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NixOS RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: NixOS


Last Update: 2025-02-15 14:21 UTC

NixOS is an independently developed GNU/Linux distribution that aims to improve the state of the art in system configuration management. In NixOS, the entire operating system, including the kernel, applications, system packages and configuration files, are built by the Nix package manager. Nix stores all packages in isolation from each other; as a result there are no /bin, /sbin, /lib or /usr directories and all packages are kept in /nix/store instead. Other innovative features of NixOS include reliable upgrades, rollbacks, reproducible system configurations, source-based model with binaries, and multi-user package management. Although NixOS started as a research project, it is now a functional and usable operating system that includes hardware detection, KDE as the default desktop, and systemd for managing system services.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 17 (437), 6 months: 17 (424), 3 months: 17 (457), 4 weeks: 18 (489), 1 week: 17 (490)

Average visitor rating: 9.12/10 from 82 review(s).

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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2024-06-06: Distribution Release: NixOS 24.05
 • 2023-11-30: Distribution Release: NixOS 23.11
 • 2023-06-01: Distribution Release: NixOS 23.05
 • 2022-12-01: Distribution Release: NixOS 22.11
 • 2022-05-30: Distribution Release: NixOS 22.05
 • 2021-12-01: Distribution Release: NixOS 21.11
 • 2021-06-02: Distribution Release: NixOS 21.05
 • 2020-10-27: Distribution Release: NixOS 20.09
 • 2020-04-21: Distribution Release: NixOS 20.03
 • 2019-10-09: Distribution Release: NixOS 19.09
 • 2019-04-11: Distribution Release: NixOS 19.03
 • 2018-10-06: Distribution Release: NixOS 18.09
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 • 2025-01-23 Nix ported to FreeBSD kernel
 • 2023-09-20 A new guide to Nix published
 • 2022-05-31 NixOS adopts Calamares installer
 • 2021-06-21 NixOS offers install media with reproducible builds
 • More NixOS headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature unstable 24.11
Release Date 2025-02-15 2024-11-30 2024-05-31 2023-11-30 2023-05-31 2022-12-01 2022-05-30 2021-11-30 2021-06-02 2020-10-27 2020-04-20 2019-10-09 2019-04-11 2018-10-06 2017-10-02 2016-10-03 2016-04-01 2016-02-05 2015-09-27 2015-02-25 2014-07-19 Release Date
End Of Life -- 2025-06-30 2024-12-31 2024-06-30     2022-12 2021-12 2021-12 2021-04 2020-10 2020-04                   End Of Life
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Price (US$)
Image Size (MB) -- 800-2400 800-2400 800-2400 800-2400 800-2400 800-2200 700-2100 600-1900 500-1400 500-1200 500-1200 500-1100 500-1100 300-900             Image Size (MB)
Installation Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Installation
Default Desktop GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE Default Desktop
Package Management Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Package Management
Release Model Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Release Model
Office Suite -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, LibreOffice Calligra, LibreOffice Office Suite
Processor Architecture aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 i686, x86_64 i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 Processor Architecture
Init Software systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd Init Software
Journaled File Systems                                           Journaled File Systems
Multilingual                                           Multilingual
Asian Language Support                                           Asian Language Support
Full Package List unstable 24.11 24.05 23.11 23.05 22.11 22.05 21.11 21.05 20.09 20.03 19.09 19.03 18.09 17.09 16.09 16.03 15.09.1012 14.12.885 14.04.630 13.10.35728 Full Package List

