Quite frankly, at this moment using this distribution is a bad idea.
Outdated software, lots of unnecessary modifications and bloat,
not even mentioning maintenance-related questions.
Meanwhile you can use this in a virtualized environment, it still doesn't provide
better security, or privacy for that matter, than other anonimity-focused distributions.
It compares itself to Tails, but Tails is meant to be minimalistic, in a sense, and reliable,
which Kodachi isn't. Now, comparing distributions is a controversial topic, although
comparing Kodachi to others, i.e. Qubes, Tails, Whonix, doesn't show any real benefits.
So, if one really wants to browse privately and securely Kodachi isn't the best option for sure.
Additionally, it relies on custom scripts for some of its functionality, which I find a questionable
decision, amongst other ones:
- dnscrypt with tor/vpn/etc (dnscrypt doesn't really provide anonimity, it only encrypts your DNS queries)
- tor with vpn even (VPN doesn't increase your anonimity if you use TOR, it might actually compromise it)
- providing their own centralized vpn service (at least don't use it)
But let's be fair here. All things considered, it does provide a relatively good experience
and tooling. So, is it a good distribution for privacy purposes? Not really. Complexity brings lots
of points of failure for your private browsing, it also depends on your VPN (if you're planning
to use that). Even if it is still a fine attempt at making a customized solution, all the configuration
on top of it make you an easier target for fingerprinting.
Is it good for security then? For 2000's - perhaps. For modern usage - not quite.
I wouldn't have said so if it at least had up-to-date packages. But modern standards demand
modern methods. If you objectively look at the distribution it doesn't do anything more for security
than the average small distribution, one might even say less. If you look at real privacy and security focused
operating systems like QubeOS or GrapheneOS that, despite making lots of custom changes to the base,
make a gigantic amount of effort to make their software secure, you'll see the difference.
If you want actual strong security on the desktop take a look at the aforementioned QubeOS.
If you want anonimity, then Whonix and Tails are great choices.
Please do note that this is just a look at the technical side of the distribution and some
things may be subjective. Also, this was fun to play around with :)
1 year since the last update. another abandoned distro. There is an article that describes some serious issues though, which I had hoped would be taken care of in the next version, but alas, no new version seems to be happening. I usually consider a distro dead after a year of no updates. A security minded distro has to have frequent updates or it will be exploited easily. It has a good interface, good idea for identity protection, and comes with preconfigured vpns (that's also something there are issues with, noted in the critical article). Too bad, this had a lot of potential.
It's been almost 1 year since the last update. It looks like another abandoned distro. There is an article that describes some serious issues though, which I had hoped would be taken care of in the next version, but alas, no new version seems to be happening. I usually consider a distro dead after a year of no updates. A security minded distro has to have frequent updates or it will be exploited easily. It has a good interface, good idea for identity protection, and comes with preconfigured vpns (that's also something there are issues with, noted in the critical article). Too bad, this had a lot of potential.
1. Linux Kodachi is an impressive operating system that prioritizes user privacy and security. It comes with several built-in privacy tools and is designed to leave no trace on the system once you shut it down. Overall, it is a great choice for anyone who values their online privacy.
2. If you are looking for an operating system that puts your privacy first, Linux Kodachi is an excellent choice. With its powerful encryption tools and numerous privacy features, you can be confident that your data is safe and secure. Additionally, it is easy to use, lightweight, and customizable.
3. Linux Kodachi is an amazing operating system that offers a range of impressive features, including anonymous browsing, secure communication tools, and enhanced encryption capabilities. With its intuitive interface and flexible architecture, it's the perfect choice for anyone looking for a reliable and secure OS.
4. Linux Kodachi is a cutting-edge operating system that offers user-friendly privacy and security features. Its powerful encryption, secure browsing, and privacy tools make it a go-to choice for anyone who values their online security. It is also easy to install and customize, so you can tailor your experience to your needs.
5. Linux Kodachi is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to enjoy the full benefits of a Linux OS while ensuring their online privacy and security. Its extensive suite of privacy tools, secure browsing, and advanced encryption make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to stay safe online. Additionally, it is easy to use and offers extensive customization options.
In this version of Kodachi Secure OS you get a great Dashboard that controls all networking functions including VPN,TOR, and DNS along with kill switches alarms and properties! The reason I am giving this version an 8 i! instead of the 9 or 10 it deserves is the Dashboard has to be moved to a lower work space instead of minimizing it! It needs to be running in order to hear the vulnerabilities of dropped VPN or DNS servers!!! Kodachi Still comes packet with all of the software one would need to make this OS a Everyday Operating System! The work flow is quite Easy to learn with little practice as it is intuitive! Can Be Run From Memory Off Of A Simple Flash Drive Or Use a Tool Like Ven-Toy! Or As I Have Been Doing To My NVME SSD! If Install and Encrypted On Hardware Kodachi Has A Nuke Option That Can Be Found In The Extra Tools Tab On The Bottom Dock!
After Start Up Open Up The Dashboard Located On The 1st Tab Of The Bottom Dock And Have Fun!!!!
I use the Cold Dark theme which can be downloaded from xfcelook.org and copied as root user to "/usr/share/themes/"\
I also download the BeautyLine Icon Pack and copy it as root to "/usr/share/icons/"
And Lastly Use the Bibata-Rainbow-Original Cursor pac and copy it to that same Icon Folder "/usr/share/icons/"
Then You Must Open Settings/Appearance From The Dock Under System Settings And Choose The Themes, Including Window Manager Then Open Up Mouse Settings/Themes and choose my cursor!
But That Is The Beauty Of Linux XFCE Is There Are Tons Of Themes To Choose From Already!
Where To Start?
The Dashboard is amazing! It gives you control of your VPN, TOR, DNS, Kill Switches, Ipv6, radio Signals and Updating the system! I came to Kodachi Secure OS from Windows with little or no knowledge of the Linux kernal! I resisted moving to Win11 because I have 100's of old games and software I would run on Win7! but with Windows becoming spyware I did not feel safe running those old apps! So if I am giving up my Old apps I needed to learn what is out there to replace them that is open source and most of all FREE! The developer has done a great job in assembeling the most frequently used open source software that one might need to have on their system to make it usable daily! There is also a tutorial video on how to use Kodachi to remain secure online! I really loved that Kodachi has support for several VPN's out of the gate! I use NORD myself since I have never found a free VPN that is Worth anything! They Scare me since I don't know who is looking at my DATA! The layout of the Dock and the Desktop are condusive to a productive work flow! I have tried other distro's but settled on this one because of the Dock, Dashboard, and the support for NORD. I installed it to my hardware but it can be run from a USB flashdrive or even a disk without modifying you systems harddrive at all! Give Kodachi Secure Operating System a try! There is a new version on its way built on Debian! So keep your eyes open to catch all of the GREAT Releases from the Kodachi team!
Version: 8.26 Rating: 7 Date: 2022-10-14 Votes: 4
Great Security & annonomous Distro with a unique desktop but now with reduced Free VPN Connections, there used to be 5 or 6 Free VPN Servers with many non 14 eyes country's but the owner has reduced his accounts and traffic has to go through a major 3 eyes reducing its appeal to me.
To be fair its still superb and offers more than most, i just don't trust the VPN Connections privacy, although you can use your own VPN provider if so desired.
Everything else bar this fair opinion i feel you must give it a go and judge for yourself.
Great Distro!!! In this version the excess cpu issue I was having with version 8.25 is fixed! Runs great on both my Core2 Quad 6600 Dell and My Old I# 2350 Laptop! Fixed is the IPv6 Issue from 8.20! And Of Coarse All Security and Program Updates Are Up To Date! I Have been Using Kodachi Since 7.6 Without Any Dirty Letters From My ISP!
I use Kodachi along as a media server along with NORDVPN and DNSCRYPT, TOR excluding 14eyes,Mac Spoofed,Random HWID, RF Devices Disabled, Swap Enabled and Encrypted, USB Control, Installed On Hardware With System NUKE Enabled! All Of This Learned And Accomplished From The KODACHI DASHBOARD!!! I Recommend downloading This Distro Burning It To A Flash Drive And Giving It A Try By Running It out Of RAM!!
The XFCE Desktop Looks Great But Can Easily Be Customized By Going To XFCELOOK.ORG and copying Icons And Themes In their Respective Folders Located At "/usr/share/icons" and "/usr/share/themes"
I Have To Say That Kodachi Is Easy To Move To From Windows After Learning How To Mount Drives Using "Disk" In Settings
Give Kodachi A Try With The Pre-Installed Programs it makes It Hard To Identify You By The Programs You Have Installed on Your Machine! That Makes Kodachi Secure OS A Great option For A Daily Driver!
