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Slackware Linux RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: Slackware Linux

Slackware Linux

Last Update: 2025-01-13 17:20 UTC

The Official Release of Slackware Linux by Patrick Volkerding is an advanced Linux operating system, designed with the twin goals of ease of use and stability as top priorities. Including the latest popular software while retaining a sense of tradition, providing simplicity and ease of use alongside flexibility and power, Slackware brings the best of all worlds to the table. Originally developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991, the UNIX-like Linux operating system now benefits from the contributions of millions of users and developers around the world. Slackware Linux provides new and experienced users alike with a fully-featured system, equipped to serve in any capacity from desktop workstation to machine-room server. Web, ftp, and email servers are ready to go out of the box, as are a wide selection of popular desktop environments. A full range of development tools, editors, and current libraries is included for users who wish to develop or compile additional software.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 39 (223), 6 months: 41 (223), 3 months: 41 (232), 4 weeks: 44 (246), 1 week: 43 (263)

Average visitor rating: 9.07/10 from 122 review(s).

Slackware Summary
Distribution The Slackware Linux Project
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Documentation http://docs.slackware.com/
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Reviews 15.0: DedoimedoDistroWatch
14.x: Pro-Linux (German) • DistroWatchPro-Linux (German) • DistroWatchGenbeta (Spanish)
13.x: BlogspotDistroWatchLinux.comLinux Review (Persian) • LWNLinux JournalOpen Your Mind (Romanian) • It's A Binary WorldDistroWatchLWN
12.x: It's A Binary WorldLinux.comLinux.comLinuxoid (Russian) • Linux.comTuxmachinesLinMagazine (Hebrew)
11.x: aboutLinuxLinux.com
10.x: LWNTuxmachinesOSNewsLWNOSNews
9.x: OSNewsOSNewsOSNews
8.x: DistroWatch
Where To Donate, Buy or Try

Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2022-02-03: Distribution Release: Slackware Linux 15.0
 • 2022-01-13: Development Release: Slackware Linux 15.0 RC3
 • 2021-11-18: Development Release: Slackware Linux 15.0 RC2
 • 2021-08-16: Development Release: Slackware Linux 15.0 RC1
 • 2021-04-13: Development Release: Slackware Linux 15.0 Beta
 • 2021-02-16: Development Release: Slackware Linux 15.0 Alpha 1
 • 2016-07-01: Distribution Release: Slackware Linux 14.2
 • 2016-04-16: Development Release: Slackware Linux 14.2 RC2
 • 2016-03-18: Development Release: Slackware Linux 14.2 RC1
 • 2016-02-04: Development Release: Slackware Linux 14.2 Beta 2
 • 2016-01-13: Development Release: Slackware Linux 14.2 Beta 1
 • 2013-11-07: Distribution Release: Slackware Linux 14.1
 • More Slackware releases...

