DistroWatch Weekly |
DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 246, 31 March 2008 |
Welcome to this year's 13th issue of DistroWatch Weekly! Good things come in a small package and nowhere is this more evident than in the case of SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0 - a new mini Linux distribution that packs a full desktop with many popular applications, utilities and web development tools into a 25 MB live CD. Complete with its own package management system, a text-mode installer and a remastering utility, SliTaz has to be one of the most impressive Linux distributions in recent memory. How can they pack so much into so little space? Read on for a first-look review of the project's 1.0 release. In other news, a Norwegian hardware site interviews Arch Linux project leader Aaron Griffin, Automatix announces the end of development of the popular software installation tool, Klaus Knopper releases the new KNOPPIX 5.3.1, and a nostalgic reader retraces the steps of installing Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 on today's hardware. All this and more in this issue of DistroWatch Weekly - happy reading!
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First look at SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0, the smallest desktop distro on earth
I have to admit that every time I receive an email entitled "New Distro Submission", I tend to let out a little sigh. Is this really something new and innovative that we haven't seen before? Or is it just another remastered Ubuntu or Slax that will die in a few short months? So when Christophe Lincoln sent me a notice about a distribution called SliTaz GNU/Linux, I reacted with the usual scepticism. It wasn't until I noticed the download size of the just-released version 1.0 which prompted me to take a closer look. A full-featured desktop distro in 25 MB? Now, that's certainly something we haven't seen here before!
Small Linux distributions might not be as glamorous as the big, modern operating systems designed to run on the latest and greatest hardware, but judging by the number of searches and enquiries here on DistroWatch, this market is far from dead. After all, many of us have an old box that originally came with Windows 95. While no current operating system will run satisfactorily on this "ancient" hardware, it doesn't mean that it is destined to gather dust in the cupboard. On the contrary. With some of the small Linux distributions available today, it can be brought back to full production, even as a graphical workstation. Damn Small Linux, Puppy Linux, DeLi Linux and others have made it possible to bring many an old computer back to life.
Now there is a new kid on the block. SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0 is not just another small desktop distro; it is, in fact, the smallest by some margin and just half the size of Damn Small Linux. When it runs, the 25 MB compressed CD image expands to about 80 MB, so any computer with 128 MB of RAM will be able to load it fully into memory, ensuring blazing fast program execution. Computers with less memory can boot it too; with the boot prompt cheat code of "slitaz-loram", computers with 64 MB of RAM are also supported, while those with as little as 16 MB of RAM will be able to run SliTaz as well - the cheat code is "slitaz-loram-cdrom". It goes without saying that the performance of the machine with 16 MB of RAM won't be nearly as good as that of the 128 MB one, but it's still hard to believe that there is an operating system that can run in graphical mode on machines with so little memory.
So what have the SliTaz developers managed to fit into 25 MB? A lot more than one would expect. The system boots into the JWM window manager with four virtual desktops and a Xfce-like toolbar at the top. It is based on the latest Linux kernel (2.6.24), with glibc 2.3.6, GTK+ libraries and X.Org 7.2. It includes hardware auto-detection modules for network and audio cards, and sets up X with a VESA driver (several screen resolution choices are available during the initial configuration step). Among applications there is the latest Firefox, Ghost In The Mail (email client), gFTP, Transmission (BitTorrent client), mtPaint (image editor), GPicView (image viewer), AlsaPlayer, Asunder (CD ripping tool), Geany (a light-weight IDE) and other small applications. Also included are a CD burning tool and a PDF viewer, while web developers will no doubt welcome the addition of the lighttpd web server with support for CGI and PHP.

SliTaz GNU/Linux - the smallest desktop distro on earth (full image size: 238kB, screen resolution: 1280x1024 pixels)
SliTaz is not restricted to old hardware only. Users running it on more modern systems will be able to take advantage of many more applications available from the project's download server, including some heavy-weight ones, such as The GIMP, Kino, AbiWord, Inkscape, or the Enlightenment 17 window manager. The distribution also comes with its own APT-like package manager called "tazpkg", preconfigured for easy access to available packages from the project's server. Using it is simple: "tazpkg recharge" will get the list of available packages and "tazpkg install abiword" will install AbiWord, including its dependencies. The tazpkg utility has its own shell (command "tazpkg shell") which can be a great time-saver while performing a series of package management tasks.
SliTaz comes with other useful utilities, including a hard disk installer, a build tool (tazwok), a program to remaster the CD image (tazlito) and another for creating an image for installation on bootable USB storage devices (tazusb). The project's web site provides good documentation, user forums and mailing lists, and a package browsing interface. The distribution supports two languages: English and French.
After spending a few hours using the SliTaz live CD, I emailed the project founder, Christophe Lincoln, to ask what had motivated him to create SliTaz. Here is his response: "The initial motivation was the desire, then need. Desire to have a fast, robust and simple distro (example: boot with 5 scripts and 1 configuration file). The project is also a kind of a challenge - to see what we can do in 25 MB. The first public ISO was about 15 MB, without Firefox, but with links 2.x - it was usable. I did a little promotion over a few French sites and a tiny community started."
Does he use SliTaz on a day-to-day basis? "Yes, SliTaz is my only distribution now. It does everything I need on my Toshiba Satellite Pentium Dual CPU 1.46 GHz with 2 GB RAM. I can run GCC, listen to music, browse the web, write code... all quite fast. You might have also noticed that the web site, forum and our Mercurial repository are hosted on an old, recycled Pentium 3 box with 512 MB RAM (yes people throw away amazing stuff), running SliTaz with lighttpd, PHP and CGI-Python."
I haven't been this impressed with a new Linux distribution for a long time. A compact package with basic applications, a web server and web development tools, an excellent package manager, remastering utilities and good auto-configuration scripts - all in a 25 MB download. What more can one need? While SliTaz GNU/Linux is unlikely to satisfy every user's needs, the project is a great testament to the old saying that good things come in a small package. It is also a tribute to the infinite versatility of Linux and free software. Give SliTaz a try, you will like it!
For more information please visit the project web site at slitaz.org. Download the live CD image from here: slitaz-1.0.iso (24.8MB, MD5).
Miscellaneous News |
Interview with Arch's Aaron Griffin, end of Automatix, installing Debian GNU/Linux 1.3
Last week was a slow one in terms of interesting distribution news, but a few items caught our interest. A Norwegian hardware site has published an interview with Aaron Griffin, the project leader of Arch Linux. What is so special about this increasingly popular project? "Arch Linux is a distro which puts the user in control. It is a distribution designed to be a platform - a 'base' for the users to do what they want. Other distros tend to believe that the computer should manage itself and the user should just use it. This is a perfectly fine stance to take, and certainly works well for most people. But not for me. I want to have full control and that is why I use Arch. Arch is lightweight and simple, like clay - able to be molded by the users as they choose. This means that we don't try to force a user's hand into our way of doing things, with our configuration tools, and our ideas. Developers suggest things, and push in certain directions, but let the user do as they wish."
* * * * *
DesktopLinux.com reports that Automatix, a popular third-party utility that made it easy to add media codecs, device drivers and non-free software to a basic Ubuntu installation, is no more: "In a note on the Automatix web page, the project's lead developer, jtbl, wrote: 'Well the day has finally come, development of Automatix has been discontinued. We are doing this, NOT because we think Automatix is no longer necessary on Ubuntu and Debian, but because all of the Automatix developers have become wrapped up in more pressing commitments.' This, however, doesn't mean that the Automatix service is disappearing. In an addition to his original note, jtbl continued: 'The site will stay up for a few more months, and as long as it's up Automatix will still run.' Automatix, a graphical, user-friendly interface for adding popular programs to Debian-based distributions, has long been mired in controversy."
* * * * *
Linux distributions have made an enormous progress over the last decade. Moving from basic, text-mode installation routines into near-automated, graphical systems that can be executed with just a few mouse clicks, installing Linux today has become a routine task that many of us do almost daily. But how many of you remember what it was like to get a Linux distro to boot a computer back in 1997? A nostalgic reader tells an entertaining story of installing Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 today: "Time passes and technology moves. My fascination with vintage computers and operating systems stems from the era of change. In today's computing world the players are condensed and the technology owned by large companies. The install screen mentions donating (no PayPal link either) to the project of 200 volunteers. 200! Debian has grown into the basis for some of the greatest free software projects ever. Perens and Murdock are staples of the technology world now. Deep down the kid inside of me will never die, the excitement for seeing great people do great things never changes. I recommend you go find your first operating system and take a walk down memory lane. Who knows, maybe it will help you remember just how far things have come."
Released Last Week |
Zenwalk Live 5.0
Zenwalk Live 5.0, a live edition of the Slackware-based Zenwalk Linux distribution, has been released: "Zenwalk Live 5.0 is ready! Based on the 'current' repository, the new Zenwalk Live features all the latest secure and stable versions of Zenwalk 5.0 standard packages. With this release, it is also our great pleasure to present Zen Installer which will enable you to install a standard Zenwalk system onto your computer's hard drive. Now, if you first use Live Clone to remaster your own live CD and then execute Zen Installer from that remastered live CD, you will install your own customized version of Zenwalk rather than the standard edition. This is very helpful if you need to deploy a highly personalized Zenwalk system on the computer park of a school, a cybercafé, an office or an organization. As always, Zenwalk Live 5.0 also offers extended multilingual, multimedia and WiFi support." Here is the brief release announcement.
Klaus Knopper has announced the release of KNOPPIX 5.3.1. From the changelog: "Dist-upgrade to Debian 'Lenny' (testing + unstable); changes initial boot system from initrd to initramfs for easier customisation; kernel with custom modules - GSPCA, QEMU, KVM, VirtualBox, NDISwrapper, AVM; updated WiFi drivers and firmware for ipw*; Compiz 3D window manager 0.7.3 with experimental Compiz Fusion modules; KDE 3.5.9, KDE 4.0 as experimental boot option; ADRIANE, audio desktop with text-to-speech and Braille support, first release; Cloop 2.624 realtime decompression with threads and experimental 'suspend' feature; OpenOffice.org 2.3.1; VirtualBox OSE edition; Orca as screen reader for GTK+ programs; updated hard disk installer '0wn'; updated NTFS-3G."

KNOPPIX 5.3.1 - with new audio desktop features for visually impaired (full image size: 1,199kB, screen resolution: 1280x1024 pixels)
SystemRescueCd 1.0.1
SystemRescueCd 1.0.1 has been released. From the changelog: "Using JWM 2.0.1 as default window manager instead of WindowMaker; using Unionfs 2.2.4 as the root file system; updated GParted to 0.3.6 (add support for the labels), Squashfs to 3.3 (with LZMA compression) to save space, ntfsprogs to 2.0.0, NTFS-3G to 1.2310, Memtest86+ floppy disk image to 2.01, btrfs file system support to 0.13, default kernel to Linux with Reiser4, cdrkit (Fix for Joliet directory length bug); added ipmitool (Utility for controlling IPMI enabled devices), missing crypto modules in the default kernel; auto-detect software RAID volumes at boot time; fixed autorun bug; fixed bugs in network configuration boot options; fixed problems with udhcpc client when multiple Ethernet interfaces exists...."
* * * * *
Development, unannounced and minor bug-fix releases
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Summary of expected upcoming releases
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New distributions added to database
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New distributions added to waiting list
* * * * *
DistroWatch database summary
And this concludes the latest issue of DistroWatch Weekly. The next instalment will be published on Monday, 7 April 2008.
Ladislav Bodnar
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Reader Comments • Jump to last comment |
1 • Slitaz (by mika hack on 2008-03-31 09:23:58 GMT from Italy)
I tried Slitaz.....not bad..not bad!
2 • SliTaz (by Seer on 2008-03-31 09:53:50 GMT from United Kingdom)
Even more remarkable when installed and complemented with a few extras - and still leaving an huge hole for data on an old 512Mb HD (remember those?!).
