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Bridge Linux
Bridge Linux was an Arch Linux-based set of distributions and live CD/DVD images designed for desktop deployment. It comes in four separate editions with a choice of GNOME, KDE, LXDE or Xfce desktops. Unlike Arch, Bridge Linux boots directly into one of the available graphical desktop environments and it provides a pre-installed set of common applications (with more available from Arch Linux repositories).
Status: Discontinued
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Latest News and Updates |
2014-01-28 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 5.1 "piCore" |
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Béla Markus has announced the release of "piCore", an edition of Tiny Core Linux for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer: "Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the availability of piCore 5.1, the Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux. It is an independent system architected by Robert Shingledecker and now developed by a small team of developers with strong community support. Tiny Core Linux is not a traditional distribution but a toolkit to create your own customized system. It offers not only flexibility, small footprint but a very recent kernel and set of applications making it ideal for custom systems, appliances as well as to learn Linux, matching Raspberry Pi perfectly. Main features: Linux kernel 3.12.7 with sound DAC support, BusyBox 1.22.1, eglibc 2.18, X.Org 7.7, zswap (compressed swap in RAM), zram (compressed RAM), Linaro 4.8-2013.11 (GCC 4.8.3) toolchain." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download: (22.3MB). |
About Tiny Core
Tiny Core Linux is a 16 MB graphical Linux desktop. It is based on a recent Linux kernel, BusyBox, Tiny X, Fltk, and Flwm. The core runs entirely in memory and boots very quickly. The user has complete control over which applications and/or additional hardware to have supported, be it for a desktop, a nettop, an appliance or server; selectable from the project's online repository.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2024-02-25 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 15.0 |
Version 15.0 of Tiny Core Linux, an independently-developed, minimalist and modular distribution with community-built extensions, has been released. This latest version ships with Linux kernel 6.6.8 and an updated toolchain, including glibc 2.38: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 15.0. Changelog for 15.0: Linux kernel updated to 6.6.8; glibc updated to 2.38; GCC updated to 13.2.0; Binutils updated to 2.41; e2fsprogs base libraries and apps updated to 1.47.0; util-linux base libraries and apps updated to 2.39.2; zlib base library updated to 1.3; BusyBox updated to 1.36.1; tce-functions setdrive setup - use in chown; tce-audit - add md5check action from bdantas; tce-audit - md5check update from bdantas; tce-load - sudo touch from polikuo; update-everything - handle missing or extraneous dep files from bdantas; tce-update - allow tcedir optional to be a symlink from bdantas; update-everything - add safety checks from bdantas...." Here is the full release announcement as published on the project's user forums. Download: Core-15.0 (17.8MB, MD5), TinyCore-15.0.iso (24.0MB, MD5), CorePlus-15.0.iso (253MB, MD5), CorePure64-15.0.iso (20.0MB, MD5), TinyCorePure64-15.0.iso (32.0MB, MD5). |
2023-04-12 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 14.0 |
Tiny Core Linux is a minimal Linux distribution which runs from memory. The Tiny Core Linux project has released a new version, 14.0, which is available in three editions: Core (for a command line only experience), TinyCore (which provides a minimal graphical environment), and CorePlus (which provides a wider range of desktop software). The release announcement reads: "Changelog for 14.0: Linux kernel updated to 6.1.2; glibc updated to 2.36; GCC updated to 12.2.0; Binutils updated to 2.39; e2fsprogs updated to 1.46.5; util-linux updated to 2.38.1; BusybBox updated to 1.36.0; tce - allow script to exit normally without stdout from bdantas; autologin - remove unneeded lines from nick65go; - having colors from alphons; rebuildfstab - remove relatime, it has been the default since 2.6.30; rebuildfstab - small speed optimization; rebuildfstab - reorder for findutils find warning; tce-load - add to install if extension is downloaded from aswjh; - backup path patch from CNK; - various from rarost, bdantas; select - dynamic sizing: from nick65go; rebuildfstab - rewrite: from Rich; rebuildfstab - remove the tmp file just in case; tce-update - add option to skip dependency check from GNUser; add update-everything; update-everything - better names for variables and functions." Download: Core-current.iso (17MB, MD5), TinyCore-current.iso (23MB, MD5), CorePlus-current.iso (248MB, MD5). |
