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SNAPPIX was a KNOPPIX-based live CD Linux distribution with a pre-integrated SNAP Platform. It attempts to integrate the best open source Java components into an easy-to-use toolkit, revolving around an open source JVM implementation, the Eclipse IDE, and Apache Tomcat.
Status: Discontinued
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2022-02-28 |
NEW • Development Release: Linux Mint 5 Beta "LMDE" |
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The Linux Mint team have announced the availability of a development snapshot for Linux Mint's "Debian Edition" (LMDE). The new beta brings the project's Debian-based branch up to date with features from its main (Ubuntu-based) branch. "LMDE is a Linux Mint project which stands for "Linux Mint Debian Edition". Its goal is to ensure Linux Mint would be able to continue to deliver the same user experience, and how much work would be involved, if Ubuntu was ever to disappear. LMDE is also one of our development targets, to guarantee the software we develop is compatible outside of Ubuntu. LMDE aims to be as similar as possible to Linux Mint, but without using Ubuntu. The package base is provided by Debian instead. Known issues: to launch the installer in expert mode, run the sudo live-installer-expert-mode command; in manual partitioning mode the installer will automount all swap partitions; these partitions will also be placed in /etc/fstab in the installed system; the LMDE ISO images and the live installer use a different structure than the ones used by other distributions; do not use Yumi or multiboot technologies with LMDE as it won't install properly." The release notes offer tips for setting up LMDE, fixes for common issues, and tips for running on older, 32-bit computers. Download: lmde-5-cinnamon-64bit-beta.iso (1,960MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2022-02-25 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Ubuntu 20.04.4 |
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There has been an update to Ubuntu's latest long-term support (LTS) release and its official community editions. The new install images carry the version number 20.04.4 and provide both security updates and new hardware support for the Ubuntu family of distributions. The release announcement states: "The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Long-Term Support) for its Desktop, Server and Cloud products, as well as other flavours of Ubuntu with long-term support. Like previous LTS series, 20.04.4 includes hardware enablement stacks for use on newer hardware. This support is offered on all architectures. Ubuntu Server defaults to installing the GA kernel; however you may select the HWE kernel from the installer bootloader." Download: ubuntu-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso (3,222MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist), kubuntu-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso (3,308MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist), lubuntu-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso (1,843MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist), ubuntukylin-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso (2,390MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist), ubuntu-mate-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso (3,280MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist), ubuntu-budgie-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso (2,800MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist), ubuntustudio-20.04.4-dvd-amd64.iso (3,708MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist), xubuntu-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso (1,788MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2022-02-22 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Slax 11.2.0 |
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Tomáš Matějíček has released a new version of Slax, a distribution that started back in 2003 as a minimalist live CD based on Slackware Linux, but evolved into a minimalist live CD based on Debian. The new version continues to use the Fluxbox window manager and is available for both 64-bit and 32-bit systems. The ConnMann application is now the preferred network connection manager. "More than two years since the previous update, I am happy to announce the immediate availability of final Slax version 11.2.0. This release features EFI support for USB booting and a complete update of all packages to the versions available in Debian 'Bullseye'. Furthermore, it provides full Aufs support, so you can continue working with additional modules as in previous Slax versions, add and/or remove modules on the fly. The core of Slax remains the same as always. Network connection can now managed using ConnMan. Most importantly, Chrome is no longer a part of Slax, but you can still install it with a single click or two, as well as the VLC video player." Read the release announcement and the changelog for more information. Download links (MD5, pkglist): slax-64bit-11.2.0.iso (280MB), slax-32bit-11.2.0.iso (276MB). |
2022-02-15 |
NEW • BSD Release: pfSense 2.6.0 |
