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KANOTIX is a Linux distribution based on the latest stable release of Debian GNU/Linux. It is built on top of a latest kernel which is carefully patched with fixes and drivers for most modern hardware. Although it can be used as a live CD, it also includes a graphical installer for hard disk installation. The user-friendly nature of the distribution is further enhanced by a custom-built control centre and specialist scripts.
Status: Active
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2024-05-29 |
NEW • Distribution Release: NethSecurity 8.0 |
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NethSecurity is an open sourcem Linux-based firewall which is a spin-off of the NethServer project. NethSecurity's first release is labelled version 8.0 and the release announcement highlights key features: "Threat Shield Panel: It keeps you safe by blocking attacks from known malicious IP addresses. These addresses are compiled into blocklists, each with a clear name that tells you its purpose and who maintains it. The confidence score is a value from 1 to 10 that indicates the quality of the list. Modernized login experience: Enjoy a redesigned login screen. Certificate and reverse proxy management: Navigate a dedicated page for easy management of certificates and reverse proxy settings. The import process for both configurations has been significantly improved. Now, you can also use DNS verification to request Let’s Encrypt certificates, supporting wildcard certificates. Firewall rules configuration: Added a new page for configuring firewall rules, offering enhanced control. Users are encouraged to use this page for compatibility and optimal performance." Download: nethsecurity-8-23.05.3-ns.1.0.0-x86-64-generic-squashfs-combined-efi.img.gz (52MB, pkglist). |
2024-05-28 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Rhino Linux 2024.1 |
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Rhino Linux is an Ubuntu-based distribution which offers a rolling-release upgrade approach. The distribution uses a customised Xfce desktop environment. The project has published its first release of 2024 which focuses on an update to the Pacstall repository: "Our main highlights for 2024.1 are Pacstall's 5.0.0+ releases, so please be sure to check out the provided release notes and updated wiki down below. Joint members of the Rhino Linux and Pacstall teams have been working hard over the last several months on these releases, and we are very excited about the development potential that they hold. Known issues: In the live boot of our ISOs, desktop icons are not appearing at the start (these issues do not persist after installation). To launch Calamares installer for Rhino Linux, you can simply select 'Install Rhino Linux' from the App Grid." Additional details, including changes incorporated from upstream, are covered in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): Rhino-Linux-2024.1-amd64.iso (2,149MB, pkglist). |
2024-05-28 |
NEW • Distribution Release: AlmaLinux OS 8.10 |
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The AlmaLinux OS distribution is a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux which maintains binary compatibility with upstream while offering a few additional features and bug fixes. The project has released AlmaLinux OS 8.10 which brings small improvements and fixes to the 8.x series. The release announcement touches on the highlights: "AlmaLinux 8.10 brings updates to security and data protection, and improvements in web-console and system roles to automate operations and ensure consistency in intricate IT settings. The release continues to enhance system availability, reliability, and recovery processes, alongside improving virtual machine snapshot functions in hybrid cloud scenarios. New system roles have been introduced to streamline the creation and administration of logical volume manager (LVM) snapshots for better data backup and recovery processes. Performance, scalability, and reliability continue to be the focus of updates in the 8.10 version to aid developers in application development and management." Additional information can be found in the project's release notes. Download (SHA256, torrent, pkglist): AlmaLinux-8.10-x86_64-dvd.iso (13,099MB), AlmaLinux-8.10-x86_64-minimal.iso (2,041MB), AlmaLinux-8.10-x86_64-boot.iso (977MB). |
2024-05-27 |
NEW • Distribution Release: KaOS 2024.05 |
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Version 2024.05 of KaOS, an independently-developed Linux distribution focused on Qt/KDE toolkit and desktop, has been released. This release removes modsetting for all graphic cards and completes the removal of GTK2 from the project's repositories: "Four years after being end of life, GTK2 is finally removed from the KaOS repositories. The one major application left that still required GTK2 was Ardour, but with 8.4.0, an internal YTK is used, thus GTK2 is now gone. Updates to the base of the system included a move to Python 3.11, Glib2 2.80 stack, kernel moved to Linux 6.8.10, Systemd 253.19, ZFS 2.2.4, KMod 32, OpenSSL 3.3, FFMPEG 6.1, OpenJDK 17 and Mesa 24.0.7. Among the new packages included is Marknote, a nicely in Plasma 6 integrated note management application." Further information is provided in the project's release notes for KaOS 2024.05. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2024.05-x86_64.iso (3,472MB, pkglist). |
2024-05-27 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Armbian 24.5.1 |
