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ROCK was a distribution build kit, or in other words, a software development toolkit for building OS solutions. You can configure your personal build of ROCK and easily build your own distribution directly from source code. Most of the ROCK Linux development was done on ix86 hardware, But ROCK Linux also supports the Alpha AXP, PowerPC, Sparc32/Sparc64 and MIPS architectures.
Status: Discontinued
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2007-08-03 |
NEW • Development Release: Pioneer Explorer 1.0 RC1 |
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Dianne Ursini has announced the first release candidate of Pioneer Explorer 1.0: "Technalign, Inc. announced today the release of Pioneer Explorer 1.0 Release Candidate 1. RC1 has a new look and feel over previous Technalign versions, a new live kernel, improved wireless support, and the additions of Intel WinModems added to the kernel. Pioneer Explorer is nearing the completion of the fork from Canonical and brings changes to the repositories that are completely Technalign maintained. Pioneer Explorer has a 12 month life cycle and will continue to improve. KPPP has also been changed and is now faster than previous versions providing dial-up users a better Internet experience. Pioneer Explorer is Technalign's community version meant solely for the community." Read the rest of the press release for more information. Download: Explorer-1.0-Beta2-i386.iso (770MB, MD5).
About Pioneer
Pioneer Linux, a product of Technalign, Inc, is a desktop-oriented, Kubuntu-based distribution targeted at new as well as experienced Linux users. The product comes in two flavours: as a freely downloadable live and installation CD, and as a commercial boxed edition with CrossOver Office and technical support.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2008-06-16 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Linux 3.2 |
Technology Alignment has announced the release of Pioneer Linux 3.2, a desktop distribution based on the recently released Ubuntu 8.04: "Technology Alignment sponsored and community open source projects, today announced the availability of Pioneer Explorer and Basic 3.2, the latest version of its open source Linux operating system distributions. Pioneer operating systems continues to build upon its 7-year life cycle with the Release 3 series. Highlights of the KDE-based distribution include improvements and enhancements on the Programs Folder to allow difficult to find and install items such as codecs while the latest release of Pioneer Linux sports a 2.6.24 kernel, Firefox 3 beta 5 and version 2.4.0. Read the rest of the press release for more details. Download: Basic-3.2.0.iso (657MB, MD5).
2008-02-04 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Linux 3.1 |
Pioneer Linux 3.1 has been released: "Technalign, Inc. has announced the release of the Pioneer Basic 3.1 workstation, Stagecoach 3.1, and its enterprise server MigrationSERVER 3.1. These workstations utilize the KDE desktop and run off a live CD for users to test before installation. The new releases maintain the 7-year life cycle and those running previous versions of Pioneer Basic will be able to run the update manager to bring them up to the current version. Changes to the version include Technalign's Electricity, powered by Wine-doors, software which allows the user to run many of their Windows applications. Along with Electricity; the Cowboy, Cowgirl, and Wrangler Repositories, which were created in partnership with Automatix, are included and are available to other communities." Here is the full press release. Download: Basic- (684MB, MD5), Stagecoach- (736MB, MD5), Migration- (674MB, MD5).
2007-11-27 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Linux 3.0.2 |
Technalign has announced the final release of Pioneer Linux 3.0.2: "Technalign, Inc. has announced the release of Pioneer Explorer workstation RC2 and Pioneer Basic workstation final. The workstation uses a live CD that allows the end user to test the workstations before installation. Pioneer Renegade and Pioneer Explorer are both community editions to test changes before they are made to Basic. The latest release of Pioneer Explorer RC2 uses KDE 3.X and 4.0 as the interface. Users may select KDE 3 or 4, providing the ability to test and use 4.0 as desired. Another notable correction has been the network interface under system tools identifying the release has been corrected." Read the rest of the press release for further details. Download: Basic- (700MB, MD5).
