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Klikit-Linux was an informal project focused on developing a modern, free, user-friendly and fun Linux distribution. It uses the well-known, award winning KDE environment. It can run as a live CD/DVD on practically any PC, and can be installed to a hard drive in just a few minutes. Klikit-Linux was based on Kubuntu, taking advantage of many of its best features, and then adds its own touch, depending on the desires of the community.
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2015-10-26 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 15.10 |
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Simplicity Linux is a Puppy-based distribution which ships with the LXDE desktop environment. The developers of Simplicity have launched a new version of their distribution, Simplicity Linux 15.10. This version offers users version 4.1.1 of the Linux kernel and is offered exclusively in a 32-bit x86 build. "We are very pleased to announce the release of Simplicity Linux 15.10. Due to some issues users were finding with the 64-bit edition of Simplicity 15.7, we've decided to put our 64-bit releases on hiatus until we can resolve the issue. The two 32-bit editions of Simplicity 15.10 both feature the 4.1.1 Linux kernel and are based on the excellent LXPup. LXDE is used as the desktop, and wbar is used as a dock for pre-installed software and features." The distribution's two editions are Netbook, which is designed to be lighter and use more cloud-based technology, and Desktop, which offers more locally installed applications such as LibreOffice. Further information is available in the release announcement. Downloads (MD5): Desktop1510Final2.iso (619MB), Netbook1510Final-2.iso (387MB). |
About Simplicity
Simplicity Linux is a Devuan-based distribution with Cinnamon as the default desktop environment (prior to 2020 it was based on Puppy Linux and Xfce). It comes in three editions: Mini, Desktop and Gaming. The Mini edition features cloud-based software, the Desktop flavour offers a collection of general-purpose software, and the Gaming variant includes a launcher for Steam games.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2020-05-01 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 20.4 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 20.4, a new stable version of the project's Devuan-based distribution set with a choice of Cinnamon or LXDE desktop environments: "We are pleased to announce the release of Simplicity Linux 20.4. This time there are four editions, all based on the excellent Buster Dog. First we have 'Mini', which uses LXDE and Openbox and runs the 5.6.4 XanMod kernel. As usual with Mini, there isn’t a lot of software pre-installed; instead it uses web-based apps which run as a Chrome instance. We have preinstalled Google Docs, Project Management software, Spotify, Mega, Gmail and Facebook Messenger. For those looking for something with locally based applications, we have 'Desktop' which also uses the 5.6.4 XanMod kernel. Unlike Mini, it uses Cinnamon as its desktop. It comes preinstalled with Pidgin, LibreOffice, GIMP, Chrome, Thunderbird, Audacity, Spotify and MPV. The 'Gaming' edition uses the Debian Backports 5.4.0 kernel for stability, and it comes with Brave Browser, OBS, Discord, Blacknut Cloud Gaming, Vortex Cloud Gaming, Wine, Steam and Spotify as full local applications." Here is the complete release announcement. Download (MD5, pkglist): Desktop204.iso (997MB), Gaming204.iso (1,193MB), Mini204.iso (499MB), X204.iso (509MB). |
2020-02-04 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 20.1 |
Simplicity Linux is a Devuan-based distribution which follows a similar design to Puppy Linux. The project's latest release, Simplicity Linux 20.1, is available in three editions: Desktop, Mini, and Gaming. It features PulseAudio and uses Cinnamon as the default graphical environment. "We are pleased to announce the release of Simplicity Linux 20.1. It is based on Buster Dog and uses Cinnamon as a window manager. We've also pre-installed PulseAudio rather than the usual ALSA because it was causing problems with a few modern apps. Simplicity Linux 20.1 comes in three different editions: Mini, Desktop and Gaming. We usually create an X Edition, which showcases features which may or may not appear in a future version of Simplicity Linux, but we've decided to rest this for one release cycle as will be explained later. Mini is our lightweight Linux distro. It features minimal pre-installed software, instead using cloud based software. It uses Google Chrome as the main portal to software, and has shortcuts to commonly used cloud based software." Additional details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (MD5, pkglist): Desktop20-1.iso (747MB), Gaming20-1.iso (690MB), Mini20-1.iso (586MB). |
2019-08-23 |
Development Release: Simplicity 19.10 Alpha 1 |