Full Package List:   NixOS 16.09
  Number of packages: 11,323 (download as TXT)
  •  0ad-0.0.20
  •  2048-in-terminal-2015-01-15
  •  389-ds-base-
  •  3dpong-0.5
  •  4store-1.1.6
  •  8086tiny-1.25
  •  90secondportraits-1.01b
  •  915resolution-0.5.2
  •  9pfs
  •  a2jmidid-8
  •  a2ps-4.14
  •  a52dec-0.7.4p4
  •  aacgain-1.9.0
  •  aacskeys-0.4.0e
  •  aalib-1.4rc5
  •  abc-1.2.0
  •  abcde-2.7.2
  •  abc-verifier-20160818
  •  abduco-0.6
  •  abella-2.0.2
  •  abiword-3.0.1
  •  abook-0.6.0pre2
  •  acbuild-0.4.0
  •  accelio-1.5
  •  accelio-1.5-kernel
  •  accerciser-3.14.0
  •  accounts-qt-1.13
  •  accountsservice-0.6.40
  •  acct-6.6.2
  •  ace-6.3.3
  •  acgtk-1.1
  •  acl-2.2.52
  •  acl2-v6-5
  •  acoustid-fingerprinter-0.6
  •  acpi-1.7
  •  acpi-call-3.10.103
  •  acpi-call-3.12.63
  •  acpi-call-3.14.0
  •  acpi-call-3.18.0
  •  acpi-call-3.18.42
  •  acpi-call-4.1.33
  •  acpi-call-4.4.23
  •  acpi-call-4.7.6
  •  acpid-2.0.27
  •  acpitool-0.5.1
  •  activator-1.3.10
  •  actkbd-0.2.8
  •  adapta-gtk-theme-
  •  adns-1.5.0
  •  adobe-flex-sdk-
  •  advancecomp-1.19
  •  adwaita-icon-theme-3.20
  •  aefs-0.4pre259-8843b7c
  •  aegisub-3.2.2
  •  aegyptus-6.00
  •  aeolus-0.9.0
  •  aescrypt-3.0.9
  •  aespipe-2.4d
  •  aewan-1.0.01
  •  afflib-3.7.6
  •  afl-2.23b
  •  afterstep-2.2.12
  •  afuse-0.4.1
  •  agda-prelude-0dca24a81d417db2ae8fc871eccb7776f7eae952
  •  agda-stdlib-0.12
  •  agg-2.5
  •  aha-0.4.9
  •  ahcpd-0.53
  •  ahoviewer-1.4.6
  •  aiccu-20070115
  •  aide-0.16a2
  •  aircrack-ng-1.2-rc3
  •  airstrike-pre-6a
  •  aisleriot-3.20.2
  •  aj-snapshot-0.9.6
  •  akkadian-7.13
  •  akonadi-1.13.0
  •  alarm-clock-applet-0.3.4
  •  Albatross-1.7.4
  •  albert-0.8.10
  •  alchemy-007
  •  alfred-2016.3
  •  aliceml-1.4-7d44dc8e
  •  alienfx-1.0.0
  •  allegro-4.4.2
  •  allegro-5.0.11
  •  allegro-5.1.11
  •  alliance-5.1.1
  •  alloy-4.2_2015-02-22
  •  alock-20150418
  •  alpine-2.00
  •  alsa-firmware-1.0.29
  •  alsa-lib-1.1.1
  •  alsa-oss-1.0.28
  •  alsa-plugins-1.1.0
  •  alsa-tools-1.1.0
  •  alsa-utils-1.1.0
  •  alt-ergo-0.99.1
  •  altermime-0.3.10
  •  alure-1.2
  •  amarok-2.8.0
  •  AMB-plugins-0.8.1
  •  amdapp-sdk-2.6
  •  amdapp-sdk-2.7
  •  amdapp-sdk-2.8
  •  amd-ucode-2016-07-12
  •  amor-4.14.3
  •  ams-lv2-1.1.0
  •  amsn-0.98.9
  •  amtterm-1.4
  •  aMule-2.3.1
  •  aMule-daemon-2.3.1
  •  aMule-gui-2.3.1
  •  analecta-5.00
  •  analitza-4.14.3
  •  analog-6.0
  •  anatolian-5.02
  •  andagii-1.0.2
  •  android-ndk-r10e
  •  android-sdk-25.2.2
  •  android-studio-
  •  android-udev-rules-20160805
  •  angband-4.0.5
  •  angelscript-2.22.2
  •  angelscript-2.31.1
  •  anjuta-3.20.0
  •  anki-2.0.35
  •  anonymousPro-1.002
  •  ansifilter-1.15
  •  ansiterminal-0.6.5
  •  ant-1.9.6
  •  anthy-9100h
  •  antimicro-2.18.2
  •  antimony-0.9.2
  •  antiword-0.37
  •  antlr-2.7.7
  •  antlr-3.0b3
  •  ao-0.0pre20160820
  •  ap64
  •  apache-activemq-5.13.4
  •  apache-felix-2.0.5
  •  apache-felix-remoteshell-bundle-1.0.4
  •  apache-httpd-2.2.31
  •  apache-httpd-2.4.23
  •  apache-jena-3.1.0
  •  apache-jena-fuseki-2.4.0
  •  apache-kafka-2.10-
  •  apache-kafka-2.11-
  •  apache-kafka-2.11-
  •  apache-maven-3.3.9
  •  apache-storm-1.0.1
  •  apache-tomcat-6.0.45
  •  apache-tomcat-7.0.72
  •  apache-tomcat-8.0.37
  •  apache-tomcat-8.5.5
  •  apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M10
  •  apcupsd-3.14.13
  •  apg-2.3.0b
  •  apitrace-7.1
  •  apktool-1.5.2
  •  apparix-11-062
  •  apparmor-pam-2.10
  •  apparmor-parser-2.10
  •  apparmor-profiles-2.10
  •  apparmor-utils-2.10
  •  appdata_tools-0_1_7
  •  applewmproto-1.4.2
  •  applications-4.14.3
  •  appres-1.0.4
  •  appstream-0.9.5
  •  appstream-glib-0.5.12
  •  apr-1.5.2
  •  apr-util-1.5.4
  •  apt-cacher-ng-0.9.1
  •  apt-offline-1.3
  •  apulse-0.1.6
  •  apvlv-0.1.f7f7b9c
  •  aqbanking-5.6.10
  •  arachne-pnr-2016.08.18
  •  arandr-0.1.9
  •  arangodb-2.5.3
  •  arcanist-20160825
  •  arc-gtk-theme-2016-06-06
  •  archimedes-2.0.1
  •  archivemount-0.8.3
  •  archiveopteryx-3.2.0
  •  archlinux-simple-testing
  •  arc-icon-theme-2016-06-06
  •  ardour3-git-2015-02-20
  •  ardour-4.7
  •  arduino-1.6.9
  •  arduino-core-1.6.9
  •  areca-7.5
  •  argtable-3.0.1
  •  argus-
  •  argus-clients-
  •  argyllcms-1.8.3
  •  aria2-1.26.1
  •  ario-1.5.1
  •  ark-16.08.1
  •  ark-4.14.3
  •  arkpandora-2.04
  •  armadillo-7.200.2
  •  armagetron-
  •  arora-0.11.0
  •  arpack-3.3.0
  •  arp-scan-1.9
  •  artha-1.0.3
  •  artikulate-4.14.3
  •  artyFX-git-2015-05-07
  •  arx-libertatis-2016-07-27
  •  as31-2.3.1
  •  asc-
  •  ascii-3.15
  •  asciidoc-8.6.9
  •  asciidoc-full-8.6.9
  •  asciidoc-full-with-plugins-8.6.9
  •  asciidoctor-1.5.4
  •  asciinema-1.3.0
  •  asdf-3.1.6
  •  aseprite-0.9.5
  •  asio-1.10.6
  •  aspectj-1.5.2
  •  aspell-
  •  aspell-dict-cs-20040614-1
  •  aspell-dict-da-1.4.42-1
  •  aspell-dict-de-20030222-1
  •  aspell-dict-en-2016.06.26-0
  •  aspell-dict-eo-2.1.20000225a-2
  •  aspell-dict-es-1.11-2
  •  aspell-dict-fr-0.50-3
  •  aspell-dict-he-1.1
  •  aspell-dict-it-2.2_20050523-0
  •  aspell-dict-la-20020503-0
  •  aspell-dict-nb-0.50.1-0
  •  aspell-dict-nl-0.50-2
  •  aspell-dict-nn-0.50.1-0
  •  aspell-dict-pl-6.0_20061121-0
  •  aspell-dict-pt_BR-20090702
  •  aspell-dict-pt_PT-20070510
  •  aspell-dict-ro-3.3-2
  •  aspell-dict-ru-0.99f7-1
  •  aspell-dict-sk-2.01-2
  •  aspell-dict-sv-0.51-0
  •  aspell-dict-uk-1.4.0-0
  •  aspino-2016-01-31
  •  assimp-3.2
  •  astromenace-1.3.2
  •  astyle-2.05.1
  •  asymptote-2.38
  •  ASynK-2.0.0
  •  at-3.1.16
  •  atanks-6.2
  •  atari++-1.73
  •  atari800-3.1.0
  •  aterm-java-1.6
  •  atftp-0.7.1
  •  atk-2.20.0
  •  atkmm-2.24.2
  •  atlas-3.10.2
  •  atlas-with-lapack-3.10.2
  •  atom-1.9.9
  •  atomicparsley-0.9.0
  •  atool-0.39.0
  •  atop-2.2-3
  •  ats-0.2.12
  •  ats2-0.2.7
  •  at-spi-1.32.0
  •  at-spi2-atk-2.20.1
  •  at-spi2-core-2.20.2
  •  attic-0.16
  •  attica-0.4.2
  •  attica-5.24.0
  •  attr-2.4.47
  •  aubio-0.4.1
  •  auctex-11.89
  •  audacious-3.7.2
  •  audacity-2.1.2
  •  audiocd-kio-4.14.3
  •  audiofile-0.3.6
  •  audio-recorder-1.7-5
  •  audit-2.6.6
  •  augeas-1.5.0
  •  aumix-2.9.1
  •  aurulent-sans-0.1
  •  autobuild-5.3
  •  autoconf-2.13
  •  autoconf-2.64
  •  autoconf-2.69
  •  autoconf-archive-2016.03.20
  •  autocutsel-0.10.0
  •  Autofac-3.5.2
  •  autofs-5.1.2
  •  autogen-5.18.7
  •  autojump-22.2.4
  •  automake-1.11.6
  •  automake-1.12.6
  •  automake-1.13.4
  •  automake-1.14.1
  •  automake-1.15
  •  automoc4-0.9.88
  •  autopano-sift-C-2.5.1
  •  autorandr-20150127
  •  autorevision-1.14
  •  autossh-1.4e
  •  avahi-0.6.32
  •  avarice-2.13
  •  avfs-1.0.3
  •  avian-1.2.0
  •  avidemux-qt4-2.6.12
  •  avogadro-1.1.1
  •  avr8-burn-omat-2.1.2
  •  avra-1.3.0
  •  avrdude-6.3
  •  avrdudess-2.2.20140102
  •  avr-gcc-libc
  •  avro-c++-1.7.5
  •  avxsynth-2015-04-07
  •  awesome-3.4.13
  •  awesome-3.5.9
  •  awesomebump-4.0
  •  aws-1.75
  •  awscli-1.10.51
  •  aws-sdk-cpp-0.10.6
  •  axel-2.7
  •  axis2-1.6.4
  •  azureus-
  •  b43-fwcutter-019
  •  babeld-1.7.1
  •  babeltrace-1.2.4
  •  babl-0.1.12
  •  backblaze-b2-0.6.2
  •  backintime-common-1.1.12
  •  backintime-qt4-1.1.12
  •  backup_v4
  •  bacula-5.2.13
  •  badvpn-1.999.130
  •  baekmuk-ttf-2.2
  •  bakoma-ttf
  •  ballandpaddle-0.8.1
  •  baloo-4.14.3
  •  baloo-5.24.0
  •  baloo-widgets-16.08.1
  •  baloo-widgets-4.14.3
  •  bam-0.4.0
  •  bandwidth-1.3.1
  •  bangarang-2.1
  •  banner-1.3.3
  •  banshee-2.6.2
  •  baobab-3.20.1
  •  barcode-0.99
  •  bareos-15.2.1
  •  baresip-0.4.20
  •  bar-xft-git-2015-07-23
  •  base16-2015-09-29_rev9b2459
  •  basex-8.3.1
  •  bash-4.3-p46
  •  bashburn-3.1.0
  •  bash-completion-2.1
  •  bash-interactive-4.3-p46
  •  bashmount-3.2.0
  •  basket-1.81
  •  bastet-0.43.1
  •  batctl-2016.3
  •  batik-1.6
  •  batman-adv-2016.3-3.10.103
  •  batman-adv-2016.3-3.12.63
  •  batman-adv-2016.3-3.14.0
  •  batman-adv-2016.3-3.18.0
  •  batman-adv-2016.3-3.18.42
  •  batman-adv-2016.3-4.1.33
  •  batman-adv-2016.3-4.4.23
  •  batman-adv-2016.3-4.7.6
  •  bats-0.4.0
  •  battle-tanks-0.9.8083
  •  bazaar-2.7.0
  •  bazel-20150326.981b7bc1
  •  bbswitch-0.8-3.10.103
  •  bbswitch-0.8-3.12.63
  •  bbswitch-0.8-3.14.0
  •  bbswitch-0.8-3.18.0
  •  bbswitch-0.8-3.18.42
  •  bbswitch-0.8-4.1.33
  •  bbswitch-0.8-4.4.23
  •  bbswitch-0.8-4.7.6
  •  bc-1.06
  •  bcache-tools-1.0.7
  •  bcc-git-2016-08-30
  •  bcftools-1.3.1
  •  bchunk-1.2.0
  •  bdf2psf-1.147
  •  bdftopcf-1.0.5
  •  beancount-2016-04-10-b5721f1c6f01bd168a5781652e5e3167f7f8ceb3
  •  beanstalkd-1.10
  •  bear-2.2.0
  •  beast-0.7.1
  •  beecrypt-4.2.1
  •  beep-1.3
  •  beets-1.3.19
  •  beignet-1.1.2
  •  belle-sip-1.4.2
  •  ber-metaocaml-003
  •  bfr-1.6
  •  bgs-0.8
  •  biblesync-1.1.2
  •  bibletime-2.10.1
  •  bibtool-2.57
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  •  bigreqsproto-1.1.2
  •  bijiben-3.20.2
  •  bind-9.10.4-P3
  •  bindfs-1.12.6
  •  biniou-1.0.9
  •  bin_replace_string-0.2
  •  bins-1.1.29
  •  binutils-2.27
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  •  bip-0.8.9
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  •  bison-2.7
  •  bison-3.0.4
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  •  bitcoind-0.12.0
  •  bitcoind-classic-0.11.2.cl1.b1
  •  bitcoind-xt-0.11D
  •  bitcoin-xt-0.11D
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  •  bitlbee-facebook-2015-08-27
  •  bitlbee-steam-2015-09-10
  •  bitmeter-1.2
  •  bitsnbots-20111230
  •  Blackbird-2016-07-04
  •  blackshades-elite-svn-29
  •  blackshades-svn-110
  •  blas-3.5.0
  •  blcr_3.14.0-0.8.6pre4
  •  bleachbit-1.12
  •  blender-2.77a
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  •  blink-2.0.0
  •  blinken-4.14.3
  •  blitz++-0.10
  •  blktrace-1.1.0
  •  blobby-volley-1.0
  •  bloodspilot-client-1.5.0
  •  bloodspilot-xpilot-fxi-server-1.4.6
  •  bluedevil-2.1.1
  •  bluedevil-5.7.4
  •  bluefish-2.2.7
  •  blueman-2.0.4
  •  bluez-5.28
  •  bluez-5.40
  •  bluez-qt-5.24.0
  •  bluez-tools-2015-09-10
  •  bmon-3.8
  •  bmrsa-11
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  •  bochs-2.6.8
  •  boehm-gc-7.2f
  •  bogofilter-1.2.4
  •  boinc-7.4.42
  •  bolt-1.4
  •  bomber-4.14.3
  •  bomi-0.9.11
  •  bonnie++-1.97
  •  boolector-1.5.118
  •  boolstuff-0.1.15
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  •  boost-1.59.0
  •  boost-1.60.0
  •  boost-build-2.0-m12
  •  boost-process-0.5
  •  boot-2.5.2
  •  bootchart-0.14.7
  •  borgbackup-1.0.7
  •  boringssl-2016-03-08
  •  bossa-2014-08-18
  •  botan-1.10.13
  •  botan-1.11.30
  •  bovo-4.14.3
  •  box2d-2.3.0
  •  boxfs-2-20150109
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  •  brasero-3.12.1
  •  breakpad-2016-03-28
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  •  breeze-grub-5.7.4
  •  breeze-gtk-5.7.4
  •  breeze-icons-5.24.0
  •  breeze-plymouth-5.7.4
  •  breeze-qt4-5.7.4
  •  breeze-qt5-5.7.4
  •  brgenml1cupswrapper-3.1.0-1
  •  brgenml1lpr-3.1.0-1
  •  brickd-2.1.1
  •  bridge-utils-1.5
  •  briss-0.9
  •  bristol-0.60.11
  •  brltty-5.2
  •  bro-2.4.1
  •  brogue-1.7.4
  •  brotli-0.3.0
  •  brotli-20160112
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  •  bsd-fingerd-0.17
  •  bsd-games-2.17
  •  bsdiff-4.3
  •  bsh-2.0b5.jar
  •  bsod-0.1
  •  bspwm-0.9.1
  •  btar-1.1.1
  •  btfs-2.11
  •  btrbk-0.22.2
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  •  btrfs-progs-4.6.1
  •  bud-0.34.1
  •  buddy-2.4
  •  bugseverywhere-1.1.1
  •  buildbot-0.9.0rc2
  •  buildbot-slave-0.8.10
  •  buildbot-worker-0.9.0rc2
  •  buildkite-agent-2.1.13
  •  buku-1.9
  •  bullet-2.83.7
  •  bully-1.0-22
  •  bumblebee-3.2.1
  •  bundix-2.0.8
  •  bundler-1.12.5
  •  bup-0.26
  •  burp-1.3.48
  •  burp-1.4.40
  •  busybox-1.24.2
  •  bvi-1.4.0
  •  bviplus-0.9.4
  •  bwa-0.7.15
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  •  bwm-ng-0.6.1
  •  byacc-1.9
  •  byobu-5.98
  •  byzanz-0.2.3.alpha
  •  bzflag-2.4.2
  •  bzip2-
  •  bzr-tools-2.6.0
  •  cabal2nix-2.0.2
  •  cabal-install-
  •  cabextract-1.6
  •  cadaver-0.23.3
  •  cadvisor-0.23.8
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  •  cairomm-1.12.0
  •  caladea-20130214
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  •  calcurse-4.0.0
  •  calf-0.0.60
  •  calibre-2.64.0
  •  california-0.4.0
  •  calligra-2.9.11
  •  camlidl-1.05
  •  camlimages-4.0.1
  •  camlimages-4.1.2
  •  camlistore-0.9
  •  camlp5-6.16
  •  camlp5_transitional-6.16
  •  camlzip-1.05
  •  camomile-0.8.2
  •  camomile-0.8.5
  •  caneda-git-2012-02-16
  •  cantarell-fonts-0.0.25
  •  cantata-1.5.1
  •  canto-curses-0.9.7
  •  canto-daemon-0.9.6
  •  cantor-4.14.3
  •  can-utils-20140227
  •  capernoited-testing
  •  capnproto-0.5.3
  •  caps-0.9.24
  •  capstone-3.0.4
  •  carddav-0.1-2014-02-26
  •  c-ares-1.10.0
  •  cargo-0.12.0
  •  caribou-
  •  carlito-20130920
  •  casperjs-1.1.1
  •  cassandra-1.2.19
  •  cassandra-2.0.16
  •  cassandra-2.1.15
  •  cassandra-3.0.8
  •  cataclysm-dda-0.C
  •  catch-1.5.0
  •  catclock-2015-10-04
  •  catdoc-0.94.2
  •  catfish-1.4.2
  •  caudec-1.7.5
  •  cava-0.4.1
  •  cb2bib-1.9.2
  •  cbatticon-1.6.4
  •  cbc-2.9.5
  •  cbfstool-git-2015-07-09
  •  cbrowser-0.8
  •  ccache-3.2.5
  •  ccache-links-wrapper
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  •  ccl-1.11
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  •  ccnx-0.8.2
  •  ccrtp-2.1.2
  •  ccrypt-1.10
  •  ccze-0.2.1-2
  •  cd-discid-1.4
  •  cdecl-2.5
  •  cdemu-client-3.0.1
  •  cdemu-daemon-3.0.3
  •  cdk-5.0-20160131
  •  cdparanoia-III-10.2
  •  cdrdao-1.2.3
  •  cdrkit-1.1.11
  •  cdrtools-3.02a06
  •  cegui-0.8.7
  •  celestia-1.6.1
  •  celt-0.11.3
  •  celt-
  •  celt-0.7.1
  •  centerim-4.22.10
  •  ceph-9.2.0
  •  ceptre-2016-01-01
  •  ceres-solver-1.10.0
  •  certbot-0.6.0
  •  cervisia-4.14.3
  •  cfdg-3.0.2
  •  cfdyndns-0.0.1
  •  cfitsio-3.21
  •  cflow-1.5
  •  cfr-0_101
  •  cgal-4.7
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  •  cgit-0.12
  •  cgmanager-0.41
  •  cgminer-3.7.2
  •  cgui-2.0.3
  •  chaps-0.42-6812
  •  CharacterCompressor-0.3.1
  •  charybdis-3.5.3
  •  chatzilla-0.9.92
  •  check-0.10.0
  •  checkbashisms
  •  checkinstall-1.6.2
  •  checkpolicy-2.4
  •  checksec-1.5
  •  checkstyle-6.18
  •  cheese-3.20.2
  •  chefdk-0.11.2
  •  cherrytree-0.37.1
  •  chessdb-3.6.19-beta-1
  •  chessx-1.4.0
  •  chez-scheme-9.4-20160507
  •  chibi-scheme-0.7
  •  chicken-4.11.0
  •  chicken-egg2nix-0.5
  •  chicken-ugarit-2.0
  •  chicken-ugarit-manifest-maker-0.1
  •  chipmunk-7.0.0
  •  chirp-0.4.1
  •  chkrootkit-0.50
  •  chmlib-0.40
  •  chntpw-140201
  •  chocolate-doom-2.2.1
  •  choqok-1.5
  •  chromaprint-1.3.1
  •  chromedriver_linux64-2.21
  •  chromium-53.0.2785.116
  •  chromium-beta-54.0.2840.34
  •  chromium-dev-55.0.2868.3
  •  chrony-2.3
  •  chrpath-0.16
  •  chruby-0.3.9
  •  chuck-
  •  chunkfs-0.7
  •  chunksync-0.3
  •  cide-0.9.0
  •  cifs-utils-6.5
  •  cil-aterm-1.3.6
  •  cimg-1.7.0
  •  cinelerra-git
  •  cinepaint-1.1
  •  ciopfs-0.4
  •  cipherscan-2015-12-17
  •  cjdns-17.3
  •  ckan-1.16.1
  •  ckbcomp-1.133
  •  cksfv-1.3.14
  •  cl-1.2.1
  •  clamav-0.99.2
  •  clang-3.7.1
  •  clang-analyzer-3.4
  •  clang-wrapper-3.4.2
  •  clang-wrapper-3.5.2
  •  clang-wrapper-3.6.2
  •  clang-wrapper-3.7.1
  •  clang-wrapper-3.8.0
  •  clanlib-0.8.0
  •  classads-1.0.10
  •  classpath-0.99
  •  cla-theme-43.04-v23
  •  claws-mail-3.14.0
  •  clblas-cuda-git-20160505
  •  clean-2.4
  •  clearlooks-phenix-5.0.7
  •  clearlyU-12-1.9
  •  clearsilver-0.10.5
  •  clementine-1.2.3
  •  clementine-free-1.2.3
  •  clex-4.6.patch6
  •  cli53-0.4.4
  •  clib-1.7.0
  •  clipgrab-3.6.1
  •  clipit-1.4.2
  •  clisp-2.44.1
  •  clisp-2.49
  •  cli-visualizer-2016-06-02
  •  cl-launch-
  •  cln-1.3.4
  •  cloc-1.70
  •  clojure-1.8.0
  •  cloog-0.18.0
  •  cloog-0.18.4
  •  cloog-ppl-0.15.11
  •  clooj-0.4.4
  •  closure-compiler-20160208
  •  cloud-init-0.7.6
  •  cloud-utils-0.27
  •  clucene-core-0.9.21b
  •  clucene-core-
  •  clutter-1.16.2
  •  clutter-1.22.0
  •  clutter-1.24.0
  •  clutter-1.26.0
  •  clutter-gst-2.0.12
  •  clutter-gst-3.0.18
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  •  clutter-gtk-1.4.4
  •  clutter-gtk-1.6.0
  •  clutter-gtk-1.8.0
  •  cl-wrapper-script
  •  cmake-
  •  cmake-3.6.0
  •  cmake-cursesUI-3.6.0
  •  cmake-cursesUI-qt4UI-3.6.0
  •  cmark-0.23.0
  •  cmatrix-1.2a
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  •  cminpack-1.3.4
  •  cmocka-1.0.1
  •  cmst-2016.04.03
  •  cmucl-binary-21a
  •  cm-unicode-0.7.0
  •  cmus-2.7.1
  •  cntlm-0.92.3
  •  coan-6.0.1
  •  coccinelle-1.0.0-rc23
  •  cockatrice-2015-09-24
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  •  codeblocks-full-13.12
  •  cogl-1.16.0
  •  cogl-1.20.0
  •  cogl-1.22.0
  •  coin3d-3.1.3
  •  CoinMP-1.7.6
  •  collectd-5.5.2
  •  colm-
  •  colord-1.2.12
  •  colord-gtk-0.1.26
  •  colordiff-1.0.16
  •  colord-kde-0.3.0
  •  colord-kde-
  •  colormake-2.1.0
  •  comfortaa-2.004
  •  comical-0.8
  •  comic-neue-2.2
  •  comic-relief-1.1
  •  commandergenius-1822release
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  •  commons-io-2.4
  •  commons-lang-3.3.2
  •  commons-logging-1.2
  •  commons-math-3.3
  •  communi-2016-08-19
  •  compass-1.0.3
  •  CompBus-1.1.02
  •  compcert-2.7.1
  •  compiz-
  •  complexity-1.10
  •  composer-1.2.0
  •  compositeproto-0.4.2
  •  compton-0.1_beta2
  •  compton-git-2016-08-10
  •  concurrencykit-0.4.5
  •  confuse-2.7
  •  conkeror-1.0.3
  •  conky-1.10.3
  •  connect-1.104
  •  connman-1.33
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  •  connman-notify-2014-06-23
  •  connmanui-22062015-fce0af94e121bde77c7fa2ebd6a319f0180c5516
  •  conntrack-tools-1.4.3
  •  conspy-1.14
  •  constant-detune-chorus-0.1.2
  •  construo-0.2.3
  •  consul-ui-0.6.4
  •  containerd-0.2.3
  •  convertlit-1.8
  •  convmv-1.15
  •  cool-retro-term-1.0.0
  •  CopyQ-2.5.0
  •  coq-8.3pl4
  •  coq-8.4pl6
  •  coq-8.5pl2
  •  coq-8.5pre-0c999f02
  •  coreclr-git-8c70800b5e
  •  coreutils-8.25
  •  coriander-2.0.1
  •  corkscrew-2.0
  •  corosync-2.3.4
  •  cortex-2014-08-01
  •  coturn-
  •  couchdb-1.6.1
  •  cowsay-3.03
  •  cpio-2.12
  •  cppcheck-1.74
  •  cppcms
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  •  cpp-ethereum-1.2.9
  •  cpp-hocon-0.1.2
  •  cppi-1.18
  •  cpp-netlib-0.12.0
  •  cppo-1.3.2
  •  cpptest-1.1.2
  •  cppunit-1.13.2
  •  cpputest-3.8
  •  cppzmq-2016-07-18
  •  cproto-4.6
  •  cpufrequtils-008
  •  cpulimit-2.2
  •  cpuminer-2.4.5
  •  cpuminer-multi-20160316-8393e03
  •  cpupower-3.10.103
  •  cpupower-3.12.63
  •  cpupower-3.14.0
  •  cpupower-3.18.0
  •  cpupower-3.18.42
  •  cpupower-4.1.33
  •  cpupower-4.4.23
  •  cpupower-4.7.6
  •  crack-attack-1.1.14
  •  cracklib-2.9.6
  •  crackxls-0.4
  •  cramfsswap-1.4.1
  •  crawl-0.18.1
  •  crawl-0.18.1-tiles
  •  crda-3.18
  •  createrepo_c-0.10.0
  •  crimson-2014.10
  •  criu-2.0
  •  cromfs-
  •  cron-4.1
  •  crrcsim-0.9.13
  •  crunch-3.6
  •  cryopid-20090908
  •  crypto++-5.6.4
  •  cryptodev-linux-1.8-3.10.103
  •  cryptodev-linux-1.8-3.12.63
  •  cryptodev-linux-1.8-3.14.0
  •  cryptodev-linux-1.8-3.18.0
