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Void RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: Void


Last Update: 2025-02-02 13:58 UTC

Void is an independently-developed, general-purpose operating system based on the monolithic Linux kernel. It features a hybrid binary/source package management system which allows users to quickly install, update and remove software, or to build software directly from sources with the help of the XBPS source packages collection. Other features of the distribution include support for Raspberry Pi single-board computers (both armv6 and armv7), rolling-release development model with daily updates, and native init system called "runit".

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 90 (126), 6 months: 96 (128), 3 months: 90 (143), 4 weeks: 81 (176), 1 week: 52 (245)

Average visitor rating: 9.23/10 from 202 review(s).

Void Summary
Distribution Void
Home Page https://voidlinux.org/
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Documentation https://docs.voidlinux.org/
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Download Mirrors https://voidlinux.org/download/DistroWatch Torrent Archive
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2018: DistroWatchLinuxInsiderOrdinatechnic
2017: Linux.comDistroWatchLinuxFR (French)
2015: Alv.me (Russian) • DistroWatch
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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2025-02-02: Distribution Release: Void 20250202
 • 2024-03-15: Distribution Release: Void 20240314
 • 2023-07-11: Distribution Release: Void 20230628
 • 2018-11-13: Distribution Release: Void 20181111
 • More Void releases...

 • 2023-05-25 Overview of Void's features
 • 2021-03-11 Void changes kernel parameters
 • 2021-02-28 Void to switch back to OpenSSL
 • 2019-05-20 Void community discusses PolicyKit access
 • 2019-02-13 Void publishes update on domain status
 • 2018-12-05 Void publishes tips and tricks
 • 2018-05-01 Void team plans resource migration
 • 2017-12-07 Advent of Void tutorials
 • 2017-04-15 Void supports Flatpak
 • More Void headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature 20250202 20240314 20230628 20221001 20210930 20191109 20181111 20171007 20150221 Feature
Release Date 2025-02-02 2024-03-15 2023-07-09 2022-10-17 2021-09-30 2019-11-13 2018-11-12 2017-10-07 2015-02-21 Release Date
End Of Life                   End Of Life
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Price (US$)
Image Size (MB) 400-1400 400-1000 400-1000 400-1000 400-1000 300-800 300-800 70-700 70-700 Image Size (MB)
Free Download ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO Free Download
Installation Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Installation
Default Desktop Xfce Xfce Xfce Cinnamon, Enlightenment, GNOME, LXDE, LXQt, MATE, Xfce Cinnamon, Enlightenment, GNOME, LXDE, LXQt, MATE, Xfce Cinnamon, Enlightenment, LXDE, LXQt, MATE, Xfce Cinnamon, Enlightenment, LXDE, LXQt, MATE, Xfce Cinnamon, Enlightenment, LXDE, LXQt, Xfce Cinnamon, Enlightenment, MATE, Xfce Default Desktop
Package Management XBPS XBPS XBPS XBPS XBPS XBPS XBPS XBPS XBPS Package Management
Release Model Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Release Model
Office Suite -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Office Suite
Processor Architecture armv6, armv7, i686, x86_64 armv6, armv7, i686, x86_64 armv6, armv7, i686, x86_64 armv6, armv7, i686, x86_64 armv6, armv7, i686, x86_64 armv6, armv7, i686, x86_64 armv6, armv7, i686, x86_64 armv6, armv7, i686, x86_64 armv6, armv7, i686, x86_64 Processor Architecture
Init Software runit runit runit runit runit runit runit runit runit Init Software
Journaled File Systems btrfs, ext3, ext4, xfs btrfs, ext3, ext4, xfs btrfs, ext3, ext4, xfs btrfs, ext3, ext4, xfs btrfs, ext3, ext4, xfs btrfs, ext3, ext4, xfs btrfs, ext3, ext4, xfs btrfs, ext3, ext4, xfs btrfs, ext3, ext4, xfs Journaled File Systems
Multilingual                   Multilingual
Asian Language Support                   Asian Language Support
Full Package List 20250202 20240314 20230628 20221001 20210930 20191109 20181111 20171007 20150221 Full Package List

