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Maryan Linux
Maryan Linux was a desktop oriented distribution featuring the lightweight and visually appealing Enlightenment 17 desktop environment. LXDE, Fluxbox and pekwm are also available as alternative desktops. The project's first release (version 1) was based on Ubuntu, but the developers expect to switch to Arch Linux as the base system for future versions.
Status: Discontinued
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2016-02-24 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 7.0 |
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Tiny Core Linux 7.0 has been released. This is the first stable build in the minimalist distribution's new 7.x branch, featuring the Linux kernel 4.2.9, glibc 2.22 and GCC 5.2.0. From the release announcement: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 7.0. Changelog: Linux kernel updated to 4.2.9 with the latest stable patch, with these configuration changes - minstrel enabled for some wireless cards, vmmouse disabled for VMWare + Xvesa, the CPU limit on the 64-bit kernel raised to 64; BusyBox updated to 1.24.1; BusyBox patched to fix 'crontab -e' error; glibc updated to 2.22 and patched for DNS vulnerability; GCC updated to 5.2.0; e2fsprogs base libraries and applications updated to 1.42.13; util-linux base libraries and applications updated to 2.27; tc-config - use full path for hwclock. Notes: there is a drm/i915 kernel driver error pending a fix; the ALSA extensions have been refactored and updated; the X.Org 7.7 extensions have been updated." Download links: TinyCore-7.0.iso (16.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-7.0.iso (106MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox), TinyCorePure64-7.0.iso (24.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only). |
About Tiny Core
Tiny Core Linux is a 16 MB graphical Linux desktop. It is based on a recent Linux kernel, BusyBox, Tiny X, Fltk, and Flwm. The core runs entirely in memory and boots very quickly. The user has complete control over which applications and/or additional hardware to have supported, be it for a desktop, a nettop, an appliance or server; selectable from the project's online repository.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2024-02-25 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 15.0 |
Version 15.0 of Tiny Core Linux, an independently-developed, minimalist and modular distribution with community-built extensions, has been released. This latest version ships with Linux kernel 6.6.8 and an updated toolchain, including glibc 2.38: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 15.0. Changelog for 15.0: Linux kernel updated to 6.6.8; glibc updated to 2.38; GCC updated to 13.2.0; Binutils updated to 2.41; e2fsprogs base libraries and apps updated to 1.47.0; util-linux base libraries and apps updated to 2.39.2; zlib base library updated to 1.3; BusyBox updated to 1.36.1; tce-functions setdrive setup - use in chown; tce-audit - add md5check action from bdantas; tce-audit - md5check update from bdantas; tce-load - sudo touch from polikuo; update-everything - handle missing or extraneous dep files from bdantas; tce-update - allow tcedir optional to be a symlink from bdantas; update-everything - add safety checks from bdantas...." Here is the full release announcement as published on the project's user forums. Download: Core-15.0 (17.8MB, MD5), TinyCore-15.0.iso (24.0MB, MD5), CorePlus-15.0.iso (253MB, MD5), CorePure64-15.0.iso (20.0MB, MD5), TinyCorePure64-15.0.iso (32.0MB, MD5). |
2023-04-12 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 14.0 |
Tiny Core Linux is a minimal Linux distribution which runs from memory. The Tiny Core Linux project has released a new version, 14.0, which is available in three editions: Core (for a command line only experience), TinyCore (which provides a minimal graphical environment), and CorePlus (which provides a wider range of desktop software). The release announcement reads: "Changelog for 14.0: Linux kernel updated to 6.1.2; glibc updated to 2.36; GCC updated to 12.2.0; Binutils updated to 2.39; e2fsprogs updated to 1.46.5; util-linux updated to 2.38.1; BusybBox updated to 1.36.0; tce - allow script to exit normally without stdout from bdantas; autologin - remove unneeded lines from nick65go; - having colors from alphons; rebuildfstab - remove relatime, it has been the default since 2.6.30; rebuildfstab - small speed optimization; rebuildfstab - reorder for findutils find warning; tce-load - add to install if extension is downloaded from aswjh; - backup path patch from CNK; - various from rarost, bdantas; select - dynamic sizing: from nick65go; rebuildfstab - rewrite: from Rich; rebuildfstab - remove the tmp file just in case; tce-update - add option to skip dependency check from GNUser; add update-everything; update-everything - better names for variables and functions." Download: Core-current.iso (17MB, MD5), TinyCore-current.iso (23MB, MD5), CorePlus-current.iso (248MB, MD5). |
2022-01-31 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 13.0 |
Tiny Core Linux is a 16 MB graphical Linux desktop. It is based on a recent Linux kernel, BusyBox, Tiny X, Fltk, and Flwm. The core runs entirely in memory and boots very quickly. The project has published a new update, version 13.0, which provides new kernel and userland utilities. The release announcement states: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core version 13.0. Changelog for 13.0: Linux kernel updated to 5.15.10; glibc updated to 2.34; GCC updated to 11.2.0; Binutils updated to 2.37; e2fsprogs base libraries and application updated to 1.46.4; util-linux base libraries and application updated to 2.37.2; BusyBox updated to 1.34.1; 50-udev-default.rules - add media permissions; select - require that 'break' used in awk scripts; - prevent gratuitous change to .filetool.lst's timestamp from bdantas; tce-update - if no directory specified for 'list' or 'query', default from bdantas; tc-config - move nodhcp static_ip earlier, from andyj. Note: some older versions of Firefox will not start with 13.0." Download (pkglist): CorePure64-13.0.iso (16MB, MD5), TinyCorePure64-13.0.iso (28MB, MD5). ISO images for the 32-bit architectures are also available. |
2021-02-17 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 12.0 |
Tiny Core Linux is one of the world's smallest Linux distributions which uses the BusyBox userland utilities. The project's latest release, Tiny Core Linux 12.0, introduces a number of new fixes, package updates, and updated hardware support. "Changelog for 12.0: kernel updated to 5.10.3, glibc updated to 2.32 gcc updated to 10.2.0, binutils updated to 2.35.1, e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.45.6, util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.36.1, busybox updated to 1.33.0, busybox patched to load more than 9 extensions, busybox patched to remove 'Module has invalid ELF header', tc-config: no gratuitous permissions changes in /opt from bdantas, tc-functions: version changes from andyj, clarifying comment, busybox-aliases: additions from bdantas, comments from bdantas, tce-setup: remove neeedless timestamp from bdantas, tce-config: more precise /opt copying from bdantas, tce-config: rename autoscan from polikuo, tc-config: similar awk rounding...." Further details can be found in the distribution's release announcement. The distribution is available in three editions: a minimal Core, a desktop flavour called TinyCore, and a full installation image called CorePlus. Download: Core-current.iso (15MB, MD5), TinyCore-current.iso (20MB, MD5), CorePlus-current.iso (155MB, MD5). |
