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Netrunner RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: Netrunner


Last Update: 2025-02-10 23:23 UTC

Netrunner is a Debian-based distribution featuring a highly customised KDE desktop with extra applications, multimedia codecs, Flash and Java plugins, and a unique look and feel. The modifications are designed to enhance the user-friendliness of the desktop environment while still preserving the freedom to tweak. A separate "Rolling" edition, based on Manjaro Linux, was launched in 2014, was discontinued, re-launched in 2017, and discontinued again in 2019.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 150 (55), 6 months: 123 (73), 3 months: 111 (109), 4 weeks: 51 (245), 1 week: 10 (910)

Average visitor rating: 7.91/10 from 11 review(s).

Netrunner Summary
Distribution Netrunner
Home Page https://www.netrunner.com/
Mailing Lists --
User Forums https://support.blue-systems.com/
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Documentation https://www.netrunner.com/faq/
Screenshots https://www.netrunner.com/screenshots/DistroWatch Gallery
Download Mirrors https://www.netrunner.com/download/DistroWatch Torrent Archive
Bug Tracker https://bugs.launchpad.net/netrunner
Related Websites Netrunner MagWikipedia
Reviews Rolling: DistroWatchOrdinatechnicDedoimedoBlogspot
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2014.x: Dedoimedo
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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2025-02-10: Distribution Release: Netrunner 25
 • 2021-02-20: Distribution Release: Netrunner 21.01
 • 2020-02-23: Distribution Release: Netrunner 20.01
 • 2019-08-21: Distribution Release: Netrunner 19.08
 • 2019-04-20: Distribution Release: Netrunner 2019.04 "Rolling"
 • 2019-01-14: Distribution Release: Netrunner 19.01
 • 2018-08-05: Distribution Release: Netrunner 2018.08 "Rolling"
 • 2018-03-11: Distribution Release: Netrunner 18.03
 • 2018-01-26: Distribution Release: Netrunner 2018.01 "Rolling"
 • 2017-07-18: Distribution Release: Netrunner 2017.07 "Rolling"
 • 2017-07-01: Distribution Release: Netrunner 17.06
 • 2017-03-31: Distribution Release: Netrunner 17.03
 • More Netrunner releases...

 • 2019-10-30 Netrunner discontinues Manjaro-based edition
 • 2018-04-17 Netrunner offers ARM suport
 • More Netrunner headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature 25
Release Date 2025-02-10 2023-01-20 2021-02-20 2020-02-23 2019-08-20 2019-01-12 2018-03-11 2017-11-11 2015-05-17 2015-01-24 2014-01-13 2013-07-05 2013-01-23 2012-09-05 2011-06-29 2010-07-15 Release Date
End Of Life                                 End Of Life
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Price (US$)
Image Size (MB) 2600-2700 2500-2600 2600-2700 2400-2500 2400-2500 2700-2800 2300-2400 2300-2400                 Image Size (MB)
Installation Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Installation
Default Desktop KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE Default Desktop
Release Model Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed, Rolling Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Release Model
Office Suite LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice OO.o Office Suite
Processor Architecture x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 aarch64, armhf, x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386 i386 Processor Architecture
Init Software systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd Upstart Upstart Upstart Upstart Upstart Upstart Init Software
Journaled File Systems Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Btrfs, ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS ext3, ext4, JFS, ReiserFS, XFS Journaled File Systems
Multilingual Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Multilingual
Asian Language Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Asian Language Support
Full Package List 25 23 21.01 20.01 19.08 19.01 18.03 17.10 16 14.1 13.12 13.06 12.12.1 4.2.1 3.2 2.0 Full Package List