Full Package List:   Void 20171007
  Number of packages: 624 (download as TXT)
  •  aalib-1.4rc5_1
  •  accountsservice-0.6.45_1
  •  acl-2.2.52_4
  •  acpid-2.0.28_1
  •  adwaita-icon-theme-3.26.0_1
  •  alsa-lib-
  •  alsa-plugins-pulseaudio-1.1.4_1
  •  atk-2.26.0_1
  •  at-spi2-atk-2.26.0_1
  •  at-spi2-core-2.26.0_1
  •  attr-2.4.47_6
  •  avahi-glib-libs-0.6.32_1
  •  avahi-libs-0.6.32_3
  •  base-files-0.139_8
  •  base-system-0.112_3
  •  bash-4.4.012_1
  •  breeze-icons-5.37.0_1
  •  btrfs-progs-4.13.1_1
  •  bullet-2.83.7_1
  •  bzip2-1.0.6_11
  •  ca-certificates-20170717_1
  •  cairo-1.14.10_1
  •  cantarell-fonts-0.0.25_1
  •  caribou-0.4.21_1
  •  celt-0.11.3_2
  •  cgmanager-0.41_3
  •  cinnamon-3.2.8_1
  •  cinnamon-control-center-3.2.1_1
  •  cinnamon-desktop-3.2.4_1
  •  cinnamon-menus-3.2.0_1
  •  cinnamon-screensaver-3.2.13_3
  •  cinnamon-session-3.2.0_1
  •  cinnamon-settings-daemon-3.2.1_1
  •  cinnamon-translations-3.2.2_1
  •  cjs-3.2.0_2
  •  clutter-1.26.2_2
  •  cogl-1.22.2_2
  •  colord-1.3.5_1
  •  connman-1.35_1
  •  ConsoleKit2-1.2.0_1
  •  coreutils-8.28_1
  •  cpio-2.12_1
  •  cryptsetup-1.7.5_2
  •  dash-
  •  dbus-1.10.24_1
  •  dbus-glib-0.108_1
  •  dbus-libs-1.10.24_1
  •  dbus-x11-1.10.24_1
  •  dconf-0.26.0_1
  •  dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37_1
  •  desktop-file-utils-0.23_1
  •  device-mapper-2.02.174_1
  •  dhclient-4.3.6_1
  •  dhcpcd-6.11.5_4
  •  dialog-1.3.20170509_1
  •  diffutils-3.6_2
  •  dmidecode-3.1_1
  •  dnssec-anchors-20170822_1
  •  dosfstools-4.1_1
  •  dracut-046_1
  •  e2fsprogs-1.43.6_1
  •  e2fsprogs-libs-1.43.6_1
  •  econnman-1.1_3
  •  efibootmgr-14_3
  •  efl-1.20.4_1
  •  enchant-1.6.0_6
  •  enlightenment-0.21.9_1
  •  ethtool-4.11_1
  •  eudev-3.2.4_1
  •  eudev-libudev-3.2.4_1
  •  exempi-2.4.3_1
  •  exo-0.10.7_1
  •  expat-2.2.4_1
  •  f2fs-tools-1.9.0_1
  •  faac-
  •  faad2-2.8.1_1
  •  ffmpeg-3.3.4_1
  •  ffmpegthumbnailer-2.2.0_2
  •  file-5.32_1
  •  findutils-4.6.0_4
  •  firefox-esr-52.4.0_1
  •  font-alias-1.0.3_3
  •  fontconfig-2.12.6_1
  •  font-misc-misc-1.1.2_5
  •  font-util-1.3.1_2
  •  freetype-2.8.1_1
  •  fribidi-0.19.7_1
  •  fuse-2.9.7_1
  •  garcon-0.4.0_1
  •  gawk-4.1.4_2
  •  GConf-3.2.6_7
  •  gcr-3.20.0_1
  •  gdbm-1.13_1
  •  gdk-pixbuf-2.36.11_1
  •  giflib-5.1.4_1
  •  gir-freedesktop-1.54.0_1
  •  gist-4.6.1_1
  •  glib-2.54.0_1
  •  glibc-2.26_2
  •  glibc-locales-2.26_2
  •  glib-networking-2.54.0_1
  •  glxinfo-8.3.0_1
  •  gmp-6.1.2_1
  •  gnome-backgrounds-3.26.2_1
  •  gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0_1
  •  gnome-keyring-3.20.1_1
  •  gnome-terminal-3.26.0_1
  •  gnome-themes-standard-3.22.3_1