2020-02-09 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 11.0 |
Version 11.0 of Tiny Core Linux, an independently-developed, minimalist and modular distribution with community-built extensions, has been released. The new version features Linux kernel 5.4.3 and an updated toolchain: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 11.0. Changelog: Linux kernel updated to 5.4.3; glibc updated to 2.30; GCC updated to 9.2.0; e2fsprogs base libraries and applications updated to 1.45.4; util-linux base libraries and applications updated to 2.34; BusyBox updated to 1.31.1; .ashrc removed #alias d='dmenu_run &'. Note: we discovered a bug on the 32-bit edition, in Intel IOMMU, preventing boot - if you have a high-end Intel system with IOMMU and VT-D, you may need intel_iommu=off to boot the 32-bit edition; the nouveau kernel module is now enabled, but it is in a separate extension and not in graphics-KERNEL; the nvidia binary driver is still recommended; Intel compute sticks should now detect their embedded MMC Flash; for 64 bit version only - task_xacct and ipmi are enabled...." Please see the release announcement for more details. Download: Core-11.0 (14.1MB, MD5), TinyCore-11.0.iso (19.0MB, MD5), CorePlus-11.0.iso (199MB, MD5), CorePure64-11.0.iso (15.8MB, MD5), TinyCorePure64-11.0.iso (27.0MB, MD5). |
2017-09-04 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 8.1 |
Tiny Core Linux is a very minimalist, independent distribution which can use extensions to increase its functionality. The latest version of the distribution, Tiny Core Linux 8.1, features mostly smaller updates and bug fixes. The short release announcement states: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core v8.1. Changelog for 8.1: patched busybox rpm2cpio lzma bug; tc-config: static ip - from andyj; added lzma functionality to busybox; busybox updated 1.25.1 -> 1.27.1; busybox CONFIG_FEATURE_SYSLOGD_READ_BUFFER_SIZE=512 re-established; duplicated busybox syminks removed. Note also that the firmware and tc-install content in the CorePlus ISO has been rationalised." Tiny Core Linux is available in 32-bit and 64-bit builds for the x86 architecture. There are three editions to choose from: Core for a command line only interface; TinyCore which features a minimal graphical environment; and CorePlus which offers an installation image, wireless drivers and multiple graphical interfaces. Download: Core-8.1 (11MB, MD5), TinyCore-8.1.iso (17MB, MD5), CorePlus-8.1.iso (139MB, MD5). |
2017-04-10 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 8.0 |
Tiny Core Linux 8.0 has been released. Tiny Core Linux is a minimalist (but extensible) distribution, built from scratch, with a focus on being as small as possible - the 32-bit "TinyCore" edition with a graphical window manager (flwm) is a 16 MB download. This major new release delivers a number of updates - chief among them is the 4.8 version of the Linux kernel: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core v8.0. Changelog for 8.0: BusyBox updated to 1.25.1 and cpio patched for UID/GID error; Linux kernel updated to 4.8.17; glibc updated to 2.24; GCC updated to 6.2.0; e2fsprogs base libraries and applications updated to 1.43.3; util-linux base libraries and applications updated to 2.28.2. Most extensions have been copied over from the 8.x repository - note that the X.Org 7.7 extensions have been updated, the ncurses and readline extensions have changed major versions and the OpenSSL extension has been factored out into OpenSSL and CA certificates." Here is the brief release announcement as published on the project's user forums. The Tiny Core 8.0 ISO images are available for both the x86 and the x86_64 platforms: TinyCore-8.0.iso (16.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-8.0.iso (116MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox), TinyCorePure64-8.0.iso (25.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only). |
2016-05-23 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 7.1 |
Tiny Core Linux 7.1, an updated release from the distribution project that develops a highly minimalist (but extensible) Linux-based operating system, has been released. This version brings an update to the BusyBox software utility and several minor enhancements and bug fixes: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 7.1. Changelog for 7.1: BusyBox updated to 1.24.2; BusyBox syslogd buffer size increase to 512; tc-config - move syslog after hostname; - move the rebuildfstab call to mnttool; tc-config - put syslogd -L after -R. Also in conjunction with the above in Xprogs: mnttool - refresh automatically; mnttool - move rebuildfstab call here from" Here is the brief release announcement. The Tiny Core project provides installable ISO images for both the x86 and the x86_64 platforms; here are the download links: TinyCore-7.1.iso (16.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-7.1.iso (106MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox), TinyCorePure64-7.1.iso (24.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only). |
2015-05-31 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 6.3 |
Only three weeks have passed since the 6.2 version, but the developers of Tiny Core Linux have released another update - Tiny Core Linux 6.3, the latest stable build of the minimalist Linux distribution built from scratch: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 6.3. Changelog for 6.3: tce-load - exit if fromwhere doesn't exist; tc-config - nfs4 patch from gerald_clark; tce-load - separate the listing and handling loops, patch from aswjh; tce-audit - fix adding missing extensions to tce_lst; tce-setup - move extension loop to tce-load, 4% speedup in CorePlus tce-setup time from aswjh; tce-load - simplification by aswjh; tce-load - simplify app_exists by aswjh; tce-load - the -t TCEDIR patch from aswjh. Note also that Xvesa/Xfbdev included in TinyCore and CorePlus and the Xfbdev in TinyCorePure64 have been updated to the latest repository version." Here is the brief release announcement. Download links: TinyCore-6.3.iso (15.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-6.3.iso (78.0MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox), TinyCorePure64-6.3.iso (24.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only). |
2015-05-05 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 6.2 |
The developers of Tiny Core have announced the release of Tiny Core Linux, version 6.2, the new stable build from the project that attempts to build the world's smallest Linux distribution with a graphical desktop: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 6.2. Changelog for 6.2: tce-audit - similar speedup patch from aswjh; tc-config - nfs4 mount changes from gerald_clark; tce-load - 2% speedup from aswjh; tce-size - apply patch from Greg Erskine for no-deps files; tce-remove, rc.shutdown - update copy2fs name; tce-ab - convert to a symlink; tce-load - awk recursion changes changed to a subshell, so exit status needs to be passed; tce-setup - wait for slow CD drives. In addition, TinyCorePure64 6.2.iso is now legacy-BIOS/(U)EFI multi-boot." Here is the brief release announcement. Download one of the three available editions from the project's website: TinyCore-6.2.iso (15.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-6.2.iso (77.0MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox), TinyCorePure64-6.2.iso (24.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only). |
