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KahelOS was a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. Its desktop edition comes with pre-configured GNOME as the default desktop environment, GNOME Office productivity suite, Epiphany web browser, GIMP image manipulation program, and other popular GTK+ and GNOME applications. Like Arch Linux, KahelOS maintains a rolling-release model of updating software packages using its parent's repositories. The distribution comes in the form of a live DVD which includes a graphical installation program.
Status: Discontinued
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2020-02-17 |
NEW • Development Release: Elive 3.8.4 (Beta) |
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Elive, or Enlightenment live CD, is a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution and live CD featuring the Enlightenment window manager. The project has released a new development snapshot, Elive 3.8.4. The new snapshot is based on Debian 10 "Buster" and includes a number of updates to the kernel and fixes. The project's release announcement states: "The Elive Team is proud to announce the release of the beta version 3.8.4. This new version includes: Debian Buster base system updated to the version 10.3. Kernel updated to 5.4.8 and extra drivers updated too. Fixed Thunar notifications issue when ejecting devices. Conky: fixed listing of ram and disk processes, added visual graph for disk usage. elive-upgrader stability improvements. smplayer: fix for subtitles which displayed wrong characters for videos downloaded from youtube-dl. Installer: fixes for NVME disks with automated disk partitioning and encryption, improvements for sharing a home partition. Reiserfs (v3) included back into the installer. Browser extensions enabled by default: ublock-origin to block ADs and annoying publicity’s from websites, and a plugin to download any media file to your computer like YouTube videos, downloads are now automatically set to the default Downloads directory of the users translated directory." The project provides a free 32-bit edition and a commerical 64-bit edition. Download (MD5): elive_3.8.4_beta_hybrid_i386.iso (2,544MB, pkglist). |
About Elive
Elive, or Enlightenment live CD, is a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution and live CD featuring the Enlightenment window manager. Besides being pre-configured and ready for daily desktop use, it also includes "Elpanel" - a control centre for easy system and desktop administration.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2023-07-13 |
Development Release: Elive 3.8.34 (Beta) |
The Elive team has announced a new development snapshot of their Debian-based distribution featuring the Enlightenment desktop environment. The release announcement for the lightweight distribution states: "The Elive team is pleased to announce the release of 3.8.34 beta. This new version includes: NVIDIA drivers - lots of improvements, such as support for Optimus cards (Intel and NVIDIA GPU laptops), OpenCL, video rendering, switching drivers in Live mode and a better installation process; graphical drivers - much improved compatibility and support for any performant application like Blender or DaVinci Resolve; Ctrl+Alt+Del - a special feature has been added, it runs some helpers to make the user's life easier; installer - many improvements and fixes have been added, especially for the migration mode; persistence - allows you to boot from external SSD thumb drives; language selector - improved and with extra user-specific configurations; RAM diagnostic tool - now works on EFI boot systems. Development progress: now that Retrowave-Stable has been released, the Elive team continues its beta release cycle as it has always done. Elive beta 3.8.34 contains upgrades, bug fixes and a default theme of its own." Download (MD5): elive_3.8.34_beta_hybrid_amd64.iso (3,685MB, pkglist). |
2022-07-08 |
Development Release: Elive 3.8.30 (Beta) |
Elive is a Debian-based desktop distribution featuring the Enlightenment desktop. The project's latest release, version 3.8.30 (Beta), includes a number of improvements on a Debian 11 "Bullseye" base. The release announcement reports: "This new version includes: Bullseye base: a lot of work was done in the past months for the full integration and this is the first public release using it, which has already been pretty well beta tested behind the curtains, and a lot of improvements were made. Wallpapers are now specific per each released version. Performance boost in ext4 filesystem on new installations or upgrades. Power-management will not shut down your computer if fstrim is running. BIOS update suggested when a possible issue with the BIOS has been detected. Ruby is better integrated into your terminal now. Volume gadget now runs the mixer when you double click on it. Cinelerra-gg is now included on the 32-bit versions too! So, yes, you can now do video-editing in those retro machines." Download (MD5): elive_3.8.30_beta_hybrid_i386.iso (2,954MB, pkglist). |
2022-04-07 |
Development Release: Elive 3.8.27 (Beta) |
The Elive project has published a new development snapshot of the Debian-based desktop distribution. The new snapshot features updates to the installer, places key web browser files in RAM, and offers better NVIDIA driver installation support. The release announcement reads: "The Elive Team is proud to announce the release of the beta version 3.8.27. This new version includes: Installer with improved compatibility to boot togheter with windows systems. Web browser's temporal files run now on RAM, improving heavily the lifespan of your SSD disk or your USB's in persistence mode. Vim color scheme is now much more vibrant. NVIDIA cards correctly detected for installing extra drivers. Macbooks improved fan support. Wallpapers switching demo is back and on the E16 desktop too! Tmux improved with a better default configuration. Debian base updated to 10.12. Terminology terminal updated and with new features. Updated Debian base, Terminology with new features, and included Kernels with improved stability." |
2021-10-29 |
Development Release: Elive 3.8.24 (Beta) |
