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Garuda Linux RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: Garuda Linux

Garuda Linux

Last Update: 2024-04-29 00:50 UTC

Garuda Linux is a rolling distribution based on the Arch Linux operating system. Unlike Arch Linux, Garuda Linux comes with a graphical installer (Calamares) for easy installation, and other advanced graphical tools for managing your system. Garuda is a performance-oriented distro with many performance enhancing tweaks. Some of the many tweaks include using zram, a performance CPU governor, along with custom memory management software. Garuda Linux has striven to provide system stability by including the Timeshift backup utility.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 18 (391), 6 months: 24 (334), 3 months: 29 (322), 4 weeks: 34 (328), 1 week: 32 (341)

Average visitor rating: 8.41/10 from 247 review(s).

Garuda Linux Summary
Distribution Garuda Linux
Home Page https://garudalinux.org/
Mailing Lists --
User Forums https://forum.garudalinux.org/
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Documentation --
Screenshots DistroWatch Gallery
Download Mirrors https://garudalinux.org/downloads.html
Bug Tracker https://gitlab.com/groups/garuda-linux/-/issues
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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2024-04-29: Distribution Release: Garuda Linux 240428
 • 2023-10-30: Distribution Release: Garuda Linux 231029
 • 2023-03-06: Distribution Release: Garuda Linux 230305
 • 2020-10-10: Distribution Release: Garuda Linux 201007
 • 2020-09-01: Distribution Release: Garuda Linux 200831
 • More Garuda releases...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature 240428 231029 221019 211128 201205
Release Date 2024-04-28 2023-10-29 2022-10-19 2021-11-28 2020-12-06
End Of Life          
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free
Image Size (MB) 1600-5000 1600-5000 1600-5000 1600-5000 1600-5000
Installation Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical
Default Desktop Cinnamon, GNOME, i3, KDE Plasma, Qtile, Sway, Xfce Cinnamon, GNOME, i3, KDE Plasma, Qtile, Sway, Xfce bspwm, Cinnamon, GNOME, i3, KDE Plasma, LXQt, Qtile, Sway, Wayfire, Xfce bspwm, GNOME, i3, KDE Plasma, LXQt, Qtile, Sway, Wayfire, Xfce bspwm, Cinnamon, Deepin, GNOME, i3, KDE Plasma, LXQt, MATE, RecBox, UKUI, Wayfire, Xfce
Package Management Pacman Pacman Pacman Pacman Pacman
Release Model Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling
Office Suite -- -- -- -- LibreOffice
Processor Architecture x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64
Init Software systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd
Journaled File Systems Btrfs, ext4 Btrfs, ext4 Btrfs, ext4 Btrfs, ext4 Btrfs, ext4
Multilingual -- -- -- -- --
Asian Language Support -- -- -- -- --
Full Package List 240428 231029 221019 211128 201205