Full Package List:   Netrunner 23
  Number of packages: 2,688 (download as TXT)
  •  accountsservice 0.6.55-3
  •  acl 2.2.53-10
  •  adb 1:10.0.0+r36-7
  •  adduser 3.118
  •  adwaita-icon-theme 3.38.0-1
  •  akonadi-backend-mysql 4:20.08.3-3
  •  akonadi-contacts-data 4:20.08.3-1
  •  akonadi-mime-data 4:20.08.3-1
  •  akonadi-server 4:20.08.3-3
  •  alsa-topology-conf 1.2.4-1
  •  alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.4-2
  •  alsa-utils 1.2.4-1
  •  amd64-microcode 3.20191218.1
  •  anacron 2.3-30
  •  android-libadb 1:10.0.0+r36-7
  •  android-libbase 1:10.0.0+r36-7
  •  android-libboringssl 10.0.0+r36-1
  •  android-libcrypto-utils 1:10.0.0+r36-7
  •  android-libcutils 1:10.0.0+r36-7
  •  android-libext4-utils 10.0.0+r36+ds-2
  •  android-liblog 1:10.0.0+r36-7
  •  android-libsparse 1:10.0.0+r36-7
  •  android-libunwind 10.0.0+r36-4
  •  android-libziparchive 1:10.0.0+r36-7
  •  android-sdk-platform-tools-common 28.0.2+3
  •  ant 1.10.9-4
  •  ant-optional 1.10.9-4
  •  apparmor 2.13.6-10
  •  appimagelauncher 2.2.0+dfsg-5
  •  appmenu-gtk2-module:amd64 0.7.6-2
  •  appmenu-gtk3-module:amd64 0.7.6-2
  •  appmenu-gtk-module-common 0.7.6-2
  •  appstream 0.14.4-1
  •  apt 2.2.4
  •  apt-config-icons 0.14.4-1
  •  apt-config-icons-hidpi 0.14.4-1
  •  apt-config-icons-large 0.14.4-1
  •  apt-config-icons-large-hidpi 0.14.4-1
  •  apt-file 3.2.2
  •  apt-transport-https 2.2.4
  •  apt-utils 2.2.4
  •  apt-xapian-index 0.52
  •  ark 4:20.12.2-1
  •  artwork-audacious 1.0+salsaci
  •  artwork-color-scheme-carbon 1.0+salsaci
  •  artwork-desktop-theme-blackx 1.0.1+salsaci
  •  artwork-desktop-theme-bluex 1.0.1+salsaci
  •  artwork-grub-theme-netrunner-black 1.0
  •  artwork-grub-theme-netrunner-neo 2.0+salsaci
  •  artwork-icons-obsidian 1.0
  •  artwork-lnf-theme-netrunner-black 1.1
  •  artwork-lnf-theme-netrunner-desktop 2.2.13+salsaci+20221213+27
  •  artwork-lnf-theme-netrunner-indigo 1.2.3+salsaci
  •  artwork-netrunner-23-desktop-wallpaper 0.0.1+salsaci+20221213+2
  •  artwork-netrunner-icons 2.0
  •  artwork-red-modern-cursor 2.0
  •  artwork-sddm-simple 0
  •  artwork-sddm-sugar-dark 0+salsaci
  •  artwork-whiteclassicia-cursor 2.0
  •  artwork-windows-cursor 2.0+salsaci
  •  aspell 0.60.8-3
  •  aspell-en 2018.04.16-0-1
  •  at-spi2-core 2.38.0-4
  •  attr 1:2.4.48-6
  •  audacious 4.0.5-1
  •  audacious-plugins:amd64 4.0.5-1
  •  audacious-plugins-data 4.0.5-1
  •  aurorae-theme-forman 1.0
  •  avahi-autoipd 0.8-5+deb11u1
  •  avahi-daemon 0.8-5+deb11u1
  •  axel 2.17.10-2
  •  baloo-kf5 5.78.0-3
  •  base-files 12.0+salsaci
  •  base-passwd 3.5.51
  •  bash 5.1-2+deb11u1
  •  bash-completion 1:2.11-2
  •  bc 1.07.1-2+b2
  •  bind9-dnsutils 1:9.16.33-1~deb11u1
  •  bind9-host 1:9.16.33-1~deb11u1
  •  bind9-libs:amd64 1:9.16.33-1~deb11u1
  •  binfmt-support 2.2.1-1
  •  binutils 2.35.2-2
  •  binutils-common:amd64 2.35.2-2
  •  binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu 2.35.2-2
  •  blackbird-gtk-theme 0.4+20171213-3
  •  bluedevil 4:5.20.5-1
  •  bluetooth 5.55-3.1
  •  bluez 5.55-3.1
  •  bluez-obexd 5.55-3.1
  •  breeze 4:5.20.5-4
  •  breeze-cursor-theme 4:5.20.5-4
  •  breeze-gtk-theme 5.20.5-1
  •  breeze-icon-theme 4:5.78.0-2
  •  bsdextrautils 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  bsdutils 1:2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  btrfs-progs 5.10.1-2
  •  bubblewrap 0.4.1-3
  •  bup 0.32-3
  •  bup-doc 0.32-3
  •  burgerspace 1.9.3-1
  •  busybox 1:1.30.1-6+b3
  •  busybox-initramfs 1:1.30.1-7ubuntu3
  •  bzip2 1.0.8-4
  •  cabextract 1.9-3
  •  ca-certificates 20210119
  •  ca-certificates-java 20190909
  •  calamares 3.2.36-1
  •  calamares-desktop 23.0.1+salsaci
  •  carbon-gtk3 0.0~git20150516.f67ee36-1
  •  carbon-qt5 0.0~git20150507.e5bb2b3-1
  •  casper 1.470
  •  catdoc 1:0.95-4.1
  •  cheese 3.38.0-3
  •  cheese-common 3.38.0-3
  •  cifs-utils 2:6.11-3.1+deb11u1
  •  coinor-libcbc3:amd64 2.10.5+ds1-3
  •  coinor-libcgl1 0.60.3+repack1-2
  •  coinor-libclp1 1.17.5+repack1-1
  •  coinor-libcoinmp1v5:amd64 1.8.3-3
  •  coinor-libcoinutils3v5 2.11.4+repack1-1
  •  coinor-libosi1v5:amd64 0.108.6+repack1-2
  •  colord 1.4.5-3
  •  colord-data 1.4.5-3
  •  command-not-found 20.10.1-1
  •  console-data 2:1.12-8
  •  console-setup 1.205
  •  console-setup-linux 1.205
  •  coreutils 8.32-4+b1
  •  cpio 2.13+dfsg-4
  •  cpp-10 10.2.1-6
  •  cpp 4:10.2.1-1
  •  cracklib-runtime 2.9.6-3.4
  •  cron 3.0pl1-137
  •  cryptsetup 2:2.3.7-1+deb11u1
  •  cryptsetup-bin 2:2.3.7-1+deb11u1
  •  cryptsetup-initramfs 2:2.3.7-1+deb11u1
  •  cryptsetup-run 2:2.3.7-1+deb11u1
  •  cups 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  cups-browsed 1.28.7-1+deb11u1
  •  cups-bsd 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  cups-client 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  cups-common 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  cups-core-drivers 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  cups-daemon 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  cups-filters 1.28.7-1+deb11u1
  •  cups-filters-core-drivers 1.28.7-1+deb11u1
  •  cups-ipp-utils 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  cups-pk-helper 0.2.6-1+b1
  •  cups-ppdc 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  cups-server-common 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  curl 7.74.0-1.3+deb11u3
  •  dash 0.5.11+git20200708+dd9ef66-5
  •  dbus 1.12.24-0+deb11u1
  •  dbus-user-session 1.12.24-0+deb11u1
  •  dconf-gsettings-backend:amd64 0.38.0-2
  •  dconf-service 0.38.0-2
  •  dctrl-tools 2.24-3+b1
  •  debconf 1.5.77
  •  debconf-kde-data 1.0.3-4
  •  debian-archive-keyring 2021.1.1
  •  debianutils 4.11.2
  •  default-jre 2:1.11-72
  •  default-jre-headless 2:1.11-72
  •  default-mysql-client-core 1.0.7
  •  default-mysql-server-core 1.0.7
  •  default-settings-applications 1.0
  •  default-settings-e2fsprogs 0
  •  default-settings-kdeapps 1.1+salsaci
  •  default-settings-plasma 2.12+salsaci
  •  default-settings-profiled 1.0
  •  default-settings-pulseaudio 1.0
  •  default-settings-systemd 0
  •  default-settings-thunderbird 1.0.15
  •  default-settings-xsession 2.0+salsaci
  •  default-systemsettings-settings 0.2.9+salsaci
  •  desktop-file-utils 0.26-1
  •  desktop-theme-breeze-alphablack 1.0+salsaci
  •  dialog 1.3-20201126-1
  •  dictionaries-common 1.28.4
  •  diffutils 1:3.7-5
  •  dirmngr 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  distro-info-data 0.51+deb11u2
  •  dkms 2.8.4-3
  •  dmeventd 2:1.02.175-2.1
  •  dmidecode 3.3-2
  •  dmsetup 2:1.02.175-2.1
  •  dmz-cursor-theme 0.4.5
  •  dnsmasq-base 2.85-1
  •  dns-root-data 2021011101
  •  dnsutils 1:9.16.33-1~deb11u1
  •  docbook-xml 4.5-9
  •  docbook-xsl 1.79.2+dfsg-1
  •  docutils-common 0.16+dfsg-4
  •  dolphin 4:20.12.2-1
  •  dolphin-plugins 4:20.12.2-1
  •  dosfstools 4.2-1
  •  dpkg 1.21.9ubuntu1
  •  dpkg-dev 1.21.9ubuntu1
  •  drkonqi 5.20.5-1
  •  dvdauthor 0.7.2-1+b3
  •  dvgrab 3.5+git20160707.1.e46042e-1+b1
  •  e2fsprogs 1.46.2-2
  •  eject 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  emacsen-common 3.0.4
  •  enchant-2 2.2.15-1
  •  exfat-fuse 1.3.0-2
  •  exfat-utils 1.3.0-2
  •  exim4-base 4.94.2-7
  •  exim4-config 4.94.2-7
  •  exim4-daemon-light 4.94.2-7
  •  fakeroot 1.25.3-1.1
  •  fastboot 1:10.0.0+r36-7
  •  fdisk 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  ffmpeg 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  ffmpegthumbnailer 2.1.1-0.2+b1
  •  ffmpegthumbs 4:20.12.0-1
  •  fig2dev 1:3.2.8-3+deb11u1
  •  file 1:5.39-3
  •  finalrd 9build1
  •  findutils 4.8.0-1
  •  firebird3.0-common
  •  firebird3.0-common-doc
  •  firebird3.0-server-core:amd64
  •  firebird3.0-utils
  •  firefox-esr 102.5.0esr-1~deb11u1
  •  firmware-amd-graphics 20210315-3
  •  firmware-atheros 20210315-3
  •  firmware-bnx2 20210315-3
  •  firmware-bnx2x 20210315-3
  •  firmware-brcm80211 20210315-3
  •  firmware-cavium 20210315-3
  •  firmware-intel-sound 20210315-3
  •  firmware-intelwimax 20210315-3
  •  firmware-iwlwifi 20210315-3
  •  firmware-libertas 20210315-3
  •  firmware-linux 20210315-3
  •  firmware-linux-free 20200122-1
  •  firmware-linux-nonfree 20210315-3
  •  firmware-misc-nonfree 20210315-3
  •  firmware-myricom 20210315-3
  •  firmware-netronome 20210315-3
  •  firmware-netxen 20210315-3
  •  firmware-qcom-media 20210315-3
  •  firmware-qcom-soc 20210315-3
  •  firmware-qlogic 20210315-3
  •  firmware-realtek 20210315-3
  •  firmware-samsung 20210315-3
  •  firmware-siano 20210315-3
  •  firmware-ti-connectivity 20210315-3
  •  fontconfig 2.13.1-4.2
  •  fontconfig-config 2.13.1-4.2
  •  fonts-cantarell 0.111-3
  •  fonts-crosextra-caladea 20130214-2.1
  •  fonts-crosextra-carlito 20130920-1.1
  •  fonts-dejavu 2.37-2
  •  fonts-dejavu-core 2.37-2
  •  fonts-dejavu-extra 2.37-2
  •  fonts-droid-fallback 1:6.0.1r16-1.1
  •  fonts-freefont-ttf 20120503-10
  •  fonts-hack 3.003-3
  •  fonts-lato 2.0-2.1
  •  fonts-liberation 1:1.07.4-11
  •  fonts-liberation2 2.1.3-1
  •  fonts-linuxlibertine 5.3.0-6
  •  fonts-noto-core 20201225-1
  •  fonts-opensymbol 2:102.11+LibO7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  fonts-roboto 2:0~20170802-3
  •  fonts-roboto-unhinted 2:0~20170802-3
  •  fonts-sil-gentium 20081126:1.03-4
  •  fonts-sil-gentium-basic 1.102-1.1
  •  fonts-urw-base35 20200910-1
  •  frameworkintegration 5.78.0-2
  •  frei0r-plugins 1.7.0-1
  •  frozen-bubble 2.212-9+b3
  •  frozen-bubble-data 2.212-9
  •  fuse3 3.10.3-2
  •  gawk 1:5.1.0-1
  •  gcc-10 10.2.1-6
  •  gcc-10-base:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  gcc-10-base:i386 10.2.1-6
  •  gcc-12-base:amd64 12.2.0-10
  •  gcc-12-base:i386 12.2.0-10
  •  gcc-9-base:amd64 9.3.0-22
  •  gcr 3.38.1-2
  •  gdal-data 3.2.2+dfsg-2+deb11u2
  •  gdb-minimal 10.1-1.7
  •  gdisk 1.0.6-1.1
  •  genisoimage 9:1.1.11-3.2
  •  geoclue-2.0 2.5.7-3
  •  gettext-base 0.21-4
  •  ghostscript 9.53.3~dfsg-7+deb11u2
  •  gimp 2.10.22-4
  •  gimp-data 2.10.22-4
  •  gimp-help-common 2.10.0-1
  •  gir1.2-appstreamglib-1.0:amd64 0.7.18-1
  •  gir1.2-atk-1.0:amd64 2.36.0-2
  •  gir1.2-freedesktop:amd64 1.66.1-1+b1
  •  gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0:amd64 2.42.2+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  gir1.2-glib-2.0:amd64 1.66.1-1+b1
  •  gir1.2-gtk-3.0:amd64 3.24.24-4+deb11u2
  •  gir1.2-harfbuzz-0.0:amd64 2.7.4-1
  •  gir1.2-notify-0.7:amd64 0.7.9-3
  •  gir1.2-packagekitglib-1.0 1.2.2-2
  •  gir1.2-pango-1.0:amd64 1.46.2-3
  •  gir1.2-secret-1:amd64 0.20.4-2
  •  gir1.2-xapp-1.0 2.0.7-1
  •  gist 6.0.0-1
  •  git 1:2.30.2-1
  •  git-man 1:2.30.2-1
  •  glib-networking:amd64 2.66.0-2
  •  glib-networking-common 2.66.0-2
  •  glib-networking-services 2.66.0-2
  •  gltron 0.70final-12.2
  •  gnome-chess 1:3.38.0-1
  •  gnome-desktop3-data 3.38.5-3
  •  gnome-extra-icons 1.1-3.1
  •  gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0-3
  •  gnome-keyring 3.36.0-1
  •  gnome-keyring-pkcs11:amd64 3.36.0-1
  •  gnome-video-effects 0.5.0-1
  •  gnupg2 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gnupg 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gnupg-l10n 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gnupg-utils 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gnustep-base-common 1.27.0-3
  •  gnustep-base-runtime 1.27.0-3
  •  gnustep-common 2.8.0-1
  •  gpg 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gpg-agent 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gpgconf 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gpgsm 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gpgv 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gpg-wks-client 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  gpg-wks-server 2.2.27-2+deb11u2
  •  graphviz 2.42.2-5
  •  grep 3.6-1
  •  groff-base 1.22.4-6
  •  grub2-common 2.06-3~deb11u4
  •  grub-common 2.06-3~deb11u4
  •  grub-customizer 5.1.0-3
  •  grub-efi-amd64-bin 2.06-3~deb11u4
  •  grub-efi-amd64-signed 1+2.06+3~deb11u4
  •  grub-pc 2.06-3~deb11u4
  •  grub-pc-bin 2.06-3~deb11u4
  •  gsasl-common 1.10.0-4+deb11u1
  •  gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.38.0-2
  •  gsfonts 1:8.11+urwcyr1.0.7~pre44-4.5
  •  gstreamer1.0-clutter-3.0:amd64 3.0.27-2
  •  gstreamer1.0-gl:amd64 1.18.4-2
  •  gstreamer1.0-libav:amd64 1.18.4-3
  •  gstreamer1.0-nice:amd64 0.1.16-1
  •  gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad:amd64 1.18.4-3
  •  gstreamer1.0-plugins-base:amd64 1.18.4-2
  •  gstreamer1.0-plugins-good:amd64 1.18.4-2+deb11u1
  •  gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly:amd64 1.18.4-2
  •  gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio:amd64 1.18.4-2+deb11u1
  •  gstreamer1.0-x:amd64 1.18.4-2
  •  gtk2-engines:amd64 1:2.20.2-5
  •  gtk2-engines-murrine:amd64 0.98.2-3
  •  gtk2-engines-oxygen:amd64 1.4.6-1.1
  •  gtk2-engines-pixbuf:amd64 2.24.33-2
  •  gtk2-engines-qtcurve:amd64 1.9-7+b2
  •  gtk3-engines-breeze 5.20.5-1
  •  gtk3-nocsd 3-1
  •  gtk-update-icon-cache 3.24.24-4+deb11u2
  •  guile-2.2-libs:amd64 2.2.7+1-6
  •  gvfs:amd64 1.46.2-1
  •  gvfs-common 1.46.2-1
  •  gvfs-daemons 1.46.2-1
  •  gvfs-libs:amd64 1.46.2-1
  •  gwenview 4:20.12.3-2
  •  gzip 1.10-4+deb11u1
  •  handbrake 1.3.1+ds1-2+b3
  •  haveged 1.9.14-1
  •  hddtemp 0.3-beta15-54
  •  hicolor-icon-theme 0.17-2
  •  hoichess 0.22.0-2
  •  hostname 3.23
  •  hplip 3.21.2+dfsg1-2
  •  hplip-data 3.21.2+dfsg1-2
  •  hunspell-en-gb 1:7.1.0~rc3-3
  •  hunspell-en-us 1:2019.10.06-1
  •  hunspell-en-za 1:7.1.0~rc3-3
  •  hwdata 0.345-1
  •  hwinfo 21.72-1
  •  hyphen-en-us 2.8.8-7
  •  i965-va-driver:amd64 2.4.1+dfsg1-1
  •  i965-va-driver:i386 2.4.1+dfsg1-1
  •  iamerican 3.4.02-2
  •  ibritish 3.4.02-2
  •  ibus-data 1.5.23-2
  •  ibverbs-providers:amd64 33.2-1
  •  ieee-data 20210605.1
  •  ienglish-common 3.4.02-2
  •  iio-sensor-proxy 3.0-2
  •  imagemagick-6-common 8:
  •  imagemagick-6.q16 8:
  •  imagemagick 8:
  •  imagewriter 0.0~git20200930.3d44023-1
  •  initramfs-tools 0.140
  •  initramfs-tools-bin 0.140ubuntu13
  •  initramfs-tools-core 0.140
  •  init-system-helpers 1.60
  •  inkscape 1.0.2-4
  •  intel-media-va-driver:amd64 21.1.1+dfsg1-1
  •  intel-media-va-driver:i386 21.1.1+dfsg1-1
  •  intel-microcode 3.20220510.1~deb11u1
  •  inxi 3.3.01-1-1
  •  ipp-usb 0.9.17-3+b4
  •  iproute2 5.10.0-4
  •  iptables 1.8.7-1
  •  iputils-ping 3:20210202-1
  •  isc-dhcp-client 4.4.1-2.3+deb11u1
  •  isc-dhcp-common 4.4.1-2.3+deb11u1
  •  iso-codes 4.6.0-1
  •  ispell 3.4.02-2
  •  iucode-tool 2.3.1-1
  •  iw 5.9-3
  •  java-common 0.72
  •  javascript-common 11+nmu1
  •  kaccounts-integration 4:20.12.1-1