3 • kinda short... (by Andrew on 2008-03-31 10:01:48 GMT from Australia)
Not the longest DWW but a good read.
A quick note: I've been using Ubuntu 8.04 Beta on two machines, and apart from a few issues with RAID (using the alternate CD) and a few weird things happening (no crashes yet) it's looking good.
Wobbly windows is very stable but after the initial 5 seconds of coolness, is painful to use full time.
4 • Arch (by moondowner on 2008-03-31 10:08:24 GMT from Macedonia)
Nice interview with Aaron. Arch is one of the few distros that let you complete control of your installation. I can't believe that there are only 27 developers behind Arch. Only thing it lacks is a nicer installation setup. Maybe similar to the one in openSUSE or in Fedora. Just give us a mouse pointer :)
5 • SliTaz (by Alexandru on 2008-03-31 10:24:25 GMT from Germany)
I'm very impressed by this VERY SMALL distribution. It's great to see how all you need is packed in just 25 MB.
6 • Everybody's fond of SliTaz all of a sudden?! :-) (by Béranger on 2008-03-31 10:29:21 GMT from Romania)
7 • SliTaz (by Werewolf on 2008-03-31 10:56:10 GMT from Romania)
Hi! Nice to hear about an original distro (that is not a remastered version on Debian,Fedora,Ubuntu and so on.....) that is bringing something new Congrats to the SliTaz developers!
8 • Just Mandriva (by Bob on 2008-03-31 10:59:29 GMT from Austria)
Tried zillions of newer 64-bit distros on my Vaio, all of them appear to be flawed, but Mandriva Cooker did the best job so far (suspend n/a - of course, no camera, otherwise ok). Just wondering why Mandy does not creep up the DistroWatch rankings ...
9 • openSUSE misrepresented on it's DW Page. (by suse_fan on 2008-03-31 11:21:59 GMT from United States)
I do not like the fact that on the openSUSE page the cost of the distro is listed at $60 when in fact the distro is FREE and ONLY cost money if you want a nice pretty box, DVD and Manual!
I think that could sway people away from openSUSE who are wanting a free (as in gratis) distro.
Just my $0.02
10 • Arch (by Ringwraith on 2008-03-31 11:25:04 GMT from United States)
Arch is an outstanding distro and has been for many years. It would probably be my distro of choice if for some reason I had to move from Slackware.
11 • SliTaz (by SliTaz on 2008-03-31 12:00:43 GMT from United States)
SliTaz is a great up and coming distro !
12 • Linux for the masses (by mikkh on 2008-03-31 12:41:46 GMT from United Kingdom)
I apologise if this has been covered before, but I've only just found it myself, so there's probably others who don't know too.
I try to do my part in bringing recognition of Linux to the world, but a lot of people seem to fall at the first hurdle. Either they struggle with burning an ISO, can't get their heads round partitioning or are afraid of going in the BIOS to make CD's bootable and end up nowhere
The 'wubi' installer installs U(K)(X)buntu in a pseudo Linux file system that is actually a large file on a Windows partition.
It will attempt to download the required ISO you choose and install it for you - and amend the bootloader to load it. I say attempt, because when I tried it, the download speed was nearer dial-up proportions which is obviously painful.
Luckily you can download the ISO from an alternative source, and with the tiny 1 MB installer in the same folder - you just need to run it then
It will then copy the ISO to the final resting place and begin the install after you reboot.
I chose Kubuntu and had it installed in less than ten minutes
No excuses for anyone now ;o)
.... of course there'll always be some who fail to even download the ISO
but it doesn't get any easier than this
13 • SliTaz (by My Linux Page on 2008-03-31 13:12:05 GMT from United States)
SliTaz GNU/Linux requires: any computer with 128 MB of RAM will be able to load it fully into memory. Wow, with Vista requiring 1gig of memory to run on a computer this is very refreshing.
14 • Slitaz is BROKEN (by Anonymous on 2008-03-31 13:23:07 GMT from Canada)
Slitaz is a sandbox, nothing more. NTFS is not supported 'out of the box', as the elitist developers believe that windoze lusers must 'burn their bridges' and abandon their silly, misguided notions about ease of use and auto mounting drives.
Sorry, but Slitaz is BROKEN.
15 • Is Slitaz that broken (sorry for the lower case...)? (by dbrion on 2008-03-31 13:29:12 GMT from France)
For old computers with W95/W98 -RAM is difficult to find, except perhaps in a bin- ? For qemulating/VMplaying, where RAM is rare? Perhaps the price to pay for missing some automounts is cheaper than buying a new computer... and disposing of old ones. (mounting is not that difficult and takes many less lines than WHINING -sorry for the uppercase-)
16 • Hardy Heron (by pp on 2008-03-31 13:31:49 GMT from United Kingdom)
@3 "A quick note: I've been using Ubuntu 8.04 Beta on two machines, [...] it's looking good."
Installed Kubuntu 8.04 64-bit, and unfortunately I can't say the same. I couldn't for instance configure internet from the system settings due to some bugs...
Then installed Kubuntu 7.10 64-bit, and everything is well there, but again a bug in the system settings - I can't configure KDM autologin.
I've been a KDE user for years, and it really is starting to look obvious that with the resources Ubuntu is putting into KDE, it just can't keep up. This is a shame since I quite like (K)ubuntu. I'm going to have a closer look at Sidux & openSUSE...
17 • Dream Linux 3.0 (by Jarvi on 2008-03-31 13:39:39 GMT from United States)
after some delay, Dream Linux 3.0 was officially seeded early 3/30, and it is finally ready to download via its mirrors. I noticed it's not on the distrowatch main page yet, and just wanted to let others know.
18 • Congratz SliTaz (by davemc on 2008-03-31 13:43:48 GMT from United States)
Great idea, good implementation. Hope to see this project grow.
19 • No subject (by MrC at 2008-03-31 13:46:49 GMT from Finland)
Yep,finally Dreamlinux 3 was released,I've been waiting for a very long time.I've already tried it and it rocks,better then many distro's around.Better PcLos watch out ,because I think Dreamlinux 3 will steal the scene.http://www.dreamlinux.com.br/
20 • Slitaz is BROKEN (by Anonymous on 2008-03-31 13:51:47 GMT from Canada)
Automounting is not the real issue. Slitaz, to its credit includes a small, but excellent utility for mounting that I recommend to other distributions. The real problem with the sandbox that is Slitaz is this: you are NOT allowed to mount NTFS partitions from the LiveCD, not ever.
Necessary ntfs-3g drivers were deliberately left out.
To make use of NTFS partitions, you must install Slitaz to HDD and then extend it, or you must remaster the Slitaz LiveCD. As it is, the LiveCD is useless for this vital and necessary task.
Why cripple Slitaz? No sensible answer will be found, so do not waste your time.
If the developers want to be taken seriously by the millions of windows lusers who need to access NTFS partitions from within Linux, straight "out of the box", then they will repent and add the necessary drivers to the LiveCD.
Until then, Slitaz is BROKEN.
21 • Arch (by Anonymous on 2008-03-31 14:08:18 GMT from United States)
I often hear comments like that of Aaron Griffin, "I want to have full control and that is why I use Arch."
That's true, of course, but it gives the impression that Arch requires the same amount of work as Gentoo.
I have yet to find a distro that doesn't give full control. What I find special about Arch is that it makes it so easy to have a customized system. I have the same system no matter the distro, I just get to that system the fastest and have the least maintenance with Arch. It's a question of whether or not you can accept most of the defaults of one of the many other distros or if you want tools to set up your own system easily.
22 • No subject (by arno911 on 2008-03-31 14:18:29 GMT from Germany)
broken lol thx for the WARNING
23 • Arch (by Nikhil on 2008-03-31 14:21:03 GMT from India)
I would say what is more important in Arch is not the control but the sheer simplicity. For all base system configuration there is just one file, rc.conf, pacman is simple.
But simplicity does not mean lack of power, its just waiting to be used.
The arch package system is beautiful with no excess clutter in the filesystem.
24 • re: #20 (by towsonu2003 on 2008-03-31 14:27:34 GMT from United States)
it's pretty harsh to discard a distro as "broken" (with caps on) because NTFS support is not built in. and it seems like it is not that hard to get ntfs in, as according to its handbook at http://www.slitaz.org/en/doc/handbook/system-admin.html
"If you need read/write access to Windows ntfs filesystems you must install a few additional packages from the mirror. The ntfs-3g driver provides stable access to ntfs partitions and the ntfsprogs provides manipulation tools dependent on Fuse. Note that you can format, move or resize ntfs partitions graphically with Gparted."
note that the average windows user will not even hear about slitaz, while a user who "knows how to hear about it" will also know that you are supposed to read the manual and learn the limitations of the distro.
25 • Automatix (by sam on 2008-03-31 14:30:26 GMT from United States)
::and now, a few strings strummed on an old pawn shop violin::
Oh Automatix, I knew you well and you'll be missed. As much missed as you were missed when you enabled me to scrub my Ubuntu 7.04 install days before a major report was due...
26 • slitaz torrent (by towsonu2003 on 2008-03-31 14:32:26 GMT from United States)
I found one here: http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=e638d15501de07dc1845b56a9f457597858398d6
27 • Slitaz Announcement! (by SliTaz-MiniMirror on 2008-03-31 14:32:42 GMT from United States)
"You can put the full URL on Distrowatch nod comments if you want." For the SliTaz project, - Christophe
MiniMirror only host the stable 1.0 iso/packages: http://klhrevolution.nfshost.com.nyud.net/slitaz/
28 • Slitaz is usable (by GODhack on 2008-03-31 14:40:12 GMT from Norway)
Oh * it is fun to read how someone needs that stupid ntfs. Yes ntfs is stupid. Bacup data and format it into fat32. And forget all about ntfs.
29 • Not *broken*, just limited (by Steve Rush on 2008-03-31 14:43:42 GMT from United States)
The old ex-Win98 box that I plan to install Slitaz on doesn't have an NTFS partition, so the lack of NTFS support is irrelevant. If I dual-boot that system, it will be with FreeDOS so I can play around with Jack Crenshaw's "Let's Build A Compiler!" tutorial in a simple single-user environment that I can crash without losing anything important. I keep the original XP partition (much shrunken) on one of my machines in case I need to talk to Comcast (Ugh!) tech support, but I don't use it.
30 • Does not recognizing NTFS means being BROKEN? And UFS,ZFS?. (by dbrion on 2008-03-31 14:46:53 GMT from France)
@20 "this vital and necessary task" Are you serious? If someone has VITAL and NECSSARY Windows data, he has ... every backup he feels vital and necessary, and some knowledge of #filesystems... else, he might have vital problems....
I feel still alive.... and many people can survive from losing a Windows partition (or finding another distr., among hundreds)
BTW Do W95 / W98 PCs have NTFS?
Are Window$ {l}users so ignorant about file systems (when I wanted a dual boot, I just bought a PC with XP installed ... on FAT32 and , before XP, Fat32 was the standard) . As the audience seems to be old PCs, and as many Linux users use linuxen before 2006 (NTFS-3g was so BROKEN (very sorry for the ongoing uppercase) at this time), I maintain that not recognizing NTFS is less exotic than not recognizing ZFS, UFS (*free* file systems from the Unix serious world)
31 • @8 (by Adam Williamson on 2008-03-31 14:59:43 GMT from Canada)
If you do this:
urpmi kernel-`uname -r | cut -d- -f2`-devel-`uname -r | cut -d- -f1` urpmi kernel-`uname -r | cut -d- -f2`-devel-latest urpmi dkms-gspcav1
you may find your camera starts working.
MDV is going up the rankings, in fact. We went down as low as #9 or #10 and are now at #6. Our six month number was as low as 700 and is now over 900.