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Armbian is a Linux distribution designed for ARM development boards. It is usually based on one of the stable or development versions of Debian or Ubuntu and it supports a wide variety of popular ARM-based devices, including Banana Pi, Cubieboard, Olimex, Orange Pi, Odroid, Pine64 and others. The project has announced an updated build which carries the version number 24.5.1: "Reproducible Armbian OS and Armbian build framework are tightly connected. Framework can build custom Debian or custom Ubuntu. Armbian Ubuntu is made from LTS or latest packages and is cleaned from all Canonical packaging including snapd. By default, we provide the latest critical packages also in the LTS package base. Armbian Jammy and Noble comes with highly optimized, specially built for each hardware platform, on top of mainline kernel 6.6.y or from SoC vendors, ZFS 2.2.4 and always the latest deb packaged Chromium, packed as .deb, comes with 3D and video acceleration where possible, VS Code, Thunderbird, Firefox, preinstalled Linux Userspace x86 and x86_64 Emulator on aarch64 hardware and several others. Armbian provides cleaned, improved, but stays close to the standard Debian and Ubuntu experience. To keep 100% compatibility, we tend to keep things that work well as they are. We stick to a minimalistic approach - less is more." The release announcement offers additional details. Download: Armbian_24.5.1_Uefi-x86_noble_current_6.6.31_gnome-oibaf_desktop.img.xz (1,864MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), Armbian_24.5.1_Uefi-x86_bookworm_current_6.6.31_minimal.img.xz (705MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
2024-05-27 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 |
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Red Hat has published a new update in the company's Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) product line, this one of the 8.x series. The new release, version 8.10, mostly introduces bug fixes and minor updates to the 8.x line. One interesting feature is a change to the behaviour of OpenSSH: "OpenSSH’s response after login failure is artificially delayed to prevent user enumeration attacks. This update introduces an upper limit so that such artificial delays do not become excessively long when remote authentication takes too long, for example in privilege access management (PAM) processing." Additional changes and important details can be found in the company's release notes for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10. The new version is available to individuals at no cost and can be downloaded through the company's Developer Portal. ISO files (pkglist) for RHEL range from 948MB to 1,326MB and are available in x86_64 and aarch64 builds. |
2024-05-27 |
NEW • Distribution Release: EuroLinux 8.10 |
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EuroLinux is a distribution built from the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). This RHEL clone has just received an upgrade to its 8.x branch. The latest release, version 8.10, mostly provides security fixes and minor updates to services and development languages: "The EuroLinux 8.10 release is codenamed 'Bucharest' - the capital of Romania. EuroLinux 8.10 is available for x86_64 and aarch64 (ARM64) architectures. Among the most significant new features are the new modules: MariaDB version 10.11; Nginx version 1.24; PHP version 8.2; PostgreSQL version 16; Python 3.12. Furthermore, the most crucial system components and developer tools have been upgraded to newer versions: GCC toolset version 13; GO language stack version 1.21; Rust language stack version 1.75; LLVM stack version 17." Aditional details can be found in the project's release announcement and in the release notes. Download (SHA256, pkglist): EL-8.10-x86_64-20240527-appstream.iso (15,161MB), EL-8.10-x86_64-20240527-minimal.iso (2,021MB), EL-8.10-x86_64-20240527-boot.iso (1,036MB). |
2024-05-24 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Ultramarine Linux 40 |
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Ultramarine Linux is a Fedora-based desktop distribution which attempts to provide a better, out-of-the-box desktop experience. The project's latest release, Ultramarine Linux 40, swaps out the Pantheon desktop for Xfce and offers support for ARM devices, such as Raspberry Pi computers. "Now the moment we're sure you've been waiting for - the Xfce edition is here. The Xfce edition stays close to the stock Xfce experience with a little bit of Ultramarine spice sprinkled in. We embrace a more traditional dock and panel setup, compared to Xfce's split layout, and use a more modern menu (with search). In addition to these layout changes, we use the beautifully familiar Materia theme. The Xfce edition is perfect for lower-powered devices and people who want to squeeze the most out of their computers. Ultramarine 40 marks the end of our Pantheon edition. From a growing maintenance burden, to a shrinking userbase, it is simply no longer viable for us to maintain the Pantheon edition." Additional information and screenshots can be found in the release announcement. Download (pkglist): ultramarine-flagship-40-live-x86_64.iso (2,636MB, SHA256), ultramarine-xfce-40-live-x86_64.iso (2,699MB, SHA256), ultramarine-kde-40-live-x86_64.iso (3,863MB, SHA256). |
2024-05-24 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Murena 2.0 |
