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Netrunner is a Debian-based distribution featuring a highly customised KDE desktop with extra applications, multimedia codecs, Flash and Java plugins, and a unique look and feel. The modifications are designed to enhance the user-friendliness of the desktop environment while still preserving the freedom to tweak. A separate "Rolling" edition, based on Manjaro Linux, was launched in 2014, was discontinued, re-launched in 2017, and discontinued again in 2019.
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2025-01-28 |
NEW • Distribution Release: KaOS 2025.01 |
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The KaOS project kicks off 2025 with a new website design and a new ISO snapshot of its rolling release operating system. The project's latest version, KaOS 2025.01, includes Plasma 6.2 and Zen Browser, a Firefox-based web browser: "KaOS kicks off the new year with the availability of a new stable ISO, featuring Plasma 6.2 and KDE Applications 24.12. Updates to the base of the system were numerous and included SQLite 3.48.0, Rsync 3.4.1, DBUS 1.16.0, LLVM/Clang 19.1.7, Poppler 25.01.0, Gstreamer 1.24.11, Fwupd 2.0.4, kernel moved to Linux 6.12.11, Systemd 253.30, ZFS 2.3.0, Tzdata 2025a, OpenSSL 3.4, FFMPEG 7.1, Protobuf 29.3 and Mesa 24.3.4. Among the new packages included are Zen Browser, a Firefox based web-browser with many modern and innovative features, plus Harper, an open source grammar and spellchecker. Not directly ISO-related, but needing a News mention anyway, is the complete overhaul of the KaOS website. After almost nine years of using the same, Jekyll based website, it was time for an update/upgrade." Additional details can be found in the release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2025.01-x86_64.iso (3,548MB, signature, pkglist). |
About KaOS
KaOS is a desktop Linux distribution that features the latest version of the KDE desktop environment, the Calligra office suite, and other popular software applications that use the Qt toolkit. It was inspired by Arch Linux, but the developers build their own packages which are available from in-house repositories. KaOS employs a rolling-release development model and is built exclusively for 64-bit computer systems.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2024-09-23 |
Distribution Release: KaOS 2024.09 |
KaOS is a rolling release distribution which focuses on providing one desktop (KDE Plasma) and applications developed with one toolkit (Qt). The project's latest snapshot brings the Calligra office suite into the spotlight as well as an updated VirtualBox package. "More applications are now ready to use Qt6 and Frameworks 6, the big one now being Calligra. Since Calligra is again actively maintained and developed, it has returned to being the default office suite for KaOS. Another one that is now Qt6-based is Virtualbox. The UI of the installer has been updated for quite a few pages. This includes an option to choose either Calligra or LibreOffice as the preferred office suite. You will also see that the bootloader selection page and sound backend page are more integrated with Plasma 6 (through Kirigami). There also is now an option in the installer to install with the all-new filesystem bcachefs, it is still in experimental stage, but is included in the kernel build, and the needed bcachefs-tools are available in the repositories." Additional information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2024.09-x86_64.iso (3,552MB, signature, pkglist). |
2024-05-27 |
Distribution Release: KaOS 2024.05 |
Version 2024.05 of KaOS, an independently-developed Linux distribution focused on Qt/KDE toolkit and desktop, has been released. This release removes modsetting for all graphic cards and completes the removal of GTK2 from the project's repositories: "Four years after being end of life, GTK2 is finally removed from the KaOS repositories. The one major application left that still required GTK2 was Ardour, but with 8.4.0, an internal YTK is used, thus GTK2 is now gone. Updates to the base of the system included a move to Python 3.11, Glib2 2.80 stack, kernel moved to Linux 6.8.10, Systemd 253.19, ZFS 2.2.4, KMod 32, OpenSSL 3.3, FFMPEG 6.1, OpenJDK 17 and Mesa 24.0.7. Among the new packages included is Marknote, a nicely in Plasma 6 integrated note management application." Further information is provided in the project's release notes for KaOS 2024.05. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2024.05-x86_64.iso (3,472MB, pkglist). |
2024-02-03 |
Distribution Release: KaOS 2024.01 |
Version 2024.01 of KaOS, an independently-developed Linux distribution focused on Qt/KDE toolkit and desktop, has been released. This is the project's first stable release that incorporates KDE's upcoming Plasma 6 release, currently in the release candidate 2 stage. "It is a great pleasure to present to you the January release of a new stable ISO image. This release marks the end of Plasma 5 as the default Desktop Environment for KaOS. Almost fifteen months ago work started to fully migrate to a Frameworks 6, Plasma 6-based distribution, and with the release of Plasma 6 release candidate 2, this migration is now deemed ready to bring a better user experience than Plasma 5. From the onset of this migration, there was never a plan to mix the two environments. What you will see on this ISO is a pure Plasma 6-based environment. KaOS though has been shipping all ported applications from their Frameworks 6 branch in the many snapshot ISOs it has released to get ready for this migration. Just about all applications that users have become used to seeing in a Frameworks 5 / Plasma 5 version are available as a Frameworks 6 / Plasma 6 port." Read the complete release announcement for further information and screenshots. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2024.01-x86_64.iso (3,337MB, pkglist). |
2023-09-22 |
Distribution Release: KaOS 2023.09 |
