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AnNyung Linux
AnNyung was an i686-optimised, server-oriented Korean Linux distribution based on the Red Hat/Fedora technology with added security features. Starting from version 2.0 AnNyung only exists as an add-on to CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, not as a complete and installable operating system - hence the "Discontinued" status.
Status: Discontinued
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2023-08-30 |
NEW • Distribution Release: OpenMandriva 23.08 "ROME" |
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The OpenMandriva distribution is a full-featured Linux desktop and server. The project maintains a rolling release branch called ROME which was recently updated. The new snapshot, version 23.08, includes several package upgrades: "Many packages have been updated, including: KDE Frameworks 5.109, Plasma Desktop 5.27.7, KDE Applications 23.04.3 (KDE Gear 23.08.0 expected on 24/08/2023 update will be available as soon as it's released). Kernel 6.4.11 (built with Clang). Mesa 23.2. LLVM/Clang 16.0.6, glibc 2.38, systemd 253.8. Chromium browser 116.0, with JPEG XL support patched back in. LibreOffice suite, Krita 5.1.5, DigiKam 8.1. The latest LibreOffice builds introduce LibreOffice Qt 6 integration, making LibreOffice fit in with the Plasma 6 desktop preview as well. Flatpak support. Note: We have no plans to abandon or reduce native packages. Flatpak, appimage and the likes are a useful addition in particular for packages we can't package for licensing reasons. neovim 0.9.1. More software upgraded to the most recent version available in repositories. GNOME desktop 44.3. LXQt desktop 1.3.0." Additional information can be found in the release announcement and in the release notes. Download (MD5, pkglist): openmandriva.rome-23.08-gnome.x86_64.iso (2,713MB), openmandriva.rome-23.08-lxqt.x86_64.iso (1,672MB), openmandriva.rome-23.08-plasma.x86_64.iso (2,710MB). |
About OpenMandriva
The OpenMandriva distribution is a full-featured Linux desktop and server, sponsored by the OpenMandriva Association. It was based on ROSA, a Russian Linux distribution project which forked Mandriva Linux in 2012, incorporating many of Mandriva's original tools and utilities and adding in-house enhancements. The goal of OpenMandriva is to facilitate the creation, improvement, promotion and distribution of free and open-source software in general, and OpenMandriva projects in particular. OpenMandriva has traditionally been a fixed release distribution, but in 2023 the project began releasing an alternative rolling branch called ROME.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2024-12-11 |
Distribution Release: OpenMandriva 24.12 "ROME" |
The OpenMandriva project has published a new snapshot of the distribution's ROME branch, a rolling release which is available in six desktop flavours: Plasma 6 (X11), Plasma 6 (Wayland), Plasma 5, LXQt, GNOME, and COSMIC. "Main features, and changes since ROME 24.07: KDE Plasma 6 desktop by default (x11). Spins featuring latest desktop environments GNOME, LXQt Qt6, Plasma 5 and COSMIC 1.0 alpha. Plasma 6 Wayland ISO provided as well. Please note the Wayland ISO in VirtualBox may boot to a black screen and will not work; VirtualBox users may need to set VMSVGA controller to boot successfully; It works fine on most hardware and in QEMU with KVM. Available in OpenMandriva repository proton and proton-experimental, which make Proton available outside of Steam, without the need to install any non-free code. OM-Welcome Startup and Configuration tool, specifically designed for OpenMandriva KDE Plasma desktop environment, keeps improving with some more convenient modules for easy install of the users' most wished applications." Additional details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (MD5, pkglist): openmandriva.rome-24.12-plasma6.wayland.x86_64.iso (3,070MB), openmandriva.rome-24.12-lxqt.x86_64.iso (2,174MB), openmandriva.rome-24.12-cosmic.x86_64.iso (2,726MB). |
2024-07-20 |
Distribution Release: OpenMandriva 24.07 "ROME" |
