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TPM - ThePacketMaster Linux Security Server
ThePacketMaster (TPM) Linux security server provides a full toolkit of open source security software to perform vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. Forensic analysis tools are also included. TPM Linux boots and runs from the CD-ROM - this allows any machine to instantly run TPM Linux, without having to go through an installation. TPM Linux has a wide selection of open-source security auditing utilities and computer forensic toolkits. Since the programs can all be run from the CD, nothing needs to be installed on the system in order to collect evidence, helping to ensure the evidence isn't damaged in any way.
Status: Discontinued
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2008-04-07 |
NEW • Development Release: SaxenOS 2008 Beta 2 |
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Michael Stibane announced the second beta release of SaxenOS 2008, a full fledged Linux office desktop based on PCLinuxOS: "After my usual year of silence I'm starting with a new SaxenOS release. Beta 2 is out since last Sunday. It's based on PCLinuxOS for the teaching needs of LPI courses now (rpm package manager is part of LPIC1 preps). I work now at an education company as teacher and admin. We release SaxenOS 2008 together and so each of us has benefits. Short description is at the start page of - new website too." With the help of APT-RPM and Synaptic software management, SaxenOS 2008 claims to be much easier to use compared with former versions based on Slackware. Download: saxenos2008-beta2.iso (702MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
2007-03-17 |
NEW • Distribution Release: SaxenOS 2.0 |
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Michael Stibane has announced the release of SaxenOS 2.0: "SaxenOS 2.0 is released. The SaxenOS 2 ISO image is now down to a 534 MB and needs about 1.7 GB space on the target partition plus the space for home directories and temporary and log files - so a 2 GB partition is still the minimum. Changes: fixed German installer translations; changed formatting of target partition to ext3; removed win32 Codecs - they're now a separate installer download (for legal reasons); removed REALbasic - check the installer downloads next week; new SaxenOS System Panel, written in REALbasic." More information about SaxenOS 2.0 can be found in the release announcement. Download: saxenos2.iso (534MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
2007-03-07 |
NEW • Development Release: SaxenOS 2.0 RC2 |
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The second release candidate of SaxenOS 2.0 is available for download and testing: "RC 2 comes very near to how I think SaxenOS 2.0 should be. Changes: 'outsourced' REALbasic; added folder addonpacks/ to the CD with installers for REALbasic and NoteCase; recompiled Xfce since the Zenwalk packages didn't work as expected; installed size is now down to 1.6 GB; full German installation documentation; added many free Arabic and Hebrew True Type fonts; added Gentium and Linux Libertine fonts and some more from; Gizmo VoIP menu button fixed; CD auto-start in Windows works (opens default browser with the documentation). Still open: English translation of the help text files; some small translation changes to the installer." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: saxenos-2.0-rc2.iso (638MB, MD5).
2007-02-25 |
NEW • Development Release: SaxenOS 2.0 RC1 |
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The first release candidate of SaxenOS 2.0, a light-weight, Zenwalk-based distribution designed for older computers, is ready for download and testing: "SaxenOS 2.0 RC1 released. Changes: package updates to most Zenwalk 4.4 packages except kernel and modules; translated the installer texts to German; bug-fix in installer; Bootsplash working on the installed system; exchanged backgrounds and logos (no 'server' at the desktop any more). To do: fixing German installer translations; writing install documentation; autostart of the CD for Windows to call a browser." Read the full release announcement for more information. Download: saxenos-2.0-rc1.iso (618MB, MD5).
2007-02-21 |
NEW • Development Release: SaxenOS 2.0 Beta 2 |
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The second beta release of SaxenOS 2.0 was released about one week later following the first test build: "SaxenOS 2.0 beta 2 is ready for testing. Changes: Improved installer should now detect SATA harddisks too, safe boot option in resulting Grub config; Packages removed: Textmaker, Planmaker, VirtualBox; Packages added: Abiword, Gnumeric, Qemu/KQuemu/Qemulauncher; Basic package management for InstallJammer packages added (/opt/uninstall); removed Slapt-get/Gslapt; switched to Netpkg for base system updates; removed Gnome System Tools and backends in favor of Zenpanel/Zenwalk tools (themed for SOS)." Read the release announcement for more details. Download: saxenos-2.0-beta2.iso (606MB, MD5).
2007-02-13 |
NEW • Development Release: SaxenOS 2.0 Beta 1 |
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Michael Stibane has announced the first beta release of SaxenOS 2.0: "So I'm going to skip the 1.1 final release and move on to 2.0. I'm trying to upload a first beta tonight. It's the English 1.1rc2 ISO with a graphical installer. I've been ogling the GParted Live CD for some time now since it's a perfect small base (30 MB) for a graphical installation system with a lot of file systems supported, GParted as a graphical partition editor on board and GtkTetris to do something useful while the files copy. Now I've just needed something where I can make a nice wizard-style installer. What I used is actually a packaging solution for software installers on Linux, Damon Courtney's InstallJammer." Read the release announcement for more details. Download: saxenos-2.0-beta1.iso (605MB, MD5).