  •  kaccounts-providers 4:20.12.1-3
  •  kactivities-bin 5.78.0-2
  •  kactivitymanagerd 5.20.5-1
  •  kamera 4:20.12.0-1
  •  kate 4:20.12.2-1
  •  kate5-data 4:20.12.2-1
  •  kbd 2.3.0-3
  •  kbreakout 4:20.12.1-1
  •  kcalc 4:20.12.0-1
  •  kcm-about-extended 0.0~git20220518.6ce7935-2+salsaci
  •  kcm-plasma-services 0.0~git20160602.a4db58f-9+salsaci
  •  kde-cli-tools 4:5.20.5-2
  •  kde-cli-tools-data 4:5.20.5-2
  •  kde-config-gtk-style:amd64 4:5.20.5-2
  •  kde-config-gtk-style-preview:amd64 4:5.20.5-2
  •  kde-config-mailtransport:amd64 20.08.3-1
  •  kde-config-plymouth 5.20.5-1
  •  kde-config-screenlocker 5.20.5-1
  •  kde-config-sddm 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kde-config-systemd 1.2.1-3.2
  •  kde-config-telepathy-accounts 20.08.0-1
  •  kdeconnect 20.12.3-2
  •  kded5 5.78.0-2
  •  kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5 4:20.12.1-1
  •  kdenetwork-filesharing 4:20.12.0-2
  •  kdenlive 20.12.3-1
  •  kdenlive-data 20.12.3-1
  •  kdepim-runtime 4:20.08.3-1
  •  kdeplasma-addons-data 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kde-spectacle 20.12.3-1
  •  kde-style-breeze 4:5.20.5-4
  •  kde-style-oxygen-qt5 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kde-style-qtcurve-qt5:amd64 1.9-7+b2
  •  kde-telepathy
  •  kde-telepathy-approver 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-auth-handler 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-call-ui 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-contact-list 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-data 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-desktop-applets 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-filetransfer-handler 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-integration-module 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-kaccounts 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-kpeople 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-minimal
  •  kde-telepathy-send-file 20.08.0-1
  •  kde-telepathy-text-ui 20.08.0-1
  •  kdialog 4:20.12.0-1
  •  kdoctools5 5.78.0-2
  •  keditbookmarks 20.12.0-2
  •  keyboard-configuration 1.205
  •  keyutils 1.6.1-2
  •  kgamma5:amd64 5.20.5-1
  •  khelpcenter 4:20.12.0-1
  •  khotkeys:amd64 4:5.20.5-1
  •  khotkeys-data 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kimageformat-plugins 5.78.0-5
  •  kinfocenter 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kinit 5.78.0-2
  •  kio 5.78.0-5
  •  kio-extras 4:20.12.2-1
  •  kio-extras-data 4:20.12.2-1
  •  kio-fuse 5.0.0-4
  •  kio-ldap:amd64 20.08.3-1
  •  klibc-utils 2.0.8-6.1
  •  kmahjongg 4:20.12.1-1
  •  kmailtransport-akonadi:amd64 20.08.3-1
  •  kmenuedit 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kmines 4:20.12.1-1
  •  kmod 28-1
  •  konsole 4:20.12.3-1
  •  konsole-kpart 4:20.12.3-1
  •  kpackagelauncherqml 5.78.0-2
  •  kpackagetool5 5.78.0-3
  •  kpeople-vcard:amd64 0.1-2
  •  krb5-locales 1.18.3-6+deb11u3
  •  krita 1:4.4.2+dfsg-1
  •  krita-data 1:4.4.2+dfsg-1
  •  krita-gmic 2.9.4-4
  •  kross 5.78.0-2
  •  kscreen 4:5.20.5-1
  •  ksnakeduel 4:20.12.1-1
  •  ksshaskpass 4:5.20.5-1
  •  ksysguard 4:5.20.5-2
  •  ksysguardd 4:5.20.5-2
  •  ksysguard-data 4:5.20.5-2
  •  ktexteditor-data 5.78.0-3
  •  ktexteditor-katepart 5.78.0-3
  •  kup-backup 0.8.0-1+b2
  •  kuserfeedback-doc 1.0.0-3
  •  kwalletmanager 4:20.12.0-1
  •  kwayland-data 4:5.78.0-2
  •  kwayland-integration:amd64 5.20.5-1
  •  kwin-addons:amd64 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kwin-common 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kwin-data 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kwin-style-breeze 4:5.20.5-4
  •  kwin-x11 4:5.20.5-1
  •  kwrited 4:5.20.5-1
  •  laptop-detect 0.16
  •  less 551-2
  •  liba52-0.7.4:amd64 0.7.4-20
  •  libaa1:amd64 1.4p5-48
  •  libaacs0:amd64 0.9.0-2
  •  libabsl20200923:amd64 0~20200923.3-2
  •  libabw-0.1-1:amd64 0.1.3-1
  •  libaccounts-glib0:amd64 1.25-1
  •  libaccounts-qt5-1:amd64 1.16-2
  •  libaccountsservice0:amd64 0.6.55-3
  •  libacl1:amd64 2.2.53-10
  •  libactivation-java 1.2.0-2
  •  libaec0:amd64 1.0.4-1
  •  libaio1:amd64 0.3.112-9
  •  libalien-sdl-perl 1.446-3.1
  •  libamd2:amd64 1:5.8.1+dfsg-2
  •  libann0 1.1.2+doc-7
  •  libaom0:amd64 1.0.0.errata1-3
  •  libaom0:i386 1.0.0.errata1-3
  •  libaopalliance-java 20070526-6
  •  libapache-poi-java 4.0.1-1
  •  libapache-pom-java 18-1
  •  libapparmor1:amd64 2.13.6-10
  •  libappimage1.0:amd64 1.0.4-5
  •  libappmenu-gtk2-parser0:amd64 0.7.6-2
  •  libappmenu-gtk3-parser0:amd64 0.7.6-2
  •  libappstream4:amd64 0.14.4-1
  •  libappstream-glib8:amd64 0.7.18-1
  •  libappstreamqt2:amd64 0.14.4-1
  •  libapt-pkg6.0:amd64 2.2.4
  •  libapt-pkg-perl 0.1.39
  •  libarchive13:amd64 3.4.3-2+deb11u1
  •  libargon2-1:amd64 0~20171227-0.2
  •  libargs4j-java 2.33-1.1
  •  libaribb24-0:amd64 1.0.3-2
  •  libarmadillo10 1:10.1.2+dfsg-6+b1
  •  libarpack2:amd64 3.8.0-1
  •  libasan6:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libasound2:amd64 1.2.4-1.1
  •  libasound2-data 1.2.4-1.1
  •  libasound2:i386 1.2.4-1.1
  •  libasound2-plugins:amd64 1.2.2-2
  •  libasound2-plugins:i386 1.2.2-2
  •  libaspell15:amd64 0.60.8-3
  •  libass9:amd64 1:0.15.0-2
  •  libassuan0:amd64 2.5.3-7.1
  •  libastro1:amd64 4:20.12.3-1
  •  libasyncns0:amd64 0.8-6+b2
  •  libasyncns0:i386 0.8-6+b2
  •  libatasmart4:amd64 0.19-5
  •  libatinject-jsr330-api-java 1.0+ds1-5
  •  libatk1.0-0:amd64 2.36.0-2
  •  libatk1.0-data 2.36.0-2
  •  libatk-bridge2.0-0:amd64 2.38.0-1
  •  libatkmm-1.6-1v5:amd64 2.28.0-3
  •  libatk-wrapper-java 0.38.0-2+deb11u1
  •  libatk-wrapper-java-jni:amd64 0.38.0-2+deb11u1
  •  libatm1:amd64 1:2.5.1-4
  •  libatomic1:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libatomic1:i386 10.2.1-6
  •  libatopology2:amd64 1.2.4-1.1
  •  libatspi2.0-0:amd64 2.38.0-4
  •  libattr1:amd64 1:2.4.48-6
  •  libaudcore5:amd64 4.0.5-1
  •  libaudgui5:amd64 4.0.5-1
  •  libaudit1:amd64 1:3.0-2
  •  libaudit-common 1:3.0-2
  •  libaudqt2:amd64 4.0.5-1
  •  libaudtag3:amd64 4.0.5-1
  •  libauthen-sasl-perl 2.1600-1.1
  •  libavahi-client3:amd64 0.8-5+deb11u1
  •  libavahi-common3:amd64 0.8-5+deb11u1
  •  libavahi-common-data:amd64 0.8-5+deb11u1
  •  libavahi-core7:amd64 0.8-5+deb11u1
  •  libavahi-glib1:amd64 0.8-5+deb11u1
  •  libavahi-gobject0:amd64 0.8-5+deb11u1
  •  libavc1394-0:amd64 0.5.4-5
  •  libavcodec58:amd64 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libavcodec58:i386 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libavdevice58:amd64 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libavfilter7:amd64 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libavformat58:amd64 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libavif9:amd64 0.8.4-2+deb11u1
  •  libavresample4:amd64 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libavresample4:i386 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libavutil56:amd64 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libavutil56:i386 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libbabl-0.1-0:amd64 1:0.1.82-1
  •  libbase-java 1.1.6-2.1
  •  libbcmail-java 1.68-2
  •  libbcpkix-java 1.68-2
  •  libbcprov-java 1.68-2
  •  libbdplus0:amd64 0.1.2-3
  •  libbinutils:amd64 2.35.2-2
  •  libblas3:amd64 3.9.0-3
  •  libblkid1:amd64 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  libblkid1:i386 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  libblockdev2:amd64 2.25-2
  •  libblockdev-crypto2:amd64 2.25-2
  •  libblockdev-fs2:amd64 2.25-2
  •  libblockdev-loop2:amd64 2.25-2
  •  libblockdev-part2:amd64 2.25-2
  •  libblockdev-part-err2:amd64 2.25-2
  •  libblockdev-swap2:amd64 2.25-2
  •  libblockdev-utils2:amd64 2.25-2
  •  libbluetooth3:amd64 5.55-3.1
  •  libbluray2:amd64 1:1.2.1-4+deb11u1
  •  libboost-filesystem1.74.0:amd64 1.74.0-9
  •  libboost-iostreams1.74.0:amd64 1.74.0-9
  •  libboost-locale1.74.0:amd64 1.74.0-9
  •  libboost-python1.74.0 1.74.0-9
  •  libboost-thread1.74.0:amd64 1.74.0-9
  •  libbpf0:amd64 1:0.3-2
  •  libbrotli1:amd64 1.0.9-2+b2
  •  libbrotli1:i386 1.0.9-2+b2
  •  libbs2b0:amd64 3.1.0+dfsg-2.2+b1
  •  libbsd0:amd64 0.11.3-1
  •  libbsd0:i386 0.11.3-1
  •  libbsh-java 2.0b4-20
  •  libbz2-1.0:amd64 1.0.8-4
  •  libc6:amd64 2.36-6
  •  libc6:i386 2.36-6
  •  libcaca0:amd64 0.99.beta19-2.2
  •  libcairo2:amd64 1.16.0-5
  •  libcairo2:i386 1.16.0-5
  •  libcairo-gobject2:amd64 1.16.0-5
  •  libcairo-gobject2:i386 1.16.0-5
  •  libcairo-gobject-perl 1.005-2+b2
  •  libcairomm-1.0-1v5:amd64 1.12.2-4
  •  libcairo-perl:amd64 1.109-1
  •  libcamd2:amd64 1:5.8.1+dfsg-2
  •  libcanberra0:amd64 0.30-7
  •  libcanberra-gtk3-0:amd64 0.30-7
  •  libcanberra-gtk3-module:amd64 0.30-7
  •  libcanberra-pulse:amd64 0.30-7
  •  libcap2:amd64 1:2.44-1
  •  libcap2-bin 1:2.44-1
  •  libcap-ng0:amd64 0.7.9-2.2+b1
  •  libcapture-tiny-perl 0.48-1
  •  libc-bin 2.36-6
  •  libcbor0:amd64 0.5.0+dfsg-2
  •  libcc1-0:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libccolamd2:amd64 1:5.8.1+dfsg-2
  •  libcddb2 1.3.2-6+b1
  •  libcdi-api-java 1.2-3
  •  libcdio19:amd64 2.1.0-2
  •  libcdio-cdda2:amd64 10.2+2.0.0-1+b2
  •  libcdio-paranoia2:amd64 10.2+2.0.0-1+b2
  •  libcdparanoia0:amd64 3.10.2+debian-13.1
  •  libcdr-0.1-1:amd64 0.1.6-2
  •  libcdt5:amd64 2.42.2-5
  •  libcephfs2 14.2.21-1
  •  libcfitsio9:amd64 3.490-3
  •  libcgraph6:amd64 2.42.2-5
  •  libcharls2:amd64 2.2.0+dfsg-2
  •  libcheese8:amd64 3.38.0-3
  •  libcheese-gtk25:amd64 3.38.0-3
  •  libchm1 2:0.40a-7
  •  libcholmod3:amd64 1:5.8.1+dfsg-2
  •  libchromaprint1:amd64 1.5.0-2
  •  libc-l10n 2.36-6
  •  libclass-inspector-perl 1.36-1
  •  libclone-perl 0.45-1+b1
  •  libclucene-contribs1v5:amd64
  •  libclucene-core1v5:amd64
  •  libclutter-1.0-0:amd64 1.26.4+dfsg-2
  •  libclutter-1.0-common 1.26.4+dfsg-2
  •  libclutter-gst-3.0-0:amd64 3.0.27-2
  •  libclutter-gtk-1.0-0:amd64 1.8.4-4
  •  libcmis-0.5-5v5 0.5.2-3
  •  libcodec2-0.9:amd64 0.9.2-4
  •  libcodec2-0.9:i386 0.9.2-4
  •  libcodemodel-java 2.6+jaxb2.3.0.1-10
  •  libcogl20:amd64 1.22.8-2
  •  libcogl-common 1.22.8-2
  •  libcogl-pango20:amd64 1.22.8-2
  •  libcogl-path20:amd64 1.22.8-2
  •  libcolamd2:amd64 1:5.8.1+dfsg-2
  •  libcolorcorrect5 4:5.20.5-6
  •  libcolord2:amd64 1.4.5-3
  •  libcolorhug2:amd64 1.4.5-3
  •  libcom-err2:amd64 1.46.2-2
  •  libcom-err2:i386 1.46.2-2
  •  libcommons-cli-java 1.4-2
  •  libcommons-codec-java 1.15-1
  •  libcommons-collections3-java 3.2.2-2
  •  libcommons-collections4-java 4.2-1
  •  libcommons-compress-java 1.20-1
  •  libcommons-io-java 2.8.0-1
  •  libcommons-lang3-java 3.11-1
  •  libcommons-logging-java 1.2-2
  •  libcommons-math3-java 3.6.1-3
  •  libcommons-parent-java 43-1
  •  libcompress-bzip2-perl 2.28-1+b1
  •  libcompress-raw-bzip2-perl:amd64 2.101-1
  •  libcompress-raw-lzma-perl:amd64 2.101-1
  •  libcompress-raw-zlib-perl:amd64 2.101-1
  •  libcrack2:amd64 2.9.6-3.4
  •  libcrypt1:amd64 1:4.4.18-4
  •  libcrypt1:i386 1:4.4.18-4
  •  libcryptsetup12:amd64 2:2.3.7-1+deb11u1
  •  libctf0:amd64 2.35.2-2
  •  libctf-nobfd0:amd64 2.35.2-2
  •  libcue2:amd64 2.2.1-3
  •  libcups2:amd64 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u2
  •  libcupsfilters1:amd64 1.28.7-1+deb11u1
  •  libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 7.74.0-1.3+deb11u3
  •  libcurl4:amd64 7.74.0-1.3+deb11u3
  •  libcurvesapi-java 1.06-1
  •  libdaemon0:amd64 0.14-7.1
  •  libdap27:amd64 3.20.7-6
  •  libdapclient6v5:amd64 3.20.7-6
  •  libdata-dump-perl 1.23-1.1
  •  libdatrie1:amd64 0.2.13-1
  •  libdatrie1:i386 0.2.13-1
  •  libdav1d4:amd64 0.7.1-3
  •  libdav1d4:i386 0.7.1-3
  •  libdb5.3:amd64 5.3.28+dfsg1-0.8
  •  libdbus-1-3:amd64 1.12.24-0+deb11u1
  •  libdbus-1-3:i386 1.12.24-0+deb11u1
  •  libdbus-glib-1-2:amd64 0.110-6
  •  libdbusmenu-glib4:amd64 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-2
  •  libdbusmenu-gtk3-4:amd64 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-2
  •  libdbusmenu-qt5-2:amd64 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-2+b1
  •  libdc1394-25:amd64 2.2.6-3
  •  libdca0:amd64 0.0.7-2
  •  libdconf1:amd64 0.38.0-2
  •  libde265-0:amd64 1.0.8-1
  •  libdebconfclient0:amd64 0.260
  •  libdebconf-kde1:amd64 1.0.3-4
  •  libdebuginfod1:amd64 0.183-1
  •  libdeflate0:amd64 1.7-1
  •  libdeflate0:i386 1.7-1
  •  libdevmapper1.02.1:amd64 2:1.02.175-2.1
  •  libdevmapper-event1.02.1:amd64 2:1.02.175-2.1
  •  libdjvulibre21:amd64 3.5.28-2
  •  libdjvulibre-text 3.5.28-2
  •  libdmtx0b:amd64 0.7.5-3+b1
  •  libdns-export1110 1:9.11.19+dfsg-2.1
  •  libdolphinvcs5:amd64 4:20.12.2-1
  •  libdom4j-java 2.1.3-1
  •  libdouble-conversion3:amd64 3.1.5-6.1
  •  libdpkg-perl 1.21.9ubuntu1
  •  libdrm2:amd64 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm2:i386 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm-amdgpu1:amd64 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm-amdgpu1:i386 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm-common 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm-intel1:amd64 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm-intel1:i386 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm-nouveau2:amd64 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm-nouveau2:i386 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm-radeon1:amd64 2.4.104-1
  •  libdrm-radeon1:i386 2.4.104-1
  •  libdtd-parser-java 1.2-1
  •  libdv4:amd64 1.0.0-13
  •  libdvbpsi10:amd64 1.3.3-1
  •  libdvdnav4:amd64 6.1.0-1+b1
  •  libdvdread8:amd64 6.1.1-2
  •  libdw1:amd64 0.183-1
  •  libebml5:amd64 1.4.2-1
  •  libe-book-0.1-1:amd64 0.1.3-2
  •  libebur128-1:amd64 1.2.5-1
  •  libedit2:amd64 3.1-20191231-2+b1
  •  libedit2:i386 3.1-20191231-2+b1
  •  libeditorconfig0:amd64 0.12.1-1.1
  •  libefiboot1:amd64 37-6
  •  libefivar1:amd64 37-6
  •  libegl1:amd64 1.3.2-1
  •  libegl1:i386 1.3.2-1
  •  libegl-mesa0:amd64 20.3.5-1
  •  libegl-mesa0:i386 20.3.5-1
  •  libehcache-java 2.6.11-5
  •  libel-api-java 3.0.0-3
  •  libelf1:amd64 0.183-1
  •  libelf1:i386 0.183-1
  •  libenchant-2-2:amd64 2.2.15-1
  •  libencode-locale-perl 1.05-1.1
  •  libeot0:amd64 0.01-5+b1
  •  libepoxy0:amd64 1.5.5-1
  •  libepsilon1:amd64 0.9.2+dfsg-5
  •  libept1.6.0:amd64 1.2.1
  •  libepub0 0.2.2-4+b4
  •  libepubgen-0.1-1:amd64 0.1.1-1
  •  liberror-perl 0.17029-1
  •  libetonyek-0.1-1:amd64 0.1.9-4
  •  libevdev2:amd64 1.11.0+dfsg-1
  •  libevent-2.1-7:amd64 2.1.12-stable-1
  •  libexif12:amd64 0.6.22-3
  •  libexiv2-27:amd64 0.27.3-3+deb11u1
  •  libexpat1:amd64 2.2.10-2+deb11u5
  •  libexpat1:i386 2.2.10-2+deb11u5
  •  libexporter-tiny-perl 1.002002-1
  •  libext2fs2:amd64 1.46.2-2
  •  libexttextcat-2.0-0:amd64 3.4.5-1
