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Haiku RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: Haiku


Last Update: 2024-09-13 17:55 UTC

Haiku is an open-source operating system, currently in development, that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the Be Operating System (BeOS), Haiku aims to become a fast, efficient, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful system for computer users of all levels. The key highlights that distinguish Haiku from other operating systems include: specific focus on personal computing, custom kernel designed for responsiveness, fully threaded design for great efficiency with multi-processor/core CPUs, rich object-oriented API for faster development, database-like file system (BFS) with support for indexed metadata, and unified, cohesive interface.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 71 (149), 6 months: 57 (182), 3 months: 91 (138), 4 weeks: 87 (164), 1 week: 82 (153)

Average visitor rating: 7.29/10 from 17 review(s).

Haiku Summary
Distribution Haiku
Home Page https://haiku-os.org/
Mailing Lists https://haiku-os.org/community/ml
User Forums https://discuss.haiku-os.org/
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Documentation https://www.haiku-os.org/docs/userguide/en/contents.html
Screenshots https://www.haiku-os.org/slideshows/haiku-1
Download Mirrors https://haiku-os.org/get-haikuDistroWatch Torrent Archive
Bug Tracker https://dev.haiku-os.org/
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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2024-09-13: Development Release: Haiku R1 Beta 5
 • 2022-12-23: Development Release: Haiku R1 Beta 4
 • 2021-07-26: Development Release: Haiku R1 Beta 3
 • 2020-06-09: Development Release: Haiku R1 Beta 2
 • 2018-09-29: Development Release: Haiku R1 Beta 1
 • 2012-11-13: Development Release: Haiku R1 Alpha 4
 • More Haiku releases...

 • 2025-01-14 Haiku ports Iceweasel web browser
 • 2024-10-11 New improvements in Haiku
 • 2024-09-18 Haiku lists several fixes in its August newsletter
 • 2024-08-13 Haiku ports Firefox
 • 2024-05-15 Haiku makes it easier to switch between light and dark themes
 • 2024-01-22 Interview with Waddlesplash
 • 2023-12-13 Haiku improves application ratings and saving addresses
 • 2023-11-15 Haiku publishes updates in monthly newsletter
 • 2023-08-16 Haiku gets BSD style kqueue functionality
 • 2023-02-20 A tour of package management on Haiku
 • More Haiku headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature R1-beta5
Release Date 2024-09-13
End Of Life --
Price (US$) Free
Image Size (MB) 1400-1500
Free Download ISO
Installation Graphical
Default Desktop Haiku
Package Management pkgman
Release Model Fixed
Office Suite --
Processor Architecture i586, x86_64
Init Software other
Journaled File Systems BFS
Multilingual Yes
Asian Language Support Yes
Full Package List r1-beta5