2015-03-08 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 6.1 |
Tiny Core Linux 6.1 has been released. This is the latest stable build of the minimalist (15 MB to download) desktop Linux distribution built from scratch. From the release announcement: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 6.1. Changelog: tce-load - remove extraneous ls check, apply awk patch, remove unused depi variable; tc-functions - getbasefile speedup; tce-audit, tce-load - ignore spaces in dep files; BusyBox 1.23.1 patched for modinfo, modprobe, wget and dc; BusyBox updated to 1.23.1; - fix systems with default year not 1970; - awk patch and move common part to a function; tce-audit - awk patch. Also in conjunction with the above in Xprogs: apps - quote the search argument, reload the list on an empty search, set a minimum size to the window, nicer resize behaviour. Several elements of X.Org 7.7 were also updated between 6.0 and 6.1 so users should use the apps GUI to check for updates and check for changed deps after upgrading." Download links: TinyCore-6.1.iso (15.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-6.1.iso (76.0MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox), TinyCorePure64-6.1.iso (20.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only). |
2015-01-21 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 6.0 "piCore" |
Béla Markus has announced the release of version 6.0 of Tiny Core Linux "piCore" edition, a minimalist distribution designed for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the immediate availability of piCore 6.0. The most important change is the use of the official long-term 3.12.y (3.12.36) Linux kernel to offer more stable operation over experimental kernels and to get wider range of hardware supported, specially audio devices. The FLTK library has been updated to 1.3.3 to enable Unicode. FLTK 1.1 and 1.3 can be installed at the same time, and old applications using 1.1 will continue to work. The size of SD card images has been reduced. It boots in safe overclocking mode to shorten boot time by 20% with performance governor; switch to 'ondemand' when startup completes. Other changes: Core base synchronised with the common 6.0 base; Raspberry Pi firmware updated to January 19, 2015 version; e2fsprogs updated to 1.42.12...." Here is the full release announcement. Download: (24.7MB). |
2014-05-21 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 5.3 "piCore" |
Béla Markus has announced the availability of a new version of "piCore", a specialist edition of Tiny Core Linux designed for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the immediate availability of piCore-5.3. Changelog: Linux kernel updated to 3.14.4; Raspberry Pi firmware updated to 2014-05-12 version; e2fsprogs updated to 1.42.10; util-linux updated to 2.24; official BusyBox patches applied; curaga's wget3 BusyBox patch applied, setting default timeout to 10s; tce-load - don't show an error when extension contains multiple modules; tce-load - use sudo when unmounting meta-extensions; patched to enable HDMI sound at 192 kbit/s rate; patched rtl8192cu driver to disable power saving; enabled CMA and FIQ-FSM by default." See the release announcement for a full changelog and update instructions. Download from here: (24.7MB). |
2014-04-20 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 5.3 |
Version 5.3 of Tiny Core Linux, the latest stable build of the fast and minimalist (less than 15 MB) desktop Linux distribution built from scratch, has been released and is now available for download: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 5.3: Changelog: BusyBox - updated nosuid to 1.22.1, added ntpd, corrected dc failure, modified wget timeout to 10s; tce-load - don't show an error when extension contains multiple modules; tc-config - change owner /tmp/tce/optional to support tftplist (thanks to Gerald Clark); tce-load - use sudo when unmounting meta-extensions; added full path to sudo commands; tc-config - introduce ntpserver boot option; switch to ntpd; replace aliases with functions in useBusyBox." Here is the brief release announcement. Download links: TinyCore-5.3.iso (14.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-5.3.iso (72.0MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox). |
2014-03-17 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 5.2.1 "piCore" |
Béla Markus has announced the release of "piCore" 5.2.1, the Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the availability of piCore 5.2.1. It is an independent system architected by Robert Shingledecker and now developed by a small team of developers with strong community support. Tiny Core Linux is not a traditional distribution but a toolkit to create your own customized system. It offers not only flexibility, small footprint but a very recent kernel and set of applications making it ideal for custom systems, appliances as well as to learn Linux, matching Raspberry Pi perfectly. It is running entirely in RAM. There is no installation in conventional terms; extensions mounted read only, after reboot the same clean system is available. Base raw SD card image with CLI version is only 21.5 MB including RPi boot loader, firmware and support files. Changes from 5.2: kernel updated to 3.13.6; updated RPi firmware; added more protection of TC scripts against bad extensions; added kernel modules required by USB 3G adapters; added kernel modules required to connect WiFi AP with SHA encryption...." Here is the full release announcement. Download: (21.5MB). |
2014-02-26 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 5.2 "piCore" |
Béla Markus has announced the release of "piCore", an edition of Tiny Core Linux designed specifically for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the availability of piCore 5.2, the Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux. It is an independent system architected by Robert Shingledecker and now developed by a small team of developers with strong community support. Changes from 5.1: Linux kernel updated to 3.13.3; updated RPi firmware; use BusyBox in tc-functions changed to eliminate interference with certain installed GNU apps; rebuildfstab: do not replace fstab entries for a device that does not have 'Added by TC' on the line; init: increase the default inode count; ondemand: don't list extensions under subdirs in onboot maintenance; BusyBox split suid/nosuid for better security; ldd - added quotes for binaries with spaces in their names; /etc/services - modified to suit rpcbind rather than portmap...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a complete changelog. Download: (20.4MB). |
2014-01-28 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 5.1 "piCore" |
Béla Markus has announced the release of "piCore", an edition of Tiny Core Linux for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the availability of piCore 5.1, the Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux. It is an independent system architected by Robert Shingledecker and now developed by a small team of developers with strong community support. Tiny Core Linux is not a traditional distribution but a toolkit to create your own customized system. It offers not only flexibility, small footprint but a very recent kernel and set of applications making it ideal for custom systems, appliances as well as to learn Linux, matching Raspberry Pi perfectly. Main features: Linux kernel 3.12.7 with sound DAC support, BusyBox 1.22.1, eglibc 2.18, X.Org 7.7, zswap (compressed swap in RAM), zram (compressed RAM), Linaro 4.8-2013.11 (GCC 4.8.3) toolchain." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download: (22.3MB). |
