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TA-Linux was a free Linux distribution that targets Linux power users. Its main goal was to have a small base installation that the end-users can expand to include the software they need. The secondary goal was to support as many different architectures as possible, at this time x86 was fully supported with Alpha, Sparc, PPC and PA-RISC around the corner. Extra software not included in the base was handled using a system resembling the *BSD ports system, called Collection, which handles installation, upgrading and dependencies. The primary way of installing new software was to download the source, compile and install it (totaly automatic). The user can also choose to install already built binary packages, also automaticaly using the Collection system.
Status: Discontinued
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2008-12-19 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ZevenOS 1.0 |
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Leszek Lesner has announced the release of ZevenOS 1.0, an Ubuntu-based GNU/Linux distribution with a BeOS-like user interface, performance and support for older hardware: "We are proud to announce the release of ZevenOS 1.0." From the changelog: "Added a new dark theme; added a low-level desktop (uses PCManFM and LXPanel instead of xfdesktop and Xfce panel); added new static deskbar menu; bug-fixed menu localization in deskbar; made JFS the default file system; fixed permission errors after install in /etc/sudoers; added SuM and BuM; removed Streamtuner and Ristretto; improved MAGI 2 visual appearance; added advanced configuration in MAGI 2; added Wmconfig (MAGI 2); added new Zeven GTK+ theme; added Darklooks GTK+ theme; added two new Sawfish themes to fit the new dark look...." Visit the project's web site and read the rest of the changelog for more details. Download: ZevenOS-1-GM.iso (689MB, torrent).
About ZevenOS
ZevenOS is an Ubuntu-based GNU/Linux distribution with focus on providing a fast and easy-to-use system with BeOS-like user interface and support for older hardware. The distribution is built on top of a recent Linux kernel and includes a large number of popular open-source software applications for office use, multimedia playback and software development. ZevenOS also ships with MAGI, a tool for starting applications and managing the system. The project's "Neptune" edition is a separate built based on Debian GNU/Linux and featuring the latest KDE desktop.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2015-01-01 |
Distribution Release: ZevenOS 6.0 |
Happy New Year! The honour of the first release announcement of 2015 goes to ZevenOS, a desktop Linux distribution whose latest release, version 6.0, is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and which features the Xfce desktop environment with a desktop theme that resembles the much-loved BeOS operating system: "I am proud to announce the release of ZevenOS 6.0 – the 'Good-bye' edition. Good-bye because its released at the end of this year and will be the last ZevenOS version for a long long time. This release is based upon Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and will be supported for 5 years. As ZevenOS 5.0 was released more than a year ago this new version brings in many changes like Linux kernel 3.13, X.Org 7.7 and PulseAudio 4.0. All the tools you love from ZevenOS are back again in updated versions. OpenShot was updated to 1.4.3 with the new melt backend, Inkscape to 0.48.4, AbiWord to 3.0. Brasero was replaced by Xfburn and we now also include the sysctl speed patches and zram enabled by default to gain more overall speed. ZevenOS still is the best linux distribution with a BeOS touch." Download (MD5) link: zevenos6-desktop-i386.iso (884MB, pkglist). |
2013-10-09 |
Distribution Release: ZevenOS 3.3 "Neptune" |
Leszek Lesner has announced the release of ZevenOS 3.3 "Neptune" edition, an updated release of the project's Debian-based distribution featuring the KDE 4.11.2 desktop and many popular applications in their latest versions: "The Neptune team is proud to announce the release of Neptune 3.3. This release features Linux kernel 3.10.12 and is exclusively meant to run on 64-bit CPUs. The KDE Plasma Desktop ships with version 4.11.2. Chromium was updated to version 29, VLC to 2.1 and LibreOffice to version 4.1.2. We ship with the latest and greatest multimedia codecs pre-installed, as well as the Flash player. For wireless diagnosis we ship Wireshark, Aircrack-ng and kismon. We made a lot effort in cleaning up the system and removed Eclipse as well as the Muon software center and qapt-deb-installer. We removed pavucontrol which is no longer used as we don't ship PulseAudio. Linux kernel 3.10.12 comes with patched zram to prevent freezes. We also added a renewed quick installation manual." See the release announcement for a list of new features and other details. Download (MD5): Neptune33.iso (1,802MB). |
2013-08-14 |
Distribution Release: ZevenOS 3.2 "Neptune" |
ZevenOS 3.2 "Neptune" edition, a desktop Linux distribution based on Debian 7.0, built for 64-bit computers and featuring a newer kernel and extra drivers, has been released: "The Neptune team is proud to announce the release of Neptune 3.2 (Codename 'Brotkasten on Speed'). This release features the Linux kernel 3.10.5 and is exclusively meant to run on 64bit CPUs. The Debian base system was updated to the released version 7.1 wheezy to provide a stable user experience. The KDE Plasma Desktop ships with version 4.10.5. Chromium was updated to version 28, Icedove to version 17 and LibreOffice to version We ship with the latest and greatest multimedia codecs preinstalled as well as the flash player. For wireless diagnosis we ship Wireshark, Aircrack-ng and kismon." See the complete release announcement for more information including the upgrade notice and the changelog. Download (MD5): Neptune32.iso (2,017MB). |
2013-05-21 |