2007-01-31 |
NEW • Development Release: SaxenOS 1.1 RC2 |
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Michael Stibane has announced the availability of the second release candidate of SaxenOS 1.1, a light-weight, Zenwalk-based distribution designed for older computers: "RC2 in English just uploaded. It's now completely based on Zenwalk 4.2 with kernel As each time I include some commercial software, I really like, here is the list of what is included in this release: REALbasic 2006 Linux, TextMaker 2002 Freeware, PlanMaker 2004 Trial, VirtualBox 1.3.2 Personal Edition (networking NAT only for now, my fault, not Innotek's) and of course the Java and Flash packages. The whole thing now sports Xfce 4.4.0 final as the desktop. I also upgraded everything that was available in the repositories." Please read the full release announcement for more details. Download the English and German editions from here: saxenos-1.1rc2en.iso (614MB, MD5), saxenos-1.1rc2de.iso (613MB, MD5).
2006-09-10 |
NEW • Development Release: SaxenOS 1.1 Beta 1 |
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SaxenOS is a new name of what used to be called STX Linux, a Slackware-based live CD showcasing the light-weight Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). A beta build of SaxenOS 1.1 has been released for testing: "SaxenOS is a desktop Linux distribution especially targeted to older hardware. It's a live CD and it boots from your CDROM. Overview: complete Linux desktop; lightweight (about 1.25 GB installed, 379 MB ISO); based on Slackware 11, Zenwalk 2.8, Wolvix and SLAX; works nicely on old hardware (oldest system tested: K5/75, 64 MB RAM, 130 MB swap ... very slow but works); hard disk Installer from Wolvix; the brand new EDE 1.1 desktop, looks very much like Windows 98/ME/2000." Visit the project's home page for further information and download links. There are two editions to download - "Plain Desktop" and "Desktop Server"; get them from here: saxenos-1.1-b1.iso (379MB, MD5) or saxdeskserv-1.1-b1.iso (483MB, MD5).
2006-01-09 |
NEW • Distribution Release: STX Linux 1.0 |
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The first stable release of STX Linux is out. Major changes since RC3: "Three packaged patches from the download page applied; installer corrected for creating an fstab that allows normal users to mount CDROM and floppy drives; the usual package updates; included Elleo's hacked eworkpanel with notification area; included recompiled pyfltk (XFT font rendering now also in STXCC); GTK 2 and EDE themes switched to STX for a more uniform appearance; included gnome-cups-manager for printer administration (more common than the CUPS web front-end); included Requiredbuilder for creating dependency files for Slackware / STX packages." Visit the project's news page to find out more about the release. Download from here: stx-1.0.iso (421MB, MD5).
2005-12-29 |
NEW • Development Release: STX Linux 1.0 RC3 |
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A new release candidate of STX Linux 1.0 is ready for testing. What's new? "Changed back to Slackware 10.2 instead Current; included compiler and stuff as demanded (GCC, automake, includes, etc from the Slackware 10.2 repository); included Ndiswrapper; VNC server (vino) for desktop sharing; dial-up and DSL connection setup work now; Gnumeric replaces Planmaker; Pterm replaces gnome-terminal; corrected menu links and symlinked gimp-2.3 to gimp; language setup for console and EDE fixed (follows the installer language now), just the menus/desktop items don't get translated; included BitTorrent; the usual package updates." Find the release announcement and changelog on the project's news page. Download from here: stx-1.0-rc3.iso (418MB, MD5).
2005-12-10 |
NEW • Development Release: STX Linux 1.0 RC2 |
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STX Linux is a Slackware-based distribution featuring the light-weight Equinox Desktop Environment and suitable for installation on older computers. A new release candidate has been released for testing: "RC2 is available for download. Overview: a complete Linux Desktop; light-weight (about 1.1GB installed, 368MB ISO); Slackware 10.2 based; works nicely on old hardware (oldest system tested so far: K5/75, 64MB RAM, 130MB swap ... very slow but works); live CD hard disk installer from Pocketlinux; very much like Windows 98/2000 - means easy switching." Visit the distribution's home page for additional information about the project and its latest release. Download: stx-1.0-rc2.iso (368MB, MD5).
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Featured Distribution: 3CX Phone System |
3CX Phone System is a specialist, Debian-based Linux distribution designed to run a complete unified communications platform. The 3CX client, included in the distribution, can also be installed separately on most hardware as well as the cloud. It provides a complete open standards-based IP PBX and phone system that works with popular SIP trunks and IP phones. It will automatically configure all supported peripherals and it also comes with clients for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android. The ISO image includes a free license for the 3CX PBX edition. The ISO image contains the standard Debian installer which installs a minimal system with the nginx web server, PostgreSQL database, iptables firewall and Secure Shell. Options not relevant to 3CX have been removed from the distribution. Download the installation ISO image from here: debian-amd64-netinst-3cx.iso (628MB). |