 • 2024-09-19 Slackware packages dracut
 • 2024-09-11 Slackware adjusts how GRUB scripts are updated
 • 2024-07-25 Slackware changing its approach to kernel naming
 • 2023-11-21 Slackware streamlines 32-bit kernels
 • 2023-07-17 Slackware turns 30 years old
 • 2023-03-09 Slackware phasing out unsupported older packages
 • 2022-12-26 Slackware testing 6.x kernel versions
 • 2022-09-07 Slackware patches around GNU grep changes
 • 2021-06-08 Slackware moves from LTS kernel to latest
 • 2021-02-16 Slackware prepares for 15.0 release
 • More Slackware headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature current 15.0 14.2 14.1 14.0 13.37 13.1 13.0 12.2 12.1 12.0 11.0 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.1 9.0 8.1 8.0 7.1 7.0 4.0 3.9 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.3 2.2.0 2.0.1 Feature
Release Date 2025-01-13 2022-02-03 2016-07-01 2013-11-07 2012-09-28 2011-04-28 2010-05-24 2009-08-28 2008-12-11 2008-05-02 2007-07-02 2006-10-02 2005-09-14 2005-02-07 2004-06-23 2003-09-26 2003-03-18 2002-06-18 2001-07-01 2000-06-22 1999-10-25 1999-05-17 1999-05-10 1998-10-28 1998-06-09 1997-10-14 1997-07-11 1997-04-20 1996-07-24 1995-08-24 1995-05-24 1995-03-30 1994-09-24 Release Date
End Of Life                                                                   End Of Life
Price (US$) -- -- 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40                           Price (US$)
Image Size (MB)   3700-3800 30-2400                                                             Image Size (MB)
Installation Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Installation
Default Desktop KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE                             Default Desktop
Release Model Rolling Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Release Model
Office Suite Calligra Calligra Calligra Calligra Calligra KOffice KOffice KOffice KOffice KOffice KOffice KOffice KOffice GNOME Office, KOffice GNOME Office, KOffice GNOME Office, KOffice KOffice KOffice KOffice -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Office Suite
Processor Architecture arm, i486, x86_64 arm, i486, x86_64 arm, i486, x86_64 arm, i486, x86_64 i486, x86_64 i486, x86_64 i486, x86_64 i486, x86_64 i486 i486 i486 i486 i486 i486 i486, s390 i486 i386 alpha, i386, sparc alpha, i386, SPARC                             Processor Architecture
Init Software SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV Init Software
Journaled File Systems Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, ReiserFS                               Journaled File Systems
Multilingual -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Multilingual
Asian Language Support -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Asian Language Support
Full Package List current 15.0 14.2 14.1 14.0 13.37 13.1 13.0 12.2 12.1 12.0 11.0 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.1 9.0 8.1 8.0 7.1 7.0 4.0 3.9 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1   2.3 2.2.0 2.0.1 Full Package List

