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Kurumin Linux
Kurumin Linux was a Brazilian run-from-CD Linux distribution based on Knoppix. Its main features are excellent hardware auto-detection, support for Brazilian Portuguese and small size.
Status: Discontinued
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2008-08-19 |
NEW • Distribution Release: EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.20 |
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Guardian Digital has announced the release of EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.20: "Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Linux Community 3.0.20. This release includes many updated packages and bug fixes and some feature enhancements to the EnGarde Secure Linux installer and the SELinux policy. New features include: several new packages such as CUPS (1.3.7), lockdev (1.0.1), Minicom (2.3); the latest stable versions of MySQL (5.0.51b), Alpine (1.10), Apache (2.2.9), Asterisk (, BIND (9.4.2-P1), Dovecot (1.1.1), Linux kernel (2.6.26), OpenSSH (5.0p1), PHP (5.2.6), Postfix (2.5.2), PostgreSQL (8.2.9), Samba (3.2.0)...." Read the release announcement and release notes for further information. Download: engarde-community-3.0.20.i686.iso (629MB, MD5, torrent), engarde-community-3.0.20.x86_64.iso (637MB, MD5, torrent).
About EnGarde Secure Linux
EnGarde Secure Linux is a server-oriented open source operating system that provides services like web, DNS and email simply and securely while eliminating the need for time-consuming "hardening" by the user. EnGarde offers integrated intrusion detection, advanced kernel and network security features, and graphical auditing and reporting - all controlled through Guardian Digital WebTool, a simplified browser-based management system.
Recent Related News and Releases |
2008-12-10 |
Distribution Release: EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.22 |
Guardian Digital has announced the release of EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.22, a server distribution featuring a comprehensive web-based administration tool: "Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.22. This release includes many updated packages and bug fixes and some feature enhancements to the EnGarde Secure Linux installer and the SELinux policy. New features include: several improvements to the backup and restore module in WebTool - we've added a help page, made several improvements to the layout of the module to make it easier to use, and enhanced the 'Perform Backup Now' functionality by running it in the background and sending an email upon completion; support for USB serial devices, such as Keyspan USB serial adapters; the latest stable versions of BIND (9.4.3), Dovecot (1.1.6), Linux kernel (2.6.27), OpenLDAP (2.4.12), Squid (3.0.STABLE10)." Read the release announcement and release notes for more details. Download (MD5): engarde-community-3.0.22.i686.iso (636MB, torrent), engarde-community-3.0.22.x86_64.iso (644MB, torrent).
2008-10-07 |
Distribution Release: EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.21 |
Guardian Digital has announced the release of EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.21, a server distribution featuring a web-based system administration tool: "Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.21. This release includes many updated packages and bug fixes and some feature enhancements to Guardian Digital WebTool and the SELinux policy. New features include: a totally redesigned Health Center backend which should yield much more reliable and accurate results, you can help us improve this new backend by following the instructions below, immediately following this section; a new package, perl-Convert-ASN1 (0.22); the latest stable versions of MySQL (5.0.67), Asterisk (, Dovecot (1.1.3), Linux kernel (, OpenLDAP (2.4.11), OpenSSH (5.1p1), PostgreSQL (8.2.10), Samba (3.2.4)...." Read the rest of the release notes for more details. Download (MD5): engarde-community-3.0.21.i686.iso (630MB, torrent), engarde-community-3.0.21.x86_64.iso (639MB, torrent).
2008-04-15 |
Distribution Release: EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.19 |
Guardian Digital has announced the release of EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.19: "Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.19. This release includes many updated packages and bug fixes and some feature enhancements to the EnGarde Secure Linux installer and the SELinux policy. New features include: several enhancements were made to einstall, the EnGarde Secure Linux Installer; the 'Language Selection' screen now works and will complete the installation in the language (and with the associated keymap) you select; network configuration information is also carried over from the live CD configuration, if present, into the installer; several new packages such as Alpine, Netcat, Nikto (2.02), pam_userpass, watchdogd (0.90), and SmokePing; the latest stable versions of MySQL (5.0.51a), Apache (2.2.8), Asterisk (1.4.18), BIND (9.4.2)...." Read the complete release notes for more information. Download (MD5): engarde-community-3.0.19.i686.iso (613MB, torrent), engarde-community-3.0.19.x86_64.iso (620MB, torrent).