32 • SliTaz GNU/Linux (by Debianux on 2008-03-31 15:03:09 GMT from Switzerland)
For me (I don't need ntfs-support) SliTaz is a great mini-distro. And its origin is... Switzerland!!! ;-)
33 • no NTFS = broken ?? (by HoPops on 2008-03-31 15:21:23 GMT from United States)
No NTFS = broken....Really? Then having NTFS must = fixed. Hmmm... That would also mean that winNT, winXP, win2000, & vista = FIXED, and all Linux distros before the 2.2 kernel = broken. For me: if this distro works on my win95 era PC with 16m of RAM then that PC = fixed & broken.
34 • Arch & man pages (by Patrick Useldinger on 2008-03-31 15:32:18 GMT from Luxembourg)
Arch used to ban man and info pages from their packages. If that's still the case, then for me it's still unusable (does anybody either remember all switches for all commands, or constantly have access to the internet?).
35 • 34 (by Anonymous on 2008-03-31 15:45:00 GMT from United States)
It's info pages only that are left out.
This comes up once in a while in the forums. If for some reason you really need info pages and don't have an internet connection (which delivers the updated versions), you will either have to install them yourself or use another distro.
I've never used an info page with any distro (as opposed to a man page) so it's never been an issue, but if you really need them, I don't think Arch is for you.
36 • SliTaz the story is in the color (by NK on 2008-03-31 15:46:27 GMT from United States)
I knew immediately that ideologues were in charge when I saw the *that* trademarked brown color. You know, the color of a turd. Which means that it's against their religion to support eye pleasing colors like, unwelcome file formats, or unholy codecs. I really wish that there was a way that Ubuntu and derivatives could free itself from the color of dirt, turds, and spilt coffee.
37 • @34 (by zhuqin on 2008-03-31 15:55:19 GMT from Canada)
It is not true, Arch only bans info and other useless docs but NOT man. And some packages still get info inside, eg emacs. So it's time to give arch another try if this is the only reason gets in your way ;)
38 • pclos 'precipitous' drop (by hansie on 2008-03-31 16:40:16 GMT from United States)
Does anybody know the reasons for the 'precipitous' drop in 'pclos'..... It used to be the 'King of the Road', not very long ago,,,,, What gave??
39 • @15 (by john frey on 2008-03-31 17:07:01 GMT from Canada)
"(mounting is not that difficult and takes many less lines than WHINING -sorry for the uppercase-)"
I LMAO, thanks dbrion:) I wish that were the end for our anonymous troll but in the nature of trolls it sticks around and makes a nuisance of itself:(
40 • 36 (by Anonymous on 2008-03-31 17:29:41 GMT from United States)
In charge of what? The distro that *they* are putting together and letting anyone use free of charge? Heck, you can even modify it and distribute it the way *you* like.
Your comment is really lacking in substance. You are trying much too hard to jam your beliefs down the throats of others.
Like the troll last week about Fedora...too bad slitaz has a monopoly on Linux distributions.
41 • why not to use Open suse (by Anonymous on 2008-03-31 17:34:56 GMT from India)
42 • Re: #14 SliTaz BROKEN (by dragonmouth on 2008-03-31 18:31:12 GMT from United States)
If you cannot live without NTFS then get one of the 600+ meg distros that require a Dual Core processor and 2 gig of RAM. There are a few hundred available. Or use Windows.. Whatever you do, quit your whiny nit-picking.
43 • Thank you for objective observations (by jeffcustom on 2008-03-31 18:37:33 GMT from United States)
If any of you would like a first impression objective opinion of SliTaz from the main dev of one of the premier mini distros, you can read it below. This is refreshing from the moronic comments that find their way here about things like the color of the desktop.
44 • ntfs (by Bobby Hunter on 2008-03-31 18:38:11 GMT from United States)
@42 and others:
you are so very right. The best thing you can do with an NTFS partition is reformat it to something else, like ext3 or my personal favorite JFS (very speedy on slower processors)
45 • Knoppix (by Jesse on 2008-03-31 20:21:44 GMT from Canada)
I'd really like to try the new Knoppix release, but it looks like all the mirrors still have older versions (5.1). I'd like to try the CD version of 5.3.1, not the DVD if possible. Does anyone know where I can download it? Thanks!
46 • where to get Knoppix (by Bobby Hunter on 2008-03-31 21:45:32 GMT from United States)
Chances are, http://linuxtracker.org has a torrent up already. They are usually pretty quick about this stuff. I checked a few hours ago and they already have Dream Linux 3 and SliTaz.
47 • Automatix (by Darkman on 2008-03-31 22:01:25 GMT from United States)
I've used Automatix with Etch for 6 months without any problems. I'm sorry to see it go.
48 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-03-31 22:13:01 GMT from United States)
I'd be surprised if it doesn't get picked up by someone. It is a popular open source tool. Those usually don't die.
49 • Be grateful for those who code for you. (by To the Knockers on 2008-03-31 22:15:46 GMT from Australia)
Are you like me and are getting sick of hearing this distro is crap, it doesn't do this, it doesn't so that. You should be grateful the there are people from all walks of life coding to create something for you that they have put 100's of hours for no money or expectation of being paided, just because they love Linux and want it to grow! This is not just to the knockers here, but to all the knockers on all the forums who just join to knock. I say, go join a Windows forum instead and there with your knocking you can do something constructive by driving Windows user's over to Linux just to get away from you!! Amen!
50 • go find your first operating system (by Chris on 2008-03-31 22:30:45 GMT from United States)
I loved my trash80. Spent many hours programming in basic and in debug (a true hex editor then). Then upgraded to my 286 40M-HDD, 1M Ram, SVGA, 24bps modem... etc. Ahhh, the good old days when a PC would boot in less than 3 seconds.
51 • Gracias Automatix (by Mac on 2008-03-31 23:19:38 GMT from Mexico)
Si bien es cierto que Automatix es cada día menos necesario, agradezco la ayuda que a muchos nos brindó para hacer mas usables las anteriores versiones de nuestras distros (ubuntu en particular). ¡¡Gracias Automatix!!
52 • SliTaz (by John Grubb on 2008-03-31 23:52:08 GMT from United States)
I read your review of SliTaz. All I can say is the guy must have paid for the review!
SLAX is far better. I had to reboot 4 times for I even got a desktop. It diden't see my video card correctly.
I have no idea what you were thinking with that review. Please in the future leave reviews to the professionals.
53 • 52 (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 00:23:55 GMT from United States)
If you're going to criticize, the least you could do is point out the false statements.
"SLAX is far better."
What a compelling counterargument. I didn't even realize that slax is a 25 MB download and runs in 80 MB of RAM; perhaps I'll have to give it a try.
BTW: Can you provide a download link? All the slax downloads I found are 191 MB. Obviously a big distro will do more than a small distro - so I'd like the 25 MB version of slax you are talking about.
54 • @37 (by Not Important on 2008-04-01 00:27:13 GMT from United States)
I was two years an Arch user and many times was "problem" about documentation in the Forum but... The other issue is security and update of app. to the last versions without real testing...
55 • Ultumix GNU/Linux Version SE, GE, and UE Are Out! (by Justin Breithaupt on 2008-04-01 00:29:58 GMT from United States)
Announcing Ultumix GNU/Linux Version SE, GE, and UE.
Ultumix GNU/Linux has been and always will be by previous Windows users for current Windows users.
Ultumix GNU/Linux Version is a lot like Version but this time there are more features and better stability. Features include .docx support, clip art, templates, kino DV support, Tons of extra games!, better video support for Intel cards that didn't work with the Debian kernels before, and several other improvements.
The Ultimate Edition or Ultimate Extras CD for does not have the programs from the CD. You can download both and use them together if you like. The CD has mainly extra games that would not fit while still has all the extra fun apps that people have rated highly in the Ubuntu community.
This distribution is perfect for getting people to dump Windows for good. -------------- “Hi Justin.. I am not intimidated at all with Linux.. One thing at a time I am using it. I use it as much or more than windows. Thanks for your help.” ------------- “For me personally, I am using this distro on a test PC and I am learning and finding out things that I have not seen on other distros. The many media applications loaded up are far more than I've seen and I like to familiarize myself with each of them to see what ones I could use in my daily life of business and leisure. I want to get acquainted with it to the point of introducing this OS to others who are MS Windows users and show them that this is an ideal OS system that one can adapt over to. Previous Linux systems I've used are not so user friendly and make users uncomfortable by how unassociated it is to use. Thus they get discouraged and want to cling to their MS Windows OS again. So thank you Justin/Admins and programmers for making Ultumix an easier system to adapt to from the ex-MS Windows world. Terry ” --------------- “Hi, For me Ultumix saves me a lot of time installing and configuring a computer, be-it a new or used box. It also saves me lots of money, because is is GPL GNU/Linux and/or freely available software. Also, it is almost virus free and doesn't crash. http://www.getgnulinux.org/ Thanks Ultumix and GNU/Linux, EdwinStarr” -------------- “I am using ver 1.1 on my HP P4 2.8GHZ PC and am using 1.2 on my HP duo core 2 1.88GHZ. I tried many distros before trying Ultumix but for some reason Ultumix works on these and I am a happy camper! Congrats Justin! That is definitely something you can be applauded for!”
56 • Slitaz is BROKEN (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 00:42:25 GMT from Canada)
"Oh noes!" How refreshing to read the rabid, unthinking comments of the command line zealots and anti-windoze crowd!
Address the problem with Slitaz! Offer up no more straw men, red herrings or troll food. You dishonour yourselves as the acolytes of doom. The stench of failure follows after your posts.
Slitaz could (and I mean "should") appeal to MILLIONS, not just those ppl with old and broken boxen. People running real OS like WinXP, the dominant consumer OS on this planet. Why should these good people, windoze lusers all, destroy valuable partitions and backup precious data? Why are they not allowed to use Slitaz as a LiveCD, straight "out of the box"?
If a LiveCD is meant to be used with windoze boxen, then it MUST support windoze partitions. Why torment windows lusers?
Why is Slitaz crippled? Other small distributions -- which we will leave nameless here, lest we feed the trolls -- have builtin NTFS support, so why not Slitaz? Elitist mentalities! Visit the Slitaz forum and read -- in French and English -- how the developers and their Russian uber-users despise the windoze luser. Read their words and repent.
Until this deliberate and malicious oversite is addressed, Slitaz remains BROKEN.
57 • RE: Ultumix (by Justin Breithaupt on 2008-04-01 00:48:18 GMT from United States)
If you want a full Gaming Computer that has Ultumix GE preinstalled you can go to my site here http://www.mindblowingidea.com/Desktops.html and order one for $250 - $400.
58 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 01:15:24 GMT from United States)
"Why is Slitaz crippled?"
Because that's the way the devs made it. Stop trolling. If you want to talk about this more, see a psychiatrist or start a blog. You are free to change it if you want.
59 • Automatix (by ozonehole on 2008-04-01 01:38:19 GMT from Panama)
It´s a great pity that Automatix is disappearing - it will be missed! I do hope that the developer will at least publish some tips and tricks on his web site about enabling all (or most) of the good things that Automatix does for you, like setting up MPlayer, ShockWave and other such things. Automatix really spoiled me.
And by the way, I´m also using Ubuntu 8.04 beta. Very good, but no Automatix available for it yet (or probably ever).
60 • RE: Automatix (by ozonehole on 2008-04-01 01:38:19 GMT from Panama) (by Justin Breithaupt on 2008-04-01 02:36:03 GMT from United States)
I think Ultumix will take the place of Automatix or at least what you miss from it. :)
61 • March donation (by ladislav on 2008-04-01 02:46:38 GMT from Taiwan)
It's the first of a new month. Any suggestion who the March DW donation should go to?
62 • PHR...??? (by JAG on 2008-04-01 02:56:24 GMT from United States)
Hey Ladislav did something happen to PHR list ... the distros are all wrong...???