Full Package List:   Slackware Linux 3.1
  Number of packages: 280 (download as TXT)
  •  adduser_slackware.tar.gz
  •  apache_1.0.0.tar.gz
  •  apache_1.0_psdocs.tar.gz
  •  apmd-2.4.tar.gz
  •  apple2-v002.tar.gz
  •  aps-49.tar.gz
  •  arena-beta-2b-src.tar.gz
  •  arpa.tar.gz
  •  ash-linux-0.2.tar.gz
  •  at-2.9.tar.gz
  •  autoconf-2.10.tar.gz
  •  banners.tar.gz
  •  bash-1.14.7.tar.gz
  •  bc-1.03.tar.gz
  •  bin86-0.3.tar.gz
  •  bind-4.9.3-BETA26.tar.gz
  •  binutils-
  •  binutils-
  •  bison-1.22.tar.gz
  •  bpe.tar.gz
  •  bsd-games.src-1.3.tar.gz
  •  bwnfsd.tar.gz
  •  byacc.tar.gz
  •  c-news.tar.gz
  •  color-xterm-x11r6.tar.gz
  •  compress.tar.gz
  •  cpio-2.3.tar.gz
  •  cpm-0.2.tar.gz
  •  cpm.tar.gz
  •  curses-1.0.0.tar.gz
  •  db-1.85.4-bin-ELF.tar.gz
  •  db-1.85.4-src.tar.gz
  •  dcron22.tar.gz
  •  deliver4slackware.tar.gz
  •  dialog-0.6c.tar.gz
  •  diffutils-2.7.tar.gz
  •  dip337o-uri.tar.gz
  •  dosemu-
  •  dosfsck.1.tar.gz
  •  e2fsprogs-1.04.tar.gz
  •  ed-0.2.tar.gz
  •  elm2.4.tar.gz
  •  elvis-1.8pl3.tar.gz
  •  emacs-19.31.tar.gz
  •  f2c.tar.gz
  •  fax-3.2.1.tar.gz
  •  fdutils-4.3.src.tar.gz
  •  file-3.14.tar.gz
  •  fileutils-3.12.tar.gz
  •  findutils-4.1.tar.gz
  •  finger-1.37.tar.gz
  •  flex-2.5.2.tar.gz
  •  flex-2.5.3.tar.gz
  •  ftape-2.02e.tar.gz
  •  ftape-2.03b.tar.gz
  •  fvwm-1.23b-core.tar.gz
  •  fvwm-1.23b-icons.tar.gz
  •  fvwm-1.23b-modules.tar.gz
  •  fvwm-2.0.42.tar.gz
  •  fvwm95-2.0.41f.tar.gz
  •  fwhois-1.00.tar.gz
  •  g77-0.5.18.tar.gz
  •  gawk-2.15.6.tar.gz
  •  gcc-2.7.2.tar.gz
  •  gcc-2.7.man.tar.gz
  •  gcl-2.2.tar.gz
  •  gdb-4.16-testsuite.tar.gz
  •  gdb-4.16.tar.gz
  •  gdbm-1.7.3-ELF.tar.gz
  •  gdbm-1.7.3.tar.gz
  •  gencat.tar.gz
  •  ghostscript-2.6.2.tar.gz
  •  ghostscript-fonts-2.6.2.tar.gz
  •  ghostview-1.5.tar.gz
  •  gnat-3.03-src.tar.gz
  •  gnuchess-4.0.pl69.tar.gz
  •  gnuchess-4.0.pl74.patches.tar.gz
  •  gnuchess-4.0.pl74.tar.gz
  •  gnuchess.book-1.0.tar.gz
  •  gnuchess.test-1.0.tar.gz
  •  gnuplot-3.5.tar.gz
  •  gpm-1.09.tar.gz
  •  grep-2.0.tar.gz
  •  groff-1.10.tar.gz
  •  gzip-1.2.4.tar.gz
  •  hdparm-2.9.tar.gz
  •  ibcs-2.0-960610.tar.gz
  •  indent-1.9.1.tar.gz
  •  inn1.4.tar.gz
  •  ipfwadm-2.0.tar.gz
  •  ircII2.3.17+tv1.1.tar.gz
  •  ispell-3.1.20.tar.gz
  •  iv-3.1-g++2.7.2.tar.gz
  •  jed097-14.tar.gz
  •  joe1.0.12.tar.gz
  •  joe2.2.tar.gz
  •  jove4.14.10.tar.gz
  •  jpegsrc.v5a.tar.gz
  •  jpegsrc.v5beta2.tar.gz
  •  kbd-0.90.tar.gz
  •  kbd-0.91.tar.gz
  •  ld.so-1.7.14.tar.gz
  •  less-290.tar.gz
  •  libc-4.7.6.tar.gz
  •  libc-5.3.12.bin.tar.gz
  •  libc-5.3.12.tar.gz
  •  libc_s-951222.tar.gz
  •  libf2c-0.11.tar.gz
  •  libg++-2.7.1.tar.gz
  •  libgr-1.3-src.tar.gz
  •  libgr-diff.tar.gz
  •  libnsl-960201.tar.gz
  •  libtelnet.tar.gz
  •  libXpm-3.4c.tar.gz
  •  lilo.19.tar.gz
  •  linux-0.01.tar.gz
  •  linux-1.2.0.tar.gz
  •  linux-1.3.0.tar.gz
  •  linux-2.0.tar.gz
  •  linux-lizards-1.4.tar.gz
  •  linux-pre2.0.10.tar.gz
  •  linux_pcnfsd2.tar.gz
  •  lpr.tar.gz
  •  Lsox-linux.tar.gz
  •  lynx2-5.tar.gz
  •  m4-1.4.tar.gz
  •  mailx-5.5.tar.gz
  •  make-3.74.tar.gz
  •  MAKEDEV-2.2.tar.gz
  •  man-1.4d.tar.gz
  •  man-pages-1.8.tar.gz
  •  maze.tar.gz
  •  mbase50.tar.gz
  •  mbase51.tar.gz
  •  mc-3.2.1.tar.gz
  •  meminfo.tar.gz
  •  minicom-1.71.tar.gz
  •  mkdosfs-0.2.tar.gz
  •  modules-2.0.0.tar.gz
  •  mount-2.5m.tar.gz