Simplicity Linux is a Puppy Linux derivative with Xfce as the default desktop environment. It comes in three editions: Desktop, Mini and an experimental X flavour. The project's latest development snapshot is Simplicity Linux 19.10 Alpha1: "We're proud to announce the release of Simplicity Linux 19.10. It is based on Stretchdog, which in turn is based on Debian Stretch. As this is an alpha release, none of these images should be considered finished versions, and may contain bugs or issues which won't be present in the final release. These images should also be considered to be designed for live booting rather than being installed. All three editions of Simplicity Linux 19.10 feature Ecosia as the default search engine. This is a search engine where revenue from ads is used to plant trees. It is something we have been testing for some time, and we weren't going to include it in the alpha releases. However, after hearing about the fires in the Amazon Rainforest, we have decided to include Ecosia in each version. It's our way of trying to help in whatever small way we can." The release announcement offers further details and file checksums. Download (MD5): Simplicity1910DesktopAlpha1.iso (583MB), SimplicityMini1910Alpha1.iso (354MB), Simplicity1910XAlpha.iso (787MB). |
2016-07-31 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 16.07 |
The Simplicity Linux project is based on LXPup and antiX and ships with LXDE as the default desktop environment. The project has announced a new release, Simplicity Linux 16.07. The new version is available in three editions: Desktop, Mini and X. "We are pleased to announce the release of Simplicity Linux 16.07. As with recent versions of Simplicity, Mini and Desktop are based on the excellent LXPup and uses LXDE as the desktop environment. However, as an experiment, X is based on Debian via the fantastic antiX distro. It uses LXDE as the desktop environment like Mini and Desktop, but as far as features go, it is closer to Mini." This new experiment with Debian based packages may spread to the rest of the editions in the future: "As mentioned earlier, you can test our most experimental version of Simplicity Linux to date, X 16.07. This version is still in the very early stages of development. It is based on the excellent antiX, which in turn is Debian based. Whilst we still have a lot of love for Puppy Linux and all its derivatives, sometimes it's hard to make certain packages work, especially newer packages." The release announcement has further details. Download (MD5): 1607Desktop.iso (400MB), 16.07MiniRC1.iso (328MB), X1607Final2.iso (555MB, pkglist). |
2016-05-04 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 16.04 |
The Simplicity Linux project, a Puppy-based distribution, has announced the launch of a new stable release. The new version, simplicity Linux 16.04, is available in three flavours: Mini, Desktop and X. The Mini and Desktop editions are available in 32-bit builds while the X edition provides a 64-bit build. "As with recent versions of Simplicity, it is based on the excellent LXPup and uses LXDE as the desktop environment. Mini and Desktop come with the 4.0.4 kernel, and X comes with the 4.4.5 kernel. As with our previous releases, Mini (Previously Simplicity Linux Netbook Edition) is our heavily cut down version. It comes with Flash pre-installed, the latest version of Firefox, and web versions of Spotify, Dropbox, Gmail, Google Docs and many other applications. Desktop is our fully featured distribution, based on the same base as Mini but rather than web based applications; it comes loaded with Flash, Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, GIMP, and MPlayer." Additional details can be found in the release announcement. Download (MD5): Desktop1604Final.iso (546MB), Mini1604Final2.iso (279MB), X1604NX.iso (817MB). |
2016-03-31 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 16.04 Beta |
The developers of Simplicity Linux, a distribution derived from Puppy Linux, have launched a new beta release for people to test. The new development snapshot, Simplicity Linux 16.04 Beta, features a newer Linux kernel and lots of cloud-based services. The Beta is available in two editions, Mini and X: "The biggest change from the Alpha to the Beta release of 16.04 is that it is now running the 4.4.4 kernel. We would love any feedback from users on how it's performing for them, as we've found it to be very stable, but we only have a small amount of hardware to test on, so more feedback would be invaluable. Mini is our cut down version of Simplicity which shares the same base as our X and Desktop versions, but with a lot of software removed and replaced by web based versions. It comes with Google Docs, Spotify, TuneIn Radio, Dropbox, Twitter and Facebook. X is our experimental version of Simplicity Linux and changes dramatically from release to release." More information and screen shots can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (MD5): X1604BetaFinal.iso (776MB), Mini1604BetaFinal.iso (259MB). |
2016-02-29 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 16.04 Alpha |