63 • March Donation (by Christopher on 2008-04-01 03:01:24 GMT from Canada)
How about Slitaz? New, small, and worthy of a boost of support.
64 • donation suggestion (by JAG on 2008-04-01 03:02:10 GMT from United States)
Hey Ladislav, would it be wrong to nominate OPERA...they did score that 100/100 on the Acid3 test...and they are viable on the Linux platform.
65 • It's about time... (by Ripla on 2008-04-01 03:05:59 GMT from United States)
Karamad is back on top! ROSLIMS fanbois will be out in droves flaming all who oppose them and setting their scripts to pound Karamad back into submission!
66 • Donation (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 03:08:04 GMT from United States)
I nominate one of the lightweight versions of the full-featured distros, such as AntiX, PCFluxboxOS, Fluxbuntu, or possibly Wolvix. They do a good service for those of us running old machines.
It may not be realistic, but Gobolinux does a lot of good work, too bad it is not a more popular distro.
67 • Donation (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 03:11:38 GMT from United States)
I would like to formally nominate Windows Vista for it's ability to ignite Linux interest in it's own special way.
68 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 03:12:31 GMT from Canada)
If Slitaz is missing ntfs read/write functionality, that's a plus. If people use ntfs and need a rescue CD why would Slitaz come to rescue? Let them suffer. If you choose to use ntfs (or you let the others choose for you the file system you use) you must face the consequences. The hell with ntfs and any windows crap. Linux should not support anything that is related (even remotely) with windows.
69 • Re: March Donation (by Gigi on 2008-04-01 03:17:53 GMT from Singapore)
Ladislav: Sidux? --- for making debian spicy! After all, it is shaping up to be a project worthy of recognition.
70 • @67 (by JAG on 2008-04-01 03:19:22 GMT from United States)
You definitely got me laughing...!!!
71 • RE: March donation (by Gigi on 2008-04-01 03:20:41 GMT from Singapore)
Ladislav, Found sidux was covered last year already..
What about WUBI?
It looks like something that is going to storm the world once Hardy is out. http://wubi-installer.org
72 • re: #67 nominate vista (by ray carter at 2008-04-01 03:21:12 GMT from United States)
I heartily second the nomination! Just got word last week that the local hospital is 'upgrading ' to vista. They have promised ten slightly used xp machines to the local library. We have several old compaq 800mhz P3's running Linux which will be replaced - also, of course, to run Linux.
73 • Packed size is irrelevant (by Anon. on 2008-04-01 03:41:11 GMT from Norway)
You can't copy 25 Mb to a floppy, and most other media have a lot more storage capacity anyway. What's important are memory use and the space occupied when decompressed/installed. Those are the criteria for comparing sizes of small distros, IMO.
One could say it is a feat to compress 80 Mb to 25 Mb, but a user is only interested in what happens after decompression. Or even *during* decompression, since older CPUs will spend a long time with such a hard-wrapped package, which is not a point in SliTaz' favour.
SliTaz breaks its 'own' license by not making source code available. SliTaz offers fewer apps than several other small distros. SliTaz' documentation is only full in French (if that). SliTaz does not support NTFS out of the box.
However, I am sure it is a great small distro for those who need it, but I can't imagine who they might be.
74 • April !, nice touch!! Iran on top!! (by Bill Savoie on 2008-04-01 04:10:02 GMT from United States)
At first I thought someone hacked Distrowatch!! I had a sense of being lost, and having to test all these new Linux Distributions!! I was way off for 700 ms. I felt I didn't understand. At 62 years old, I here it happens that way. One day everything is good, and the next day you can't find your refrigerator, and you know enough to be hungry! Lost in space! Thanks Ladisav you make this place fun! Always awake and helping us to wake up.. Thanks again!
75 • Donation ideas (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 05:41:34 GMT from United States)
I agree that one of the fluxbox distros for old computers like antix would be good for a donation. Or alternatively, one of the note taking apps, like notecase, basket or zim. They're very handy!
76 • 6 mobth page rankings (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 05:45:18 GMT from United States)
Looks like distrowatch has been hacked ot it a April Fools joke
You decide
77 • RE 76 : it is neither a joke nor a hack, it is a miracle (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 06:21:32 GMT from France)
According to Matthew (he was a saint and a tax collector, which made him a very nice, skilled guy) and he was patient, too : waited ca 2000 years before comitting a miracle...
"20.16 Ainsi les derniers seront les premiers, et les premiers seront les derniers"
78 • Support of Microsoft technology... (by UZ64 on 2008-04-01 06:45:00 GMT from United States)
"If Slitaz is missing ntfs read/write functionality, that's a plus. If people use ntfs and need a rescue CD why would Slitaz come to rescue? Let them suffer. If you choose to use ntfs (or you let the others choose for you the file system you use) you must face the consequences. The hell with ntfs and any windows crap. Linux should not support anything that is related (even remotely) with windows."
I would have to disagree. I don't think it's a plus, and it's not a minus, either... it's simply a design decision, each has its own set of pros and cons, and neither is "wrong."
Personally though, I think it's best to allow at least some support of Microsoft technology, to help new potential Linux users/Windows converts during a potential transition. I know this from experience... I happen to be a former Windows user myself, and things like NTFS read support, FAT32 read/write support, to a lesser extent Wine and other programs, have immensely helped me in my abandoning of Windows and making my new home in Linux.
Plus, why the hell would you not support something that not only was derived from Windows, but is universally compatible with just about everything out there? By that, I am referring to the FAT filesystem. Yeah, it sucks, but it's a well-understood format on various non-PC equipment like portable cameras, phones, digital media players, etc. You would literally be stupid to not at least include support for this *just because* it originated in DOS/Windows.
On the other hand, it's the SliTaz developers' call, they can include whatever they feel is necessary. If you want something with NTFS support, use something else. Otherwise, politely ask them for an NTFS-3G-capable version, or make one yourself (and optionally distribute it). But seriously, calling it "broken" because the developers chose not to support NTFS read/write support makes you sound extremely stupid.
79 • RE 78 (and 67) Did Microsoft alaways support Microsoft technology? (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 07:44:56 GMT from France)
It is very unlikely to find W95 and even W98 with NTFS support, AFAIK (even with XP, one can have everything on FAT32 -to have it antivirused with an old, but satisfying Linux-).
Should Slitaz be more royalist than the king?
As it is meant for <=128 M PCs (and they are old enough to have their vital data already rescued, if any, and that one is not tempted to keep them alive for a long time), one can be very happy that it goes on starting (even if decompressing is slow) as long as the old PC does not break --nobody will repair it, unless being a skilled and lucky hero -,, which makes long term archives of source not that relevant(short term archives of source are always existing upstream, long term are problematic as @67 noticed it, but not with old, likely to break, PCs)
As for being monolingual, this happened with Austrumi, too (in Latvi) and PCLOS..... and can anyone explain me why Latvi and usEnglish are superior to French (of course, in French, or German, or Portugues, to be convincing!!!).... I hope however that not only Swiss keyboards are supported -swhitching from a French-French to a French-Swiss (or Belgian) keyboard is very unpleasant -the reverse is true, messeems....
80 • re: SliTaz GNU/Linux (by Alex on 2008-04-01 09:21:35 GMT from Australia)
It's great to see another mini distro pop up. And I thought Puppy and Damn small were minuscule. Geez. I wonder if this thing would work on a P1 system that is clocked at 60Mhz?
Cheers Ladislav
81 • Distro hit-parade turned to be some odd values (by ashkenazi on 2008-04-01 09:24:57 GMT from Ukraine)
Is that a bug or an April the 1st joke? 1 Karamad 2236> 2 ROSLIMS 2068< 3 Dzongkha 1499< 4 Ekaaty 1354> 5 ERPOSS 1326= 6 Gelecek 915< 7 Hancom 907< 8 IndLinux 836< 9 Kinneret 695> 10 NepaLinux 638< 11 Niigata 601= 12 Pilot 548= 13 Swecha 498> 14 Taprobane 482> 15 Thisk 478< 16 Truva 465< 17 Zenwalk 463> 18 Burapha 440= 19 Dizinha 415< 20 Ehad 397>
82 • the 1st april joke Day ^^ lol (by Raoulsana on 2008-04-01 09:42:23 GMT from France)
Zenwalk still in a good rank ;)
83 • list is wrong! (by arno911 on 2008-04-01 11:02:10 GMT from Germany)
grml is missing from the list of "nobody can pronounce these names correctly" distros :)
btw im supporting the idea of giving a donation to Microsoft, nobody in the last 15 years has done more for the free software movement. countless attacks on freedom and human intellect, followed by the release of the best and most secure Windows NotOperatingSystem of all times ("Vista"), urging even the sturdiest last MS user in my vicinity to switch to Linux. Really, even the best Linux OS cannot support the FOSS community as good as this bad MS "OS" Now that they really messed it up ;) give MS some support, it will be worth every cent to see the headline: "Linux website awards MS for supporting Linux"
84 • @83 Microsoft award (by EduardoZ on 2008-04-01 11:57:31 GMT from United States)
True, it could be parlayed into a heck of a publicity stunt. Some planning might be needed to fully capitalize.
85 • No subject (by Landon on 2008-04-01 12:14:30 GMT from United States)
haha at the hit rankings! Happy April 1st!
86 • page rankings (by Wil Barath at 2008-04-01 12:16:16 GMT from Canada)
The page rankings are quite interesting for the 6-month view currently, with the usual top 10 not even listed.
Ladislav: working on the ranking code live? ;-)
87 • April Fools (by Wil Barath at 2008-04-01 12:22:09 GMT from Canada)
It appears that the page hit rankings have been applied to the list in reverse, for fun, by our cheerful King of Distro Reporting.
It will be interesting to see how the hit ranking fluctuates because of this, make an interesting case for analysis.
88 • wtf?! (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 12:37:20 GMT from Australia)
I thought DW was pwn3d! Happy April Fools!!!
89 • SliTaz knocking and a correction or two (by Mark South on 2008-04-01 12:46:04 GMT from Switzerland)
First off, hats off to Ladislav for an excellent April 1st prank!
Second, hats off to the developers of SliTaz, which seems to have drawn most of the fire this week. I downloaded, burned, and booted it in a few minutes. I liked it so much that I blew away the old Slack install on a spare box and put SliTaz on instead, the entire installation took about 5 minutes (disk was already partitioned). I opted to install Xorg at the first boot instead of setting up Xvesa, and the system simply did all the right things.
Regarding the colour, someone saw the background as brown. It's red on my monitor, so check your colour balance is my advice. And I like the brown desktops on some distros, they make me think of chocolate. (Obviously that's one of those optimist/pessimist things.) And I like chocolate.
As far as NTFS support goes, no, SliTaz doesn't have it, but the output of tazpkg shows this:
root@slitaz:# tazpkg search ntfs
Search result for : ntfs
Installed packages ================================================================================ 0 installed packages found for : ntfs
Available packages name-version ================================================================================ ntfs-3g-1.2310 ntfs-3g-dev-1.2310 ntfsprogs-2.0.0 ================================================================================ 3 available package(s) found for : ntfs
So you could install any of them with a simple "tazpkg get-install ntfsprogs" for example. In other words, the devs made a design decision to leave it out of the base install because not everyone needs it, but make it available for those who do need it. What's to complain about when you can have it either way?
I am nominating SliTaz for this month's donation. It looks like it has succeeded at being everything that DSL and Puppy have tried to be. I even got the Flash and Skype installers from the package repository, and both are working on this machine as well as they ever do. And it has maps for a lot of common keyboards, including fr_ch. Yay! (Ironically, I have a US keyboard attached to this machine....)