2007-11-22 |
Development Release: Pioneer Linux 3.0.2 RC |
Technalign has announced the availability of a release candidate for Pioneer Linux 3.0.2: "Technalign, Inc. announced today the release of the final release candidates of the latest versions of Pioneer Basic and Pioneer Explorer. The Pioneer Explorer and Renegade offerings include the Linspire CNR client preinstalled. The current final release candidates all use KDE, which has a simpler interface for Windows users to transition to Pioneer. It is expected that Renegade will be released early next week with a GNOME interface to meet the community demand for a different interface. No decisions have been made as of yet to include the GNOME desktop as a basic offering wrapped with support." Read the full press release for further details. Download: Basic- (699MB, MD5). Besides Pioneer Basic, release candidates for Pioneer Explorer 1.2.1, Pioneer ExplorerServer 3.0.2, Pioneer Migration 3.0.2 and Pioneer StageCoach 3.0.2 have also been released.
2007-09-25 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Linux 3.0 |
Technalign has announced the release of Pioneer Linux 3.0, an Ubuntu-based desktop and server distribution: "Technalign, Inc. has announced the release of the Pioneer Basic Linux 3.0 distributions that include the Basic workstation, MigrationSERVER, and Stagecoach, the combined workstation and server. All Pioneer products are being maintained by Technalign for a period of 7 years. The 7-year life cycle will provide companies a stable release of the operating system for many years to come. All Pioneer Basic products run off a live CD that allows individuals to load the CD and test the workstations and servers before installation. As with all current Technalign operating system releases, each operating system includes a KDE desktop. Those wishing to remove the desktop on MigrationSERVER may do so at will." Read the rest of the press release for further details. Download: Pioneer-Basic-3.0-Final.iso (624MB, MD5), Basic-Server-3.0-Final.iso (508MB, MD5), Pioneer-Stagecoach-3.0-Final.iso (689MB, MD5).
2007-09-12 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Explorer 1.1 Server |
Pioneer Explorer 1.1 Server has been released: "Technalign, Inc. has announced the release of Pioneer Explorer 1.1 Server. Pioneer Explorer 1.1 Server is a community based distribution for those wishing to run a server or those learning Linux server management. Explorer Server is a live CD that allows an individual to load the CD and test the server before installation. As all Technalign operating system releases, Explorer 1.1 Server includes a KDE desktop. Those wishing to remove the desktop may do so at will. As with the new Explorer Desktop releases, Explorer Server has a minimum of a 1-year life cycle for those in the community with a planned upgrade path. The new server continues to support Webmin for a graphical interface and SSH." Read the full press release for further information. Download: Explorer-Server-1.1-Final.iso (492MB, MD5).
2007-09-06 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Explorer 1.1 |
Technalign has announced the final release of Pioneer Explorer 1.1: "Technalign, Inc. announced today the final release of Pioneer Explorer 1.1. The final release of Pioneer Explorer now provides a functional Ubiquity installer. Pioneer Explorer 1.1 is the community edition of Pioneer and runs as a Live CD allowing users to try before installation. Pioneer Explorer 1.1 includes an expanded Programs folder that allows for individuals to open a simple folder on the desktop, install what they want when they want it easily. The programs folder will continue to be expanded, but currently includes applications most requested by users. The Programs folder includes VM and Innotek virtualization tools, CrossOver Office Standard and Professional, and difficult to install applications. Codecs have also been included." Read the full press release for further details. Download: Pioneer-Explorer-1.1-Final.iso (616MB, MD5).
2007-08-14 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Explorer 1.0 |
Technalign, Inc. has announced the release of Pioneer Explorer 1.0: "Technalign, Inc., developers of both the community and commercial Pioneer Linux operating systems, announced today the release of Pioneer Explorer 1.0 and the Programs Folder. The final release of Pioneer Explorer includes a rebuilt X.Org file and rebuilt Firefox coupled with additional changes. Pioneer Explorer 1.0 is available for download immediately and includes the final additions to the Programs folder including virtualization tools. Pioneer Explorer 1.0 includes a pleasant experience with additional hardware support including unprecedented wireless and WinModem support out of the box. Pioneer Explorer now has KDE 4.0 beta in the repositories and those wanting to test may do so. Pioneer Explorer includes the Programs folder that allows for individuals to open a simple folder, install what they want when they want it easily." Read the rest of the press release for full details. Download: Pioneer-Explorer-1.0-Final.iso (672MB, MD5).
