:55:43 GMT from United States)
I played around with Knoppix about a year and a half ago and really liked it. The issue I had was installing it to a hard drive. Apparently it is mostly used as a fix-it type disk and they recommend to run it from the cd. When I finally found some good instructions I did get it to a hard drive but then broke it after trying to update. Is there a way around that?
50 • @45 - Blu-Ray on openSUSE (by Andy Prough on 2013-12-04 12:53:27 GMT from )
@Elcaset -
Looks like Blu-Ray is definitely a problem under openSUSE, and you need more than just libdvdcss. You might want to read the discussion from this past summer on the openSUSE forums regarding playing Blu-Ray disks - they offer up some possible solutions: http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/multimedia/488250-playing-blu-ray-disks.html
You will need to have libbluray1 and libaacs0 in addition to libdvdcss. Forum users are recommending that you read the Arch wiki for additional helpful alternative solutions: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/BluRay
Also, it sounds like if you can get a Windows program called "DVDfab" running under Wine, that is a very workable solution.
Good luck. Keep in mind, as I said earlier I don't look at openSUSE as a good home entertainment center OS. I would personally use Mint or Ubuntu for that. openSUSE is fantastic as an all-around workhorse that can handle a variety of file systems and can harness a lot of power out of a multi-core CPU, but it's far from perfect as a gaming or movie watching platform.
51 • Sabayon installer (by Chanath on 2013-12-04 12:57:16 GMT from Sri Lanka)
For a while, I let go of installing OpenSuse, and installed Sabayon Gnome in that partition. Its Gentoo and rolling. While installing I noticed an interesting line in the Sabayon Installer's slideshow. It said; "Debian Stable? Pfft... OLD!"
52 • Linux on a pen is more interesting than downloading and whining (by dbrion on 2013-12-04 14:41:55 GMT from France)
"It'd be quite interesting to see, what would be the next Mint edition," "I always have a look at Mint. And, I usually drop it after a while. "
Well, it would be an -self-claimed- interesting way of loosing one's time.
OTOH: the self correcting pen is **really** interesting. Not the hardware ( * ARM CPU :gumstix had tiny linux cards since 2004; they have been used in teaching http://perso-etis.ensea.fr/andry/cours/M1_SIC/Gumstix.pdf. Such CPUs can be made 5x5mm and eat very few mAms, if needed (teherfore, it is battery-powered). * low-cost, low specs, tiny accelerometer (2x2 mm) : its price has been dropping since 2009; it is widely used for 8 bits -Arduini, say-). but a) the software, they are very concise about it: how do they recognize orientations (pens are cylinders) ? characters? words? Which languages do they support, and how do they do?.
b) the mere existence (there are press releases: is there a need , as people are more and moretyping; is funding existing -a PCB can be very expensive to develop, and one may wait for months- , or will it be vaporware?)
53 • @51 sabayon installers (by tuxtest on 2013-12-04 15:06:38 GMT from Canada)
DEV Sabayon should be humble! No comparison between Sabayon and Debian. In terms of problem, you will be served with Sabayon my friends.
Debian is best at all level! And this is normal because the community is much larger and the development team as well.
I tested in long term all versions of Sabayon and I never surpassed the 6 months without major problems. Sabayon slogans on the from page website * most fast or the best etc... * Sorry but there is no truth !
The best rooling release for me is Archlinux... I use Manjaro it more simple of arch
I think Slogans Sabayon installers is only humor
54 • @53 tuxtest @ dbrion (by Chanath on 2013-12-04 16:46:17 GMT from Sri Lanka)
Well, yes, I thought the same way. He makes a nice distro out of tough Gentoo, but he should be humble too. I'd download OpenSuse again in a week like Andy advised.
You say; "Well, it would be an -self-claimed- interesting way of loosing one's time." Did it cross your mind that you were wasting time by writing that line? Just a wee bit, but still a wasted time.
55 • @49 Re:Knoppix & @43 Re: (K)ubuntu printer problems (by Linadian on 2013-12-04 16:52:02 GMT from Canada)
@49: Knoppix appears to have a lot of 'locked' files so it's not 'broken' on the fly (live), which does actually make it rock solid live, I did manage to get around that in a live session and installed DVDStyler, lol, it wasn't easy, although, when I went to start DVDStyler, all I got was the language selection, nothing after that, lol. ;-D
@43 I solved the Kubuntu Brother printer issue, Brother is Linux friendly so they supply a lightweight driver, go to the Kubuntu Forum for the solution or search "Kubuntu brother printer blank pages".