Full Package List:   Haiku r1-beta1
  Number of packages: 317 (download as TXT)
  •  autoconf 2.69-8
  •  autoconf_source 2.69-8
  •  automake 1.16.1-1
  •  automake_source 1.16.1-1
  •  bash 4.4.023-1
  •  bash_source 4.4.023-1
  •  bc 1.07.1-2
  •  bc_source 1.07.1-2
  •  be_book 2008_10_26-2
  •  bepdf 2.1.0-3
  •  bepdf_source 2.1.0-3
  •  binutils 2.28.1_2017_08_05-2
  •  binutils_source 2.28.1_2017_08_05-2
  •  bison 3.0.5-1
  •  bison_source 3.0.5-1
  •  bzip2 1.0.6-8
  •  bzip2_devel 1.0.6-8
  •  bzip2_source 1.0.6-8
  •  ca_root_certificates 2018_06_20-1
  •  cdrtools 3.02~a09-1
  •  cdrtools_devel 3.02~a09-1
  •  cdrtools_source 3.02~a09-1
  •  coreutils 8.29-1
  •  coreutils_source 8.29-1
  •  ctags 5.8-5
  •  ctags_source 5.8-5
  •  curl 7.61.1-2
  •  curl_devel 7.61.1-2
  •  curl_source 7.61.1-2
  •  cvs
  •  cvs_source
  •  diffutils 3.6-1
  •  diffutils_source 3.6-1
  •  expat 2.2.6-1
  •  expat_devel 2.2.6-1
  •  expat_source 2.2.6-1
  •  ffmpeg 4.0.2-1
  •  ffmpeg_devel 4.0.2-1
  •  ffmpeg_source 4.0.2-1
  •  findutils 4.6.0-1
  •  findutils_source 4.6.0-1
  •  flex 2.6.4-1
  •  flex_source 2.6.4-1
  •  fluidlite 1.0.0-3
  •  fluidlite_devel 1.0.0-3
  •  fluidlite_source 1.0.0-3
  •  fontconfig 2.12.6-2
  •  fontconfig_devel 2.12.6-2
  •  fontconfig_source 2.12.6-2
  •  freetype 2.9-1
  •  freetype_devel 2.9-1
  •  freetype_source 2.9-1
  •  gawk 4.2.0-1
  •  gawk_source 4.2.0-1
  •  gcc 7.3.0_2018_05_01-3
  •  gcc_source 7.3.0_2018_05_01-3
  •  gcc_syslibs 7.3.0_2018_05_01-3
  •  gcc_syslibs_devel 7.3.0_2018_05_01-3
  •  gettext_libintl
  •  giflib 5.1.4-2
  •  giflib_devel 5.1.4-2
  •  giflib_source 5.1.4-2
  •  git 2.19.0-1
  •  git_arch 2.19.0-1
  •  git_cvs 2.19.0-1
  •  git_daemon 2.19.0-1
  •  git_email 2.19.0-1
  •  git_source 2.19.0-1
  •  git_svn 2.19.0-1
  •  glu 9.0.0-7
  •  glu_devel 9.0.0-7
  •  glu_source 9.0.0-7
  •  gmp 6.1.2-3
  •  gmp_source 6.1.2-3
  •  gnu_efi_kernel 3.0.8-1
  •  gnutls 3.6.3-1
  •  gnutls_source 3.6.3-1
  •  grep 3.1-1
  •  grep_source 3.1-1
  •  groff 1.22.3-1
  •  groff_source 1.22.3-1
  •  gutenprint 5.2.14-1
  •  gutenprint_devel 5.2.14-1
  •  gutenprint_source 5.2.14-1
  •  gzip 1.8-2
  •  gzip_source 1.8-2
  •  haiku r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_devel r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_loader r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haikuporter 1.2.2-2
  •  haiku_source r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_ca r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_de r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_en r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_es r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_fi r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_fr r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_hu r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_it r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_jp r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_pl r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_pt_br r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_pt_pt r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_ru r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_sk r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_sv_se r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_uk r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haiku_userguide_zh_cn r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  haikuwebkit 1.6.7-3
  •  haikuwebkit_devel 1.6.7-3
  •  haikuwebkit_source 1.6.7-3
  •  haiku_welcome r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  icu 57.1-3
  •  icu_devel 57.1-3
  •  icu_source 57.1-3
  •  ilmbase 2.2.1-2
  •  ilmbase_devel 2.2.1-2
  •  ilmbase_source 2.2.1-2
  •  jam 2.5_2012_10_12-5
  •  jam_source 2.5_2012_10_12-5
  •  jasper 2.0.14-1
  •  jasper1 1.900.5-2
  •  jasper1_source 1.900.5-2
  •  jasper_devel 2.0.14-1
  •  jasper_source 2.0.14-1
  •  jpeg 9c-2
  •  jpeg_devel 9c-2
  •  jpeg_source 9c-2
  •  keymapswitcher
  •  keymapswitcher_source
  •  lcms 2.9-2
  •  lcms_devel 2.9-2
  •  lcms_source 2.9-2
  •  less 538-1
  •  less_source 538-1
  •  libedit 20180525_3.1-1
  •  libedit_devel 20180525_3.1-1
  •  libedit_source 20180525_3.1-1
  •  libexecinfo 1.1-5
  •  libexecinfo_source 1.1-5
  •  libffi 3.2.1-4
  •  libffi_source 3.2.1-4
  •  libgcrypt 1.8.3-1