CONS If You Are planning To Get A Free Ride By Downloading Videos On The Free Kodachi VPN You Are Wasting Your Time!!! The Audio Output Has To Be Manually Set To HDMI Every Time I REBOOT!!
Thank You DistroWatch For Allowing Me To Download and Experience So Many Distro's From Around Our Entire Planet! I Wish More Distro's Came With VPN Support Built Right Into The OS!!
Version: 8.24 Rating: 5 Date: 2022-08-13 Votes: 3
been using Kodachi since 7.6 and a huge fan but, ever since 8.23 onwards the Kodachi VPN {client side tor} has only been limited to one specific countries VPN and connection to Tor is slow. If i use Kodachi VPN {server side tor} there is greater countries using vpn but no TOR and is super slow.
I would now consider myself an experienced user of the 'Panic Room' user interface and have tried every possible setting for many hours.
So have switched to Parrot Security's 'Anon surf' for a more reliable Tor connection. I wished Warith would revert back to a more reliable version. havent tried Tails, but Parrot seems very substantive in all areas of security and privacy.
Kodachi promises so much in its user interface and i used to think it was the only distro i needed but to has many bugs so only 5 out of 10.
Version: 8.24 Rating: 8 Date: 2022-08-12 Votes: 0
Kodachi (Xubuntu) is a stable secure desktop that does not require updates constantly and operates smooth and fast. There is learning curve but now I love it. Installed gnome flatpak tools to get only 1 flatpak programs (Gnucash) . My other favorite addons keepassxc, cherrytree, zim, smplayer were available in default depositories. Using Ubuntu 18.09 bionic is no problem. Several layers of security and more tools than needed. It seem bloated at first, but now have it streamlined
without removing but 1 or 2 packages. I keep is on A USb 3.1 ssd 60mm short. Faster than most off the shelf USB 3.1
Linux user for 12 year completely abandoned MS desktop OS about 8 years ago. Bootable Medicat ventoy drive for fix windows machines.
I have started using and carry now. Trying to downsize from KDE desktops and simplify!!!!
Much improved version for what this distro is (which appears not so much concerned with say preventing Symbiote malware as making it hard for websites and hackers to learn your IP in absence of virtualization).
Still has a sysctl bug, in that even though you uncheck "Enable IPv6", ipv6 still leaks unless you enter "sudo sysctl -p" in terminal each session; further, the OS remains passwordless sudo, in a time where Linux-targeting malware is evolving into the realm of silent installs with little real time AV available to Linux.That's why I give this version a 9 instead of 10 for the hacker-frustrating distro this OS aims to be.
That said, version 8.23 doesn't need UFW to deny incoming; in fact, if you try to activate gufw from menu or terminal it will lock up system). Out of the box, Kodachi 8.23 stealths all ports including internet port "0"...again, without the user needing to touch gufw (as tested at Gibson's "Shields Up!").
HWID randomization actually works in 8.23, as does IP source randomization. There are a number of tweaks and utilities available in the Dashboard and menus, but a user would have to familiarize themselves on how to use them; the developer has some YouTube-hosted videos on his OS, none new, but the gist remains the same; users have to otherwise know or research usages on their own.
The limit of anonymization this OS offers appears to be a user using a VPN with the OS torrified, plus then opening the TOR browser and connecting to TOR via a bridge...placing the browser outside concerns of systemd/Postfix/et al direct giveaways (yet as always, time correlation attacks are possible).
Silent install malware risks excepted, Kodachi 8.23 works for me for what I need...frustrate hackers, frustrate myriad ever-growing numbers of trackers that want to know or steal your every thought even while using the everyday internet for mundane purposes. This version seems a good option for those whose hardware cannot run virtualization (or Qubes or Whonix), and would otherwise have even less privacy.
In this version Warith has fixed many if not all of the bugs left in the comments section here at DistroWatch! The dashboard has received tweaks to deal with the minimization that now sends it to the system icon tray! Updated Libre Office To Include the security patches in the ISO! VPN Servers are also updated! The kernel Has Been Updated But There Will Be A Move To debian Coming Soon! This Version Is Still Based On Xubuntu! Canary warrant Included Now Along With Increase Reliability Of The Disable IPV6 Function! The Ability To Spoof Hardware ID along With Mac Address And randomized Domain Naming! The Support For NORDVPN Is The Big Seller For me Along With Encrypted DNS, TOR With 14eyes Countries Exclusion And Kill Switches With Audible Alarms! Been Using This Distro As My daily Driver For years Now Without Any Complications So far! i recomend Kodachi Secure OS For Anyone Who Wants To learn About Privacy Online! So Load It Up On An ISO Flash Drive And Spin It Up!
This is what i have been looking for! A secure OS that is suitable for every day use! This OS has it All! A security dashboard that controls you privacy options, along with kill-switches that notify you if there is a problem with your connection! Comes with a free VPN out of the box! but has support for the top paid vpn's if you plan on doing any video downloading or other large files! Comes preloaded with a ton of great apps so you do not have to customize it! That means that it is hard to identify you by the apps you have installed! With HWID spoofing and dnscrypt along with vpn and tor it would be hard to identify you even with the advantage of time! Since it will run off of a flashdrive or from ram you have nothing to lose by downloading it and giving it a boot! Check it out and leave a fair review!
After the support for Windows 7 ended I tried Windows 10. I found it to be bloated and quite simply just SPYWARE! So my search for a replacement begin! I tried Linux Mint but could never get it to stop leaking my real IP address! finally after trying several other distributions I came upon kodachi Secure OS! The big seller for me was the support for several VPN's built right into the OS, including kill switches that terminate your connection if for some reason you drop your vpn connection! With the implementation of the new dashboard things got a whole lot better! You can control your VPN, Kill Switches, TOR, Exclude The 14 eyes countries, DNS Control, Spoof your MAC Address, Disable IPV6, Disable Radio, Spoof Time Zone, Set random Host Name, Control USB Devices, Auto Recover Internet Connections, And SO MUCH MORE all from the well thought out Dashboard! With the ability to run as a live OS right from your flash-drive there is no reason not to download it and give it a spin! After 3 years I do not miss the MALWARE Called Windows At ALL! The XFCE desktop is customizable by going to the XFCE-LOOK.org website. Kodachi comes loaded with just about every program needed to make it a DAILY DRIVER right out of the box! So upgrading with a fresh ISO is no problem! But the dashboard has an upgrade button on the settings tab in the Security Dashboard if you have it installed on you physical hardware!
Simply Put This is the best security based Distro on Distrowatch!
i Love the fact that negative reviews from this site are responded to quickly!! Way To Go Warrith!!
As Always a BIG THANK-YOU Goes Out To DistroWatch.com For Supplying Us With Tons Of Distros to download try and review!
The Kodachi Website is Digi77.com where you can find instructional videos
Pros: Where To Start? Kill Switches For VPN, TOR, DNS, Security Score etc! Randomize Your Hardware ID, Set The Timezone To Match VPN Country, Exclude 14 eyes Countries from TOR Circuit, Set TOR Circuit Renewal interval , Set Timers To Wipe RAM, Spoof MAC, Wipe Download and or Documents Folder, Wipe Logs etc In Settings of the dashboard! Canary Warrant, Increased Reliability In IPV6 Isolation, And He Has Fixed Many If Not All Of The Previous Negative reviews Read About It On digi77.com! Dashboard Automatically Saves Settings On Exit! Plus The Great Look And Feel Wonderful Productivity Flow! Fixed The Audio output Device Selection!
Cons: The Dashboard Exits Instead of minimizing To Panel! I Have To Minimize It to the Other Desktop to get it out of the way! Which works since it has an icon in notifications area! it Matters because When It is closed You Do not get the Audible Warnings If Or When There is A problem! The Kill Switches Seem To Still Be Working When It Is Closed But i like To Hear The Warning Bells So i Can Investigate!
Summary! I Have Been Using Kodachi Secure-OS As My daily Driver Since 2020 Without Any Problems! i have reinstalled It Several times but With Most of The Programs i utilize Come pre-installed It Is a Snap! Download It Burn it To A Flash Drive and Try it For Yourself!! I highly Recommend That you Watch the Video and Learn All About it!
Thank You To Distrowatch For Allowing me To Download And Try So many Distros from Around Our Globe!
Version: 8.20 Rating: 8 Date: 2022-04-22 Votes: 0
why does Kodachi Linux drop my online status to offline? I have to restart the PC and let it run the protection itself and then I'm all good for a while, then mid doing something it decides to switch me to "offline!
A great security system all over, but this problem which is highly irritating!
As stated by someone else:
A Great distribution, really great job!
Started using it a couple of years ago, as I wanted better security and privacy.
