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Slamd64 Linux
Slamd64 was an unofficial port of Slackware Linux to the x86_64 architecture.
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2014-06-16 |
NEW • Development Release: Rescatux 0.32 Beta 1 |
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Adrian Gibanel has announced the availability of the first beta release of Rescatux 0.32, a Debian-based rescue CD designed for rescuing broken Linux installations and for fixing boot loaders: "Rescatux 0.32 beta 1 has been released. Improvements: Super GRUB 2 Disk is no longer included - that makes it easier to put the ISO on USB devices thanks to standard multiboot tools which support Debian live CDs; Rescapp's user interface has been redesigned - every option is at hand at the first screen, Rescapp options can be scrolled, and run option screen buttons have been rearranged to make them easier to read; Razor-qt has been replaced by LXDE which seems more mature, LXQt will have to wait; wicd has been replaced by NetworkManager GNOME - that makes it easier to connect to wired and wireless networks; it is no longer based on Debian's 'Unstable' branch." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details and screenshots. Download: rescatux_cdrom_usb_hybrid_i386_amd64-486_0.32b1.iso (406MB, MD5). |
About Rescatux
Rescatux is a Debian-based GNU/Linux live distribution that includes a graphical wizard for rescuing broken GNU/Linux installations. The available rescue options include restoring the GRUB bootloader after a Windows installation, Linux and Windows password resets, and Linux file system checks.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2020-04-02 |
Distribution Release: Rescatux 0.73 |
Rescatux 0.73, the new stable release of the project's Debian-based live distribution featuring a graphical wizard for rescuing broken Linux and Windows installations and boot loaders, has been released: "Rescatux 0.73 released. The last stable Rescatux version was released in October 2012 - that's about eight years ago. Many changes have happened to Rescatux since then. UEFI options, which became mainstream in 2015, have been added. Secure Boot support has been added. Rescapp is now its own program. Rescapp had some serious usability flaws that have been fixed. When you run an option you never knew if it was working OK. Now you have a status for the option. Finally, the complete nightmare of pop-ups that were shown when an option was run have been replaced by nice colour scrolling messages. One of the best improvements has been done recently. Rescapp has been improved so that every option is properly documented. Rescatux 0.73 supports booting from UEFI Secure Boot and traditional BIOS. Both amd64 and i686 systems are supported. What's new in Rescatux since Rescatux 0.72-beta8: GRUB menu recovers Auto entry; GRUB menu boots into Auto entry in 60 seconds; built source code now includes rescapp and chntpw packages." Read the detailed release announcement for further information, screenshots and known issues. Download: rescatux-0.73.iso (691MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2019-11-17 |
Development Release: Rescatux 0.72 Beta 4 |
Rescatux is a Debian-based GNU/Linux live distribution that includes a graphical wizard for rescuing broken GNU/Linux installations. The available rescue options include restoring the GRUB boot loader after a Windows installation, Linux and Windows password resets, and Linux file system checks. The project has published a new development snapshot, 0.72 beta 4, which introduces new checks and documentation. "This is another beta version of Rescatux. The last Rescatux beta was released on October 2019. That's about three weeks ago. This new version checks for GParted, Photorec and Testdisk before running them. A new option called System Info Script based on Inxi has been added. In order to improve usability a generic documentation page for non-documented options has been added. Finally bootinfoscript has been updated to use Debian's package instead of the outdated custom embedded bootinfoscript. Note: if you don't like the current background please contribute to the 2019 background should be improved issue." Additional details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download: rescatux-0.72-beta4.iso (719MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2019-10-13 |
Development Release: Rescatux 0.72 Beta1 |
Rescatux is a Debian-based GNU/Linux live distribution that includes a graphical wizard for rescuing broken GNU/Linux installations. The available rescue options include restoring the GRUB boot loader after a Windows installation, Linux and Windows password resets, and Linux file system checks. The project's latest development snapshot, Rescatux 0.72 Beta1, is based on Debian 10 "Buster" and includes a number of fixes and improvements: "This is another beta version of Rescatux. The last Rescatux beta was released on May 2019. That's about five months ago. This new version features two important fixes: Now GRUB recovery in tmpfs enabled distributions such as Ubuntu will work again. Some UEFI systems with Secure Boot disabled that happened to crashed Rescapp no longer crash it. Additionally Rescapp menu has been reworked. Finally Rescatux live CD UEFI boot menu and BIOS boot menu have been reworked. Added xterm package so that external programs can be opened from within rescapp. Move testdisk package dependency from Rescapp to Rescatux. New background and associated boot menus improved. Based on Debian Buster which now is officially stable." The release announcement has further details. Download: rescatux-0.72-beta1.iso (705MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2019-05-09 |
Development Release: Rescatux 0.71 Beta 7 |
For those stressful moments when one desperately needs to recover a broken Linux installation, Rescatux, a Debian-based distribution (now with LXQt instead of LXDE desktop), is a handy live CD to keep around. A new development build, Rescatux 0.71 beta 7, was announced yesterday. Although the project's past released were always based on Debian "stable", the latest version has been built on top of the upcoming Debian 10 "Buster" - this is primarily to support newer hardware: "Using Debian 'Buster' 10 instead of Debian 'Jessie' 8 as a base means that more recent hardware will be supported out of the box. The other nice thing about this ISO image is the many ways it can be booted. Super Grub2 Disk which has a hybrid boot that supports i386-pc, ia32-efi and amd64-efi boots is from the same author. So you should not expect an amd64-only disk and an i386-only disk but a hybrid one. Now Rescatux 0.71 beta 7 gets Secure Boot support from Debian 'Buster'. And it's Secure Boot which works with Microsoft Secure Boot-enabled machines. So we are not going to need to tweak our UEFI firmware to be able to boot Rescatux." Read this detailed blog post which announces the new version and provides further details as well as screenshots. Download: rescatux-0.71-beta7.iso (672MB, MD5, torrent, pkglist). |