2007-12-04 |
Distribution Release: EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.18 |
EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.18 has been released: "Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.18. This release includes many updated packages and bug fixes, some feature enhancements to Guardian Digital WebTool and the SELinux policy, and a few new features. What's New? The Guardian Digital Health Center - this new WebTool module allows you to monitor system temperature, fans, and hard drive S.M.A.R.T. data so you can proactively notice hardware failures; two new tools - fwknop and psad; a new stress testing suite, contained in the new stress-kernel package; several new packages; the latest stable versions of MySQL, Asterisk, Dovecot, Linux kernel, Openswan, Samba...." See the release notes for a more detailed list of changes. Download (MD5): engarde-community-3.0.18.i686.iso (545MB, torrent), engarde-community-3.0.18.x86_64.iso (547MB, torrent).
2007-10-10 |
Distribution Release: EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.17 |
Guardian Digital has announced the release of EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.17, a server oriented distribution with an easy-to-use web-based administration utility: "Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.17. What's new? We have included a very alpha version of Samba 4 for our users to evaluate; support for tcb, an alternative password shadowing scheme, was added; balance, a very simple and effective load balancing application, is now available for installation. Simple to set up, balance can provide round-robin TCP load balancing for just about any daemon; powernowd, a daemon to control the CPU speed and voltage of your server, is also now available; the latest stable versions of Apache (2.2.6), Asterisk (1.4.12), Dovecot (1.0.5), PHP (5.2.4), Postfix...." Read the complete release notes for further information. Download (MD5): engarde-community-3.0.17.i686.iso (565MB), engarde-community-3.0.17.x86_64.iso (567MB).
2007-08-07 |
Distribution Release: EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.16 |
Guardian Digital has announced the release of EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.16: "Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.16. This release includes many updated packages and bug fixes, some feature enhancements to Guardian Digital WebTool and the SELinux policy, and a few new features. What's New? EnGarde Secure Linux now has support for KVM, the Kernel-based Virtual Machine; limited support for the new ext4 file system; updated PCI tables and hardware detection system, which allows for much better detection of more recent hardware; several new packages such as ImageMagick (6.3.1), alsa-lib (1.0.14a), aspell (0.60.5)...; the latest stable versions of Asterisk (1.4.9), ClamAV (0.91.1), cURL (7.16.4), Dovecot (1.0.2)...." Read the release notes for detailed information about the latest version. Download (MD5): engarde-community-3.0.16.i686.iso (558MB), engarde-community-3.0.16.x86_64.iso (560MB).
2007-07-10 |
Distribution Release: EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.15 |
Guardian Digital has announced the release of EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.15: "Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.15. This release includes many updated packages and bug fixes, some feature enhancements to Guardian Digital WebTool and the SELinux policy, and a few new features. What's new? Due to popular demand, we've made mod_proxy for Apache available via the 'libapache-mod_proxy' package; we addressed a bug in the Snort graph generation subsystem which would cause high CPU load; three new instructional documents were written by Ryan W. Maple and added to the EnGarde Secure Linux Wiki; several new packages such as Dovecot, MySQL++, pptpd, rkhunter...." Please read the release notes to learn more about the latest version. Download: engarde-community-3.0.15.i686.iso (574MB, MD5), engarde-community-3.0.15.x86_64.iso (576MB, MD5).
2007-05-08 |
Distribution Release: EnGarde Secure Linux 3.0.14 |
EnGarde Secure Linux has been updated to version 3.0.14: "Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.14. What's New? Major feature enhancements to Network Intrusion Detection System. The Attack Monitor now shows much greater detail on each attack (including links to packet dumps and CVE information) and refreshes automatically using AJAX. Also, the graphs are now much easier to read and are generated faster. There is now a link to the Network Attack Monitor directly from the main WebTool Auditing menu. This makes monitoring the Network IDS much easier. There were several improvements made to the hardware detection subsystem of einstall, the EnGarde Secure Linux Installer, which makes installing on newer hardware more reliable. Several new packages...." More details in the release announcement. Download: engarde-community-3.0.14.i686.iso (552MB, MD5), engarde-community-3.0.14.x86_64.iso (554MB, MD5).