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Jim Pingle has announced the release of pfSense 2.6.0, the latest stable version of the project's FreeBSD-based specialist operating system for firewalls and routers. Some of the changes and new features of the release include: "IPsec VTI interface names have changed in this release, configurations will be updated automatically where possible to use the new names; IPsec status page and widget are significantly faster, show more complete information, and have additional useful functionality; ZFS is now the default filesystem for installations where possible; new Disks widget to replace the disk usage list in the System Information widget - this widget is automatically added and enabled if the firewall configuration contains the System Information widget with disk usage section active; AutoConfigBackup no longer makes pages wait to load during the backup process; the default password hash format in the User Manager has been changed from bcrypt to SHA-512; improvements to the Captive Portal logout page and process; RAM disks have been converted to tmpfs." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Download: pfSense-CE-2.6.0-RELEASE-amd64.iso.gz (417MB, SHA256), pfSense-CE-memstick-2.6.0-RELEASE-amd64.img.gz (418MB, SHA256). |
2022-02-15 |
NEW • Distribution Release: AV Linux MX-21 |
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AV Linux is a versatile, Debian-based distribution featuring a large collection of audio and video production software. The project's latest release is based on MX Linux 21. "AV Linux MX-21, code-named 'Consciousness', has been released, based on MX-21 'Wildflower' and Debian 11 'Bullseye'. This new version has been completely built from the ground up, it is the first version to not be a re-spin of an existing system, and it was built with same tools that are used to build MX Linux and antiX. Because it has moved to a whole new Debian platform (from 'Buster' to 'Bullseye'), there is no upgrade path from previous versions of AV Linux and you will need to install from the ISO image. Please note that the initial releases of AV Linux MX edition are still receiving updates through the MX repositories so if you are happy where you are, there is certainly no hurry to upgrade. The work on this release has brought AV Linux much closer to MX in many ways and it is hoped that both projects will benefit from serving more users across more niches." This release also drops the legacy 32-bit build. Further details may be found in the release announcement. Download: AV_Linux_MX-21_Edition-21_ahs_x64.iso (3,395MB, SHA256, signature, pkglist). |
2022-02-14 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Kali Linux 2022.1 |
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Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution with a collection of security and forensics tools. The project's first release of 2022 introduces several new changes which are highlighted in the project's release announcement: "Today we are pushing out the first Kali Linux release of the new year with Kali Linux 2022.1, and just in time for Valentine's Day. This release brings various visual updates and tweaks to existing features, and is ready to be downloaded or upgraded if you have an existing Kali Linux installation. The summary of the changelog since the 2021.4 release from December 2021 is: visual refresh - updated wallpapers and GRUB theme; shell prompt changes - visual improvements to improve readability when copying code; refreshed browser landing page - Firefox and Chromium home page has had a makeover to help you access everything Kali you need; Kali everything image - an all-packages-in-one solution now available to download; Kali-Tweaks meets SSH - connect to old SSH servers using legacy SSH protocols and ciphers; VMware i3 improvements - host-guest features properly work now on i3; accessibility features - speech synthesis is back in the Kali installer; new tools - various new tools added, many from ProjectDiscovery." Download (SHA256, pkglist): kali-linux-2022.1-live-amd64.iso (3,546MB, torrent), kali-linux-2022.1-installer-amd64.iso (2,855MB, torrent). |
2022-02-14 |
NEW • Distribution Release: KaOS 2022.02 |
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The KaOS distribution is a rolling-release project with a strong focus on the KDE Plasma desktop and related software. The project has announced a new version, KaOS 2022.02, which features a significant new milestone: "With the release of Plasma 5.24, a first for KaOS can be announced. Wayland on Plasma is in such a good shape that it now can be the default session for KaOS. For VirtualBox, this means some intervention is needed for auto-resize, upstream does not support this yet for a Wayland session, so you will need to set the desired screen resolution in System Settings. When you choose to use non-free NVIDIA during the boot-up of the Live session, then Wayland won't be used, for NVIDIA, it is still better to use an X session. The one application that is not ready for Wayland, is SMplayer, used in KaOS for many years as the default media player. From the many bug reports for Wayland support and SMplayer (dating back to 2017), it seems SMplayer is unable to move to Wayland, thus can no longer be the default. Haruna is the replacement. It is developed for Plasma, is QML based, has yt-dlp support, subtitle feature, and a rich set of configuration options." Additional information can be found in the release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2022.02-x86_64.iso (2,858MB, pkglist). |
2022-02-09 |
NEW • Development Release: Slax 11.2.0 RC1 |
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Tomáš Matějíček has announced the availability of the first release candidate for a new major release of Slax, a minimalist desktop Linux distribution based on Debian's stable branch. This is the project's first build derived from Debian 11: "I made my first attempt to build Slax based on Debian 'Bullseye' (version 11.2). Some of the applications are no longer available, such as Leafpad or wicd, and I replaced PCManFM with Tux Commander. Feel free to suggest a small simple GUI app (GTK-based) for network configuration. This version does not include the Chromium browser due to its size, but if you click on the icon, it will install automatically before first use. Debian also no longer supports aufs, so it has been replaced by overlayfs in Slax. This is an internal change which affects the use of 'slax activate' command (it will no longer work). I am investigating possibilities to make it work again but as far as I can see, there is no way to modify the existing overlay filesystem on the fly as it was possible with aufs which means that it is no longer possible to add new modules on the fly while running Slax." See the release announcement for further details. Download link: slax-32bit-11.2.0-rc1.iso (279MB, pkglist). |