Happy April Fools to all my fellow April Fools at Distrowatch. And to those of us who are fools 24/7, every month of the year :-)
90 • GOT ME!!! (by Eddie Wilson on 2008-04-01 12:50:38 GMT from United States)
A very nice April 1st list. You wouldn't believe what I went through before I went to the comments section and saw what was happening. Very nice DWW.
91 • Slitaz is BROKEN (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 13:10:52 GMT from Canada)
Trolls and apologists for elitist Slitaz maintainers keep avoiding the problem with the sandbox that is Slitaz.
Slitaz is BROKEN. No NTFS support out of the box with the LiveCD. No one reads, only strike out in ignorance or from misplaced agression. Why should windoze lusers have to install Slitaz to have NTFS support? This is backwards.
With NTFS support, anything is possible! Confidence grows as old data meets new applications and first success is tasted. Installation is an OPTION, but it is not the reason for Slitaz. The clue is in the name: "...Temporary Autonomous Zone". Installations are temporary only for the distrohoppers and paid shills.
Why cripple Slitaz? Why does Slitaz jump the queue and join the database without waiting for as long as other distributions?
For the love of thrown chairs, why will no one think of the NTFS support?
April Fools Day is here only to distract people from the truth: Slitaz is BROKEN.
Fix it! Fix it! Fix it!
92 • anonymous coward? (by arno911 on 2008-04-01 13:24:43 GMT from Germany)
fix yerself. are you the ex-gf of a slitaz developer? seems like. maybe you are ladislav in disguise offering the aprils second joke? lol if none of the above applies: get a live, or a Vista.
93 • Donations "Why Microsoft? Primary school pupils are better deserving... (by dbrion on 2008-04-01 13:40:03 GMT from France)
"Microsoft award " Messeems they earn enough money playing ukulele and mimicking m{i;o}nkeys at the street corners, to pay their penalties...
But french primary schools pupils deserve an award, as they are liable to begin to maintain, honor and cherish the memory of tons of forgotten, but very useful, OpenSource projects.
cf (http:/ linuxfr.org/2008/02/24/23751.html ) ": Le président français propose aux écoliers d'adopter un projet libre mort sur SourceForge " The french president proposes to schoolchildren to adopt a free project, likewise dead, on SourceForge.....
94 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 13:40:59 GMT from United States)
"Why should windoze lusers have to install Slitaz to have NTFS support?"
Ah, the argument that it is only Windows users that matter.
95 • re:14 and 15 (by twodogs on 2008-04-01 13:49:40 GMT from United States)
14. very negative reaction. 15. thank you 14, again. OWNED!!
96 • RE: 61 • March donation (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 14:00:24 GMT from Romania)
-- SliTaz -- Wolvix -- PackageKit (yes, Hugsie works for RH, but AFAIK he's not paid specifically for PackageKit)
97 • RE: 89 • SliTaz knocking and a correction or two (by Anonymous on 2008-04-01 14:02:40 GMT from Romania)
> So you could install any of them with a simple "tazpkg get-install ntfsprogs" for example. > In other words, the devs made a design decision to leave it out of the base install because not everyone needs it, > but make it available for those who do need it. > What's to complain about when you can have it either way?
Those complaining that SliTaz is "broken" are even more of a bunch of . Knowing that once you installed the nfts packages, even in the Live environment(!), remastering a new SliTaz is a few clicks away...
98 • March donation (by Caco on 2008-04-01 15:12:17 GMT from Argentina)
How about Musix? http://www.musix.org.ar/
It's a nice project with a high commitment to free software.
99 • Karamad?? (by M1ka on 2008-04-01 15:58:12 GMT from Italy)
Any problems on the ranking list? ;-))
100 • Archlinux isos are out! (by Anonymo at 2008-04-01 16:10:24 GMT from United States)
101 • Automatix (by ubuwalker31 on 2008-04-01 18:06:22 GMT from United States)
In the early days of Ubuntu, I used Automatix to install programs and codecs that required too much command line wizardry to install, but the newer more mature versions of Ubuntu don't require its use, since the majority of codecs are easily installable, and the community is so robust, that installing other apps is a sync as well, so I stopped using it.
102 • Klaus & Ariane Knopper in a german TV-Show (by on by on by on 2008-04-01 18:48:57 GMT from Germany)
Klaus & Ariane Knopper in a german TV-Show from the Computerclub2 (www.cczwei.de) at the CeBIT 2008 in Hannover: http://kai3.tv/cc2/CC-Zwei-16-NRWTV.mp4 http://kai3.tv/cc2/CC-Zwei-16-NRWTV.avi
103 • Correction #102 (by on by on by on 2008-04-01 18:55:39 GMT from Germany)
Corection of my post #102: Her name is Adriane, not Ariane.
104 • Home made graphical boxes (by Distrowatch Reader on 2008-04-01 19:10:03 GMT from United States)
I just had to try a distro with "Home made graphical boxes" Likey likey!!!
105 • knoppix 5.3.1 (by daz at 2008-04-01 22:08:40 GMT from United Kingdom)
The new Knoppix does not work as well as expected on both the machines I have tried it on... Not networking on start up... KDE 3.9.5 crashes as soon as it boots... poor Compiz 3D makes things very slow... :-|
shocked face
106 • SliTaz (by dragonmouth on 2008-04-01 22:18:10 GMT from United States)
@91: It is you who are BROKEN - a broken record, that is.
107 • SliTaz whining (by Boo-Hoo on 2008-04-01 23:17:03 GMT from United States)
I can't say I have ever seen someone get so worked up over 25MB. Let's keep feeding the troll, it's humorous in this case.
I think he may have missed the quote that's just above the Submit Button...
108 • Slitaz is BROKEN (by Anonymous on 2008-04-02 01:50:12 GMT from Canada)
Finally! Some ppl offered an answer that is at least partly workable to the millions of windoze lusers who have been wanting for Slitaz. But even this answer, wrapped in a vile slander against those who dare to speak truth to power, betrays Slitaz as CRIPPLEWARE.
But I THANK you, trolls and basement dwellers all, for allowing to shine the spotlight on the sandbox that is Slitaz.
Yet another April 1 well spent!! Now, be pleased to return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
****************** Let's end on a song, why not? ******************
That's the way to do it, typing sudo on the keyboard and get your -fdisk for free.
I want my....
I want my...
I want my K-D-E.
That's the way to do it...
I want my...
I want my...
PCLOS mini-me has left the building!!
You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.
109 • sidux 2008 (by knifemonkey on 2008-04-02 03:00:22 GMT from New Zealand)
*rubs hands in eager anticipation* the amount of upgrades between each release is always massive, even though I know that I can upgrade my existing system to become the very latest, it is nice to have everything waiting for you on a cd which boots in 2-5 minutes and installs in 10-15 (depending on hardware capabilities, these times can be even smaller).
110 • Troll Escapism (by Wheeee on 2008-04-02 03:03:52 GMT from United States)
LOL! Blame the idiocy on April 1.., I bow to your astute calendar observance. But kudos where judos are due, at least you observed the supremecy of ROSLIMS over Karamad, despite the HPD scripting....
111 • RE: Fool's day page hit numbers - top 20 (by ladislav on 2008-04-02 08:30:38 GMT from Taiwan)
I can't believe how many people got caught by the prank. Almost 7,000 unique visitors on the Karamad page? Shows the attraction of being number 1!
karamad:6984 dreamlinux:3352 roslims:2483 ubuntu:1615 dzongkha:1060 fedora:1039 knoppix:975 systemrescue:772 ekaaty:738 suse:698 zenwalk:671 damnsmall:643 slitaz:590 clonezilla:578 mandriva:570 mint:533 debian:517 erposs:488 gentoo:455 desktopbsd:398
112 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-02 10:00:26 GMT from United States)
And people want to ban abortion and birth control... anywho, nice prank Ladislav, probably a good way to give free publicity to some distro's that no one would hear about otherwise. Next year you should do something less obvious, however >:-D
113 • Submit New Distribution (by ennio costanzi on 2008-04-02 11:46:32 GMT from Italy)
I would like submit a new italian distribution called OPENMAMBA a kde based distribution more info at
114 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-02 12:16:55 GMT from United States)
If that helped those distros so much, let me suggest a new feature, Distro of the Week. A randomly-chosen, lesser-known distro could receive some space on the front page, along with the description from its homepage.
115 • @ 114 (by arno911 on 2008-04-02 14:01:25 GMT from Germany)
very good idea, those big guys like redhat, suse, mandriva and ubuntu have enough publicity, they can even pay for it on other media, but the small projects need someone to spread the word. and thats what dw is made for.
116 • @ 111 (by texasmike on 2008-04-02 14:07:24 GMT from United States)
If it /can/ happen... it will. Surely you are not surprised by this, Ladislav ?
117 • Re. 105, Knoppix 5.3.1 (by RichardS on 2008-04-02 14:33:20 GMT from United Kingdom)
Knoppix 5.3.1 is very impressive, but at present seems less reliable than previous versions - on my AMD64 / ATI Radeon 200 PC or within VirtualBox 1.5.6.
It happily found my onboard ATI video chip, the onboard sound chip and the Ethernet NIC for connection to my cable modem.
I have persuaded it to speak, but not yet found how to start Adriane properly: The German "help" is beyond my poor skills; my rough translations & guesses at the keys don't get it to respond.
On first starting, Knoppix 5.3.1_EN_LiveDVD appears to boot up OK but then restarts itself a couple of times before becoming stable. Some applications also seem to "vanish" without warning.
It does not (automatically) seem to replay Flash, MP3s or the BBCs "Real Media format" "listen again" broadcasts from the web - although the codecs appear to be installed.
The NTFS, FAT32 and USB drives on this PC seem to be mounted automatically as read/write devices: I'd personally prefer them not mounted or mounted only for reading - at least while experimenting with a new distro.
But, for such a major upgrade since 5.1.1, it's very impressive and has a great selection of applications.
I'm very interested in Adriane and the "accessibility" features: Knoppix 5.3 should become a seminal distro.
118 • Question Regarding Slax? (by Ramseize on 2008-04-02 14:50:31 GMT from Philippines)
have anyone tried booting slax natively on usb and also can run qemu? if slax is not capable, can you recommend my other distros that is both capable?
119 • Slitaz Sucks! ***S_L_A_X Rules*** (by Alfred E. Newman on 2008-04-02 16:45:01 GMT from United States)
Slitaz will go the way of all those dead also-runs that no one hears about anymore.
The ones that praise Slitaz are doing so because DW wrote a review. Your just a bunch of A**-Kissers!
Give it a rest already!
S_L_A_X Rules! End of story!!!
I give it 2-months, 1-month and none of you A-kissers will be able to spell Slitaz. HAHAHAHA. Mark my words you fools.
120 • karamad fanboyz (by Andy Axnot on 2008-04-02 16:47:04 GMT from United States)
The karamad ranking is obviously the work a 'bot controlled by some karamad fanboyz!
roslims rulez! :-)
(I say again: :-)
121 • support for ntfs (by Amy on 2008-04-02 17:18:33 GMT from United States)
I have tried many distros and a lot of them do not support ntfs. My favorite being one of them. My favorite for those who do not know is Mepis as it supports both my wireless card and dual monitors and none of the other distros that I tried supported both. I will mention though Mepis does see an ntfs partition but can not write to it. I could probably get it working but I do not mind it that way and I do not consider it broken. I am actually going to try this new distro and if I do not like it I will go back to my mepis.
I know there are others but can not think of them off the top of my head.