2007-07-15 |
Development Release: Pioneer Explorer 1.0 Beta 2 |
Technalign has announced the second beta release of Pioneer Explorer 1.0, a desktop Linux distribution based on Ubuntu: "Beta 2 is a self-booting Live CD originally based on Kubuntu that allows you to test the operating system before installation. Explorer includes additional wireless support out of the box for ease of use with many wireless adapters. The new Beta also provides a kernel with additional tweaks. The highlight of the Beta 2 release includes additional changes to the Technalign repositories including Commercial, Backports, and Network Security (Crypto)..." See the press release for more details. Download: Explorer-1.0-Beta2-i386.iso (737MB, MD5).
2007-06-28 |
Development Release: Pioneer Explorer 1.0 Beta 1 |
Technalign has announced the first beta release of Pioneer Explorer 1.0, a desktop Linux distribution based on Ubuntu: "Technalign, Inc. has announced the release of Pioneer Explorer 1.0 after extensive internal and partner testing. Pioneer Explorer is the initial release of its operating systems based on Technalign Trailblazer. Trailblazer is Technalign's framework utilizing all the best of development in open source. With the release of Pioneer Explorer, users in business as well as the consumer markets have the potential to continue to use a product with a long life expectancy on the server as well as the workstation." See the press release for more details. Download: Pioneer_Explorer_1.0_Beta1_i386.iso (696MB, MD5).
2007-06-17 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer MigrationSERVER 2.1 |
Dianne Ursini has announced the release of Pioneer MigrationSERVER 2.1: "Technalign, Inc. has announced the release of Pioneer MigrationSERVER 2.1. Pioneer MigrationSERVER replaces previous versions and the 2.1 release staging for the Technalign Trailblazer Framework. MigrationSERVER 2.1 includes additional functions such as software RAID, DHCP, and the Squid Proxy Server to mention a few, which install simply by clicking a button on the web interface. Users can use either SSH or Webmin to manage their servers and both have been included as options for server management. Technalign's MigrationSERVER allows customers to drive down their server and acquisition costs." Read the rest of the press release for further information. Download: Ta_MigSERV2-1_i386_0612_023_Final.iso (807MB, MD5).
2007-06-01 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Stagecoach 2.1 |
Dianne Ursini has announced the availability of the "Stagecoach" edition of Pioneer Linux 2.1, a combined server and workstation distribution based on Ubuntu: "Technalign, Inc. has released Pioneer Stagecoach 2.1 of its base Linux operating system. Pioneer Stagecoach 2.1 is being released on DVD. Many enhancements were added in the latest version of Stagecoach on both the server and workstation. Additions to the workstation include 2.2, additional games, Guarddog Firewall, as well as the KlamAV anti-virus utilities to name a few. On the server side, Postfix, Sendmail, PHP, as well as SpamAssassin were added to the mix. Webalizer was also added to allow analysis of traffic on web sites on Stagecoach." Find more details in the press release. Download from here: TaStageCoach_R21_i386_0531_8.iso (914MB, MD5).
2007-05-24 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Linux 2.1 |
An updated version of Pioneer Linux Basic, now based on the latest Kubuntu 7.04, has been released: "Technalign, Inc. has released Pioneer Basic 2.1 of its base Linux operating system. Pioneer Basic 2.1 is being released on DVD. Technalign will continue to ship Pioneer Basic 2.0 for those users who do not wish to purchase a DVD drive for their systems. Pioneer Basic 2.1 is similar to Basic 2.0 with several exceptions. The biggest exception is that Pioneer 2.1 is based on Feisty and not Edgy while it continues to be based on Kubuntu. Adept is no longer incorporated as the update manager, but is now replaced with Synaptic per the business and consumer communities. Also notable are the Guarddog Firewall as well as the KlamAV anti-virus utilities that have been added and 2.2." Read the full press release for further details. Download: Pioneer_BasicR2-1_i386_0524_6.iso (848MB, MD5).