  •  cryptodev-linux-1.8-3.18.42
  •  cryptodev-linux-1.8-4.1.33
  •  cryptodev-linux-1.8-4.4.23
  •  cryptodev-linux-1.8-4.7.6
  •  cryptokit-1.10
  •  cryptol-2.4.0
  •  cryptoverif-1.22
  •  cryptsetup-1.7.0
  •  cscope-15.8a
  •  csdp-6.1.1
  •  csound-6.04
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  •  ctags-816
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  •  ctemplate-2.3
  •  ctl-1.5.2
  •  ctodo-1.2
  •  ctpl-0.3.4
  •  ctpp2
  •  cuetools-1.4.1
  •  culmus-0.130
  •  cuneiform-1.1.0
  •  CUnit-2.1-2
  •  cups-2.1.4
  •  cups-bjnp-1.2.2
  •  cups-filters-1.11.1
  •  cups-gutenprint-binary-5.0.1
  •  cups-pk-helper-0.2.5
  •  cura-15.04
  •  curaengine-15.04
  •  cura-lulzbot
  •  curl-7.50.3
  •  curlftpfs-0.9.2
  •  curl-unix-socket-2014-09-01
  •  cutecom-0.22.0
  •  cutee-0.4.2
  •  cutegram-2.7.1
  •  cuter
  •  cutter-1.04
  •  cuyo-2.1.0
  •  cvc3-2.4.1
  •  cvc4-1.5pre-smtcomp2016
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  •  cvs-fast-export-1.32
  •  cvsps-2.1
  •  cwebbin-22p
  •  cwiid-2010-02-21-git
  •  cwm-5.6
  •  cwrap
  •  cxx-prettyprint-unstable-2016-04-30
  •  cxxtest
  •  cxxtools
  •  cyclone-0.1-alpha55
  •  cyrus-sasl-2.1.26
  •  cytoscape-3.4.0
  •  czmq-3.0.2
  •  d4x-
  •  dadadodo-1.04
  •  daemonize-1.7.7
  •  daemontools-0.76
  •  damageproto-1.2.1
  •  daq-2.0.6
  •  dar-2.5.3
  •  darcs-2.12.4
  •  darcs-to-git-2015-06-04
  •  darkhttpd-1.11
  •  darkice-1.3
  •  darkstat-3.0.719
  •  darktable-2.0.5
  •  darling-dmg-1.0.4
  •  dart-1.16.1
  •  dash-0.5.8
  •  dashpay-
  •  das_watchdog-git-2015-04-02
  •  datamash-1.1.0
  •  datefudge-1.2.1
  •  davfs2-1.5.3
  •  davix-0.4.0
  •  davmail-4.7.2
  •  db-4.4.20
  •  db-4.5.20
  •  db-4.7.25
  •  db-4.8.30
  •  db-5.3.28
  •  db-6.0.20
  •  dbacl-1.14
  •  dbench-2013-01-01
  •  dblatex-0.3.7
  •  dblatex-full-0.3.7
  •  dbus-1.10.10
  •  dbus-cplusplus-0.9.0
  •  dbus-glib-0.106
  •  dbus-java-2.7
  •  dbus-map-2015-05-28
  •  dbus-sharp-0.7
  •  dbus-sharp-0.8.1
  •  dbus-sharp-glib-0.5
  •  dbus-sharp-glib-0.6
  •  dcadec-0.2.0
  •  dcfldd-1.3.4-1
  •  dclib-0.3.7
  •  dclxvi-2013-01-27
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  •  dconf-editor-3.20.3
  •  dcraw-9.26.0
  •  dd-agent-5.5.2
  •  ddate-0.2.2
  •  ddccontrol-0.4.2
  •  ddccontrol-db-20061014
  •  ddd-3.3.12
  •  ddrescue-1.21
  •  dd_rescue-1.99
  •  deadbeef-0.7.2
  •  deadbeef-mpris2-plugin-1.8
  •  deadbeef-with-plugins-0.7.2
  •  debian-devscripts-2.16.6
  •  debian-moreblue-testing
  •  debootstrap-1.0.80
  •  deco-0.0.1
  •  dee-1.2.7
  •  Deedle-1.2.0
  •  dejagnu-1.6
  •  dejavu-fonts-2.37
  •  Dell-5130cdn-Color-Laser-1.3-1
  •  desktop-file-utils-0.22
  •  desmume-0.9.11
  •  despotify-svn521
  •  detox-1.2.0
  •  dev86-0.16.21
  •  devhelp-3.20.0
  •  devilspie2-0.39
  •  devpi-client-2.3.2
  •  dex-0.7
  •  dfasma-1.2.5
  •  dfc-3.0.5
  •  d-feet-0.3.11
  •  dfhack-0.43.03-r1
  •  dfilemanager-git-2016-01-10
  •  dfu-programmer-0.7.2
  •  dfu-util-0.9
  •  dhcp-4.3.4
  •  dhcpcd-6.11.3
  •  dhcpdump-1.8
  •  dhcping-1.2
  •  dhewm3-20130113-92a41322f4aa8bd45395d8088721c9a2bf43c79b
  •  dhex-0.68
  •  di-4.42
  •  dia-0.97.3
  •  diagrams-builder
  •  dialog-1.3-20160209
  •  dibbler-1.0.1
  •  dico-2.3
  •  dictd-1.12.1
  •  dict-db-wiktionary-20140118
  •  dict-db-wordnet-542
  •  dictd-db-eng-fra
  •  dictd-db-eng-nld
  •  dictd-db-eng-rus
  •  dictd-db-fra-eng
  •  dictd-db-mueller-eng-rus
  •  dictd-db-nld-eng
  •  diction-1.11
  •  diffoscope-52
  •  diffpdf-2.1.3
  •  diff-so-fancy-0.11.1
  •  diffstat-1.61
  •  diffuse-0.4.8
  •  diffutils-3.5
  •  digikam-4.12.0
  •  dillo-3.0.5
  •  dina-font-2.92
  •  dina-font-pcf-2.92
  •  ding-1.8
  •  diod-1.0.23
  •  dir2opus-0.12.2
  •  dirac-1.0.2
  •  directfb-1.7.7
  •  directvnc-0.7.5-test-051207
  •  direnv-2.9.0
  •  direwolf-1.2
  •  dirmngr-1.1.1
  •  dirt-2015-04-28
  •  discount-2.2.0
  •  disk-indicator-2014-05-19
  •  dislocker-0.6.1
  •  disnix-0.6.1
  •  disnixos-0.5
  •  DisnixWebService-0.6
  •  disorderfs-0.4.2
  •  dispad-0.3.1
  •  disper-0.3.1
  •  distcc-2016-02-24
  •  distcc-links-wrapper
  •  distcc-masq-gcc-5.4.0
  •  distrho-ports-git-2015-07-18
  •  ditaa-0.9
  •  django-pipeline-1.3.27
  •  djmount-0.71
  •  djview-4.10.5
  •  djvu2pdf-0.9.2
  •  djvulibre-3.5.27
  •  dlib-18.10
  •  dlx-2012.07.08
  •  dmd-2.067.1
  •  dmenu2-0.3pre-2014-07-08
  •  dmenu-4.6
  •  dmenu-wayland-git-2014-11-02
  •  dmg2img-1.6.5
  •  dmidecode-3.0
  •  dmraid-1.0.0.rc16
  •  dmtcp-2.3.1
  •  dmtx-utils-0.7.4
  •  dmxproto-2.3.1
  •  dnscrypt-proxy-1.7.0
  •  dnscrypt-wrapper-0.2.1
  •  dnsmasq-2.76
  •  dnstop-20140915
  •  docbook2odf-0.244
  •  docbook2X-0.8.8
  •  docbook5-5.0
  •  docbook-sgml-3.1
  •  docbook-sgml-4.1
  •  docbook-xml-4.1.2
  •  docbook-xml-4.2
  •  docbook-xml-4.3
  •  docbook-xml-4.4
  •  docbook-xml-4.5
  •  docbook-xml-ebnf-1.2b1
  •  docbook-xsl-1.79.1
  •  docbook-xsl-ns-1.79.1
  •  docker-1.12.1
  •  docker-compose-1.8.0
  •  docker-gc-b0cc52aa3da2e2ac0080794e0be6e674b1f063fc
  •  doclifter-2.15
  •  dog-1.7
  •  dogecoin-1.8.2
  •  dogecoind-1.8.2
  •  dok
  •  dolphin-16.08.1
  •  dolphin-emu-20150802
  •  dolphin-emu-5.0
  •  dolphin-plugins-16.08.1
  •  dolphin-plugins-4.14.3
  •  doodle-0.7.0
  •  doomseeker-1.0
  •  dos2unix-7.3.2
  •  dosbox-0.74
  •  dosemu-fonts-1.4.0
  •  dosfstools-3.0.28
  •  dotconf-1.3
  •  dotnetbuildhelpers
  •  double-conversion-2.0.1
  •  dovecot-2.2.25
  •  dovecot-antispam-20130429
  •  dovecot-pigeonhole-0.4.10
  •  doxygen-1.8.11
  •  dpdk-16.07-3.18.0
  •  dpdk-16.07-3.18.42
  •  dpdk-16.07-4.1.33
  •  dpdk-16.07-4.4.23
  •  dpdk-16.07-4.7.6
  •  dpic-2016.01.12
  •  dpkg-1.18.10
  •  dragon-4.14.3
  •  dragon-drop-git-2014-08-14
  •  drbd-8.4.4
  •  drgeo-1.1.0
  •  dri2proto-2.8
  •  dri3proto-1.0
  •  driftnet-8d47fd5
  •  dropbear-2016.74
  •  dropbox-cli-2015.10.28
  •  drumgizmo-0.9.10
  •  drumkv1-0.7.1
  •  drumstick-1.0.2
  •  drush-6.1.0
  •  dspam-3.10.2
  •  dssi-1.1.1
  •  dstat-0.7.3
  •  dtach-0.9
  •  dtc-1.4.1
  •  dtrx-7.1
  •  dub-1.0.0
  •  duc-1.4.1
  •  duckmarines-1.0b
  •  duff-2014-07-03
  •  dumptorrent-1.2
  •  dunst-1.1.0
  •  duo-unix-1.9.19
  •  duperemove-0.10
  •  duplicity-
  •  duply-1.9.2
  •  dust-0-91
  •  dvb-apps-7f68f9c8d311
  •  dvdauthor-0.7.1
  •  dvdbackup-0.4.2
  •  dvdisaster-0.79.5
  •  dvd+rw-tools-7.1
  •  dvd-slideshow
  •  dvgrab-3.5
  •  dvtm-0.15
  •  dwarf_fortress_unfuck-2016-07-13
  •  dwarf-therapist-37.0.0
  •  dwarf-therapist-original-37.0.0
  •  dwb-2016-03-21
  •  dwm-6.1
  •  dxflib-
  •  dynamic-colors-0.2.1
  •  dypgen-20120619-1
  •  dysnomia-0.6.1
  •  dzen2-0.9.5
  •  e1000e-3.3.1-3.10.103
  •  e1000e-3.3.1-3.12.63
  •  e1000e-3.3.1-3.14.0
  •  e1000e-3.3.1-3.18.0
  •  e1000e-3.3.1-3.18.42
  •  e1000e-3.3.1-4.1.33
  •  e1000e-3.3.1-4.4.23
  •  e1000e-3.3.1-4.7.6
  •  e2fsprogs-1.42.13
  •  e2tools-0.0.16
  •  eaglemode-0.86.0
  •  easy-format-1.2.0
  •  easyrsa-2.2.0
  •  easyrsa-3.0.0
  •  easytag-2.4.1
  •  eb-garamond-0.016
  •  eboard-1.1.1
  •  ebook-tools-0.2.2
  •  ebtables-2.0.10-4
  •  ecj-3.7.2
  •  ecl-16.1.2
  •  eclipse-cpp-3.6.2
  •  eclipse-cpp-3.7
  •  eclipse-cpp-4.2
  •  eclipse-cpp-4.3.2
  •  eclipse-cpp-4.4.2
  •  eclipse-cpp-4.5.1
  •  eclipse-cpp-4.6.0
  •  eclipse-JDT-SDK-3.3.2
  •  eclipse-modeling-3.6.2
  •  eclipse-platform-4.5
  •  eclipse-platform-4.5.1
  •  eclipse-platform-4.5.2
  •  eclipse-platform-4.6
  •  eclipse-scala-sdk-4.0.0
  •  eclipse-sdk-3.5.2
  •  eclipse-sdk-3.6.2
  •  eclipse-sdk-3.7
  •  eclipse-sdk-4.2.1
  •  eclipse-sdk-4.2.2
  •  eclipse-sdk-4.3.1
  •  eclipse-sdk-4.4
  •  eclipse-sdk-4.4.2
  •  eclipse-sdk-4.5
  •  eclipse-sdk-4.5.1
  •  eclipse-sdk-4.5.2
  •  eclipse-sdk-4.6
  •  ecm-6.4.4
  •  econnman-1.1
  •  ecryptfs-111
  •  ecryptfs-helper-20160722
  •  ed-1.13
  •  edac-utils-2015-01-07
  •  edbrowse-3.6.1
  •  edit-nightly-20160425
  •  editorconfig-core-c-0.12.1
  •  editres-1.0.6
  •  edk2-2014-12-10
  •  eduke32-20150420-5160
  •  eff-20140928
  •  efibootmgr-13
  •  efivar-27
  •  efl-1.18.0
  •  eggdbus-0.6
  •  eggdrop-1.6.21-nix1
  •  egoboo-2.7.3
  •  eid-mw-4.1.18
  •  eid-viewer-4.1.9
  •  eigen-2.0.17
  •  eigen-3.2.5
  •  eiskaltdcpp-2.2.9
  •  ejabberd-16.08
  •  ekho-5.8.2
  •  ekiga-4.0.1
  •  ekrhyper-1_4_21022014
  •  elasticmq-0.5
  •  elasticsearch-1.7.2
  •  elasticsearch-2.3.4
  •  elasticsearch-analysis-lemmagen-0.1
  •  elastic-search-guard-0.5
  •  elasticsearch-http-basic-1.5.0
  •  elasticsearch-kopf-1.5.7
  •  elasticsearch-river-jdbc-
  •  elasticsearch-river-twitter-2.5.0
  •  electricsheep-2.6.8
  •  electron-1.2.2
  •  electrum-2.6.4
  •  electrum-dash-2.4.1
  •  elementary-icon-theme-3.2.2
  •  elfutils-0.165
  •  elinks-0.12pre6
  •  eliom-5.0.0
  •  elixir-1.3.1
  •  elm-0.17.1
  •  elm-compiler-0.17.1
  •  elm-format-0.4.0
  •  elm-make-0.17.1
  •  elm-package-0.17.1
  •  elm-reactor-0.17.1
  •  elm-repl-0.17.1
  •  elvis-2.2_0
  •  emacs-24.5
  •  emacs-25.1
  •  emacs-nox-24.5
  •  email-git-2016-01-31
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  •  emma-2.0.5312
  •  emojione-1.3
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  •  emscripten-fastcomp-1.36.4
  •  emscripten-json-c-0.12
  •  emscripten-libxml2-2.9.4
  •  emscripten-xmlmirror
  •  emscripten-zlib-1.2.8
  •  emulationstation-2.0.1a
  •  emv-1.95
  •  ena-20160629-3.10.103
  •  ena-20160629-3.12.63
  •  ena-20160629-3.18.42
  •  ena-20160629-4.1.33
  •  ena-20160629-4.4.23
  •  ena-20160629-4.7.6
  •  enblend-enfuse-4.2
  •  enca-1.16
  •  encfs-1.8.1
  •  enchant-1.6.0
  •  encodings-1.0.4
  •  enet-1.3.13
  •  engine_pkcs11-0.1.8
  •  enhanced-ctorrent
  •  enlightenment-0.21.2
  •  enscript-1.6.6
  •  ent-1.1
  •  entr-3.5
  •  eog-3.20.4
  •  eot_utilities-1.1
  •  epdfview-0.1.8
  •  epiphany-3.20.3
  •  eplot-2.07
  •  epm-4.2
  •  epoxy-1.3.1
  •  eprover-1.9
  •  epson-escpr-1.6.5
  •  eq10q-2.0
  •  eql-git-9097bf98446ee33c07bb155d800395775ce0d9b2
  •  erlang-16B03-1
  •  erlang-16B03-1-odbc
  •  erlang-17.5
  •  erlang-17.5-javac
  •  erlang-17.5-odbc
  •  erlang-17.5-odbc-javac
  •  erlang-18.3.4
  •  erlang-18.3.4-javac
  •  erlang-18.3.4-odbc
  •  erlang-18.3.4-odbc-javac
  •  erlang-19.0.2
  •  erlang-19.0.2-javac
  •  erlang-19.0.2-odbc
  •  erlang-19.0.2-odbc-javac
  •  esdl-1.3.1
  •  es-git-2015-04-11
  •  esniper-2.31.0
  •  espeak-1.48.04
  •  espeakedit-1.48.03
  •  esteidfirefoxplugin-
  •  eterm-0.9.6
  •  eternity-engine-3.40.46
  •  etherape-0.9.13
  •  ethtool-4.6
  •  ettercap-0.8.2
  •  euca2ools-2.1.4
  •  eudev-3.2
  •  eukleides-1.5.4
  •  evemu-2.4.0
  •  eventlog-0.2.12
  •  eventstat-0.03.02
  •  EventStore-3.5.0
  •  evilvte-0.5.2-20140827
  •  evilwm-1.1.1
  •  evince-3.20.1
  •  evolution-3.20.5
  •  evolution-data-server-3.20.5
  •  evopedia-0.4.4
  •  evtest-1.33
  •  eweb-9.10
  •  exa-2016-04-20
  •  Excel-DNA-0.32.0
  •  Excel-DNA.Registration-git-69abb1b352
  •  execline-
  •  exempi-2.2.2
  •  exfat-1.2.4
  •  exif-0.6.21
  •  exiftags-1.01
  •  exim-4.87
  •  exiv2-0.25
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  •  Fantomas-1.6.0
  •  farbfeld-2
  •  farsight2-0.0.31
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  •  faust2jaqt-2.0-a41
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  •  faust2lv2-2.0-a41
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  •  filelight-4.14.3
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  •  flacon-2.0.1
  •  FlameGraph-2015-10-10
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  •  flann-1.8.4
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  •  flashrom-0.9.9
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  •  frandom-1.1-3.18.0
  •  frandom-1.1-3.18.42
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  •  frandom-1.1-4.4.23
  •  frandom-1.1-4.7.6
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  •  fribidi-0.19.6
  •  fricas-1.2.2
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  •  FsCheck-1.0.4
  •  FsCheck.Nunit-1.0.4
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  •  FSharp.Compiler.CodeDom-0.9.2
  •  FSharp.Compiler.Service-0.0.90
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  •  fsmark-3.3
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  •  FsUnit-
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  •  fswebcam-20140113
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  •  ftgl-2.1.3-rc5
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  •  fvwm-2.6.6
  •  fxload-2002_04_11
  •  fzy-0.4
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  •  gajim-0.16.5
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  •  gale-1.1happy
  •  galen-2.3.0
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  •  gamin-0.1.10
  •  gammu-1.33.0
  •  gandi-cli-0.19
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  •  gatling-0.13
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  •  gazebo-7.0.0
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  •  gcc-arm-embedded-4.8-2014q1-20140314
  •  gcc-arm-embedded-4.9-2015q1-20150306
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  •  gcc-wrapper-4.8.5
  •  gcc-wrapper-4.9.4
  •  gcc-wrapper-5.4.0
  •  gcc-wrapper-6.2.0
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  •  geoclue-2.4.3
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  •  GeoIPJava-1.2.5
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  •  gfortran-wrapper-5.4.0
  •  gfortran-wrapper-6.2.0
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  •  hplip-3.16.5
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  •  hyenae-0.36-1
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  •  ign-transport-1.0.1
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  •  intel-gpu-tools-1.15
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  •  irrlicht-1.8-svn-5104
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  •  isl-0.12.2
  •  isl-0.14.1
  •  isl-0.15
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  •  ixgbevf-3.2.2-3.18.0
  •  ixgbevf-3.2.2-3.18.42
  •  ixgbevf-3.2.2-4.1.33
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  •  jalv-1.4.6
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  •  jama-1.2.5
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  •  JamomaCore-1.0-beta.1
  •  jansson-2.8
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  •  java-cup-11b-20160615
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  •  jool-3.4.5-3.18.0
  •  jool-3.4.5-3.18.42
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  •  kalibrate-rtl-20131214
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  •  kde-l10n-ar-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-bs-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-bs-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-ca-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-ca-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-ca_valencia-qt4-ca_valencia-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-ca_valencia-qt5-ca_valencia-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-cs-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-cs-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-cs-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-fr-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-ga-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-gl-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-hi-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-hi-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-hr-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-hr-qt5-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-hu-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-hu-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-hu-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-ja-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-kk-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-km-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-ko-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-lt-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-lv-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-lv-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-mr-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-mr-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-nb-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-nl-qt4-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-nn-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-nn-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-nn-qt5-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-pa-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-pa-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-pa-qt5-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-pl-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-pl-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-pl-qt5-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-pt-4.14.3
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  •  kde-l10n-pt_BR-qt5-pt_BR-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-pt-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-pt-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-ro-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-ro-qt5-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-ru-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-ru-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-ru-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-sk-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-sk-qt5-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-sl-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-sl-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-sl-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-sr-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-sr-qt5-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-sv-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-sv-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-sv-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-tr-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-tr-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-ug-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-ug-qt5-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-uk-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-wa-4.14.3
  •  kde-l10n-wa-qt4-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-wa-qt5-16.08.1
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  •  kde-l10n-zh_CN-qt4-zh_CN-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-zh_CN-qt5-zh_CN-16.08.1
  •  kde-l10n-zh_TW-4.14.3
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  •  kde-l10n-zh_TW-qt5-zh_TW-16.08.1
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  •  kdeplasma-addons-5.7.4
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  •  koji-1.8
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  •  kompare-4.14.3
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  •  konversation-1.6.1
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  •  lablgtk-2.18.3
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  •  lambda-term-1.6
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  •  lammps-mpi-2016-02-16