  •  libexttextcat-data 3.4.5-1
  •  libextutils-depends-perl 0.8000-1
  •  libextutils-pkgconfig-perl 1.16-1.1
  •  libfaad2:amd64 2.10.0-1
  •  libfakekey0:amd64 0.3+git20170516-2
  •  libfakeroot:amd64 1.25.3-1.1
  •  libfam0:amd64 2.7.0-17.3
  •  libfarstream-0.2-5:amd64 0.2.9-1
  •  libfastinfoset-java 1.2.12-3
  •  libfbclient2:amd64
  •  libfdisk1:amd64 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  libffi7:amd64 3.3-6
  •  libffi7:i386 3.3-6
  •  libffmpegthumbnailer4v5 2.1.1-0.2+b1
  •  libfftw3-double3:amd64 3.3.8-2
  •  libfftw3-single3:amd64 3.3.8-2
  •  libfido2-1:amd64 1.6.0-2
  •  libfile-basedir-perl 0.08-1
  •  libfile-desktopentry-perl 0.22-2
  •  libfile-listing-perl 6.14-1
  •  libfile-mimeinfo-perl 0.30-1
  •  libfile-sharedir-perl 1.118-1
  •  libfile-which-perl 1.23-1
  •  libflac8:amd64 1.3.3-2+deb11u1
  •  libflac8:i386 1.3.3-2+deb11u1
  •  libflatzebra-0.1-2v5:amd64 0.1.7-1
  •  libflite1:amd64 2.2-2
  •  libfluidsynth2:amd64 2.1.7-1.1
  •  libflute-java 1:1.1.6-4
  •  libfont-afm-perl 1.20-3
  •  libfontconfig1:amd64 2.13.1-4.2
  •  libfontconfig1:i386 2.13.1-4.2
  •  libfontembed1:amd64 1.28.7-1+deb11u1
  •  libfontenc1:amd64 1:1.1.4-1
  •  libfonts-java 1.1.6.dfsg-3.1
  •  libformula-java 1.1.7.dfsg-2.1
  •  libfreehand-0.1-1 0.1.2-3
  •  libfreetype6:amd64 2.10.4+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  libfreetype6:i386 2.10.4+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  libfreexl1:amd64 1.0.6-1
  •  libfribidi0:amd64 1.0.8-2+deb11u1
  •  libfribidi0:i386 1.0.8-2+deb11u1
  •  libfstrm0:amd64 0.6.0-1+b1
  •  libfuse2:amd64 2.9.9-5
  •  libfuse3-3:amd64 3.10.3-2
  •  libfyba0:amd64 4.1.1-7
  •  libgadu3 1:1.12.2-5
  •  libgail18:amd64 2.24.33-2
  •  libgail-common:amd64 2.24.33-2
  •  libgav1-0:amd64 0.16.0-5
  •  libgavl1:amd64 1.4.0-5
  •  libgbm1:amd64 20.3.5-1
  •  libgbm1:i386 20.3.5-1
  •  libgc1:amd64 1:8.0.4-3
  •  libgcc-10-dev:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libgcc-s1:amd64 12.2.0-10
  •  libgcc-s1:i386 12.2.0-10
  •  libgck-1-0:amd64 3.38.1-2
  •  libgcr-base-3-1:amd64 3.38.1-2
  •  libgcr-ui-3-1:amd64 3.38.1-2
  •  libgcrypt20:amd64 1.8.7-6
  •  libgcrypt20:i386 1.8.7-6
  •  libgd3:amd64 2.3.0-2
  •  libgdal28 3.2.2+dfsg-2+deb11u2
  •  libgdbm6:amd64 1.19-2
  •  libgdbm-compat4:amd64 1.19-2
  •  libgdcm3.0:amd64 3.0.8-2
  •  libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:amd64 2.40.2-2
  •  libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-0:amd64 2.42.2+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-0:i386 2.42.2+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  libgdk-pixbuf2.0-bin 2.42.2+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common 2.42.2+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  libgdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0-0:amd64 2.40.2-2
  •  libgdl-3-5:amd64 3.34.0-1
  •  libgdl-3-common 3.34.0-1
  •  libgegl-0.4-0:amd64 1:0.4.26-2
  •  libgegl-common 1:0.4.26-2
  •  libgeos-3.9.0:amd64 3.9.0-1
  •  libgeos-c1v5:amd64 3.9.0-1
  •  libgeotiff5:amd64 1.6.0-1
  •  libgeronimo-annotation-1.3-spec-java 1.3-1
  •  libgeronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec-java 1.0.1-4
  •  libgexiv2-2:amd64 0.12.1-1
  •  libgfapi0:amd64 9.2-1
  •  libgfortran5:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libgfrpc0:amd64 9.2-1
  •  libgfxdr0:amd64 9.2-1
  •  libgif7:amd64 5.1.9-2
  •  libgimp2.0:amd64 2.10.22-4
  •  libgirepository-1.0-1:amd64 1.66.1-1+b1
  •  libgit2-1.1:amd64 1.1.0+dfsg.1-4
  •  libgl1:amd64 1.3.2-1
  •  libgl1:i386 1.3.2-1
  •  libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64 20.3.5-1
  •  libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 20.3.5-1
  •  libglapi-mesa:amd64 20.3.5-1
  •  libglapi-mesa:i386 20.3.5-1
  •  libgles2:amd64 1.3.2-1
  •  libglew2.1:amd64 2.1.0-4+b1
  •  libglib2.0-0:amd64 2.66.8-1
  •  libglib2.0-0:i386 2.66.8-1
  •  libglib2.0-bin 2.66.8-1
  •  libglib2.0-data 2.66.8-1
  •  libglibmm-2.4-1v5:amd64 2.64.2-2
  •  libglib-object-introspection-perl 0.049-1+b1
  •  libglib-perl:amd64 3:1.329.3-1+b1
  •  libglu1-mesa:amd64 9.0.1-1
  •  libglusterfs0:amd64 9.2-1
  •  libglvnd0:amd64 1.3.2-1
  •  libglvnd0:i386 1.3.2-1
  •  libglx0:amd64 1.3.2-1
  •  libglx0:i386 1.3.2-1
  •  libglx-mesa0:amd64 20.3.5-1
  •  libglx-mesa0:i386 20.3.5-1
  •  libgme0:amd64 0.6.3-2
  •  libgmic1:amd64 2.9.4-4
  •  libgmp10:amd64 2:6.2.1+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  libgmp10:i386 2:6.2.1+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  libgnome-desktop-3-19:amd64 3.38.5-3
  •  libgnomekbd8:amd64 3.26.1-1
  •  libgnomekbd-common 3.26.1-1
  •  libgnustep-base1.27 1.27.0-3
  •  libgnutls30:amd64 3.7.1-5+deb11u2
  •  libgnutls30:i386 3.7.1-5+deb11u2
  •  libgnutls-dane0:amd64 3.7.1-5+deb11u2
  •  libgomp1:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libgomp1:i386 10.2.1-6
  •  libgpg-error0:amd64 1.38-2
  •  libgpg-error0:i386 1.38-2
  •  libgpg-error-l10n 1.38-2
  •  libgpgme11:amd64 1.14.0-1+b2
  •  libgpgmepp6:amd64 1.14.0-1+b2
  •  libgphoto2-6:amd64 2.5.27-1
  •  libgphoto2-l10n 2.5.27-1
  •  libgphoto2-port12:amd64 2.5.27-1
  •  libgpm2:amd64 1.20.7-8
  •  libgps28:amd64 3.22-4
  •  libgrantlee-templates5:amd64 5.2.0-3
  •  libgraphene-1.0-0:amd64 1.10.4+dfsg1-1
  •  libgraphicsmagick++-q16-12 1.4+really1.3.36+hg16481-2+deb11u1
  •  libgraphicsmagick-q16-3 1.4+really1.3.36+hg16481-2+deb11u1
  •  libgraphite2-3:amd64 1.3.14-1
  •  libgraphite2-3:i386 1.3.14-1
  •  libgs9:amd64 9.53.3~dfsg-7+deb11u2
  •  libgs9-common 9.53.3~dfsg-7+deb11u2
  •  libgsasl7:amd64 1.10.0-4+deb11u1
  •  libgsettings-qt1:amd64 0.2-4
  •  libgsl25:amd64 2.6+dfsg-2
  •  libgslcblas0:amd64 2.6+dfsg-2
  •  libgsm1:amd64 1.0.18-2
  •  libgsm1:i386 1.0.18-2
  •  libgsoap-2.8.104:amd64 2.8.104-3
  •  libgssapi-krb5-2:amd64 1.18.3-6+deb11u3
  •  libgssapi-krb5-2:i386 1.18.3-6+deb11u3
  •  libgssdp-1.2-0:amd64 1.2.3-2
  •  libgstreamer1.0-0:amd64 1.18.4-2.1
  •  libgstreamer-gl1.0-0:amd64 1.18.4-2
  •  libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0:amd64 1.18.4-3
  •  libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0:amd64 1.18.4-2
  •  libgtk2.0-0:amd64 2.24.33-2
  •  libgtk2.0-bin 2.24.33-2
  •  libgtk2.0-common 2.24.33-2
  •  libgtk-3-0:amd64 3.24.24-4+deb11u2
  •  libgtk-3-bin 3.24.24-4+deb11u2
  •  libgtk-3-common 3.24.24-4+deb11u2
  •  libgtk3-nocsd0:amd64 3-1+b1
  •  libgtk3-perl 0.038-1
  •  libgtkmm-3.0-1v5:amd64 3.24.2-2
  •  libgtkspell0:amd64 2.0.16-1.3
  •  libgtkspell3-3-0:amd64 3.0.10-1
  •  libgts-0.7-5:amd64 0.7.6+darcs121130-4+b1
  •  libgts-bin 0.7.6+darcs121130-4+b1
  •  libguava-java 29.0-6
  •  libgudev-1.0-0:amd64 234-1
  •  libguice-java 4.2.3-2
  •  libgupnp-1.2-0:amd64 1.2.4-1
  •  libgupnp-igd-1.0-4:amd64 1.2.0-1
  •  libgusb2:amd64 0.3.5-1
  •  libgvc6 2.42.2-5
  •  libgvpr2:amd64 2.42.2-5
  •  libharfbuzz0b:amd64 2.7.4-1
  •  libharfbuzz0b:i386 2.7.4-1
  •  libharfbuzz-icu0:amd64 2.7.4-1
  •  libhavege2:amd64 1.9.14-1
  •  libhawtjni-runtime-java 1.17-1
  •  libhd21:amd64 21.72-1
  •  libhdf4-0-alt 4.2.15-3
  •  libhdf5-103-1:amd64 1.10.6+repack-4+deb11u1
  •  libhdf5-hl-100:amd64 1.10.6+repack-4+deb11u1
  •  libheif1:amd64 1.11.0-1
  •  libhfstospell11:amd64 0.5.2-1+b1
  •  libhogweed6:amd64 3.7.3-1
  •  libhogweed6:i386 3.7.3-1
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  •  libigdgmm11:i386 20.4.1+ds1-1
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  •  libimage-magick-q16-perl 8:
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  •  libkf5screen-bin 4:5.20.5-1
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  •  libkf5sysguard-data 4:5.20.5-1
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  •  libkrb5support0:i386 1.18.3-6+deb11u3
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  •  libksysguardsensors1 4:5.20.5-1
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  •  libkuserfeedbackwidgets1:amd64 1.0.0-3
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  •  libllvm11:amd64 1:11.0.1-2
  •  libllvm11:i386 1:11.0.1-2
  •  liblmdb0:amd64 0.9.24-1
  •  libloader-java 1.1.6.dfsg-4.1
  •  liblocale-gettext-perl 1.07-4+b1
  •  liblog4j1.2-java 1.2.17-10+deb11u1
  •  liblouis20:amd64 3.16.0-1
  •  liblouis-data 3.16.0-1
  •  liblouisutdml9:amd64 2.9.0-1
  •  liblouisutdml-bin 2.9.0-1
  •  liblouisutdml-data 2.9.0-1
  •  liblqr-1-0:amd64 0.4.2-2.1
  •  liblsan0:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libltc11:amd64 1.3.1-1
  •  libltdl7:amd64 2.4.6-15
  •  liblua5.2-0:amd64 5.2.4-1.1+b3
  •  liblvm2cmd2.03:amd64 2.03.11-2.1
  •  liblwp-mediatypes-perl 6.04-1
  •  liblwp-protocol-https-perl 6.10-1
  •  liblz4-1:amd64 1.9.3-2
  •  liblz4-1:i386 1.9.3-2
  •  liblzf1:amd64 3.6-3
  •  liblzma5:amd64 5.2.5-2.1~deb11u1
  •  liblzma5:i386 5.2.5-2.1~deb11u1
  •  liblzo2-2:amd64 2.10-2
  •  libmad0:amd64 0.15.1b-10
  •  libmagic1:amd64 1:5.39-3
  •  libmagick++-6.q16-8:amd64 8:
  •  libmagickcore-6.q16-6:amd64 8:
  •  libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra:amd64 8:
  •  libmagickwand-6.q16-6:amd64 8:
  •  libmagic-mgc 1:5.39-3
  •  libmail-java 1.6.5-1
  •  libmailtools-perl 2.21-1
  •  libmailutils7:amd64 1:3.10-3+b1
  •  libmanette-0.2-0:amd64 0.2.5-1
  •  libmarblewidget-qt5-28:amd64 4:20.12.3-1
  •  libmariadb3:amd64 1:10.5.15-0+deb11u1
  •  libmarkdown2:amd64 2.2.6-1
  •  libmatroska7:amd64 1.6.2-1
  •  libmaven3-core-java 3.6.3-5
  •  libmaven-file-management-java 3.0.0-1
  •  libmaven-parent-java 31-2
  •  libmaven-resolver-java 1.4.2-3
  •  libmaven-shared-io-java 3.0.0-3
  •  libmaven-shared-utils-java 3.3.0-1+deb11u1
  •  libmaxminddb0:amd64 1.5.2-1
  •  libmbedcrypto3:amd64 2.16.9-0.1
  •  libmbedtls12:amd64 2.16.9-0.1
  •  libmbedx509-0:amd64 2.16.9-0.1
  •  libmbim-glib4:amd64 1.24.6-0.1
  •  libmbim-proxy 1.24.6-0.1
  •  libmd0:amd64 1.0.3-3
  •  libmd0:i386 1.0.3-3
  •  libmd4c0:amd64 0.4.7-2
  •  libmeanwhile1:amd64 1.1.1-2
  •  libmetis5:amd64 5.1.0.dfsg-7
  •  libmfx1:amd64 21.1.0-1
  •  libmhash2:amd64
  •  libmikmod3:amd64
  •  libminiupnpc17:amd64 2.2.1-1
  •  libminizip1:amd64 1.1-8+b1
  •  libmission-control-plugins0:amd64 1:5.16.5-2
  •  libmjpegutils-2.1-0:amd64 1:2.1.0+debian-6
  •  libmlt++3:amd64 6.24.0-1
  •  libmlt6:amd64 6.24.0-1
  •  libmlt-data 6.24.0-1
  •  libmm-glib0:amd64 1.14.12-0.2
  •  libmms0:amd64 0.6.4-3
  •  libmng1:amd64 1.0.10+dfsg-3.1+b5
  •  libmnl0:amd64 1.0.4-3
  •  libmodplug1:amd64 1:
  •  libmount1:amd64 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  libmount1:i386 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  libmovit8:amd64 1.6.3-5
  •  libmp3lame0:amd64 3.100-3
  •  libmp3lame0:i386 3.100-3
  •  libmpc3:amd64 1.2.0-1
  •  libmpcdec6:amd64 2:0.1~r495-2
  •  libmpdec3:amd64 2.5.1-1
  •  libmpeg2-4:amd64 0.5.1-9
  •  libmpeg2encpp-2.1-0:amd64 1:2.1.0+debian-6
  •  libmpfr6:amd64 4.1.0-3
  •  libmpg123-0:amd64 1.26.4-1
  •  libmplex2-2.1-0:amd64 1:2.1.0+debian-6
  •  libmspack0:amd64 0.10.1-2
  •  libmspub-0.1-1:amd64 0.1.4-3+b1
  •  libmtdev1:amd64 1.1.6-1
  •  libmtp9:amd64 1.1.17-3
  •  libmtp-common 1.1.17-3
  •  libmtp-runtime 1.1.17-3
  •  libmwaw-0.3-3:amd64 0.3.17-1
  •  libmypaint-1.5-1:amd64 1.6.0-2
  •  libmypaint-common 1.6.0-2
  •  libmysofa1:amd64 1.2~dfsg0-1
  •  libmythes-1.2-0:amd64 2:1.2.4-3+b1
  •  libnatpmp1:amd64 20150609-7.1
  •  libncurses6:amd64 6.2+20201114-2
  •  libncursesw6:amd64 6.2+20201114-2
  •  libndp0:amd64 1.6-1+b1
  •  libneon27-gnutls:amd64 0.31.2-1
  •  libnetcdf18:amd64 1:4.7.4-1
  •  libnet-dbus-perl 1.2.0-1+b1
  •  libnetfilter-conntrack3:amd64 1.0.8-3
  •  libnet-http-perl 6.20-1
  •  libnetpbm10 2:10.0-15.4
  •  libnet-smtp-ssl-perl 1.04-1
  •  libnet-ssleay-perl 1.88-3+b1
  •  libnettle8:amd64 3.7.3-1
  •  libnettle8:i386 3.7.3-1
  •  libnewt0.52:amd64 0.52.21-4+b3
  •  libnfnetlink0:amd64 1.0.1-3+b1
  •  libnfs13:amd64 4.0.0-1
  •  libnftables1:amd64 0.9.8-3.1
  •  libnftnl11:amd64 1.1.9-1
  •  libnghttp2-14:amd64 1.43.0-1
  •  libnice10:amd64 0.1.16-1
  •  libnl-3-200:amd64 3.4.0-1+b1
  •  libnl-genl-3-200:amd64 3.4.0-1+b1
  •  libnl-route-3-200:amd64 3.4.0-1+b1
  •  libnm0:amd64 1.30.6-1+deb11u1
  •  libnm0:i386 1.30.6-1+deb11u1
  •  libnorm1:amd64 1.5.9+dfsg-2
  •  libnotificationmanager1 4:5.20.5-6
  •  libnotify4:amd64 0.7.9-3
  •  libnotify-bin 0.7.9-3
  •  libnpth0:amd64 1.6-3
  •  libnsl2:amd64 1.3.0-2
  •  libnsl2:i386 1.3.0-2
  •  libnspr4:amd64 2:4.29-1
  •  libnss3:amd64 2:3.61-1+deb11u2
  •  libnss-mdns:amd64 0.14.1-2
  •  libnss-systemd:amd64 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  libnss-winbind:amd64 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  libntfs-3g883 1:2017.3.23AR.3-4+deb11u3
  •  libntlm0:amd64 1.6-3
  •  libnuma1:amd64 2.0.12-1+b1
  •  libnuma1:i386 2.0.12-1+b1
  •  libnumbertext-1.0-0:amd64 1.0.7-1
  •  libnumbertext-data 1.0.7-1
  •  libobjc4:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libodbc1:amd64 2.3.6-0.1+b1
  •  libodfgen-0.1-1:amd64 0.1.8-2
  •  libofa0:amd64 0.9.3-21
  •  libogdi4.1 4.1.0+ds-5
  •  libogg0:amd64 1.3.4-0.1
  •  libogg0:i386 1.3.4-0.1
  •  libokular5core9 4:20.12.3-2
  •  libopenal1:amd64 1:1.19.1-2
  •  libopenal-data 1:1.19.1-2
  •  libopencolorio1v5 1.1.1~dfsg0-7
  •  libopenconnect5:amd64 8.10-2+b1
  •  libopencore-amrnb0:amd64 0.1.5-1
  •  libopencore-amrwb0:amd64 0.1.5-1
  •  libopencv-core4.5:amd64 4.5.1+dfsg-5
  •  libopencv-imgcodecs4.5:amd64 4.5.1+dfsg-5
  •  libopencv-imgproc4.5:amd64 4.5.1+dfsg-5
  •  libopencv-videoio4.5:amd64 4.5.1+dfsg-5
  •  libopenexr25:amd64 2.5.4-2+deb11u1
  •  libopengl0:amd64 1.3.2-1
  •  libopenjp2-7:amd64 2.4.0-3
  •  libopenjp2-7:i386 2.4.0-3
  •  libopenmpt0:amd64 0.4.11-1
  •  libopenmpt-modplug1:amd64 0.4.11-1
  •  libopenni2-0:amd64
  •  libopus0:amd64 1.3.1-0.1
  •  libopus0:i386 1.3.1-0.1
  •  liborc-0.4-0:amd64 1:0.4.32-1
  •  liborcus-0.16-0:amd64 0.16.1-3+b2
  •  liborcus-parser-0.16-0:amd64 0.16.1-3+b2
  •  libotr5:amd64 4.1.1-4
  •  liboxygenstyle5-5:amd64 4:5.20.5-1
  •  liboxygenstyleconfig5-5:amd64 4:5.20.5-1
  •  libp11-kit0:amd64 0.23.22-1
  •  libp11-kit0:i386 0.23.22-1
  •  libpackagekit-glib2-18:amd64 1.2.2-2
  •  libpackagekitqt5-1:amd64 1.0.2-1
  •  libpagemaker-0.0-0:amd64 0.0.4-1
  •  libpam0g:amd64 1.4.0-9+deb11u1
  •  libpam-cap:amd64 1:2.44-1
  •  libpam-gnome-keyring:amd64 3.36.0-1
  •  libpam-kwallet5 5.20.5-1
  •  libpam-kwallet-common 5.20.5-1
  •  libpam-modules:amd64 1.4.0-9+deb11u1
  •  libpam-modules-bin 1.4.0-9+deb11u1
  •  libpam-runtime 1.4.0-9+deb11u1
  •  libpam-systemd:amd64 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  libpam-winbind:amd64 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  libpango-1.0-0:amd64 1.46.2-3
  •  libpango-1.0-0:i386 1.46.2-3
