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MIZI Linux
MIZI Linux was a Linux distribution which has been developed by Mizi Research since 1998. MIZI Linux 2.0 was our 4th release. Our goal was to develop a Linux distribution that can be used in every place from home, office, school, and even inside of space shuttle, we brightly expect, as the user-friendly Desktop OS. It should be an alternative of Microsoft Windows for people who want a powerful, flexible for a specific purpose, and stable computing environment. The MIZI Linux uses the KDE (K Desktop Environment) as the user interface and has many customized packages for the end user. It provides easier desktop environment than any other distribution on earth.
Status: Discontinued
| Tips, Tricks, Q&As | Tips and tricks: How to find files by multiple criteria in Linux |
Questions and answers: Flash EOL |
Tips and tricks: Working with images from the command line |
Myths and misunderstandings: Wayland, Xorg and Mir |
Tips and tricks: Limiting a user's disk usage with quotas |
Questions and answers: Removing zombie processes |
Tips and tricks: Basename, for loop, dirname, aliases, bash history, xsel clipboard |
Tips and tricks: Finding which services were affected by an update |
Tips and tricks: A safer way to use dd |
Tips and tricks: Copying columns of text, organizing files, creating torrents |
More Tips & Tricks and Questions & Answers | |
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