2022-02-07 |
NEW • Distribution Release: OpenMandriva Lx 4.3 |
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Cristina Sgubbi has announced the release of OpenMandriva Lx 4.3, the latest stable version from the project's independently-developed desktop Linux distribution featuring the latest KDE Plasma desktop: "We are pleased to announce the latest release of the OpenMandriva distribution, OMLx 4.3. This release comes with the very latest KDE applications. Included in this release are: LibreOffice suite 7.3.0, Krita 5.0.2, Digikam 7.5, SMPlayer 21.10.0, VLC 3.0.16, Falkon browser 3.2, SimpleScreenRecorder 0.4.3. PipeWire has become our default sound server in the current system release, thus replacing PulseAudio. However, PulseAudio is still in our repository and you can return to it at any time. A port to RISC-V - an open-source processor architecture - is in the works, but not yet included in the 4.3 release. For more technically adept, you may find interesting that this version also includes Linux kernel 5.16.7, KDE Frameworks 5.90, Plasma Desktop 5.23.5, Applications 21.12.2, Qt 5.15.3, LLVM/Clang 13.0.0, systemd 249, Java 17 (and 18 beta, 19 dev), Calamares 3.2.39, Binutils 2.37, GCC 11.2." Continue to the release announcement for more information and screenshots. Download (MD5, pkglist, the "znver1" image is optimised for the current AMD processors): OpenMandrivaLx.4.3-plasma.x86_64.iso (2,411MB), OpenMandrivaLx.4.3-plasma.znver1.iso (2,472MB). |
2022-02-06 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Absolute Linux 15.0 |
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Paul Sherman has announced the release of Absolute Linux 15.0, the new stable release of the project's desktop-oriented distribution designed for home use and based on Slackware Linux, but with a number of interesting modifications. It features the lightweight IceWM window manager with a custom control centre, adds the latest LibreOffice, updates the Firefox browser to the latest stable version and includes other popular applications such as Google Chrome or Google Earth. Unlike Slackware, Absolute Linux is developed for 64-bit processors only. "Absolute Linux 15.0 released. Six years from 14.2, version 15 of Slackware arrived a couple days ago. Still rock-solid. Still without systemd. Still crazy after all these years. I'm giddy. I still love the approach Slackware takes toward a solid, bare-bones system. I like to dress it up just enough to make it quickly productive and up-to-date for myself. I will keep the 'rolling update' going with the roughly monthly snapshots; the next release of Slackware might be a while." Visit the distribution's home page to read the brief release announcement. Download (MD5) the installation DVD image from SourceForge: absolute-15.0.iso (2,436MB, pkglist). |
2022-02-05 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Qubes OS 4.1.0 |
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Andrew David Wong has announced the release of Qubes OS 4.1.0, a major new update from the project that focuses on Linux operating system security by isolating computing tasks into separate "qubes". This version brings a variety of improvements, bug fixes and component updates: "At long last, the Qubes 4.1.0 stable release has arrived. The culmination of years of development, this release brings a host of new features, major improvements and numerous bug fixes. The GUI domain is a qube separate from dom0 that handles all display-related tasks and some system management. This separation allows us to more securely isolate dom0 while granting the user more flexibility with respect to graphical interfaces. Qrexec is is an RPC (remote procedure call) mechanism that allows one qube to do something inside another qube. The qrexec policy system enforces 'who can do what and where.' Qubes 4.1 brings a new qrexec policy format, significant performance improvements, support for socket services and policy notifications that make it easier to detect problems." Read the rest of the release announcement for a complete list of new features. Download (mirrors): Qubes-R4.1.0-x86_64.iso (5,679MB, SHA512, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2022-02-05 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Zenwalk GNU Linux 15.0-220204 |
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Jean-Philippe Guillemin has announced the release of Zenwalk GNU Linux 15.0-220204, a new stable build of the project's Slackware-based distribution featuring a customised Xfce desktop, a simplified system installation, and support for Flatpak and AppImage applications. It is available for 64-bit systems only. "Zenwalk 15.0 'Skywalker' milestone is ready. Following the release of the so-long-awaited Slackware 15.0, here we go for the Zenwalk 15.0 'Skywalker', aka 'It must be very stable after all this time' milestone. As usual for a milestone release, most packages have been rebuilt down here or upstream. The desktop is the latest Xfce 4.16, with the special Zenwalk layout - this unusual NEXT/WindowMaker inspired dock system, with unique panel placement for ergonomic user access to the whole desktop area. This one-of-a-kind desktop is optimized for modern wide screens. What you get is a pure Slackware system with the following main changes: optimized for Xfce; Flatpak and AppImage ready (any existing app can be installed); simplified setup; focused on desktop usage; optimized for size and RAM footprint." Here is the full release announcement. Download the installation ISO image from here: zenwalk-current-15.0-220204.iso (1,237MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2022-02-03 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Slackware Linux 15.0 |