  •  libpangocairo-1.0-0:amd64 1.46.2-3
  •  libpangocairo-1.0-0:i386 1.46.2-3
  •  libpangoft2-1.0-0:amd64 1.46.2-3
  •  libpangoft2-1.0-0:i386 1.46.2-3
  •  libpangomm-1.4-1v5:amd64 2.42.1-1
  •  libpangoxft-1.0-0:amd64 1.46.2-3
  •  libpaper1:amd64 1.1.28+b1
  •  libpaper-utils 1.1.28+b1
  •  libparted2:amd64 3.4-1
  •  libparted-fs-resize0:amd64 3.4-1
  •  libpathplan4:amd64 2.42.2-5
  •  libpcap0.8:amd64 1.10.0-2
  •  libpci3:amd64 1:3.7.0-5
  •  libpciaccess0:amd64 0.16-1
  •  libpciaccess0:i386 0.16-1
  •  libpcre2-16-0:amd64 10.36-2+deb11u1
  •  libpcre2-8-0:amd64 10.36-2+deb11u1
  •  libpcre2-8-0:i386 10.36-2+deb11u1
  •  libpcre3:amd64 2:8.39-13
  •  libpcre3:i386 2:8.39-13
  •  libpcsclite1:amd64 1.9.1-1
  •  libpentaho-reporting-flow-engine-java 0.9.4-5.1
  •  libperl5.32:amd64 5.32.1-4+deb11u2
  •  libpgm-5.3-0:amd64 5.3.128~dfsg-2
  •  libphonon4qt5-4:amd64 4:4.11.1-4
  •  libphonon4qt5-data 4:4.11.1-4
  •  libpipeline1:amd64 1.5.3-1
  •  libpipewire-0.3-0:amd64 0.3.19-4
  •  libpipewire-0.3-modules:amd64 0.3.19-4
  •  libpixie-java 1:1.1.6-3.1
  •  libpixman-1-0:amd64 0.40.0-1.1~deb11u1
  •  libpixman-1-0:i386 0.40.0-1.1~deb11u1
  •  libplacebo72:amd64 2.72.2-1
  •  libplasma-geolocation-interface5 4:5.20.5-6
  •  libplexus-archiver-java 3.6.0-2
  •  libplexus-cipher-java 1.8-2
  •  libplexus-classworlds-java 2.6.0-1
  •  libplexus-component-annotations-java 2.1.0-1
  •  libplexus-interpolation-java 1.26-1
  •  libplexus-io-java 3.2.0-1.1
  •  libplexus-sec-dispatcher-java 1.4-4
  •  libplexus-utils2-java 3.3.0-1
  •  libplist3:amd64 2.2.0-6
  •  libplymouth5:amd64 0.9.5-3
  •  libpng16-16:amd64 1.6.37-3
  •  libpng16-16:i386 1.6.37-3
  •  libpocketsphinx3:amd64 0.8+5prealpha+1-13
  •  libpolkit-agent-1-0:amd64 0.105-31+deb11u1
  •  libpolkit-gobject-1-0:amd64 0.105-31+deb11u1
  •  libpolkit-qt5-1-1:amd64 0.113.0-1
  •  libpoppler102:amd64 20.09.0-3.1+deb11u1
  •  libpoppler-cpp0v5:amd64 20.09.0-3.1+deb11u1
  •  libpoppler-glib8:amd64 20.09.0-3.1+deb11u1
  •  libpoppler-qt5-1:amd64 20.09.0-3.1+deb11u1
  •  libpopt0:amd64 1.18-2
  •  libpostproc55:amd64 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libpotrace0:amd64 1.16-2
  •  libpowerdevilcore2:amd64 4:5.20.5-2
  •  libpowerdevilui5:amd64 4:5.20.5-2
  •  libpq5:amd64 13.8-0+deb11u1
  •  libprocesscore9 4:5.20.5-1
  •  libprocessui9 4:5.20.5-1
  •  libprocps8:amd64 2:3.3.17-5
  •  libproj19:amd64 7.2.1-1
  •  libprotobuf23:amd64 3.12.4-1
  •  libprotobuf-c1:amd64 1.3.3-1+b2
  •  libprotobuf-lite23:amd64 3.12.4-1
  •  libproxy1v5:amd64 0.4.17-1
  •  libproxy-tools 0.4.17-1
  •  libpsl5:amd64 0.21.0-1.2
  •  libpulse0:amd64 14.2-2
  •  libpulse0:i386 14.2-2
  •  libpulsedsp:amd64 14.2-2
  •  libpulse-mainloop-glib0:amd64 14.2-2
  •  libpurple0 2.14.1-1
  •  libpurple-bin 2.14.1-1
  •  libpwquality1:amd64 1.4.4-1
  •  libpwquality-common 1.4.4-1
  •  libpython3.9:amd64 3.9.2-1
  •  libpython3.9-minimal:amd64 3.9.2-1
  •  libpython3.9-stdlib:amd64 3.9.2-1
  •  libpython3-stdlib:amd64 3.9.2-3
  •  libqalculate20:amd64 2.8.2-1.1
  •  libqalculate20-data 2.8.2-1.1
  •  libqapt3:amd64 3.0.5-1
  •  libqapt3-runtime 3.0.5-1
  •  libqca-qt5-2:amd64 2.3.2-2
  •  libqca-qt5-2-plugins:amd64 2.3.2-2
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  •  libqmi-glib5:amd64 1.26.10-0.1
  •  libqmi-proxy 1.26.10-0.1
  •  libqmobipocket2:amd64 4:20.12.0-1
  •  libqpdf28:amd64 10.1.0-1
  •  libqrcodegencpp1:amd64 1.6.0-1
  •  libqrencode4:amd64 4.1.1-1
  •  libqt5concurrent5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
  •  libqt5core5a:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
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  •  libqt5glib-2.0-0:amd64 1.2.0-5.1
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  •  libqt5gstreamerquick-1.0-0:amd64 1.2.0-5.1
  •  libqt5gui5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
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  •  libqt5multimedia5:amd64 5.15.2-3
  •  libqt5multimedia5-plugins:amd64 5.15.2-3
  •  libqt5multimediagsttools5:amd64 5.15.2-3
  •  libqt5multimediaquick5:amd64 5.15.2-3
  •  libqt5multimediawidgets5:amd64 5.15.2-3
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  •  libqt5networkauth5:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  libqt5opengl5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
  •  libqt5positioning5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-2
  •  libqt5printsupport5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
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  •  libqt5serialport5:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  libqt5sql5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
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  •  libqt5sql5-sqlite:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
  •  libqt5svg5:amd64 5.15.2-3
  •  libqt5test5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
  •  libqt5texttospeech5:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  libqt5virtualkeyboard5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-2
  •  libqt5waylandclient5:amd64 5.15.2-3
  •  libqt5waylandcompositor5:amd64 5.15.2-3
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  •  libqt5webengine5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-3
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  •  libqt5webenginewidgets5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-3
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  •  libqt5widgets5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
  •  libqt5x11extras5:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  libqt5xml5:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
  •  libqt5xmlpatterns5:amd64 5.15.2-3
  •  libqtcurve-utils2:amd64 1.9-7+b2
  •  libquadmath0:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libquazip5-1:amd64 0.9.1-1
  •  libquicktime2:amd64 2:1.2.4-12+b4
  •  libqxp-0.0-0 0.0.2-1+b1
  •  librabbitmq4:amd64 0.10.0-1
  •  librados2 14.2.21-1
  •  libraptor2-0:amd64 2.0.14-1.2
  •  librasqal3:amd64 0.9.33-0.1
  •  libraw1394-11:amd64 2.1.2-2
  •  libraw20:amd64 0.20.2-1
  •  librdf0:amd64 1.0.17-1.1+b1
  •  librdmacm1:amd64 33.2-1
  •  libre2-9:amd64 20210201+dfsg-1
  •  libreadline8:amd64 8.1-1
  •  libregexp-assemble-perl 0.36-1.1
  •  librelaxng-datatype-java 1.0+ds1-3.1
  •  libreoffice 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-base 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-base-core 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-base-drivers 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-calc 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-common 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-core 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-draw 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-help-common 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-help-en-us 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-impress 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-java-common 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-kde5 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-kf5 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-math 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-nlpsolver 0.9+LibO7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-plasma 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-qt5 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-report-builder 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-report-builder-bin 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-script-provider-bsh 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-script-provider-js 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-script-provider-python 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-sdbc-firebird 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-sdbc-mysql 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-style-breeze 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-style-colibre 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-wiki-publisher 1.2.0+LibO7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libreoffice-writer 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  librepository-java 1.1.6-4
  •  libresid-builder0c2a 2.1.1-15+b1
  •  librest-0.7-0:amd64 0.8.1-1.1
  •  librevenge-0.0-0:amd64 0.0.4-6+b1
  •  libridl-java 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  librngom-java
  •  librsvg2-2:amd64 2.50.3+dfsg-1
  •  librsvg2-2:i386 2.50.3+dfsg-1
  •  librsvg2-common:amd64 2.50.3+dfsg-1
  •  librsvg2-common:i386 2.50.3+dfsg-1
  •  librtaudio6:amd64 5.1.0~ds1-1
  •  librtmp1:amd64 2.4+20151223.gitfa8646d.1-2+b2
  •  librttopo1:amd64 1.1.0-2
  •  librttr-core0.9.6:amd64 0.9.6+dfsg1-4
  •  librubberband2:amd64 1.9.0-1
  •  libruby2.7:amd64 2.7.4-1+deb11u1
  •  libsac-java 1.3+dfsg-5.1
  •  libsamplerate0:amd64 0.2.1+ds0-1
  •  libsamplerate0:i386 0.2.1+ds0-1
  •  libsane1:amd64 1.0.31-4.1
  •  libsane-common 1.0.31-4.1
  •  libsane-hpaio:amd64 3.21.2+dfsg1-2
  •  libsasl2-2:amd64 2.1.27+dfsg-2.1+deb11u1
  •  libsasl2-modules:amd64 2.1.27+dfsg-2.1+deb11u1
  •  libsasl2-modules-db:amd64 2.1.27+dfsg-2.1+deb11u1
  •  libsasl2-modules-kdexoauth2:amd64 20.08.3-1
  •  libsaxonhe-java
  •  libsbc1:amd64 1.5-3
  •  libscim8v5:amd64 1.4.18-2.2
  •  libsdl1.2debian:amd64 1.2.15+dfsg2-6
  •  libsdl2-2.0-0:amd64 2.0.14+dfsg2-3+deb11u1
  •  libsdl-gfx1.2-5:amd64 2.0.25-11.1
  •  libsdl-image1.2:amd64 1.2.12-12
  •  libsdl-mixer1.2:amd64 1.2.12-16+b1
  •  libsdl-pango1:amd64 0.1.2-8+b1
  •  libsdl-perl 2.548-1+b3
  •  libsdl-sound1.2:amd64 1.0.3-9+b1
  •  libsdl-ttf2.0-0:amd64 2.0.11-6
  •  libseccomp2:amd64 2.5.1-1+deb11u1
  •  libsecret-1-0:amd64 0.20.4-2
  •  libsecret-common 0.20.4-2
  •  libselinux1:amd64 3.1-3
  •  libselinux1:i386 3.1-3
  •  libsemanage1:amd64 3.1-1+b2
  •  libsemanage-common 3.1-1
  •  libsensors5:amd64 1:3.6.0-7
  •  libsensors5:i386 1:3.6.0-7
  •  libsensors-config 1:3.6.0-7
  •  libsepol1:amd64 3.1-1
  •  libserd-0-0:amd64 0.30.10-2
  •  libserializer-java 1.1.6-6
  •  libservlet3.1-java 1:4.0.1-2
  •  libservlet-api-java 4.0.1-2
  •  libshine3:amd64 3.1.1-2
  •  libshine3:i386 3.1.1-2
  •  libshout3:amd64 2.4.5-1+b1
  •  libshp2:amd64 1.5.0-2
  •  libsidplay1v5:amd64 1.36.60-1
  •  libsidplay2 2.1.1-15+b1
  •  libsidplayfp5:amd64 2.0.5-2
  •  libsigc++-2.0-0v5:amd64 2.10.4-2
  •  libsignon-extension1:amd64 8.60-4
  •  libsignon-glib2:amd64 2.1-3
  •  libsignon-plugins-common1:amd64 8.60-4
  •  libsignon-qt5-1:amd64 8.60-4
  •  libsigsegv2:amd64 2.13-1
  •  libsisu-inject-java 0.3.4-2
  •  libsisu-plexus-java 0.3.4-3
  •  libslang2:amd64 2.3.2-5
  •  libslf4j-java 1.7.30-1
  •  libsm6:amd64 2:1.2.3-1
  •  libsmartcols1:amd64 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  libsmbclient:amd64 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  libsnappy1v5:amd64 1.1.8-1
  •  libsnappy1v5:i386 1.1.8-1
  •  libsnappy-java
  •  libsnappy-jni
  •  libsndfile1:amd64 1.0.31-2
  •  libsndfile1:i386 1.0.31-2
  •  libsndio7.0:amd64 1.5.0-3
  •  libsnmp40:amd64 5.9+dfsg-4+deb11u1
  •  libsnmp-base 5.9+dfsg-4+deb11u1
  •  libsocket++1:amd64 1.12.13-11
  •  libsodium23:amd64 1.0.18-1
  •  libsord-0-0:amd64 0.16.8-2
  •  libsoundtouch1:amd64 2.2+ds1-2
  •  libsoup2.4-1:amd64 2.72.0-2
  •  libsoup-gnome2.4-1:amd64 2.72.0-2
  •  libsox3:amd64 14.4.2+git20190427-2
  •  libsox-fmt-alsa:amd64 14.4.2+git20190427-2
  •  libsox-fmt-base:amd64 14.4.2+git20190427-2
  •  libsoxr0:amd64 0.1.3-4
  •  libsoxr0:i386 0.1.3-4
  •  libspa-0.2-modules:amd64 0.3.19-4
  •  libspandsp2:amd64 0.0.6+dfsg-2
  •  libspatialaudio0:amd64 0.3.0+git20180730+dfsg1-2+b1
  •  libspatialite7:amd64 5.0.1-2
  •  libspectre1:amd64 0.2.9-1
  •  libspeechd2:amd64 0.10.2-2+deb11u1
  •  libspeex1:amd64 1.2~rc1.2-1.1
  •  libspeex1:i386 1.2~rc1.2-1.1
  •  libspeexdsp1:amd64 1.2~rc1.2-1.1
  •  libsphinxbase3:amd64 0.8+5prealpha+1-12
  •  libsqlite3-0:amd64 3.34.1-3
  •  libsquashfuse0:amd64 0.1.103-3
  •  libsratom-0-0:amd64 0.6.8-1
  •  libsrt1.4-gnutls:amd64 1.4.2-1.3
  •  libsrtp2-1:amd64 2.3.0-5
  •  libss2:amd64 1.46.2-2
  •  libssh2-1:amd64 1.9.0-2
  •  libssh-4:amd64 0.9.5-1+deb11u1
  •  libssh-gcrypt-4:amd64 0.9.5-1+deb11u1
  •  libssl1.1:amd64 1.1.1n-0+deb11u3
  •  libssl1.1:i386 1.1.1n-0+deb11u3
  •  libstaroffice-0.0-0:amd64 0.0.7-1
  •  libstax-ex-java 1.7.8-3
  •  libstdc++6:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libstdc++6:i386 10.2.1-6
  •  libstemmer0d:amd64 2.1.0-1
  •  libstoken1:amd64 0.92-1
  •  libstreambuffer-java 1.5.4-1.1
  •  libsuitesparseconfig5:amd64 1:5.8.1+dfsg-2
  •  libsuperlu5:amd64 5.2.2+dfsg1-2
  •  libswresample3:amd64 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libswresample3:i386 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libswscale5:amd64 7:4.3.5-0+deb11u1
  •  libsystemd0:amd64 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  libsystemd0:i386 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  libsz2:amd64 1.0.4-1
  •  libtag1v5:amd64 1.11.1+dfsg.1-3
  •  libtag1v5-vanilla:amd64 1.11.1+dfsg.1-3
  •  libtalloc2:amd64 2.3.1-2+b1
  •  libtaskmanager6abi1 4:5.20.5-6
  •  libtasn1-6:amd64 4.16.0-2
  •  libtasn1-6:i386 4.16.0-2
  •  libtbb2:amd64 2020.3-1
  •  libtcl8.6:amd64 8.6.11+dfsg-1
  •  libtdb1:amd64 1.4.3-1+b1
  •  libteamdctl0:amd64 1.31-1
  •  libtelepathy-farstream3:amd64 0.6.2-1.1
  •  libtelepathy-glib0:amd64 0.24.1-3
  •  libtelepathy-logger3:amd64 0.8.2-4
  •  libtelepathy-logger-qt5:amd64 17.09.0-1
  •  libtelepathy-qt5-0:amd64 0.9.8+ds-4
  •  libtelepathy-qt5-farstream0:amd64 0.9.8+ds-4
  •  libtevent0:amd64 0.10.2-1
  •  libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-7+b1
  •  libthai0:amd64 0.1.28-3
  •  libthai0:i386 0.1.28-3
  •  libthai-data 0.1.28-3
  •  libtheora0:amd64 1.1.1+dfsg.1-15
  •  libtheora0:i386 1.1.1+dfsg.1-15
  •  libtie-ixhash-perl 1.23-2.1
  •  libtie-simple-perl 1.04-1
  •  libtiff5:amd64 4.2.0-1+deb11u1
  •  libtiff5:i386 4.2.0-1+deb11u1
  •  libtimedate-perl 2.3300-2
  •  libtinfo6:amd64 6.2+20201114-2
  •  libtinfo6:i386 6.2+20201114-2
  •  libtinyxml2.6.2v5:amd64 2.6.2-4
  •  libtirpc3:amd64 1.3.1-1+deb11u1
  •  libtirpc3:i386 1.3.1-1+deb11u1
  •  libtirpc-common 1.3.1-1+deb11u1
  •  libtk8.6:amd64 8.6.11-2
  •  libtomcrypt1:amd64 1.18.2-5
  •  libtommath1:amd64 1.2.0-6
  •  libtry-tiny-perl 0.30-1
  •  libtsan0:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0:amd64 3.0.3-2
  •  libtss2-mu0:amd64 3.0.3-2
  •  libtss2-sys1:amd64 3.0.3-2
  •  libtss2-tcti-cmd0:amd64 3.0.3-2
  •  libtss2-tcti-device0:amd64 3.0.3-2
  •  libtss2-tcti-mssim0:amd64 3.0.3-2
  •  libtss2-tcti-swtpm0:amd64 3.0.3-2
  •  libtwolame0:amd64 0.4.0-2