Simplicity Linux is a lightweight desktop distribution based on Puppy Linux. The project's developers have announced the availability of a new test release, Simplicity Linux 16.04 Alpha. "Simplicity Linux 16.04 alpha releases are now available. In this release, we have decided to change the name our trusty Simplicity Linux Netbook edition to Mini. We feel that this new name more accurately reflects this edition. We'd love to know what you think about the change. As it was usual in Simplicity Linux Netbook edition, Mini is a cut-down version of our Desktop edition. Most of the local software pre-installed with Desktop is replaced with browser-based versions. The Desktop edition is our full-featured release which has software such as LibreOffice and GIMP pre-installed. We have decided to do something a little different with X in this release cycle. X will still be a testing ground for experimental features, but it’s now aimed at people moving from Windows to Linux." Additional information can download links can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (MD5): Desktop1604Alpha2.iso (445MB), Mini1604Alpha2.iso (238MB). |
2016-02-01 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 16.01 |
The developers of Simplicity Linux have announced the release of their Puppy-based distribution which uses LXDE as the default desktop interface. The new version, Simplicity Linux 16.01, ships with the Chrome web browser and DotVPN in place of the Tor Browser. The distribution is available in two editions, Netbook and Desktop: "It's that time again! A new release of Simplicity Linux is available for download. Simplicity Linux 16.01 comes in two flavours, Netbook and Desktop, both 32-bit releases. Based on the excellent LXPup distribution, we use LXDE window manager and 4.1.6 kernel. For those Simplicity Linux virgins, Netbook Edition is our cut down version using web based software rather than installed software which means you can keep all your data and satisfy all your computing needs in the cloud. Cloud computing FTW! On the other hand, we have Desktop Edition which is a lot heavier but comes pre-installed with great software like Audacity, LibreOffice and GIMP." Additional information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (MD5): Desktop1601Final.iso (595MB), Netbook1601Final.iso (383MB). |
2015-08-04 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 15.7 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 15.7. The new version of the Puppy-based distributions for desktops and netbooks was already announced last Friday, but because of a critical bug in one of the released images, a new respin was required and it was finally delivered yesterday. From the original announcement: "We are very pleased to announce Simplicity Linux 15.7. Our two main editions, Netbook and Desktop, are available for 32-bit or 64-bit processors. The 32 bit edition comes with the 4.0.4 kernel and the 64 bit version comes with the 4.0.2 kernel. The Netbook edition, our light-weight variant of Simplicity Linux comes pre-installed with Google Chrome and focuses on Cloud-based applications. The Desktop edition is for users who want a fully featured distro; it contains more local applications such as Spotify, LibreOffice and Thunderbird and it could easily become your everyday operating system. And if you are feeling adventurous you might want to give our experimental X edition, a try." Quick download (MD5) links: Desktop157Final-64v2.iso (575MB), Netbook157Final-64.iso (408MB), X157Final.iso (619MB). |
2015-07-01 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 15.7 Beta |
David Purse has announced the availability of the beta release of Simplicity Linux 15.7, a lightweight Puppy-based distribution for netbooks and desktops. Due to unresolved issues, the "Desktop" edition is only available in a 32-bit build for now. From the release announcement: "Simplicity Linux 15.7 beta is now available to download. It is based on the fantastic LXPup and it uses LXDE as its desktop. All versions come with the 4.0.2 kernel and as usual Simplicity is split into two editions - Netbook and Desktop. There is no 64-bit edition of Desktop, because we had some issues, but this will be resolved before the release. It should also be noted that these are beta releases, so some things may change, be removed, while other things may be added. It's a stable, working version, but still unfinished and rough around the edges." Interested beta testers can download (MD5) the live CD images from SourceForge: Desktop157Beta-32.iso (569MB), Netbook157Beta-64.iso (389MB), Netbook157Beta-32.iso (334MB). |
2015-04-30 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 15.4 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 15.4, a set of lightweight Puppy Linux-based distributions for desktops and netbooks - now available in both 32-bit and 64-bit flavours: "Simplicity Linux 15.4 is now available for download in Netbook and Desktop editions, both available in 32-bit and 64-bit variants. It is based on the excellent LXPup and it uses its implementation of LXDE as the desktop environment. The 32-bit kernel is the 3.14.20 kernel and the 64-bit kernel is the 3.17.20 kernel. As usual, our Netbook edition is lighter, with shortcuts to web applications rather than locally installed applications. Desktop is our heavier version, with bigger, locally installed applications, like VLC and LibreOffice. We hope you enjoy using Simplicity Linux as much as we enjoyed working on it. Netbook: Chrome, Tor Browser, shortcuts on the wbar dock for Gmail, Grooveshark, Kindle, Netflix, Rock Desktop: Chrome, TOR Browser, Netflix, full LibreOffice." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (MD5) the live CD images from SourceForge: Desktop154Final64.iso (508MB, pkglist), Netbook154Final64.iso (364MB). |