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  •  lastwatch-0.4.1
  •  LASzip-2.2.0
  •  latencytop-0.5
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  •  lbase64
  •  lbdb-0.38
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  •  leafpad-
  •  league-of-moveable-type-2014-12
  •  lean-2016-07-05
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  •  ledger-3.1.1
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  •  leksah
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  •  lisp-trivial-gray-streams-git-20141113
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  •  llvm-3.8.0
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  •  log4cxx-0.10.0
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  •  lohit-konkani-2.4.3
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  •  lohit-marathi-2.94.0
  •  lohit-nepali-2.94.0
  •  lohit-odia-2.91.0
  •  lohit-sindhi-2.4.3
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  •  lohit-telugu-2.5.4
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  •  love-0.9.1
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  •  mailsend-1.19
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  •  mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.15.1
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  •  matio-1.5.2
  •  matita-0.5.8
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  •  matter_compiler-0.5.1
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  •  MaxMind.Db-
  •  MaxMind.GeoIP2-2.3.1
  •  maya-4.14
  •  mba6x_bl-2016-02-12
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  •  mednaffe-0.8
  •  megaglest-3.9.2
  •  megam-0.92
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  •  memtest86+-5.01
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  •  mgba-git-20160325
  •  mhash-
  •  mhddfs-0.1.39
  •  mhwaveedit-1.4.23
  •  mi2ly-0.12
  •  microcode-intel-20160714
  •  micro-httpd-20140814
  •  micropolis-2010-12-18
  •  microscheme-0.9.3
  •  mid2key-r1
  •  midori-0.5.11
  •  mig-20100512
  •  mikmod-3.2.6
  •  milkytracker-0.90.85
  •  milou-5.7.4
  •  milu-nightly-2016-05-09
  •  mimeo-2016.2
  •  mimetic-0.9.8
  •  mimms-3.2
  •  minc-tools-2.3.00
  •  mindlock-testing
  •  minetest-0.4.14
  •  ming-0.4.7
  •  mingetty-1.08
  •  miniball-3.0
  •  minicom-2.7
  •  minidjvu-0.8
  •  minidlna-1.1.5
  •  mini-httpd-1.6
  •  minimodem-0.19
  •  minio-20160821
  •  minio-client-20160821
  •  minisat-2.2.0
  •  minisign-0.6
  •  minissdpd-1.5.20160301
  •  minitube-2.4
  •  miniupnpc-1.9.20150430
  •  miniupnpd-2.0
  •  minizip-1.2.8
  •  minmay-1.0.0
  •  miraclecast-0.0-git-20151002
  •  mirage-
  •  miro-6.0
  •  miscfiles-1.5
  •  mit-scheme-9.2
  •  mixxx-2.0.0
  •  mjpegtools-2.1.0
  •  mjpg-streamer-2016-03-08
  •  mk-2006-01-31
  •  mkcast-2015-03-13
  •  mkcl-1.1.9
  •  mkcue-1
  •  mkfontdir-1.0.7
  •  mkfontscale-1.1.2
  •  mkinitcpio-nfs-utils-0.3
  •  mkpasswd-5.2.12
  •  mkrand-0.1.0
  •  mksh-52c
  •  mktemp-1.6
  •  mktorrent-1.0
  •  mkvtoolnix-9.4.0
  •  mldonkey-3.1.5
  •  mlgmp-20120224
  •  mlmmj-
  •  mlt-0.9.6
  •  mlt-6.2.0
  •  mlterm-3.3.8
  •  mlton-20130715
  •  mma-15.12
  •  mmc-utils-2015-11-18
  •  mmv-1.01b
  •  mnemonicode-2015-11-30
  •  mnemosyne-2.3.2
  •  mobile-broadband-provider-info-20151214
  •  moc-2.5.0
  •  mockobjects-0.09
  •  mod-distortion-git-2015-05-18
  •  mod_dnssd-0.6
  •  ModemManager-1.4.6
  •  modemmanager-qt-5.24.0
  •  mod_fastcgi-2.4.6
  •  mod_python-3.5.0
  •  modsecurity-2.9.0
  •  mod_wsgi-3.5
  •  moka-icon-theme-2016-06-07
  •  moltengamepad-git-2016-05-04
  •  monero-0.9.4
  •  mongoc-1.1.10
  •  mongodb-2.4.8
  •  mongodb-3.2.9
  •  monit-5.19.0
  •  monkeys-audio-3.99-u4-b5
  •  monkeysphere-0.37
  •  mono-
  •  mono-
  •  mono-
  •  mono-addins-1.2
  •  Mono.Addins-1.2
  •  monodevelop-
  •  mono-dll-fixer
  •  Mono.Nat-1.2.24
  •  mononoki-1.2
  •  monotone-1.1
  •  monotone-viz-1.0.2
  •  mono-zeroconf-0.9.0
  •  montserrat-1.0
  •  moonlight-embedded-2.2.1
  •  mopidy-2.0.1
  •  mopidy-gmusic-1.0.0
  •  mopidy-moped-0.6.0
  •  mopidy-mopify-1.5.17
  •  mopidy-musicbox-webclient-2.3.0
  •  mopidy-soundcloud-2.0.2
  •  mopidy-spotify-3.0.0
  •  mopidy-spotify-tunigo-1.0.0
  •  mopidy-youtube-2.0.2
  •  moreutils-0.59
  •  morituri-
  •  mosh-1.2.6
  •  mosquitto-1.4
  •  most-5.0.0
  •  motif-2.3.6
  •  motu-client-1.0.8
  •  mousepad-0.4.0
  •  movit-1.2.0
  •  mozart-binary-2.0.0
  •  mozjpeg-3.1
  •  mozplugger-2.1.6
  •  mp3fs-0.91
  •  mp3gain-1.5.2
  •  mp3info-0.8.5a
  •  mp3splt-2.6.2
  •  mp3val-0.1.8
  •  mp4v2-1.9.1p4
  •  mpack-1.6
  •  mpage-2.5.6
  •  mpc-0.27
  •  mpc123-0.2.4
  •  mpd-0.19.15
  •  mpdcron-20130809
  •  mpDris2
  •  mpdscribble-0.22
  •  mpfr-3.1.3
  •  mpg123-1.22.2
  •  mpg321-0.3.2
  •  MPH-2B-Damase
  •  mpich2-1.4
  •  mplayer-1.3.0
  •  mplayerthumbs-4.14.3
  •  mplus-059
  •  mpop-1.2.4
  •  mps-1.115.0
  •  mpv-0.19.0
  •  mpw-2.1-cli4
  •  mr-1.20160123
  •  mrbayes-3.1.2
  •  mro-unicode-2013-05-25
  •  mrpeach-1.1
  •  mrrescue-1.02d
  •  mrtg-2.17.4
  •  mrxvt-0.5.4
  •  mscgen-0.20
  •  msieve-1.48
  •  msilbc-2.0.3
  •  msitools-0.94
  •  msmtp-1.6.4
  •  ms-sys-2.5.3
  •  mstflint-4.4.0-1.12.gd1edd58
  •  mstpd-svn-61
  •  mtdev-1.1.5
  •  mtd-utils-1.5.2
  •  mtools-4.0.18
  •  mtpfs-1.1
  •  mtr-0.86
  •  mt-st-1.3
  •  mt-utils-0.0.1alpha3
  •  mtx-1.3.12
  •  mu-0.9.16
  •  mueval-env
  •  mujs-2016-02-22
  •  multi-ghc-travis-git-2015-11-04
  •  multimarkdown-4.7.1
  •  multimc-5
  •  multimon-ng-1.0.0
  •  multipath-tools-0.6.2
  •  multisync-0.82-1
  •  multitail-6.4.2
  •  multitran-data-0.3
  •  mumble-1.2.16
  •  mumble-1.3.0-git-2016-04-10
  •  mumble-overlay-1.2.16
  •  munge-0.5.11
  •  munin-2.0.25
  •  muparser-2.2.3
  •  mupdf-1.9a
  •  mupen64plus-1.5
  •  murmur-1.2.16
  •  murmur-1.3.0-git-2016-04-10
  •  musescore-2.0.3
  •  musica-3.12
  •  musl-1.1.11
  •  mutt-1.6.2
  •  mutter-3.20.3
  •  mutt-kz-
  •  mxml-2.9
  •  mxt-app-1.26
  •  mxu11x0-1.3.11-3.18.0
  •  mxu11x0-1.3.11-3.18.42
  •  mxu11x0-1.3.11-4.1.33
  •  mxu11x0-1.3.11-4.4.23
  •  mxu11x0-1.3.11-4.7.6
  •  mygui-3.2.2
  •  mypaint-1.1.0
  •  mypy-lang-0.4.3
  •  mysocketw-031026
  •  myspell-dict-he-1.1
  •  mysql2pgsql-0.0.1a
  •  mysql-5.5.52
  •  mysql-5.7.15
  •  mysql-connector-java-5.1.39
  •  mysql-workbench-6.3.7
  •  mythes-1.2.4
  •  mythtv-0.27.4
  •  n2048-0.1
  •  nabi-1.0.0
  •  naev-0.5.0
  •  nafees
  •  nagios-4.0.8
  •  nagios-plugins-2.0.3
  •  namecoin-0.3.80
  •  namecoind-0.3.80
  •  nano-2.6.3
  •  nanoblogger-3.5-rc1
  •  nanoflann-1.1.9
  •  nanomsg-1.0.0
  •  nant-2015-11-15
  •  nasm-2.11.08
  •  nasty-0.6
  •  nautilus-3.20.2
  •  nautilus-sendto-3.8.1
  •  navipowm-0.2.4
  •  navit-svn-3537
  •  nbd-3.14
  •  nc6-1.0
  •  ncbi_tools
  •  ncdc-1.19.1
  •  ncdu-1.11
  •  ncftp-3.2.5
  •  ncmpc-0.24
  •  ncmpcpp-0.7.5
  •  nco-4.5.5
  •  ncompress-
  •  ncurses-5.9
  •  ncurses-6.0
  •  NDesk.Options-0.2.1
  •  ndisc6-1.0.3
  •  ndiswrapper-1.59-3.10.103
  •  ndiswrapper-1.59-3.12.63
  •  ndiswrapper-1.59-3.14.0
  •  ndiswrapper-1.59-3.18.0
  •  ndiswrapper-1.59-3.18.42
  •  ndiswrapper-1.59-4.1.33
  •  ndiswrapper-1.59-4.4.23
  •  ndiswrapper-1.59-4.7.6
  •  ndjbdns-1.06
  •  ndn-cxx-0.1-4c32e7
  •  ne-3.0.1
  •  neard-0.15-post-git-20510929
  •  neardal-0.7-post-git-20150930
  •  nedit-5.6a
  •  neko-2.0.0
  •  nemiver-0.9.6
  •  neo4j-2.1.3
  •  neomutt-20160827
  •  neon-0.29.6
  •  neon-0.30.1
  •  neovim-0.1.5
  •  neovim-qt-0.2.1
  •  nepomuk-core-4.14.3
  •  nepomuk-widgets-4.14.3
  •  nerdfonts-0.8.0
  •  nestopia-1.46.2
  •  netatalk-3.1.7
  •  netatop-3.10.103-1.0
  •  netatop-3.12.63-1.0
  •  netatop-3.14.0-1.0
  •  netatop-3.18.0-1.0
  •  netatop-3.18.42-1.0
  •  netatop-4.1.33-1.0
  •  netatop-4.4.23-1.0
  •  netatop-4.7.6-1.0
  •  netbeans-8.1
  •  netboot-0.10.2
  •  netcat-gnu-0.7.1
  •  netcat-openbsd-1.105
  •  netcdf-
  •  netcdf-cxx4-4.2.1
  •  netcdf-fortran-4.4.3
  •  netcdf-mpi-
  •  netdata-1.0.0
  •  nethack-3.6.0
  •  nethogs-0.8.5
  •  netkit-tftp-0.17
  •  netpbm-10.70.00
  •  netperf-2.7.0
  •  netrw-1.3.2
  •  netselect-0.3
  •  netsniff-ng-0.6.1
  •  net-snmp-5.7.3
  •  netsurf-3.5
  •  netsurf-buildsystem-1.5
  •  netsurf-libcss-0.6.0
  •  netsurf-libdom-0.3.0
  •  netsurf-libhubbub-0.3.3
  •  netsurf-libnsbmp-0.1.3
  •  netsurf-libnsfb-0.1.4
  •  netsurf-libnsgif-0.1.3
  •  netsurf-libnsutils-0.0.2
  •  netsurf-libparserutils-0.2.3
  •  netsurf-libutf8proc-1.3.1
  •  netsurf-libwapcaplet-0.3.0
  •  netsurf-nsgenbind-0.3
  •  nettle-3.2
  •  net-tools-1.60_p20120127084908
  •  network-manager-
  •  network-manager-1.2.2
  •  network-manager-applet-1.2.2
  •  NetworkManager-l2tp-gnome-1.2.2
  •  NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome-1.2.2
  •  NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome-1.2.2
  •  NetworkManager-pptp-gnome-1.2.2
  •  networkmanager-qt-5.24.0
  •  NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome-1.2.2
  •  neural-style-0.0pre2016.08.15
  •  neuron-7.4
  •  neuron-mpi-7.4
  •  neverball-1.6.0
  •  newsbeuter-2.9
  •  newsbeuter-dev-20140309
  •  newt-0.52.15
  •  Newtonsoft.Json-6.0.8
  •  newtonwars-20150609
  •  nexuiz-2.5.2
  •  nexus-2.12.0-01
  •  nfs-utils-1.3.3
  •  nftables-0.6
  •  nghttp2-1.10.0
  •  nginx-1.10.1
  •  nginx-1.11.3
  •  ngircd-21
  •  ngrep-1.45
  •  ngspice-25
  •  nifskope-1.1.3
  •  nilfs-utils-2.2.4
  •  nim-0.14.2
  •  nimble-0.7.4
  •  ninja-1.7.1
  •  nip2-8.3.0
  •  nitrogen-1.5.2
  •  nix-1.11.4
  •  nix-1.12pre4523_3b81b26
  •  nixbang-0.1.2
  •  nix-binary-cache-2014-06-29-1
  •  nix-exec-4.1.5
  •  nix-generate-from-cpan-3
  •  nixops-1.4
  •  nixos-artwork-2015-02-27
  •  nixos-container
  •  nixos-slim-testing
  •  nixpart-0.4.1
  •  nixpkgs-lint-1
  •  nix-prefetch-bzr
  •  nix-prefetch-cvs
  •  nix-prefetch-git
  •  nix-prefetch-hg
  •  nix-prefetch-scripts
  •  nix-prefetch-svn
  •  nix-prefetch-zip
  •  nix-repl-1.11.4-2016-02-28
  •  nix-serve-0.2-7e09caa
  •  nix-template-rpm-0.1
  •  nix-tour
  •  nixui-0.2.1
  •  nix-zsh-completions
  •  njam-1.25
  •  nkf-2.1.3
  •  nload-0.7.4
  •  nlohmann_json-2.0.2
  •  nmap-7.12
  •  nmap-graphical-7.12
  •  nn
  •  nngraph
  •  nntp-proxy-2014-01-06
  •  node-azure-cli-0.10.4
  •  nodejs-0.10.42
  •  nodejs-0.10-groovebasin-1.5.1
  •  nodejs-0.10-statsd-0.7.2
  •  nodejs-4.4.6
  •  nodejs-5.12.0
  •  nodejs-6.4.0
  •  nodejs-pump.io-git-2015-11-09
  •  nodejs-shout-0.51.1
  •  node-npm2nix-5.12.0
  •  node-sloc-0.1.11
  •  node-webkit-0.11.2
  •  node-webkit-0.9.2
  •  node-wring-1.0.0
  •  noip-2.1.9-1
  •  non-2016-04-05
  •  normalize-0.7.7
  •  norwester-1.2
  •  notify-osd-0.9.34
  •  notify-sharp-3.0.3
  •  notion
  •  notmuch-0.22
  •  notmuch-mutt-0.22
  •  noto-fonts-cjk-1.004
  •  noto-fonts-emoji-git-2016-03-17
  •  noto-fonts-git-2016-03-29
  •  nova-12.0.0
  •  nova-filters-0.2-2
  •  noweb-2.11b
  •  nox-0.0.4
  •  npapi-sdk-0.27.2
  •  npth-1.2
  •  nq-0.1
  •  nsd-4.1.9
  •  nsjail-git-2015-08-10
  •  nspluginwrapper-1.4.4
  •  nspr-4.12
  •  nss-3.26
  •  nss-cacert-3.26
  •  nss_ldap-265
  •  nss-mdns-0.10
  •  nss-pam-ldapd-0.8.13
  •  nss_wrapper-1.0.3
  •  ntdb-1.0
  •  ntfs-3g-2016.2.22
  •  ntk-2014-10-18
  •  ntopng-2.0
  •  ntp-4.2.8p8
  •  ntrack-016
  •  Nuget-2.8.5
  •  nuke-references
  •  numactl-2.0.10
  •  numad-0.5
  •  numdiff-5.8.1
  •  numix-gtk-theme-2016-06-12
  •  numix-icon-theme-2016-06-10
  •  numix-icon-theme-circle-2016-06-10
  •  numlockx-1.2
  •  NUnit-2.6.4
  •  NUnit-3.0.1
  •  NUnit.Console-3.0.1
  •  NUnit.Runners-2.6.4
  •  nut-2.7.1
  •  nuweb-1.58
  •  nvi-1.79
  •  nvidiabl-0.85-3.10.103
  •  nvidiabl-0.85-3.12.63
  •  nvidiabl-0.85-3.14.0
  •  nvidiabl-0.85-3.18.0
  •  nvidiabl-0.85-3.18.42
  •  nvidiabl-0.85-4.1.33
  •  nvidiabl-0.85-4.4.23
  •  nvidiabl-0.85-4.7.6
  •  nvidia-texture-tools-1388
  •  nvpy-0.9.7
  •  nwjs-0.12.3
  •  nxproxy-
  •  nylon-1.21
  •  nzbget-17.0-r1686
  •  oath-toolkit-2.6.1
  •  obconf-2.0.4
  •  obexd-0.48
  •  obex-data-server-0.4.6
  •  obexfs-0.12
  •  obexftp-0.24
  •  objconv-2.16
  •  obnam-1.19.1
  •  obs-studio-0.15.2
  •  ocaml-3.08.0
  •  ocaml-3.10.0
  •  ocaml-3.11.2
  •  ocaml-3.12.1
  •  ocaml-4.00.1
  •  ocaml-4.01.0
  •  ocaml4.01.0-topkg-0.7.8
  •  ocaml-4.02.3
  •  ocaml-alcotest-0.4.5
  •  ocaml-asn1-combinators-0.1.2
  •  ocaml-atd-1.1.2
  •  ocaml-atdgen-1.6.0
  •  ocaml-base64-2.0.0
  •  ocaml-batteries-2.5.2
  •  ocaml-bin_prot-112.24.00
  •  ocaml-bitstring-2.0.4
  •  ocaml-bitstring-f1673f8
  •  ocaml-cairo-1.2.0
  •  ocaml-cairo2-0.4.6
  •  ocaml-calendar-2.5
  •  ocaml-camlpdf-2.1.1
  •  ocaml-cil-1.7.3
  •  ocaml-cmdliner-0.9.8
  •  ocaml-comparelib-109.60.00
  •  ocaml-conduit-0.8.3
  •  ocaml-config-file-1.2
  •  ocaml-containers-0.18
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  •  paper-icon-theme-2016-06-08
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  •  pasystray-0.5.2
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  •  perf-linux-3.18.0
  •  perf-linux-3.18.42
  •  perf-linux-4.1.33
  •  perf-linux-4.4.23
  •  perf-linux-4.7.6
  •  performous-1.1
  •  perf-tools-20160418
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  •  perl-Algorithm-C3-0.10
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  •  perl-Alien-wxWidgets-0.67
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  •  perl-AnyEvent-HTTP-2.23
  •  perl-AnyEvent-I3-0.16
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  •  perl-App-Cmd-0.330
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  •  perl-App-perlbrew-0.73
  •  perl-App-Sqitch-0.9994
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  •  perl-Archive-Zip-1.53
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  •  perl-Attribute-Params-Validate-1.21
  •  perl-Authen-DecHpwd-2.006
  •  perl-Authen-Htpasswd-0.171
  •  perl-Authen-Passphrase-0.008
  •  perl-Authen-SASL-2.16
  •  perl-autobox-2.83
  •  perl-Autodia-2.14
  •  perl-AutoLoader-5.74
  •  perl-autovivification-0.16
  •  perl-awstats-7.4
  •  perl-base-2.18
  •  perl-B-C-1.54
  •  perl-BerkeleyDB-0.54
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  •  perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.15
  •  perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.19
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  •  perl-Bit-Vector-7.3
  •  perl-B-Keywords-1.14
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  •  perl-Business-ISBN-Data-20140910.002
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  •  perl-Business-ISSN-0.91
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  •  perl-Cache-Memcached-1.30
  •  perl-Cache-Memcached-Fast-0.21
  •  perl-Cache-Memory-2.04
  •  perl-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry-0.27
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  •  perl-Capture-Tiny-0.30
  •  perl-Carp-1.36
  •  perl-Carp-Always-0.13
  •  perl-Carp-Assert-0.20
  •  perl-Carp-Assert-More-1.14
  •  perl-Carp-Clan-6.04
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  •  perl-Catalyst-Action-REST-1.20
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  •  perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd-1.003
  •  perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext-0.001001
  •  perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-1.00
  •  perl-Catalyst-Controller-POD-1.0.0
  •  perl-Catalyst-Devel-1.39
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  •  perl-Catalyst-Manual-5.9009
  •  perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema-0.65
  •  perl-Catalyst-Plugin-AccessLog-1.10
  •  perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-0.10023
  •  perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL-0.16
  •  perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles-0.09
  •  perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-0.12
  •  perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-HTTP-0.001000
  •  perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Captcha-0.04
  •  perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-0.34
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  •  perl-Devel-Declare-0.006018
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  •  perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Version-0.002004
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  •  perl-Exporter-Lite-0.04
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  •  perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.08
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  •  perl-get_iplayer-2.94
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  •  perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.100
  •  perl-Git-PurePerl-0.51
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  •  perl-Modern-Perl-1.20140107
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  •  perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike-0.27
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  •  perl-openxpki-git20150807
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  •  perl-Package-Stash-XS-0.28
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  •  perl-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody-0.05
  •  perl-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy-0.15
  •  perl-Plack-Test-ExternalServer-0.02
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  •  perl-PPIx-Utilities-1.001000
  •  perl-Probe-Perl-0.03
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  •  perl-Term-Size-Perl-0.029
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  •  perl-Test-Aggregate-0.373
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  •  perl-Test-Assertions-1.054
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  •  perl-Test-Command-0.11
  •  perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-0.23
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  •  python2.7-markdown2-2.3.0
  •  python2.7-markdown-2.6.4
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  •  python2.7-neutronclient-3.1.0
  •  python2.7-nevow-0.11.1
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  •  python2.7-ntfy-1.2.0
  •  python2.7-ntplib-0.3.3
  •  python2.7-Nuitka-
  •  python2.7-numba-0.27.0
  •  python2.7-numexpr-2.5.2
  •  python2.7-numpy-1.10.4
  •  python2.7-numpy-1.11.1
  •  python2.7-numpydoc-0.5
  •  python2.7-numtraits-0.2
  •  python2.7-nwdiag-1.0.3
  •  python2.7-nxt-python-unstable-20160819
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  •  python2.7-ofxparse-0.14
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  •  python2.7-osc-0.133+git
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  •  python2.7-oslo.context-0.7.0
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  •  python2.7-oslo.messaging-2.7.0
  •  python2.7-oslo.middleware-2.9.0
  •  python2.7-oslo.policy-0.12.0
  •  python2.7-oslo.reports-0.6.0
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  •  python2.7-oslo.service-0.10.0
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  •  python2.7-oslo.vmware-1.22.0
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  •  python2.7-passlib-1.6.2
  •  python2.7-paste-
  •  python2.7-paste-deploy-1.5.2
  •  python2.7-PasterScript-1.7.5