"The most positive aspect in my opinion is the "educational" one, with respect to privacy and related tools.
It's been very nice to discover and learn more and more about privacy and security models".
Version: 8.17 Rating: 9 Date: 2022-04-21 Votes: 5
Great distribution, really great job!
I must admit that I don't use it as a daily driver, but I started using it a couple of years ago when I still had to travel a lot for work, and sometimes I was in places where I wanted some privacy.
The most positive aspect in my opinion is the "educational" one, with respect to privacy and related tools.
It's been very nice to discover and learn more and more about privacy and security models; at that time I had never spent much time on VPN, TOR network, proxy chains, dns decrypting and so on. That was a fantastic learning!
Sometimes I end up talking about privacy with inexperienced people, and I never fail to mention or quickly show Kodachi Linux, just to give a cue to better understand those aspects, inviting people to try get their hands on it.
I have to admit that the fancy graphics and the complications of having to manage panels with a myriad of tools can be scary for those who are not familiar with these aspects.
But here's the point: if your privacy needs are rather basic and your Linux (and IT in general) experience is basic, maybe something like Tails can be enough, it provides great results with a very easy out-of-the-box experience.
But if you really care about privacy, either out of necessity or passion, it's worth diving into Kodachi Linux to get the most out of it.
A positive note goes to the creator, in addition to his excellent work of course, for the fact that he is available on the Discord channel. As to say, it is a one-man distro, but the creator always puts his face on it and never backs down!
Version: 8.15 Rating: 8 Date: 2022-03-27 Votes: 3
Some problems:
# Language changes in browsers, sometimes english, sometimes german, sometimes russian. Is it TOR or VPN, for example Youtube looks ip and country and gives me that ip/language page?
# My scandinavic & German letters are missing. I took my country setting for language an keyboard at installation, but no effective?
# How can I change VPN to other country, now Kodachi / Russian federation. At this situation I dont think Russian is safe, so how can I change that?
Other side. Stable, works well, all connected printers, scanners, microfones, speakers, phones etx works well, no problem. Seems that this might be too well protected for my use...
I admit I was until recently a fan of this distro, but testing out what some other reviewers said, finding criticism well-founded, plus discovering some new information about how internet and vpn use is regulated in the developer's nation, I can no longer say this is at all a distro for casual web and app users' privacy or security.
Indeed, there is GUFW, but it is out of the box disabled, with no warnings from the developer; though one unchecks "Enable ipv6" in Dashboard, then and after restarts every time one's ipv6 address is always visible to the web despite ipv4 becoming obfuscated as promised; gnunet and i2p are outdated modules, and it's not easy for casual users to know or update them; on first boot, per a 2020 Youtube Russian OSINT video at his channel, the developer states the OS writes to json your IP so he can check it for blacklisting...if you're blacklisted, you won't be able to ever connect to Kodachi vpn.
At first boot, regardless of IP blacklisting or not, the OS further does an HWID hash of your device and sends it to the developer so he can ban you from Kodachi vpn (and perhaps further download of the OS); no contest with banning spammers, torrent abusers, and the like. But one has to realize that this OS and developer are in Oman and check laws there.
Since 2010, vpn use has been heavily restricted in Oman; literally one has to have a business to apply for vpn use, and even then such business will be required to get and keep information on user identities and usage, required to forward same to the Telecommunications Regulatory Service; it's not just spam/crime that's banned and actionable in Oman, but if you criticize faith or the Royal family, or view sexually explicit material of any kind, or are the whistleblower type, or are an activist, likely you at least need to be watched if outside Oman. In any case, minimally, at first boot your HWID, IP and location are very likely going to be sent to cyber at trs dot gov dot om as TRS requires of all business licensees. Given the solid relationship Oman has with the US and UK governments, decide for yourself if you'd be comfortable with Oman watching your online moves.
To me it seems intended or not, Kodachi OS is more in the nature of a honeypot, rather than oasis from, online surveillance; in the quest toward better privacy I'd suggest an OS such as Qubes or Whonix if your device can handle virtualization; if not, some like ParrotOS home edition have AnonSurf via Tor, a network manager with pre-configured openvpn you can easily enter your own free or paid vpn credentials into, plus it runs easily even on Pentium III dual cores.
No wayland/xsandboxing, no boot peram hardening, no sysctl hardening, no trimmed down kernels, tons of bloat (2800 PACKAGES BASE?!?!?!), false and untrue security models (Tor + VPN + Torify + Tor DNS which isnt recommended by tor, can deanonymize you and breaks tors features while not making you secure at all). Recommends using vmware as virtualization software? The proprietary VMware?????. At best the OS is okay for using the free VPN and thats all, other than that you can count me and anyone truly in the know about security and anonymity out.
Version: 8.15 Rating: 8 Date: 2022-03-15 Votes: 0
Generally some really good ideas went into this distro, but I noticed a salient problem about anti-hacking/privacy violation potential in this version using a live non-persistent install. Of course I first went to the dashboard and did the usual things (torrify system, update timezone, change MAC, disable auto-login, etc, and especially uncheck "enable ipv6"); turning on "Kodachi Lite" browser, even get a score of 100/100. But then, using the "Security Check" tab on "Kodachi Lite" browser, I noticed Fake Vision spotted vpn use, and worst of all the "IP Check-Advanced" clearly spotted my ipv6 address, ISP, and location...again, with "Enable ipv6" unchecked, and a score of 100/100. Kodachi appears to still use an OpenVPN 2.4 series client though the 2.5 has been in use by OpenVPN for two years, so some lines of code which could be added to OVPN's .conf file and shut off ipv6 won't work. Thus, the casual user should be aware that the only browser in Kodachi 8.15 which doesn't leak ipv6 and vpn use is the "Kodachi Loaded", regardless of "Panic Room" and "VPN" dashboard settings.
Like some, I had trouble in assorted VMs and direct installs; tried an old USB 3.0 with 32GB, by first putting Ventoy on it then copying Kodachi ISO into it; booted on a Dell i7, and voila! All network, speed, and other issues gone! It performs just like Warith describes. Like with any other privacy/anon OS or tool, research its tools and use it wisely and legitimately. Also, if you don't trust Kodachi's native vpn you can also add credentials from any other vpn(s) you use; then there are no telemetries ala Windows back to the mother ship. In all, when properly run and on USB, Kodachi makes it more difficult for common hackers and trackers to do damage. Thanks for this privacy and security OS option, Mr. Maawali!
Wow! When You Think This Distro Could Not Get Anybbetter Warrith Comes Through Again! This Version Has A Option To Randomize Your Hardware ID! I Guess Warrith Is Reponding To The Sniper Who Gave His Distro A 1 Rating Out Of 10! So Now Besides VPN Support Built In and Timezone, Randomized Host Name, TOR, DNS, Keystroke Anonymizer, Font, Icon, Screen Size, etc. This is the absolute best Distro to use as a daily driver if you want to stay anonymous while you play around on te web! It Also Provides A Way To Turn It All Off So You Can Use It With Your BANK or any other website that you must Provide A Real IP address!! The upgrade option in Panic Room Tab in the security dashboard! I strongly suggest that you go to digi77.com and watch the instructional video! Thank you Goes Out Again To This Amazing Website that Has Allowed Me To Download And Try So Many Distro's From Around The Globe! Since this disto uses the XFCE desktop you can go to xfcelook.org and download several themes to customize the look and feel! With all of the preinstalled software that comes in the ISO you can really get your work done without having to spend an hour downloading the FOSS that you will be installing anyway! 10 Out Of 10 Great Job Warrith!!!
What a WONDERFUL Distro!!!! A secure OS that is suitable for everyday use! Support for VPN's including some free ones! Comes bundled with Libre Office and tons of other FREE and Open Source applications! Kill switches for VPN's, TOR, DNS, and your Security Score etc. Nuke option on encrypted HD setup so you can delete the encryption keys and wipe EVERYTHING! The ability to turn off the anonymous services so you can access your bank accounts or other sites that require you to show your REAL IP ADDRESS ! You can turn off all the radio signals and restrict it to the wired connection! You can spoof your time zone, select a random host name, fonts, icons, keyboard strokes! All of this that can be run without even installing Kodachi on your physical hardware ! It can be run from ram which makes it amazingly fast even on ancient hardware!
Cons = The audio requires me to go to the settings tab every time I reboot and set it to my HDMI output.
You can not change the user name if you want all of the security scripts to work !
If your looking for a secure distro that is good enough to be your daily driver then look no further! Kodachi comes loaded with a ton of FOSS that make it the best distro to migrate from the spyware called Windows or Mac! Free VPN provided but with support for NordVPN ,Mullvad, Hideme VPN, Proton VPN, and others! Nuke feature to scrub all Data, and Kill switches for VPN, TOR, DNS, IPV6 and More! Live-OS Lets you try and run in RAM A Must Try For 2022!