  •  mpeg-linux.bin.tar.gz
  •  mpeg-play.tar.gz
  •  mt-st-0.4.tar.gz
  •  mtools-2.5.4.src.tar.gz
  •  mtools-3.0.src.tar.gz
  •  ncurses-1.8.5.tar.gz
  •  ncurses-1.8.6.tar.gz
  •  ncurses-1.9.4.tar.gz
  •  ncurses-1.9.9e.tar.gz
  •  nethack-3.2.0.tar.gz
  •  NetKit-A-0.10.tar.gz
  •  NetKit-B-0.06.tar.gz
  •  NetKit-B-0.07.tar.gz
  •  netpipes.3.1.tar.gz
  •  nls.tar.gz
  •  nn-6.4.18.tar.gz
  •  nntp-1.5.11tp-linux.tar.gz
  •  nntp.
  •  nvi.1.34.tar.gz
  •  olvwm4-truecolor.tar.gz
  •  p2c-1.20.tar.gz
  •  patch-2.1.tar.gz
  •  pcmcia-cs-2.8.17.tar.gz
  •  pdksh-5.2.3.tar.gz
  •  perl-4.036-linux-kit.tar.gz
  •  perl-4.036.tar.gz
  •  perl5.003.tar.gz
  •  pine3.95.tar.gz
  •  pmake.v1.0.tar.gz
  •  pop3d-1.00.4.tar.gz
  •  popclient-3.0b4.tar.gz
  •  ppp-2.1.2b.tar.gz
  •  ppp-2.2.0f.tar.gz
  •  procps-0.99a.tar.gz
  •  protlib-960201.tar.gz
  •  quota-1.51.tar.gz
  •  rcs-5.7.tar.gz
  •  rdist-6.1.0-linuxpl2.tar.gz
  •  readline-1.1.tar.gz
  •  readline-2.0.tar.gz
  •  ruptime-570.tar.gz
  •  rwhod-519.tar.gz
  •  samba-1.9.15p8.tar.gz
  •  sast1.5-snd+gfx.tar.gz
  •  sast1.5-src.tar.gz
  •  sc621.linux.tar.gz
  •  sco-libs-940731.tar.gz
  •  screen-3.7.1.tar.gz
  •  sed-2.05.tar.gz
  •  seejpeg-1.4.3.tar.gz
  •  sendmail.8.8.0.tar.gz
  •  sh-utils-1.12.tar.gz
  •  sharutils-4.1.tar.gz
  •  slang0.99-31.tar.gz
  •  SlingShot2.1.tar.gz
  •  smail-3.1.28.tar.gz
  •  snd-util-3.5.tar.gz
  •  spider.tar.gz
  •  splitvt-1.6.3.tar.gz
  •  strace-3.0.tar.gz
  •  sudo-1.2.tar.gz
  •  svgalib-1.2.10.tar.gz
  •  svr4-shlib-961222.tar.gz
  •  sysklogd_1.3-11.tar.gz
  •  sysvinit-2.62.tar.gz
  •  tar-1.11.8.tar.gz
  •  tcl7.5-linux.tar.gz
  •  tclX7.5.0-linux.tar.gz
  •  tcsh-6.06.tar.gz
  •  tcx-linux.tar.gz
  •  telnetd.tar.gz
  •  telnetsnoopd.tar.gz
  •  term-2.3.5.tar.gz
  •  termcap-1.2.tar.gz
  •  termcap-2.0.8.tar.gz
  •  teTeX-src-0.4pl2.tar.gz
  •  tetris-src.tar.gz
  •  texinfo-3.7.tar.gz
  •  textutils-1.13.tar.gz
  •  tfinger.tar.gz
  •  time-1.6.tar.gz
  •  tin-1.22.tar.gz
  •  tk4.1-linux.tar.gz
  •  tkdesk-1.0a2.tar.gz
  •  todos.tar.gz
  •  tools-2.17.tar.gz
  •  tput-1.0.tar.gz
  •  transfig.3.1.2.tar.gz
  •  trn-3.6.tar.gz
  •  ttelnet.tar.gz
  •  ttysnoop-0.11.tar.gz
  •  tzcode95g.tar.gz
  •  tzdata95k.tar.gz
  •  umsdos_progs-0.8.src.tar.gz
  •  unarj230.tar.gz
  •  updated-1.2.tar.gz
  •  util-linux-2.5.tar.gz
  •  uucp-1.06.1.tar.gz
  •  uucp-doc-1.06.tar.gz
  •  uuencode-1.0.tar.gz
  •  vim-3.0.tar.gz
  •  which.tar.gz
  •  WorkBone-2.3.tar.gz
  •  WorkMan-1.3.tar.gz
  •  wu-ftpd-2.4.tar.gz
  •  x3270-
  •  xboard-3.0.pl9.tar.gz
  •  xboard-3.2.pl2.tar.gz
  •  xcolormap.tar.gz
  •  xcuckoo-1.1.tar.gz
  •  xemacs-19.14.tar.gz
  •  XF86-3.1-cmptlib.tar.gz
  •  xfm-1.3.2.tar.gz
  •  xfm-1.3.tar.gz
  •  xfractint-3.00.tar.gz
  •  xgrabsc.2_3.tar.gz
  •  xiafspgm-0.8.1.tar.gz
  •  xinfo-1.01.01.tar.gz
  •  xlander.tar.gz
  •  xlockmore-3.0.tar.gz
  •  xlockmore-3.9.tar.gz
  •  xmahjongg.tar.gz
  •  xmandiff.tar.gz
  •  xmenu.tar.gz
  •  xminesweep2.1.tar.gz
  •  xneko.tar.gz
  •  xpaint-2.1.1.tar.gz
  •  xroach.tar.gz
  •  xspread2.1.tar.gz
  •  xterm.tar.gz
  •  xtetris-2.6.tar.gz
  •  xvier.tar.gz
  •  xview3.2p1-X11R6-LinuxELF.2.bin.tar.gz
  •  xview3.2p1-X11R6-LinuxELF.2.src.tar.gz
  •  xxgdb-1.12.tar.gz
  •  yp-clients-2.1.tar.gz
  •  ypserv-0.16.tar.gz
  •  zftape-1.02.tar.gz
  •  zoo-2.10.tar.gz
  •  zsh-2.6.10.tar.gz