Distribution Release: ZevenOS 3.1 "Neptune" |
Leszek Lesner has announced the release of ZevenOS 3.1 "Neptune" edition, a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution for 64-bit computers featuring the latest version of the KDE desktop environment: "The Neptune team is proud to announce the release of Neptune 3.1. We worked hard and spend a lot of effort in creating this service release for Neptune 3.0. This release features the Linux kernel 3.9.2 and is exclusively meant to run on 64-bit CPUs. The Debian base system was updated to the released version 7.0 to provide a stable user experience. The KDE Plasma Desktop ships with version 4.10.3. Chromium was updated to version 26, Kdenlive 0.9.6, Amarok 2.7.1 and LibreOffice to version 4.0.3. We ship with the latest and greatest multimedia codecs pre-installed, as well as the Flash player." See the full release announcement for a full changelog and a video introduction. Download (MD5) from here: Neptune31.iso (1,920MB). |
2013-03-26 |
Distribution Release: ZevenOS 3.0 "Neptune" |
Leszek Lesner has announced the release of ZevenOS 3.0 "Neptune" edition, a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution for 64-bit computer systems with a customised KDE as the default desktop: "The Neptune team is proud to announce the release of Neptune 3.0 'Brotkasten'. This release features the Linux kernel 3.8.4 and is exclusively meant to run on 64-bit CPUs. We switched the Debian base from 'Testing' to 'Wheezy' to provide a more stable and better experience. The KDE Plasma Desktop ships with version 4.10.1. Chromium was updated to version 25, Icedove to version 10.0.12, GIMP 2.8.2, Kdenlive 0.9.4, Amarok 2.7, VLC 2.0.5. We ship the latest and greatest multimedia codecs pre-installed as well as the Flash Player. For wireless diagnosis we ship Wireshark, Aircrack-ng and kismon." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details, screenshots and changelog. Download (MD5) from here: Neptune3.iso (1,812MB). |
2012-12-05 |
Distribution Release: ZevenOS 5.0 |
Leszek Lesner has announced the release of ZevenOS 5.0, a Xubuntu-based desktop Linux distribution featuring the Xfce desktop environment and a BeOS-like desktop theme: "I am proud to announce the release of ZevenOS 5.0 and thank you all for funding this release. In this release we made the switch from our deskbar tool to the Xfce panel 'deskbar' mode which introduces many new features, like extensible plugin support and the ability to configure your desktop. This release is based on Xubuntu 12.10 and is compatible with the Ubuntu repositories; it brings in many changes, such as Linux kernel 3.5, X.Org 7.7 and PulseAudio 2.1. Changes: OpenShot 1.4.3 with YouTube upload support and a lot more features; AbiWord 2.9.2, the current edge of development; Audacity 2.0, Claws-Mail 3.8.1, Firefox 17, GIMP 2.8, Inkscape 0.48." Here is the brief release announcement with an embedded video. Download (MD5) from here: zevenos5-desktop.iso (700MB). |
2012-11-20 |
Development Release: ZevenOS 5.0 Beta 1 |
The first beta release of ZevenOS 5.0, an Ubuntu-based distribution with a BeOS-like user interface, is ready for testing: "ZevenOS used the deskbar for ages to create a slick and nice looking tasklist and main menu panel. With the current struggle in development on ZevenOS I decided to give the deskbar mode in the Xfce pane a go and I really have to say I am impressed. It works almost flawlessly. There are still some glitches like not being able to setup the panel to move under windows (so it doesn't behave like a panel but more like the deskbar used to) and some confusing configuration settings but the Xfce panel brings in the advantage of plug-ins and you can configure a lot with them. So I decided for the 5.0 release of ZevenOS to simply ship the Xfce panel. Currently I am not sure if I would stop development of the deskbar completely or if we implement a tasklist on our own." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: ZevenOS5B1.iso (717MB, MD5). |
2012-06-03 |
Distribution Release: ZevenOS 2.5 "Neptune" |
Leszek Lesner has announced the release of ZevenOS 2.5 "Neptune" edition, a Debian-based distribution with a choice of KDE, LXDE and Enlightenment desktops and a number of wireless network diagnostic tools: "The Neptune team is proud to announce the release of ZevenOS 'Neptune' 2.5. This release comes with Linux kernel 3.3.4 with lots of patches and drivers. As usual and for the last time we ship two official variants - 'full' edition with KDE 4.8.3 and 'minimal' edition with LXDE and Enlightenment 17. The full edition comes with Chromium 18, Icedove 10, GIMP 2.8, Kdenlive 0.9.2, Amarok 2.6, VLC 2.0.1 and many more updates. We ship with the latest and greatest multimedia codecs pre-installed. For wireless diagnosis we ship Wireshark, Aircrack-ng and Kismon." Here is the full release announcement. Download (MD5): neptune-25-full.iso (1,364MB), neptune-minimal-25.iso (700MB).
2011-11-24 |
Distribution Release: ZevenOS 4.0 |
Leszek Lesner has announced the release of ZevenOS 4.0, an Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the Xfce desktop with a BeOS-like theme: "The ZevenOS team is proud to announce the release of ZevenOS 4.0. This version is based on Ubuntu 11.10 and has a bunch of new features and changes. The base system was updated to Linux kernel 3.0 which brings a bunch of new drivers as well as an improved implementation of the ext4 file system. Also the experimental Btrfs file system is now supported. Besides that ZevenOS 4.0 also has a lot of new stuff in the desktop area. The underlying Xfce desktop was updated to version 4.8 which adds network support for FTP, Samba, SSH, NFS to the Thunar file manager. Also new is a rewritten thumb-nailing system for the file manager which is faster and more efficient. Video editing has been made easier with OpenShot 1.4." See the release announcement for a complete list of new features and a video preview. Download (MD5): zevenos4-desktop.iso (696MB).