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Pisi Linux
Pisi Linux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the old Pardus Linux with its unique PiSi package management system. It's an operating system for desktop computer with software for listening to music, browsing the Internet and creating documents. Pisi Linux is built from scratch on a stable base, but many core user applications, such as the Firefox web browser or the VLC media player, are kept constantly up to date. To increase the distribution's user friendliness, Flash player and many multimedia codecs are installed and pre-configured for immediate use.
Status: Active
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2010-10-07 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 2010.10 |
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Willensky Aristide has released ArchBang Linux 2010.10, a lightweight desktop distribution and live CD based on Arch Linux: "ArchBang Linux 2010.10 is out in the wild. Reported issues have been addressed. It comes with the vesa video driver. To install your video driver, remove vesa by running as root 'pacman -R xf86-video-vesa' and then run 'pacman -S your-video-driver'. If you have a recent NVIDIA card, run 'pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils' and run 'nvidia-xconfig' and you're done. For other video cards, simply run 'Xorg -configure' after you have installed your video driver. Don't forget that you can always build Arch Linux with Openbox from scratch by following my guide. Changes: VLC was switched for SMPlayer, Geeqie for GPicView; added Geany, Dropbox, Minitube, Pidgin, Radio Tray, Cheese and xdg-menu." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (MD5): archbang-2010.10-i686.iso (621MB), archbang-2010.10-x86_64.iso (646MB).
About ArchBang
ArchBang Linux is a lightweight distribution based on Arch Linux. Using the i3 window manager, it is fast, up-to-date and suitable for both desktop and portable systems.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2020-11-02 |
Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 0111 |
ArchBang developer "mrgreen" has announced the release of ArchBang Linux 0111, the minimalist, Arch Linux-based distribution's first stable release after the recent switch from Openbox to i3 as the preferred window manager. From the release announcement: "November release, i3 tiling window manager based. Have just uploaded a release for November, usual thing - updated packages and configurations. The guide can now be viewed by using Super + g; it includes some basic keybind shortcuts in i3. Firefox is back for now; while huge, it does support many features that other lighter browsers do not have. Minor changes in abinstall fixes to remove installers from Conky post install." The switch from Openbox to i3 was initiated a couple of weeks ago: "ArchBang has been Openbox-based for over ten years. Over the next few weeks I will be working towards switching to i3 tiling window manager. It might be a little different at first but once you get used to it, you will never look back." ArchBang Linux 0111 can be downloaded from SourceForge: archbang-i3-0111-x86_64.iso (914MB, pkglist). |
2012-12-08 |
Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 2012.12 |
Stan McLaren has announced the release of ArchBang Linux 2012.12, a new stable version of the project's lightweight desktop distribution based on Arch Linux: "ArchBang Linux 2012.12 is out in the wild. If you are already running ArchBang smoothly on your system then you don't need to install the new release. This 2012.12 release is a full systemd version with our latest set of minimal packages and Openbox for the competent Linux user. A few changes for this release: Linux kernel 3.6.8; GnomishDark theme with Shakey-Stapler-Dark widget; updated Openbox menu; dbus-launch removed. ArchBang still plans to have four major releases per year. Due to upgrades and improvements to the Arch Linux system, ArchBang will continue to release unofficial test images between official releases to address changes and prevent excessive workarounds in installing and updating newly installed systems." Here is the brief release announcement with a screenshot. Download (MD5): archbang-2012.12.03-i686.iso (545MB), archbang-2012.12.03-x86_64.iso (548MB). |
2012-05-02 |
Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 2012.05 |
Stan McLaren has announced the release of ArchBang Linux 2012.05, a lightweight Arch-based desktop distribution featuring the Openbox window manager: "ArchBang 2012.05 is out in the wild. If you are already running ArchBang smoothly on your system you don't need to install the new release. Some changes for this release: QDarkStudio4 default GTK+ theme; Shotwell picture viewer; improved Conky; Epdfview replaces zathura; simple clean tint2 panel; Broadcom wireless added; VirtulaBox Arch Linux additions; mobile broadband modem capability added to NetworkManager. ArchBang will now be released four times per year to provide users with more regularly updated versions. Due to upgrades and improvements to the Arch Linux system, ArchBang may release unofficial updates between official releases to prevent excessive workarounds in installing and updating newly installed systems." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (MD5): archbang-2012.04.30-i686.iso (490MB), archbang-2012.04.30-x86_64.iso (494MB).
2011-11-02 |
Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 2011.11 |
Willensky Aristide has announced the release of ArchBang Linux 2011.11, an updated build of the project's lightweight distribution with Openbox, based on Arch Linux: "ArchBang 2011.11 is out in the wild. You don't need it if you already have ArchBang Linux installed on your system. Changelog: PCManFM over Thunar file manager; Xcompmgr-dana over Xcompmgr; recent files pipe menu added; new key bind to read the upgraded DOC; progress bar while copying files; better font rendering; new look; smaller ISO image. Notes: you can always build Arch with Openbox from scratch by following this guide; if you don't like the black and gray system tray icons, remove the following line in tint2rc - 'systray_icon_asb = 100 -100 -25'." See the release announcement for a few more details and a couple of screenshots. Download (MD5) links: archbang-2011.11-i686.iso (423MB), archbang-2011.11-x86_64.iso (426MB).