  •  gnome-themes-standard-metacity-
  •  gnutls-3.5.15_1
  •  gpicview-0.2.5_1
  •  graphite-1.3.10_1
  •  grep-3.1_1
  •  grub-2.02_1
  •  grub-i386-efi-2.02_1
  •  grub-x86_64-efi-2.02_1
  •  gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.24.1_1
  •  gst-libav-1.12.3_1
  •  gst-plugins-bad1-1.12.3_1
  •  gst-plugins-base1-1.12.3_1
  •  gst-plugins-good1-1.12.3_1
  •  gst-plugins-ugly1-1.12.3_1
  •  gstreamer1-1.12.3_1
  •  gtk+-2.24.31_2
  •  gtk2-engines-2.21.0_3
  •  gtk+3-3.22.22_1
  •  gtksourceview-3.24.4_1
  •  gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.31_2
  •  gtk-xfce-engine-3.2.0_2
  •  gvfs-1.34.0_1
  •  gvfs-afc-1.34.0_1
  •  gvfs-mtp-1.34.0_1
  •  gvfs-smb-1.34.0_1
  •  gzip-1.8_4
  •  hicolor-icon-theme-0.17_1
  •  hwids-20171003_1
  •  hyphen-2.8.8_1
  •  iana-etc-2.30_4
  •  iceauth-1.0.7_1
  •  icu-libs-59.1_1
  •  imlib2-1.4.10_2
  •  inxi-2.3.23_1
  •  iproute2-4.13.0_1
  •  iptables-1.6.1_1
  •  iputils-20161105_1
  •  ipw2100-firmware-1.3_4
  •  ipw2200-firmware-3.1_4
  •  iso-codes-3.76_1
  •  iw-4.9_1
  •  jansson-2.10_1
  •  json-glib-1.4.2_1
  •  kbd-2.0.4_1
  •  kbd-data-2.0.4_1
  •  kidletime-5.37.0_1
  •  kmod-24_1
  •  ksolid-5.37.0_1
  •  kwayland-5.37.0_1
  •  kwindowsystem-5.37.0_1
  •  lame-3.99.5_2
  •  lcms2-2.8_2
  •  less-520_1
  •  liba52-0.7.4_7
  •  libaio-0.3.110_3
  •  libarchive-3.3.2_1
  •  libass-0.13.7_1
  •  libasyncns-0.8_8
  •  libatasmart-0.19_4
  •  libavcodec-3.3.4_1
  •  libavdevice-3.3.4_1
  •  libavfilter-3.3.4_1
  •  libavformat-3.3.4_1
  •  libavresample-3.3.4_1
  •  libavutil-3.3.4_1
  •  libblkid-2.30.2_1
  •  libbluray-1.0.1_1
  •  libbs2b-3.1.0_2
  •  libcaca-0.99.beta19_8
  •  libcanberra-0.30_9
  •  libcanberra-gtk3-0.30_9
  •  libcap-2.25_2
  •  libcap-ng-0.7.8_3
  •  libcap-progs-2.25_2
  •  libcddb-1.3.2_8
  •  libcdio-0.94_1
  •  libcdio-paranoia-10.2+0.94+2_1
  •  libcdparanoia-10.2_11
  •  libcgmanager-0.41_3
  •  libcinnamon-control-center-3.2.1_1
  •  libcolord-1.3.5_1
  •  libcroco-0.6.12_1
  •  libcrypto41-2.5.5_1
  •  libcryptsetup-1.7.5_2
  •  libcups-2.2.4_1
  •  libcurl-7.56.0_1
  •  libdb-5.3.28_6
  •  libdbusmenu-qt5-0.9.3+16.04.20160218_2
  •  libdca-0.0.5_9
  •  libdmx-1.1.3_2
  •  libdrm-2.4.83_1
  •  libdvdnav-5.0.3_1
  •  libdvdread-5.0.3_1
  •  libedit-20170329.3.1_1
  •  libefivar-31_2
  •  libEGL-17.2.2_1
  •  libelf-0.170_1
  •  libepoxy-1.4.3_1
  •  libevdev-1.5.7_1
  •  libevent-2.1.8_3
  •  libexif-0.6.21_4
  •  libfdisk-2.30.2_1
  •  libffi-3.2.1_2
  •  libfftw-3.3.6_2
  •  libflac-1.3.2_1
  •  libfm-1.2.5_1
  •  libfm-extra-1.2.5_1
  •  libfm-gtk-1.2.5_1
  •  libfm-qt-0.11.2_2
  •  libfontenc-1.1.3_1