2015-04-01 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 15.4 Beta |
David Purse has announced the availability of the beta release of Simplicity Linux 15.4, a lightweight Puppy-based distribution featuring the LXDE desktop: "We are pleased to announce that Simplicity Linux 15.4 beta is now available to download. We are releasing Netbook and Desktop betas, both available for the first time in 32-bit and 64-bit editions. We're basing these on LXPup because it is an excellent distro with a really good implementation of LXDE. As usual, Netbook is a more cloud-based Linux distro; it comes with the latest TOR Browser if you want to browse securely or Chrome if you want a less secure browser. We've included shortcuts to Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, Google Docs, Dropbox, and Grooveshark, as well as a virtual assistant application. Desktop is our more heavyweight edition; it comes with the latest TOR Browser, the desktop version of Dropbox, Chrome, and the full LibreOffice suite." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (MD5): Desktop154Beta-64.iso (537MB), Desktop154-32Beta.iso (462MB), Netbook154Beta-64.iso (361MB), Netbook154Beta-32.iso (309MB). |
2015-03-01 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 15.4 Alpha |
David Purse has announced the availability of the alpha release of Simplicity Linux 15.4, a lightweight Puppy-based distribution - now also available in a 64-bit flavour: "Simplicity Linux 15.4 alpha is now available for download. This release cycle marks the start of a new chapter for Simplicity: you can now get our releases in 32-bit or 64-bit editions. The 32-bit edition is based on the superb Puppex, and the 64-bit edition is based on LXPup64, a distro we have admired for a long time. At the moment there is no alpha release for the 64-bit Desktop Simplicity Linux because we've been having a few issues with it. However, there will be a 64-bit Desktop edition for the beta release. It should also be noted that these alpha releases are very rough. Things will change between these releases and the beta releases. Some features that are available in the 32-bit editions aren't available in the 64-bit editions." Read the full release announcement for further information. Download (MD5): Desktop154Alpha-32.iso (645MB), Netbook154Alpha-32.iso (435MB), Netbook154Alpha64.iso (366MB). |
2015-02-03 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 15.1 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 15.1, a set of Puppy Linux-based distributions with LXDE as the preferred desktop and now also a separate 64-bit edition featuring the KDE 4.10.5 desktop: "The final release of Simplicity Linux 15.1 is finally available for download. Simplicity 15.1 is based on Slacko, and uses the LXDE desktop environment for Netbook and Desktop editions. Also, we are proud to announce the release of our first 64-bit edition: X. X 15.1 is a 64-bit only release and uses KDE as its desktop. Netbook and Desktop editions are our only 32-bit releases for this cycle. One thing we are particularly pleased to bring you this release cycle is the fact that Simplicity Linux can view Netflix content straight out the box. You do not need to update libraries, change agent strings, or anything else. Just use the shortcut or use Chrome to view Netflix content." Continue to the release announcement for more information. Download (MD5) from SourceForge: Netbook151Final.iso (287MB), Desktop151Final.iso (452MB, pkglist), X151Final.iso (493MB). |
2015-01-03 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 15.1 Beta |
David Purse has announced the availability of Simplicity Linux 15.1 beta, a lightweight Puppy-based distribution that comes in "Desktop", "Netbook" (both with LXDE) and "X" (with KDE 3) editions: "After a few setbacks in November, and the inevitable December chaos, we are proud to announce the beta release of Simplicity Linux 15.1, based on Slacko Puppy. The full release will be available at the end of the January. We are releasing Netbook, Desktop and X 15.1. Both Netbook and Desktop are 32-bit releases, but X 15.1 beta is our first-ever 64-bit release. Netbook has few applications and this time we've really tried to cut back on the local applications included. The idea is that Netbook is designed to be minimalistic and use Cloud-based applications. Desktop is our more fully featured edition. It ships with Dropbox, Chrome and the NSS 3.16.2 libraries." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download (MD5): Desktop151Beta.iso (505MB), Netbook151Beta.iso (327MB), X151Beta.iso (456MB). |