2017-04-18 |
Development Release: Rescatux 0.41 Beta 1 |
Rescatux is a Debian-based distribution that features desktop tools for recovering broken Linux distributions. The project has released a new development version, Rescatux 0.41 Beta 1. The new development snapshot features several improvements to help users work with UEFI systems. "I couldn't have released a stable Rescatux without UEFI options so I had to add them. So here there are. Please test them and give us feedback either on the mailing list or in the bugs. Depending on how these new options replace Boot Repair functionality I will remove it from Rescatux. Many people, somehow, are using Boot Repair inside Rescatux while we don't support it and that should be fixed in the next Rescatux stable release." While Rescatux can now work with UEFI-enabled systems, the distribution does not support booting on computers where Secure Boot is enabled. The Secure Boot feature should be disabled prior to trying to boot into Rescatux. Further information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download: rescatux-0.41b1.iso (672MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2016-07-31 |
Development Release: Rescatux 0.40 Beta 7 |
Adrian Gibanel has announced the availability of a new development snapshot of Rescatux, a Debian-based live CD with specialist utilities designed for rescuing broken Linux systems and fixing boot problems: "Rescatux 0.40 beta 7 has been released. This release provides minor fixes on UEFI boot. Some people had problems with Rescatux 0.40b6 not booting in UEFI mode (non-Secure Boot UEFI mode). I suspect those people could boot from Rescatux 0.40b5. So now they should be able to boot from Rescatux 0.40b7. As I already mentioned in 0.40b6, Rescatux does not support Secure Boot yet. The reason is we are going to rely on the Debian-CD team work inside Debian itself and they have not finished it yet. I am trying to polish this work so that it finally makes it into Debian. It's not obvious as it would seem originally with the current live-build framework based on Bash (live-build UEFI boot support bug). If you have a UEFI boot-only system, feedback is welcome." Continue to the release announcement for more information and a detailed changelog. Download: rescatux-0.40b7.iso (608MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2016-03-22 |
Development Release: Rescatux 0.40 Beta 6 |
Rescatux is a Debian-based live distribution that provides utilities for rescuing malfunctioning GNU/Linux operating systems. The Rescatux project has released a new testing snapshot, Rescatux 0.40 beta 6. The latest development release focuses on improved performance and support for booting on UEFI-enabled computers. "This release improves support for both 64-bit amd64 UEFI boot (avoids booting in blind mode problems) and 32-bit UEFI boot (not tested that one myself). It should be bootable from some Intel-based Mac Book (Pro) systems too. We also add AFD scanning technology to reduce user interface time based interactions while scanning the computer system. Finally some of the internal code has been updated to reflect the new repositories which are found in GitHub Rescatux’s organization. So if you already have Rescatux 0.40b5 you do not need at all to download Rescatux 0.40b6 unless you are concerned about UEFI boot." Additional information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download: rescatux-0.40b6.iso (603MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2015-10-18 |
Development Release: Rescatux 0.40 Beta 1 |
The Rescatux project provides users with a Debian-based live disc for rescuing GNU/Linux installations. The distribution ships a hybrid 32-bit/64-bit ISO with system recovery utilities. The project's latest beta release, Rescatux 0.40 Beta 1 switches the base distribution from Debian Wheezy to Debian Jessie and support for SELinux contexts has been included. "The great new feature in this release is the SELinux support. SELinux support is used by the Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS distributions. It's not so much about adding SELinux related features which might be implemented in a far future. It's about being able to interact with SELinux based systems without damaging original contexts (contexts like additional permissions in SELinux). Currently if you wanted to use the change password option on these systems then the system did not let you login because of these wrong contexts." Further information on this beta release can be found in the project's release announcement. rescatux-0.40b1.iso (596MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2014-10-20 |
Development Release: Rescatux 0.32 Beta 2 |
Adrian Gibanel has announced the availability of the second beta release of Rescatux 0.32, a Debian-based live CD designed for rescuing broken Linux installations or fixing boot loaders: "Rescatux 0.32 beta 2 has been released. The biggest improvement in this release is that resetting windows password, promoting a windows user to Administrator and unlocking a windows user uses the latest version of chntpw which makes easier and safer to add users to the admin group. It also fixes a bug that prevented a promoted admin user to be demoted from Windows. The other big improvement is that LILO is being used instead of syslinux so that you can finally solve 'grub rescue' problems when you remove GNU/Linux partition from Windows itself. Unfortunately that only works if the Windows boot partition is in the first hard disk. This is the 'Restore Windows MBR' option which is still beta unless many of you report that it works. The difference is that the old version broke working Windows 7 boot when used. So that's fixed." Here is the full release announcement with screenshots. Download: rescatux-0.32b2.iso (444MB, MD5, pkglist). |