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Patrick Volkerding has announced the release of Slackware Linux 15.0, the project's first stable release since July 2016. The new version of the world's oldest surviving Linux distribution comes with a number of new features, such as PAM, ConsoleKit2 and PipeWire. Also, unlike most other distributions, Slackware continues to support the x86 architecture. "We are very happy to announce the availability of the new Slackware 15.0 stable release. There have been way too many changes to even begin to cover them here, but for our dedicated user base suffice to say that you'll find things modern but also familiar. We've gone with the 5.15.19 Linux kernel (part of the 5.15.x kernel series that will be getting long-term support from the kernel developers). You'll also enjoy a refreshed desktop experience including the KDE Plasma 25th Anniversary Edition with support for Wayland sessions. We adopted PAM (finally) as projects we needed dropped support for pure shadow passwords. We switched from ConsoleKit2 to elogind, making it much easier to support software that targets that Other Init System and bringing us up-to-date with the XDG standards. We added support for PipeWire as an alternate to PulseAudio, and for Wayland sessions in addition to X11." See the full release announcement for further details. Download (mirrors): slackware64-15.0-install-dvd.iso (3,605MB, MD5, signature, pkglist), slackware-15.0-install-dvd.iso (3,736MB, MD5, signature). |
2022-02-03 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 2022-02-02 |
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Joseph Dickson has announced the availability of a brand-new Peppermint OS release, the first one in over two years. The user-friendly distribution is now based on Debian 11 and uses the Xfce desktop; it is available for 64-bit architectures only. The new release comes without a version number, but the download folder includes a BuildDate.txt file, so we'll use the "build date" as the version number. From the release notes: "Team Peppermint is happy to announce our latest release. New features: our new Welcome to Peppermint application allows you to quickly customize Peppermint by installing software we think you'll like - we allow you to choose your default packages and web browser; the new Peppermint Hub combines Peppermint Settings and Control Center for managing your system; hblock is a terminal based ad-blocker, it can be enabled or disabled at anytime. Additional changes: LXDE components have been removed in favor of Xfce 4.16; Calamares replaces Ubiquity for system installation; a minimum set of desktop wallpapers is included during installation; a streamlined set of icons and Xfce themes are included; Nemo replaces Thunar as the default file manager...." Download: PeppermintOS-amd64.iso (1,471MB, SHA256, pkglist). |
2022-02-02 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Trisquel GNU/Linux 10.0 |
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Rubén Rodríguez has announced the release of Trisquel GNU/Linux 10.0, a major update of the project's Ubuntu-based distribution recognised as fully libre by the Free Software Foundation. The new release is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and is available in MATE, LXDE and KDE Plasma flavours. It also adds support for the ARM architecture: "Trisquel 10.0, code name 'Nabia' is finally here. This release will be supported with security updates until April 2025. Additionally, an upgrade to the 'Etiona' release (version 9.0.2) is also being published today, providing updates and corrections to the installation ISO images. The news is the culmination of months of work towards fixing, cleaning, and reviewing hundreds of packages and tickets with close feedback from the community at large. We are happy to announce the addition of support for ARM devices, incorporating armhf as a newly supported architecture for Nabia. The changes done to the development system to achieve this will make it much easier to expand to other architectures soon, targeting 64-bit ARM and PowerPC next." Continue to the release announcement for further information and screenshots. Download (pkglist): trisquel_10.0_amd64.iso (MATE, 2,739MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), trisquel-mini_10.0_amd64.iso (LXDE, 1,418MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), , triskel_10.0_amd64.iso (KDE Plasma, 2,104MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
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Featured Distribution: 3CX Phone System |
3CX Phone System is a specialist, Debian-based Linux distribution designed to run a complete unified communications platform. The 3CX client, included in the distribution, can also be installed separately on most hardware as well as the cloud. It provides a complete open standards-based IP PBX and phone system that works with popular SIP trunks and IP phones. It will automatically configure all supported peripherals and it also comes with clients for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android. The ISO image includes a free license for the 3CX PBX edition. The ISO image contains the standard Debian installer which installs a minimal system with the nginx web server, PostgreSQL database, iptables firewall and Secure Shell. Options not relevant to 3CX have been removed from the distribution. Download the installation ISO image from here: debian-amd64-netinst-3cx.iso (628MB). |