  •  libgbm-17.2.2_1
  •  libgcc-6.3.0_5
  •  libgcrypt-1.8.1_1
  •  libgee08-0.20.0_1
  •  libgirepository-1.54.0_1
  •  libgksu-2.0.12_4
  •  libGL-17.2.2_1
  •  libglapi-17.2.2_1
  •  libGLES-17.2.2_1
  •  libgnomekbd-3.26.0_1
  •  libgnome-keyring-3.12.0_1
  •  libgomp-6.3.0_5
  •  libgpg-error-1.27_1
  •  libgs-9.22_1
  •  libgsf-1.14.41_1
  •  libgsm-1.0.13_14
  •  libgtop-2.38.0_1
  •  libgudev-232_1
  •  libgusb-0.2.11_1
  •  libharfbuzz-1.5.1_1
  •  libhunspell-1.6.2_1
  •  libical-2.0.0_2
  •  libICE-1.0.9_1
  •  libid3tag-0.15.1b_7
  •  libidn-1.33_2
  •  libimagequant-2.10.2_1
  •  libimobiledevice-1.2.0_8
  •  libinput-1.8.2_1
  •  libjack-1.9.10_11
  •  libjasper-2.0.14_1
  •  libjbig2dec-0.14_1
  •  libjpeg-turbo-1.5.2_1
  •  libkeybinder2-0.3.1_1
  •  libkeybinder3-0.3.1_1
  •  libkmod-24_1
  •  libkscreen-5.8.7_1
  •  libldap-2.4.45_2
  •  libldns-1.7.0_4
  •  libllvm4.0-4.0.1_1
  •  libltdl-2.4.6_1
  •  liblxqt-0.11.1_2
  •  liblzma-5.2.3_1
  •  libmagic-5.32_1
  •  libmm-glib-1.6.8_1
  •  libmms-0.6.4_1
  •  libmnl-1.0.4_1
  •  libmodplug-
  •  libmount-2.30.2_1
  •  libmpcdec-1.2.6_5
  •  libmpeg2-0.5.1_9
  •  libmpg123-1.25.7_1
  •  libmtp-1.1.14_1
  •  libnautilus-3.26.0_1
  •  libndp-1.6_2
  •  libnemo-3.2.2_1
  •  libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.6_1
  •  libnfnetlink-1.0.1_3
  •  libnfs-1.11.0_2
  •  libnftnl-1.0.7_1
  •  libnih-1.0.3_3
  •  libnl3-3.3.0_1
  •  libnm-1.8.4_1
  •  libnm-gtk-1.8.4_1
  •  libnotify-0.7.6_4
  •  libogg-1.3.2_1
  •  libopenal-1.18.1_1
  •  libopenbox-3.6.1_2
  •  libopenjpeg2-2.2.0_1
  •  libopenraw-0.1.2_1
  •  libpaper-1.1.24+nmu5_1
  •  libpcap-1.8.1_1
  •  libpciaccess-0.13.5_1
  •  libpcre2-10.30_1
  •  libpcre-8.41_1
  •  libplist-2.0.0_3
  •  libpng-1.6.32_1
  •  libpostproc-3.3.4_1
  •  libproxy-0.4.15_1
  •  libpulseaudio-11.1_1
  •  libqtxdg-2.0.0_4
  •  libraqm-0.3.0_1
  •  libraw-0.18.5_1
  •  libressl-2.5.5_1
  •  librsvg-2.40.18_1
  •  librtmp-2.4.20161210_3
  •  libsamplerate-0.1.9_1
  •  libsane-1.0.27_1
  •  libsasl-2.1.26_5
  •  libsecret-0.18.5_1
  •  libsensors-3.4.0_3
  •  libSM-1.2.2_2
  •  libsmartcols-2.30.2_1
  •  libsmbclient-3.6.25_13
  •  libsndfile-1.0.28_1
  •  libsoup-2.60.0_1
  •  libspectre-0.2.8_1
  •  libspeex-1.2.0_1
  •  libsrtp-1.5.4_1
  •  libssh2-1.8.0_2
  •  libssl43-2.5.5_1
  •  libstatgrab-0.91_2
  •  libstdc++-6.3.0_5
  •  libswresample-3.3.4_1
  •  libswscale-3.3.4_1
  •  libsysstat-0.3.3_2
  •  libtasn1-4.12_1
  •  libtdb-1.3.15_1
  •  libtheora-1.1.1_7
  •  libtls15-2.5.5_1
  •  libunique1-1.1.6_8
  •  libunistring-0.9.7_1
  •  libupower-glib1-0.9.23_10
  •  libupower-glib3-0.99.6_1
  •  libusb-1.0.21_1
  •  libusbmuxd-1.0.10_1