2022-01-31 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 13.0 |
Tiny Core Linux is a 16 MB graphical Linux desktop. It is based on a recent Linux kernel, BusyBox, Tiny X, Fltk, and Flwm. The core runs entirely in memory and boots very quickly. The project has published a new update, version 13.0, which provides new kernel and userland utilities. The release announcement states: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core version 13.0. Changelog for 13.0: Linux kernel updated to 5.15.10; glibc updated to 2.34; GCC updated to 11.2.0; Binutils updated to 2.37; e2fsprogs base libraries and application updated to 1.46.4; util-linux base libraries and application updated to 2.37.2; BusyBox updated to 1.34.1; 50-udev-default.rules - add media permissions; select - require that 'break' used in awk scripts; - prevent gratuitous change to .filetool.lst's timestamp from bdantas; tce-update - if no directory specified for 'list' or 'query', default from bdantas; tc-config - move nodhcp static_ip earlier, from andyj. Note: some older versions of Firefox will not start with 13.0." Download (pkglist): CorePure64-13.0.iso (16MB, MD5), TinyCorePure64-13.0.iso (28MB, MD5). ISO images for the 32-bit architectures are also available. |
2021-02-17 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 12.0 |
Tiny Core Linux is one of the world's smallest Linux distributions which uses the BusyBox userland utilities. The project's latest release, Tiny Core Linux 12.0, introduces a number of new fixes, package updates, and updated hardware support. "Changelog for 12.0: kernel updated to 5.10.3, glibc updated to 2.32 gcc updated to 10.2.0, binutils updated to 2.35.1, e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.45.6, util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.36.1, busybox updated to 1.33.0, busybox patched to load more than 9 extensions, busybox patched to remove 'Module has invalid ELF header', tc-config: no gratuitous permissions changes in /opt from bdantas, tc-functions: version changes from andyj, clarifying comment, busybox-aliases: additions from bdantas, comments from bdantas, tce-setup: remove neeedless timestamp from bdantas, tce-config: more precise /opt copying from bdantas, tce-config: rename autoscan from polikuo, tc-config: similar awk rounding...." Further details can be found in the distribution's release announcement. The distribution is available in three editions: a minimal Core, a desktop flavour called TinyCore, and a full installation image called CorePlus. Download: Core-current.iso (15MB, MD5), TinyCore-current.iso (20MB, MD5), CorePlus-current.iso (155MB, MD5). |
2020-02-09 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 11.0 |
Version 11.0 of Tiny Core Linux, an independently-developed, minimalist and modular distribution with community-built extensions, has been released. The new version features Linux kernel 5.4.3 and an updated toolchain: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 11.0. Changelog: Linux kernel updated to 5.4.3; glibc updated to 2.30; GCC updated to 9.2.0; e2fsprogs base libraries and applications updated to 1.45.4; util-linux base libraries and applications updated to 2.34; BusyBox updated to 1.31.1; .ashrc removed #alias d='dmenu_run &'. Note: we discovered a bug on the 32-bit edition, in Intel IOMMU, preventing boot - if you have a high-end Intel system with IOMMU and VT-D, you may need intel_iommu=off to boot the 32-bit edition; the nouveau kernel module is now enabled, but it is in a separate extension and not in graphics-KERNEL; the nvidia binary driver is still recommended; Intel compute sticks should now detect their embedded MMC Flash; for 64 bit version only - task_xacct and ipmi are enabled...." Please see the release announcement for more details. Download: Core-11.0 (14.1MB, MD5), TinyCore-11.0.iso (19.0MB, MD5), CorePlus-11.0.iso (199MB, MD5), CorePure64-11.0.iso (15.8MB, MD5), TinyCorePure64-11.0.iso (27.0MB, MD5). |
2017-09-04 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 8.1 |