2014-01-25 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 5.2 |
Tiny Core Linux 5.2, the latest stable build of the distribution that prides itself to be as small and light as technically possible, has been released: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Core 5.2: Change log: rebuildfstab - do not replace fstab entries for a device that does not have 'Added by TC' on the line; init - increase the default inode count; ondemand - don't list extensions under subdirs in onboot maintenance; ldd - add wildcard to support both x86 and x86_64; BusyBox updated to 1.21.1 plus wget patches and split suid/nosuid for better security; ldd - added quotes for binaries with spaces in their names; /etc/services - modified to suit rpcbind rather than portmap; tc-functions - removed the getpasswd stars to allow backspace to work. Notes: rootfs64.gz available for corepure64; a new nfs-utils extension has been issued to work with Tiny Core Linux 5.2." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: TinyCore-5.2.iso (14.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-5.2.iso (72.0MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox). |
2013-11-30 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 5.1 |
Tiny Core Linux 5.1, a new stable version of the project's minimalist but extensible Linux distribution, has been released: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Core 5.1: Change log: kernel: updated from 3.8.10 to 3.8.13 to correct long sync issues (this is a minor update to fix a specific bug. no configuration changes); tce-fetch - updated to support $KERNEL parameter; version: added multi-architecture support; tc-functions: getbootparam updated to properly match a parameter that is a substring; tc-functions: getpasswd updated to preserve last character entered in a password. Note that this version is available in three formats: core - fully 32-bit; core64 - 32-bit with 64-bit kernel modules; corepure64 - fully 64-bit." Here is the brief release announcement with update instructions. Download: TinyCore-5.1.iso (14.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-5.1.iso (71.0MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox). |
2013-09-15 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 5.0 |
Tiny Core Linux 5.0 has been released. Tiny Core Linux is a minimalist, but highly modular and extensible Linux distribution with flwm as the default window manager. From the release announcement: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core 5.0. Changelog: Linux kernel update to 3.8.10 with (U)EFI boot enabled; option to use vmlinuz + rootfs.gz + modules.gz or vmlinuz64 + rootfs.gz + modules64.gz (where boot loader permits); aterm, freetype, imlib2, jpeg and libpng factored out of Xlibs/Xprogs; glibc updated to 2.17 and recompiled against 3.8.x kernel headers; GCC updated to 4.7.2, recompiled against 3.8.x kernel headers and cloog, gmp, mpc, mpfr and ppl; e2fsprogs base libraries and applications updated to 1.42.7; util-linux base libraries and applications updated to 2.23.1; scm extensions have been dropped; fixed copy2fs bug with tc-load.... Note that due to factoring out and updating libpng, many extensions from the Tiny Core 4.x repository will not work with Tiny Core 5.0." Download: TinyCore-5.0.iso (14.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-5.0.iso (71.0MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox). |
2012-11-02 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 4.7 |
Robert Shingledecker has released version 4.7 of Tiny Core Linux, a minimalist but extensible graphical Linux distribution for desktop computers. From the release announcement: "I am pleased to announce the release of Core 4.7. Change log: updated ondemand to support scm extensions and icons from both tcz and scm; updated wbar - to support scm ondemand icons; updated scmapps GUI for new ondemand maintenance and download option; updated scm-load - new option -wo ondemand download; updated tc-functions - added new support functions; updated scm to interface to updated scmaps GUI; new scm-run to support scriptable load and launch scm style extensions; updated filetool - new GUI access to filetool.lst, .xfiletool.lst, and backup options; updated to interface to updated filetool GUI; updated apps GUI - New Check Onboot Unneeded and changes required by ondemand scm support...." Download links: TinyCore-4.7.iso (12.0MB, MD5), CorePlus-4.7.iso (66.0MB, MD5). |
2012-08-28 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 4.6 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 4.6, a minimalist but extensible Linux distribution with a simple and fast graphical user interface: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 4.6. Change log: new mirrorpicker GUI - select fastest mirror; updated Apps GUI to add first run and menu option for mirrorpicker GUI; updated ScmApps GUI to add first run and menu option for mirrorpicker GUI; updated tce-status, added -o option for orphan file checking on HTTPD mirrors; updated Apps GUI to add Orphan file check; updated tc-config improved PRETCE raid disk support; renamed ab to tce-ab to avoid Apache name conflict and allow to start without specifying a search target; updated BusyBox added lsof applet and link...." The release announcement includes a complete technical changelog. Download: TinyCore-4.6.iso (12.0MB, MD5), CorePlus-4.6.iso (65.0MB, MD5).
2012-04-25 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 4.5 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 4.5, a fast and minimalist Linux distribution for desktop use: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 4.5. Change log: updated wbar to 2.3.0; Updated, wbar_setup and wbarconf GUI for new wbar changes; new Apps GUI replaces AppBrowser and AppsAudit; updated Apps GUI OnBoot, OnDemand and Md5Check to case-insensitive sort order; updated Apps GUI OnDemand to support ondemand noicons; updated App GUI to add descriptive title and moved URI to bottom; renamed ScmBrowser to ScmApps, added delete and descriptive title, moved URI to bottom, adjusted menu; updated tce-audit to suppress spurious messages with regard to FAT file systems; updated tce-setup added support for scm in cde tmp/builtin for remasters; updated scm-load to forward md5check results to calling GUI; updated scm-load to support scm only type systems and remasters...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a complete technical changelog. Download: TinyCore-4.5.iso (11.9MB, MD5), CorePlus-4.5.iso (66.0MB, MD5).
2012-03-18 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 4.4 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 4.4, a minimalist but extensible and fast distribution for the desktop: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 4.4. The major theme for Core 4.4 is kernel and modules update and improved extension searching via tags. Changelog: minor kernel update to 3.0.21; updated tc-config with syslog/rsyslog patch; updated Xprogs.tcz: scmbrowser and tweaks; updated added -t option for tag search; updated for CLI use; updated appbrowser for new tag search; updated ab keyword is now a tag search; updated tce-size with date check on sizefile update; updated tce-setup fixed when base boot code is used with missing /tmp/tce/optional directory; updated tce-setdrive with a required readlink; updated with a required readlink when used after tce-setdrive...." Find the complete changelog in this forum post. Download links: TinyCore-4.4.iso (11.9MB, MD5), CorePlus-4.4.iso (64.0MB, MD5).