Version: 8.14 Rating: 9 Date: 2022-01-14 Votes: 5
Love this distro! It looks great and has support for VPN's built in! The Kodachi Dashboard is the best as it is super easy to understand! The NUKE option if installed on an encrypted drive is really neat! Do not be scared off by these snipers who want to decrease it's score! I've been using it since version 7.6 and have had no problems at all. In the dashboard you can change how receives the IP address info and customize the DNS providers, TOR ,VPN kill switches etc. XFCE desktop is super easy to customize and there are tons of themes to download!
It is laid out with productivity in mind! It comes with the most popular FOSS applications preinstalled so the package count is larger than a striped down OS! But if you are going to download and install them anyway why does that matter?
Version: 8.14 Rating: 1 Date: 2022-01-04 Votes: 9
It sends your Hardware ID out to Warith (The SINGLE developor). has no canary warrant, it has 2600 packages by default (Arch has 300 ish and Fedora has around 1000 which is bloated). This is also probably the buggiest experience ive ever had? I mean everything has spelling errors and all. IF YOU SKIP THE REST READ THIS, Tor + VPN or VPN + Tor is bad, nor is it a security model. ALSO, Dont torify your OS with his tools, they do a bad job and are pointless just like the "Kodachi browsers"
Cutting edge GUI
Flawless hardware recognition on my Dell and HP laptops.
Extremely low RAM usage. Clean boot RAM use 800mb
Flawless install. Easily install alongside other flavors.
None so far
Version: 8.14 Rating: 9 Date: 2021-12-23 Votes: 0
Pros: excellent hardware recognition (I use it on iMac); easy to set and monitor all security parameters; I2P, Session, Monero, Syntching and many other unusual software preinstalled, just have to click and run.
Cons: if you want to install it, you need to use gparted instead of the installer, which freezes, to prepare hd with encrypted partitions; many scripts refer to user kodachi, so you can't preserve your data in /home/kodachi if system crashes and you need to reinstall (better to create a separate folder for them)
I am a long time die hard user of Ubuntu and having used Mint, Manjaro, MXlinux, Tails etc ,but Kodachi is definitely most beautiful. The Kodachi Dashboard is just wonderful GUI with everything pre built at your fingertips but light weight same time... hard to explain.
I didnt watch the instructional video and within minutes was able to set up and customize the pre installed NordVPN which was very intuitive. You can see alot of thinking has gone into this distro. The Desktop is clean but with useful Conky style data. No wasted data, all clear and concise. There is even a panic room GUI which has everything at your fingertips from daily use features to even emergency wipe etc.
I am really thinkig of using this as my daily driver instead of Ubuntu now. Kodachi just feels so smooth and clean. There is all the programs I need like synaptic package manager etc and pre-built VPN and TOR and i2p features.
Its hard to explain how good it is. Best try the live iso yourself first. I recommend this to all people who are looking for a fresh daily driver and or those who also want access to security features at your fingertips. This distro should be top 10.
After trying several distro's from this amazing site. I have settled on Kodachi Secure OS! The Dashboard is the big seller for me! I watched the very long instructional video at digi77.com! I Suggest skipping ahead to the 19 minute mark to learn about VPN's and how to configure your VPN connection! Then Skip forward to about 59 minute mark to learn about all of the Tor options. But if you have the time watch thee 2 hour long instructional video! It comes with great themes installed but the XFCE desktop can be tricked out to resemble any OS out there by simply going to the XFCE Eye Candy Website! The preinstalled programs make it possible to complete just about any work that you might need to do! From video editing, sharing files or just to keep notes! The Support for NORD VPN built into the system was also a big seller for me! I have tried other distro's but this is the only one I found that gives you multiple layers of security! With kill switches built into the dashboard that will protect you if for some reason your connection becomes compromised! I love that it can be tried without making any permanent changes to your system by running it from a live boot flash drive! Synaptic Package Manager lets you install countless additional programs along with Gdeb Package Manager you can install all the games or other apps you might desire if you are installing it onto the hardware! This Latest Distro's have an upgrade button in the about tab on the Security Dashboard! Thank You distrowatch! I Do Not See Myself Going Back To Windows or Mac OS Which in my opinion has become SPYWARE and in some cases Malware! But Yall Dont take my word for it! Download the ISO file and burn it to a flash-drive with your favorite program like Etcher or Rufus etc. and boot your PC from it!
The most amazing and secure distro I have tried so far! After watching the instructional video at digi77.com The Security dashboard is fantastic! It is so easy to keep track of how secure your internet connection is! With scripts that block your connection depending on your security score! it has a free VPN as well as support for paid VPN's! Tor built into the system with 14eyes exclusion options as well as a way to torrify your entire system! Thank You goes out to digi77.com and of course DistroWatch.com Which has made it possible to try so many distro's from around the entire world!
After support for Win 7 ended I Tried Linux Mint! Could Never Get It Not To Leak my Real IP! However This Distro Has Support for NORD built right into the OS! Has Several Security scripts all in one place the Kodachi Dashboard! Go to Digi77,com and check it out!
Version: 8.10 Rating: 9 Date: 2021-09-08 Votes: 5
Great Distro! Love the security dashboard and NORDVPN Support! The fact that it comes bundled with most useful apps and the fact that it is totally free! Newbie to Linux So dont take my word for it! Try it< simply use etcher to burn it to flash drive and give it a try! Be sure to thank Mr, Warrath At Digi77.com
Wonderful job done by digi77.com! Security dashboard, Free vpn, Support for several paid vpn's including NORD, Loaded with tons of productivity FAOS programs! Thank you! When 7 lost support so Microsoft could become an agent for the US government Including openly interfering with our political process I FIRED MICROSOFT! This distro is easy to use as it uses the XFCE desktop which is similar to good old windows 7!!! You Should give it a try since it can be run from a live USB Image!!!
I Love This Distro! It has Support For Several VPN's Built Right In Along With A Dashboard to Handle Security Scripts!!! I Have version 7.6 Installed on My Old Dell With A Q6600 Core 2 Quad and an old ATI graphics Card! On My I3 Samsung Laptop I Have Version 8.2 And On My HP Laptop With An AMD APU I am running Version 8.6 or Whatever The Latest version is As Of 8/28/2021
Version: 7.6 Rating: 10 Date: 2021-08-28 Votes: 0
Absolutely An Operating System To Try! I Have This Version Installed On My Desktop and Versions 8.2 and 8.6 Installed On my laptop and Notebook! Has Support For Several VPN Providers as well as a security dashboard that makes it simple and safe to use!
Version: 8.5 Rating: 5 Date: 2021-06-25 Votes: 6
VPN kicks out frequently and panic room icons along with repair mode not showing up. Switched back several times. Poor stability. Needs more stable OS else one has to waste time trying to stablize OS.
Version: 8.5 Rating: 6 Date: 2021-06-17 Votes: 0
Absolutely gorgeous desktop. With nice info about system and connections and what the system is doing. As always i want to install it in the hope booting will speed up. But the installer stops after the keyboard-choice. Also from the option Direct Install.
Some distro 's shutdown in 2 seconds. Do not expect this from Kodacht. User session C1 takes as much as 6 minutes to run a stop job. So brillant design needs a brillant developer for the systemtech-side of this Distro.
Version: 8.5 Rating: 1 Date: 2021-05-04 Votes: 11
The one thing that "WAS" really great about this distro was the free VPN WHICH NO LONGER WORKS!!!!
The vpn will say it's connected but it simply doesn't work any more! I typed into a search engine
"What's my IP address?" and it came back showing my exact location.
So Kodachi has plummeted from like a 9 to 1!
Version: 8.3 Rating: 9 Date: 2021-04-11 Votes: 4
Latest secure kernel is missing.
Can do better in synchronizing the network connections from local to ISP to VPN to TOR in a sequence,
For me TOR comes out first before VPN..even though configured otherwise and then it tries to correct and it tries to correct (fails most of the time). I have to get Dashboard and reconnect again in sequence... This will increase my exposure time as most other daemons are up.
Rest all looks good.
Version: 8.2 Rating: 5 Date: 2021-03-29 Votes: 0
I have attempted many times to boot Linux Kodachi, version 8.2, from a USB thumb drive on an Intel MacBook Pro without any success. Approximately 15 minutes after starttup, Internet connection would abruptly be disconnected by the system and reconnecting was impossible.
Desktop environment is cluttered; icons are extremely small. Until then I would most probably use an alternative privacy-centric OS for my needs.
