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Oralux was a GNU/Linux distribution for the blind or visually impaired people. It eases a fast access to GNU/Linux. This distribution doesn't require any installation since it runs from the CD-ROM. The audio desktop replaces a graphical user interface.
Status: Discontinued
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2010-06-09 |
NEW • Distribution Release: KANOTIX 2010 |
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Jörg Schirottke has announced the release of KANOTIX 2010, a desktop distribution and live DVD with KDE 3/4 based on Debian GNU/Linux 5.0: "Just in time for LinuxTag 2010, updated KANOTIX 'Excalibur' versions are available. All based on Debian 5.0 'Lenny' with all the latest security updates and many extras. In short they contain: Linux kernel 2.6.32-ck2 (BFS powered); KDE 3.5.10; 3.2.1; GRUB 2 (1.97 beta 4); wicd; Pidgin 2.7.1; NTFS-3G 2010.5.22; WINE 1.2-rc2; Iceweasel 3.0.6 (XULRunner; Icedove; Kano scripts for installing NVIDIA or ATI graphics drivers, as well as FlashPlayer plugin." Read the release announcement for further information. Two sets of DVD images, with either KDE 3 (ooo3) or KDE 4 (kde4), are available for download from here: kanotix-ooo3-2.6.32.iso (844MB, MD5), kanotix-kde4-2.6.32.iso (923MB, MD5), kanotix64-ooo3-2.6.32.iso (907MB, MD5), kanotix64-kde4-2.6.32.iso (987MB, MD5).
KANOTIX is a Linux distribution based on the latest stable release of Debian GNU/Linux. It is built on top of a latest kernel which is carefully patched with fixes and drivers for most modern hardware. Although it can be used as a live CD, it also includes a graphical installer for hard disk installation. The user-friendly nature of the distribution is further enhanced by a custom-built control centre and specialist scripts.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2024-04-18 |
Distribution Release: KANOTIX 2024 |
KANOTIX is a Linux distribution based on the latest stable release of Debian and available in KDE and LXDE flavours. The project's latest snapshot, KANOTIX 2024, is based on Debian 12. "For Easter 2024 there were new KANOTIX 'Slowfire' ISO images based on Debian 12 'Bookworm'. All editions are available for 32-bit and 64-bit systems and can also be found in the Downloads menu. Specifications: Linux kernel 6.6.13; LibreOffice 24.2.2 (only in the 64-bit edition); Compiz (all ISO images with LXDE, start without Compiz with cheat code 'nocompiz'); acritoxinstaller (recommended); git (default); testing Wayland (only in the 64-bit KDE edition since 7 April 2024 in, X11 default); Calamares installer; find (all 64-bit editions); you can activate refind later in the installation with command '# find-install'." The release announcement also includes links to the project's latest ISO image files. Download (pkglist): kanotix64-slowfire-nightly-KDE.iso (2,685MB, MD5), kanotix64-slowfire-nightly-LXDE.iso (2,346MB, MD5). |
2013-05-23 |
Distribution Release: KANOTIX 2013 "LinuxTag" |
Directly from the LinuxTag 2013 conference and exhibition in Berlin comes a new version of KANOTIX, a Debian-based distribution (with KDE or LXDE) on a live DVD: "I am proud to announce the release of KANOTIX Dragonfire from LinuxTag 2013 in Berlin. Kanotix Dragonfire is based on the recently released Debian 7.0. Besides KDE as the default desktop environment, beginning with this release there exists a lightweight alternative with LXDE. Additionally, we offer a special image similar to the CeBIT special. The main difference is that it has a pre-installed Steam client, a newer MESA version (9.1.1), gfxdetect and a newer glibc 2.17, KDE SC 4.8.4 and LXDE, Iceweasel 21.0, Linux kernel 3.9; LibreOffice 4.0.3...." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download links: KANOTIX-LinuxTag2013-Dragonfire64-KDE.iso (1,240MB, MD5), Download: KANOTIX-LinuxTag2013-Dragonfire64-KDE-special.iso (1,240MB, MD5), Download: KANOTIX-LinuxTag2013-Dragonfire64-LXDE.iso (1,319MB, MD5). |
2013-03-08 |
Distribution Release: KANOTIX 2013 "CeBIT" |
Jörg Schirottke has announced the release of KANOTIX 2013, a special edition of the Debian-based distribution created for the CeBIT trade show taking place this week in Hannover, Germany: "As a little surprise there is a new KANOTIX ISO image with some special features not found in normal releases. The main difference is that a newer glibc 2.17 is used (from Debian 'experimental') which has the effect that self-compiled binaries cannot be shared with Debian 'Wheezy' users. If that does not affect you you can enjoy the new features: Linux kernel 3.8.2; NVIDIA 313.18 and fglrx 13.2 Beta 7 available in gfxdetect mode and the auto-detection works after hard disk install in that mode as well; Mesa 9.1 for open-source GFX drivers, best suited for Intel HD 2000+; Amarok 2.7.0; WINE 1.5.25; LibreOffice 4.0.0; GRUB 2.00...." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: kanotix64-cebit-2013.iso (1,299MB, MD5). |
2012-05-24 |
Distribution Release: KANOTIX 2012-05 |
Maximilian Gerhard has announced the release of KANOTIX 2012-05, a Debian-based desktop distribution and live DVD featuring the latest KDE desktop: "The first few days of LinuxTag 2012 in Berlin are over. It seems to become a tradition for KANOTIX to release at LinuxTag. As announced earlier in highlight report we offer an update release for KANOTIX 'Hellfire' and a preview to KANOTIX 'Dragonfire'. KANOTIX 2012-05 'Hellfire' is still based on Debian 6.0.5 'Squeeze' and contains KDE SC 4.4.5, Iceweasel 12.0, Icedove 3.1.16, Pidgin 2.10.4, Linux kernel 3.2 (Ubuntu recompiled), LibreOffice 3.5.3, WINE 1.4, GFX overlays for NVIDIA and AMD 3D graphic driver. The preview of KANOTIX 2012-05 'Dragonfire' is based on the upcoming Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 'Wheezy'." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download the 4-in-1 DVD image containing both KANOTIX 2012-05 editions in i386 and amd64 flavours: KANOTIX-LinuxTag2012-4in1.iso (4,341MB, MD5).