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The Murena project delivers a de-Googled version of Android for smartphones which include several privacy protecting features and independent cloud services. The Murena team have released Murena 2.0 which ships with an updated version of the Bliss launcher, more capable tracker blocking, built-in QR code recognition in the camera app, and IP address hiding. "Advanced Privacy is a unique tool we have developed to prevent trackers from accessing your data while you are using third-party apps or just browsing the web. Let's have a look now at the enhanced Advanced Privacy features in /e/OS V2. Advanced Privacy lets you manage in-app trackers, IP addresses, and location. It's available as a widget and within the operating system settings. And now in a recent update, you can enjoy a better experience with Advanced Privacy with a more intuitive user interface; you'll have greater control over your privacy settings. In Advanced Privacy settings, you can also manage tracker permissions by app and see the complete statistics of trackers blocked." Additional information is provided through the release announcement and in the release notes. Download options for supported devices can be found on the project's Devices page. |
2024-05-22 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Alpine Linux 3.20.0 |
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Alpine Linux is a community developed operating system designed for routers, firewalls, VPNs, VoIP boxes, containers, and servers. The project's latest stable release is Alpine Linux 3.20.0 which features a number of package updates, including Linux 6.6, GNOME 46, and KDE Plasma 6. The new version also introduces 64-bit RISC-V support: "We are pleased to announce the release of Alpine Linux 3.20.0, the first in the 3.20 stable series. Highlights: LLVM 18, Node.js (LTS) 20.10, Python 3.12, Ruby 3.3, Rust 1.78, Crystal 1.12, GNOME 46, Go 1.22, KDE Plasma 6, Sway 1.9, .NET 8.0. Significant changes: initial support for 64-bit RISC-V was added. When upgrading existing installations using GRUB on UEFI systems, make sure to update the installed bootloader before rebooting otherwise your machine might not boot. The problem is that GRUB added a new configuration that executes fwsetup --is-supported, but GRUB 2.06 does not support the --is-supported argument yet, causing GRUB to try to reboot into firmware unconditionally. Due to the relicensing of Redis to RSALv2+SSPLv1, a non-free license model, the BSD-3-Clause licensed fork Valkey has replaced Redis in the main package repository." Additional information can be found in the release announcement and in the release notes for 3.20.0. Download (pkglist): alpine-standard-3.20.0-x86_64.iso (209MB, SHA56, signature), alpine-extended-3.20.0-x86_64.iso (975MB, SHA256, signature). |
2024-05-22 |
NEW • Development Release: Damn Small Linux 2024 RC4 |
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The Damn Small Linux (DSL) project has published a new development snapshot of the upcoming Damn Small Linux 2024 release. The new snapshot updates the Dillo web browser, restored some missingicons, and improves language support. "Release candidate 4 now available. Changes: added su-to-root before starting control center; compiled and updated Dillo to the much improved 3.1.0 (from 3.0.5); compiled and added the Gemini Dillo plugin (check bookmarks to test it out); unified theme between user and root for a more consistent look in administrative programs; cleaned up the interface by adding some missing icons; removed icons from both Fluxbox and JWM menus to reduce overhead and the visual footprint; added German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese language support. New for this version is a lz4 lower compression ISO image specifically made for using with a virtual machine or with UNetbootin. This release candidate is 32-bit compatible and will operate on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems." The release announcement also mentions DSL would like to partner with organizations who sell refurbished laptops. Interested testers can download the ISO image from the project's website: dsl-2024.rc4.iso (689MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2024-05-21 |
NEW • BSD Release: GhostBSD 24.04.1 |
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GhostBSD is a desktop-oriented operating system based on FreeBSD. The project's latest release is GhostBSD 24.04.1 which is based on FreeBSD's 14-STABLE development branch. The new snapshot includes an update to the MATE desktop to version 1.28.1, a return of the desktop Signal client, and a collection of bug fixes. "I am pleased to announce the release of GhostBSD 24.04.1! First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who reported issues and contributed their time, effort, and expertise to enhance GhostBSD for this latest release. GhostBSD 24.04.1 is the second release under FreeBSD 14 stable. I have updated the system to 1400510, and the MATE desktop is updated to 1.28.1. This release also contains some bug fixes found in previous releases and with some improvements." The release announcement contains a complete list of new features and bug fixes. GhostBSD maintains one official edition with the MATE desktop and a community edition which uses the Xfce desktop. Download (SHA256, pkglist): GhostBSD-24.04.1.iso (2,639MB, torrent), GhostBSD-24.04.1-XFCE.iso (2,626MB, torrent). |
2024-05-20 |
NEW • Development Release: FreeBSD 14.1-BETA3 |
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Colin Percival has announced that the FreeBSD team have published a new beta snapshot for the project's upcoming 14.1 release. The new beta fixes crashes on i386, addresses large RISC-V binaries, and turns on soft updates by default when using newfs. "The third BETA build of the 14.1-RELEASE release cycle is now available. A summary of changes since BETA2 includes: newfs now turns on softupdates by default on UFS2; boot breakage on RPi 4 and large amd64 systems fixed; i386 panics with drm-kmod fixed; OpenMP scheduling issues fixed; fixes to kernel handling of userland mutexes; in6_addr fields made visibile to userland; non-UFS vm image build fixes; bogusly large riscv binaries fixed; man page fixes/addition; removeal of accidental GDB_LOG setting; nfsd RFC8881 compliance fixes. A list of changes since 14.0 is available in the releng/14.1 release notes. Please note, the release notes page is not yet complete, and will be updated on an ongoing basis as the 14.1-RELEASE cycle progresses." Additional information on the third beta snapshot can be found in the release announcement and in the release notes. Download: FreeBSD-14.1-BETA3-amd64-disc1.iso (1,118MB, SHA512), FreeBSD-14.1-BETA3-i386-disc1.iso (915MB, SHA512), FreeBSD-14.1-BETA3-arm64-aarch64-disc1.iso (977MB, SHA512). |
