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Trustix Secure Linux was a Linux distribution targeted at companies, of all sizes, in need of a low footprint and high security server operating system. Trustix Secure Linux includes the open standards based SoftWare UPdater, SWUP, which keeps all software packages up-to-date, resolves library dependancies and integrates public key cryptography to ensure safety and security.
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2015-02-18 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 2.3.2-22 |
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Steven Shiau has announced the release of Clonezilla Live 2.3.2-22, the latest stable version of the project's specialist live CD, based on Debian's "unstable" branch, designed for disk cloning: "This release of Clonezilla Live (2.3.2-22) includes major enhancements and bug fixes: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded, this release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2015-02-17; Linux kernel has been updated to 3.16.7; the bindfs and ntpdate packages have been added; Partclone has been updated to 0.2.76, partclone-utils to 0.3.1; the drbl package has been updated to 2.13.7, Clonezilla to 3.13.29; syslinux has been updated to 6.03; an encryption mechanism for Clonezilla image files has been added; a boot parameter, "ocs_dmesg_n", has been added so that it can be used to set the level at which logging of messages is done to the console, if not set it hides all messages, except emergency (panic) messages; the image repository can now be on a WebDAV server...." Here is the complete release announcement. Download (SHA256, pkglist): clonezilla-live-2.3.2-22-amd64.iso (163MB), clonezilla-live-2.3.2-22-i686-pae.iso (163MB), clonezilla-live-2.3.2-22-i486.iso (162MB). |
About Clonezilla Live
Clonezilla Live is a Debian-based live CD containing Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning software similar to Norton Ghost. It saves and restores only used blocks in hard drive. With Clonezilla, one can clone a 5 GB system to 40 clients in about 10 minutes.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2024-07-09 |
Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 3.1.3-11 |
Clonezilla Live is a Debian-based distribution used for disk and partition cloning. The project's latest release, version 3.1.3-11, introduces updated hardware support and brings Clonezilla Live more in line with Debian's Unstable (Sid) repositories. "This release of Clonezilla live, 3.1.3-11, includes major enhancements and bug fixes. Enhancements and changes from 3.1.2-22: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded, this release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2024-06-28; Linux kernel has been updated to 6.9.7; Partclone has been updated to 0.3.31; removed the cpufrequtils package from lists of live system, it's not in the Debian repository any more; removed thin-provisioning-tools from packages list of Clonezilla Live due to it breaking a dependence; added the yq package and removed the deborphan package in the live system; merged pull request 31 from iamzhaohongxin/patch-1; update zh_CN.UTF-8; the ca_ES and de_DE language files have been updated; the live-boot package has been updated to 20240525; the live-config package has been updated to 11.0.5; set a bigger scrollback for screen in live system, it's easier to debug." Additional information can be found in the release announcement. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist): clonezilla-live-3.1.3-11-amd64.iso (436MB), clonezilla-live-3.1.3-11-i686.iso (376MB), clonezilla-live-3.1.3-11-i686-pae.iso (377MB). |
2024-04-18 |
Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 3.1.2-22 |
The Clonezilla Live distribution provides disk and partition cloning tools through a live DVD/USB platform. The project's latest release introduces kernel upgrades and reverts the xz package to an older, safe version. "This release of Clonezilla Live (3.1.2-22) includes major enhancements and bug fixes. Enhancements and changes from 3.1.2-9: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded, this release is based on the Debian Sid repository as of 2024-04-08; Linux kernel has been updated to 6.7.9; the ezio package was updated to 2.0.11; new format messages sending to ocsmgrd; a comma (,) is used to separate the messages; rotate Clonezilla-related log files and receive new format messages from clients; include powermgmt-base and pdsh in live system; xz-utils was reverted back to the 5.4.5 version; removed 'ip=' from boot parameters. Bug fixes: no message sent to ocsmgrd in BT mode; update disable_sudo_use_pty, negate it explicitly, not just comment it - this should avoid distortion of gpm with jfbterm." The release announcement for Clonezilla Live 3.1.2-22 includes additional details. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist): clonezilla-live-3.1.2-22-amd64.iso (422MB), clonezilla-live-3.1.2-22-i686.iso (364MB), clonezilla-live-3.1.2-22-i686-pae.iso (364MB). |