2007-05-15 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Stagecoach |
Dianne Ursini has announced the final release of Pioneer Stagecoach, a combined workstation and server Linux distribution based on Kubuntu: "Technalign, Inc. has released the final version of Pioneer Stagecoach with complete workstation and server support. Stagecoach brings a new solution to the SOHO market with the new workstation / server combination allowing a SOHO or home user to run email, web services via Apache 2, DHCP, and other services while having a full workstation for day-to-day activity. MigrationSERVER on Stagecoach provides access to server functions via the Webmin interface or SSH. Stagecoach comes with Automatix to install the most requested applications easily." See the full press release for more information. Download: Ta_StageCoach_i386_0515_6.iso (775MB, MD5).
2007-04-21 |
Development Release: Pioneer Rifleman Alpha 3 |
Dianne Ursini has announced the third alpha release of Pioneer Rifleman, an Ubuntu-based distribution with integrated 3D desktop features: "Technalign, Inc. has announced that they have released Pioneer Rifleman Alpha 3 for testing. Rifleman requires a DVD for installation and is only recommended for P4 systems, or equivalent, and NVIDIA or ATI for graphics support. The new build includes additional drivers not included in Alpha 2 as well as the Guarddog firewall and KlamAV anti-virus. Dianne Ursini, CEO of Technalign, Inc. stated, 'We have been excluding KlamAV as well as Guarddog in the past for obvious reasons but are including it now due to the demand of our Partner network.' Technalign is requesting that the community as well as its partners report bugs and desired drivers." The full press release. Download: Pioneer_i386_Rifleman_A3_6016-2.iso (754MB, MD5).
2007-04-14 |
Development Release: Pioneer Rifleman Alpha 2 |
Dianne Ursini has announced the second alpha release of Pioneer Rifleman, an Ubuntu-based distribution incorporating 3D desktop effects: "Technalign, Inc. has announced that they have released Pioneer Rifleman Alpha 2. Rifleman requires a DVD for installation and is only recommended for P4 systems or equivalent, and NVIDIA or ATI video cards for graphics support. ATI support was added due to the demand of the community as well as the Technalign Partner network. Technalign is requesting that the community as well as its partners report bugs and desired drivers. Technalign has started its repository and is expected to be released with the initial beta release of Pioneer Rifleman and provide updates and drivers not available in the 'Edgy' repositories." Read the release announcement for more details. Download: Pioneer_i386_Rifleman_A2_6014-1.iso (767MB, MD5).
2007-04-03 |
Development Release: Pioneer Rifleman Alpha 1 |
Dianne Ursini has announced a new "eye candy" edition of Pioneer Linux. Called "Rifleman", it comes complete with Beryl, the 3D desktop, and support for the latest NVIDIA graphics cards: "Technalign, Inc. has announced that they have released Pioneer Rifleman Alpha 1 for initial testing. Rifleman requires a DVD for installation and is only recommended for P4 systems, or equivalent, and NVIDIA graphics support. Pioneer Rifleman will bring the Pioneer line to cutting edge technology and allow companies and individuals to experience a more robust version. Automatix is also included with Rifleman and will incorporate business applications as well as the additional most requested applications." Read the full press release for further details. Download: Pioneer_i386_Rifleman_A1_6011-1.iso (762MB, MD5).
2007-03-20 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer MigrationSERVER |
Technalign has announced the release of Pioneer MigrationSERVER, an easy-to-use, Ubuntu-based Linux distribution for servers: "Technalign, Inc. has announced the release of Pioneer MigrationSERVER. Pioneer MigrationSERVER replaces previous versions. MigrationSERVER includes functions such as RAID, DHCP, Samba to mention a few, which install simply by clicking a button on the web interface. Users can use either SSH or Webmin to manage their servers and both have been included as options for server management. Technalign's MigrationSERVER allows customers to drive down their server and acquisition costs." Please read the complete release announcement and visit the MigrationSERVER product page for more information and screenshots. Download from here: Ta_MigSERV_i386_0319_014.iso (647MB, MD5).