122 • SlitaZ (by star_knight? on 2008-04-02 20:02:02 GMT from Canada)
why is everybody fighting SlitaZ? who want's it, uses it and nobody asks people to use it for the newest quadcore machine with Vista dualboot. is damnsmalllinux broken because it doesn't have OO out-of the box? OMG. SlitaZ is small distro (i'm waiting till somebody start bashing it because there are no 10000 tarpkgs), made by enthusiastists, who showed us, what can be packed into 25MB. and even if i won't use it as the main distro- i will still admire it.
btw. I like the idea of #114
123 • <<<< Spit It Out >>>> (by Charles Manson on 2008-04-02 20:44:26 GMT from United States)
Yea okay, so I'm in jail for murder, but you guys are killing with all this talk about "Spit's" mini-distro or whatever its called. You know the one, it's from that Foreigh French Faggot Firm. Now I see it. It's spelled "SliTaz". I perfer the name "Spit's". As I wouldn't give a "Spit for it". I'm a poet and don't know it. Forget about the notion of spelling it in a month or two, I can't even say it.
Here at San Quentin I use Puppy Linux for all my needs. Kinda sweet don't ya think - Puppy.
Let's not go Helter Skelter over some foolish bias review, okay?!
The guards are laughting right now. Okay gotta go, they tell me my prizon break is over.
On a serious note. If you believe that DistroWatch review regarding Slitaz wasn't tainted with some moola then I have have some beach front property in Death Valley for you. Oh, and if you find any bones there (on the beach), you can keep 'em.
Give my best to Rose, Charley
124 • Opera 9.27 ... (by Coffee on 2008-04-03 00:42:11 GMT from France)
Ladislav, I think there's something wrong in the Latest Packages section. The download link to Opera 9.27 points to version 9.24 which is quite outdated. The current version of the browser is 9.26. I couldn't find anything about a new version on the Opera website.
125 • Credit to those.....> (by Where Credit IS Due! on 2008-04-03 02:12:59 GMT from Australia)
Table 4 – Companies working toward the improvement of the kernel [2.6.*]
Red Hat------>11.2% Novell----------> 8.9% IBM ------------> 8.3% Intel ------------> 4.1% Linux Foundation ---->3.5% Consultant-------------->2.5% SG------------------------>2.0% MIPS Technologies->1.6% Oracle-------------------->1.3% MontaVista------------->1.2% Linutronix---------------->1.0% HP-------------------------->0.9% [...] Mandriva------------------>0.4%
Linux Kernel Development (April 2008) From The Linux Foundation How Fast it is Going, Who is Doing It, What They are Doing, and Who is Sponsoring It
126 • Let's all be happy and nice (by Anon. on 2008-04-03 02:13:09 GMT from Norway)
122 • star_knight? wrote: "why is everybody fighting SlitaZ? who want's it, uses it (...)"
So true. GPL, LGPL, FSF, FOSS etc. are just jokes nobody needs to take seriously. In fact, why take anything "linuxy" serious at all? Not many do, and why shouldn't we all laud those Swiss developers for their creativity? Why, Archlinux has been doing the same for years! Licenses for proprietary software is a whole 'nother barrel of fish, of course...
It's been a good week for Linux. Archlinux decided to crawl back behind their German language curtain, Dreamlinux published yet another broken distro (final...), SliTaz was the prominent story in DistroWatch for being delivered highly compressed, and double standards...? Well, who cares. Refreshing.
127 • Another interesting article from Cnet (by About Kernel Development on 2008-04-03 02:38:12 GMT from Australia)
Novell's Linux contributions up 250 percent, sales 200 percent in 2007 Posted by Matt Asay Post a comment
One year ago, Linux kernel development was almost predominately Red Hat's game. Today, Red Hat's lead has dipped considerably, according to a report just released by the Linux Foundation.
Red Hat continues to contribute/sponsor 11.2 percent of the Linux kernel's development, down from 14.4 percent in 2007, while Novell has jumped from an anemic 3.6 percent in 2007 to a robust 8.9 percent in 2008. Perhaps not surprisingly, Novell's share of the Linux market has grown considerably in that same time, with Novell reporting a 200 percent increase in its Linux business over the past year. [...]
128 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-03 03:12:50 GMT from Canada)
Novell contributes 8.9% to the linux kernel and 100% to justify Microsoft's claims that linux is infringing its patents. I compare the two and it appears that their 8.9% contribution to the kernel is ridiculously small compared to the damage they've done by signing the deal with Microsoft. Red Hat contributes more and resisted the patents deal. My conclusion: boycott Novell, Suse, Mono (or Duo, or whatever its name is), Moonlight and other Microsoft proxies.
129 • Mono (by Anonymous on 2008-04-03 04:00:40 GMT from United States)
Amen 128: I knew some skanks in junior high who caught mono... They "partnered" with the wrong "company" =)
Hope Novell doesn't miss too much school over it.
130 • SCO - posing biggest legal threat to LINUX ----> (by WAS Knocked Out by Novell! on 2008-04-03 05:15:36 GMT from Australia)
SCO Controversy Timeline http://www.linux.org/news/sco/timeline.html
That should make Novell a LINUX CHAMPION! Is it not?
131 • lol, SliTaz is not broken (by Brendan on 2008-04-03 09:58:42 GMT from Australia)
Look, ntfs support is a waste of space. It is a Linux distribution. For using Linux. Not for using with Windows. If you need to screw with Windows, you add your drivers you want. I specifically love the fact that they have shoved so much into 25MB. So please, cut the crap. NTFS is not for Linux, therefore why should it be supported by a Linux distribution.
132 • QU 131 "NTFS is not for Linux" (by dbrion on 2008-04-03 10:25:39 GMT from France)
Is NTFS for Windows? I mean, Windows 95 or 98 (Slitaz audience is < 128M RAM computers, after Austrumi, Elive, perhaps Zenwalk and others can work very well) ? I do not remember .....
Other question : how many unBrOkEn LiNuXeN (sorry for the weird case) support free partitions of O'Solaris and xxBSDs?
133 • all broken (by a on 2008-04-03 12:17:12 GMT from Germany)
let's face it: we all are using a broken OS. Sad but true.
well, maybe I'm gonna take a look at the new broken slackware. I still have 2 ntfs partitions, unused and empty since the disk was bought a year ago. what a waste of space *g* especially when there is no Windows on it... Let's break em!
134 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-03 12:52:43 GMT from Canada)
Unfortunately Linux is too Windows friendly. I'd love too see a distro that, when installed, if it detects a Windows partition gives only one option: reformat the partition. No dual boot, nothing. Just like Windows does.
135 • @ 134 (by arno911 on 2008-04-03 13:10:06 GMT from Germany)
SYS linux from Werner might be yours, or the last dreamlinux that also didnt care (but it deleted any linux partitions, too). with dreamlinux it was a bug, Werner intentionally offers it as a feature. :)
136 • SYS 0.21-r2 (by werner, cayenne on 2008-04-03 13:13:27 GMT from France)
I made still some small changes - inclusive upgrade of the installer to kernel 2.6.25-rc7 - so that this is pretended as a long-term-support version : 0.21-r2
At the same time, I beginning preparation of the next version, ready probably within 1 month.
The distro is going good. More details and download links for SYS:
137 • ref 134 (by werner on 2008-04-03 13:26:06 GMT from France)
#134: exactly the same thing Im thinking too, and its that what happens on the automatic installer of my distro, at least if otherwhise (no-partioned space or another partition what could be redimensioned) cannot be obtained empty space necessary for the installation.
138 • Re: 38: pclos 'precipitous' drop (by LinuxUser on 2008-04-03 13:35:11 GMT from United Kingdom)
Hi, I don't like PCLinuxOS. But maybe their voting machine has gone down or they got feed up with cheating in the votes.
If you look at 2005, 2006 and 2007 then you will realise that PCLInuxOS has never been top dog for a year. It was high for a few months in 2007. In the next few weeks it will drop to 2nd in the last 12 months. Its 8th now in last 7 days.
139 • RE 138 : PCLOS drop ; 136,137 after dreamlinux, nightmarelinux.... (by dbrion on 2008-04-03 13:53:53 GMT from France)
Adam Williamson explained here, last week, why PCLOS seems to arouse less curiosity; another (less) kind explanation can be linked with the fact that, last year, PCLOS's downloads sites were in a bad state, and that PCLOSS users went in DW to get some info about the first wonder of the world... and keep on voting, since it was funny, until they break their rats/fingers| sold their PCs.... And, once something, even monolingual is in the top place, it is very difficult to make it go down (even in farsi!!!)....
Il serait parfaitement hilarant de relire toutes les tentatives de publicité d'un gigantesque tas binaire (4G se décompressant à 18 sans demander l'avis de quiconque) , testé très sommairement (je reste extrêmement charitable), et les comparaisons loyales et rationnelles avec les distributions sérieuses (par charité, je ne ferai pas de lien) ... ainsi que la manie de son "fabricant" de traiter de pourri (DWW de la semaine dernière) ceux qui ne veulent pas en entendre parler, même en liste d'attente...
140 • RE: 130 (SCO) (by jack on 2008-04-03 14:13:58 GMT from Canada)
In addition to Groklaw, the following site offers some interesting details:
141 • Window Washers (by John Grub on 2008-04-03 15:23:17 GMT from United States)
It appreas that their are a lot of Windows users that comment here. I wonder why? Since there are countless Windows forum why would you take the time to make negative comments on a solely *NIX, or Windows alternative web site.
Could it be your not happy with your BSOD OS :)
Cheers DW for informing the real users and keeping us abreast on new and interesting distro!
142 • ref 139 (by werner on 2008-04-03 16:24:14 GMT from France)
ref: 139 Good that french is a totally insignificant language. I dont pretend to learn it. The SYS installer is in German, Portugues, English.
143 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-03 16:55:10 GMT from Canada)
as the new version of pclos gets released , watch it fly back to number one
144 • Kernel support changing UUID (by RollMeAway on 2008-04-03 19:17:16 GMT from United States)
Maybe the change in who is supporting kernel development attributes to the mass adoption of UUID to serialize each disk partition. I can only think of one reason to serialize a disk, enforcing a paid subscription! There is NO reason for UUID. LABEL works very well to distinguish hot pluggable devices, so they can be mounted the same each time. Banish UUID.
145 • 80386 (by Anonymous on 2008-04-03 23:08:45 GMT from United States)
What ever happened to 80386 support? Where is the 80386 killer distro? Why does everybody need a Pentium plus processor?
146 • UUID (by Anonymous on 2008-04-03 23:14:28 GMT from United States)
Yes UUID should be OPTIONAL and not MANDATORY which it is. Never needed it before. The only reason I've read about it currently is for LVM. Mandatory UUID is not choice. It should be allowed to mke2fs without the UUID librarys. I do not need or use it. Why is it a mandatory part of file systems etc.
147 • Must be a full moon somewhere.... (by Ultra on 2008-04-04 02:27:28 GMT from Canada)
....or spring must be in the air, cause this is the wierdest edition of comments I've seen in a long time.
148 • @139 (by Warp0 on 2008-04-04 03:48:39 GMT from United States)
"And, once something, even monolingual is in the top place, it is very difficult to make it go down (even in farsi!!!)...."
Where do you suppose something in top place goes?
149 • UUID (by werner on 2008-04-04 03:59:27 GMT from France)
#144: Better not banish. Tomorrow, if you dont have your personal UUID you can go prison, like today when you dont have identy card. Generate/buy/rent/register it now whilst its cheap, later it will be much more expensive like today domain names
150 • 138 (by Anonymous on 2008-04-04 04:56:10 GMT from United States)
Same ole lies, different week. pclos went up fair and square, peeked and now moving back down just as other distros do. If you want to stay high in the dww charts just release often like 6 alphas 4 betas 2 rc's and your hits will go up.
151 • No For Moon... (by Cedrick on 2008-04-04 06:35:09 GMT from United States)
or Sprint in the air, it's the missing springs and nuts that fell out of their head that's the problem.
Weird comments! That's an understatement. I know these are written in English, or at least I think so, but some I can't even understand what point their driving home about.
By the way, you SLAX fans...they just updated it to version 6.0.4 !