2012-02-18 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 4.3 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 4.3, a small, but extensible Linux distribution for the desktop: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 4.3. The major theme for Core 4.3 is self-contained mountable and unmountable application extensions. Change log: new scm-load for scm new extension type supports icon removals and menu updates for all supported window managers; new scm an 'ab' like command line tool to maintain scms, browser repository, list local, install, uninstall, add to boot, and remove from boot; new scmbrowser an FLTK GUI to manage your scm extensions; new and scm-search new internally used support programs for scms; updated tce-setup to load/mount scm via scmboot.lst; updated Busybox with latest password patch.... The release announcement. Download: TinyCore-4.3.iso (11.9MB, MD5), CorePlus-4.3.iso (65.0MB, MD5).
2011-12-26 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 4.2 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 4.2, a nomadic, ultra-small graphical desktop operating system: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 4.2. The main theme for the 4.2 release is the re-factoring of Tiny Core Linux to be highly modular by focusing on its core. With the Core project one starts with the kernel (vmlinuz 2.4 MB) and core.gz 5 MB. Micro Core 8 MB is simply the kernel + core.gz - this is the foundation for user created desktops. Tiny Core is simply the kernel + core.gz + Xvesa.tcz or Xorg.tcz + Xprogs + fltk-1.10.tcz + (user's choice of window manager) + wbar.tcz. The original Tiny Core becomes simply an example of what the Core project can produce, a 12 MB GUI desktop. 4.2 also introduces Core Plus, a simple way to get started using the Core philosophy with its included community-packaged extensions." Read the full release announcement for a detailed changelog. Download Tiny Core Linux 4.2 and the extended Core Plus variant from Ibiblio: TinyCore-4.2.iso (11.9MB, MD5), CorePlus-4.2.iso (48.0MB, MD5).
2011-11-19 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 4.1 |
Robert Shingledecker has released Tiny Core Linux 4.1, a mini-distribution featuring the flwm window manager with a custom package manager and configuration utilities: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core and Micro Core 4.1. Change log: updated pcmciautils 018, sudo 1.7.7, FreeType 2.4.7, imlib2 1.4.5, libpng 1.2.46, BusyBox 1.19.3; updated tc-config new boot code pretce for raid and LVM support; updated tc-config dropped default TZ=UTC as such default (UTC) is embedded with no need to set TCZ; updated tc-config for better detection of /dev/rtc and handling of loadcpufreq; updated tc-config for microcore without X; updated tce-setdrive improved error handling; updated tc-terminal-server for new kernel; updated ab, fixed OnDemand bug; updated mnttool, added -g option for user defined initial position when used in .xsession...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a detailed technical changelog. Download: tinycore_4.1.iso (11.5MB, MD5), multicore_4.1.iso (47.0MB, MD5).
2011-09-26 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 4.0 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 4.0, a major new version of the world's smallest graphical desktop Linux distribution: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core Micro Core 4.0. Change log: updated Linux kernel to 3.0.3, udev to 173, glibc to eglibc 2.13, e2fsprogs base libraries to 1.41.14, GCC base libraries to 4.6.1, util-linux base libraries to 2.19.1; updated eglibc for 486/586 support; updated base Xlibs (Micro Core users need to get new Xlibs.tcz); updated all the custom core utilities to use the new repository area; new loadcpufreq to handle module loading; updated ondemand for console-based extensions via Freedesktop Exec=cliorx prgname; updated tce-load and tce-audit for dynamic kernel dependency processing; adjusted .xsession to handle X start-up failure...." Read the rest of the changelog for further technical details. Download: tinycore_4.0.iso (11.8MB, MD5), multicore_4.0.iso (45.0MB, MD5).
2011-08-06 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.8 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.8, an updated release of the the project's small (but extensible) desktop Linux distribution: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.8. Final change Log: updated AppsAudit dependencies menu grouping and added 'Fetch Missing Dependencies'; updated AppsAudit - updated error reporting and now reports stale extensions; updated AppsBrowser - clear Search & Provides field upon results; updated wallpaper - improved GUI, now with a single window; updated screenshot to display file name created upon completion; updated mnttool - added a refresh button; updated wbarconf - support for no initial .wbar; updated BusyBox - 1.18.5, new depmod applet and audit of required applets...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a full changelog. Download (the "multicore" image includes a graphical system installer): tinycore_3.8.iso (10.3MB, MD5), multicore_3.8.iso (39.0MB, MD5).
2011-06-16 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.7 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.7, a minimalist, but extensible desktop distribution in 10 megabytes: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.7. Final change log: new multicore.iso both Tiny Core and Micro Core installation and network tools edition; new added kernel module for NTFS to base, allows read access to NTFS partition; new GUI loadpack to load, when required, Starter Pack after boot; updated rebuildfstab now supports NTFS-3G for NTFS-3G extension, allows read-write access; updated cpanel to reflect changes in the base; updated tc-functions to better handle TCVD virtual disk; updated network GUI to record udhcpc PID for services support when DHCP is requested...." Here is the release announcement with a changelog. Download: tinycore_3.7.iso (10.3MB, MD5). The "mulitcore" CD image with a graphical system installer is available from here: multicore_3.7.iso (45.5MB, MD5).
2011-05-01 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.6 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.6, a new version of the world's smallest desktop Linux distribution: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.6. Change log: new replaces usbinstall - added frugal install to partition with formatting options; New tc-install FLTK GUI front end to callable from cpanel; new to present select list of both local and remote mirrors; new mydata= boot code to support alternate name for backup; updated squashfs modules with latest patches; updated fluff to 0.95, fixes reported segmentation faults and better handling of large files; updated mousetool to support left-handed 2-button serial mouse; updated flrun - added input search capability; updated cpanel change to tc-install for HD/USB Install...." Continue reading the changelog if you want to learn about all the detailed technical changes in this version. Download: tinycore_3.6.iso (10.6MB, MD5).