2024-05-20 |
NEW • Distribution Release: MX Linux 23.3 |
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The developers of MX Linux, a Debian-based desktop distribution with graphical administration tools and a choice of three popular desktops, have announced the release of MX Linux 23.3: "MX Linux 23.3 'Libretto' released. MX Linux 23.3 is the third refresh of our MX 23 release, consisting of bug fixes, kernel, and application updates since our original release of MX 23. If you are already running MX 23, there is no need to reinstall. Packages are all available through the regular update channels or by installing the changed applications. Some highlights include: when using the installer's OEM mode, the user will be able to select a system language before user setup starts so that the setup will be in the chosen language, this is set up by default on the RPI respin release; updated manual and manual now divided into language-specific packages; MX Locale tool includes a function to remove all manual packages except current system default language; zstd compression option added to live-remaster (antiX live system); systemd is usable on live system in rudimentary fashion; many language updates." Here is the complete release announcement. Download (pkglist): MX-23.3_x64.iso (2,178MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), MX-23.3_KDE_x64.iso (2,601MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), MX-23.3_fluxbox_x64.iso (1,734MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
2024-05-16 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Br OS 24.04 |
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Anderson Marques has announced the release of Br OS 24.04, a brand-new version of this Brazilian project's Kubuntu-based Linux distribution with Calamares as the system installer and built-in artificial intelligence (AI) features. After a heap of last-minute changes in the internal structure of Kubuntu, which delayed the release by eight days, Br OS 24.04 was made available with a new installer, new AI provider and, best of all, free of the recently-discovered Linux vulnerabilities. The release includes KDE Plasma 5.27, Qt 5.15.13, Linux kernel 6.8, the Calamares 3.3.5 installer, and Flatpak 1.14.6 with the Flathub repository active. Although the system comes with Perplexity AI as the artificial inteligence provider, with its capacity to access and search the internet and to give up-to-date and precise responses, it cannot colect any information that is not typed directly inside the application's window. Applications for the office include the OnlyOffice office suite, the Evolution email client and the Okular document reader. For more secure internet browsing, Br OS uses the Libre Wolf web browser, a Firefox fork focused on security and privacy. Read the full release announcement (in Portuguese) for further details. Download (MD5) from SourceForge: Br-OS-24.04-LTS-desktop-amd64.iso (3,465MB, pkglist). |
2024-05-15 |
NEW • Development Release: deepin 23 RC |
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The development team behind deepin, a desktop Linux distribution featuring the Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE), has announced the availability of the release candidate of its upcoming version 23: "deepin is a Linux-based open source desktop operating system and just today, deepin 23 RC is here. New features: optimized the details of the installer user interface; updated the carousel images in the installer; added a trial mode for experiencing the system without installation; reverted pre-installed applications to DEBs; support for 14th generation U terminal devices; provided dual kernel options of 5.15 and 6.6; changed the window mode layout of the launcher to a three-section style and added quick access functionality; added a free sorting mode for the launcher window mode list which sorts the application order in free sorting mode based on the order in full-screen mode; in the launcher window mode's free sorting mode, added the ability to drag applications to create new application groups...." The detailed release announcement, available in Chinese and in English, provides complete list of new features and known issues. Download (mirrors): deepin-desktop-community-23-RC-amd64.iso (4,613MB, SHA256, pkglist). |
2024-05-15 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Oracle Linux 9.4 |
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Simon Coter has announced the release of Oracle Linux 9 Update 4, the latest stable release of Oracle's Linux distribution built from the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Besides a Red Hat-compatible Linux kernel 5.14, Oracle also provides a custom-built 5.15 kernel called Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK). "We are pleased to announce Oracle Linux 9 Update 4, the latest version of the premier enterprise operating system for distributed computing environments. Oracle Linux 9 Update 4 for the 64-bit Intel and AMD (x86_64) and 64-bit Arm (aarch64) platforms is now generally available. This release is application binary compatible with the corresponding Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Update 4. The following features, enhancements and changes related to programming languages, web and database servers have been introduced in Oracle Linux 9 Update 4: Python 3.12, can be installed in parallel with Python 3.9 and Python 3.11 on the same system; Ruby 3.3.0 is included in a new ruby:3.3 module stream; PHP 8.2 is included in the new php:8.2 module stream...." See the release announcement and the release notes for more information. Download (pkglist): OracleLinux-R9-U4-x86_64-dvd.iso (11,298MB), OracleLinux-R9-U4-x86_64-boot.iso (1,014MB), OracleLinux-R9-U4-x86_64-boot-uek.iso (1,021MB). |