That's right and DW didn't even catch it. In fact you won't see it either unless you go here: ftp://ftp.slax.org/SLAX-6.x/
152 • RE: 151 • No For Moon... (by ladislav on 2008-04-04 06:45:24 GMT from Taiwan)
What do you mean by "DW didn't even catch it"? Did you check the Slax page?
All is up-to-date there...
153 • RE 148 A radically simple answer to a radically stupid question (by dbrion on 2008-04-04 08:30:07 GMT from France)
"Where do you suppose something in top place goes?
Up?" @Warf Remain in the top place, as there is a high bias towards the first distribution.....
154 • Re 142: A fully insignificant post... (by dbrion on 2008-04-04 08:44:03 GMT from France)
"Good that french is a totally insignificant language. "
As your posts are fully off topic, I choose to post in my language, linked with generous (IMO,as I can know how I contribute) social minima.
"The SYS installer is in German, Portugues, English." Ah, d'après un de vos posts(lié au sujet, bien sûr), je croyais que le RMI et la CAF n'étaient pas assez hauts pour votre bavarde Majesté (alors que les critères d'attribution français sont, _pour le moment_, bien plus généreux qu'en Allemagne et qu'au Brésil). Et que cette pingrerie française vous avait conduit à supprimer cette langue. Maintenant, ça serait par incompétence?
155 • RE 148 A radically simple answer to a radically stupid question (by dbrion on 2008-04-04 08:44:18 GMT from France)
"Where do you suppose something in top place goes?
Up?" @Warf Remain in the top place, as there is a high bias towards the first distribution.....
156 • slitaz (by mellosonic on 2008-04-04 09:03:31 GMT from United States)
all I can say is that this is the best 25megabytes anybody can have...this reminds me of what ingenuity is all about. Great distro!
157 • No subject (by werner, cayenne on 2008-04-04 13:48:53 GMT from France)
@154 with caf also everything is in german, I educated them good
158 • RE 157 : Félicitations..... RE 80 Slitaz on slow computers (on topic) (by Anonymous on 2008-04-04 14:17:32 GMT from France)
pour vos talents pédagogiques.... Au fait, en Allemagne, l'attribution des minima sociaux n'est elle pas liée au travail utile???(pas de la copie démesurée et de la publicité loufoque, qui s'auto-déconsidère...). Et si on manifeste (avec une majorité de réactionnaires, par les temps qui courent) pour la suppression de l'attribution de minima sociaux, sera-t-on dispensé, du fait de sa nationalité, a) de VOTRE 'linux' b) de tout le baratin (même s'il est très drôle!) qui va avec.
Avez vous conscience que vous avez quelque chose à défendre (moi, pas....: j'ai tout ce qu'il me faut, et même plus, sauf le temps de choisir en présence de bruit) , et que des digressions surréalistes desservent vos points de vue?
RE 80 "I wonder if this thing" (slitaz)" would work on a P1 system that is clocked at 60Mhz? "
I tried with unaccelerated qemu (that makes execution times slower by a [10,20] factor => with a 1800 MhzPC, one simulates ... a 90-180 Mhz one...in a first (not rigorous) approximation... ), with 128 M RAM (this might be the factor which makes its use comfortable or not) and it was much faster than usual distros (but without diagnostic tools such as top [use free -m from a terminal] , perhaps because of space) ... Real old PCs are difficult to find in small province towns, and their components (suppose the CD reader breaks, or you want some extra RAM) impossible, or perhaps at huge prices (higher than new parts, I fear) or in junk bins, unlabelled...
159 • New Moon (by johncoom on 2008-04-04 16:20:57 GMT from Australia)
Is it not the new moon every where on the planet at the same time ? (or within the same 24 hours ?) not just some where, like diff days of month. May be you's should have a look here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_moon
As for Spring is in the air = if you live in the North Hemisphere perhaps (I do not)
Does it really matter ? or is it all subjective and wish full thinking ? Just what you want delude you self into believing - no big deal in that ! We all want to feel good about life some times, so feel good if you want, just don't claim its the moon. I saw cows jumping over it tonight my self, dose any one want to dispute this :-)
160 • dreamlinux mini review (by chris on 2008-04-04 17:49:42 GMT from United States)
My two dreamlinux installs went well. There is a gotcha after the initial install. Before you download the 350 meg initial update, you have to backup your configuration with DCP-Control Panel, Upgrade wizard. If you don't, your desktop icons will become monster sized. I was pleased to find the 'fglrx' display driver in Synaptic. (required by my ATI X1300 display adapter). You have to install it with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. I know, Ubuntu installs it automatically during the install.
Now. When is linux going to get a Disk Management plugin? It seems that I have to rewrite an 'fstab' every day.
161 • Ubunutu NOT hacked (by CJ Paxton on 2008-04-04 18:05:00 GMT from Canada)
Did anyone hear about this? At a security conference in Vancouver British Columbia last month there was a challenge to hack MAC OS (Leopard), Vista (SP1) and Linux (Ubuntu). Out of all three Ubuntu was the only one to survive. A link to the article is below.
162 • No subject (by werner on 2008-04-04 18:50:09 GMT from France)
@158: rmi has nothing to do with SYS, not me but you mention it always together with it. I make SYS maximally inutil for the natives -- inclusive french is neither in the installer nor in the system. It's not easy Im living here 6 years and have not learned one word french
163 • REF #152 SLAX Upgrade (by Cedrick on 2008-04-04 19:19:48 GMT from United States)
ladislav , I just re-checked your Slax page and it still shows v 6.0.3
164 • 159 New moon, old moon, full moon (by Ultra on 2008-04-04 23:02:08 GMT from Canada)
They're just expressions. Anyways, you proved my point!
165 • @159 (by john frey on 2008-04-04 23:09:15 GMT from Canada)
Those were not cows jumping over the moon. They were penguins. You're just a Gentoo fanboi. :) http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/about.xml
166 • Re Justin Breithaupt (by Anonymous on 2008-04-05 00:25:17 GMT from United States)
I'm sooooo tired of coming across your shameless plugs for your crappy distro. Why don't you quit trolling around and quit putting your sales pitch in the middle of totally unrelated conversations.
167 • RE: 163 (by IMQ on 2008-04-05 02:53:05 GMT from United States)
I believe ladislav has said a few times before. Unless there is an official release announcement on the home page, there won't be any update on
However, the latest may be listed under "Latest Distributions" on the left hand side of the main page.
168 • Ref#167 (by Cedrick on 2008-04-05 07:14:17 GMT from United States)
You are absolutely correct. It is on the left side (and I'm left handed :)), I kept looking on the right side and opened from there to check for any updates. Thanks!
169 • RE 162 I agree that *YOUR* posts are totally off topic.... (by dbrion on 2008-04-05 08:47:06 GMT from France)
Si vous allez à (j'ai un peu cassé le lien) http:////distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20061002&mode=67", post 148, vous verrez : "148 • Zenwalk (kppp), f77 (by werner, Cayenne on 2006-10-05 14:35:44 GMT from France) ".........."
#147 g77 I mencioned only in response of another post, however, g77 may perhaps handle correctly run-time-errors, but NOT provide optionally a compiler list file with the line no, source lines, and when there are compiler errors immediately after each line. When you think different -- thank you for your telephone, but for the miserable 381 Euro p.m. what CAF pais me RMI I cannot pay telefon cards, its sufficient you write me with what compiling option I get such a list file."
Au fait, vous vous permettiez de pinailler alors que l'on vous avait fourni les renseignements que vous mendigotiez (vous auriez pu les trouver avec une cervelle)..... ce qui donne une idée réaliste/inquiétante de vos "méthodes" de "travail".....
"Im living here 6 years and have not learned one word french"
Pour votre info, en 2 mois, je savais suffisamment de malgache pour me débrouiller.... Se vanter de son incompétence est aussi très révélateur (surtout quand on sait d'où viennent l'argent ou l'aide,....) What a big, pathetical contrast with the open mindedness ofthe FOSS founder. Souhaitez vous que l'on relise *tous* vos posts délirants et intellectuellement malhonnêtes?
170 • Maryan Linux BETA (by kanishka on 2008-04-05 10:40:27 GMT from Italy)
Finally, there's a beta release for Maryan Linux! http://maryanlinux.wordpress.com/
171 • re 166, 57, and 60 (by insert_here on 2008-04-05 15:38:19 GMT from United States)
166 Agreed!!! The hijinx from earlier were rather hilarious to watch, but now it is quite tiring.
57 Did you pay Ladislav to advertise your product here? I'd think you should do it the right way and pay to have a banner ad, or something, if you must.... Otherwise I think more people are going to start adding in stuff here to sell, if there is free advertising, and I don't really think that's appropriate for a "comments" section.
60 Really? What features/tools did you add aside from what is already in Mint or whatever you've moved to by now?
172 • Ref#169 , dbrion (by Frenchy on 2008-04-05 16:23:46 GMT from United States)
You didn't even bother to read his comments. He said he didn't learn ONE word of French. You answered him in French! Are you just "Preaching to the Choir", or is their some reason why you answered him in French knowing he doesn't understand.
173 • 166, 171 (by Anonymous on 2008-04-05 18:09:18 GMT from United States)
From what I've seen of Ultumix, I can understand why he's not willing to pay for advertising. It would be a waste of money.
When he says it is developed by Windows *users*, he means it. Developed by guys who know how to click the Start button in Windows and run programs. He should stop before he embarrasses himself further. When the lead "developer" claims to have started a distro because he doesn't have the skills required to contribute in any way to an existing distro, I think we know what to expect in terms of quality.
Some advice Justin: you're going to feel dumb when you look back on this, so stop burning bridges.
174 • dreamlinux 3.1 released (by chris on 2008-04-06 00:02:27 GMT from United States)
I've just visited the dreamlinux forums and found out that version 3.1 has been released! Version 3.1 (MD5: 6f2a961550a93e44a57cbd9f138b6d89)
HTTP/FTP: ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/dreamlinux/stable/DL3.1_080405DE_en.iso ftp://ftp.surfnet.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/dreamlinux/stable/DL3.1_080405DE_en.iso http://dream.rowanparker.com/download.php?filename=stable/DL3.1_080405DE_en.iso
175 • No subject (by werner on 2008-04-06 00:23:24 GMT from France)
Message deleted (off-topic).
176 • Knoppix 5.3 DVD (by RollMeAway on 2008-04-06 01:14:59 GMT from United States)
I have the greatest respect for knoppix, for developing the live-cd concept, and spawning many other good distros. I just attempted to install the latest knoppix to H.D. and ran out of space using 8.5 GB partition! Reading forums, discovered it takes 12.5 GB to install ! This is rivaled only by sabayon. While knoppix does not recommend H.D. installation, it begs the question: What use is a 4.1 GB live DVD? It is much too slow for regular use. If installed, you would spend more time removing apps useless to you. Perhaps a trimmed down CD will follow.
177 • No subject (by werner on 2008-04-06 02:02:24 GMT from France)
Message deleted (off-topic).
178 • No subject (by werner on 2008-04-06 02:05:45 GMT from France)
the previous post, by any reason, appeared 2x , and can be deleted, like this message. It seems that when, after a successful post, refreshing (green arrows) with konqueror 3.5.9 , sometimes happens that
179 • DW PHR Rankings and "REAL WORLD" (by Stats on 2008-04-06 02:29:13 GMT from Australia)
Ubuntu Forums: Currently Active Users: 7303 (631 members and 6672 guests)
180 • RE: 176 (by Landor on 2008-04-06 08:35:14 GMT from Canada)
Don't quote me on this as I do not know if it is factual or not, just something I read on the forums. Supposedly Klaus normally releases a DVD first now, or with more recently releases and if it's not severely bug ridden you can expect a cd release of it, or so was mentioned on the forums as I said.