  •  libgcrypt_source 1.8.3-1
  •  libgpg_error 1.32-1
  •  libgpg_error_source 1.32-1
  •  libicns 0.8.1-8
  •  libicns_devel 0.8.1-8
  •  libicns_source 0.8.1-8
  •  libiconv 1.15-4
  •  libiconv_source 1.15-4
  •  libidn2 2.0.4-1
  •  libidn2_source 2.0.4-1
  •  libmodplug
  •  libmodplug_source
  •  libogg 1.3.3-2
  •  libogg_devel 1.3.3-2
  •  libogg_source 1.3.3-2
  •  libpcap 1.8.1-3
  •  libpcap_devel 1.8.1-3
  •  libpcap_source 1.8.1-3
  •  libpcre 8.42-1
  •  libpcre2 10.30-2
  •  libpcre2_source 10.30-2
  •  libpcre_source 8.42-1
  •  libpng16 1.6.35-1
  •  libpng16_devel 1.6.35-1
  •  libpng16_source 1.6.35-1
  •  libsolv 0.3.0_haiku_2014_12_22-3
  •  libsolv_devel 0.3.0_haiku_2014_12_22-3
  •  libsolv_source 0.3.0_haiku_2014_12_22-3
  •  libtasn1 4.13-1
  •  libtasn1_source 4.13-1
  •  libtheora 1.1.1-7
  •  libtheora_devel 1.1.1-7
  •  libtheora_source 1.1.1-7
  •  libtool 2.4.6-1
  •  libtool_source 2.4.6-1
  •  libunistring 0.9.10-1
  •  libunistring_source 0.9.10-1
  •  libvorbis 1.3.6-1
  •  libvorbis_devel 1.3.6-1
  •  libvorbis_source 1.3.6-1
  •  libvpx3 1.5.0-3
  •  libvpx3_devel 1.5.0-3
  •  libvpx3_source 1.5.0-3
  •  libwebp 1.0.0-1
  •  libwebp_devel 1.0.0-1
  •  libwebp_source 1.0.0-1
  •  libxml2 2.9.7-2
  •  libxml2_devel 2.9.7-2
  •  libxml2_source 2.9.7-2
  •  libxslt 1.1.32-1
  •  libxslt_source 1.1.32-1
  •  live555 2016.06.22-5
  •  live555_devel 2016.06.22-5
  •  live555_source 2016.06.22-5
  •  llvm 5.0.0-3
  •  llvm_libs 5.0.0-3
  •  llvm_source 5.0.0-3
  •  m4 1.4.18-3
  •  m4_source 1.4.18-3
  •  make 4.1-3
  •  makefile_engine r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  make_source 4.1-3
  •  man 1.6g-6
  •  man_source 1.6g-6
  •  mercurial 3.2.1-5
  •  mercurial_source 3.2.1-5
  •  mesa 17.1.10-3
  •  mesa_devel 17.1.10-3
  •  mesa_source 17.1.10-3
  •  mesa_swpipe 17.1.10-3
  •  mkdepend 1.7-5
  •  mkdepend_source 1.7-5
  •  mpc 1.1.0-1
  •  mpc_source 1.1.0-1
  •  mpfr 3.1.6-3
  •  mpfr_source 3.1.6-3
  •  nano 2.9.8-2
  •  nano_source 2.9.8-2
  •  nasm 2.12.02-1
  •  nasm_source 2.12.02-1
  •  ncurses6 6.1-1
  •  ncurses6_devel 6.1-1
  •  ncurses6_source 6.1-1
  •  netcat 1.10-4
  •  netcat_source 1.10-4
  •  nettle 3.4-1
  •  nettle_source 3.4-1
  •  nghttp2 1.33.0-1
  •  nghttp2_devel 1.33.0-1
  •  nghttp2_source 1.33.0-1
  •  noto 20170920-3
  •  noto_sans_cjk_jp 1.004-2
  •  openexr 2.2.1-2
  •  openexr_devel 2.2.1-2
  •  openexr_source 2.2.1-2
  •  openjpeg 2.3.0-1
  •  openjpeg_devel 2.3.0-1
  •  openjpeg_source 2.3.0-1
  •  openssh 7.6p1-1
  •  openssh_source 7.6p1-1
  •  openssl 1.0.2p-1
  •  openssl_devel 1.0.2p-1
  •  openssl_source 1.0.2p-1
  •  p7zip 9.20.1-7
  •  p7zip_source 9.20.1-7
  •  patch 2.7.5-2
  •  patch_source 2.7.5-2
  •  pdflib 5.0.3-3
  •  pdflib_source 5.0.3-3
  •  pdfwriter 1.0-3
  •  pdfwriter_source 1.0-3
  •  pe 2.4.5-8
  •  perl 5.26.1-2
  •  perl_source 5.26.1-2
  •  pe_source 2.4.5-8
  •  pkgconfig 0.29.2-3
  •  pkgconfig_source 0.29.2-3
  •  python 2.7.14-2
  •  python_source 2.7.14-2
  •  qrencode_kdl_devel 3.4.4-2
  •  readline 7.0.3-2
  •  readline_source 7.0.3-2
  •  scons 2.5.1-3
  •  scons_source 2.5.1-3
  •  sed 4.4-3
  •  sed_source 4.4-3
  •  sharutils 4.15.2-3
  •  sharutils_source 4.15.2-3
  •  speex 1.2.0-3
  •  speex_devel 1.2.0-3
  •  speex_source 1.2.0-3
  •  sqlite
  •  sqlite_source
  •  subversion 1.9.7-2
  •  subversion_devel 1.9.7-2
  •  subversion_source 1.9.7-2
  •  taglib 1.11.1-4
  •  taglib_devel 1.11.1-4
  •  taglib_source 1.11.1-4
  •  tar 1.30-1
  •  tar_source 1.30-1
  •  tcpdump 4.9.2-1
  •  tcpdump_source 4.9.2-1
  •  texinfo 6.5-1
  •  texinfo_source 6.5-1
  •  tiff4 4.0.9-2
  •  tiff4_devel 4.0.9-2
  •  tiff4_source 4.0.9-2
  •  timgmsoundfont fixed-5
  •  unzip 6.0-5
  •  unzip_source 6.0-5
  •  userland_fs r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  vision 0.10.3-2
  •  vision_source 0.10.3-2
  •  webpositive r1~beta1_hrev52295_96-1
  •  wget 1.19.4-1
  •  wget_source 1.19.4-1
  •  which 2.21-5
  •  which_source 2.21-5
  •  wpa_supplicant 2.7~devel.haiku.1-1
  •  wpa_supplicant_source 2.7~devel.haiku.1-1
  •  wqy_microhei 0.2.0~beta-4
  •  xz_utils 5.2.4-2
  •  xz_utils_devel 5.2.4-2
  •  xz_utils_source 5.2.4-2
  •  zip 3.0-4
  •  zip_source 3.0-4
  •  zlib 1.2.11-3
  •  zlib_devel 1.2.11-3
  •  zlib_source 1.2.11-3
  •  zstd 1.3.5-1
  •  zstd_bin 1.3.5-1
  •  zstd_devel 1.3.5-1
  •  zstd_source 1.3.5-1