  •  python2.7-pathlib-1.0.1
  •  python2.7-pathlib2-2.1.0
  •  python2.7-pathos-0.2.0
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  •  python2.7-pika-0.10.0
  •  python2.7-pilkit-1.1.4
  •  python2.7-Pillow-3.3.1
  •  python2.7-pillowfight-0.2
  •  python2.7-pip-8.1.2
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  •  python2.7-powerline-2.1.4
  •  python2.7-pox-0.2.2
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  •  python2.7-pretend-1.0.8
  •  python2.7-prettytable-0.7.1
  •  python2.7-proboscis-
  •  python2.7-process-tests-1.2.1
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  •  python2.7-prompt_toolkit-0.52
  •  python2.7-prompt_toolkit-1.0.3
  •  python2.7-protobuf-2.5.0
  •  python2.7-protobuf-2.6.1
  •  python2.7-protobuf-3.0.0
  •  python2.7-protobuf-3.0.0-beta-2
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  •  python2.7-PyContracts-1.7.9
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  •  python2.7-Pygments-2.1.3
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  •  python2.7-pyrex-
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  •  python2.7-pyrr-0.7.2
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  •  python2.7-pysvn-1.8.0
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  •  python2.7-pytest-2.8.7
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  •  python2.7-pytidylib-0.2.4
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  •  python2.7-Quandl-3.0.0
  •  python2.7-quantities-0.10.1
  •  python2.7-queuelib-1.4.2
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  •  python2.7-requests-cache-0.4.10
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  •  python2.7-requests-oauthlib-0.4.1
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  •  python2.7-retrying-1.3.3
  •  python2.7-ReviewBoard-
  •  python2.7-rfc3986-0.2.2
  •  python2.7-robomachine-0.6
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  •  python2.7-scfbuild-1.0.3
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  •  python2.7-scikit-learn-0.17.1
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  •  python2.7-scipy-0.17.1
  •  python2.7-scipy-0.18.0
  •  python2.7-Scrapy-1.0.5
  •  python2.7-screenkey-0.2-b3634a2c6eb6d6936c3b2c1ef5078bf3a84c40c6
  •  python2.7-scripttest-1.3
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  •  python2.7-searx-0.9.0
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  •  python2.7-selenium-2.52.0
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  •  python2.7-semver-2.2.1
  •  python2.7-seqdiag-0.9.4
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  •  python2.7-setuptools_scm-1.11.1
  •  python2.7-setuptools_scm-1.8.0
  •  python2.7-setuptools_trial-0.6.0
  •  python2.7-sexpdata-0.0.2
  •  python2.7-sh-1.11
  •  python2.7-Shapely-1.5.15
  •  python2.7-shortuuid-0.4.3
  •  python2.7-shouldbe-0.1.0
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  •  python2.7-simpleldap-0.8
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  •  python2.7-singledispatch-
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  •  python2.7-sipsimple-3.0.0
  •  python2.7-six-1.10.0
  •  python2.7-Skype4Py-
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  •  python2.7-sleekxmpp-1.3.1
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  •  python2.7-smugpy-20131218
  •  python2.7-Snapper-GUI
  •  python2.7-snowballstemmer-1.2.1
  •  python2.7-sockjs-tornado-1.0.2
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  •  python2.7-spambayes-1.1b1
  •  python2.7-SPARQLWrapper-1.7.6
  •  python2.7-speaklater-1.3
  •  python2.7-sphinx-1.2.3
  •  python2.7-Sphinx-1.3.6
  •  python2.7-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag-1.5.5
  •  python2.7-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.3.0
  •  python2.7-sphinxcontrib-plantuml-0.7
  •  python2.7-sphinxcontrib-spelling-2.2.0
  •  python2.7-sphinx-jinja-0.2.1
  •  python2.7-Sphinx-PyPI-upload-0.2.1
  •  python2.7-sphinx_rtd_theme-0.1.9
  •  python2.7-sphinx-testing-0.7.1
  •  python2.7-SQLAlchemy-1.0.15
  •  python2.7-SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach-0.8.2
  •  python2.7-sqlalchemy-migrate-0.10.0
  •  python2.7-sqlite3dbm-0.1.4
  •  python2.7-sqlobject-3.0.0
  •  python2.7-sqlparse-0.1.19
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  •  python2.7-statsmodels-0.6.1
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  •  python2.7-subdownloader-2.0.18
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  •  python2.7-substanced-089818bc61c3dc5eca023254e37a280b041ea8cc
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  •  python2.7-suds-0.4
  •  python2.7-suds-jurko-0.6
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  •  python2.7-taskflow-1.23.0
  •  python2.7-taskw-1.0.3
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  •  python2.7-Theano-0.8.1
  •  python2.7-Theano-cuda-0.8.2
  •  python2.7-threadpool-1.3.2
  •  python2.7-thrift-0.9.3
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  •  python2.7-tornado-4.4.1
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  •  python2.7-Twiggy-0.4.5
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  •  python2.7-Twisted-16.4.0
  •  python2.7-twitter-1.15.0
  •  python2.7-txaio-2.5.1
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  •  python2.7-Unidecode-0.04.18
  •  python2.7-unittest2-1.1.0
  •  python2.7-unpaddedbase64-1.1.0
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  •  python2.7-Wand-0.3.5
  •  python2.7-warlock-1.2.0
  •  python2.7-watchdog-0.8.3
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  •  python2.7-weboob-1.1
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  •  python2.7-wheel-0.29.0
  •  python2.7-whichcraft-0.1.1
  •  python2.7-whisper-0.9.12
  •  python2.7-Whoosh-2.7.0
  •  python2.7-Whoosh-2.7.4
  •  python2.7-willie-5.2.0
  •  python2.7-willow-0.2.2
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  •  python2.7-WSGIProxy2-0.4.2
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  •  python2.7-wtforms-2.1
  •  python2.7-wxPython-
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  •  python2.7-xarray-0.8.2
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  •  python2.7-xcffib-0.3.2
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  •  python2.7-xmltodict-0.9.2
  •  python2.7-xmpp.py-0.5.0rc1
  •  python2.7-XStatic-1.0.1
  •  python2.7-XStatic-Bootbox-
  •  python2.7-XStatic-Bootstrap-
  •  python2.7-XStatic-jQuery-
  •  python2.7-XStatic-jQuery-File-Upload-
  •  python2.7-XStatic-jquery-ui-
  •  python2.7-XStatic-Pygments-
  •  python2.7-yapf-0.11.0
  •  python2.7-Yapsy-1.11.223
  •  python2.7-zake-0.2.2
  •  python2.7-zbase32-1.1.2
  •  python2.7-zc.buildout-1.5.2
  •  python2.7-zc.buildout-1.7.1
  •  python2.7-zc.buildout-2.2.1
  •  python2.7-zc.buildout-nix-2.5.0
  •  python2.7-zc.lockfile-1.0.2
  •  python2.7-zconfig-3.0.3
  •  python2.7-zdaemon-4.0.0
  •  python2.7-ZEO-4.0.0
  •  python2.7-zerobin-20160108
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  •  python2.7-zodb-4.0.1
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  •  python2.7-zodburi-2.0
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  •  python2.7-zope.browser-2.0.2
  •  python2.7-zope.browserresource-4.0.1
  •  python2.7-zope.component-4.2.1
  •  python2.7-zope.configuration-4.0.3
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  •  python2.7-zope.contenttype-4.0.1
  •  python2.7-zope.copy-4.0.2
  •  python2.7-zope.deprecation-4.1.2
  •  python2.7-zope.dottedname-3.4.6
  •  python2.7-zope.event-4.0.3
  •  python2.7-zope.exceptions-4.0.8
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  •  python2.7-zope.i18n-3.8.0
  •  python2.7-zope.i18nmessageid-4.0.3
  •  python2.7-zope.interface-4.1.3
  •  python2.7-zope.lifecycleevent-3.7.0
  •  python2.7-zope.location-4.0.3
  •  python2.7-zope.proxy-4.1.6
  •  python2.7-zope.publisher-3.12.6
  •  python2.7-zope.schema-4.4.2
  •  python2.7-zope.security-4.0.1
  •  python2.7-zope.size-3.5.0
  •  python2.7-zope.sqlalchemy-0.7.6
  •  python2.7-zope.tales-4.0.2
  •  python2.7-zope.testing-4.5.0
  •  python2.7-zope.testrunner-4.4.10
  •  python2.7-zope.traversing-4.0.0
  •  python2nix-20140927
  •  python3-3.3.6
  •  python3-3.4.5
  •  python3-3.5.2
  •  python3-3.6.0a3
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  •  python33-docs-text-3.3.0
  •  python-3.5.2-bootstrapped-pip-8.1.2
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  •  python3.5-acme-0.5.0
  •  python3.5-acme-0.6.0
  •  python3.5-acme-tiny-2016-03-26
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  •  python3.5-adal-0.1.0
  •  python3.5-afew-git-2016-01-04
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  •  python3.5-almir-0.1.8
  •  python3.5-alot-0.3.7
  •  python3.5-amqp-1.4.9
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  •  python3.5-apsw-
  •  python3.5-Area53-0.94
  •  python3.5-argh-0.26.1
  •  python3.5-argparse-1.4.0
  •  python3.5-args-0.1.0
  •  python3.5-arrow-0.7.0
  •  python3.5-astroid-1.4.4
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  •  python3.5-atomicwrites-0.1.9
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  •  python3.5-attrs-16.0.0
  •  python3.5-audioread-2.1.1
  •  python3.5-audiotools-3.1.1
  •  python3.5-autobahn-0.16.0
  •  python3.5-automaton-0.8.0
  •  python3.5-autopep8-1.0.4
  •  python3.5-av-0.2.4
  •  python3.5-avro3k-1.7.7-SNAPSHOT
  •  python3.5-awesome-slugify-1.6.5
  •  python3.5-azure-0.11.0
  •  python3.5-azure-common-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-azure-mgmt-common-0.20.0
  •  python3.5-azure-mgmt-compute-0.20.0
  •  python3.5-azure-mgmt-network-0.20.1
  •  python3.5-azure-mgmt-nspkg-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-azure-mgmt-resource-0.20.1
  •  python3.5-azure-mgmt-storage-0.20.0
  •  python3.5-azure-nspkg-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-azure-servicemanagement-legacy-0.20.1
  •  python3.5-azure-storage-0.20.3
  •  python3.5-Babel-2.3.4
  •  python3.5-backports_abc-0.4
  •  python3.5-backports.ssl_match_hostname-
  •  python3.5-backports.ssl_match_hostname-
  •  python3.5-bandit-0.16.1
  •  python3.5-barbicanclient-3.3.0
  •  python3.5-basemap-1.0.7
  •  python3.5-basiciw-0.2.2
  •  python3.5-batinfo-0.3
  •  python3.5-bcdoc-0.14.0
  •  python3.5-bcrypt-3.1.0
  •  python3.5-Beaker-1.8.0
  •  python3.5-beautifulsoup4-4.4.1
  •  python3.5-bedup-0.10.1
  •  python3.5-bepasty-server-0.4.0
  •  python3.5-betamax-0.6.0
  •  python3.5-betamax-matchers-0.3.0
  •  python3.5-billiard-
  •  python3.5-binaryornot-0.4.0
  •  python3.5-binwalk-2.1.1
  •  python3.5-bitbucket-api-0.4.4
  •  python3.5-bitbucket-cli-0.4.1
  •  python3.5-bitstring-3.1.2
  •  python3.5-blaze-0.10.1
  •  python3.5-bleach-v1.4.3
  •  python3.5-blessings-1.6
  •  python3.5-blinker-1.3
  •  python3.5-BlinkStick-1.1.8
  •  python3.5-blist-1.3.6
  •  python3.5-blivet-0.67
  •  python3.5-blockdiag
  •  python3.5-bokeh-0.12.1
  •  python3.5-boto-2.41.0
  •  python3.5-boto3-1.3.1
  •  python3.5-botocore-1.4.41
  •  python3.5-bottle-0.12.9
  •  python3.5-Bottleneck-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-bpython-0.12
  •  python3.5-BTrees-4.1.4
  •  python3.5-bugwarrior-1.4.0
  •  python3.5-bugzilla-1.1.0
  •  python3.5-bunch-1.0.1
  •  python3.5-buttersink-0.6.8
  •  python3.5-cached-property-1.3.0
  •  python3.5-cachetools-1.1.3
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  •  python3.5-carbon-0.9.15
  •  python3.5-carrot-0.10.7
  •  python3.5-cassandra-driver-2.6.0c2
  •  python3.5-castellan-0.2.1
  •  python3.5-Cerberus-0.9.2
  •  python3.5-certifi-2016.2.28
  •  python3.5-cffi-1.7.0
  •  python3.5-cgroup-utils-0.6
  •  python3.5-chai-1.1.1
  •  python3.5-Chameleon-2.15
  •  python3.5-characteristic-14.1.0
  •  python3.5-chardet-2.3.0
  •  python3.5-check-manifest
  •  python3.5-cherrypy-3.2.2
  •  python3.5-cinderclient-1.4.0
  •  python3.5-circus-0.11.1
  •  python3.5-clepy-0.3.20
  •  python3.5-clf-0.5.2
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  •  python3.5-click-6.6
  •  python3.5-click-log-0.1.3
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  •  python3.5-cliff-1.15.0
  •  python3.5-cliff-tablib-1.1
  •  python3.5-clint-0.5.1
  •  python3.5-clize-3.0
  •  python3.5-cloudpickle-0.2.1
  •  python3.5-cmd2-0.6.8
  •  python3.5-cmdline-0.1.6
  •  python3.5-cogapp-2.3
  •  python3.5-CoilMQ-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-colander-1.0
  •  python3.5-ColanderAlchemy-0.3.3
  •  python3.5-colorama-0.3.3
  •  python3.5-colorama-0.3.7
  •  python3.5-colored-1.1.5
  •  python3.5-colorlog-2.6.1
  •  python3.5-colour-0.1.2
  •  python3.5-CommonMark-0.5.4
  •  python3.5-CommonMark-0.6.3
  •  python3.5-ConfigArgParse-0.9.3
  •  python3.5-configobj-5.0.6
  •  python3.5-configshell-fb-1.1.fb10
  •  python3.5-construct-2.5.2
  •  python3.5-contextlib2-0.5.3
  •  python3.5-cookies-2.2.1
  •  python3.5-cornice-1.2.1
  •  python3.5-cov-core-1.15.0
  •  python3.5-coverage-4.0.1
  •  python3.5-crcmod-1.7
  •  python3.5-credstash-1.11.0
  •  python3.5-cryptacular-1.4.1
  •  python3.5-cryptography-1.5.1
  •  python3.5-cryptography_vectors-1.5.1
  •  python3.5-cssselect-0.9.1
  •  python3.5-cssutils-0.9.9
  •  python3.5-cvxopt-1.1.7
  •  python3.5-cycler-0.10.0
  •  python3.5-Cython-0.24.1
  •  python3.5-cytoolz-0.8.0
  •  python3.5-d2to1-0.2.11
  •  python3.5-daemonize-2.4.2
  •  python3.5-dask-0.11.0
  •  python3.5-datadog-0.10.0
  •  python3.5-datashape-0.5.2
  •  python3.5-dateutil-2.1
  •  python3.5-dateutil-2.4.2
  •  python3.5-dbus-python-1.2.4
  •  python3.5-ddar-1.0
  •  python3.5-ddt-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-debtcollector-0.9.0
  •  python3.5-decorator-4.0.9
  •  python3.5-deform-2.0a2
  •  python3.5-deform_bootstrap-0.2.9
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  •  python3.5-deluge-1.3.12
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  •  python3.5-derpconf-0.4.9
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  •  python3.5-devpi-common
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  •  python3.5-Django-1.5.12
  •  python3.5-Django-1.6.11
  •  python3.5-Django-1.7.11
  •  python3.5-Django-1.8.15
  •  python3.5-Django-1.9.10
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  •  python3.5-django-taggit-0.17.0
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  •  python3.5-Eve-0.6.1
  •  python3.5-eventlet-0.17.4
  •  python3.5-Events-0.2.1
  •  python3.5-execnet-1.4.1
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  •  python3.5-Flask-Assets-0.11
  •  python3.5-Flask-Babel-0.11.1
  •  python3.5-Flask-Cache-0.13.1
  •  python3.5-Flask-Cors-2.1.2
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  •  python3.5-flowlogs_reader-1.0.0
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  •  python3.5-foolscap-0.10.1
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  •  python3.5-frozendict-0.5
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  •  python3.5-GeoAlchemy2-0.3.0
  •  python3.5-geventhttpclient-1.2.0
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  •  python3.5-GitPython-2.0.2
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  •  python3.5-hglib-1.7
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  •  python3.5-howdoi-1.1.7
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  •  python3.5-httplib2-0.9.2
  •  python3.5-httpretty-0.8.10
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  •  python3.5-hvac-0.2.15
  •  python3.5-hypatia-0.3
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  •  python3.5-iniparse-0.4
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  •  python3.5-ipython-5.1.0
  •  python3.5-ipython_genutils-0.1.0
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  •  python3.5-irc-14.2.2
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  •  python3.5-jmespath-0.7.1
  •  python3.5-joblib-0.9.4
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  •  python3.5-jupyter_core-4.1.1
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  •  python3.5-kaptan-0.5.8
  •  python3.5-kazoo-2.2.1
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  •  python3.5-logilab-astng-0.24.3
  •  python3.5-logilab-common-0.63.2
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  •  python3.5-logster-7475c53822
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  •  python3.5-Mako-1.0.2
  •  python3.5-manuel-1.8.0
  •  python3.5-markdown2-2.3.0
  •  python3.5-markdown-2.6.4
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  •  python3.5-mccabe-0.4.0
  •  python3.5-MDP-3.5
  •  python3.5-MechanicalSoup-0.4.0
  •  python3.5-meld3-1.0.0
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  •  python3.5-nameparser-0.3.4
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  •  python3.5-nbformat-4.0.1
  •  python3.5-nbxmpp-0.5.3
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  •  python3.5-neovim-0.1.9
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  •  python3.5-nevow-0.11.1
  •  python3.5-nibabel-2.0.2
  •  python3.5-nine-0.3.4
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  •  python3.5-nose-exclude-0.4.1
  •  python3.5-nosejs-0.9.4
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  •  python3.5-nose-selecttests-0.4
  •  python3.5-nosexcover-1.0.10
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  •  python3.5-novaclient-2.31.0
  •  python3.5-ntfy-1.2.0
  •  python3.5-ntplib-0.3.3
  •  python3.5-Nuitka-
  •  python3.5-numba-0.27.0
  •  python3.5-numexpr-2.5.2
  •  python3.5-numpy-1.10.4
  •  python3.5-numpy-1.11.1
  •  python3.5-numpydoc-0.5
  •  python3.5-numtraits-0.2
  •  python3.5-nwdiag-1.0.3
  •  python3.5-oauth-1.0.1
  •  python3.5-oauth2-1.9.0.post1
  •  python3.5-oauth2client-1.4.12
  •  python3.5-oauthlib-0.7.2
  •  python3.5-obfsproxy-0.2.13
  •  python3.5-objgraph-2.0.1
  •  python3.5-odfpy-0.9.6
  •  python3.5-odo-0.5.0
  •  python3.5-offtrac-0.1.0
  •  python3.5-ofxclient-1.3.8
  •  python3.5-ofxhome-0.3.1
  •  python3.5-ofxparse-0.14
  •  python3.5-ofxtools-0.3.8
  •  python3.5-oger-1.1.3
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  •  python3.5-openstackclient-1.7.1
  •  python3.5-ordereddict-1.1
  •  python3.5-os-brick-0.5.0
  •  python3.5-os-client-config-1.8.1
  •  python3.5-oslo.cache-0.9.0
  •  python3.5-oslo-concurrency-2.7.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.config-2.5.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.context-0.7.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.db-3.0.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.i18n-2.7.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.log-1.12.1
  •  python3.5-oslo.messaging-2.7.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.middleware-2.9.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.policy-0.12.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.reports-0.6.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.rootwrap-2.4.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.serialization-1.10.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.service-0.10.0
  •  python3.5-oslosphinx-3.3.1
  •  python3.5-oslotest-1.12.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.utils-2.6.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.versionedobjects-0.11.0
  •  python3.5-oslo.vmware-1.22.0