On another note, anyone know anything about LXDE? Has anyone given it a look at? I'm not a big fan of GTK reliant software but wonder how decent it is. Any insight before I take a shot at running it? Pros, Cons, Tips?
Oh, and RE #173...
I find it pretty enterprising of the man to not only "build his own distro" (which nobody should knock anyone here for given the fact that it's what's made OSS and Linux what it is) he's also trying to offer Linux, his distro, on desktop systems. Didn't some of the major software and computer manufacturers start off in garages? Including the largest, or one now, not sure of their placement, Dell?
It might not be Justin who looks back one day and "feels dumb" if he keeps up his enthusiasm, foresight, and entrepreneurial spirit. That spirit is something I know a wee bit about. ;)
Keep your stick on the ice...
181 • #180 - LXDE (by anticapitalista on 2008-04-06 13:48:31 GMT from Greece)
You could try out PUD or tinyme. PUD uses the newest LXDE and tinyme the previous version. Tinyme final will have the new version according to their forum.
182 • RE 177 (and many others) : Do you wish to relead your delirious posts? (by dbrion on 2008-04-06 14:45:02 GMT from France)
"Isnt it you who's saying that my distro SYS isn't good because it's not in french " Oh non, au contraire....j'espère bien que les français seront dispensés des binaires de copies : * très mal testées * avec des méthodes de programmation / dépannage inadaptées.... *sans aucun contrôle de la part du couillon d'utilisateur (quel mépris)
Votre salaire (dont vous faites état) n'a rien à voir là dedans... mais vos "méthodes" de travail, si....
Au fait, se faire incendier pour ignorance parce qu'on a eu le culot de demander si vos miroirs supportaiennt une "md5 sum" (ils ne le supportaient pas et, avant d'incendier il y a 2 mois, il eût été honnête de le vérifier!!) ou voir toutes les distributions tournées en dérision il y a 2 mois (sauf la VOTRE), sur des bases malhonnêtes (des alphas ou bétas) me renforcent dans l'estimation de la valeur de votre tas...
183 • RE 172 I answered in French because Herr Landgraf's posts (by dbrion on 2008-04-06 14:53:45 GMT from France)
are fully out of topic... and I am sure he knows enough French to get some help, of any nature... and to answer, ongoingly and ongoingly, out of the topic (for more than 3 months, he could not tell which were his testing methods ... just asking about it was racism, windowsism, etc... tons of picturesque and even funny unanswers....)
184 • RE 180 Garage distros...and where was Jesus born? (by dbrion on 2008-04-06 15:35:10 GMT from France)
"Didn't some of the major software and computer manufacturers start off in garages?"
Yes, but the garage was already paid ... with work/skills (which seems the case of @60).
I agree with you that many people would be happy with a Linux preinstalled (I try to convince/bribe my PC seller to preinstall it, and to know what should be avoided -too generous root authorizations, say-).
What is more, Ultumix seems to post in the right time here, does not belittle other distributions and offers a real service, people can choose in conscience (or not) : some cannot/dare not install a GNU/linux, and having a full PC shipped with it would be very comfortable.
185 • No subject (by werner, cayenne on 2008-04-06 15:51:49 GMT from France)
@182-4 and others: i consider this contributions as trolling, not only w.r.t. my distro but generally, to a high degree senseless stuff and often repeating what was already discussed, and I dont answer more, like it almost all other contributers here doing too
186 • @179 - Ubuntu manages their "On Line Users" ranking too -- hence useless data (by anonymous on 2008-04-06 16:23:25 GMT from United States)
With "on line users" on Ubuntu Forums they don't have to even get past Ladislav with their pump priming page hit views numbers. They can artificially boost through a variety of algorithms the number of "users on line" in Ubuntu forums.
Until a independent third party (like Forrester or Gartner) does a study of Linux users all this is just spoon fed garbage data by a company (Canonical) who would say anything to make you think their distro is more popular.
187 • REF# 186 ____RIGHT ON DUDE! (by Grimes on 2008-04-06 16:37:35 GMT from United States)
Your comments hit the nail on the head regarding the Rankings! It would be great to see a REAL ranking study of Linux and not some amature that has been bought out.
188 • re 180 (by Anonymous on 2008-04-06 21:36:19 GMT from United States)
"build his own distro" Taking an established distro, changing a wallpaper, and then adding a few applications, with no new scripts or features added, and then remastering it, is hardly worthy of releasing as something new. It is something almost ANYONE could do. The new tools and new ideas are what make a different distro good. I could simply fire up synaptic/whatever, select everything that looked like something, install, and do the same thing in about 2 minutes (plus download). There is absolutely nothing original in Ultumix.
"Didn't some of the major software and computer manufacturers start off in garages? Including the largest, or one now, not sure of their placement, Dell?" Gateway started in a garage too.
"foresight" Uh, no. No planning at all, not listening to anyone's advice, releasing illegal software, calling people names, lying, being banned from websites..., I don't see where that word applies to what has been done.
Justin "could" turn things around and be ok, but he has not learned anything, from reading recent comments and posts. And if you did read everything that went on a couple months ago, I don't see how most people could conclude that this was a person currently capable/level-headed enough for the task he has undertaken. Some time needs to pass, with him learning and reflecting. Then maybe he can do things the right way. As of now, as many people as he ticked off, I don't think many people are going to take him seriously.
Preinstalling linux is a good idea, the way everything else is/was handled is not.
189 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-06 21:47:31 GMT from United States)
Ultumix sucks! It's created by a freakin' half twit. This is not a big deal until you do a little research and see how dam vocal he is. I'm looking at most of the content he has on-line right now and I must say, HE AN IDIOT! Every paragraph is twice a idiotic as the last. (his video posts are especially painful to watch) Get a clue dude! I personaly do not care about converting anyone (THAT'S NOT WHAT IT'S ABOUT), it's not a freakin' religion and your are doing REAL harm to the the collective credability of the community! I for one will never recommend a "distro" (a.k.a. remastered bloated misconfigured P.O.S.) slapped together by a guy who doesn't even know what a liscense is or how 'they' (yes they, dipsh*t) work! How can I expect you to know how code works? You actually tried to re-license all the software on your disk to gpl3, WTF? Have you ever even read one in your life? Do you really think gpl was the only one in the world. You don't know your a*s from a hole in the ground, Justin. Just admit it and go back to school and annoy your teachers for a few more years. Oooo you know how to program and play with legos, you're such a cool system builder, wow. Please my 9 year old can do all that and more. Give me a break hotshot. BTW what's the quality of the code you taint your remaster with hmm? Do you even develope anything at all? I doubt it. If you did you would be helping to improve the distriputions you leach off of. (Must be the example set by Ubuntu rearing it's ugly head) How much have you crappified the crappy base distros you 'build' off of? Maybe I'll do an audit of it one of these day so I can assign a point value to it's shittiness!
Put up (commit) or shut-up...
-- End Rant --
190 • new distros (by werner on 2008-04-06 22:16:32 GMT from France)
There exist already many distros. However, I think this not a weakness but a strongness of open-source. At the end, the users decide what distro they like to use. And there still have much more different users than distros ... Thus, about new distros should be reported, not censured before the time, so that people know them and can test them and their utility for the person. And sometimes, a distro bad at the beginning becomes better later, whilst in the same time established distros fall in decadency. I think its important to be actualized, exactly to give distro-makers no oportunity to relax and fall in decadence.
Some distros are just for fun, because the person want make an own distro, anyhow, then remastering SLAX or Ubuntu. This are these distros which quickly dye after realized, instead of being continued. Other distros are motivated from a certain need. My own opinion is, to make the maximal effort to bring distro's owners to correct certain things what visibly makes problems principally for beginners. However, after you wrote bloody your fingers and there is no progress, one should not hestiate to make an own distro for realize your own politics (f.ex.: beginner's-friendly) or ideas. That you don't re-invent the wheel but use things what others made before, is normal and just a characteristics of the open-source idea, however then you should consequently reorganize things and/or put in your own programs and tools in order to realize what you reclaimed before, what then gives your distro its own spirit.
I think it's also desirable to do not make a 'personal cult' around a distro, in the sense that when the iniciator disappears then the distro would stop. The user community will create itself with time. However, for acertain the continuity, the distro should have clear principles inclusively in its principal goal, filosofy, and difference w.r.t other distros (like, f.ex., on my distro: maximally simple to install/administrate for beginners, but until this isn't disturbed also contain all tools for advanced users; fast, consequent, definitive installation/change from W$ to Linux rather than try 100x live-CD's but continue with W$ installed; tool for make an install DVD from the personalized or any other installation; hear the users and try to change whatever don't contrary to the basical filosofy/goals)
191 • correction / addition (by werner on 2008-04-06 22:27:31 GMT from France)
... to make the maximal effort that existing distros are being improved, before make a new distro. On the other hand, when one beg in vain, and principally w.r.t. problems what one see that have almost all distros and which disturb very the desktop-utility / everybody-acceptance of Linux, one should finally fork a distro or make an own one and correct this and realize his own ideas consequently, to bring things forwards.
192 • Klipper Tip! (by Hephaestus on 2008-04-07 00:25:31 GMT from United States)
I'm sure some of you have used one of those FF plug-ins that let you do things like searches when you right click on a word. But wouldn't you like to be able to do that in every program instead of just firefox? Well than the Klipper is for you! (Or the glipper too maybe, I don't use Gnome) Many people seem to be unaware of how powerful this tool can be.
I know I was until I read this article: http://www.linux.com/feature/130852
For anyone like me in the process of learning a new language, this is a real time saver.
Regular Expressions Rock! But hey isn't this just scratching the surface? I am no programmer, I don't even understand most of the default actions, though I still figured out how to enable the use of Google's 'define:' feature by adding this command
firefox "www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=define%3A+"%s"&btnG=Google+Search"
If anyone know's where I can find a comprehensive list of useful actions, it would be highly appreciated!
Thank you and good day!
193 • Number of on line users as an indicator. (by Dr-DOS on 2008-04-07 01:08:43 GMT from United States)
The number of on line users is not a very good indicator of how good a distro really is. The more problems the users have the more likely they will be on the forum trying to solve them.
194 • No subject (by Anonymous on 2008-04-07 01:35:40 GMT from United States)
I don't know that I'd be so mean to Justin, but yes, there are problems.
He wrote in a forum once that people would get "upset" if he used the GPL 3 for his distro. Well, that, and the fact that he would be breaking copyright laws.
He also made some comments about Clem and Christianity, too. If he's the future of Linux, I'm going back to Windows right now.
195 • RE 185 Werner's partial florilege... (by dbrion on 2008-04-07 07:23:47 GMT from France)
"106 • No subject (by werner , in Cayenne on 2008-02-15 10:30:51 GMT from France) @104 No that nasty frenchs pay only 397 Euro RMI. Because of this, my SYS distro also has not included french language but only portugues and german " Please, forbid French people to download * untested * undocumented * unoriginal
blobs..... BTW : Why is *YOUR* distr not in the waiting list? because of korruption &as youi claimd last week?
"42 • install (by werner , in Cayenne on 2008-01-21 18:48:17 GMT from France) Just today when I opened this new home page, I saw the new SuSE installer in ugly green color. Impressionant program, with plento options ..... I felt me very glad that users of my distro don't need it !!! " Thanks heaven YOUR distr came...like the Messiah. How nice to bash a preview version of KDE..... That is GREAT!! That is generous.... Do you really wish that every (even more Quatschgefullten) of your posts be reread???? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
196 • Next week's DWW comments (by DG on 2008-04-07 07:27:47 GMT from Netherlands)
Ladislav, could we please have a week where DWW comments are moderated, so that non-constructive criticism and flamage are weeded out, as are claims about PHR fixing, and gratuitous mentions of distros such as 'DistroX roolz' of 'DistroY sux' ?
Number of Comments: 196
Display mode: DWW Only • Comments Only • Both DWW and Comments
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