Version: 8.2 Rating: 3 Date: 2021-03-27 Votes: 0
Wow a new logo, wallpapers, dashboard. Having to select VPN, DNS, Tor, is a pain.Not useable.
Version: 8.1 Rating: 2 Date: 2021-03-21 Votes: 1
Installed using VMware and Vbox
Could not get good connection to network. VPN's did not work at all.
Tor Browser Dnld speed 1.02 mps 0 up.
Version: 8.0 Rating: 9 Date: 2021-03-19 Votes: 1
So many things to do before connecting to the internet like setting passwords for "admin" and "user", disabling SSH root logon, deleting bluetooth and tor related items (abused by crackers so many times!), openssh-server, telnet and more... but worth using it. I hope that Linux Kodachi update more frequently for secirity reasons and I just wouldn't like to download files like 500MB for updating (booting up from a USB flash memory) ;p
Version: 7.6 Rating: 10 Date: 2021-03-17 Votes: 4
hard to understand stuff like encryption VPN's anonymity Tor enz.. made easy
fully working without installing (from usb-stick of PXE boot )
beautiful desktop-layout
Quite frankly, at this moment using this distribution is a bad idea.
Outdated software, lots of unnecessary modifications and bloat,
not even mentioning maintenance-related questions.
Meanwhile you can use this in a virtualized environment, it still doesn't provide
better security, or privacy for that matter, than other anonimity-focused distributions.
It compares itself to Tails, but Tails is meant to be minimalistic, in a sense, and reliable,
which Kodachi isn't. Now, comparing distributions is a controversial topic, although
comparing Kodachi to others, i.e. Qubes, Tails, Whonix, doesn't show any real benefits.
So, if one really wants to browse privately and securely Kodachi isn't the best option for sure.
Additionally, it relies on custom scripts for some of its functionality, which I find a questionable
decision, amongst other ones:
- dnscrypt with tor/vpn/etc (dnscrypt doesn't really provide anonimity, it only encrypts your DNS queries)
- tor with vpn even (VPN doesn't increase your anonimity if you use TOR, it might actually compromise it)
- providing their own centralized vpn service (at least don't use it)
But let's be fair here. All things considered, it does provide a relatively good experience
and tooling. So, is it a good distribution for privacy purposes? Not really. Complexity brings lots
of points of failure for your private browsing, it also depends on your VPN (if you're planning
to use that). Even if it is still a fine attempt at making a customized solution, all the configuration
on top of it make you an easier target for fingerprinting.
Is it good for security then? For 2000's - perhaps. For modern usage - not quite.
I wouldn't have said so if it at least had up-to-date packages. But modern standards demand
modern methods. If you objectively look at the distribution it doesn't do anything more for security
than the average small distribution, one might even say less. If you look at real privacy and security focused
operating systems like QubeOS or GrapheneOS that, despite making lots of custom changes to the base,
make a gigantic amount of effort to make their software secure, you'll see the difference.
If you want actual strong security on the desktop take a look at the aforementioned QubeOS.
If you want anonimity, then Whonix and Tails are great choices.
Please do note that this is just a look at the technical side of the distribution and some
things may be subjective. Also, this was fun to play around with :)
1 year since the last update. another abandoned distro. There is an article that describes some serious issues though, which I had hoped would be taken care of in the next version, but alas, no new version seems to be happening. I usually consider a distro dead after a year of no updates. A security minded distro has to have frequent updates or it will be exploited easily. It has a good interface, good idea for identity protection, and comes with preconfigured vpns (that's also something there are issues with, noted in the critical article). Too bad, this had a lot of potential.
It's been almost 1 year since the last update. It looks like another abandoned distro. There is an article that describes some serious issues though, which I had hoped would be taken care of in the next version, but alas, no new version seems to be happening. I usually consider a distro dead after a year of no updates. A security minded distro has to have frequent updates or it will be exploited easily. It has a good interface, good idea for identity protection, and comes with preconfigured vpns (that's also something there are issues with, noted in the critical article). Too bad, this had a lot of potential.
1. Linux Kodachi is an impressive operating system that prioritizes user privacy and security. It comes with several built-in privacy tools and is designed to leave no trace on the system once you shut it down. Overall, it is a great choice for anyone who values their online privacy.
2. If you are looking for an operating system that puts your privacy first, Linux Kodachi is an excellent choice. With its powerful encryption tools and numerous privacy features, you can be confident that your data is safe and secure. Additionally, it is easy to use, lightweight, and customizable.
3. Linux Kodachi is an amazing operating system that offers a range of impressive features, including anonymous browsing, secure communication tools, and enhanced encryption capabilities. With its intuitive interface and flexible architecture, it's the perfect choice for anyone looking for a reliable and secure OS.
4. Linux Kodachi is a cutting-edge operating system that offers user-friendly privacy and security features. Its powerful encryption, secure browsing, and privacy tools make it a go-to choice for anyone who values their online security. It is also easy to install and customize, so you can tailor your experience to your needs.
5. Linux Kodachi is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to enjoy the full benefits of a Linux OS while ensuring their online privacy and security. Its extensive suite of privacy tools, secure browsing, and advanced encryption make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to stay safe online. Additionally, it is easy to use and offers extensive customization options.
In this version of Kodachi Secure OS you get a great Dashboard that controls all networking functions including VPN,TOR, and DNS along with kill switches alarms and properties! The reason I am giving this version an 8 i! instead of the 9 or 10 it deserves is the Dashboard has to be moved to a lower work space instead of minimizing it! It needs to be running in order to hear the vulnerabilities of dropped VPN or DNS servers!!! Kodachi Still comes packet with all of the software one would need to make this OS a Everyday Operating System! The work flow is quite Easy to learn with little practice as it is intuitive! Can Be Run From Memory Off Of A Simple Flash Drive Or Use a Tool Like Ven-Toy! Or As I Have Been Doing To My NVME SSD! If Install and Encrypted On Hardware Kodachi Has A Nuke Option That Can Be Found In The Extra Tools Tab On The Bottom Dock!
After Start Up Open Up The Dashboard Located On The 1st Tab Of The Bottom Dock And Have Fun!!!!
I use the Cold Dark theme which can be downloaded from xfcelook.org and copied as root user to "/usr/share/themes/"\
I also download the BeautyLine Icon Pack and copy it as root to "/usr/share/icons/"
And Lastly Use the Bibata-Rainbow-Original Cursor pac and copy it to that same Icon Folder "/usr/share/icons/"
Then You Must Open Settings/Appearance From The Dock Under System Settings And Choose The Themes, Including Window Manager Then Open Up Mouse Settings/Themes and choose my cursor!
But That Is The Beauty Of Linux XFCE Is There Are Tons Of Themes To Choose From Already!
Where To Start?
The Dashboard is amazing! It gives you control of your VPN, TOR, DNS, Kill Switches, Ipv6, radio Signals and Updating the system! I came to Kodachi Secure OS from Windows with little or no knowledge of the Linux kernal! I resisted moving to Win11 because I have 100's of old games and software I would run on Win7! but with Windows becoming spyware I did not feel safe running those old apps! So if I am giving up my Old apps I needed to learn what is out there to replace them that is open source and most of all FREE! The developer has done a great job in assembeling the most frequently used open source software that one might need to have on their system to make it usable daily! There is also a tutorial video on how to use Kodachi to remain secure online! I really loved that Kodachi has support for several VPN's out of the gate! I use NORD myself since I have never found a free VPN that is Worth anything! They Scare me since I don't know who is looking at my DATA! The layout of the Dock and the Desktop are condusive to a productive work flow! I have tried other distro's but settled on this one because of the Dock, Dashboard, and the support for NORD. I installed it to my hardware but it can be run from a USB flashdrive or even a disk without modifying you systems harddrive at all! Give Kodachi Secure Operating System a try! There is a new version on its way built on Debian! So keep your eyes open to catch all of the GREAT Releases from the Kodachi team!
Great Security & annonomous Distro with a unique desktop but now with reduced Free VPN Connections, there used to be 5 or 6 Free VPN Servers with many non 14 eyes country's but the owner has reduced his accounts and traffic has to go through a major 3 eyes reducing its appeal to me.
To be fair its still superb and offers more than most, i just don't trust the VPN Connections privacy, although you can use your own VPN provider if so desired.
Everything else bar this fair opinion i feel you must give it a go and judge for yourself.
Great Distro!!! In this version the excess cpu issue I was having with version 8.25 is fixed! Runs great on both my Core2 Quad 6600 Dell and My Old I# 2350 Laptop! Fixed is the IPv6 Issue from 8.20! And Of Coarse All Security and Program Updates Are Up To Date! I Have been Using Kodachi Since 7.6 Without Any Dirty Letters From My ISP!