The OpenMandriva project has released a new snapshot of the project's rolling "ROME" branch. The new snapshot, version 24.07, migrates the Plasma desktop to version 6 and updates LXQt to version 2.0.0. "Switch to the KDE Plasma 6 desktop by default. Spins featuring LXQt (2.0.0 Qt 6) and GNOME (46.3). Also provided is a ROME Plasma 6 Wayland ISO, however we believe Wayland still not to be mature enough to replace X11 by default for most users. Please note the Wayland ISO in VirtualBox almost always will boot to a black screen and will not work. It works fine on most hardware and in QEMU with KVM. In addition to the normal wine Windows emulator, proton and proton-experimental - variants of wine that are typically used to run Windows games inside Steam - are now available as OpenMandriva packages. For the first time, this makes Proton available outside of Steam, without the need to install any non-free code." Additional information can be found in the release announcement and in the release notes. Download (MD5, pkglist): openmandriva.rome-24.07-plasma6.x11.x86_64.iso (2,927MB), openmandriva.rome-24.07-lxqt.x86_64.iso (2,050MB), openmandriva.rome-24.07-gnome.x86_64.iso (2,934MB). |
2024-07-03 |
Development Release: OpenMandriva 24.07 RC "ROME" |
The OpenMandriva project has announced the availability of a new testing snapshot. The new release candidate for OpenMandriva 24.07 "ROME" introduces the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment. "One of the most notable changes is the switch to Plasma 6 as the default desktop environment. This major release of the KDE Plasma desktop offers a range of new features and enhancements. Our release engineers have worked diligently to ensure that Plasma 5 and Plasma 6 packages can coexist when necessary. While we believe Plasma 6 is ready for everyday use, we also provide an up-to-date ISO image featuring the latest stable Plasma 5 desktop for those who prefer it. ROME 24.07 and the upcoming OMLx Rock 5.1 (fixed point release) will be the last sets of install images to offer the Plasma 5 desktop. These releases include the latest and expected final versions of Plasma 5, making them ideal for users who wish to continue using the 5.x series for an extended period." The GNOME 46.2 desktop and LXQt 2.0.0 are also available. Additional information can be found in the release announcement. Download (MD5, pkglist): openmandriva.rome-24.07-RC-plasma6.wayland.x86_64.iso (2,916MB), openmandriva.rome-24.07-RC-lxqt.x86_64.iso (2,038MB), openmandriva.rome-24.07-RC-gnome.x86_64.iso (2,920MB). |
2023-11-25 |
Distribution Release: OpenMandriva Lx 5.0 |
The OpenMandriva team have announced the availablity of a new release of their user-friendly, desktop-focused operating system. "OpenMandriva Lx 5.0, the long-awaited release of the independent, community controlled distribution’s fixed point release branch (as opposed to its rolling release branch), has been released. This is expected to be the last major release featuring the Plasma 5 desktop. In the 1.5 years since the previous fixed point release, OMLx 4.3, many things have changed. Among others, the new release is based on kernel 6.6 LTS (kernel-desktop-6.6.2 - 6.7.0-rc2 is also available), Mesa 23.3.0-rc4, Qt 5.15.11+KDE Patches and 6.6.0, KDE Frameworks 5.112, KDE Gear 23.08.3, Plasma, LibreOffice 7.6.3, and other current open source software. Outside of component updates, this is the first fixed point release that merges the / and /usr filesystems." Additional details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (pkglist): openmandriva.5.0-plasma.x86_64.iso (2,827MB, openmandriva.5.0-plasma.x86_64.iso.sha56">SHA256, openmandriva.5.0-plasma.x86_64.iso.torrent">torrent), openmandriva.5.0-gnome.x86_64.iso (2,753MB, SHA256, torrent), openmandriva.5.0-lxqt.x86_64.iso (1,703MB, SHA256, torrent). |
2023-03-30 |
Distribution Release: OpenMandriva Lx 23.03 "ROME" |
OpenMandriva Lx is a general-purpose operating system. The project has published new media for the distribution's rolling release branch, called ROME. The project's latest ROME snapshot introduces new editions, including Server builds which do not have a graphical user interface. "In addition to the previously released images, ROME 23.03 adds server centric images without GUI (also released as qcow2 images for virtualization), images featuring the LXQt desktop, and images for various aarch64 based devices, such as Raspberry Pi 4 and 400, Rock 5B, Rock Pi 4, and Ampere servers. The Plasma 'Slim' ISO images offer a minimal Plasma 5 environment and leave the users free to install what they really need. Across all platforms and variants, packages have been updated, including: KDE Frameworks 5.104, Plasma Desktop 5.27.3, KDE Applications 22.12.3; kernel 6.2.6 (built with Clang); LLVM/Clang 15.0.7, systemd 253.1; Chromium browser 111.0.5563.64, with JPEG XL support patched back in; LibreOffice suite, Krita 5.1.5, DigiKam 7.10." Additional information is provided in the project's release announcement and in the release notes. Download (MD5, pkglist): openmandriva.rome-23.03-plasma.x86_64.iso (2,642MB), openmandriva.rome-23.03-gnome.x86_64.iso (2,580MB), openmandriva.rome.23.03-headless-server.x86_64.img.xz (1,013MB). |