2023-11-08 |
Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 3.1.1-27 |
Steven Shiau has announced the release of Clonezilla Live 3.1.1-27, a new stable version of the project's Debian-based specialist live image designed for partitioning, backups and disk-cloning tasks: "Stable Clonezilla Live 3.1.1-27 released. This release includes major enhancements and bug fixes. Enhancements and changes since 3.1.0-22: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded - this release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2023-11-02; Linux kernel has been updated to 6.5.8; updated the ca_ES, de_DE, el_GR.UTF-8, es_ES, fr_FR, ja_JP, pl_PL, sk_SK and tr_TR language files; Partclone has been updated to 0.3.27, options '--read-direct-io' and '--write-direct-io' are available; the ezio package has been updated to 1.2.0, some improvements from 2.0.3 include show version when running, show save_path instead of name, torrent is larger than 4MB; the acpitool, ntfs2btrfs, zfsutils-linux and vim (not vim-tiny) packages are now included in the live system; the mlocate package has been replaced by plocate...." Read the complete release announcement for a full changelog. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist): clonezilla-live-3.1.1-27-amd64.iso (398MB), clonezilla-live-3.1.1-27-i686.iso (350MB), clonezilla-live-3.1.1-27-i686-pae.iso (350MB). |
2023-02-16 |
Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 3.0.3-22 |
Clonezilla Live is a Debian-based live CD containing Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning software. The project's latest release includes software upgrades from Debian's Sid branch and improves handling of swap partitions. "The underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded, this release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2023-02-12; Linux kernel has been updated to 6.1.11; Partclone has been updated to 0.3.23 and this has updated Btrfs to 6.0.1; show option '-j2' in the restoreparts menu, default off; the swap partition is shown in the saveparts dialog menu; swap partition can be saved in two modes - only keep UUID/label or dumped by dd; improved LUKS mechanism to support multiple LUKS devices; LUKS swap device should keep UUID and label only, not use dd mode; add '--powersave off' in setterm for screen not blanking in the console; support mkinitcpio in updating initramfs mechanism - this is for restoring Arch and Manjaro Linux; new program, ocs-live-ver, can be used to show Clonezilla Live version; replace ocs-bttrack with opentracker since Python 2 is not available in Debian 'Sid' any more; Memtest86+ has been updated to version 6.00." Additional changes and bug fixes can be found in the release announcement. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist): clonezilla-live-3.0.3-22-amd64.iso (384MB), clonezilla-live-3.0.3-22-i686.iso (334MB), clonezilla-live-3.0.3-22-i686-pae.iso (334MB). |
2022-11-08 |
Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 3.0.2-21 |
Steven Shiau has announced the release of Clonezilla Live 3.0.2-21, the latest stable version of the project's Debian-based live CD featuring a partition and disk imaging/cloning program called Clonezilla: "Stable Clonezilla Live 3.0.2-21 released. This release of Clonezilla live (3.0.2-21) includes major enhancements and bug fixes. Enhancements and changes from 3.0.1-8: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded - this release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2022-11-03; Linux kernel has been updated to 6.0.6; the de_DE, el_GR.UTF-8, es_ES, fr_FR, ja_JP, pl_PL, sk_SK and tr_TR language files have been updated; show options '-k0' and '-k1' in the restoring action for beginner mode in ocs-onthefly; include the ufw package in live system; disable the glances service in live system; add the '-sfs' option in the dialog menu - the corresponding language files have been updated too. Bug fix: /etc/default/espeakup has changed its variable, so modify default_voice instead of VOICE." Here is the complete release announcement. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist): clonezilla-live-3.0.2-21-amd64.iso (363MB), clonezilla-live-3.0.2-21-i686.iso (328MB), clonezilla-live-3.0.2-21-i686-pae.iso (329MB). |
2022-05-24 |
Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 3.0.0-26 |
Clonezilla Live is a Debian-based live CD containing Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning software. The project's latest version, Clonezilla Live 3.0.0-26, is based on Debian's Unstable branch and includes version 5.17 of the Linux kernel. "The underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded. This release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2022-05-22; Linux kernel has been updated to 5.17.6; Partclone has been updated to 0.3.20; this release supports APFS (Apple File System) imaging/cloning now; added LUKS support; a better mechanism than dd is implemented; it's recommended to encrypt the image when saving the LUKS device; updated the de_DE, el_GR, es_ES, fr_FR, ja_JP, hu_HU, pl_PL and sk_SK language files; added wavemon, memtester, edac-utils, shc and uml-utilities to the live system; removed s3ql from the live system; a better mechanism to check GPT/MBR format of a disk has been implemented - this is a workaround to deal with ChromeOS Flex partition table." Additional details are in the release announcement. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist): clonezilla-live-3.0.0-26-amd64.iso (356MB), clonezilla-live-3.0.0-26-i686.iso (324MB), clonezilla-live-3.0.0-26-i686-pae.iso (324MB). |