Tiny Core Linux is a very minimalist, independent distribution which can use extensions to increase its functionality. The latest version of the distribution, Tiny Core Linux 8.1, features mostly smaller updates and bug fixes. The short release announcement states: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core v8.1. Changelog for 8.1: patched busybox rpm2cpio lzma bug; tc-config: static ip - from andyj; added lzma functionality to busybox; busybox updated 1.25.1 -> 1.27.1; busybox CONFIG_FEATURE_SYSLOGD_READ_BUFFER_SIZE=512 re-established; duplicated busybox syminks removed. Note also that the firmware and tc-install content in the CorePlus ISO has been rationalised." Tiny Core Linux is available in 32-bit and 64-bit builds for the x86 architecture. There are three editions to choose from: Core for a command line only interface; TinyCore which features a minimal graphical environment; and CorePlus which offers an installation image, wireless drivers and multiple graphical interfaces. Download: Core-8.1 (11MB, MD5), TinyCore-8.1.iso (17MB, MD5), CorePlus-8.1.iso (139MB, MD5). |
2017-04-10 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 8.0 |
Tiny Core Linux 8.0 has been released. Tiny Core Linux is a minimalist (but extensible) distribution, built from scratch, with a focus on being as small as possible - the 32-bit "TinyCore" edition with a graphical window manager (flwm) is a 16 MB download. This major new release delivers a number of updates - chief among them is the 4.8 version of the Linux kernel: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core v8.0. Changelog for 8.0: BusyBox updated to 1.25.1 and cpio patched for UID/GID error; Linux kernel updated to 4.8.17; glibc updated to 2.24; GCC updated to 6.2.0; e2fsprogs base libraries and applications updated to 1.43.3; util-linux base libraries and applications updated to 2.28.2. Most extensions have been copied over from the 8.x repository - note that the X.Org 7.7 extensions have been updated, the ncurses and readline extensions have changed major versions and the OpenSSL extension has been factored out into OpenSSL and CA certificates." Here is the brief release announcement as published on the project's user forums. The Tiny Core 8.0 ISO images are available for both the x86 and the x86_64 platforms: TinyCore-8.0.iso (16.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-8.0.iso (116MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox), TinyCorePure64-8.0.iso (25.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only). |
2016-05-23 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 7.1 |
Tiny Core Linux 7.1, an updated release from the distribution project that develops a highly minimalist (but extensible) Linux-based operating system, has been released. This version brings an update to the BusyBox software utility and several minor enhancements and bug fixes: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 7.1. Changelog for 7.1: BusyBox updated to 1.24.2; BusyBox syslogd buffer size increase to 512; tc-config - move syslog after hostname; - move the rebuildfstab call to mnttool; tc-config - put syslogd -L after -R. Also in conjunction with the above in Xprogs: mnttool - refresh automatically; mnttool - move rebuildfstab call here from" Here is the brief release announcement. The Tiny Core project provides installable ISO images for both the x86 and the x86_64 platforms; here are the download links: TinyCore-7.1.iso (16.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-7.1.iso (106MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox), TinyCorePure64-7.1.iso (24.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only). |
2016-02-24 |
Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 7.0 |
Tiny Core Linux 7.0 has been released. This is the first stable build in the minimalist distribution's new 7.x branch, featuring the Linux kernel 4.2.9, glibc 2.22 and GCC 5.2.0. From the release announcement: "Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 7.0. Changelog: Linux kernel updated to 4.2.9 with the latest stable patch, with these configuration changes - minstrel enabled for some wireless cards, vmmouse disabled for VMWare + Xvesa, the CPU limit on the 64-bit kernel raised to 64; BusyBox updated to 1.24.1; BusyBox patched to fix 'crontab -e' error; glibc updated to 2.22 and patched for DNS vulnerability; GCC updated to 5.2.0; e2fsprogs base libraries and applications updated to 1.42.13; util-linux base libraries and applications updated to 2.27; tc-config - use full path for hwclock. Notes: there is a drm/i915 kernel driver error pending a fix; the ALSA extensions have been refactored and updated; the X.Org 7.7 extensions have been updated." Download links: TinyCore-7.0.iso (16.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only), CorePlus-7.0.iso (106MB, MD5, includes flwm, JWM, IceWM, Fluxbox, Hackedbox, Openbox), TinyCorePure64-7.0.iso (24.0MB, MD5, includes flwm only). |