2024-05-14 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endless OS 6.0.0 |
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Endless OS is a Linux-based operating system which provides a simplified and streamlined user experience using a customized desktop environment. The project's latest release is Endless OS 6.0.0. The new version features a dark theme for night time use, updated applications for working with music and images, and updated screen recording tools. "Endless OS 6 comes with a redesigned, easier to use, and more interactive screenshot and screen recording experience. Tapping the PrintScr key or the new icon in the system menu brings up an interactive menu to select an area, app, or screen to take a screenshot or recording of. It even remembers the area you select between uses, making it even easier to take several screenshots for comparison. It might seem like a niche thing, but we think you'll like it the next time you want to share a screenshot or recording of something on your screen. Rounding out the new features in Endless OS 6 are a few new and updated apps. For new installs of Endless OS 6, you'll now get the clean and simple Music app for listening to a local library plus the new Decibels app to listen to one-off audio files, e.g. to preview a downloaded voicemail or other recording." The release announcement offers additional details and screenshots. Download: eos-eos6.0-amd64-amd64.240514-082534.base.iso (3,820MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2024-05-14 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Manjaro Linux 24.0 |
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Philip Müller has announced the release of Manjaro Linux 24.0, a new version of the project's rolling-release distribution with separate GNOME, KDE Plasma and Xfce editions. It introduces GNOME 46 and KDE Plasma 6, as well as the brand-new Linux kernel 6.9: "Manjaro 24.0 'Wynsdey' released. Since we released Vulcan in December 2023 we worked hard to get the next release of Manjaro out there. We call it Wynsdey. This is also our first release which comes with Plasma 6. The GNOME edition has received several updates to GNOME 46 series. This includes a lot of fixes and polish when GNOME 46 originally was released in March 2024. GNOME's file manager comes with a new global search feature in GNOME 46. Global search is a great way to jump directly into search, without having to think about where the items you want are located. The new feature also leverages GNOME's existing file search capabilities, including the ability to search the contents of files, and filter by file type and modification date." Read the release announcement for more details. Download (pkglist): manjaro-gnome-24.0-240513-linux69.iso (3,750MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), manjaro-kde-24.0-240513-linux69.iso (3,596MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), manjaro-xfce-24.0-240513-linux69.iso (3,414MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). Separate images with the 6.1 and 6.6 Linux kernels are also available. |
2024-05-13 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Rescuezilla 2.5 |
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Rescuezilla is a specialist Ubuntu-based distribution designed for system rescue tasks, including backups and system restoration. The project's latest release is version 2.5 which includes an edition based on Ubuntu 24.04. "Adds release based on Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble), Ubuntu 23.10 (Mantic) and Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar) for best support of new hardware. Upgrades to latest partclone release v0.3.27 (released October 2023) from v0.3.20 (which was released in April 2022). This should improve issues with BTRFS filesystems, as it supports BTRFS v6.3.3, rather than v5.11. Added experimental command-line interface (CLI): CLI should be considered EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, and behavior may change between versions without notice; CLI only supports images created by Clonezilla and Rescuezilla (the other supported formats coming in future); CLI only supports backup, verify, restore and clone operations (mount and unmount operations coming in future)." Additional details about the new version can be found in the project's release notes. Download (SHA256): rescuezilla-2.5-64bit.noble.iso (1,312MB, pkglist). |
2024-05-13 |
NEW • DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 1070 |
This week in DistroWatch Weekly: - Review: Damn Small Linux 2024
- News: Red Hat offers AI edition, Fedora Asahi Remix 40 available for ARM-powered Apple computers, Qubes extends 4.1 support cycle, new web browser in the works for UBports
- Questions and answers: Hiding messages from the kernel while booting
- Released last week: AlmaLinux OS 9.4, Rocky Linux 9.4, SparkyLinux 2024.05, Daphile 24.05, TUXEDO OS 3-20240929
- Torrent corner: AlmaLinux OS, NetBSD, Rocky Linux, SparkyLinux
- Upcoming releases: Murena 2, FreeBSD 14.1 BETA3
- Opinion poll: How long will X.Org be supported on Linux distributions?