56 • Distroshopping is for clueless people (by dbrion on 2013-12-04 16:58:28 GMT from France)
No: I highlighted the cluelessness of distro(s)opping and whining (ah : being unable to do some trivial manual "work" in 38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gznDOMKeWkA) and the huge contrast between a) untested distros (there are hundreds, "releasing" every 6 months) and b) the *** skils*** some people might obtain with (or without : I doubt pen stifter is dependent on a given linux kernel) GNU linux.
57 • @56 dbrion (by Chanath on 2013-12-04 17:04:53 GMT from Sri Lanka)
"Distroshopping is for clueless people"
Are you here to negate the very existence of Distrowatch?
58 • @49 knoppix installation (by linuxuser on 2013-12-04 19:32:33 GMT from Greece)
I think it is not a very good option to install Knoppix to a hard disk because the packages that are used to build the distribution come from different Debian repositories. They are a mixture of Debian stable and Debian Testing if I recall well from Knoppix Wiki pages. So an upgrade will propably brake the system. I think that this is pointed out in Knoppix Wiki pages.
59 • Not quite finished. (by LinuxMan on 2013-12-04 20:03:22 GMT from United States)
@46, Why was you trying to use MIR? It's not quite finished yet and won't make the scene until the last of next year. It won't be in the LTS version. Anyway what is with this spybuntu crap? Does everyone know that it's there? Yes they do. Can it be disabled? Yes, very easily. Should it be opt in instead of opt out? Of course not. What would be the point unless someone is too lazy of disable it. Should ad blockers be installed and enabled in all web browsers? Some believe so but that would be foolish also. Most people who use the online search functions for a while start liking it, and so far nobody has shown anyone getting damaged by doing so. If I were you I'd worry more about the NSA. :)
60 • @48 security updates (by :wq on 2013-12-04 20:26:51 GMT from United States)
I am not endorsing any viewpoint, I am just providing a link to Clem's reasoning and an explanation of how you can change what updates you receive.
61 • @59 & 46 Re: spying (by Linadian on 2013-12-04 21:38:06 GMT from Canada)
I am running Kubuntu 12.04.x, temporarily enabled Debian's testing repository (IGNORE UPGRADEABLE if you do this), installed Iceweasel 17.0.9, then reverted repositories back, then installed extensions NoScript and Adblock Plus, worked like a charm. Word on the street is, if you do this, you can't use Iceweasel and Firefox at the same time, Iceweasel utilizes Firefox's files directory in your home partition. Another tip, after you do this, the install messes with your fonts a bit, the easy fix is re-enable anti-aliasing and chose 'Hinting style'=slight. :-D Now I have full control of my web surfing experience and I'm willing to deal with a few stubborn sites, they can go to h*ll (or just use a diff browser if I HAVE to go there), I'm really sick of spying/tracking.
62 • Ubuntu Gnome Remix Trusty Tahr (by Chanath on 2013-12-05 08:03:45 GMT from Sri Lanka)
After not installing OpenSuse Gnome, I installed Sabayon Gnome, but after 24 hours of use and 2 booting problems, I decided to install a distro that had not yet had been released, but has a daily image, the Ubuntu Gnome Trusty Tahr. No hiccups at all, booted in Live mode pretty quickly, and the installation from the live mode was smooth. Working very nicely, allowing me to install whatever I want, and nicely dist-upgrading. Its a test version, as not even an Alpha is released.
63 • very existence of Distrowatch: Packages databasee + unknown Unixes (by dbrion on 2013-12-05 09:38:21 GMT from France)
Nobody is interested in 24 hours of failure (w/r to a total life of stupid distro bashing: it can be mildly neglected). OTOH: a carefully (at least for x86s: for other, emerging CPUs I am puzzled) managed packages database and applications of GNUlinux (which can make a nice change from THE battle of THE desktop, which will be won ... when there are no desktops), as well as some Unices one would not dare to test make the difference between: * downloading, whining and spreading FUD (see last week Slitaz stupid "death"anouncement , RH and Debian bashing showing a realistic light on teh intellectual state of its author) and cluelessly -who would trust an UBU/mint fanboy) aand non redundant skills, which may exist and be useful for a long time.
64 • @ 63 dbrion (by Chanath on 2013-12-05 11:10:20 GMT from Sri Lanka)
Are you here to negate the very existence of Distrowatch?
65 • I don't like it either. (by LinuxMan on 2013-12-05 13:18:29 GMT from United States)
@61, Yelp, I'm kinda turned off by all the tracking too. I opted out. I'm really not one into the social network thing either. The rest of my family is tho. If you use Facebook or any other of the social network sites then all bets for privacy are off. You will have none but then again, you're not asking for any. ;)
66 • Random gems from Chanathwatch (differs from DW) (by dbrion on 2013-12-05 13:28:39 GMT from France)
"Debian's spinster-like attitude to modernity. " http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20131125&mode=67 post 60 Ah, a distroshopper feeels greater to bash debian...