  •  libtwolame0:i386 0.4.0-2
  •  libtxw2-java
  •  libubsan1:amd64 10.2.1-6
  •  libuchardet0:amd64 0.0.7-1
  •  libudev1:amd64 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  libudev1:i386 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  libudfread0:amd64 1.1.1-1
  •  libudisks2-0:amd64 2.9.2-2+deb11u1
  •  libumfpack5:amd64 1:5.8.1+dfsg-2
  •  libunbound8:amd64 1.13.1-1
  •  libunistring2:amd64 0.9.10-4
  •  libunistring2:i386 0.9.10-4
  •  libuno-cppu3 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libuno-cppuhelpergcc3-3 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libunoil-java 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libunoloader-java 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libuno-purpenvhelpergcc3-3 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libuno-sal3 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libuno-salhelpergcc3-3 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  libunwind8:amd64 1.3.2-2
  •  libupnp13:amd64 1:1.8.4-2
  •  libupower-glib3:amd64 0.99.11-2
  •  liburing1:amd64 0.7-3
  •  liburiparser1:amd64 0.9.4+dfsg-1+deb11u1
  •  liburi-perl 5.08-1
  •  libusb-1.0-0:amd64 2:1.0.24-3
  •  libusbmuxd6:amd64 2.0.2-3
  •  libutempter0:amd64 1.2.1-2
  •  libuuid1:amd64 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  libuuid1:i386 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  libuv1:amd64 1.40.0-2
  •  libv4l-0:amd64 1.20.0-2
  •  libv4lconvert0:amd64 1.20.0-2
  •  libva2:amd64 2.10.0-1
  •  libva2:i386 2.10.0-1
  •  libva-drm2:amd64 2.10.0-1
  •  libva-drm2:i386 2.10.0-1
  •  libva-glx2:amd64 2.10.0-1
  •  libva-glx2:i386 2.10.0-1
  •  libva-wayland2:amd64 2.10.0-1
  •  libva-x11-2:amd64 2.10.0-1
  •  libva-x11-2:i386 2.10.0-1
  •  libvdpau1:amd64 1.4-3
  •  libvdpau1:i386 1.4-3
  •  libvdpau-va-gl1:amd64 0.4.2-1+b1
  •  libvdpau-va-gl1:i386 0.4.2-1+b1
  •  libvidstab1.1:amd64 1.1.0-2+b1
  •  libvisio-0.1-1:amd64 0.1.7-1+b1
  •  libvisual-0.4-0:amd64 0.4.0-17
  •  libvlc5:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  libvlc-bin:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  libvlccore9:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  libvncclient1:amd64 0.9.13+dfsg-2
  •  libvncserver1:amd64 0.9.13+dfsg-2
  •  libvo-aacenc0:amd64 0.1.3-2
  •  libvo-amrwbenc0:amd64 0.1.3-2
  •  libvoikko1:amd64 4.3-1+b1
  •  libvolume-key1 0.3.12-3.1+b1
  •  libvorbis0a:amd64 1.3.7-1
  •  libvorbis0a:i386 1.3.7-1
  •  libvorbisenc2:amd64 1.3.7-1
  •  libvorbisenc2:i386 1.3.7-1
  •  libvorbisfile3:amd64 1.3.7-1
  •  libvpx6:amd64 1.9.0-1
  •  libvpx6:i386 1.9.0-1
  •  libvte-2.91-0:amd64 0.62.3-1
  •  libvte-2.91-common 0.62.3-1
  •  libvulkan1:amd64
  •  libvulkan1:i386
  •  libwacom2:amd64 1.8-2
  •  libwacom-bin 1.8-2
  •  libwacom-common 1.8-2
  •  libwagon-http-java 3.3.4-1
  •  libwagon-provider-api-java 3.3.4-1
  •  libwavpack1:amd64 5.4.0-1
  •  libwavpack1:i386 5.4.0-1
  •  libwayland-client0:amd64 1.18.0-2~exp1.1
  •  libwayland-client0:i386 1.18.0-2~exp1.1
  •  libwayland-cursor0:amd64 1.18.0-2~exp1.1
  •  libwayland-egl1:amd64 1.18.0-2~exp1.1
  •  libwayland-server0:amd64 1.18.0-2~exp1.1
  •  libwayland-server0:i386 1.18.0-2~exp1.1
  •  libwbclient0:amd64 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  libweather-ion7 4:5.20.5-6
  •  libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37:amd64 2.38.2-1~deb11u1
  •  libwebp6:amd64 0.6.1-2.1
  •  libwebp6:i386 0.6.1-2.1
  •  libwebpdemux2:amd64 0.6.1-2.1
  •  libwebpmux3:amd64 0.6.1-2.1
  •  libwebpmux3:i386 0.6.1-2.1
  •  libwebrtc-audio-processing1:amd64 0.3-1+b1
  •  libwebsocket-api-java 1.1-2
  •  libwildmidi2:amd64 0.4.3-1
  •  libwmf0.2-7:amd64
  •  libwmf-bin
  •  libwoff1:amd64 1.0.2-1+b1
  •  libwpd-0.10-10:amd64 0.10.3-1
  •  libwpe-1.0-1:amd64 1.10.0-2
  •  libwpebackend-fdo-1.0-1:amd64 1.8.0-1
  •  libwpg-0.3-3:amd64 0.3.3-1
  •  libwps-0.4-4:amd64 0.4.12-1
  •  libwrap0:amd64 7.6.q-31
  •  libwrap0:i386 7.6.q-31
  •  libwww-perl 6.52-1
  •  libwww-robotrules-perl 6.02-1
  •  libx11-6:amd64 2:1.7.2-1
  •  libx11-6:i386 2:1.7.2-1
  •  libx11-data 2:1.7.2-1
  •  libx11-protocol-perl 0.56-7.1
  •  libx11-xcb1:amd64 2:1.7.2-1
  •  libx11-xcb1:i386 2:1.7.2-1
  •  libx264-160:amd64 2:0.160.3011+gitcde9a93-2.1
  •  libx264-160:i386 2:0.160.3011+gitcde9a93-2.1
  •  libx265-192:amd64 3.4-2
  •  libx265-192:i386 3.4-2
  •  libx86emu3:amd64 3.1-2
  •  libxapian30:amd64 1.4.18-3
  •  libxapp1:amd64 2.0.7-1
  •  libxatracker2:amd64 20.3.5-1
  •  libxau6:amd64 1:1.0.9-1
  •  libxau6:i386 1:1.0.9-1
  •  libxaw7:amd64 2:1.0.13-1.1
  •  libxcb1:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb1:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-composite0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-cursor0:amd64 0.1.1-4
  •  libxcb-damage0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-dpms0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-dri2-0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-dri2-0:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-dri3-0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-dri3-0:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-glx0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-glx0:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-icccm4:amd64 0.4.1-1.1
  •  libxcb-image0:amd64 0.4.0-1+b3
  •  libxcb-keysyms1:amd64 0.4.0-1+b2
  •  libxcb-present0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-present0:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-randr0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-randr0:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-record0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-render0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-render0:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-render-util0:amd64 0.3.9-1+b1
  •  libxcb-res0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-shape0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-shm0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-shm0:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-sync1:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-sync1:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-util1:amd64 0.4.0-1+b1
  •  libxcb-xfixes0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-xfixes0:i386 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-xinerama0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-xinput0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-xkb1:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcb-xv0:amd64 1.14-3
  •  libxcomposite1:amd64 1:0.4.5-1
  •  libxcursor1:amd64 1:1.2.0-2
  •  libxdamage1:amd64 1:1.1.5-2
  •  libxdamage1:i386 1:1.1.5-2
  •  libxdgutilsbasedir1.0.1:amd64 1.0.1-4
  •  libxdgutilsdesktopentry1.0.1:amd64 1.0.1-4
  •  libxdmcp6:amd64 1:1.1.2-3
  •  libxdmcp6:i386 1:1.1.2-3
  •  libxerces2-java 2.12.1-1
  •  libxerces-c3.2:amd64 3.2.3+debian-3
  •  libxext6:amd64 2:1.3.3-1.1
  •  libxext6:i386 2:1.3.3-1.1
  •  libxfixes3:amd64 1:5.0.3-2
  •  libxfixes3:i386 1:5.0.3-2
  •  libxfont2:amd64 1:2.0.4-1
  •  libxft2:amd64 2.3.2-2
  •  libxi6:amd64 2:1.7.10-1
  •  libxinerama1:amd64 2:1.1.4-2
  •  libxinerama1:i386 2:1.1.4-2
  •  libxkbcommon0:amd64 1.0.3-2
  •  libxkbcommon-x11-0:amd64 1.0.3-2
  •  libxkbfile1:amd64 1:1.1.0-1
  •  libxkbregistry0:amd64 1.0.3-2
  •  libxklavier16:amd64 5.4-4
  •  libxml2:amd64 2.9.10+dfsg-6.7+deb11u3
  •  libxml2:i386 2.9.10+dfsg-6.7+deb11u3
  •  libxml2-utils 2.9.10+dfsg-6.7+deb11u3
  •  libxmlbeans-java 3.0.2-1
  •  libxml-commons-external-java 1.4.01-5
  •  libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java 1.2-11
  •  libxml-java 1.1.6.dfsg-3.1
  •  libxml-parser-perl:amd64 2.46-2
  •  libxmlsec1:amd64 1.2.31-1
  •  libxmlsec1-nss:amd64 1.2.31-1
  •  libxml-twig-perl 1:3.52-1
  •  libxml-xpathengine-perl 0.14-1
  •  libxmu6:amd64 2:1.1.2-2+b3
  •  libxmuu1:amd64 2:1.1.2-2+b3
  •  libxom-java 1.2.10-1.1
  •  libxpm4:amd64 1:3.5.12-1
  •  libxrandr2:amd64 2:1.5.1-1
  •  libxrender1:amd64 1:0.9.10-1
  •  libxrender1:i386 1:0.9.10-1
  •  libxres1:amd64 2:1.2.0-4
  •  libxshmfence1:amd64 1.3-1
  •  libxshmfence1:i386 1.3-1
  •  libxslt1.1:amd64 1.1.34-4+deb11u1
  •  libxsom-java
  •  libxss1:amd64 1:1.2.3-1
  •  libxss1:i386 1:1.2.3-1
  •  libxt6:amd64 1:1.2.0-1
  •  libxtables12:amd64 1.8.7-1
  •  libxtst6:amd64 2:1.2.3-1
  •  libxv1:amd64 2:1.0.11-1
  •  libxvidcore4:amd64 2:1.3.7-1
  •  libxvidcore4:i386 2:1.3.7-1
  •  libxvmc1:amd64 2:1.0.12-2
  •  libxxf86dga1:amd64 2:1.1.4-1+b3
  •  libxxf86vm1:amd64 1:1.1.4-1+b2
  •  libxxf86vm1:i386 1:1.1.4-1+b2
  •  libxxhash0:amd64 0.8.0-2
  •  libxz-java 1.8-2
  •  libyajl2:amd64 2.1.0-3
  •  libyaml-0-2:amd64 0.2.2-1
  •  libyaml-cpp0.6:amd64 0.6.3-9
  •  libyelp0:amd64 3.38.3-1
  •  libz3-4:amd64 4.8.10-1
  •  libz3-4:i386 4.8.10-1
  •  libzbar0:amd64 0.23.90-1
  •  libzephyr4:amd64 3.1.2-1+b3
  •  libzip4:amd64 1.7.3-1
  •  libzmf-0.0-0:amd64 0.0.2-1+b3
  •  libzmq5:amd64 4.3.4-1
  •  libzstd1:amd64 1.5.2+dfsg-1
  •  libzstd1:i386 1.5.2+dfsg-1
  •  libzvbi0:amd64 0.2.35-18
  •  libzvbi0:i386 0.2.35-18
  •  libzvbi-common 0.2.35-18
  •  linux-base 4.6
  •  linux-compiler-gcc-10-x86 5.10.149-2
  •  linux-headers-5.10.0-19-amd64 5.10.149-2
  •  linux-headers-5.10.0-19-common 5.10.149-2
  •  linux-headers-amd64 5.10.149-2
  •  linux-image-5.10.0-19-amd64 5.10.149-2
  •  linux-image-amd64 5.10.149-2
  •  linux-kbuild-5.10 5.10.149-2
  •  lm-sensors 1:3.6.0-7
  •  lnf-theme-bluex 1.0
  •  localechooser-data 2.89ubuntu3
  •  locales 2.36-6
  •  login 1:4.8.1-1
  •  logrotate 3.18.0-2+deb11u1
  •  logsave 1.46.2-2
  •  lp-solve
  •  lsb-base 11.1.0
  •  lsb-release 11.1.0
  •  lsof 4.93.2+dfsg-1.1
  •  lto-disabled-list 24
  •  lvm2 2.03.11-2.1
  •  lz4 1.9.3-2
  •  lzma 9.22-2.2
  •  mailcap 3.69
  •  mailutils 1:3.10-3+b1
  •  mailutils-common 1:3.10-3
  •  make 4.3-4.1
  •  man-db 2.9.4-2
  •  marble 4:20.12.3-1
  •  marble-data 4:20.12.3-1
  •  marble-maps 4:20.12.3-1
  •  marble-plugins:amd64 4:20.12.3-1
  •  marble-qt-data 4:20.12.3-1
  •  mariadb-client-core-10.5 1:10.5.15-0+deb11u1
  •  mariadb-common 1:10.5.15-0+deb11u1
  •  mariadb-server-core-10.5 1:10.5.15-0+deb11u1
  •  mawk
  •  media-player-info 24-2
  •  media-types 4.0.0
  •  melt 6.24.0-1
  •  mesa-utils 8.4.0-1+b1
  •  mesa-va-drivers:amd64 20.3.5-1
  •  mesa-va-drivers:i386 20.3.5-1
  •  mesa-vdpau-drivers:amd64 20.3.5-1
  •  mesa-vdpau-drivers:i386 20.3.5-1
  •  mesa-vulkan-drivers:amd64 20.3.5-1
  •  mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 20.3.5-1
  •  milou 4:5.20.5-1
  •  mime-support 3.66
  •  mint-common
  •  mintupdate 0.0~git20170120.15e047e-3+salsaci
  •  mobile-broadband-provider-info 20201225-1
  •  modemmanager 1.14.12-0.2
  •  mokutil 0.6.0-2~deb11u1
  •  mount 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  mpv 0.32.0-3
  •  myspell-en-au 2.1-5.5
  •  mysql-common 5.8+1.0.7
  •  mythes-en-us 1:7.1.0~rc3-3
  •  nano 5.4-2+deb11u1
  •  ncurses-base 6.2+20201114-2
  •  ncurses-bin 6.2+20201114-2
  •  ncurses-term 6.2+20201114-2
  •  netbase 6.3
  •  netpbm 2:10.0-15.4
  •  netrunner-artwork 2.1.2+salsaci
  •  netrunner-default-settings 2.0+salsaci
  •  netrunner-default-settings-samba 12+salsaci
  •  netrunner-desktop-settings 22.9.3+salsaci
  •  netrunner-desktop-settings-desktop 2.3+salsaci
  •  netrunner-settings-autostart 1.0+salsaci
  •  netrunner-settings-docker-apt 1+salsaci
  •  netrunner-settings-firefox 1.0.45+salsaci
  •  netrunner-settings-grub
  •  netrunner-settings-kcmabout 2.3.1+salsaci
  •  netrunner-settings-python-apt 0.2+salsaci
  •  netrunner-settings-sddm
  •  netrunner-settings-theming 1.0+salsaci
  •  netrunner-settings-xdg-dirs 1.0.1+salsaci
  •  net-tools 1.60+git20181103.0eebece-1
  •  network-manager 1.30.6-1+deb11u1
  •  nftables 0.9.8-3.1
  •  node-normalize.css 8.0.1-3
  •  notification-daemon 3.20.0-4
  •  novnc 1:1.0.0-3
  •  ntfs-3g 1:2017.3.23AR.3-4+deb11u3
  •  ocl-icd-libopencl1:amd64 2.2.14-2
  •  ocl-icd-libopencl1:i386 2.2.14-2
  •  ocs-url 3.1.0
  •  odbcinst1debian2:amd64 2.3.6-0.1+b1
  •  odbcinst 2.3.6-0.1+b1
  •  ofono 1.31-3
  •  okular 4:20.12.3-2
  •  okular-extra-backends 4:20.12.3-2
  •  openjdk-11-jre:amd64 11.0.16+8-1~deb11u1
  •  openjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64 11.0.16+8-1~deb11u1
  •  openssh-client 1:8.4p1-5+deb11u1
  •  openssh-server 1:8.4p1-5+deb11u1
  •  openssh-sftp-server 1:8.4p1-5+deb11u1
  •  openssl 1.1.1n-0+deb11u3
  •  os-prober 1.79
  •  oxygen-icon-theme 5:5.78.0-2
  •  oxygen-sounds 4:5.20.5-1
  •  p11-kit 0.23.22-1
  •  p11-kit-modules:amd64 0.23.22-1
  •  p7zip 16.02+dfsg-8
  •  p7zip-full 16.02+dfsg-8
  •  packagekit 1.2.2-2
  •  packagekit-tools 1.2.2-2
  •  par2 0.8.1-1
  •  parted 3.4-1
  •  partitionmanager 20.12.2-2
  •  passwd 1:4.8.1-1
  •  patch 2.7.6-7
  •  pavucontrol 4.0-2
  •  pci.ids 0.0~2021.02.08-1
  •  pciutils 1:3.7.0-5
  •  perl 5.32.1-4+deb11u2
  •  perl-base 5.32.1-4+deb11u2
  •  perl-modules-5.32 5.32.1-4+deb11u2
  •  perl-openssl-defaults:amd64 5
  •  phonon4qt5:amd64 4:4.11.1-4
  •  phonon4qt5-backend-gstreamer:amd64 4:4.10.0-1
  •  phonon4qt5-backend-vlc:amd64 0.11.2-1
  •  phonon-backend-gstreamer-common:amd64 4:4.10.0-1
  •  pidgin 2.14.1-1
  •  pidgin-data 2.14.1-1
  •  pinentry-curses 1.1.0-4
  •  pinentry-gnome3 1.1.0-4
  •  pipewire:amd64 0.3.19-4
  •  pipewire-bin 0.3.19-4
  •  pkg-config 0.29.2-1
  •  plasma-browser-integration 5.20.5-1
  •  plasma-dataengines-addons:amd64 4:5.20.5-1
  •  plasma-desktop 4:5.20.5-4
  •  plasma-desktop-data 4:5.20.5-4
  •  plasma-discover 5.20.5-3
  •  plasma-discover-common 5.20.5-3
  •  plasma-disks 5.20.5-1
  •  plasma-framework 5.78.0-3
  •  plasma-integration 5.20.5-1
  •  plasma-nm 4:5.20.5-3
  •  plasma-pa 4:5.20.5-1
  •  plasma-runners-addons:amd64 4:5.20.5-1
  •  plasma-runner-telepathy-contact 20.08.0-1
  •  plasma-widgets-addons 4:5.20.5-1
  •  plasma-widget-volumewin7mixer 26.2+salsaci
  •  plasma-workspace 4:5.20.5-6
  •  plasma-workspace-data 4:5.20.5-6
  •  plymouth 0.9.5-3
  •  plymouth-label 0.9.5-3
  •  plymouth-theme-netrunner-classic 0.8.4+salsaci
  •  plymouth-themes 0.9.5-3
  •  pocketsphinx-en-us 0.8+5prealpha+1-13
  •  policykit-1 0.105-31+deb11u1
  •  polkit-kde-agent-1 4:5.20.5-1
  •  poppler-data 0.4.10-1
  •  poppler-utils 20.09.0-3.1+deb11u1
  •  powerdevil 4:5.20.5-2
  •  powerdevil-data 4:5.20.5-2
  •  powertop 2.11-1
  •  ppp 2.4.9-1+1
  •  printer-driver-hpcups 3.21.2+dfsg1-2
  •  printer-driver-postscript-hp 3.21.2+dfsg1-2
  •  print-manager 4:20.12.0-1
  •  procps 2:3.3.17-5
  •  proj-bin 7.2.1-1
  •  proj-data 7.2.1-1
  •  psmisc 23.4-2
  •  publicsuffix 20220811.1734-0+deb11u1
  •  pulseaudio 14.2-2