The Elive team have published a new beta snapshot of their Debian-based distribution featuring the Enlightenment desktop. The project's new snapshot is Elive 3.8.24 Beta. "This new version includes: Bootup speed greatly improved in live mode. Discards for SSD included for encrypted partitions, improving their health and performance. UX If your live system becomes corrupted by having moved accidentally your USB, the user will be informed about this broken state. retroarch emulator of multiple retro gaming platforms and consoles directly included with a full guided setup. Steam improved compatibility and installation. x86 ISO builds includes now many extra packages that was only available on the 64bit version, but don’t worry for having your system lightweight, they can be unselected to have in the installed system. E16 theme files directly installs when double-clicking on the .etheme files." See the release announcement for further details. Download (MD5): elive_3.8.24_beta_hybrid_i386.iso (2,868MB, pkglist). |
2021-08-12 |
Development Release: Elive 3.8.22 (Beta) |
Elive is a Debian-based distribution featuring the Enlightenment desktop environment. The project has published a new beta snapshot which introduces new features and changes to the default applications. "The Elive team is proud to announce the release of the beta version 3.8.22. This new version includes: Scaling of desktop can be manually configured now and is autodetected by default for optimal visibility; startup speed of the desktop improved in Live mode; E16 desktop with focus bug fixed; Entice EFL image viewer included; Markdown editor in realtime included, being able to export to html, ePUB and PDF. brightness settings are now smoother and in more steps; IRC chat will use now the Libera server; Google Chrome if installed by the user, will be now always updated to the last official version; hibernation makes sure you have enough space in your swap partition and if is not the case it automatically closes your browsers before to hibernate." Further information can be found in the Elive 3.8.22 Beta release announcement. Download (MD5): elive_3.8.22_beta_hybrid_i386.iso (2,752MB, pkglist). |
2021-05-19 |
Development Release: Elive 3.8.20 (Beta) |
Elive, or Enlightenment live CD, is a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution and live CD featuring the Enlightenment window manager. The project's latest development snapshot is Elive 3.8.20 Beta which includes an updated Linux kernel, live mode USB persistence, and fixes an issue related to detecting time zones. "This new version includes: kernel updated to the version 5.10 with some fixes for building extra modules like NVIDIA; desktop fonts much improved for dynamic sizing; persistence with many improvements for saving sessions in Live mode (USB); Cinelerra gg from our own build always updated to their last releases; cairo-dock switched by default to software based rendering for stability and performance; timezones: fixed some issues detecting your timezone; E16 desktop includes some fixes like the iconify gadget to stay in the same location among restarts, and the systray gadget showing correctly the icons." Further details are available in the release announcement. Download (MD5): elive_3.8.20_beta_hybrid_i386.iso (2,789MB, pkglist). |
2021-01-07 |
Development Release: Elive 3.8.18 (Beta) |
Elive, or Enlightenment live CD, is a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution and live CD featuring the Enlightenment window manager. The distribution's latest development snapshot is Elive 3.8.18 Beta, features convenience functions for trackpad, a faster installer, and updates the base packages to those provided by Debian 10.7. The release announcement provides the details. "This new version includes: Debian 10.7 base updated; touchpad feature added to disable the bottom area movements in clickpads; AppImage downloaded applications directly supported now; Mac computers with bootsplash included, improved keyboard support, fix for the installer searching for EFI partitions; SIS graphic cards supported (Sillicon Integrated Systems 771/671), like for the Fujitsu ESPRIMO Mobile V5515 laptop; Installer: faster installation, improved languages support and their fonts, fixed a message loop about reiserfs, small tutorial updated, fix for old migrated usernames." Download: elive_3.8.18_beta_hybrid_i386.iso (2,637MB, pkglist). |
2020-09-11 |
Development Release: Elive 3.8.16 (Beta) |
Elive, or Enlightenment live CD, is a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution and live CD featuring the Enlightenment window manager. The distribution's latest development snapshot is Elive 3.8.16 Beta, which features several package updates and fixes the eltrans translation tool. The release announcement reads: "The Elive Team is proud to announce the release of the beta version 3.8.16. This new version includes: Kernel 5.7.10 and updated drivers; Optimizations while installing packages in Live mode; Virtual machines: included feature to configure and remember a specific resolution; WINE improvements for running installed software; SSD/NVME performance improvements by: disabled realtime discards, enabled a safe weekly fstrim job, much faster speeds using now a simpler and efficient scheduler; eltrans, the elive translator tool is working again; Hotkeys PDF shows up with a better user-experience now; document included about how to customize and create your own E16 themes; other fixes: updated tmux compatible configurations, nicotine updates and fixes, Netflix compatibility feature is working again." Download: elive_3.8.16_beta_hybrid_i386.iso (2,560MB, pkglist). |
2021-05-19 |
Development Release: Elive 3.8.20 (Beta) |
Elive, or Enlightenment live CD, is a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution and live CD featuring the Enlightenment window manager. The project's latest development snapshot is Elive 3.8.20 Beta which includes an updated Linux kernel, live mode USB persistence, and fixes an issue related to detecting time zones. "This new version includes: kernel updated to the version 5.10 with some fixes for building extra modules like NVIDIA; desktop fonts much improved for dynamic sizing; persistence with many improvements for saving sessions in Live mode (USB); Cinelerra gg from our own build always updated to their last releases; cairo-dock switched by default to software based rendering for stability and performance; timezones: fixed some issues detecting your timezone; E16 desktop includes some fixes like the iconify gadget to stay in the same location among restarts, and the systray gadget showing correctly the icons." Further details are available in the release announcement. Download (MD5): elive_3.8.20_beta_hybrid_i386.iso (2,789MB, pkglist). |