  •  python3.5-osprofiler-0.3.0
  •  python3.5-os-testr-0.4.2
  •  python3.5-ovh-0.4.5
  •  python3.5-pafy-0.5.0
  •  python3.5-paho-mqtt-1.1
  •  python3.5-pamqp-1.6.1
  •  python3.5-pandas-0.18.1
  •  python3.5-pandocfilters-1.3.0
  •  python3.5-paramiko-2.0.2
  •  python3.5-parsedatetime-1.5
  •  python3.5-partd-0.3.3
  •  python3.5-passlib-1.6.2
  •  python3.5-paste-deploy-1.5.2
  •  python3.5-PasterScript-1.7.5
  •  python3.5-pathos-0.2.0
  •  python3.5-path.py-8.1.2
  •  python3.5-pathtools-0.1.2
  •  python3.5-patsy-0.3.0
  •  python3.5-Paver-1.2.2
  •  python3.5-paypalrestsdk-0.7.0
  •  python3.5-pbkdf2-1.3
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  •  python3.5-pecan-1.0.3
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  •  python3.5-pep257-0.3.2
  •  python3.5-pep8-1.7.0
  •  python3.5-peppercorn-0.5
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  •  python3.5-pexif-0.15
  •  python3.5-pexpect-3.3
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  •  python3.5-pgcli-1.1.0
  •  python3.5-pgpdump-1.5
  •  python3.5-pgspecial-1.5.0
  •  python3.5-pickleshare-0.5
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  •  python3.5-pika-0.10.0
  •  python3.5-pilkit-1.1.4
  •  python3.5-Pillow-3.3.1
  •  python3.5-pillowfight-0.2
  •  python3.5-pip-8.1.2
  •  python3.5-pirate-get-0.2.8
  •  python3.5-pivy-20101207
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  •  python3.5-pkginfo-1.3.2
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  •  python3.5-polib-1.0.4
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  •  python3.5-power-1.4
  •  python3.5-powerline-2.1.4
  •  python3.5-pox-0.2.2
  •  python3.5-ppft-
  •  python3.5-praw-3.5.0
  •  python3.5-pretend-1.0.8
  •  python3.5-prettytable-0.7.1
  •  python3.5-proboscis-
  •  python3.5-process-tests-1.2.1
  •  python3.5-progressbar-2.2
  •  python3.5-prompt_toolkit-1.0.3
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  •  python3.5-psycopg2-2.6.1
  •  python3.5-ptest-1.5.3
  •  python3.5-ptyprocess-0.5
  •  python3.5-publicsuffix-1.0.2
  •  python3.5-pudb-2013.3.6
  •  python3.5-pushbullet.py-0.10.0
  •  python3.5-Pweave-0.25
  •  python3.5-py-1.4.31
  •  python3.5-py3status-3.0
  •  python3.5-pyacoustid-1.1.0
  •  python3.5-pyalogotrade-0.16
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  •  python3.5-pyasn1-modules-0.0.8
  •  python3.5-pybcrypt
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  •  python3.5-pycadf-1.1.0
  •  python3.5-pycallgraph-1.0.1
  •  python3.5-pycangjie-1.3_rev_361bb413203fd43bab624d98edf6f7d20ce6bfd3
  •  python3.5-pycares-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-PyChef-0.3.0
  •  python3.5-pycollada-0.4.1
  •  python3.5-PyContracts-1.7.9
  •  python3.5-pycosat-0.6.0
  •  python3.5-pycountry-1.17
  •  python3.5-pycparser-2.14
  •  python3.5-pycuda-2016.1
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  •  python3.5-pygal-2.0.10
  •  python3.5-pygame-2016-05-17
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  •  python3.5-pygit2-0.24.0
  •  python3.5-pyglet-1.2.4
  •  python3.5-Pygments-2.0.2
  •  python3.5-Pygments-2.1.3
  •  python3.5-pygments-markdown-lexer-0.1.0.dev39
  •  python3.5-pygobject-2.28.6
  •  python3.5-pygobject-3.20.0
  •  python3.5-pygpgme-0.3
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  •  python3.5-pyinotify
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  •  python3.5-pykickstart-1.99.39
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  •  python3.5-pymacaroons-pynacl-0.9.3
  •  python3.5-pymongo-2.9.1
  •  python3.5-pymongo-3.0.3
  •  python3.5-Pympler-0.4.3
  •  python3.5-pymysql-0.6.6
  •  python3.5-pymysqlsa-1.0
  •  python3.5-pynacl-0.3.0
  •  python3.5-pynzb-0.1.0
  •  python3.5-pyodbc-3.0.7
  •  python3.5-pyopengl-3.1.0
  •  python3.5-pyopenssl-16.0.0
  •  python3.5-pyparsing-2.1.8
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  •  python3.5-PyPDF2-1.26.0
  •  python3.5-pypeg2-2.15.2
  •  python3.5-pyperclip-1.5.11
  •  python3.5-pypolicyd-spf-1.3.2
  •  python3.5-PyQt-5.6
  •  python3.5-pyqtgraph-0.9.10
  •  python3.5-PyQt-x11-gpl-4.11.3
  •  python3.5-pyquery-1.2.9
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  •  python3.5-pyramid_debugtoolbar-1.0.9
  •  python3.5-pyramid_exclog-0.7
  •  python3.5-pyramidhawkauth-0.1.0
  •  python3.5-pyramid_jinja2-2.5
  •  python3.5-pyramid_mailer-0.13
  •  python3.5-pyramid_mako-0.3.1
  •  python3.5-pyramid_multiauth-0.8.0
  •  python3.5-pyramid_tm-0.10
  •  python3.5-pyramid_zodbconn-0.7
  •  python3.5-pyRFC3339-0.2
  •  python3.5-pyrr-0.7.2
  •  python3.5-pyrsistent-0.11.12
  •  python3.5-PyRSS2Gen-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-pyrtlsdr-0.2.0
  •  python3.5-pysaml2-3.0.2
  •  python3.5-pyScss-1.3.4
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  •  python3.5-pyserial-2.7
  •  python3.5-pysftp-0.2.9
  •  python3.5-pyshp-1.2.3
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  •  python3.5-pyside-generatorrunner-0.6.16
  •  python3.5-pyside-shiboken-1.2.4
  •  python3.5-pyside-tools-0.2.15
  •  python3.5-pysmi-0.0.7
  •  python3.5-pysnmp-4.3.2
  •  python3.5-pysocks-1.5.0
  •  python3.5-pysolr-3.3.3
  •  python3.5-pysoundfile-0.8.1
  •  python3.5-pyspf-2.0.12
  •  python3.5-pystache-0.5.4
  •  python3.5-PyStemmer-1.3.0
  •  python3.5-pysvn-1.8.0
  •  python3.5-pytest-2.7.3
  •  python3.5-pytest-2.8.7
  •  python3.5-pytest-2.9.2
  •  python3.5-pytest-cache-1.0
  •  python3.5-pytest-cov-2.3.1
  •  python3.5-pytest-django-2.9.1
  •  python3.5-pytest-fixture-config-1.0.1
  •  python3.5-pytest-flakes-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-pytest-localserver-0.3.5
  •  python3.5-pytest-mock-1.2
  •  python3.5-pytest-pep257-0.0.1
  •  python3.5-pytest-pep8
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  •  python3.5-pytest-rerunfailures-2.0.1
  •  python3.5-pytest-runner-2.6.2
  •  python3.5-pytest-server-fixtures-1.1.0
  •  python3.5-pytest-shutil-1.1.1
  •  python3.5-pytest-subtesthack-0.1.1
  •  python3.5-pytest-virtualenv-1.1.0
  •  python3.5-pytest-xdist-1.8
  •  python3.5-python3.5-pycairo-1.10.0
  •  python3.5-python3.5-pyside-1.2.4
  •  python3.5-python3-pika-0.9.14
  •  python3.5-python-axolotl-0.1.7
  •  python3.5-python-axolotl-curve25519-0.1
  •  python3.5-python-consul-0.6.0
  •  python3.5-python-daemon-2.1.1
  •  python3.5-python-debian-0.1.23
  •  python3.5-python-editor-0.4
  •  python3.5-python-efl-1.18.0
  •  python3.5-python-etcd-0.4.3
  •  python3.5-python-fedora-0.5.5
  •  python3.5-python-gnupg-0.3.8
  •  python3.5-python-imread-0.5.1
  •  python3.5-python-jenkins-0.4.11
  •  python3.5-python-keyczar-0.71c
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  •  python3.5-python-mahotas-1.4.1
  •  python3.5-python-mapnik-fae6388
  •  python3.5-python-mimeparse-0.1.4
  •  python3.5-python-msrplib-0.19
  •  python3.5-python-notmuch-0.22
  •  python3.5-python-pyaudio-0.2.9
  •  python3.5-python-setproctitle-1.1.9
  •  python3.5-python-simple-hipchat-0.1
  •  python3.5-python-systemd-231
  •  python3.5-python-termstyle-0.1.10
  •  python3.5-pytools-2016.2.1
  •  python3.5-pytz-2016.6.1
  •  python3.5-pyudev-0.16.1
  •  python3.5-pyusb-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-pyutil-2.0.0
  •  python3.5-pyuv-1.2.0
  •  python3.5-PyVirtualDisplay-0.1.5
  •  python3.5-pywatchman-1.3.0
  •  python3.5-pywebkitgtk-1.1.8
  •  python3.5-pywinrm-0.1.1
  •  python3.5-pyx-0.14.1
  •  python3.5-pyxattr-0.5.1
  •  python3.5-pyxdg-0.25
  •  python3.5-PyYAML-3.11
  •  python3.5-pyzmq-15.2.0
  •  python3.5-qnotero-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-qtconsole-4.2.1
  •  python3.5-Quandl-3.0.0
  •  python3.5-quantities-0.10.1
  •  python3.5-queuelib-1.4.2
  •  python3.5-qutip-2.2.0
  •  python3.5-rabbitpy-0.26.2
  •  python3.5-rainbowstream-1.3.3
  •  python3.5-ramlfications-0.1.9
  •  python3.5-random2-1.0.1
  •  python3.5-rarfile-2.6
  •  python3.5-raven-3.4.1
  •  python3.5-rdflib-4.1.2
  •  python3.5-readme-0.6.0
  •  python3.5-recaptcha-client-1.0.6
  •  python3.5-recommonmark-0.4.0
  •  python3.5-redis-2.10.5
  •  python3.5-rednotebook-1.8.1
  •  python3.5-regex-2016.01.10
  •  python3.5-rencode-git20150810
  •  python3.5-repeated_test-0.1a3
  •  python3.5-repocheck-2015-08-05
  •  python3.5-reportlab-3.2.0
  •  python3.5-repoze.lru-0.6
  •  python3.5-repoze.sendmail-4.1
  •  python3.5-repoze.sphinx.autointerface-0.7.1
  •  python3.5-repoze.who-2.2
  •  python3.5-requests-2.11.1
  •  python3.5-requests-mock-0.6.0
  •  python3.5-requests-oauth2-0.1.1
  •  python3.5-requests-oauthlib-0.4.1
  •  python3.5-requests-toolbelt-0.6.2
  •  python3.5-responses-0.4.0
  •  python3.5-restview-2.5.2
  •  python3.5-rethinkdb-2.3.0.post6
  •  python3.5-retry_decorator-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-retrying-1.3.3
  •  python3.5-ReviewBoard-
  •  python3.5-rfc3986-0.2.2
  •  python3.5-robomachine-0.6
  •  python3.5-robotframework-selenium2library-1.6.0
  •  python3.5-robotframework-tools-0.1a115
  •  python3.5-robotsuite-1.4.2
  •  python3.5-rocket-errbot-1.2.5
  •  python3.5-roman-2.0.0
  •  python3.5-ropemacs-0.7
  •  python3.5-ropemode-0.2
  •  python3.5-routes-1.12.3
  •  python3.5-rpdb-0.1.5
  •  python3.5-rpyc-3.3.0
  •  python3.5-rsa-3.4.2
  •  python3.5-rtmidi-0.3a
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  •  python3.5-ruamel.base-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-ruamel.yaml-0.10.13
  •  python3.5-runsnakerun-2.0.4
  •  python3.5-ryu-3.26
  •  python3.5-s3fs-0.0.4
  •  python3.5-s3transfer-0.0.1
  •  python3.5-sarge-0.1.4
  •  python3.5-schedule-0.3.2
  •  python3.5-scikit-image-0.11.3
  •  python3.5-scikit-learn-0.17.1
  •  python3.5-scikits.samplerate-0.3.3
  •  python3.5-scipy-0.17.1
  •  python3.5-scipy-0.18.0
  •  python3.5-screenkey-0.2-b3634a2c6eb6d6936c3b2c1ef5078bf3a84c40c6
  •  python3.5-scripttest-1.3
  •  python3.5-seaborn-0.7.1
  •  python3.5-searx-0.9.0
  •  python3.5-secp256k1-0.12.1
  •  python3.5-selenium-2.52.0
  •  python3.5-semantic_version-2.4.2
  •  python3.5-semver-2.2.1
  •  python3.5-seqdiag-0.9.4
  •  python3.5-service-identity-16.0.0
  •  python3.5-setuptools-26.1.1
  •  python3.5-setuptools_darcs-1.2.11
  •  python3.5-setuptools-git-1.1
  •  python3.5-setuptools_scm-1.11.1
  •  python3.5-setuptools_trial-0.6.0
  •  python3.5-sexpdata-0.0.2
  •  python3.5-sh-1.11
  •  python3.5-Shapely-1.5.15
  •  python3.5-shortuuid-0.4.3
  •  python3.5-shouldbe-0.1.0
  •  python3.5-sigal-1.0.1
  •  python3.5-signedjson-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-sigtools-1.1a3
  •  python3.5-simplegeneric-0.8.1
  •  python3.5-simplejson-3.8.1
  •  python3.5-simpleldap-0.8
  •  python3.5-singledispatch-
  •  python3.5-sip-4.18.1
  •  python3.5-six-1.10.0
  •  python3.5-slackclient-1.0.0
  •  python3.5-sleekxmpp-1.3.1
  •  python3.5-slixmpp-1.1
  •  python3.5-smartdc-0.1.12
  •  python3.5-smartypants-1.8.6
  •  python3.5-smmap-0.9.0
  •  python3.5-smugpy-20131218
  •  python3.5-Snapper-GUI
  •  python3.5-snowballstemmer-1.2.1
  •  python3.5-sockjs-tornado-1.0.2
  •  python3.5-SocksiPy-branch-1.01
  •  python3.5-sopel-6.3.1
  •  python3.5-sorl-thumbnail-11.12
  •  python3.5-sounddevice-0.3.4
  •  python3.5-spambayes-1.1b1
  •  python3.5-SPARQLWrapper-1.7.6
  •  python3.5-speaklater-1.3
  •  python3.5-Sphinx-1.3.6
  •  python3.5-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag-1.5.5
  •  python3.5-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.3.0
  •  python3.5-sphinxcontrib-plantuml-0.7
  •  python3.5-sphinxcontrib-spelling-2.2.0
  •  python3.5-Sphinx-PyPI-upload-0.2.1
  •  python3.5-sphinx_rtd_theme-0.1.9
  •  python3.5-sphinx-testing-0.7.1
  •  python3.5-SQLAlchemy-1.0.15
  •  python3.5-SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach-0.8.2
  •  python3.5-sqlalchemy-migrate-0.10.0
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  •  python3.5-Twiggy-0.4.5
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  •  python3.5-twitter-1.15.0
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  •  python3.5-unpaddedbase64-1.1.0
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  •  python3.5-whichcraft-0.1.1
  •  python3.5-whisper-0.9.12
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  •  python3.5-Whoosh-2.7.4
  •  python3.5-willie-5.2.0
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  •  python3.5-XStatic-Bootbox-
  •  python3.5-XStatic-Bootstrap-
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  •  python3.5-XStatic-jQuery-File-Upload-
  •  python3.5-XStatic-jquery-ui-
  •  python3.5-XStatic-Pygments-
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  •  python3.5-Yapsy-1.11.223
  •  python3.5-zake-0.2.2
  •  python3.5-zbase32-1.1.2
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  •  python3.5-zc.buildout-nix-2.5.0
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  •  python3.5-zerobin-20160108
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  •  python3.5-zope.publisher-3.12.6
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  •  python3.5-zope.testrunner-4.4.10
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  •  recordproto-1.14.2
  •  recutils-1.5
  •  redir-2.2.1
  •  redis-3.2.3
  •  redis-desktop-manager-0.8.3
  •  redis-dump-0.3.5
  •  redland-1.0.17
  •  redo-1.2
  •  redshift-1.11
  •  redstore-0.5.4
  •  refind-0.10.3
  •  Regina-REXX-3.9.1
  •  regionset-0.2
  •  reiser4progs-1.1.0
  •  reiserfsprogs-3.6.24
  •  rekonq-2.4.2
  •  relx-exe-3.18.0
  •  remake-3.82+dbg-0.6
  •  remind-3.1.15
  •  remmina-1.0.0
  •  remotebox-2.0
  •  renameutils-0.12.0
  •  renderproto-0.11.1
  •  renpy-6.17.6
  •  rep-gtk-
  •  replace-2.24
  •  reposurgeon-3.28
  •  reptyr-0.6.2
  •  residualvm-0.1.1
  •  resolv_wrapper-1.1.3
  •  resourceproto-1.2.0
  •  rest-0.7.93
  •  RestSharp-105.2.3
  •  resynthesizer-0.16-gimp-2.8.18-plugin
  •  rethinkdb-2.3.5
  •  retroarch-1.3.4
  •  retroarch-bare-1.3.4
  •  retrofe-0.6.169
  •  retroshare-0.5.5c
  •  retroshare-0.6-git-fabc3a3
  •  rewritefs-2016-07-27
  •  rfkill-0.5
  •  rfkill-udev
  •  rgbds-0.2.4
  •  rhash-1.3.3
  •  rhc-1.36.4
  •  rhino-1.7R2
  •  rhpl-0.218
  •  rhythmbox-3.2.1
  •  RhythmDelay-2.0
  •  riak-2.1.1
  •  ricochet-1.1.2
  •  riemann-0.2.9
  •  riemann-c-client-1.7.0
  •  riemann-dash-0.2.12
  •  riemann-tools-0.2.6
  •  rigsofrods-git-20160412
  •  ri_li-2.0.1
  •  rimshot-1.0
  •  ripmime-
  •  rippled-0.30.0-rc1
  •  ripser
  •  ristretto-0.6.3
  •  rkflashtool-5.1
  •  rkrlv2-b1.0
  •  rkt-1.12.0
  •  rlog-1.4
  •  rlwrap-0.42
  •  rman-3.2
  •  rmilter-1.8.5
  •  rmlint-2.4.4
  •  rng-tools-5
  •  robomongo-0.8.4
  •  roboto-2.134
  •  rockbox-utility-1.4.0
  •  rocksdb-4.1
  •  rocs-4.14.3
  •  rofi-1.2.0
  •  rofi-menugen-2015-12-28-168efd2
  •  rofi-pass-1.3.2
  •  rogue-5.4.4
  •  rolespec-20160105
  •  ronn-0.7.3
  •  root-6.04.18
  •  rosegarden-15.08
  •  rote-0.2.8
  •  rowhammer-test-20150811
  •  roxterm-2.9.4
  •  rpcbind-0.2.3
  •  rpm-4.13.0-rc1
  •  rpmextract
  •  rpm-ostree
  •  rp-pppoe-3.12
  •  rr-4.3.0
  •  rrdtool-1.5.5
  •  rrsync-3.1.2
  •  rsibreak-0.11
  •  rsnapshot-1.4.2
  •  rspamd-1.2.7
  •  rss-glx-0.9.1
  •  rssh-2.3.4
  •  rsstail-2.1
  •  RStudio-0.98.110
  •  rsync-3.1.2
  •  rsyslog-8.17.0
  •  rt-4.4.0
  •  rt5677-firmware
  •  rtags-2.3
  •  rtaudio-4.1.2
  •  rtkit-0.11
  •  rtl8723bs-4.1.33-2016-04-11
  •  rtl8723bs-4.4.23-2016-04-11
  •  rtl8723bs-4.7.6-2016-04-11
  •  rtl8723bs-firmware-2016-04-11
  •  rtl8812au-3.10.103-4.2.2-1
  •  rtl8812au-3.12.63-4.2.2-1
  •  rtl8812au-3.14.0-4.2.2-1
  •  rtl8812au-3.18.0-4.2.2-1
  •  rtl8812au-3.18.42-4.2.2-1
  •  rtl8812au-4.1.33-4.2.2-1
  •  rtl8812au-4.4.23-4.2.2-1
  •  rtl8812au-4.7.6-4.2.2-1
  •  rtl-sdr-0.5.3
  •  rtmidi-2.1.1
  •  rtmpdump-2015-01-15
  •  rtorrent-0.9.6
  •  rtv-1.10.0
  •  rubber-1.3
  •  rubberband-1.8.1
  •  ruby-1.9.3-p551
  •  ruby-2.0.0-p647
  •  ruby-2.1.7-p0
  •  ruby-2.2.3-p0
  •  ruby-2.3.1-p0
  •  rubyripper-0.6.2
  •  rucksack-3.1.0
  •  runc-2016-06-15
  •  runit-2.1.2
  •  runningx-1.0
  •  runzip-1.4
  •  rush-1.7
  •  rustc-1.11.0
  •  rustfmt-0.6
  •  rustRegistry-2016-08-23-e98ce67
  •  rxp-1.5.0
  •  rxvt-2.7.10
  •  rxvt-unicode-with-perl-with-unicode3-9.22
  •  rxvt-unicode-with-perl-with-unicode3-with-plugins-9.22
  •  rzip-2.1
  •  s3backer-1.4.2
  •  s3cmd-1.6.1
  •  s3fs-fuse-1.79
  •  s3ql-2.17.1
  •  s6-
  •  s6-dns-
  •  s6-linux-utils-
  •  s6-networking-
  •  s6-portable-utils-
  •  s6-rc-
  •  sablotron-1.0.3
  •  sabnzbd-1.1.0
  •  safecopy-1.7
  •  safe-rm-0.12
  •  saga-2.3.1
  •  sage-6.8
  •  sailsd-0.2.0
  •  sakura-3.2.0
  •  salt-2015.8.8
  •  SaltTesting-2015.7.10
  •  sam-ba-2.16
  •  samba-3.6.25
  •  samba-4.3.11
  •  samplicator-1.3.7-beta6
  •  samplv1-0.7.1
  •  sampradaya-2015-05-26
  •  samtools-1.3.1
  •  sane-backends-1.0.25
  •  sane-backends-2016-06-11
  •  sane-frontends-1.0.14
  •  sass-3.4.22
  •  sassc-3.3.2
  •  sat-0.2.0
  •  satallax-2.7
  •  sauerbraten-r5000
  •  sawfish-1.11.90
  •  saxon-6.5.3
  •  saxonb-8.8
  •  sbagen-1.4.4
  •  sbc-1.3
  •  sbcl-1.2.0
  •  sbcl-1.2.5
  •  sbcl-1.3.8
  •  sbcl-bootstrap-1.2.15
  •  sblim-sfcc-2.2.9
  •  sbsigntool-0.5
  •  sbt-0.13.12
  •  scala-2.10.5
  •  scala-2.11.8
  •  scala-2.9.3
  •  scalafmt-0.3.1
  •  scanbd-1.4.4
  •  scanmem-0.15.6
  •  scantailor-
  •  schedtool-1.3.0
  •  scheme48-1.9.2
  •  schismtracker-20120105
  •  schroedinger-1.0.11
  •  scid-4.3
  •  scilab-4.1.2
  •  scilab-bin-5.5.2
  •  sc-im-0.2.1
  •  scite-3.3.7
  •  scons-2.5.0
  •  scorched3d-44
  •  scotch-6.0.4
  •  scotland-road-testing
  •  screen-4.4.0
  •  screencloud-1.2.0
  •  screenFetch-2016-01-13
  •  screen-message-0.24
  •  scribus-1.4.6
  •  scrnsaverproto-1.2.2
  •  scrollkeeper-0.3.14
  •  scrot-0.8-17
  •  scrypt-1.2.0
  •  scsh-0.7pre
  •  sct
  •  scummvm-1.8.0
  •  sdcc-3.5.0
  •  sdcv-0.4.2
  •  sddm-0.13.0
  •  sdformat-3.7.0
  •  sdformat-4.0.0
  •  SDL-1.2.15
  •  SDL2-2.0.4
  •  SDL2_gfx-1.0.1
  •  SDL2_image-2.0.1
  •  SDL2_mixer-2.0.1
  •  SDL2_net-2.0.1
  •  SDL2_ttf-2.0.14
  •  SDL_gfx-2.0.25
  •  SDL_image-1.2.12
  •  sdl-jstest-2016-03-29
  •  sdlmame-0.151.u0-1
  •  SDL_mixer-1.2.12
  •  SDL_net-1.2.8
  •  SDL_sixel-1.2-nightly
  •  SDL_sound-1.0.3
  •  SDL_stretch-0.3.1
  •  SDL_ttf-2.0.11
  •  sdparm-1.10
  •  seabios-1.9.3
  •  seafile-client-5.0.7
  •  seafile-shared-5.0.7
  •  seahorse-3.20.0
  •  sec-2.7.7
  •  seccure-0.5
  •  secp256k1-2016-05-30
  •  securefs-0.3.2
  •  seeks-0.4.1
  •  seg3d-1.12_20090930
  •  selendroid-standalone-0.11.0
  •  selenium-remote-control-1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone-dist
  •  selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0
  •  semnotes-0.4.0-1
  •  sensu-0.17.1
  •  sent-0.2
  •  sepolgen-1.2.2
  •  seq24-0.9.3
  •  serd-0.20.0
  •  serf-1.3.7
  •  serpent-2016-03-05
  •  sessreg-1.1.0
  •  setbfree-0.8.0
  •  setools-2015-02-12
  •  setroot-1.4.4
  •  setserial-2.17
  •  seturgent-2012-08-17
  •  setxkbmap-1.3.1
  •  seyren-1.1.0
  •  sfml-2.3
  •  sfsexp-1.3
  •  sg3_utils-1.31
  •  sgt-puzzles-r20160429.b31155b
  •  shadow-4.2.1
  •  shadowsocks-libev-2.4.8
  •  shairport-sync-
  •  shared-desktop-ontologies-0.11.0
  •  shared-mime-info-1.7
  •  shared-objects-1.4
  •  SharpFont-3.1.0
  •  SharpZipLib-0.86.0