- Site news: Fixing RSS feeds
- New distributions: RSOS, Altima Linux
- Reader comments
Read more in this week's issue of DistroWatch Weekly.... |
2024-05-12 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Network Security Toolkit 40-13973 |
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Network Security Toolkit (NST) is a bootable live disc based on the Fedora distribution. The toolkit was designed to provide easy access to best-of-breed open source network security applications. The project's latest release, version 40-13973, features Linux 6.8.9, the Spiderfoot utility, and Portainer is available for Docker container management. The release announcement highlights key changes: "Below is a summary of the feature improvements included in this release: Access to the Spiderfoot reconnaissance tool that automatically queries over 100 public data sources (OSINT) to gather intelligence on IPv4 Addresses, Domain Names, E-mail Addresses, Names and more can be run as a Docker container. The graphic: Spiderfoot - NST 38 System Scan was a summary result to determine open exposed ports using this tool. Access to the Metasploit Framework (MSF) for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine can be run as a Docker container. Added the Portainer application, for Docker container management, as a Docker container. As always, the networking and security applications included have been updated to their latest version which can be found in the manifest." Download (MD5): nst-40-13973.x86_64.iso (5,020MB, pkglist). |
2024-05-10 |
NEW • Distribution Release: EuroLinux 9.4 |
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EuroLinux is an enterprise-class Linux distribution made and supported by the EuroLinux company, built mostly from code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The company's latest release is EuroLinux 9.4 which places a focus on security and updating programming languages. "Major changes in EuroLinux 9.4. Security - key security-related highlights: Rsyslog log processing system introduces customizable TLS/SSL encryption settings and additional capability dropping options. The OpenSSL TLS toolkit adds a provider-specific configuration directory. The Linux kernel cryptographic API (libkcapi) 1.4.0 introduces new tools and options. You can now specify target file names for hash calculations using the -T option. The stunnel TLS/SSL tunneling service 5.71 provides many new features such as support for modern PostgreSQL clients. Programming languages, web and database servers - later versions of the following application are now available: MariaDB 10.11; nginx 1.24; PHP 8.2; PostgreSQL 16; Python 3.12." Additional details and download links can be found in the EuroLinux release notes. Download (SHA256, pkglist): EL-9.4-x86_64-20240509-appstream.iso (10,057MB), EL-9.4-x86_64-20240509-minimal.iso (1,902MB). |
2024-05-10 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Rocky Linux 9.4 |
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Rocky Linux is a community enterprise operating system designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The project's latest release, Rocky Linux 9.4, introduces a number of changes to further customize the operating system and improve security. "From Rocky Linux 9.4 forward, you can specify arbitrary custom mount points except for specific paths that are reserved for the operating system. Creation of different partitioning modes is now available including auto-lvm, lvm, and raw. Customize tailor options for a profile and add it to your blueprint customizations by using selected and unselected options to add and remove rules. Security: Listed below are security-related highlights in the latest Rocky Linux 9.4 release. For a complete list of security-related changes, see the upstream link. SELinux userspace release 3.6 introduces deny rules for further customizing policies. Keylime server components, the verifier and registrar, are available as Containers. Rsyslog processing system introduces customizable TLS/SSL encryption settings and additional options that relate to capability dropping. OpenSSL TLS toolkit adds a drop-in directory for provider-specific configuration files. libkcapi 1.4.0 introduces new tools and options. Notably, with the new -T option, you can specify target file names in hash-sum calculations. stunnel 5.7.1 TLS/SSL tunneling service changes the behavior of OpenSSL 1.1 and later versions in FIPS mode. Besides this change, this version provides many new features such as support for modern PostgreSQL clients." Additional information can be found in the release announcement and in the release notes. Download (SHA256, torrent, pkglist): Rocky-9.4-x86_64-dvd.iso (10,410MB), Rocky-9.4-x86_64-minimal.iso (1,744MB), Rocky-9.4-x86_64-boot.iso (949MB).