2014-11-01 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 14.10 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 14.10, a set of Puppy Linux-based distributions with LXDE as the preferred desktop (and now also an experimental edition with KDE): "Simplicity Linux 14.10 is now available for everyone to download. It uses the 3.15.4 kernel. The Netbook and Desktop editions both use LXDE as the desktop environment and the X edition uses KDE 4.12.3. As usual, Netbook is our cut-down variant, with mostly web based applications which are made easily available from the Wbar dock. Desktop is our full-featured edition which features a host of beautiful wallpaper images pre-installed, as well as a lot of local applications such as Firefox, TOR Browser, Thunderbird, LibreOffice and Dropbox. The X edition is our experimental version and, as such, not everything will work. It is intended as a glimpse into what Simplicity Linux may become in the future. As mentioned above, it uses KDE 4.12.3 as the desktop environment rather than LXDE." Here is the full release announcement. Download (MD5) links: Netbook1410Final.iso (327MB), Desktop1410Final.iso (608MB, pkglist), X1410.iso (436MB). |
2014-09-03 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 14.10 Alpha |
David Purse has announced the availability of the alpha release of Simplicity Linux 14.10, a lightweight Puppy-based distribution with LXDE as the preferred desktop environment: "After a bit of a delay, the Simplicity Linux 14.10 Netbook and Desktop alphas are now available for download. All versions of Simplicity Linux 14.10 alpha are using the 3.15.4 kernel and are based on Puppy Slacko 5.9.3. As usual, Netbook is aimed at users who tend to do things online, but still want a pretty and professional looking desktop. It runs LXDE as the window manager, has Wbar as a dock, and comes complete with Firefox and TOR browser. Desktop 14.10 alpha is aimed at users who want a full-featured desktop Linux. It comes complete with LibreOffice, WINE, Java, VLC and a host of other applications. As with Netbook, it also comes with Firefox and TOR browser built in." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (MD5): Desktop1410Alpha.iso (580MB), Netbook1410Alpha.iso (324MB). |
2014-07-31 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 14.7 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 14.7, a set of lightweight, Puppy-based Linux distributions in four editions: "Simplicity Linux 14.7 is now available for everyone to download for free. Obsidian is our cut-down edition, pretty much just Firefox 30, a network manager and not a lot else. Netbook is our lightweight edition of Simplicity Linux; it has a few local applications, but most of the hard work is done by Cloud-based applications. Desktop is our heavyweight release; it features LibreOffice, Skype, Dropbox and a lot of other software. If you're used to using Windows but it annoys you, Subdivision is designed for you; it comes with LibreOffice, Firefox, Java, Flash, and a Minecraft installer, so you can begin playing familiar games on Linux straight out the box." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (MD5) links: Obsidian147Release.iso (179MB), Netbook147Final.iso (385MB), Desktop147Release-2.iso (656MB, pkglist), Subdivision147-2.iso (688MB). |
2014-06-29 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 14.7 Beta |
David Purse has announced the availability of the beta release of Simplicity Linux 14.7, a Puppy-based distribution with LXDE as the preferred desktop: "Simplicity Linux 14.7 beta has been released. You can find the 'Desktop' edition here and the 'Netbook' edition. There is no X edition in our Beta release cycle because we have changed direction on it significantly recently, and there is no ISO ready yet. It is based on Puppy Linux, and uses the excellent LXPup. For the uninitiated, 'Desktop' is our full-fat edition. It has locally installed applications rather than Cloud-based ones, such as Dropbox, Skype, and LibreOffice. As with all our recent releases, it uses the LXDE window environment. There is also the 'Netbook' edition which is a cut-down version of Simplicity Linux which features a few local applications and a browser so you can concentrate on working with Cloud-based applications." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (MD5): Desktop147Beta.iso (610MB), Netbook147Beta.iso (350MB). |
2014-06-01 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 14.7 Alpha |
David Purse has announced the availability of the alpha release of Simplicity Linux 14.7, a small distribution based on Puppy Linux and featuring the LXDE desktop: "Simplicity Linux 14.7 alpha is now available for download in Netbook, Desktop and X editions. It is based on Precise Puppy and it uses the excellent LXPup by SFS to provide LXDE as a desktop environment for Netbook and Desktop editions. As usual, Netbook is our cut-down edition which focuses on web-based applications rather than locally installed applications. Desktop is our heavyweight edition with a solid focus on full-featured applications. X is our experimental release, which may or may not change significantly between release cycles and is intended as a testbed for new ideas we are working on." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download: Desktop147Alpha.iso (572MB), Netbook147Alpha.iso (366MB), X147Alpha.iso (715MB). |