  •  pulseaudio-module-bluetooth 14.2-2
  •  pulseaudio-module-gsettings 14.2-2
  •  pulseaudio-utils 14.2-2
  •  python3 3.9.2-3
  •  python3.9 3.9.2-1
  •  python3.9-minimal 3.9.2-1
  •  python3-apt 2.2.1
  •  python3-bs4 4.9.3-1
  •  python3-cairo:amd64 1.16.2-4+b2
  •  python3-certifi 2020.6.20-1
  •  python3-cffi-backend:amd64 1.14.5-1
  •  python3-chardet 4.0.0-1
  •  python3-cryptography 3.3.2-1
  •  python3-cups:amd64 2.0.1-4+b1
  •  python3-cupshelpers 1.5.14-1
  •  python3-dateutil 2.8.1-6
  •  python3-dbus 1.2.16-5
  •  python3-debian 0.1.39
  •  python3-debtcollector 2.2.0-3
  •  python3-distro 1.5.0-1
  •  python3-distutils 3.9.2-1
  •  python3-dnspython 2.0.0-1
  •  python3-docutils 0.16+dfsg-4
  •  python3-fuse 2:1.0.2-1
  •  python3-gi 3.38.0-2
  •  python3-gpg 1.14.0-1+b2
  •  python3-html5lib 1.1-3
  •  python3-idna 2.10-1
  •  python3-importlib-metadata 1.6.0-2
  •  python3-iso8601 0.1.13-1
  •  python3-jwcrypto 0.8.0-1
  •  python3-ldb 2:2.2.3-2~deb11u2
  •  python3-lib2to3 3.9.2-1
  •  python3-lxml:amd64 4.6.3+dfsg-0.1+deb11u1
  •  python3-markdown 3.3.4-1
  •  python3-minimal 3.9.2-3
  •  python3-more-itertools 4.2.0-3
  •  python3-msgpack 1.0.0-6+b1
  •  python3-netaddr 0.7.19-5
  •  python3-netifaces 0.10.9-0.2+b3
  •  python3-novnc 1:1.0.0-3
  •  python3-numpy 1:1.19.5-1
  •  python3-olefile 0.46-3
  •  python3-oslo.config 1:8.3.3-1
  •  python3-oslo.context 3.1.1-2
  •  python3-oslo.i18n 5.0.1-2
  •  python3-oslo.log 4.4.0-2
  •  python3-oslo.serialization 4.0.2-1
  •  python3-oslo.utils 4.6.0-2
  •  python3-packaging 20.9-2
  •  python3-pbr 5.5.0-2
  •  python3-pexpect 4.8.0-2
  •  python3-pil:amd64 8.1.2+dfsg-0.3+deb11u1
  •  python3-pkg-resources 52.0.0-4
  •  python3-psutil 5.8.0-1
  •  python3-ptyprocess 0.7.0-1
  •  python3-pycurl
  •  python3-pygments 2.7.1+dfsg-2.1
  •  python3-pyinotify 0.9.6-1.3
  •  python3-pylibacl:amd64 0.6.0-1+b1
  •  python3-pyparsing 2.4.7-1
  •  python3-pyqt5 5.15.2+dfsg-3
  •  python3-pyqt5.sip 12.8.1-1+b2
  •  python3-pyxattr:amd64 0.7.2-1+b1
  •  python3-renderpm:amd64 3.5.59-2
  •  python3-reportlab 3.5.59-2
  •  python3-reportlab-accel:amd64 3.5.59-2
  •  python3-requests 2.25.1+dfsg-2
  •  python3-requests-toolbelt 0.9.1-1
  •  python3-rfc3986 1.4.0-3
  •  python3-roman 2.0.0-5
  •  python3-samba 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  python3-scour 0.38.2-1
  •  python3-setproctitle:amd64 1.2.1-1+b1
  •  python3-setuptools 52.0.0-4
  •  python3-sip 4.19.25+dfsg-1
  •  python3-six 1.16.0-2
  •  python3-smbc 1.0.23-1+b1
  •  python3-software-properties
  •  python3-soupsieve 2.2.1-1
  •  python3-stevedore 3.2.2-3
  •  python3-talloc:amd64 2.3.1-2+b1
  •  python3-tdb 1.4.3-1+b1
  •  python3-tornado 6.1.0-1+b1
  •  python3-tz 2021.1-1
  •  python3-uno 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  python3-urllib3 1.26.5-1~exp1
  •  python3-webencodings 0.5.1-2
  •  python3-websockify 0.9.0+dfsg1-3
  •  python3-wrapt 1.12.1-4+b1
  •  python3-xapian 1.4.18-1
  •  python3-xapp 2.0.2-2
  •  python3-xdg 0.27-2
  •  python3-yaml 5.3.1-5
  •  python3-zipp 1.0.0-3
  •  python-apt-common 2.2.1
  •  qapt-deb-installer 3.0.5-1
  •  qdbus-qt5 5.15.2-5
  •  qml-module-gsettings1.0:amd64 0.2-4
  •  qml-module-org-kde-activities:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-bluezqt:amd64 5.78.0-3
  •  qml-module-org-kde-draganddrop:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-games-core:amd64 4:20.12.1-1
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kaccounts:amd64 4:20.12.1-1
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kcm:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kconfig:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kcoreaddons:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kholidays:amd64 1:5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kio:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kirigami2 5.78.0-3
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kitemmodels:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kquickcontrolsaddons:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kquickcontrols:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-ksysguard 4:5.20.5-1
  •  qml-module-org-kde-kwindowsystem:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-newstuff 5.78.0-4
  •  qml-module-org-kde-people:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-prison:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-purpose:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-qqc2desktopstyle 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-quickcharts 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-runnermodel 5.78.0-3
  •  qml-module-org-kde-solid:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  qml-module-org-kde-telepathy 20.08.0-1
  •  qml-module-org-kde-userfeedback:amd64 1.0.0-3
  •  qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  qml-module-qtgstreamer:amd64 1.2.0-5.1
  •  qml-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-6
  •  qml-module-qt-labs-platform:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-2
  •  qml-module-qt-labs-settings:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-6
  •  qml-module-qtmultimedia:amd64 5.15.2-3
  •  qml-module-qtqml:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-6
  •  qml-module-qtqml-models2:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-6
  •  qml-module-qtquick2:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-6
  •  qml-module-qtquick-controls2:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-2
  •  qml-module-qtquick-controls:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  qml-module-qtquick-dialogs:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  qml-module-qtquick-layouts:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-6
  •  qml-module-qtquick-particles2:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-6
  •  qml-module-qtquick-privatewidgets:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  qml-module-qtquick-templates2:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-2
  •  qml-module-qtquick-virtualkeyboard:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-2
  •  qml-module-qtquick-window2:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-6
  •  qml-module-qtwebengine:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-3
  •  qml-module-qtwebkit:amd64 5.212.0~alpha4-11
  •  qt5-gtk-platformtheme:amd64 5.15.2+dfsg-9
  •  qt5-image-formats-plugins:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  qt5-style-kvantum 0.18.0+repack-1
  •  qt5-style-kvantum-l10n 0.18.0+repack-1
  •  qt5-style-kvantum-themes 0.18.0+repack-1
  •  qtchooser 66-2
  •  qtcurve-l10n 1.9-7
  •  qtgstreamer-plugins-qt5:amd64 1.2.0-5.1
  •  qtspeech5-speechd-plugin:amd64 5.15.2-2
  •  qttranslations5-l10n 5.15.2-2
  •  qtwayland5:amd64 5.15.2-3
  •  quota 4.06-1
  •  rake 13.0.3-1
  •  rar 2:5.5.0-1
  •  readline-common 8.1-1
  •  recordmydesktop
  •  rfkill 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  rootactions-servicemenu 2.7.3+salsaci
  •  rsync 3.2.3-4+deb11u1
  •  rtkit 0.13-4
  •  rtmpdump 2.4+20151223.gitfa8646d.1-2+b2
  •  ruby 1:2.7+2
  •  ruby2.7 2.7.4-1+deb11u1
  •  rubygems-integration 1.18
  •  ruby-json 2.3.0+dfsg-1+b3
  •  ruby-minitest 5.13.0-1
  •  ruby-net-telnet 0.1.1-2
  •  ruby-power-assert 1.1.7-2
  •  ruby-rubygems 3.2.5-2
  •  ruby-test-unit 3.3.9-1
  •  ruby-xmlrpc 0.3.0-2
  •  runit-helper 2.10.3
  •  samba 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  samba-common 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  samba-common-bin 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  samba-dsdb-modules:amd64 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  samba-libs:amd64 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  samba-mounter 0.4.16+salsaci
  •  samba-vfs-modules:amd64 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  sane-utils 1.0.31-4.1
  •  sddm 0.19.0-3
  •  sed 4.7-1
  •  sensible-utils 0.0.14
  •  sgml-base 1.30
  •  sgml-data 2.0.11+nmu1
  •  shared-mime-info 2.0-1
  •  shim-helpers-amd64-signed 1+15.4+7
  •  shim-signed:amd64 1.38+15.4-7
  •  shim-signed-common 1.38+15.4-7
  •  shim-unsigned 15.4-7
  •  signond 8.60-4
  •  signon-kwallet-extension:amd64 4:20.12.1-1
  •  signon-plugin-oauth2 0.25-2
  •  signon-plugin-password 8.60-4
  •  signon-ui-service 0.17+16.04.20151125-1
  •  signon-ui-x11 0.17+16.04.20151125-1
  •  simplemenu
  •  skanlite 2.2.0-1
  •  smartmontools 7.2-1
  •  smbclient 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  socat
  •  software-properties-common
  •  software-properties-kde
  •  sonnet-plugins:amd64 5.78.0-2
  •  sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-2
  •  squashfs-tools 1:4.4-2+deb11u2
  •  sshfs 3.7.1+repack-2
  •  ssl-cert 1.1.0+nmu1
  •  steam:i386 1:
  •  steam-launcher 1:
  •  steam-libs-amd64 1:
  •  steam-libs-i386:i386 1:
  •  sudo 1.9.5p2-3
  •  swh-plugins 0.4.17-2
  •  synaptic 0.90.2
  •  system-config-printer-common 1.5.14-1
  •  system-config-printer-udev 1.5.14-1
  •  systemd 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  systemd-sysv 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  systemd-timesyncd 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  systemsettings 4:5.20.5-2
  •  sysvinit-utils 2.96-7+deb11u1
  •  tar 1.34+dfsg-1
  •  task-english 3.68+deb11u1
  •  task-laptop 3.68+deb11u1
  •  tasksel 3.68+deb11u1
  •  tasksel-data 3.68+deb11u1
  •  task-ssh-server 3.68+deb11u1
  •  tcl 8.6.11+1
  •  tcl8.6 8.6.11+dfsg-1
  •  tdb-tools 1.4.3-1+b1
  •  telepathy-accounts-signon 2.1-1
  •  telepathy-haze 0.8.0-3
  •  telepathy-logger 0.8.2-4
  •  telepathy-mission-control-5 1:5.16.5-2
  •  telepathy-ring 2.3.24-2
  •  telepathy-salut 0.8.1-7
  •  thin-provisioning-tools 0.9.0-1
  •  thunderbird 1:102.5.0-1~deb11u1
  •  timgm6mb-soundfont 1.3-5
  •  tk 8.6.11+1
  •  tk8.6 8.6.11-2
  •  tpm-udev 0.5
  •  transmission-common 3.00-1
  •  transmission-qt 3.00-1
  •  tree 1.8.0-1+b1
  •  ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.8
  •  tzdata 2021a-1+deb11u8
  •  ucf 3.0043
  •  udev 247.3-7+deb11u1
  •  udisks2 2.9.2-2+deb11u1
  •  unar 1.10.1-2+b6
  •  uno-libs-private 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  unrar 1:6.0.3-1+deb11u1
  •  unzip 6.0-26+deb11u1
  •  update-inetd 4.51
  •  upower 0.99.11-2
  •  ure 1:7.0.4-4+deb11u4
  •  usb.ids 2022.05.20-0+deb11u1
  •  usb-modeswitch 2.6.1-1
  •  usb-modeswitch-data 20191128-3
  •  usbmuxd 1.1.1-2
  •  usbutils 1:013-3
  •  user-setup 1.88
  •  util-linux 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  util-linux-locales 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  uuid-runtime 2.36.1-8+deb11u1
  •  va-driver-all:amd64 2.10.0-1
  •  va-driver-all:i386 2.10.0-1
  •  vdpau-driver-all:amd64 1.4-3
  •  vdpau-driver-all:i386 1.4-3
  •  virtualbox 6.1.40-dfsg-1~fto11+1
  •  virtualbox-dkms 6.1.40-dfsg-1~fto11+1
  •  virtualbox-guest-utils 6.1.40-dfsg-1~fto11+1
  •  virtualbox-guest-x11 6.1.40-dfsg-1~fto11+1
  •  virtualbox-qt 6.1.40-dfsg-1~fto11+1
  •  vlc 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-bin 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-data 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-l10n 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-plugin-access-extra:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-plugin-base:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-plugin-notify:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-plugin-qt:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-plugin-samba:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-plugin-skins2:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-plugin-video-output:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-plugin-video-splitter:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vlc-plugin-visualization:amd64 3.0.18-0+deb11u1
  •  vokoscreen 3.0.7-1
  •  vokoscreen-ng 3.0.7-1
  •  wamerican 2019.10.06-1
  •  wbritish 2019.10.06-1
  •  webext-ublock-origin-firefox 1.42.0+dfsg-1~deb11u1
  •  web-menu-entries 0.0~git20220419.46586b6-2
  •  websockify 0.9.0+dfsg1-3
  •  wget 1.21-1+deb11u1
  •  winbind 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u5
  •  wireless-regdb 2022.04.08-2~deb11u1
  •  wireless-tools 30~pre9-13.1
  •  wpasupplicant 2:2.9.0-21
  •  x11-apps 7.7+8
  •  x11-common 1:7.7+22
  •  x11-session-utils 7.7+4
  •  x11-utils 7.7+5
  •  x11vnc 0.9.16-7
  •  x11-xkb-utils 7.7+5
  •  x11-xserver-utils 7.7+8
  •  xapps-common 2.0.7-1
  •  xauth 1:1.1-1
  •  xbitmaps 1.1.1-2.1
  •  xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.2-2
  •  xdg-desktop-portal 1.8.1-1
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 1.8.0-1
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-kde 5.20.5-1
  •  xdg-user-dirs 0.17-2
  •  xdg-utils 1.1.3-4.1
  •  xdg-utils-cxx 1.0.1-4
  •  xfonts-100dpi 1:1.0.4+nmu1.1
  •  xfonts-75dpi 1:1.0.4+nmu1.1
  •  xfonts-base 1:1.0.5
  •  xfonts-encodings 1:1.0.4-2.1
  •  xfonts-scalable 1:1.0.3-1.2
  •  xfonts-utils 1:7.7+6
  •  xinit 1.4.0-1
  •  xkb-data 2.29-2
  •  xml-core 0.18+nmu1
  •  xorg 1:7.7+22
  •  xorg-docs-core 1:1.7.1-1.2
  •  xserver-common 2:1.20.11-1+deb11u3
  •  xserver-xorg 1:7.7+22
  •  xserver-xorg-core 2:1.20.11-1+deb11u3
  •  xserver-xorg-input-all 1:7.7+22
  •  xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.10.6-2
  •  xserver-xorg-input-joystick 1:1.6.3-1+b1
  •  xserver-xorg-input-kbd 1:1.9.0-1+b2
  •  xserver-xorg-input-libinput 0.30.0-1
  •  xserver-xorg-input-mouse 1:1.9.3-1
  •  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics 1.9.1-2
  •  xserver-xorg-input-wacom
  •  xserver-xorg-legacy 2:1.20.11-1+deb11u3
  •  xserver-xorg-video-all 1:7.7+22
  •  xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu 19.1.0-2
  •  xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:19.1.0-2
  •  xserver-xorg-video-fbdev 1:0.5.0-1
  •  xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.99.917+git20200714-1+deb11u1
  •  xserver-xorg-video-nouveau 1:1.0.17-1
  •  xserver-xorg-video-qxl 0.1.5+git20200331-1
  •  xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:19.1.0-2
  •  xserver-xorg-video-vesa 1:2.5.0-1
  •  xserver-xorg-video-vmware 1:13.3.0-3
  •  xsettingsd 1.0.2-1
  •  xterm 366-1+deb11u1
  •  xz-utils 5.2.5-2.1~deb11u1
  •  yakuake 20.12.1-1
  •  yarock 1.4.0+dfsg-1+salsaci
  •  yelp 3.38.3-1
  •  yelp-xsl 3.38.3-1
  •  youtube-dl 2021.06.06-1
  •  zenity 3.32.0-6
  •  zenity-common 3.32.0-6
  •  zip 3.0-12
  •  zlib1g:amd64 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2+deb11u2
  •  zlib1g:i386 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2+deb11u2