  •  libuuid-2.30.2_1
  •  libva-1.8.3_1
  •  libvdpau-1.1.1_1
  •  libvidstab-1.1.0_1
  •  libvisual-0.4.0_8
  •  libvorbis-1.3.5_1
  •  libvpx-1.6.1_3
  •  libwacom-0.26_1
  •  libwavpack-5.1.0_1
  •  libwayland-egl-17.2.2_1
  •  libwebp-0.6.0_1
  •  libwnck2-2.30.7_5
  •  libX11-1.6.5_1
  •  libxatracker-17.2.2_1
  •  libXau-1.0.8_1
  •  libxbps-0.51_18
  •  libxcb-1.12_1
  •  libXcomposite-0.4.4_3
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  •  python-Pillow-4.3.0_1
  •  python-ptyprocess-0.5.2_2
  •  qt5-5.8.0_8
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  •  terminology-1.1.1_1
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  •  Thunar-1.6.12_1
  •  thunar-volman-0.8.1_2
  •  tiff-4.0.8_2
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  •  tumbler-0.2.0_1
  •  tzdata-2017b_1
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  •  usbutils-008_1
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  •  vte-0.28.2_14
  •  vte3-0.50.0_1
  •  wayland-1.13.0_1
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  •  x265-2.4_2
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  •  xcb-util-image-0.4.0_1
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  •  xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9_1
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  •  xdg-user-dirs-0.16_1
  •  xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.10_2
  •  xdg-utils-1.1.2_1
  •  xdpyinfo-1.3.2_1
  •  xf86-input-evdev-2.10.5_2
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  •  xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.0_2
  •  xf86-input-vmmouse-13.1.0_3
  •  xf86-input-wacom-0.35.0_1
  •  xf86-video-amdgpu-1.4.0_1
  •  xf86-video-ati-7.10.0_1
  •  xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.56_1
  •  xf86-video-mga-1.6.5_2
  •  xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.15_1
  •  xf86-video-vesa-2.3.4_4
  •  xf86-video-vmware-13.2.1_2
  •  xfce4-4.12.0_6
  •  xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0_1
  •  xfce4-notifyd-0.3.6_1
  •  xfce4-panel-4.12.1_1
  •  xfce4-power-manager-1.6.0_1
  •  xfce4-session-4.12.1_1
  •  xfce4-settings-4.12.1_1
  •  xfce4-taskmanager-1.2.0_1
  •  xfce4-terminal-0.8.6_1
  •  xfconf-4.12.1_1
  •  xfdesktop-4.12.4_1
  •  xfsprogs-4.13.1_1
  •  xfwm4-4.12.4_1
  •  xfwm4-themes-4.10.0_2
  •  xinit-1.3.4_4
  •  xkbcomp-1.4.0_1
  •  xkeyboard-config-2.21_1
  •  xorg-input-drivers-7.6_3
  •  xorg-minimal-1.2_2
  •  xorg-server-1.19.4_1
  •  xorg-video-drivers-7.6_16
  •  xprop-1.2.2_1
  •  xrandr-1.5.0_1
  •  xvidcore-1.3.4_1
  •  zd1211-firmware-1.5_1
  •  zenity-3.24.0_1
  •  zlib-1.2.11_2
  •  zstd-1.3.1_2