2011-02-14 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.5 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.5, a minimalist, but extensible distribution: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.5. Change log: updated BusyBox to 1.18.3 plus patches; updated zsync to 0.6.2; updated Fluff file manager to 0.8.9; new autoscan-devices compiled to improve boot speed; updated tc-functions for call to autoscan-devices; new rotdash compiled to improve boot speed; updated tce-audit builddb to not force fetch of all .dep files when no tce.db exists; updated appsaudit to support removing on-demand uninstalled extensions without rebooting; clean up of tce-audit 'delete' spurious messages; new tce-remove support for appsaudit; update wbar_rm_icon to support tce-remove; updated appsaudit, added highlight on failed MD5 checking...." Here is the complete changelog. Download: tinycore_3.5.iso (10.5MB, MD5).
2010-12-19 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.4 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.4, a minimalist graphical distribution in under 11 megabytes: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Tiny Core 3.4. Change log: updated appsaudit multi-select updates and md5 checking; updated fluff to 0.8.5 with integrated file type and associations as well as many UI improvements; updated mnttool to show all drives and mount launch filemgr via FILEMGR env; updated mnttool to support labels and 10+ partitions; updated wallpaper gradients and color preview; updated editor for named new file argument; updated wbarconf for control of text, zoom, and icon size; updated exittc 'Exit to prompt' to be PID driven; updated wbar for fluff startup via '~'; updated fluff .desktop item for startup via '~'; updated to terminate if appbrowser is aborted by killing X...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a complete changelog. Download: tinycore_3.4.iso (10.6MB, MD5).
2010-11-23 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.3 |
Robert Shingledecker has released Tiny Core Linux 3.3, a minimalist desktop distribution in 10 MB: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core 3.3 is now available. Change log: new FLTK integrated file manager, fluff, file associations; new FLTK minimal editor, on System Tools menu, and called via File Manager, configurable file associations; updated AppBrowser - integrated setdrive; new wbarconf replaces wbar_exclude - manage all icons (system and ondemand), as well as bar placement; new wbar_mv_icon for support of wbarconf; updated ondemand, appsaudit, and wbar_setup for single ondemand dir; updated flwm_initmenu - to support combined single ondemand directory; updated cpanel WbarConf replaces TCE Update; updated and reorganized boot help screens; updated Control Panel reorganization, moved more frequently used items to the System Tools menu...." Read the rest of the changelog for a detailed list of updates in this release. Download: tinycore_3.3.iso (10.6MB, MD5).
2010-10-15 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.2 |
Robert Shingledecker has released Tiny Core Linux 3.2, a minimalist distribution with a graphical user interface in just 10 MB: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core Linux 3.2 is now available. Change log: updated BusyBox to 1.17.2 + patches; improved language translation support in Appsaudit, Wallpaper, and Swapfile; updated AppBrowser, all tabs now allow mouse 'select for copy'; updated System Stats, all tabs now allows mouse 'select for copy'; updated Appsaudit and Appbrowser to eliminate trailing null item in FLTK browser widget; updated tce-load which now handles case of missing dependency file; updated -d for dry run option, comparerestore boot code, and improved encrypted backup; updated filetool GUI to support options of None, Backup and Safe; updated tc-config: moved 'protect' and 'secure' after extension loading to support alternate layout keyboards...." For further details please read the release announcement. Download: tinycore_3.2.iso (10.6MB, MD5).
2010-09-12 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.1 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 3.1, the world's smallest desktop distribution - an 11 MB live CD: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core Linux 3.1 is now available. Changes: updated BusyBox to 1.17.1; updated Appsaudit for ondemand icons and ondemand moved to tce directory; updated ondemand script for ondemand icons and move of ondemand directory; updated wbar_setup to support ondemand icons; updated wbar_update to support ondemand icons; new wbar_rm_icon to support ondemand icons; updated Appsaudit to eliminate duplicates in onboot and ondemand lists; updated Appbrowser; updated filetool GUI, tc-restore, and exittc to support new and safebackup options; updated exittc GUI; added Appsaudit to system menu, appears in all supported window managers; updated Fluxbox, IceWM, JWM and Openbox...." See the release announcement for further technical details. Download: tinycore_3.1.iso (10.6MB, MD5).
2010-08-16 |
Development Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.1 RC1 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the first release candidate of Tiny Core Linux 3.1, a minimalist Linux distribution with a footprint of about 10 MB: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce Tiny Core 3.1 RC1 is now available for preview. Changelog: new size tab in Appbrowser; updated depends tab in Appbrowser to display dependency tree; updated /etc/passwd user nobody for missing 'home' field; updated /etc/shadow user root to remove default password; updated appsaudit to eliminate duplicates in onboot and ondemand lists; new Wbar_eXclude to exclude icons from wbar available in SystemTools; updated wbar_update to process xwbar.lst created via wbar_exclude; added Appsaudit to system menu...." Read the rest of the changelog for further details. Download: tinycore_3.1rc1.iso (10.7MB, MD5).
2010-07-20 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.0 |
The Tiny Core project, representing only the core needed to boot into a very minimal X desktop typically with wired internet access, has unleashed a major release: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce Tiny Core 3.0 is now available. Changelog: New kernel update to (a upx'ed version is also available in the distribution file area ); New 64-bit kernel available in distribution files area; New compressed swap in ram, able to run more and longer, less crashes due to out of ram; New tmpfs root always, no longer possible to exhaust ram in an 'embed' boot via files; New improved virtualization support; New ext4 support in base/base tools; New delta extension updates as the default using zsync; New kernel for support of pci-hotplug modules; New modules for eeepc-laptop and ssb; New kernel-agnostic dep files supported by core functions...." See the complete changelog for more information. Download: tinycore_3.0.iso (10.7MB, MD5).
2010-07-11 |
Development Release: Tiny Core Linux 3.0 RC1 |
After a series of alpha builds, the first release candidate for the upcoming Tiny Core Linux 3.0 is now available for testing: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core 3.0 RC1 is now available. Changelog: new kernel update to (a UPXed version is also available in the distribution file area); new 64-bit kernel available in distribution files area; new compressed swap in RAM able to run more and longer; new tmpfs root always - no longer possible to exhaust RAM in an 'embed' boot via files; new improved virtualization support; new ext4 support in base/base tools; new delta extension updates as the default using zsync; new modules for Eee PC laptop and SSB; updated BusyBox to 1.17.0, glibc to 2.11.1 and recompiled against 2.6.33 kernel headers, GCC to 4.4.3, e2fsprogs to 1.41.11, zlib to 1.2.5; updated X libraries in base to X.Org 7.5...." See the full changelog for more details. Download: tinycore_3.0rc1.iso (10.7MB, MD5).