I use Kodachi along as a media server along with NORDVPN and DNSCRYPT, TOR excluding 14eyes,Mac Spoofed,Random HWID, RF Devices Disabled, Swap Enabled and Encrypted, USB Control, Installed On Hardware With System NUKE Enabled! All Of This Learned And Accomplished From The KODACHI DASHBOARD!!! I Recommend downloading This Distro Burning It To A Flash Drive And Giving It A Try By Running It out Of RAM!!
The XFCE Desktop Looks Great But Can Easily Be Customized By Going To XFCELOOK.ORG and copying Icons And Themes In their Respective Folders Located At "/usr/share/icons" and "/usr/share/themes"
I Have To Say That Kodachi Is Easy To Move To From Windows After Learning How To Mount Drives Using "Disk" In Settings
Give Kodachi A Try With The Pre-Installed Programs it makes It Hard To Identify You By The Programs You Have Installed on Your Machine! That Makes Kodachi Secure OS A Great option For A Daily Driver!
CONS If You Are planning To Get A Free Ride By Downloading Videos On The Free Kodachi VPN You Are Wasting Your Time!!! The Audio Output Has To Be Manually Set To HDMI Every Time I REBOOT!!
Thank You DistroWatch For Allowing Me To Download and Experience So Many Distro's From Around Our Entire Planet! I Wish More Distro's Came With VPN Support Built Right Into The OS!!
been using Kodachi since 7.6 and a huge fan but, ever since 8.23 onwards the Kodachi VPN {client side tor} has only been limited to one specific countries VPN and connection to Tor is slow. If i use Kodachi VPN {server side tor} there is greater countries using vpn but no TOR and is super slow.
I would now consider myself an experienced user of the 'Panic Room' user interface and have tried every possible setting for many hours.
So have switched to Parrot Security's 'Anon surf' for a more reliable Tor connection. I wished Warith would revert back to a more reliable version. havent tried Tails, but Parrot seems very substantive in all areas of security and privacy.
Kodachi promises so much in its user interface and i used to think it was the only distro i needed but to has many bugs so only 5 out of 10.
Kodachi (Xubuntu) is a stable secure desktop that does not require updates constantly and operates smooth and fast. There is learning curve but now I love it. Installed gnome flatpak tools to get only 1 flatpak programs (Gnucash) . My other favorite addons keepassxc, cherrytree, zim, smplayer were available in default depositories. Using Ubuntu 18.09 bionic is no problem. Several layers of security and more tools than needed. It seem bloated at first, but now have it streamlined
without removing but 1 or 2 packages. I keep is on A USb 3.1 ssd 60mm short. Faster than most off the shelf USB 3.1
Linux user for 12 year completely abandoned MS desktop OS about 8 years ago. Bootable Medicat ventoy drive for fix windows machines.
I have started using and carry now. Trying to downsize from KDE desktops and simplify!!!!
Much improved version for what this distro is (which appears not so much concerned with say preventing Symbiote malware as making it hard for websites and hackers to learn your IP in absence of virtualization).
Still has a sysctl bug, in that even though you uncheck "Enable IPv6", ipv6 still leaks unless you enter "sudo sysctl -p" in terminal each session; further, the OS remains passwordless sudo, in a time where Linux-targeting malware is evolving into the realm of silent installs with little real time AV available to Linux.That's why I give this version a 9 instead of 10 for the hacker-frustrating distro this OS aims to be.
That said, version 8.23 doesn't need UFW to deny incoming; in fact, if you try to activate gufw from menu or terminal it will lock up system). Out of the box, Kodachi 8.23 stealths all ports including internet port "0"...again, without the user needing to touch gufw (as tested at Gibson's "Shields Up!").
HWID randomization actually works in 8.23, as does IP source randomization. There are a number of tweaks and utilities available in the Dashboard and menus, but a user would have to familiarize themselves on how to use them; the developer has some YouTube-hosted videos on his OS, none new, but the gist remains the same; users have to otherwise know or research usages on their own.
The limit of anonymization this OS offers appears to be a user using a VPN with the OS torrified, plus then opening the TOR browser and connecting to TOR via a bridge...placing the browser outside concerns of systemd/Postfix/et al direct giveaways (yet as always, time correlation attacks are possible).
Silent install malware risks excepted, Kodachi 8.23 works for me for what I need...frustrate hackers, frustrate myriad ever-growing numbers of trackers that want to know or steal your every thought even while using the everyday internet for mundane purposes. This version seems a good option for those whose hardware cannot run virtualization (or Qubes or Whonix), and would otherwise have even less privacy.
In this version Warith has fixed many if not all of the bugs left in the comments section here at DistroWatch! The dashboard has received tweaks to deal with the minimization that now sends it to the system icon tray! Updated Libre Office To Include the security patches in the ISO! VPN Servers are also updated! The kernel Has Been Updated But There Will Be A Move To debian Coming Soon! This Version Is Still Based On Xubuntu! Canary warrant Included Now Along With Increase Reliability Of The Disable IPV6 Function! The Ability To Spoof Hardware ID along With Mac Address And randomized Domain Naming! The Support For NORDVPN Is The Big Seller For me Along With Encrypted DNS, TOR With 14eyes Countries Exclusion And Kill Switches With Audible Alarms! Been Using This Distro As My daily Driver For years Now Without Any Complications So far! i recomend Kodachi Secure OS For Anyone Who Wants To learn About Privacy Online! So Load It Up On An ISO Flash Drive And Spin It Up!
This is what i have been looking for! A secure OS that is suitable for every day use! This OS has it All! A security dashboard that controls you privacy options, along with kill-switches that notify you if there is a problem with your connection! Comes with a free VPN out of the box! but has support for the top paid vpn's if you plan on doing any video downloading or other large files! Comes preloaded with a ton of great apps so you do not have to customize it! That means that it is hard to identify you by the apps you have installed! With HWID spoofing and dnscrypt along with vpn and tor it would be hard to identify you even with the advantage of time! Since it will run off of a flashdrive or from ram you have nothing to lose by downloading it and giving it a boot! Check it out and leave a fair review!
After the support for Windows 7 ended I tried Windows 10. I found it to be bloated and quite simply just SPYWARE! So my search for a replacement begin! I tried Linux Mint but could never get it to stop leaking my real IP address! finally after trying several other distributions I came upon kodachi Secure OS! The big seller for me was the support for several VPN's built right into the OS, including kill switches that terminate your connection if for some reason you drop your vpn connection! With the implementation of the new dashboard things got a whole lot better! You can control your VPN, Kill Switches, TOR, Exclude The 14 eyes countries, DNS Control, Spoof your MAC Address, Disable IPV6, Disable Radio, Spoof Time Zone, Set random Host Name, Control USB Devices, Auto Recover Internet Connections, And SO MUCH MORE all from the well thought out Dashboard! With the ability to run as a live OS right from your flash-drive there is no reason not to download it and give it a spin! After 3 years I do not miss the MALWARE Called Windows At ALL! The XFCE desktop is customizable by going to the XFCE-LOOK.org website. Kodachi comes loaded with just about every program needed to make it a DAILY DRIVER right out of the box! So upgrading with a fresh ISO is no problem! But the dashboard has an upgrade button on the settings tab in the Security Dashboard if you have it installed on you physical hardware!
Simply Put This is the best security based Distro on Distrowatch!
i Love the fact that negative reviews from this site are responded to quickly!! Way To Go Warrith!!
As Always a BIG THANK-YOU Goes Out To DistroWatch.com For Supplying Us With Tons Of Distros to download try and review!
The Kodachi Website is Digi77.com where you can find instructional videos
Pros: Where To Start? Kill Switches For VPN, TOR, DNS, Security Score etc! Randomize Your Hardware ID, Set The Timezone To Match VPN Country, Exclude 14 eyes Countries from TOR Circuit, Set TOR Circuit Renewal interval , Set Timers To Wipe RAM, Spoof MAC, Wipe Download and or Documents Folder, Wipe Logs etc In Settings of the dashboard! Canary Warrant, Increased Reliability In IPV6 Isolation, And He Has Fixed Many If Not All Of The Previous Negative reviews Read About It On digi77.com! Dashboard Automatically Saves Settings On Exit! Plus The Great Look And Feel Wonderful Productivity Flow! Fixed The Audio output Device Selection!
Cons: The Dashboard Exits Instead of minimizing To Panel! I Have To Minimize It to the Other Desktop to get it out of the way! Which works since it has an icon in notifications area! it Matters because When It is closed You Do not get the Audible Warnings If Or When There is A problem! The Kill Switches Seem To Still Be Working When It Is Closed But i like To Hear The Warning Bells So i Can Investigate!