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for Void

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from 202 review(s)
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Past reviews - sort by:

Version: 20230628
Rating: 10
Date: 2025-02-08
Votes: 5

The 2024 Void Linux ISO had a grub erorr and the problem was left unresolved for a long time. So I have been using the 2023 version of the ISO for a long time.I have not used the 2025 ISO yet.
I installed and played with Void Linux dozens of times over the years for experimentation.

・Freedom of Choice 
 Can choose glibc or musl
 elogind without sway (Seatd) possible
・Systemd Free
・Popular packages are new.
・Easy to understand documentation 
 Full disk encryption is very easy
・Runit and xbps are very easy to use

・Confusion in the past
・Few developers
・Not popular
・Forum is on Reddit
・Some old packages
 zulucrypt-gui not updated for years
・Repository is a little slow
 There are only 4 Tier 1 mirrors

The advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages.

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Version: 20250202
Rating: 10
Date: 2025-02-07
Votes: 5

After some distrohopping and trying other Linux distros that are all nice, you will find VoidLinux fast, stable as static Linux distros and almost bleeding edge as Arch. Nowadays apps are easy to install and use (flatpak, appimage, distrobox, wine,xbps-src, xdeb...). Installation takes less than 5 min. VoidLinux gives you a minimal iso and lets you the choice of the apps you really need. it's not only for developpers and it can be a used as a daily driver desktop os. For linux users, with some experience, fixing some issues is not a very hard task. In all cases, it's better than other non Linux OS. Congratulations for VoidLinux developers and thank you for your nice work!

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Version: 20250202
Rating: 1
Date: 2025-02-06
Votes: 0

This distro is definitely a mix of feelings. First off, the Live ISO only supports installation using the dd utility or via loopback through GRUB, which makes it a pain to install from a non-Unix system like Windows. After that, I feel like the performance of several apps on Void is lower compared to other distros I've used, probably because of all the patches they apply to support the various architectures they offer, as well as the alternative libc implementation, musl. I really notice this with Firefox, which takes ages to render on the screen and is a bit slow with the interface, even though my PC is fairly decent (Intel Core i7-12700KF, NVIDIA RTX 2060 6GB, 16GB RAM, 1TB NVMe SSD). The memory usage is definitely low in most cases, but honestly, that's not much consolation when the performance feels degraded. Plus, even though Void is a rolling release distro, many packages are seriously outdated, like GNOME and some firmware, which comes to mind because it's my go-to desktop environment. I understand that they have a small team maintaining things, but in this case, I think the best option would be to reduce the number of different systems they try to support and focus more on stability and security, while keeping the packages updated. The community also didn’t seem too friendly toward newcomers with questions they deem "inappropriate" for people trying out the distro, and the documentation is pretty short. So, if you run into a problem, you'll likely have a huge headache solving it. All in all, it’s an interesting project, but definitely with its fair share of issues.

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Contact, corrections and suggestions: Jesse Smith

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