2010-05-02 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.11 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 2.11, a minimalist Linux distribution in 10 MB: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce Tiny Core Linux 2.11. The major theme for this release is the adoption of the standard. Our implementation provides better support of modern desktop environments while still supporting legacy window managers. Also new is Universal OnDemand for both DEs and legacy WMs, thus providing users with more options for even faster booting and efficient use of memory. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release as doing so will better prepare you for the next major release version 3.0. Change log: new freedesktop system menu and extension support for flwm, LXDE, XFCE, JWM, and Hackedbox; updated BusyBox to 1.16.1; updated for freedesktop support; new tc2freedesk for freedesktop support; added new 'Power Off' (exit) button to wbar...." Read the rest of the changelog for further details. Download: tinycore_2.11.iso (10.1MB, MD5).
2010-03-21 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.10 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 2.10, a minimalist graphical distribution in 10 MB: "Tiny Core v2.10 is now posted. Changelog: updated Appbrowser / tce-load - recursion now fully supported; updated Appbrowser, no pop-ups, GUI redesign, dropped menu for buttons, added status area; updated flwm_topside moved location and look of iconize button; updated appsaudit, added wait cursor during selective updates; updated cpanel cursor support and removed full paths; updated flwm ondemand, now fully automatic; updated tc-functions for additive home setup support; new hsetroot replaces Esetroot for logo PNG support; updated Backgrounds / wallpaper for hsetroot support; updated exittc to not call exitcheck, backup occurs within exittc; added missing rule for mmc support; added directory indicator for improved appsaudit 'On Boot' selection...." Here is the full release announcement. Download (MD5): tinycore_2.10.iso (10.1MB, MD5).
2010-03-03 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.9 |
Robert Shingledecker has released Tiny Core Linux 2.9, a minimalist Linux distribution in 10 MB: "Tiny Core Linux 2.9 is now posted. Change log: upgraded udev to 151 with several rule adjustments and new rules added; updated libstdc++ 6.0.9 to support exceptions; updated glibc 2.9 to support i486; updated wbar - eliminated background relics; updated appbrowser - added 'Provides' to search for 'What provides', also error handling and speed improvements; updated appsaudit - added 'Display All Not Depends On'; updated tc-config - persistent home and/or opt; improved language support by auto-loading locale support extension(s); added functions checkroot and checknotroot for improved user handling; new 'Set TCE Drive' in control panel to setup TCE directory, optional and mydata.tgz from cloud mode...." Read the full release announcement for a complete list of changes. Download: tinycore_2.9.iso (10.1MB, MD5).
2010-01-24 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.8 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 2.8, the world's smallest graphical distribution: "Tiny Core Linux 2.8 is now posted. The theme for this release is to have a single directory for extensions and dependencies. This greatly improves systems resources by having a single copy of dependencies and it also greatly improves flexibility in 'moving' applications present upon boot, dependency auditing, and both batch and selective updating. Change log: updated FLTK to 1.1.10; updated FLWM with more traditional close button layout; updated appbrowser to support new onboot.lst and extension support structure; updated appsaudit - new menu section OnBoot to support maintenance of onboot.lst; updated and reorganized cpanel, added 'OnDemand', 'TCE Update', 'USB Install', 'Run Command', 'Xkill', and 'Xvesa Setup'...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a more detailed list of changes. Download: tinycore_2.8.iso (10.0MB, MD5).
2009-12-20 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.7 |
Robert Shingledecker has released of Tiny Core Linux 2.7, a minimalist Linux distribution in only 10 megabytes: "Tiny Core Linux 2.7 is now posted. The theme for 2.7 is to make Tiny Core and Micro Core easier to use by promoting a single extension installation method (mount) while still supporting copy into file system. Change log: updated appbrowser - single 'Install' button and renamed 'Download Only' to 'OnDemand'; updated appsaudit - new menu option 'Install Options' to maintain copy2fs.flg and copy2fs.lst; new ondemand - create flwm right-click menu shortcuts to load and start applications from /tce/optional - tune your system for much faster boot times; updated tce-load - dropped l, m, lm, ml testing, ldconfig always called; stripped more libraries for smaller size, now at 10.1 MB...." for additional details please see the full changelog. Download: tinycore_2.7.iso (10.1MB, MD5).
2009-11-26 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.6 |
The rapid development of Tiny Core Linux, a minimalist desktop distribution in 10 MB, continues with the release of version 2.6 earlier today. What's new? "Updated blkid, libblkid, and libuuid; updated rebuildfstab to drop extra mount points and to reflect removals; new select utility replaces dialog; updated, mktclocal and tc-terminal-server using select; updated cpanel Apps Audit replaces mktclocal on panel selection; updated missing link; dropped cryptohome support; updated tc-config to reflect recent changes; BusyBox mount and losetup replaces GNU variants; updated rc.shutdown for BusyBox syntax; updated tce-load to support BusyBox mount; dropped support for ziofs and cramfs, all extensions are now Squashfs; dropped BusyBox ed, eject, fsck, expand and unexpand applets; BusyBox lsmod, insmod, rmmod, modprobe replace GNU variants...." Here is the complete changelog. Download: tinycore_2.6.iso (10.3MB, MD5).
2009-11-06 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.5 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 2.5, a very small (10 MB) minimal distribution with a graphical desktop based on Linux kernel 2.6, BusyBox, Tiny X, FLTK toolkit: "Tiny Core continues to get smaller and faster. Change log for 2.5: updated rebuildfstab for speed improvement; updated tc-config and tc-functions for NFS-PXE support; updated tce-load and tc-config with cp construct replaces tar pipe and rsync, speed improvement; updated tc-config for Microcore + no wbar = no X bug; updated exittc now norestore will uncheck the default backup option; re-implemented /opt/tce boot-time support; updated flwm system menu with transparent shell options; added home/tc/.wmx to /opt/.xfiletool.lst to protect basic system menu...." Read the rest of the changelog for further details. Download: tinycore_2.5.iso (10.4MB, MD5).