2014-04-19 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 14.4 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 14.4, the new stable release of the project's Puppy-based distributions for desktops and netbooks: "Simplicity Linux 14.4 is now available for download. It is based on the excellent Slacko Puppy 5.6.5, and uses LXDE as a desktop environment. There are three different versions this release cycle: Netbook, Desktop and X. Netbook 14.4 is designed to be fast and light, for people who just want an OS, a browser, and not much else. It comes with Chrome as the default browser and on the fully customisable dock you can also access MPlayer for playing media files. Desktop 14.4 is designed to be a more heavyweight Linux. It also uses the LXDE desktop environment, and comes preinstalled with Dropbox, Chrome, Skype, LibreOffice, Thunderbird, and a more refined audio mixer. All these applications are available from the dock, making access easy." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download (MD5): Desktop144Release.iso (537MB), Netbook144Release.iso (235MB). |
2014-03-27 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 14.4 Beta |
David Purse has announced the availability of the beta release of Simplicity Linux 14.4, a small, fast, and versatile Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux: "Simplicity Linux 14.4 is based on 'Slacko' by 01micko from the Puppy Linux community. Simplicity Linux 14.4 uses LXDE as the Window Manager for Netbook and Desktop Editions, and uses KDE 4.10 as the Window Manager for Simplicity X 14.4. As usual, Netbook is a heavily cut down Linux distro which gives access to a browser, e-mail, and a few local based applications. Netbook is designed for those who want to browse, check their e-mails, and perhaps look at a few photos or watch downloaded movies on their machines, but little else. Desktop is designed for a fuller experience, and as such includes Dropbox, LibreOffice, Skype, and more local applications. X is our experimental release. It is designed to see what else we can do with Linux, with the intention being that features we like will filter down into the stable releases. X should generally work, but should be considered highly experimental, and highly unstable; it is not really designed for day to day use." Here is the full release announcement. Download: DesktopBeta144.iso (533MB), NetbookBeta144.iso (235MB). |
2014-01-28 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 14.1 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 14.1, the latest update of the lightweight (with LXDE) Puppy-based distribution for desktops, media centres and netbooks: "We're proud to announce the release of Simplicity Linux 14.1. It is based on 'Slacko' Puppy 5.6 but it replaces JWM with LXDE and has Firefox ESR 24.0 as the default browser with the Cocoon proxy added. If you are worried about your privacy, sign up for an account, otherwise it does nothing, and is completely optional. It's something we personally use, and have found really useful, so we thought we would bundle it. Desktop 14.1 is our fullest featured release to date. You get Skype, LibreOffice, Java, Flash, MPlayer, Firefox, OnLive, WINE and other software preinstalled. If you are after a full-featured version of Simplicity Linux, this is the version you will want to download." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download (MD5): Desktop141Release.iso (513MB), Media141Release.iso (506MB), Netbook141Release.iso (258MB). |
2013-12-24 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 14.1 Beta |
David Purse has announced the availability of the beta release of Simplicity Linux 14.1, a lightweight Puppy-based distribution for desktops and netbooks: "We have finally released Simplicity Linux 14.1 beta. One of the big changes we have made this time around is that we have changed the default browser from Firefox to Chromium. This is based on what we have observed from CPU usage. Whilst Chromium may create a new instance per tab, we have noticed that Firefox uses far more CPU resources, which goes against what we are working towards - an efficient Linux distribution. As usual you get LibreOffice, Skype, Dropbox, OnLive and WINE. We have also included Java, which does make the Desktop edition a lot heavier than before, but we think that it's worth the added size. Another change we have made is not to include VLC or any other media player." Here is the release announcement. Download: Desktop141Beta.iso (523MB), Netbook141Beta.iso (233MB). |
