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Batocera.linux is a minimal distribution dedicated to running retrogaming software. The distribution is able to run on most desktop computers, laptops and several single-board computers, including the Raspberry Pi. batocera.linux can be run from a USB thumb drive or SD card, allowing it to be transferred between computers. batocera.linux is based on RecalboxOS.
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2008-02-06 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Yellow Dog Linux 6.0 |
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Terra Soft has announced the release of Yellow Dog Linux 6.0, a CentOS and Fedora-based specialist distribution designed for the Power architecture: "Terra Soft today released Yellow Dog Linux (YDL) 6.0 for Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3), Apple G4/G5, and IBM System p. YDL 6.0 delivers the professional quality of an enterprise level Linux distribution to a just-works desktop experience for both PS3 and Apple PowerPC. Built upon CentOS with select Fedora 7 components, YDL 6.0 integrates the Enlightenment 17 desktop to provide a lean, uncluttered interface. Yellow Dog Linux 6.0 key features: Enlightenment 17 and GNOME installed by default, KDE included; Gnash, the Flash work-alike; Ekiga VoIP, Pidgin IM/IRC, and Fluendo codec installer; kernel 2.6.23, GCC 4.1.1, glibc 2.5, and Eclipse 3.2.2; the only Linux distribution to include by default Cell SDK 3.0; IBM iRT (interactive raytrace) demo available via Enhanced." Read the rest of the press release for further details. Yellow Dog Linux 6.0 is available for purchase from Terra Soft's online store (from US$49.95).
About Yellow Dog
Yellow Dog Linux is an open source Linux operating system for home, office, server, and cluster users. Built upon the Red Hat/CentOS core, Terra Soft and now Fixstars (which acquired Terra Soft in 2008) has since the spring of 1999 developed and maintained Yellow Dog Linux for the Power architecture family of processors. The distribution combines a graphical installer with support for a wide range of Power hardware, leading-edge kernels, stable, functional compilers for code development, and servers for web, database, email, and network services. More than 2,000 packages are included on the install DVD.
Recent Related News and Releases |
2009-06-30 |
Distribution Release: Yellow Dog Linux 6.2 |
Fixstars has announced the release of Yellow Dog Linux 6.2, a CentOS-based distribution designed for the Apple PowerPC and Sony PlayStation machines: "Fixstars today announced the immediate availability of Yellow Dog Linux 6.2, delivering several updates and improvements making it simpler to install, faster, and easier to use. This release offers an updated kernel 2.6.29 for 64-bit systems, 3.0, Firefox 3.0.6 and IBM Cell SDK, as well as the next generation of ps3vram for fast, temporary file storage or swap using PS3 video RAM. With this release, ps3vram is up to 50% faster than in Yellow Dog Linux 6.1 and is automatically enabled as swap. With Yellow Dog Linux 6.2, Fixstars has added a fourth alternative for the desktop environment: Xfce." Read the full release announcement for further details. Yellow Dog Linux 6.2 is available for immediate download from the subscription service (US$69.95) and will be released to pubic mirrors for free download at the end of July.
2008-11-19 |
Distribution Release: Yellow Dog Linux 6.1 |
Fixstars, a company that has recently acquired Terra Soft Solutions, has announced the release of Yellow Dog Linux 6.1: "Fixstars today released Yellow Dog Linux (YDL) 6.1 for Apple G4/G5, Sony PlayStation 3, PowerStation, and IBM Power Systems. Built upon the CentOS foundation, a derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, YDL 6.1 offers several end-user and development tool improvements. For end users, YDL 6.1 offers an updated Firefox and, a vastly improved graphical wireless configuration tool, and the introduction of ps3vram functionality which enables use of PS3 video RAM for temporary storage or swap. For developers, 6.1 offers the latest stable kernel, an updated GCC, the open portion of the IBM Cell SDK v3.1, and through a working relationship with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, YDL 6.1 now ships with the new Cell Superscalar." Read the complete press release for more information. Yellow Dog Linux 6.1 is available for download from enhanced accounts (US$69.95).
2007-06-14 |
Distribution Release: Yellow Dog Linux 5.0.2 |
Terra Soft Solutions has announced the availability of an updated release of Yellow Dog Linux, version 5.0.2: "We are pleased to announce the release of Yellow Dog Linux 5.0.2, a single Install DVD with support for the Apple G4 and G5 computers, Sony PS3, and IBM 'System p' servers, including the JS20/21, OpenPower, and current POWER5 systems. Yellow Dog Linux 5.0.2 offers: kernel 2.6.22-rc4; SDK v2.0 for Cell BE; more than 70 bug fixes and updates; continued support for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems; beta IBM 'System p' support. The IBM Software Development Toolkit (SDK) for Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) is a complete package of tools which allows developers to program optimized applications for platforms built upon the Cell BE. The SDK is composed of development tool chains, software libraries, and sample source." More details in the release announcement. Yellow Dog Linux 5.0.2 is available for download from enhanced (US$69.95) or for purchase from the company's online store (US$49.95).