2009-10-10 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.4.1 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 2.4, a very small (10 MB) minimal Linux GUI desktop: "Tiny Core 2.4 is now posted. Change log: updated flwm_restart to use new capability of menu refresh; updated appbrowser - dropped access to TCE repository, 'Install Local' defaults to optional/; updated to read extra configurations from $HOME/.wbar; updated flpicsee to v1.0 - replaced Alt with Ctrl hotkyes; updated setbackground to process compressed logo template, saves much space; updated .Xdefaults for aterm transparency mode; updated .xsession to check and start flit and/or watcher...." Find more details in the changelog. Update: The developers have now released a bug-fix version: "Version 2.4.1 is posted and has a single character change, which only affects special permissions, e.g., setuid, and only when installing to the file system, i.e., not mounting. This fixes the X.Org not starting issue under such conditions." Download: tinycore_2.4.1.iso (10.6MB, MD5).
2009-09-05 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.3 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 2.3, an updated version of the world's smallest desktop Linux distribution: "Tiny Core Linux 2.3 is now posted. Change log: updated flwm replaces JWM as default, use jwm-snapshot extension for the latest JWM; new official Tiny Core logo added to base; new flit an Fltk GUI toolbar for battery, date, and sound controls in flwm; new 'noautologin' boot code; new 'appsaudit' GUI; new tce-audit command-line script engine for 'appsaudit'; new tcz2ram.flg placed in tce directory will cause all TCZs to be loaded into RAM; upgraded BusyBox to 1.14.3; updated to use Squashfs; updated to remove the xorg.conf requirement to support X.Org without configuration file; updated appbrowser to support the new tce-load option flags, and tcz2ram options, as well as both install and mount buttons for TCZs...." See the rest of changelog for further technical details. Download: tinycore_2.3.iso (10.9MB, MD5).
2009-08-01 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.2 |
Robert Shingledecker has released Tiny Core Linux 2.2, a minimalist desktop distribution in 11 MB: "Tiny Core 2.2 is now posted. Change log: new boot option 'embed' to stay on initramfs; upgraded ISO now using isolinux 3.8.2 to easily support isohybrid; upgraded fixed false error warning and added to 'Tools' menu section; upgraded to support microcore's .core. elements; upgraded usbinstall with 'need root warning' also added to 'Tools' menu section; upgraded tce-load to use -c 'continue' option of wget to better support downloading; upgraded BusyBox, replaced missing dc applet, also added 'Length' to wget applet output; upgraded boot time F2 to display better message regarding kmaps; upgraded boot time F3 to display missing options, no icons and laptop...." Read the rest of the changelog as published on the project's user forum. Download: tinycore_2.2.iso (11.0MB, MD5).
2009-06-28 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.1 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 2.1, a minimalist desktop distribution in 11 MB: "The Tiny Core team is pleased to announce version 2.1 of Tiny Core and Micro Core Linux. Changelog: new modutils results in much space savings; new changed from using initramfs to tmpfs for better support of df and mount bind option; new Squashfs module to prevent spurious Squashfs errors upon boot; new aterm for better interaction with Appbrowser; new waitforX eliminates WM timing issues; new BusyBox 1.13.4 - command line history set to 150; new usbinstall, a command line tool to install to pen drive; new command line script, an extremely conservative batch upgrade script; new added modules hwmon and rfkill for better support of laptops; updated virtual hard drive to support persistent home on a virtual hard drive...." Read the rest of the release announcement for more changes. Download: tinycore_2.1.iso (11.0MB, MD5).
2009-06-07 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 2.0 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release Tiny Core Linux 2.0, a minimalist (11 MB), but extensible Linux distribution for the desktop: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 2.0 and introduce MicroCore, a 7 MB, no-X environment ISO image based on Tiny Core Linux. Change log: new Linux kernel and modules; new glibc 2.9; new libstdc++, libgcc, ldconfig; new Dropbear 0.52; new flPicSee 0.9.1, new scaling, zomming, and pop-up information; new Squashfs module to base for support of 'squashed' extensions; new cryptohome to use AES; new mount and losetup; new virtual drive support; new extension-driven desktop boot option, adding a WM extension no longer requires the corresponding desktop=xyz option; updated JWM, fixed full screen video bug...." Here is the full release announcement. Download: tinycore_2.0.iso (11.0MB, MD5).
2009-04-27 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 1.4 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 1.4, a minimalist desktop Linux distribution in 10 MB: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 1.4. Changelog: new virtual disk support; updated watcher, now supports no swap option; replaced Busybox losetup with GNU, for cryptohome support; moved start-up script processing to occur before restore; fl_picsee replaces imlib2_view; update .jwmrc screenshot menu option; update appbrowser loads .list and .dep upon demand; update .xsession for easier use of other X start-up utilities; update mousetool now makes output script executable. Files that have changed and are likely in your backup or other persistent store: .jwmrc, .xsession." Visit the project's user forum to read the release announcement. Download: tinycore_1.4.iso (10.2MB, MD5).
2009-04-12 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 1.3 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 1.3, a minimalist desktop Linux distribution with JWM as the default window manager: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 1.3. Changelog: updated BusyBox to 1.13.3; pcmciautils to 015, aterm to 1.00.01; updated appbrowser to display .info, .list, and .dep files; added optional support for UUID and LABELS; added automatic modprobing for module extensions; added 25-tc.rules (better support USB printers, scanners and DVB sticks); improved device checking for restore; improved xsetup to better support framebuffer; improved support of persistent opt when sharing with an existing /opt directory; update to tce-load on handling tcz mounts; improved handling of start-up scripts on boot and upon load; added USB 2 button mouse choice; fixed a bug when trying to run tce-load from non X CLI...." Here is the full changelog. Download: tinycore_1.3.iso (10.2MB, MD5).
2009-03-11 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 1.2 |
Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 1.2, an extensible, 10 MB mini-distribution with the JWM window manager. From the release announcement: "Tiny Core Linux 1.2 is now posted. Change log: new tcz-symlinker dramatically improves both boot and on-demand TCZ handling; updated udev rules 90-permission rules for USB; updated mnttool to better support other devices; removed unused files; fixed missing applications menu with persistent /opt; dropped unneeded loop in /root/.profile; added version command; added more support for traditional (scatter mode) installation; fixed duplicate icons in scatter mode; enabled suid on tclocal mounts; updated pci.ids." Download: tinycore_1.2.iso (10.2MB, MD5).