Full Package List:   Garuda Linux 240428
  Number of packages: 2,255 (download as TXT)
  •  a52dec 0.8.0-2
  •  aalib 1.4rc5-18
  •  abiword 3.0.5-4
  •  abseil-cpp 20240116.1-1
  •  accounts-qml-module 0.7-6
  •  accountsservice 23.13.9-2
  •  acl 2.3.2-1
  •  adobe-source-code-pro-fonts 2.042u+1.062i+1.026vf-1
  •  adwaita-cursors 46.0-1
  •  adwaita-icon-theme 46.0-1
  •  aha 0.5.1-2
  •  aiksaurus 1.2.1-9
  •  alacritty 0.13.2-2
  •  alpm_octopi_utils 1.0.2-5
  •  alsa-card-profiles 1:1.0.5-1
  •  alsa-firmware 1.2.4-3
  •  alsa-lib 1.2.11-1
  •  alsa-oss 1.1.8-5
  •  alsa-plugins 1:
  •  alsa-topology-conf
  •  alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.11-1
  •  alsa-utils 1.2.11-1
  •  amd-ucode 20240409.1addd7dc-1
  •  amdvlk 2024.Q1.3-2
  •  ananicy-cpp 1.1.1-1
  •  android-udev 20240221-1
  •  antimicrox 3.3.4-3.1
  •  aom 3.9.0-1
  •  appmenu-gtk-module 24.02-1
  •  appstream 1.0.3-1
  •  appstream-qt 1.0.3-1
  •  arandr 0.1.11-3
  •  archlinux-appstream-data 20240415-1
  •  archlinux-keyring 20240313-1
  •  archlinux-xdg-menu
  •  argon2 20190702-5
  •  argyllcms 3.2.0-1
  •  aribb24 1.0.3-3
  •  arj 3.10.22-13
  •  ark 24.02.2-1
  •  atkmm 2.28.4-1
  •  at-spi2-core 2.52.0-1
  •  attica 6.1.0-1
  •  attr 2.5.2-1
  •  audacity 1:3.4.2-5
  •  audit 4.0.1-3
  •  autoconf 2.72-1
  •  automake 1.16.5-2
  •  autorandr 1.15-1
  •  autotiling 1.9.2-2
  •  avahi 1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2
  •  azote 1.12.6-2
  •  b43-fwcutter 019-4
  •  baloo 6.1.0-1
  •  baloo-widgets 24.02.2-1
  •  base 3-2
  •  base-devel 1-1
  •  bash 5.2.026-2
  •  bash-completion 2.11-3
  •  bat 0.24.0-1
  •  beautyline 1:20240421-2
  •  bemenu 0.6.20-1
  •  bemenu-wayland 0.6.20-1
  •  bind 9.18.26-1
  •  binutils 2.42-3
  •  bison 3.8.2-6
  •  black-hole-solver 1.12.0-1
  •  blas 3.12.0-5
  •  bleachbit 4.6.0-2
  •  blueberry 1.4.8-1
  •  bluedevil 1:6.0.4-1
  •  blueman 2.4.1-2
  •  bluetooth-support 1-7
  •  bluez 5.75-1
  •  bluez-hid2hci 5.75-1
  •  bluez-libs 5.75-1
  •  bluez-qt 6.1.0-1
  •  bluez-tools 0.2.0-5
  •  bluez-utils 5.75-1
  •  bolt 0.9.7-2
  •  bomber 24.02.2-1
  •  boost-libs 1.83.0-6
  •  botan 3.4.0-2
  •  botan2 2.19.3-2
  •  bottles 2:51.11-2
  •  bovo 24.02.2-1
  •  boxtron 0.5.4-1.6
  •  breeze 6.0.4-1
  •  breeze-gtk
  •  breeze-icons 6.1.0-1
  •  bridge-utils 1.7.1-2
  •  brightnessctl 0.5.1-2
  •  brltty 6.6-7
  •  brotli 1.1.0-2
  •  btop 1.3.2-1
  •  btrfs-assistant 2.0-1
  •  btrfsmaintenance 0.5-2
  •  btrfs-progs 6.8-3
  •  bubblewrap 0.9.0-1
  •  bzip2 1.0.8-6
  •  cabextract 1.11-1
  •  ca-certificates 20220905-1
  •  ca-certificates-mozilla 3.99-1
  •  ca-certificates-utils 20220905-1
  •  cachyos-ananicy-rules-git 20240422.r318.g8646faa-1
  •  cage 0.1.5-2
  •  cairo 1.18.0-2
  •  cairomm 1.14.5-1
  •  cairomm-1.16 1.18.0-1
  •  calcurse 4.8.1-1
  •  candy-icons-git r1172.1c29e1c-1
  •  cantarell-fonts 1:0.303.1-1
  •  capitaine-cursors 4-2
  •  capstone 5.0.1-3
  •  c-ares 1.28.1-1
  •  caribou 0.4.21+75+g8ad9883-6
  •  catfish 4.18.0-2
  •  cblas 3.12.0-5
  •  cdparanoia 10.2-9
  •  celluloid 0.26-1
  •  cfitsio 1:4.4.0-1
  •  chaotic-keyring 20230616-1
  •  chaotic-mirrorlist 20240306-1
  •  chromaprint 1.5.1-7
  •  chromium-bsu
  •  cifs-utils 7.0-3
  •  cinnamon 6.0.4-2
  •  cinnamon-control-center 6.0.1-1
  •  cinnamon-desktop 6.0.0-1
  •  cinnamon-menus 6.0.0-1
  •  cinnamon-screensaver 6.0.3-1
  •  cinnamon-session 6.0.4-1
  •  cinnamon-settings-daemon 6.0.0-2
  •  cjs 6.0.0-1
  •  ckbcomp 1.226-1
  •  clang 17.0.6-2
  •  clinfo
  •  cliphist 1:0.5.0-1
  •  clutter 1.26.4-2
  •  clutter-gst 3.0.27-4
  •  clutter-gtk 1.8.4-3
  •  cogl 1.22.8-2
  •  colord 1.4.7-2
  •  colord-gtk4 0.3.0-2
  •  colord-gtk-common 0.3.0-2
  •  compiler-rt 17.0.6-1
  •  confuse 3.3-4
  •  convertlit 1.8-11
  •  copyq 8.0.0-1
  •  corectrl 1.4.0-3
  •  coreutils 9.5-1
  •  cpio 2.15-1
  •  cracklib 2.9.11-1
  •  cryptsetup 2.7.2-1
  •  cups-pk-helper 0.2.7-1
  •  curl 8.7.1-5
  •  curlftpfs 0.9.2-8
  •  dav1d 1.4.1-1
  •  db5.3 5.3.28-4
  •  dbus 1.14.10-2
  •  dbus-broker 36-2
  •  dbus-broker-units 36-2
  •  dbus-glib 0.112-3
  •  dbus-python 1.3.2-3
  •  dconf 0.40.0-2
  •  ddcutil 2.1.4-1
  •  debugedit 5.0-5
  •  default-cursors 2-1
  •  deluge 1:2.1.1-5
  •  deluge-gtk 1:2.1.1-5
  •  desktop-file-utils 0.27-1
  •  device-mapper 2.03.23-3
  •  dex 0.9.0-1
  •  dialog 1:1.3_20240307-2
  •  diffutils 3.10-1
  •  ding-libs 0.6.2-2
  •  discord 0.0.51-1
  •  discount 3.0.0.d-1
  •  discover 6.0.4-1
  •  displaycal 3.9.12-2
  •  djvulibre 3.5.28-6
  •  dmenu 5.3-2
  •  dmidecode 3.5-1
  •  dmraid 1.0.0.rc16.3-14
  •  dnsmasq 2.90-1
  •  dnssec-anchors 20190629-3