2024-05-10 |
NEW • Distribution Release: TUXEDO OS 3-20240429 |
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TUXEDO OS is an Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the KDE Plasma desktop which is developed in Germany by TUXEDO Computers GmbH. The organization's latest release includes an update to the new Plasma 6 desktop environment. "The most important technical change with Plasma 6 is the default setting of Wayland as the display server instead of the previous X11 display server. We have already described the differences between X11 and Wayland in an article in our knowledge base. The new display protocol promises, among other things, less tearing and artifacts as well as better configurability for multi-monitor environments. In the best case scenario, you will not notice the change or even perceive it as positive. However, there are cases where you should stick with X11 for the time being. This applies in particular to owners of older NVIDIA cards that require drivers older than v495.44. We make it easy for you to test which session type is the most suitable for you at the moment. To provide you with a quick and easy way to switch between X11 and Wayland, we have included an easy selection option." Additional details can be found in the distribution's release announcement. Download: TUXEDO-OS-3-202404291906.iso (3,535MB, SHA256, signature, pkglist). |
2024-05-09 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Daphile 24.05 |
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Daphile is a minimal operating system for running a digital audio player on a headless computer. The project's latest release is version 24.05 which includes an upgrade to Perl 5.38 and removes integration from LMS. Additional changes are listed in the project's changelog. Perl Crypt::Blowfish added to improve Deezer plugin performance. Streaming plugins tested to work for now: Spotty v4.10.1; TIDAL v1.4.6; Qobuz v3.5.0; Deezer v2.81.4; YouTube v0.212. WAV output file option added to CD ripping. CDDB replaced with Gnudb. SMB3 and WebDAV support into Storage Network drives. Automatic web UI color theme option based on device theme. Kernel update to 6.6.30 and 6.6.30-rt30. Linux firmware file inclusion improved. Daphile built with GCC 13.2. ISO file size grown due to increased kernel modules with related firmware files. Compression strategy change: Kernel modules and firmware files use LZMA (.xz); SquashFS root filesystem uses Zstd." The project offers vanilla and real-time kernel editions. Download (MD5): daphile-24.05-x86_64.iso (319MB), daphile-24.05-x86_64-rt.iso (319MB). |
2024-05-09 |
NEW • Development Release: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 |
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Jerry Bezencon has announced the availability of the first release candidate for Linux Lite 7.0, an upcoming major update of the project's Ubuntu-based Linux distribution with Xfce as the preferred desktop. This will be the distribution's first release based on the long-term supported Ubuntu 24.04. "Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 is now available for testing. The theme of this series is maturity. We've been offering Linux Lite for 12 years now and, in that time, have integrated many features as suggested by the community as well as building upon a solid and secure foundation. Linux Lite 7.0 final, code name Galena, will be released on 1st June, 2024. Changes: Thunar 4.18.8 split view; new install slides; many other tweaks and changes; Window theme - Materia; icon theme - Papirus; Font - Roboto Regular. Details: Linux kernel 6.8 (custom kernels also available via our repository for versions 3.13 - 6.8), Chrome 124.0, Thunderbird 115.10.1, LibreOffice, VLC: 3.0.20, Gimp: 2.10.36. There is no upgrade to or from RC releases. RC releases are for testing only and it is not recommended to run them as your main or secondary operating system." Continue to the release announcement for further information and screenshots. Download: linux-lite-7.0-rc1-64bit.iso (2,120MB, SHA256, torrent, pkglist). |
2024-05-07 |
NEW • Distribution Release: SparkyLinux 2024.05 |
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SparkyLinux is a lightweight, Debian-based distribution. The project has published an update to its semi-rolling branch. This update includes new versions of Firefox, LibreOffice, Thunderbird, and the kernel. It also rolls back a recent change, swapping out the newer Nala package manager in favour of APT. "The latest version of Sparky CLI Installer provides a few changes, such as autopartitioning option and so, autosetting the target system a little faster. The Nala [package manager] doesn't upgrade packages properly as APT, so I recommend to uninstall Nala on Sparky Testing. There is also issue of libgnutls-dane0 package (massive package update in testing) which has to be uninstalled before upgrading other packages. There are three new package repo and ISO mirror servers available for downloading ISO images and installing packages, located: US2 in NY, USA, SI1 and SI2 in Singapore, Asia. All three servers are provided thanks to Astian, Inc." Additional details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (pkglist): sparkylinux-2024.05-x86_64-xfce.iso (1,817MB, SHA512, signature, torrent), sparkylinux-2024.05-x86_64-lxqt.iso (1,989MB, SHA512, signature, torrent), sparkylinux-2024.05-x86_64-mate.iso (2,036MB, SHA512, signature, torrent).