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for Slackware Linux

Average rating
from 122 review(s)
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Version: 15.0
Rating: 10
Date: 2024-09-15
Votes: 80

I'm a business consultant in Japan, currently in my 50s, with a background in network engineering. I've been using Ubuntu for nearly a decade, having switched all my home computers from Microsoft Windows. Testing Slackware for a few weeks as a replacement for Ubuntu has been quite a revelation. Surprisingly, adapting the system to the Japanese language was super easy and straight forward. Despite not having changed much since I first encountered it in the 1990s, the modern Slackware is running significantly faster and more smoothly than Ubuntu, after a bit of initial troubleshooting. The sense of control over the system is palpable, even though I've only gone through the basic routines of `sudo slackpkg update` and `upgrade-all`, and installed a few SlackBuild applications as an experience. This feeling of transparency and control is something I’ve never experienced with more closed-off distributions. I am grateful to the developers and the community, and I hope the distribution continues to thrive.

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Version: current
Rating: 10
Date: 2024-08-10
Votes: 46

I'm using Slackware-current on my main desktop and Slackware 15.0 (with Salix third-party repos) on my two laptops, and they all function as they need to be. Slackware is Linux as it was meant to be: minimal, old school, and portable. You can make it into your very own OS if you'd like, or just accept the defaults. What makes this better than Debian or Arch is that I can tell the system what I want and don't want on my system. They also never went along with the Systemd scam, as far as I can tell, and Elogind is there if I want to use desktop environments (I use i3wm, which doesn't need any of that). Newer packages can be built from SBO (SlackBuilds). No problems being on the newer 6.10 kernels.

I highly recommend Slackware and Slackware-based distros if you're a long-time Linux/Unix-like user who's ready to end the distrohop once and for all. Debian and Arch are too politically corrupt, whereas we Slackware users rely on each other as a COMMUNITY. Think that's the real dividing line, and it shows. We must thank Patrick Volkerding and his co-developers for continuing to publish only the highest-quality open-source software!

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Version: 14.2
Rating: 10
Date: 2024-05-30
Votes: 24

I am still using 14.2 version (have version 15 on another partition), it runs fine like an old knitting machine. Of course I now have to update packages manually, like firefox, openoffice, palemoon ..., thats not a problem, and unlike slackware 15 where I have some issues due to the graphics being too bright or something, I can keep using this version with not many vision problems - its a great distro, long live slackware 14.2.

I have been using slackware since version 9.1, got of a cover of a magazine here in the UK - its never failed me.

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