2007-03-27 |
Distribution Release: Yellow Dog Linux 5.0.1 |
Terra Soft has announced the release of Yellow Dog Linux 5.0.1, a specialist distribution for PowerPC computers: "Terra Soft today released Yellow Dog Linux v5.0.1 for Apple G3, G4, and G5 computers. Yellow Dog Linux v5.0.1 adds more than 500 package updates to the next generation Linux operating system released last fall for the Sony PlayStation 3 with support for the former Apple PowerPC product line. Built upon Fedora Core 5/6, YDL v5.0.1 integrates the E17 desktop to provide an unprecedented level of function and interface aesthetic. Designed for users of all ages and all levels of experience, Yellow Dog Linux v5.0.1 gives new life to displaced Power Macs." Read the full press release for a list of features and other information. Yellow Dog Linux 5.0.1 is available for immediate purchase and download from the Terra Soft store (US$69.95). It will be released to public mirrors for free download in about one month's time.
2006-12-28 |
News: Free Download of Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 |
Those who intend to install a Linux distribution on a Sony PlayStation 3 will be pleased to learn that Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 is now available for free download. Originally released on 27 November, Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 is a Fedora-based distribution tailored to run on Sony PlayStation 3. It features a graphical installation program and includes the Linux kernel 2.6.16, X.Org 7.0 (3D acceleration not supported), Enlightenment 17 as the default desktop (KDE 3.5.3 and GNOME 2.14 are also available), Firefox 1.5, 2.0.2 and other popular open source software applications for desktops, servers, media playback and software development. For more information please read the Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 product pages. Here is a quick link to the latest DVD image: yellowdog-5.0-phoenix-20061208-PS3.iso (3,409MB, MD5).
2006-11-27 |
Distribution Release: Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 |
Terra Soft Solutions has announced the release of Yellow Dog Linux 5.0, a distribution designed for Sony PlayStation 3: "Yellow Dog Linux Enthusiasts, the wait is over! Six months of design, engineering, integration, and testing has culminated in the finest release from Terra Soft to date. Designed, not just assembled, Yellow Dog Linux v5.0 featuring Enlightenment 17 is immediately available via Enhanced accounts for your PlayStation 3." Yellow Dog Linux is based on Fedora Core and Linux kernel 2.6.16. Besides the default Enlightenment desktop, it also includes GNOME 2.14, KDE 3.5.3 and the usual range of popular open source software applications. For more information please read the release announcement and visit the distribution's product pages. Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 is available for immediate download for the holders of Enhanced accounts (US$69.95).
2006-03-09 |
Yellow Dog Linux 4.1 Available for Download |
The latest version of Yellow Dog Linux, a specialist distribution for the PowerPC processors, has been released to public mirrors. Version 4.1 was originally announced on 5 January 2006 and was made available to members of Enhanced and later also for online purchase (from US$59.95). After the usual delay, the new version has now been released for free download. Yellow Dog Linux 4.1 is built on top of kernel 2.6.15 and contains 4 CDs worth of software, including X.Org 6.8.2, KDE 3.4.2, GNOME 2.12, Firefox 1.5 and 1.1.2. Read the original release announcement for more information. Download (MD5): yellowdog-4.1-sagitta-20060202-install1.iso (641MB), yellowdog-4.1-sagitta-20060202-install2.iso (638MB), yellowdog-4.1-sagitta-20060202-install3.iso (638MB), yellowdog-4.1-sagitta-20060202-install4.iso (548MB).
2006-01-06 |
Distribution Release: Yellow Dog Linux 4.1 |
Yellow Dog Linux 4.1 has been released: "Terra Soft Solutions is pleased to announce the release of Yellow Dog Linux v4.1. This next evolution of Yellow Dog provides an incredible array of updates and improvements, the foundation for the most complete, integrated release to date: support for backlit keys; PCMCIA cell phone and modem support; support for Atheros wi-fi cards; dual head configuration via the GUI; install direct to and boot from FireWire drives; USB device auto-mount under both KDE and GNOME; greatly improved sound support; graphical Up2Date package install and update tool ... and a completely rebuilt KDE and Gnome 'start' menu for vastly improved navigation of the graphical user interface." More details in the press release. The new release is currently only available for members of enhanced (US$59.95 + US$5.00/month); but the press release promises a public release in the middle of February.