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for Netrunner

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from 11 review(s)
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Version: 25
Rating: 9
Date: 2025-02-14
Votes: 4

Overall a great job with this distro but even with all the positives there are some minor niggles. Most Debian based distros have auto-detect for printers. This wasnt the case with 25 and you end up adding system-config-printer and printer-driver-all and doing it manually. Then theres the going to Konsole as mentioned in the post below mine, to do an upgrade right after installing(not newbie friendly). 25 also doesnt use Pipewire but instead uses PulseAudio and for you Wayland fans, youre out of luck, as they offer X11. Thankfully Snap isnt installed by default, and Flatpak is installed, all youll need to do is add Flathub in Discover.
No software center additionally nor any welcome center for newbies. Appimage launcher is installed which is a nice touch.

The theme for 25 is really nice and the custom wallpaper a nice touch but overall almost no unique features outside of their use of a full page menu, which can be changed in KDE. The overall desktop GUI is a mimic of Windows 11 and overall looks and feels nice to work with.

I had no issues with detection of wifi or ethernet, nor bluetooth. Im on a legacy device so I dont know how it fares with UEFI and secure boot needs to be turned off.

Im not sure what separates 25 and makes it a must have compared to other Debian based distros like MX Linux and Q4OS, let alone just using Debian itself. At least MX Linux and Q4OS have many added features and additional software centers and tools.

I had no issues installing it, the Calamares installer works fine and the supplied software was a good choice with Libreoffice, Thunderbird and Firefox included. They didnt go overboard with software but provide everything you need to get started.

This is a distro you should definitely give a try and see if it suits your needs

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Version: 25
Rating: 10
Date: 2025-02-11
Votes: 4

My thoughts about Netrunner 25 Shockworm
It's very well polished. One of the best KDE Plasma customizations that I've used so far.
Based on Debian 12 bookworm, which is rock-solid ground.
It's not bloated.
Out of the box, ready for the desktop use.
It's easy to install (calamares installer) and also easy to use.
No need to use the terminal if you don't want to. You can use Synaptic or Discover instead. Except for the post-install command, that they recommend to run (download page)
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y
I hope this distro becomes more and more popular.
I gave an 10/10.

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Version: 23
Rating: 5
Date: 2023-02-25
Votes: 1

I was surprised not to find a checkbox option to encrypt the installation. When I googled "netrunner installation with LUKS" I found that many people have been requesting this from the developers for many years now. The devs have responded that they "might" make this available in some future release but as of Netrunner 23 they still haven't got around to it. Minus 2 points for not having this option and minus another 2 points for ignoring such a perfectly reasonable request from their users for so many years.

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Contact, corrections and suggestions: Jesse Smith

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