Summary! I Have Been Using Kodachi Secure-OS As My daily Driver Since 2020 Without Any Problems! i have reinstalled It Several times but With Most of The Programs i utilize Come pre-installed It Is a Snap! Download It Burn it To A Flash Drive and Try it For Yourself!! I highly Recommend That you Watch the Video and Learn All About it!
Thank You To Distrowatch For Allowing me To Download And Try So many Distros from Around Our Globe!
why does Kodachi Linux drop my online status to offline? I have to restart the PC and let it run the protection itself and then I'm all good for a while, then mid doing something it decides to switch me to "offline!
A great security system all over, but this problem which is highly irritating!
As stated by someone else:
A Great distribution, really great job!
Started using it a couple of years ago, as I wanted better security and privacy.
"The most positive aspect in my opinion is the "educational" one, with respect to privacy and related tools.
It's been very nice to discover and learn more and more about privacy and security models".
Great distribution, really great job!
I must admit that I don't use it as a daily driver, but I started using it a couple of years ago when I still had to travel a lot for work, and sometimes I was in places where I wanted some privacy.
The most positive aspect in my opinion is the "educational" one, with respect to privacy and related tools.
It's been very nice to discover and learn more and more about privacy and security models; at that time I had never spent much time on VPN, TOR network, proxy chains, dns decrypting and so on. That was a fantastic learning!
Sometimes I end up talking about privacy with inexperienced people, and I never fail to mention or quickly show Kodachi Linux, just to give a cue to better understand those aspects, inviting people to try get their hands on it.
I have to admit that the fancy graphics and the complications of having to manage panels with a myriad of tools can be scary for those who are not familiar with these aspects.
But here's the point: if your privacy needs are rather basic and your Linux (and IT in general) experience is basic, maybe something like Tails can be enough, it provides great results with a very easy out-of-the-box experience.
But if you really care about privacy, either out of necessity or passion, it's worth diving into Kodachi Linux to get the most out of it.
A positive note goes to the creator, in addition to his excellent work of course, for the fact that he is available on the Discord channel. As to say, it is a one-man distro, but the creator always puts his face on it and never backs down!
Some problems:
# Language changes in browsers, sometimes english, sometimes german, sometimes russian. Is it TOR or VPN, for example Youtube looks ip and country and gives me that ip/language page?
# My scandinavic & German letters are missing. I took my country setting for language an keyboard at installation, but no effective?
# How can I change VPN to other country, now Kodachi / Russian federation. At this situation I dont think Russian is safe, so how can I change that?
Other side. Stable, works well, all connected printers, scanners, microfones, speakers, phones etx works well, no problem. Seems that this might be too well protected for my use...
I admit I was until recently a fan of this distro, but testing out what some other reviewers said, finding criticism well-founded, plus discovering some new information about how internet and vpn use is regulated in the developer's nation, I can no longer say this is at all a distro for casual web and app users' privacy or security.
Indeed, there is GUFW, but it is out of the box disabled, with no warnings from the developer; though one unchecks "Enable ipv6" in Dashboard, then and after restarts every time one's ipv6 address is always visible to the web despite ipv4 becoming obfuscated as promised; gnunet and i2p are outdated modules, and it's not easy for casual users to know or update them; on first boot, per a 2020 Youtube Russian OSINT video at his channel, the developer states the OS writes to json your IP so he can check it for blacklisting...if you're blacklisted, you won't be able to ever connect to Kodachi vpn.
At first boot, regardless of IP blacklisting or not, the OS further does an HWID hash of your device and sends it to the developer so he can ban you from Kodachi vpn (and perhaps further download of the OS); no contest with banning spammers, torrent abusers, and the like. But one has to realize that this OS and developer are in Oman and check laws there.
Since 2010, vpn use has been heavily restricted in Oman; literally one has to have a business to apply for vpn use, and even then such business will be required to get and keep information on user identities and usage, required to forward same to the Telecommunications Regulatory Service; it's not just spam/crime that's banned and actionable in Oman, but if you criticize faith or the Royal family, or view sexually explicit material of any kind, or are the whistleblower type, or are an activist, likely you at least need to be watched if outside Oman. In any case, minimally, at first boot your HWID, IP and location are very likely going to be sent to cyber at trs dot gov dot om as TRS requires of all business licensees. Given the solid relationship Oman has with the US and UK governments, decide for yourself if you'd be comfortable with Oman watching your online moves.
To me it seems intended or not, Kodachi OS is more in the nature of a honeypot, rather than oasis from, online surveillance; in the quest toward better privacy I'd suggest an OS such as Qubes or Whonix if your device can handle virtualization; if not, some like ParrotOS home edition have AnonSurf via Tor, a network manager with pre-configured openvpn you can easily enter your own free or paid vpn credentials into, plus it runs easily even on Pentium III dual cores.
No wayland/xsandboxing, no boot peram hardening, no sysctl hardening, no trimmed down kernels, tons of bloat (2800 PACKAGES BASE?!?!?!), false and untrue security models (Tor + VPN + Torify + Tor DNS which isnt recommended by tor, can deanonymize you and breaks tors features while not making you secure at all). Recommends using vmware as virtualization software? The proprietary VMware?????. At best the OS is okay for using the free VPN and thats all, other than that you can count me and anyone truly in the know about security and anonymity out.
Generally some really good ideas went into this distro, but I noticed a salient problem about anti-hacking/privacy violation potential in this version using a live non-persistent install. Of course I first went to the dashboard and did the usual things (torrify system, update timezone, change MAC, disable auto-login, etc, and especially uncheck "enable ipv6"); turning on "Kodachi Lite" browser, even get a score of 100/100. But then, using the "Security Check" tab on "Kodachi Lite" browser, I noticed Fake Vision spotted vpn use, and worst of all the "IP Check-Advanced" clearly spotted my ipv6 address, ISP, and location...again, with "Enable ipv6" unchecked, and a score of 100/100. Kodachi appears to still use an OpenVPN 2.4 series client though the 2.5 has been in use by OpenVPN for two years, so some lines of code which could be added to OVPN's .conf file and shut off ipv6 won't work. Thus, the casual user should be aware that the only browser in Kodachi 8.15 which doesn't leak ipv6 and vpn use is the "Kodachi Loaded", regardless of "Panic Room" and "VPN" dashboard settings.
Like some, I had trouble in assorted VMs and direct installs; tried an old USB 3.0 with 32GB, by first putting Ventoy on it then copying Kodachi ISO into it; booted on a Dell i7, and voila! All network, speed, and other issues gone! It performs just like Warith describes. Like with any other privacy/anon OS or tool, research its tools and use it wisely and legitimately. Also, if you don't trust Kodachi's native vpn you can also add credentials from any other vpn(s) you use; then there are no telemetries ala Windows back to the mother ship. In all, when properly run and on USB, Kodachi makes it more difficult for common hackers and trackers to do damage. Thanks for this privacy and security OS option, Mr. Maawali!
Wow! When You Think This Distro Could Not Get Anybbetter Warrith Comes Through Again! This Version Has A Option To Randomize Your Hardware ID! I Guess Warrith Is Reponding To The Sniper Who Gave His Distro A 1 Rating Out Of 10! So Now Besides VPN Support Built In and Timezone, Randomized Host Name, TOR, DNS, Keystroke Anonymizer, Font, Icon, Screen Size, etc. This is the absolute best Distro to use as a daily driver if you want to stay anonymous while you play around on te web! It Also Provides A Way To Turn It All Off So You Can Use It With Your BANK or any other website that you must Provide A Real IP address!! The upgrade option in Panic Room Tab in the security dashboard! I strongly suggest that you go to digi77.com and watch the instructional video! Thank you Goes Out Again To This Amazing Website that Has Allowed Me To Download And Try So Many Distro's From Around The Globe! Since this disto uses the XFCE desktop you can go to xfcelook.org and download several themes to customize the look and feel! With all of the preinstalled software that comes in the ISO you can really get your work done without having to spend an hour downloading the FOSS that you will be installing anyway! 10 Out Of 10 Great Job Warrith!!!
What a WONDERFUL Distro!!!! A secure OS that is suitable for everyday use! Support for VPN's including some free ones! Comes bundled with Libre Office and tons of other FREE and Open Source applications! Kill switches for VPN's, TOR, DNS, and your Security Score etc. Nuke option on encrypted HD setup so you can delete the encryption keys and wipe EVERYTHING! The ability to turn off the anonymous services so you can access your bank accounts or other sites that require you to show your REAL IP ADDRESS ! You can turn off all the radio signals and restrict it to the wired connection! You can spoof your time zone, select a random host name, fonts, icons, keyboard strokes! All of this that can be run without even installing Kodachi on your physical hardware ! It can be run from ram which makes it amazingly fast even on ancient hardware!