2013-10-18 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 13.10 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 13.10, a new version of the project's Puppy-based distribution for desktops and netbooks, featuring the LXDE desktop environment: "We are proud to announce that Simplicity Linux 13.10 is now available for download. From today you can download Obsidian, Netbook and Desktop. Media and X will be available in a few days, as we're still not 100% happy with them. Simplicity Linux 13.10 is based on Upup which in turn is based on Puppy Linux. Desktop has the biggest change this release cycle. We have now brought back OnLive; improvements in WINE and video drivers mean that OnLive works better than it did in the past. We know it's not Steam, but with OnLive if you have a decent Internet connection, at least you don't have to worry about big downloads, you can just get on with gaming. Desktop also has Dropbox integrated into it, so you can sync your files and get them on any device with a browser." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download (MD5): Desktop1310Final.iso (347MB), Netbook1310Final.iso (180MB), Obsidian1310Final.iso (186MB). |
2013-09-26 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 13.10 Beta |
David Purse has announced the availability of the beta release of Simplicity Linux 13.10, a Puppy-based distribution designed for desktops, netbooks and media centres: "Simplicity 13.10 beta releases are now available for download. As with all beta releases, they're still not the finished product, but they're a lot closer to it than the alpha releases. We wouldn't recommend you use this as your day-to-day OS, but you can download it, use UNetbootin to install it to a USB key and play with it without affecting your computer. The biggest change we have made is getting rid of the horrible LXDE menu. We knew it had problems, so we fixed it using Xfce AppFinder. Personally, I think it's better than trawling through menus to find what you're looking for. It's not perfect, but we're working on the bugs. We've also updated the repositories for you, so they should be up to date when you boot up." Continue to the release announcement to find out more. Download links: Desktop1310Beta.iso (300MB), Netbook1310Beta.iso (203MB), Media1310Beta.iso (367MB). |
2013-08-26 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 13.10 Alpha |
David Purse has announced the availability of the first alpha release of Simplicity Linux 13.10, a Puppy-based distribution that comes in desktops, netbooks and media centre flavours: "Simplicity Linux 13.10 alphas are now available. Be warned, these releases are buggy, as is the nature of alpha releases, but they do generally work. 13.10 is based on Raring Puppy by Pemasu. The kernel is, as you might guess, and it is a non-PAE kernel, meaning you do not need a machine with PAE to be able to run it. The window manager is LXDE for all releases except Obsidian which uses Openbox (released tomorrow due to unforeseen problems). Desktop is our big release, it comes with media players, LibreOffice, and a lot of other software. Desktop is a full-featured Linux distro compared to the cut-down editions like Netbook and Obsidian, and less specialised than Media." Here is the full release announcement with known issues. Download links: SimplicityDesktop1310Alpha2.iso (261MB), SimplicityNetbook1310Alpha.iso (203MB), SimplicityMedia1310Alpha.iso (448MB). |
2013-07-23 |
Distribution Release: Simplicity Linux 13.7 |
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 13.7, a new version of the project's Puppy Linux derivative with LXDE as the default desktop environment: "We are proud to announce that Simplicity Linux 13.7 is now available. There are many differences between Simplicity Linux 13.4 and Simplicity Linux 13.7. This is the first version of Simplicity Linux based on LXPup rather than Carolina or Saluki. We have a new, more back-to-basics UI. The Cairo Dock bar has gone and now we're using the standard dock from LXDE. Speaking of LXDE, we are moving from Xfce to LXDE because it is noticeably easier on laptop batteries, but we feel the differences between look and feel are minimal. As laptop users, we thought that anything which gives you a bit more battery life has to be a good thing! We have also put more focus on Gslapt as the package manager." Continue to the release announcement to learn more. Download: SimplicityDesktop137Release.iso (451MB). |
2013-07-05 |
Development Release: Simplicity Linux 13.7 Beta |
Simplicity Linux is a fast and energy-efficient Linux distribution built from Puppy Linux and featuring the LXDE desktop. A beta build of the upcoming version 13.7 was announced yesterday: "We have officially launched the beta of Simplicity Linux Desktop 13.7. We are currently in the process of uploading Simplicity Linux Obsidian and Netbook 13.7 betas. Media probably won't get a beta release because we are having some issues with it, but it should be ready to go for release on 28th July. The biggest change we've made between alpha and beta is we have officially moved from Carolina Linux as our base to LXPup. We like Xfce, we've been using it for a long time, but we think that LXDE is a better window manager, and if nothing else, it's more energy efficient. Of course, the biggest change you get because we've moved to LXPup is Gslapt." Here is the brief release announcement with a screenshot. Download: SimplicityDesktop137Beta.iso (451MB). |