  •  sharutils-4.11.1
  •  shc-3.9.3
  •  ShellCheck-0.4.4
  •  shellinabox-2.19
  •  shhmsg-1.4.2
  •  shhopt-1.1.7
  •  shishi-1.0.2
  •  shncpd-2016-06-22
  •  shntool-3.0.10
  •  shotcut-16.08
  •  shotwell-0.23.5
  •  shutter-0.93.1
  •  sic-1.2
  •  siege-4.0.2
  •  sienna-1.0c
  •  sigil-0.9.6
  •  signing-party-2.2
  •  signwriting-1.1.4
  •  sigrok-cli-0.6.0
  •  silc-client-1.1.11
  •  silc-server-1.1.18
  •  silgraphite-2.3.1
  •  silver-searcher-0.32.0
  •  simgear-3.4.0
  •  simgrid-3.11.1
  •  simp_le-2016-04-17
  •  simple-scan-3.21.1
  •  simplescreenrecorder-0.3.6
  •  simple-tpm-pk11-2016-07-12
  •  simutrans-120.1.1
  •  singular-3-1-2
  •  sinit-1.0
  •  sipcalc-1.1.6
  •  sipcmd-3090e9f
  •  sipp-3.4-beta2
  •  siproxd-0.8.1
  •  sipsak-
  •  sipwitch-1.9.8
  •  sitecopy-0.16.6
  •  skalibs-
  •  skippy-xd-git-2015-03-01
  •  skrooge-1.12.5
  •  skrooge-2.4.0
  •  skype4pidgin-novas0x2a-20120411-6c53f7c48f
  •  skype-call-recorder-0.8
  •  sl-5.02
  •  slang-2.3.0
  •  sleuthkit-4.2.0
  •  slib-3b2
  •  slic3r-1.2.9
  •  slim-1.3.6
  •  slimerjs-0.10.0
  •  slimrat-1.0
  •  slmenu-hg-2012-02-01
  •  sloccount-2.26
  •  slock-1.3
  •  slop-4.1.16
  •  slrn-1.0.2
  •  slsnif-0.4.4
  •  slurm-llnl-15-08-5-1
  •  slurm-llnl-full-15-08-5-1
  •  smack-3.4.1
  •  smartdeblur-git-9895036d26
  •  SmartIrc4net-
  •  smartmontools-6.4
  •  smatch-20120924
  •  smbfs-2012-03-15
  •  smbldap-tools-0.9.11
  •  smbnetfs-0.6.0
  •  smc-6.3.0
  •  smcroute-2.1.0
  •  smem-1.4
  •  smemstat-0.01.14
  •  smlnj-110.79
  •  smokegen-4.14.3
  •  smokekde-4.14.3
  •  smokeping-2.6.11
  •  smokeqt-4.14.3
  •  smpeg-svn390
  •  smplayer-16.1.0
  •  smproxy-1.0.6
  •  smtube-16.1.0
  •  smugline-20160106
  •  snabb-2016.04
  •  snack-2.2.10
  •  snake4-1.0.14
  •  snapper-0.3.3
  •  snappy-1.1.3
  •  snapraid-8.1
  •  snd-15.9
  •  snes9x-gtk-1.53
  •  sng-1.1.0
  •  sniproxy-0.4.0
  •  snort-
  •  socat-
  •  socat-2.0.0-b9
  •  socket_wrapper-1.1.5
  •  sofia-sip-1.12.11
  •  softether-4.18
  •  softhsm-2.1.0
  •  solaar-0.9.2
  •  solarus-1.4.5
  •  solarus-quest-editor-1.4.5
  •  solc-0.3.6
  •  solfege-3.22.2
  •  solid-5.24.0
  •  solr-4.10.3
  •  solvespace-2.0
  •  sonarr-
  •  sonata-1.7b1
  •  sonic-pi-2.9.0
  •  sonnet-5.24.0
  •  sooperlooper-git-2016-07-19
  •  soprano-2.9.4
  •  soqt-1.5.0
  •  sorcer-1.1.1
  •  sord-0.12.2
  •  sord-svn-327
  •  sound-juicer-3.16.1
  •  sound-of-sorting-0.6.5
  •  sound-theme-freedesktop-0.8
  •  soundtouch-1.9.2
  •  source-code-pro-2.030
  •  source-han-sans-japanese-1.004R
  •  source-han-sans-korean-1.004R
  •  source-han-sans-simplified-chinese-1.004R
  •  source-han-sans-traditional-chinese-1.004R
  •  source-highlight-3.1.8
  •  sourcery-codebench-lite-arm-eabi-2013.05-23
  •  sourcery-codebench-lite-arm-linux-gnueabi-2013.05-24
  •  source-sans-pro-2.010
  •  source-serif-pro-1.017
  •  sox-14.4.2
  •  soxr-0.1.2
  •  spacefm-1.0.5
  •  space-orbit-1.01
  •  spandsp-0.0.6
  •  spark-1.6.0
  •  sparse-0.5.0
  •  sparsehash-2.0.3
  •  spass-3.9
  •  spatialite-tools-4.1.1
  •  spawn-fcgi-1.6.4
  •  sp-compat-1.5.2
  •  spdlog-292bdc5
  •  spectacle-16.08.1
  •  spectrojack-0.4
  •  spectrwm-2.7.2
  •  speech-dispatcher-0.8.3
  •  speedcrunch-0.11
  •  speed-dreams-2.0.0-a3-r3412
  •  speedtest-cli-0.3.4
  •  speex-1.2rc2
  •  speexdsp-1.2rc3
  •  spek-0.8.3
  •  sphinxbase-0.8
  •  sphinxsearch-2.2.8
  •  spice-0.12.8
  •  spice-gtk-0.32
  •  spice-protocol-0.12.12
  •  spice-vdagent-0.17.0
  •  spidermonkey-1.7
  •  spidermonkey-17.0.0
  •  spidermonkey-1.8.0-rc1
  •  spidermonkey-185-1.0.0
  •  spidermonkey-24.2.0
  •  spidermonkey-31.5.0
  •  spin-6.4.5
  •  spiped-1.5.0
  •  splint-3.1.2
  •  splix-svn-315
  •  spl-kernel-
  •  spl-kernel-
  •  spl-kernel-
  •  spl-kernel-
  •  spl-kernel-
  •  spl-kernel-
  •  spl-kernel-
  •  spl-kernel-
  •  spl-user-
  •  spring-103.0
  •  springlobby-0.255
  •  spyder-2.3.8
  •  sqitch-pg-0.9994
  •  sqlcipher-3.4.0
  •  sqlite-3.14.1
  •  sqlite3_analyzer-
  •  sqlite-amalgamation-201505302257
  •  sqlitebrowser-3.8.0
  •  sqlite-connector-odbc-0.9993
  •  sqlite-interactive-3.14.1
  •  sqliteman-1.2.0
  •  SQLProvider-0.0.9-alpha
  •  sqsh-
  •  squashfs-4.4dev
  •  squeak-
  •  squeezelite-git-2016-05-27
  •  squid-3.5.19
  •  sratom-0.4.6
  •  src-1.11
  •  srecord-1.64
  •  srelay-0.4.8b6
  •  srm-1.2.15
  •  ssdeep-2.13
  •  sselp-0.2
  •  sshfs-fuse-2.7
  •  ssh-ident-2016-04-21
  •  sshpass-1.05
  •  sshuttle-0.78.0
  •  sslh-1.18
  •  sslmate-1.5.0
  •  sslscan-1.11.7
  •  ssmtp-2.64
  •  ssss-0.5
  •  sstp-client-1.0.10
  •  ssvnc-1.0.29
  •  st-0.6
  •  stack-1.2.0
  •  stag-1.0
  •  stalonetray-0.8.1
  •  stardust-0.1.13
  •  startkde
  •  statifier-1.7.3
  •  statverif-1.86pl4
  •  stdenv
  •  stdman-d860212
  •  std-man-pages-4.4.0
  •  steam
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  •  stella-4.6.1
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  •  st-wayland-git-2015-08-29
  •  stxxl-1.4.1
  •  StyleCop.MSBuild-
  •  StyleCopPlus.MSBuild-
  •  Suave-0.29.0
  •  subsonic-6.0
  •  subtitle-editor-0.52.1
  •  subunit-1.1.0
  •  subversion-1.8.16
  •  subversion-1.9.4
  •  subversion-client-1.9.4
  •  subway-testing
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  •  suil-0.8.2
  •  suitesparse-4.2.1
  •  suitesparse-4.4.4
  •  sundown
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  •  super-3.30.0
  •  supercollider-3.7.2
  •  superkaramba-4.14.3
  •  superlu-5.2.1
  •  supertux-0.4.0
  •  supertux-editor-git-2014-08-20
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  •  sutils-0.1
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  •  swarm-3.1
  •  sway-0.9
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  •  swec-0.4
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  •  sweethome3d-textures-editor-1.5
  •  swell-foop-3.20.0
  •  swfmill-0.3.3
  •  swftools-0.9.2
  •  swh-lv2-git-2013-05-17
  •  swh-plugins-0.4.15
  •  swh-plugins-git-2015-03-04
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  •  swig-1.3.40
  •  swig-2.0.12
  •  swig-3.0.10
  •  swingsane-0.2
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  •  swt-3.7.2
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  •  syncthing-0.14.7
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  •  sys
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  •  syslinux-2015-11-09
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  •  syslog-ng-incubator-141106-54179c5
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  •  sysstat-11.2.5
  •  System.Collections.Immutable-1.1.36
  •  system-config-printer-1.5.7
  •  systemd-231
  •  systemd-cryptsetup-generator
  •  systemd-with-lvm2-231
  •  system-for-automated-deduction-2.3.25
  •  system_preferences-1.1.0
  •  systemsettings-5.7.4
  •  sysvinit-2.88dsf
  •  sysvtools-2.88dsf
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  •  t1utils-1.39
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  •  taglib-extras-1.0.1
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  •  tai-ahom-2015-07-06
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  •  tali-3.20.0
  •  talkfilters-2.3.8
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  •  tarsnap-1.0.37
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  •  taskjuggler-3.5.0
  •  tasknc-0.8
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  •  tasksh-1.0.0
  •  taskwarrior-2.5.1
  •  tbb-4.4-u2
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  •  tcc-0.9.27pre-20160525
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  •  tcl-8.5.18
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  •  telepathy-salut-0.8.1
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  •  texlive-combined-small-2016
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  •  toluapp-1.0.93
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  •  toxic-dev-20150125
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  •  tpm-quote-tools-1.0.2
  •  tpm-tools-1.3.8
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  •  tp_smapi-0.42-3.14.0
  •  tp_smapi-0.42-3.18.0
  •  tp_smapi-0.42-3.18.42
  •  tp_smapi-0.42-4.1.33
  •  tp_smapi-0.42-4.4.23
  •  tp_smapi-0.42-4.7.6
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  •  tracefilesim-2015-11-07
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  •  transmission-remote-gtk-1.2
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  •  trustedGRUB2-1.2.1
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  •  twinkle-1.4.2
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  •  uget-2.0.8
  •  uhc-
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  •  uhttpmock-0.5.0
  •  uhub-0.5.0
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  •  ultrastardx-1.1
  •  umbrello-4.14.3
  •  umlet-13.3
  •  ums-6.2.2
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  •  v4l2loopback-0.9.1-3.12.63
  •  v4l2loopback-0.9.1-3.14.0
  •  v4l2loopback-0.9.1-3.18.0
  •  v4l2loopback-0.9.1-3.18.42
  •  v4l2loopback-0.9.1-4.1.33
  •  v4l2loopback-0.9.1-4.4.23
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  •  v8-
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  •  v86d-0.1.10-3.18.0
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  •  v86d-0.1.10-4.4.23
  •  v86d-0.1.10-4.7.6
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  •  VBAM-1507
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  •  vbindiff-3.0_beta4
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  •  Vc-0.7.5
  •  Vc-1.2.0
  •  vcdimager-0.7.24
  •  vcg-2016-02-14
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  •  vimplugin-Colour-Sampler-Pack-2012-11-29
  •  vimplugin-command-t-2016-06-14
  •  vimplugin-commentary-2016-03-10
  •  vimplugin-CSApprox-2013-07-26
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  •  vimplugin-ctrlp-vim-2016-07-08
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  •  vimplugin-fzf-vim-2016-07-21
  •  vimplugin-ghcmod-2016-06-19
  •  vimplugin-Gist-2015-10-25
  •  vimplugin-go1.7-fzf-0.13.3
  •  vimplugin-goyo-2016-04-03
  •  vimplugin-gundo-vim-2016-01-19
  •  vimplugin-haskell-vim-2016-07-06
  •  vimplugin-hasksyn-2014-09-03
  •  vimplugin-hlint-refactor-vim-2015-12-05
  •  vimplugin-Hoogle-2015-12-24
  •  vimplugin-idris-vim-2016-07-15
  •  vimplugin-latex-box-2015-06-01
  •  vimplugin-lightline-vim-2016-06-12
  •  vimplugin-limelight-vim-2016-06-24
  •  vimplugin-lushtags-2016-04-26
  •  vimplugin-matchit-zip
  •  vimplugin-molokai-2015-11-11
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  •  vimplugin-neocomplete-vim-2016-07-23
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  •  vimplugin-neomake-2016-07-23
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  •  vimplugin-neosnippet-vim-2016-07-10
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  •  vimplugin-purescript-vim-2016-01-04
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  •  vimplugin-shabadou-vim-2016-07-19
  •  vimplugin-sleuth-2015-06-07
  •  vimplugin-snipmate-2016-06-15
  •  vimplugin-Solarized-2011-05-09
  •  vimplugin-sourcemap-2012-09-19
  •  vimplugin-Spacegray-vim-2016-06-04
  •  vimplugin-spacevim-2016-07-19
  •  vimplugin-Supertab-2016-01-03
  •  vimplugin-surround-2016-06-01
  •  vimplugin-Syntastic-2016-07-21
  •  vimplugin-table-mode-2016-07-11
  •  vimplugin-tabmerge-2010-10-17
  •  vimplugin-Tabular-2016-05-04
  •  vimplugin-Tagbar-2015-06-19
  •  vimplugin-taglist
  •  vimplugin-The_NERD_Commenter-2016-07-14
  •  vimplugin-The_NERD_tree-2016-06-23
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  •  vimplugin-tlib-2016-07-25
  •  vimplugin-tslime-vim-2016-06-14
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  •  vimplugin-undotree-2016-07-19
  •  vimplugin-unite-vim-2016-07-26
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  •  vimplugin-vim-auto-save-2016-07-20
  •  vimplugin-vim-buffergator-2016-04-07
  •  vimplugin-vim-closetag-2016-07-19
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  •  vimplugin-vim-go-2016-07-26
  •  vimplugin-vim-hardtime-2016-07-05
  •  vimplugin-vim-haskellconceal-2014-10-28
  •  vimplugin-vim-haskellConcealPlus-2016-05-13
  •  vimplugin-vim-hdevtools-2012-12-29
  •  vimplugin-vim-hier-2011-08-27
  •  vimplugin-vim-iced-coffee-script-2013-12-27
  •  vimplugin-vim-indent-guides-2016-04-17
  •  vimplugin-vim-ipython-2015-06-23
  •  vimplugin-vim-jade-2016-06-28
  •  vimplugin-vim-jinja-2016-05-20
  •  vimplugin-vim-jsonnet-2016-05-10
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  •  vimplugin-vim-localvimrc-2016-06-06
  •  vimplugin-vim-multiple-cursors-2016-06-03
  •  vimplugin-vim-nerdtree-tabs-2014-09-25
  •  vimplugin-vim-nix-2016-05-31
  •  vimplugin-vim-orgmode-2016-07-12
  •  vimplugin-VimOutliner-2016-07-22
  •  vimplugin-vim-pandoc-2016-07-11
  •  vimplugin-vim-pandoc-after-2015-06-01
  •  vimplugin-vim-pandoc-syntax-2016-07-23
  •  vimplugin-vim-peekaboo-2016-07-25
  •  vimplugin-vim-polyglot-2016-07-26
  •  vimplugin-vimpreviewpandoc-2016-03-07
  •  vimplugin-vimproc-vim-2016-07-10
  •  vimplugin-vim-quickrun-2016-07-02
  •  vimplugin-vim-racer-2016-07-14
  •  vimplugin-vimshell-vim-2016-07-15
  •  vimplugin-vim-signature-2016-07-25
  •  vimplugin-vim-signify-2016-07-21
  •  vimplugin-vim-snippets-2016-07-25
  •  vimplugin-vim-startify-2016-07-21
  •  vimplugin-vim-stylish-haskell-2015-05-10
  •  vimplugin-vimtex-2016-08-19
  •  vimplugin-vim-tmux-navigator-2016-07-17
  •  vimplugin-vim-wakatime-2016-07-06
  •  vimplugin-vim-watchdogs-2016-06-26
  •  vimplugin-vim-webdevicons-2016-07-23
  •  vimplugin-vimwiki-2016-05-18
  •  vimplugin-vim-xdebug-2012-08-15
  •  vimplugin-vim-xkbswitch-2016-01-31
  •  vimplugin-vinegar-2016-06-30
  •  vimplugin-vundle-2016-02-26
  •  vimplugin-WebAPI-2016-07-06
  •  vimplugin-wombat256-vim-2010-10-17
  •  vimplugin-YankRing
  •  vimplugin-youcompleteme-2016-07-23
  •  vimplugin-YUNOcommit-vim-2014-11-26
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  •  virtualbox-5.1.6
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  •  VirtualBox-GuestAdditions-5.1.6-3.12.63
  •  VirtualBox-GuestAdditions-5.1.6-3.18.42
  •  VirtualBox-GuestAdditions-5.1.6-4.1.33
  •  VirtualBox-GuestAdditions-5.1.6-4.4.23
  •  VirtualBox-GuestAdditions-5.1.6-4.7.6
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  •  volatility-2.4
  •  volumeicon-0.5.1
  •  vorbisgain-0.37
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  •  wavesurfer-1.8.5
  •  wave-testing
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  •  webkitgtk-2.4.11
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  •  wesnoth-1.13.5
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  •  win-virtio-0.1.105-1
  •  wipe-2.3.1
  •  wiredtiger-2.6.1
  •  wireguard-unstable-2016-08-08
  •  wireless-regdb-2016-06-10
  •  wireless-tools-29
  •  wireshark-cli-2.2.0
  •  wireshark-gtk-2.2.0
  •  wireshark-qt-2.2.0
  •  with-2016-08-20
  •  wkhtmltopdf-
  •  wla-dx-git-2016-02-27
  •  wlc-0.0.5
  •  wld-git-2015-09-01
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  •  wmii-hg-2012-12-09
  •  wmname-0.1
  •  wmsystemtray-1.4
  •  wmutils-core-1.1
  •  wolfebin-5.4
  •  wolfssl-3.9.8
  •  wordnet-3.0
  •  workrave-1.10.7
  •  wpa_gui-2.5
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  •  wraith-1.4.7
  •  wrk-4.0.2
  •  wsmancli-2.6.0
  •  wt
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  •  x2x-1.27
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  •  x86_energy_perf_policy-3.12.63
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  •  x86_energy_perf_policy-3.18.0
  •  x86_energy_perf_policy-3.18.42
  •  x86_energy_perf_policy-4.1.33
  •  x86_energy_perf_policy-4.4.23
  •  x86_energy_perf_policy-4.7.6
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  •  xen-4.5.2
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  •  xinput_calibrator
  •  xiphos-4.0.3-20150806
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  •  xpra-0.17.4
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  •  xrestop-0.4
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  •  xsel-1.2.0
  •  xsensors-0.70
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  •  xsetroot-1.1.0
  •  xsettingsd-git-2015-06-14
  •  xskat-4.0
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  •  xss-lock-git-2014-03-02
  •  xsw-0.1.2
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  •  xterm-325
  •  xtitle-0.2
  •  xtrace-1.3.1
  •  xtrans-1.3.5
  •  XtreemFS-
  •  xtrlock-pam-3.4-post-20150909
  •  xurls-0.8.0
  •  xvfb-run
  •  xvidcap-1.1.7
  •  xvidcore-1.3.4
  •  xvinfo-1.1.3
  •  xvkbd-3.7
  •  xwayland-1.18.3
  •  xwd-1.0.6
  •  xwiimote-2
  •  xwininfo-1.1.3
  •  xwinmosaic-0.4.2
  •  xwud-1.0.4
  •  xxdiff-4.0
  •  xxkb-1.11.1
  •  xylib-1.4
  •  xz-5.2.2
  •  xzgv-0.9.1
  •  yabar-0.4.0
  •  yabause-0.9.14
  •  yacas-1.2.2
  •  yad-0.37.0
  •  yadm-1.04
  •  yafc-1.3.6
  •  yajl-2.1.0
  •  yakuake-2.9.9
  •  yakuake-3.0.2
  •  yamdi-1.9
  •  yaml-merge-2016-02-16
  •  yank-0.7.0
  •  yap-6.3.3
  •  yara-3.4.0
  •  yarp-2.3.65
  •  yasm-1.3.0
  •  yate-5.4.2-1
  •  yaws-2.0
  •  ycmd-2016-01-12
  •  yelp-3.20.1
  •  yelp-tools-3.18.0
  •  yelp-xsl-3.20.1
  •  yeshup-5461a8f
  •  yi-custom
  •  ykpers-1.17.2
  •  yle-dl-2.9.1
  •  ympd-1.3.0
  •  yodl-3.08.01
  •  yolk-0.4.3
  •  yoshimi-
  •  yosys-2016.08.18
  •  you-get-0.4.390
  •  youtube-dl-2016.07.16
  •  yubico-piv-tool-1.3.0
  •  yubikey-neo-manager-1.4.0
  •  yubikey-personalization-1.17.3
  •  yubikey-personalization-gui-3.1.24
  •  yuicompressor
  •  z3-4.4.1
  •  z3_opt-4.3.2
  •  zabbix-1.8.22
  •  zabbix-2.0.11
  •  zabbix-2.2.2
  •  zabbix-agent-1.8.22
  •  zabbix-agent-2.0.11
  •  zabbix-agent-2.2.2
  •  zam-plugins-3.7
  •  zanshin-0.3.1
  •  zap-2.5.0
  •  zarith-1.3
  •  zathura-with-plugins-0.3.6
  •  zbackup-1.4.4
  •  zbar-0.10
  •  zd1211-firmware-1.5
  •  zdelta-2.1
  •  zdfmediathk-10
  •  zeal-0.2.1
  •  zed-1.1.0
  •  zeitgeist-0.9.15
  •  zenity-2.32.1
  •  zenity-3.20.0
  •  zenwalk-testing
  •  zeroc-ice-3.6.1
  •  zeroconf-ioslave-4.14.3
  •  zerofree-1.0.4
  •  zeromq-2.2.0
  •  zeromq-3.2.5
  •  zeromq-4.1.4
  •  zerotierone
  •  zexy-2.2.4
  •  zfs-kernel-
  •  zfs-kernel-
  •  zfs-kernel-
  •  zfs-kernel-
  •  zfs-kernel-
  •  zfs-kernel-
  •  zfs-kernel-
  •  zfs-kernel-
  •  zfstools-0.3.3
  •  zfs-user-
  •  zgrviewer-0.9.0
  •  zgv-5.9
  •  zile-2.4.11
  •  zim-0.65
  •  zimlib
  •  zimreader-20150710
  •  zimwriterfs
  •  zinnia-2015-03-15
  •  zip-3.0
  •  zita-alsa-pcmi-0.2.0
  •  zita-convolver-3.1.0
  •  zita-resampler-1.3.0
  •  zkfuse
  •  zlib-1.2.8
  •  zlib-static-1.2.8
  •  zlog-1.2.12
  •  znapzend-0.15.7
  •  znc-1.6.2
  •  znc-clientbuffer-git-2015-08-27
  •  znc-fish-git-2014-10-10
  •  znc-playback-git-2015-08-04
  •  znc-privmsg-git-2015-02-22
  •  znc-push-git-2015-12-07
  •  zod-engine-2011-03-18
  •  zookeeper-3.4.6
  •  zookeeper_mt
  •  zoom-1.1.5
  •  zopfli-1.0.1
  •  zotero-4.0.29
  •  zpaq-7.14
  •  zpaqd-7.08
  •  zscroll-1.0
  •  zsh-5.2
  •  zsh-completions-0.18.0
  •  zsh-navigation-tools-2.1.16
  •  zsh-prezto-2015-03-03_rev4f19700
  •  zsnes-1.51
  •  zstd-0.7.5
  •  zsync-0.6.2
  •  zuki-themes-3.20.2016-07-01
  •  zxing-3.1.0
  •  zynaddsubfx-2.5.4
  •  zziplib-0.13.58