"I am not at all interested in REHL as it is not free. " (ibid, post 78) Spreading FUD about REHL can give some UBU bribes to a distroshopper .. No matter if easy to verify facts contradict Chanathwatch..
"Jesse, would you try to install OpenSuse Gnome version from the live DVD/usb stick? KDE install is okay, but Gnome won't allow installation, as the OK button goes below the screen in one of the partition pages. Would you try?" (this week DWW , post 38
Begging a very smart distrotester to do some trivial manual work is sooo consistent with: "For a while, I let go of installing OpenSuse" (one whines and begs for work, like a 5 yrs old child: then, one throws the toy)
OTOH, I have to disagree with Jesse Smith comment in last week distrowatch: "Meanwhile, over in the Linux camp, I feel as though things have reached a plateau. " A plateau, in French, is not a synonym for cerebral death.
67 • @58 Knoppix (by jaws222 on 2013-12-05 15:04:00 GMT from United States)
Yes, Knoppix does steer you away from HD installations. I thought I read once about someone who had installed it successfully, but not sure how he got the updates.
@ 66 dbrion Please stop, you are killing me. :)
68 • Knoppix (by Kazlu on 2013-12-05 17:08:24 GMT from France)
jaws22 : why do you need so bad to install Knoppix on a hard drive ? I suppose you can still make a frugal install like Puppy, but if it's not what you are looking for what's the point of using Knoppix, which is made to be live ?
Please take no offense, I'm just curious to understand your motivations :)
69 • @68 (by jaws222 on 2013-12-05 17:22:06 GMT from United States)
I really don't. I tried a while back and broke it by updating. It was just one of those things that I couldn't get to work and I got a bit obsessed. I'm over it, but was curious to see if anyone had figured it out. I have plenty of other distros to play with . :)
70 • Knoppix (by Rev_Don on 2013-12-05 22:01:06 GMT from United States)
I've never had any problems installing Knoppix 6.x or 7.x on a hard drive. I regularly update it, but I do it selectively not globally. I only update those programs that I actually use and security updates, and I do them one at a time. So far I have never borked an install with an update in the nearly 4 years of hard drive installs.
71 • Knoppix (by jaws222 on 2013-12-05 22:27:45 GMT from United States)
I just discovered this. Interesting:
72 • Re: Knoppix discussion (by Linadian on 2013-12-06 00:44:45 GMT from Canada)
I'm guilty of starting it because I was having problems with the 'found' printer drivers in Kubuntu (the actual Brother driver solved that), I merely mentioned that printing from Knoppix WITHOUT the proprietary driver was excellent live and was contemplating raid 0 SSD install, low and behold, like other Debian based distros, it's next to impossible to install on a 'hardware raid', unlike seamless installs from Ubuntu based distros. Was kind of glad anyway, really didn't want to lose my very functional and stable Kubuntu 12.04.x.
73 • Linux desktop evolution slowdown (by ange on 2013-12-06 13:40:09 GMT from Hungary)
Deepin is larger than it looks, it has potential, however elementary OS is better for everyday use. But in reality there are no competitor in Linux world for Windows 8.1 for now.
74 • @73 Re: Monopoly OS (by Linadian on 2013-12-06 15:50:14 GMT from Canada)
DW frowns on bashing but I have to chime in, if you don't mind a GUI designed for a child (they even have a kid using it in their commercials) or one of the most government friendly software corps, be our guest, use it, enjoy, just don't do anything shady on the internet with it (like download a movie, etc) and don't forget to spend those extra $ on third party 'protection', you'll need it.
75 • Updating Knoppix (by Andy Prough on 2013-12-06 16:54:09 GMT from )
Here is a method for updating a Knoppix hard disk installation. It involves downloading each Knoppix DVD update, and updating your Hard Drive installation from that new DVD as the source:
76 • 74 Our favorite bash-able-distro (by Fossilizing Dinosaur on 2013-12-06 18:03:03 GMT from United States)
Don't be so stingy with your spite - hardware and software producers alike deserve a fair share of blame for antisocial monopolistic behavior, as well as the government that legalizes abuses of licensing, copyright and patent, and encourages antisocial behavior by providing legal protection for soulless fictional entities - corporations - in the name of stimulating the economy.
Of course, other corporations - large customers - have softened much misbehavior, and Microsoft isn't entirely suicidally foolish. They will be constructive whenever they perceive a potential market advantage, and have even contributed to Freed Software. Not necessarily evil, just amoral.
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Star Labs - Laptops built for Linux.
View our range including the highly anticipated StarFighter. Available with coreboot open-source firmware and a choice of Ubuntu, elementary, Manjaro and more. Visit Star Labs for information, to buy and get support.