2021-11-26 |
Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 2.8.0-27 |
Steven Shiau has announced the release of Clonezilla Live 2.8.0-27, the latest stable version of the project's Debian-based specialist live CD designed for partitioning, backups and disk-cloning jobs: "Stable Clonezilla Live 2.8.0-27 released. This release includes major enhancements and bug fixes. Enhancements and changes since 2.7.3-19: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded - this release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2021-11-17; Linux kernel has been updated to 5.14.6; Partclone has been updated to 0.3.18; the ezio package has been updated to 1.2.0; the de_DE, hu_HU, es_ES, fr_FR, ja_JP, pl_PL, sk_SK and tr_TR language files have been updated; the ocs-live-netcfg program has been improved - wireless network can be configured using nmtui and boot parameter ocs_nic_type can be used to assign if wired or wireless when configuring network in ocs-live-netcfg; update-efi-nvram-boot-entry - improved to refer to saved nvram data (efi-nvram.dat); suppress the error message about 'setterm -blank 0'; add a cache mechanism to speed up device scanning; allow reserved image names to be used in TUI and the description about reserved image names is shown in TUI." Here is the full release announcement. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist): clonezilla-live-2.8.0-27-amd64.iso (322MB), clonezilla-live-2.8.0-27-i686.iso (298MB), clonezilla-live-2.8.0-27-i686-pae.iso (298MB). |
2021-08-24 |
Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 2.7.3-19 |
Clonezilla Live is a Debian-based live CD containing Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning software. The project has published a new stable version with updated kernel, hardware support, and better judgement of whether a device is a disk or partition. "This release of Clonezilla Live includes major enhancements and bug fixes. Enhancements and changes since 2.7.2-39: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded - this release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2021-08-17; Linux kernel has been updated to 5.10.46; ocs-restore-mdisks - support wildcard for device name; ocs-restore-mdisks - 'all' can be used as all non-busy local disks, it will countdown 15 seconds, not 7 seconds before the device name is assigned as 'all'; update USAGE about the option -j2 for ocs-sr; add warning messages about skipping option '-j2' (clone_hidden_data) when it's in restoreparts. the python3-crypto package has been removed since it's not used in Clonezilla Live; add short options -bm and -em for the beginner and expert modes in drbl-ocs, ocs-live-feed-img, ocs-onthefly, ocs-restore-mdisks and ocs-sr...." Further details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist): clonezilla-live-2.7.3-19-amd64.iso (306MB), clonezilla-live-2.7.3-19-i686.iso (295MB), clonezilla-live-2.7.3-19-i686-pae.iso (295MB). |
2021-06-01 |
Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 2.7.2-38 |
Steven Shiau has announced the release of Clonezilla Live 2.7.2-38, a new stable version of the project's Debian-based utility live CD for partitioning, backups and disk-cloning tasks: "Stable Clonezilla Live 2.7.2-38 released. This release includes major enhancements and bug fixes. Enhancements and changes since 2.7.1-22: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded - this release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2021-05-30; Linux kernel has been updated to 5.10.40; the systemd package was updated to 248.3 and this might have fixed this issue; added 'VGA with large font and To RAM' (using nomodeset) to the boot menu and moved 'KMS with large font and To RAM' to submenu - this can be an alternative solution for jfbterm not working in KMS mode for some VGA cards; added ocs-park-disks before rebooting or halting in Clonezilla Live; improved to process the volume header of Veracrypt; added '--force' for vgcfgrestore to force metadata restore even with thin pool LVs; added boot parameter echo_ocs_repository, so that when it's assigned as 'no', the prompt about mounting image repository can be hidden...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a full changelog. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist): clonezilla-live-2.7.2-38-amd64.iso (305MB), clonezilla-live-2.7.2-38-i686.iso (294MB), clonezilla-live-2.7.2-38-i686-pae.iso (294MB). |
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