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h3knix was a small desktop distribution. It provides a custom package management system called "capsules". Capsules can install source or binary packages, and/or configure certain aspects of the system. h3knix offers great performance and good system stability.
Status: Discontinued
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2007-08-17 |
NEW • Development Release: Big Linux 4.0 Beta 2 |
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The second beta release of Big Linux 4.0 is now available for testing. Big Linux is an Ubuntu-based Brazilian distribution with 3D desktop features integrated into the KDE desktop. It includes Compiz Fusion, automatic support for Windows modems, seven themes to choose from before the first login on the live CD, automatic video card detection with support for all video drivers, a hard disk installation feature, a complete multimedia system with menus for audio and video software, and a media conversion feature with support for mp4 (x264) and PSP. The TDE desktop was removed and KDE 3.5.7 with kernel 2.6.21 are now included. Read the release announcement (in Portuguese) for a more detailed changelog. Download: BigLinux4-Beta2.iso (700MB, MD5). Please note that this release provides out-of-the box support for Brazilian Portuguese only.
About BigLinux
BigLinux is a Brazilian Linux distribution localised into Brazilian Portuguese (with support for English). It is was originally based on Kubuntu, but starting from 2017 the distribution was re-born based on deepin. It then offered two desktop environments - Cinnamon and Deepin. In 2021 the distribution switched bases and desktop environments again, migrating to Manjaro Linux running KDE Plasma.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2012-07-28 |
Distribution Release: BigLinux 12.04 |
Bruno Gonçalves has announced the release of BigLinux 12.04, a Kubuntu-based Brazilian distribution for the desktop (with support for Portuguese and English languages). The developers consider this a release candidate, but if no show-stopper bugs are reported within a week, it will become 12.04 final. Some of the changes in this release include: qBittorrent replaces KTorrent; soundKonverter replaces Big Audio Converter; Pidgin replaces Empathy as the preferred instant messaging client; included GIMP 2.8.0 with a single-window mode by default and several additional plugins; default theme remains unchanged, but most packages have been updated from upstream; includes KDE 4.8.4, Firefox 14.0.1, Chromium 18.0.1025.168, LibreOffice 3.5.4. Read the brief release announcement (in Portuguese) as published on the project's user forum. Download the live DVD image from here: BigLinux.12.04.iso (1,346MB, MD5).
2007-12-07 |
Development Release: Big Linux 4.0 Beta 3 |
The third beta of Big Linux 4, a Brazilian distribution based on Ubuntu, has been released for download and testing. What's new? The package set synchronised with Ubuntu "Gutsy" repositories; the Linux kernel upgraded to version; bug fixes applied to kernel drivers for wireless network cards; improvements in graphics card detection and configuration; newly added support for several USB modems, cellular connection devices and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); improvements in handling audio and video, including new converters for many audio and video formats; support for downloading YouTube videos; Audacious replaced by XMMS; KDM login manager replaced by GDM and many other changes. See the release announcement (in Portuguese) for a detailed list of changes. Download (MD5): BIGLINUX4-BETA3.iso (700MB).
2007-07-03 |
Development Release: BIG LINUX 4.0 Beta 1 |
BIG LINUX is a Brazilian distribution based on Kubuntu, with an enhanced KDE desktop, custom configuration tools, out-of-the-box ATI/NVIDIA proprietary driver support, and localisation into Brazilian Portuguese. The project has released the first beta of its new version 4.0, asking users to download and test the release with a particular emphasis on hardware compatibility. The most important new feature in this release is an updated version of Big Desktop, a comprehensive graphical configuration utility for setting up the Big Linux desktop environment. Please read the full release announcement (in Portuguese) for more details and a list of known issues. Download the live CD image from here: BIGLINUX4-Beta1.iso (671MB, MD5).
2005-05-13 |
Distribution Release: BIG LINUX 2.1 |
A new version of BIG LINUX has been released. Besides being the first Linux distribution with 3D desktop capabilities (in GNOME and KDE), the most important improvement in BIG LINUX 2.1 is the ability to use a web cam with AMSN. The new release includes bug fixes for certain video cards and a handful of package updates. Those who have installed BIG LINUX on their hard disks can upgrade to the latest version by downloading a less than 7MB update file. Find more information and some impressive screenshots in the release announcement (in Portuguese). Download the live CD image from here: BIGLINUX-2.1.iso (669MB).
2005-04-07 |
Distribution Release: BIG LINUX 2.0 |
BIG Linux 2.0 has been released. This has to be one of the most interesting and fun distribution releases for a long time - mainly due to its 3D capabilities. Pictures are worth a thousand words, so head for the project's announcement page (in Portuguese) to view the newly introduced way of 3-dimensional manipulation of application windows. Both GNOME and KDE are supported. For the best 3D effect you should use the CD on a computer with a powerful processor and a 3D accelerated graphics card. By default, the BIG Linux live CD boots into a non-3D KDE desktop, so you will have to select a KDE 3D or GNOME 3D option from the initial GRUB boot menu. Warning: the distribution only supports Portuguese. Download: BIG_LINUX-2.0.iso (663MB).
2004-11-13 |
Development Release: BIG LINUX 2.0 Beta 3 |
The developers of Brazil's BIG LINUX live CD have released what is probably be the final beta before the upcoming version 2.0. It comes with three kernels (2.4.25 with support for software modems, 2.4.27 for users who have issues with the 2.6 kernel, and the recommended 2.6.8). New features include automatic detection of printers, improved boot speed, modifications to hard disk installation scripts and xconfig safe mode options. Packages have been synchronised with the latest Debian Sid branch, inclusive of KDE 3.3.1, IceWM 1.2.17, Firefox 1.0PR, AbiWord 2.0.14, and other applications. Here is the full announcement (in Portuguese). Download: biglinux2_beta3.iso (676MB).