2011-05-11 |
Distribution Releases: KANOTIX 2011-05 |
Maximilian Gerhard has announced the release of KANOTIX 2011-05, a Debian-based desktop distribution and live DVD featuring the KDE desktop: "LinuxTag 2011 in Berlin started today, therefore we offer an updated KANOTIX 'Hellfire' version. Kanotix 'Hellfire' 2011-05 is based on Debian 6.0. It contains the latest Debian stable branch with all the latest security updates. In addition it provides useful extras and updated packages, including: Linux kernel 2.6.38 final (Ubuntu, recompiled), KDE SC 4.4.5 with KANOTIX branding, Amarok 2.4.0, LibreOffice 3.3.2, GRUB 2 boot manager, KDE Network Manager, Iceweasel 4.0.1, Icedove 3.1.9, Pidgin 2.7.11, NTFS-3G 2011.1.15, WINE 1.3.19, Kano's scripts for installing NVIDIA or ATI graphics driver and Flash Player plugin." Here is the full release announcement. Download: kanotix-2.6.38.iso (1,258MB, MD5), kanotix64-2.6.38.iso (1,381MB, MD5).
2011-03-02 |
Distribution Release: KANOTIX 2011-03 |
Maximilian Gerhard has announced the release of KANOTIX 2011-03, a Debian-based distribution and live DVD with the KDE desktop: "The new KANOTIX version called 'Hellfire' is ready. KANOTIX 'Hellfire' is based on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 'Squeeze', it contains the latest Debian stable branch with all the latest security updates. In addition, KANOTIX 'Hellfire' provides useful extras and updated packages. This includes Linux kernel 2.6.38-rc6 (Ubuntu, recompiled), KDE SC 4.4.5 with new KANOTIX branding, Amarok 2.4.0, LibreOffice 3.3.1, GRUB 2 bootloader, KDE Network Manager (replaces wicd), Pidgin 2.7.10, NTFS-3G 2011.1.15, Wine 1.3.14 (per Ubuntu 'Lucid' PPA), Iceweasel 3.5.16, Icedove 3.0.11, Kano's scripts for installing NVIDIA or ATI graphics driver, as well as FlashPlayer plugin." More details in the release announcement. Download: kanotix-2.6.38rc6.iso (1,079MB, MD5), kanotix64-2.6.38rc6.iso (1,176MB, MD5).
2008-01-01 |
Development Release: KANOTIX 2007 RC7 |
Jörg Schirottke has announced the availability of the seventh release candidate of KANOTIX 2007, a Debian-based live CD: "KANOTIX 2007 'Thorhammer' RC7 released." Some of the features include: "Kernel 2.6.24 (Ubuntu kernel with modifications and some patches); ACPI and DMA enabled by default; i586 optimization; Acritox installer - install program with many new functions; actual KANOTIX theme; X.Org 7.1.1, Beryl 0.2.0, VDR 1.5.2, ALSA 1.0.14, NDISwrapper 1.50; Aufs and Unionfs support; GParted 0.3.3 with NTFS resize; NTFS-3G used by default; KDE 3.5.5, 2.0.4, Amarok 1.4.8, K3b 1.0.4; IceWeasel, IceDove mail and news client, GIMP 2.2.13; automatic installation of graphic drivers with 'nvidia' and 'fglrx' options. If the RC7 is not starting on your PC take the RC6C release, the difference is the kernel!" Here is the brief release announcement. Download: KANOTIX-2007-THORHAMMER-RC7.iso (701MB, MD5).
2007-09-15 |
Development Release: KANOTIX 2007 RC6 |
KANOTIX is back! Jörg Schirottke has announced a public release candidate for the upcoming KANOTIX 2007. What's new? "Kernel 2.6.22 (Ubuntu kernel with modifications and some patches); i586 optimisation - not for use with older CPUs; 192 MB RAM required, 256 MB RAM recommended; Acritox installer, install program with many new functions; actual KANOTIX theme from Cathbard; X.Org 7.1.1, Beryl 0.2.0, VDR 1.5.2, ALSA 1.0.14, NdisWrapper 1.47; Aufs / Unionfs support; GParted 0.3.3 with NTFS resize; ntfs-3g support; KDE 3.5.5, 2.0.4, Amarok 1.4.7, K3b 0.1.3; Iceweasel, IceDove Mail/News client, GIMP 2.2.13; new functions which have to be discovered ;)." Read the short release announcement for more information. Download: KANOTIX-2007-THORHAMMER-RC6.iso (702MB, MD5).