2023-01-07 |
Distribution Release: OpenMandriva Lx 23.01 "ROME" |
OpenMandriva's grand entry to the world of "rolling-release" distributions comes to fruition today with the initial release the project's "ROME" edition. It aims to continually provide the most up-to-date software packages without compromising the system stability. "To make sure you do not fall behind, we are announcing a new way to keep you up to date - ROME, the OpenMandriva rolling edition. ROME is the rolling release, designed for individual users; it will receive the most up-to-date packages, including recent security and bug-fix updates. A lot of interesting things have happened in the rolling branch since the traditional point release. Among others, KDE Frameworks 5.101, Plasma Desktop 5.26.4, KDE Applications 22.12.0 are in, and everything has been rebuilt with the Clang 15.06 compiler. Linux kernel 6.1.1 (Clang-compiled kernel as default, with the option to install GCC-compiled kernel easily from the om-welcome module)." See the release announcement and the release notes for further information. Three separate ISO images are available for download - one live image with GNOME and two with KDE Plasma (the "znver1" one being optimised for the current AMD processors). Download (MD5, pkglist): openmandriva.rome-23.01-plasma.x86_64.iso (2,642MB), openmandriva.rome-23.01-plasma.znver1.iso (2,732MB), openmandriva.rome-23.01-gnome.x86_64.iso (2,624MB). |
2022-07-27 |
Development Release: OpenMandriva Lx 5.0 Technical Preview |
Cristina Sgubbi has announced the availability of the first development snapshot of OpenMandriva Lx 5.0, an upcoming new version of the project's desktop-oriented Linux distribution featuring the latest Plasma desktop: "Here is the technical preview of the upcoming OpenMandriva Lx ROME (Rolling) and also the 5.0 'Rock' snapshot. Installing Rolling is pretty much the same as installing Rock. There is an auto-updater tool in ABF (OpenMandriva Automated Build Farm) which has been kept turned off for longer that we anticipated so Rolling has not been getting many upgrades recently and has not really been 'rolling'. This is because developers have been making some big changes to toolchain and system packages in the Cooker branch (where the upgrades come from) that would make it unsafe and unwise at this time. Some of the major changes: Python 3.11; Java 20; Linux kernel 5.18.12 (Clang kernel as default, with the option to install GCC kernel easily from the om-welcome module); the latest and brightest KDE products - KDE Frameworks 5.96.0, Plasma Desktop 5.25.3, KDE Gear 22.04.2; many software upgrades." Continue to the release announcement for further details. Download (MD5, pkglist): OpenMandrivaLx.5.0-TP-plasma.x86_64.iso (2,416MB). As usual, an image optimised for the current range of AMD processors is also available: OpenMandrivaLx.5.0-TP-plasma.znver1.iso (2,490MB). |
2022-02-07 |
Distribution Release: OpenMandriva Lx 4.3 |
Cristina Sgubbi has announced the release of OpenMandriva Lx 4.3, the latest stable version from the project's independently-developed desktop Linux distribution featuring the latest KDE Plasma desktop: "We are pleased to announce the latest release of the OpenMandriva distribution, OMLx 4.3. This release comes with the very latest KDE applications. Included in this release are: LibreOffice suite 7.3.0, Krita 5.0.2, Digikam 7.5, SMPlayer 21.10.0, VLC 3.0.16, Falkon browser 3.2, SimpleScreenRecorder 0.4.3. PipeWire has become our default sound server in the current system release, thus replacing PulseAudio. However, PulseAudio is still in our repository and you can return to it at any time. A port to RISC-V - an open-source processor architecture - is in the works, but not yet included in the 4.3 release. For more technically adept, you may find interesting that this version also includes Linux kernel 5.16.7, KDE Frameworks 5.90, Plasma Desktop 5.23.5, Applications 21.12.2, Qt 5.15.3, LLVM/Clang 13.0.0, systemd 249, Java 17 (and 18 beta, 19 dev), Calamares 3.2.39, Binutils 2.37, GCC 11.2." Continue to the release announcement for more information and screenshots. Download (MD5, pkglist, the "znver1" image is optimised for the current AMD processors): OpenMandrivaLx.4.3-plasma.x86_64.iso (2,411MB), OpenMandrivaLx.4.3-plasma.znver1.iso (2,472MB). |