2024-05-06 |
NEW • Distribution Release: AlmaLinux OS 9.4 |
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AlmaLinux OS is an enteprise Linux distribution built from the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The distribution's latest release, AlmaLinux OS 9.4, focuses on security and virtual machine snapshots. The release announcement offers a summary of changes: "The AlmaLinux 9.4 introduces updates to enhance machine security and data protection. Enhancements in web-console and system roles automate additional operations and promote consistency in complex IT environments. The new release's features aim to improve system availability and reliability, facilitate easier recovery operations, and enhance virtual machine snapshot capabilities in hybrid cloud environments. The new system roles introduced enable the creation and management of logical volume manager (LVM) snapshots for improved data backup and recovery processes. Additionaly, updates in the 9.4 release continues to improve performance, scalability, and reliability for developers in building and managing applications. You can read the full release notes for this version on the wiki: AlmaLinux OS 9.4 Release Notes." Download (SHA256, torrent, pkglist): AlmaLinux-9.4-x86_64-dvd.iso (10,298MB), AlmaLinux-9.4-x86_64-minimal.iso (1,965MB), AlmaLinux-9.4-x86_64-boot.iso (988MB). |
2024-05-02 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 |
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Red Hat, Inc. has announced the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.4, the latest stable release of the company's enterprise Linux platform available for the x86, ARM, IBM Power, IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE platforms: "Red Hat, Inc. today announced the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4, the latest version of the world's leading enterprise Linux platform. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 brings a wide range of new and enhanced capabilities to better manage the complexity of hybrid cloud computing in an increasingly AI-centric world, including refined management and automation and proactive support in building standard operating environments (SOEs) for distributed systems. Automation is increasingly a critical part of an operation team's toolbox, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 continues Red Hat's drive to make automation an integral part of modern Linux platforms. 9.4 further extends Red Hat Enterprise Linux system roles, deployment-ready Ansible content collections that help configure and launch common administrative tasks." See the press release and the detailed release notes for more information. RHEL 9.4 is available on its customer portal as a free upgrade, as a 60-day trial for potential new customers, or as a free download (pkglist) for registered developers. |
2024-05-02 |
NEW • Distribution Release: LibreELEC 12.0.0 |
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The LibreELEC development team has announced the release of LibreELEC 12.0.0, a major new update of project's multi-platform Linux distribution featuring the Kodi media centre. The new release ships with Linux kernel 6.6.28 and Kodi 21.0: "LibreELEC 12.0 has released as final release, bringing Kodi (Omega) 21.0. With the new release cycle we changed many devices to 64-bit architectures, including Rasberry Pi 4 and 5. If using Widevine DRM (required for various copy-protected video add-ons like Prime Video, Netflix) on one of these devices and updating from LibreELEC 11, Widevine DRM will need to be re-installed on these devices due to the changed architecture. LibreELEC 11.0 installs will not automatically update, but you can manually update. LibreELEC installs from before LibreELEC 10.0 must make a clean install due to the Python 3 changes since Kodi 19. The Generic image runs the same GBM/V4L2 graphics stack we have long used with ARM devices." See the release announcement and the changelog for further details. LibreELEC 12 is available for Raspberry Pi, Allwinner, Rockchip, Amlogic, NXP and generic x86_64 devices, as well as OVA images for VirtualBox. Here is a link to download the compressed generic x86_64 variant: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-12.0.0.img.gz (247MB). |
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Featured Distribution: 3CX Phone System |
3CX Phone System is a specialist, Debian-based Linux distribution designed to run a complete unified communications platform. The 3CX client, included in the distribution, can also be installed separately on most hardware as well as the cloud. It provides a complete open standards-based IP PBX and phone system that works with popular SIP trunks and IP phones. It will automatically configure all supported peripherals and it also comes with clients for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android. The ISO image includes a free license for the 3CX PBX edition. The ISO image contains the standard Debian installer which installs a minimal system with the nginx web server, PostgreSQL database, iptables firewall and Secure Shell. Options not relevant to 3CX have been removed from the distribution. Download the installation ISO image from here: debian-amd64-netinst-3cx.iso (628MB). |