KaOS is a rolling release, desktop distribution which is independently developed. The project places a strong focus on providing KDE/Qt software, running on the Plasma desktop. The latest snapshot of KaOS, version 2023.09, will likely be the penultimate release shipping with Plasma 5. "It is with great pleasure to present to you the September release of a new stable ISO. As you will note in this release announcement, work in KaOS is really shifting toward Plasma 6. This ISO is still Plasma 5 based and includes all the latest updates, but Plasma 5 & Qt5 are not where upstream development is anymore. Plan is to have this or the November ISO be the last Plasma 5 based stable ISO, after that, it will be Plasma 6 only. Major updates to the base of the system included a move to OpenSSL 3.1.3, fully updated Boost 1.82.0/ICU 73.2 stack, Alsa packages 1.2.10, kernel moved to Linux 6.4.16, Systemd 253.10, Python 3.10.13, Util-Linux 2.39.2, IWD 2.8, OpenEXR 3.2.0, and Libarchive 3.7.2." Additional information is provided in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2023.09-x86_64.iso (3,315MB, pkglist). |
2023-02-14 |
Distribution Release: KaOS 2023.02 |
KaOS is a rolling-release distribution designed for one architecture (x86_64) running one desktop environment (KDE Plasma). The project has published a new snapshot, KaOS 2023.02, which features the newly released KDE Plasma 5.27 desktop. "It is with great pleasure to present to you the February release of a new stable ISO. For the Plasma desktop, the latest Plasma (5.27.0), KDE Gear (22.12.2) and Frameworks (5.103.0) are included. All built on Qt 5.15.8+. Among the many changes included in Plasma 5.27 are the Big Multi-monitor Refactor to make working with screens much more reliable. There is also a new fine grained control tools when the user has three or more screens connected. For those with a large monitor KWin has long been able to place one window on the left and one on the right. Now with Meta-T the quick tiling is launched allowing complete control of where your windows are placed. Drag windows with Shift pressed and it will stick to the tiled layout. And a new System Settings module has been added to easily control the settings for Flatpaks." Additional details are shared in the release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2023.02-x86_64.iso (3,184MB, pkglist). |
2022-10-07 |
Distribution Release: KaOS 2022.10 |
KaOS is an independent Linux distribution which focuses on providing one desktop (KDE Plasma) with one toolkit (Qt) on one CPU architecture (x86_64). The project's latest snapshot is version 2022.10 which introduces a number of changes to the system installer: "Many changes have been implemented to the installer Calamares in the last few months, so it is fitting to start with listing all that is new or has changed. It is now possible to do a typical install entirely from a touchpad or mouse, a keyboard is no longer needed. A virtual keyboard has been implemented for those modules that need text input. For those who prefer PulseAudio over Pipewire, a module has been added (KaOS only), that gives users the option to select which sound server they prefer (with Pipewire set as default). Dracut is the new default for the initramfs image creation (mkinitcpio is no longer in use for new installs). To accommodate that change, the Dracut module in Calamares had to be adjusted, so it now supports version-less kernels." Additional information is provided in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2022.10-x86_64.iso (2,954MB, signature, pkglist). |
2022-06-22 |
Distribution Release: KaOS 2022.06 |
KaOS is an independent, rolling release distribution which focuses on providing a polished KDE/Qt desktop environment and associated applications. The project's latest snapshot is KaOS 22.06 which ships with KDE Plasma 5.25 and an updated Calamares system installer. "Calamares now uses the 3.3 branch. There are no releases with it yet, but it comes with enough improvements that it is a better fit for KaOS. The integration with KPMCore has improved, LUKS support is more robust and there is now an option to not encrypt the boot partition when encryption is chosen for the install. Some GUI improvements have been implemented too. But for most, the biggest news for this release will be Plasma 5.25. KDE Plasma 5.25 redesigns and enhances how you navigate between windows and workspaces. The Overview effect shows all of your open windows and virtual desktops. Gestures on touchpads and touchscreens put Plasma at your fingertips. The dominant colour of your background picture can be applied to all components that use the accent colour." Additional information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2022.06-x86_64.iso (2,948MB, pkglist). |
2022-04-29 |
Distribution Release: KaOS 2022.04 |
KaOS is a desktop Linux distribution that features the latest version of the KDE desktop environment. The latest snapshot of KaOS offers a number of desktop improvements: "With the release of KDE Gear 22.04, some nice new features and enhancements are introduced. Konsole's completely new feature is Quick Commands: open a quick commands pane from Plugins -> Show Quick Commands and you will be able to create short scripts you use frequently, Konsole's SSH plugin has been further enhanced and you can assign different visual profiles. For Kdenlive, two new options stick out: you can create customized profiles so that your rendered movie adapts perfectly to your needs, and you can also render by zones, using the guides you set up on the timeline as references. Okular now alerts you immediately when you go to sign a document but have no valid digital certificates. With Skanpage, you can now share scanned documents (including multi-page PDFs) using KDE's general sharing system, which allows you to push documents to instant messaging apps, online cloud services, social services, and through Bluetooth to other devices." Additional information can be found in the release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2022.04-x86_64.iso (2,881MB, signature, pkglist). |