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for NixOS

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from 82 review(s)
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Past reviews - sort by:

Version: unstable
Rating: 9
Date: 2025-02-14
Votes: 0

I have been using nixOS for about four days now. It is a great distribution, albeit the learning curve is quite steep.
The lack of FHS-compliance scared me off at first, but that is something that can be fixed with a shell.nix file, which makes it possible to open shells with certain packages.
The amount of packages is very very large, and installing them is not very hard. I recommend using home-manager for managing your home folder, with the added bonus of allowing you to install packages for your user, instead of installing everything system-wide, which would make the system quite bloated.

Besides this, it is very very stable, even the unstable release.

Configuring the system will be a bit daunting at first, but it's not that bad when you get used to it.

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Version: 24.11
Rating: 10
Date: 2025-01-28
Votes: 10

From around 2008 to 2020 I used Ubuntu, but I was always interested in reproducible builds and was pointed to Nix and NixOS repeatedly. I started using Nix packages on Ubuntu but I switched to NixOS in 2020, starting with an NGINX server with Let's Encrypt, quickly moving on to laptops - Gnome, KDE Plasma, to i3 to sway (Wayland means no screen tearing, and I like the security model too). I needed an app for work (vmware-view) that needed pulseaudio, but then I realized pulseaudio had some pitch bugs that wouldn't be fixed, so I moved on to pipewire with pulseaudio api support. All of these options were a few short lines of config away.

Being risk averse and also a bit lazy about modifying my system and setting up rollback and backup systems, NixOS gave me the confidence to try new things and steadfastly stick to the security models I want. In short, NixOS lets me safely attempt to add more features, with transparency (every package and option from search.nixos.org links to the git source directly), making me a power user with little effort, giving me direct control of Linux semantics in a self-documenting way. I used to demo it controlling my entire system from a single file, making observers declare their intent to install it tomorrow, but I have since broken it up by semantics into multiple files, using flakes and home manager.

I strongly recommend NixOS!

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Version: unstable
Rating: 10
Date: 2025-01-26
Votes: 3

I have used several distributions, from a number of Arch, Debian, RHEL derivatives and void just to name a few.
NixOS is by far my favourite distro of all time. Its elegant configuration, package management, and reproducibility is a selling point unmatched by any other distro. Configuring all of my systems in the Nix language (which is functional and turing complete!) is an an absolute blast, even more so when combined with version control. I recently had to get my laptop repaired, and so before sending it off I just synced my system config on github and backed up my home directory to a USB then wiped the SSD, a few days later I get the laptop back and after a couple of commands from the installer USB and about 45 minutes it's like my laptop was never gone.
The only downside is that, for any programs that you want to build or use that aren't in the nixpkgs repo (which is the largest package repo in the world), you must ensure that you create a sandboxed environment as NixOS doesn't follow the standard Unix Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. Creating development/package environments is relatively simple though.
Other than that it is hands-down, in my humble opinion, one of the best distros ever.

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Contact, corrections and suggestions: Jesse Smith

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