Cons = The audio requires me to go to the settings tab every time I reboot and set it to my HDMI output.
You can not change the user name if you want all of the security scripts to work !
If your looking for a secure distro that is good enough to be your daily driver then look no further! Kodachi comes loaded with a ton of FOSS that make it the best distro to migrate from the spyware called Windows or Mac! Free VPN provided but with support for NordVPN ,Mullvad, Hideme VPN, Proton VPN, and others! Nuke feature to scrub all Data, and Kill switches for VPN, TOR, DNS, IPV6 and More! Live-OS Lets you try and run in RAM A Must Try For 2022!
Love this distro! It looks great and has support for VPN's built in! The Kodachi Dashboard is the best as it is super easy to understand! The NUKE option if installed on an encrypted drive is really neat! Do not be scared off by these snipers who want to decrease it's score! I've been using it since version 7.6 and have had no problems at all. In the dashboard you can change how receives the IP address info and customize the DNS providers, TOR ,VPN kill switches etc. XFCE desktop is super easy to customize and there are tons of themes to download!
It is laid out with productivity in mind! It comes with the most popular FOSS applications preinstalled so the package count is larger than a striped down OS! But if you are going to download and install them anyway why does that matter?
It sends your Hardware ID out to Warith (The SINGLE developor). has no canary warrant, it has 2600 packages by default (Arch has 300 ish and Fedora has around 1000 which is bloated). This is also probably the buggiest experience ive ever had? I mean everything has spelling errors and all. IF YOU SKIP THE REST READ THIS, Tor + VPN or VPN + Tor is bad, nor is it a security model. ALSO, Dont torify your OS with his tools, they do a bad job and are pointless just like the "Kodachi browsers"
Cutting edge GUI
Flawless hardware recognition on my Dell and HP laptops.
Extremely low RAM usage. Clean boot RAM use 800mb
Flawless install. Easily install alongside other flavors.
Pros: excellent hardware recognition (I use it on iMac); easy to set and monitor all security parameters; I2P, Session, Monero, Syntching and many other unusual software preinstalled, just have to click and run.
Cons: if you want to install it, you need to use gparted instead of the installer, which freezes, to prepare hd with encrypted partitions; many scripts refer to user kodachi, so you can't preserve your data in /home/kodachi if system crashes and you need to reinstall (better to create a separate folder for them)
I am a long time die hard user of Ubuntu and having used Mint, Manjaro, MXlinux, Tails etc ,but Kodachi is definitely most beautiful. The Kodachi Dashboard is just wonderful GUI with everything pre built at your fingertips but light weight same time... hard to explain.
I didnt watch the instructional video and within minutes was able to set up and customize the pre installed NordVPN which was very intuitive. You can see alot of thinking has gone into this distro. The Desktop is clean but with useful Conky style data. No wasted data, all clear and concise. There is even a panic room GUI which has everything at your fingertips from daily use features to even emergency wipe etc.
I am really thinkig of using this as my daily driver instead of Ubuntu now. Kodachi just feels so smooth and clean. There is all the programs I need like synaptic package manager etc and pre-built VPN and TOR and i2p features.
Its hard to explain how good it is. Best try the live iso yourself first. I recommend this to all people who are looking for a fresh daily driver and or those who also want access to security features at your fingertips. This distro should be top 10.
After trying several distro's from this amazing site. I have settled on Kodachi Secure OS! The Dashboard is the big seller for me! I watched the very long instructional video at digi77.com! I Suggest skipping ahead to the 19 minute mark to learn about VPN's and how to configure your VPN connection! Then Skip forward to about 59 minute mark to learn about all of the Tor options. But if you have the time watch thee 2 hour long instructional video! It comes with great themes installed but the XFCE desktop can be tricked out to resemble any OS out there by simply going to the XFCE Eye Candy Website! The preinstalled programs make it possible to complete just about any work that you might need to do! From video editing, sharing files or just to keep notes! The Support for NORD VPN built into the system was also a big seller for me! I have tried other distro's but this is the only one I found that gives you multiple layers of security! With kill switches built into the dashboard that will protect you if for some reason your connection becomes compromised! I love that it can be tried without making any permanent changes to your system by running it from a live boot flash drive! Synaptic Package Manager lets you install countless additional programs along with Gdeb Package Manager you can install all the games or other apps you might desire if you are installing it onto the hardware! This Latest Distro's have an upgrade button in the about tab on the Security Dashboard! Thank You distrowatch! I Do Not See Myself Going Back To Windows or Mac OS Which in my opinion has become SPYWARE and in some cases Malware! But Yall Dont take my word for it! Download the ISO file and burn it to a flash-drive with your favorite program like Etcher or Rufus etc. and boot your PC from it!
The most amazing and secure distro I have tried so far! After watching the instructional video at digi77.com The Security dashboard is fantastic! It is so easy to keep track of how secure your internet connection is! With scripts that block your connection depending on your security score! it has a free VPN as well as support for paid VPN's! Tor built into the system with 14eyes exclusion options as well as a way to torrify your entire system! Thank You goes out to digi77.com and of course DistroWatch.com Which has made it possible to try so many distro's from around the entire world!
After support for Win 7 ended I Tried Linux Mint! Could Never Get It Not To Leak my Real IP! However This Distro Has Support for NORD built right into the OS! Has Several Security scripts all in one place the Kodachi Dashboard! Go to Digi77,com and check it out!
Great Distro! Love the security dashboard and NORDVPN Support! The fact that it comes bundled with most useful apps and the fact that it is totally free! Newbie to Linux So dont take my word for it! Try it< simply use etcher to burn it to flash drive and give it a try! Be sure to thank Mr, Warrath At Digi77.com
Wonderful job done by digi77.com! Security dashboard, Free vpn, Support for several paid vpn's including NORD, Loaded with tons of productivity FAOS programs! Thank you! When 7 lost support so Microsoft could become an agent for the US government Including openly interfering with our political process I FIRED MICROSOFT! This distro is easy to use as it uses the XFCE desktop which is similar to good old windows 7!!! You Should give it a try since it can be run from a live USB Image!!!
Absolutely An Operating System To Try! I Have This Version Installed On My Desktop and Versions 8.2 and 8.6 Installed On my laptop and Notebook! Has Support For Several VPN Providers as well as a security dashboard that makes it simple and safe to use!
I Love This Distro! It has Support For Several VPN's Built Right In Along With A Dashboard to Handle Security Scripts!!! I Have version 7.6 Installed on My Old Dell With A Q6600 Core 2 Quad and an old ATI graphics Card! On My I3 Samsung Laptop I Have Version 8.2 And On My HP Laptop With An AMD APU I am running Version 8.6 or Whatever The Latest version is As Of 8/28/2021
VPN kicks out frequently and panic room icons along with repair mode not showing up. Switched back several times. Poor stability. Needs more stable OS else one has to waste time trying to stablize OS.
Absolutely gorgeous desktop. With nice info about system and connections and what the system is doing. As always i want to install it in the hope booting will speed up. But the installer stops after the keyboard-choice. Also from the option Direct Install.
Some distro 's shutdown in 2 seconds. Do not expect this from Kodacht. User session C1 takes as much as 6 minutes to run a stop job. So brillant design needs a brillant developer for the systemtech-side of this Distro.
The one thing that "WAS" really great about this distro was the free VPN WHICH NO LONGER WORKS!!!!
The vpn will say it's connected but it simply doesn't work any more! I typed into a search engine
"What's my IP address?" and it came back showing my exact location.
Latest secure kernel is missing.
Can do better in synchronizing the network connections from local to ISP to VPN to TOR in a sequence,
For me TOR comes out first before VPN..even though configured otherwise and then it tries to correct and it tries to correct (fails most of the time). I have to get Dashboard and reconnect again in sequence... This will increase my exposure time as most other daemons are up.
Rest all looks good.
I have attempted many times to boot Linux Kodachi, version 8.2, from a USB thumb drive on an Intel MacBook Pro without any success. Approximately 15 minutes after starttup, Internet connection would abruptly be disconnected by the system and reconnecting was impossible.
Desktop environment is cluttered; icons are extremely small. Until then I would most probably use an alternative privacy-centric OS for my needs.
So many things to do before connecting to the internet like setting passwords for "admin" and "user", disabling SSH root logon, deleting bluetooth and tor related items (abused by crackers so many times!), openssh-server, telnet and more... but worth using it. I hope that Linux Kodachi update more frequently for secirity reasons and I just wouldn't like to download files like 500MB for updating (booting up from a USB flash memory) ;p
hard to understand stuff like encryption VPN's anonymity Tor enz.. made easy
fully working without installing (from usb-stick of PXE boot )
beautiful desktop-layout
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