2011-10-02 |
Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 2011.10 |
Willensky Aristide has announced the release of ArchBang Linux 2011.10, an Arch-based desktop distribution featuring the lightweight Openbox window manager: "ArchBang 2011.10 is out in the wild. You don't need it if you already have ArchBang running smoothly on your system. It's basically 2011.10 RC2 with the following changes: updated DOC; urxvt scrollbar color adjusted; Jumanji replaced by Firefox Nightly; icons in the applications menu; clarity icon theme instead of GNOME; 2 pixels top desktop margin so you can right-click on the desktop even when a window is maximized; you can edit keyboard layout configuration while installing ArchBang. Note: NetworkManager was updated today so you can remove it from 'autostart' once you update it since it will launch the applet automatically." Here is the brief release announcement with a screenshot. Download (MD5) the live CD images from SourceForge: archbang-2011.10-i686.iso (445MB), archbang-2011.10-x86_64.iso (450MB).
2011-09-07 |
Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 2011.09 |
Willensky Aristide has announced the release of ArchBang Linux 2011.09, a lightweight desktop distribution featuring the Openbox window manager, based on Arch Linux: "ArchBang Linux 2011.09 is out in the wild! If you already have ArchBang running smoothly on your system, you don't need to get this release. Changes: Latest Linux kernel 3.0.4; new look with some wallpapers made by fans included; paccheck added; gucharmap added; ALSA replaced by OSS, tint2 replaced by ADeskBar; Xfburn replaced by Graveman; ARandR replaced by LXRandR; Foxit Reader replaced by Zathura; Volume Icon replaced by ossxmix; Gcalctool replaced by galculator; removed xcompmgr, tintwizard, gsimplecal, Aufs, HAL, DMENU, GKSu, nouveau drivers. Have fun and report bugs in the official bug thread!" Here is the complete release announcement. Download (MD5) the live CD images from here: archbang-2011.09.06-core-i686.iso (526MB), archbang-2011.09.06-core-x86_64.iso (531MB).
2011-02-05 |
Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 2011.02 |
Willensky Aristide has announced the release of ArchBang Linux 2011.02, an Arch-based distribution featuring the lightweight Openbox window manager: "ArchBang 2011.02 is out in the wild! New Linux kernel 2.6.37; Thunar properly configured; look changed a bit; base-devel added; documentation updated; from now on there will be no code name, the format will simply be ArchBang-YYYY.MM. If you have Symbiosis fully updated with everything working perfectly, you don't need to get this release. Future releases of ArchBang will pretty much have the same set of applications (unless there is a new breathtaking application available). Note: Some people experienced random kernel panic with the new 2.6.37 because they forgot to blacklist some modules that normally had to be disabled for their Broadcom wireless card." More details in the release announcement. Download (MD5): ArchBang-2011.02.04-i686.iso (530MB), ArchBang-2011.02.04-x86_64.iso (579MB).
2011-01-28 |
Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 2011.01 |
Willensky Aristide has announced the release of ArchBang Linux 2011.01, a lightweight distribution showcasing the Openbox window manager, based on Arch Linux. Some of the features of this release include: "Lighter than before; new look; login as root works after installation; still a text-based installer but fully functional; documentation included; source files available in the download section; coming with X.Org video drivers for maximum compatibility; we are taking advantage of Openbox's tiling window functions. Once you have installed ArchBang, if you want Thunar to detect all your partitions, install gvfs by typing in the terminal 'packer -S gvfs'." Here is the brief release announcement with a screenshot of the default desktop. Download (MD5) the live CD images from here: ArchBang_Symbiosis-2011.01.24-i686.iso (490MB), ArchBang_Symbiosis-2011.01.24-x86_64.iso (536MB).
2010-09-23 |
Distribution Release: ArchBang Linux 2010.09 |
Willensky Aristide has announced the release of ArchBang Linux 2010.09, a variant of Arch Linux featuring Openbox as the default window manager and a selection of lightweight applications: "ArchBang Linux 2010.09 'RELOADED' is out. It's entitled 'RELOADED' because we went back to our original combination (ArchBang = Arch Linux + Openbox). The 64-bit edition is the only one available at this time but by the end of the week the 32-bit edition should be available as well. Changes: no more LXDE; removed xdg-menu for dmenu (dynamic menu); Thunar is back and PCMan File Manager is out; new theme; just VLC for your media needs (removed Exaile and GNOME MPlayer); added GIMP; Xfburn instead of Graveman; Gnumeric added; Evince instead of Xpdf; places pipe-menu; Linux kernel version" Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. Download (only a 64-bit edition is available at the time of writing): archbang-2010.09-x86_64.iso (608MB, MD5).