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for Haiku

Average rating
from 17 review(s)
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Please select a rating in the range of 1-10.
Please write at least a few sentences about the distribution while limiting your review to 4080 characters.

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Please include a few pros and a few cons, along with your overall impression of the operating system.
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Rating:    out of 10

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Past reviews - sort by:

Version: R1-beta4
Rating: 9
Date: 2024-02-15
Votes: 69

it resurrected my old PC, an Eee PC 701 which could no longer run even the lightest Linux distros (already with antiX it was at its limit and tinycore is a little more complicated graphically). There is the Italian language and I don't think it's very difficult to learn.

ha resuscitato il mio vecchio pc, un eee pc 701 che non riusciva più a far girare neanche le distro linux più leggere (già con antiX era al limite e tinycore è un pò più complicato graficamente). C'è la lingua italiana e non credo sia difficilissimo da imparare.

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Version: R1-beta4
Rating: 2
Date: 2023-08-25
Votes: 0

I've been watching this project since 2014 and tried using it in 2016 but it wouldn't install on the old computer I had at the time (a machine built in the early 2000's). I saw a YouTube video earlier this year "Haiku just got awesome" and I decided to give Haiku another chance, and this time on my laptop (which is new and runs linux and windows perfectly fine) .

I got it to install on a USB and it connected to the internet with my wireless card just fine, though soon after surfing the web for less than 5 mins with web positive it crashed. Tried it again but it still kept crashing and was slow (which surprised me because EVERYONE keeps talking about how 'fast' it is). I then tried installing a simple Super Nintendo emulator (bsnes) on it via the Haiku Depot, the installation almost worked and then it failed. So I tried something simpler, VLC player, and guess what?.. it failed again. Maybe the USB was the issue but I doubt it..

So that was my Haiku experience, needless to say I wasn't impressed at all. Maybe Haiku just doesn't like my computers I use lol. If I did get it to work I'd definitely have a more positive outlook on the os. Though looking at it's history and progress and seeing how it's STILL in beta is just ridiculous. A cute little project but a waste of time.

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Version: R1-beta4
Rating: 8
Date: 2023-07-12
Votes: 42

Ok, so I used BeOS 5 Professional as my main diver back in the day and actually even used it as the heart of my PC media center. Then BeOs died :-(

I just installed R1-beta4 and was pleasantly surprised to see that it feels like my old system, only better and very responsive. Compared to previous iterations B4 actually works quite well. I tried Libreoffice, Krita, TexStudio and GIMP without any major issues. I also found that Youtube worked on the Otto Browser, which I frankly didn't expect. Games like Sonic Robo Blast 2 and Otto Matic bought back memories and I even installed Yabasic and Algol 68G!

Overall, this project is making significant progress towards a truly stable and usable system. I don't think I will give up FreeBSD or Linux just yet, but I will be installing this operating system permanently onto a spare drive on my 32GB Dell Optiplex to test it long term and maybe even do some actual work!

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Contact, corrections and suggestions: Jesse Smith

Tips: bc1qxes3k2wq3uqzr074tkwwjmwfe63z70gwzfu4lx