2007-03-13 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Linux 2.0 |
Dianne Ursini has announced the release of Pioneer Linux 2.0, an Ubuntu-based distribution designed for desktop use: "Technalign, Inc. has announced they have released Pioneer Basic Release 2. Pioneer Basic R2 is available for download immediately and from Technalign's partner network. Automatix is pre-installed allowing for an easy installation of the most commonly used applications. The latest release will be Technalign's last operating system available on CD and is expected to be supported for a minimum of 3 years. Pioneer Basic will be free to individuals, schools, and non-profit organizations wanting to run a workstation, while commercial establishments will be required to purchase a copy and receive full support." Read the full press release for further details. Download: Pioneer_i386_R2_0306_616.iso (701MB, MD5).
2007-02-18 |
Development Release: Pioneer Linux 2.0 RC2 |
The second release candidate of the Kubuntu-based Pioneer Linux 2 has been released for testing: "Technalign, Inc. has announced they have released Pioneer RC2 of Pioneer Basic Release 2. Release Candidate 1 that includes the latest release of Automatix2, created by the Automatix Team, additional applications such as Midnight commander and other utilities have been included as per the communities. The NVIDIA 6100 chipset issue as well as other issues has been resolved. It is expected that the Pioneer Basic final release will be delayed a week to two depending on the outcome of RC2 testing and requested enhancements." Read the press release for more information. Download: Pioneer_i386_RC2_0219_06.iso (690MB, MD5).
2007-01-31 |
Development Release: Pioneer Linux 2.0 RC1 |
Dianne Ursini has announced the availability of the first release candidate of Pioneer Linux 2.0 "Basic" edition: "Technalign, Inc. has announced they have released Pioneer RC1 of Pioneer Basic Release 2. Release Candidate 1 includes the latest release of Automatix2, created by the Automatix Team, which is a graphical interface for automating the installation of the most commonly requested applications in Pioneer Linux. The NVIDIA issues in the Beta releases have been resolved in RC1 along with creating a dual boot system." More details in the press release. Download: Pioneer_Basic_i386_Beta2.iso (678MB, MD5). The final release of Pioneer Linux 2.0 is expected around the middle of February.
2007-01-21 |
Development Release: Pioneer MigrationSERVER RC1 |
A new test release of Pioneer MigrationSERVER, an Ubuntu-based server-oriented distribution, is ready for testing: "Technalign, Inc. has announced they have released Pioneer MigrationSERVER RC1. Release Candidate 1 now includes a full Webmin interface for software RAID and also Firefox 2.0. Per the community, Technalign has added SSL for access to Webmin for security. Dianne Ursini, CEO of Technalign, Inc. stated, 'We believe that RC1 will complete MigrationSERVER depending on input from both the partner/business community as well as our Pioneer community.' RC 1 is close to release and Technalign is requesting that users report any issues or requested changes on the TaPioneer forums or contacting Technalign directly. Those wanting to test MigrationSERVER and have not done so as of yet are welcome to begin the testing on RC1." Read the full press release for more details. Download: Ta_MigSERV_RC1_0118.iso (659MB, MD5).
2007-01-04 |
Development Release: Pioneer Linux Christian Edition Beta 1 |
Technalign has announced the release of a specialist edition of its Kubuntu-based Pioneer Linux for churches and religious organisations: "Technalign, Inc. has announced it has released its Beta 1 Pioneer Linux Christian Edition operating system to the community. The beta includes many of the features that come standard with Pioneer Linux. The application includes the King James Bible and many study applications. The Pioneer Christian Edition replaces the Frontier Christian Edition previously retailed by Technalign's partners. There will be a non-installable edition available for Windows users who only want to use the Christian Edition for study. Technalign requests that users report back any applications they would like added as well as applications that they wish removed along with bug reports." Read the rest of the press release for more details. Download: Ta_Christian_Pioneer_i386_A.iso (676MB, MD5).
2006-12-31 |
Development Release: Pioneer MigrationSERVER Beta 2 |
The second beta of Pioneer MigrationSERVER has been released for testing: "Technalign, Inc. has released its Beta 2 of MigrationSERVER. Beta 2 includes many more requested applications, such as SSH, Fetchmail, DHCP Server, Shorewall firewall, and the Squid proxy server. Beta 2 of MigrationSERVER is reaching the final stages based on feedback received on its Beta 1 released. RC 1 is expected to be released in early January 2007. Dianne Ursini, CEO of Technalign, Inc. stated, 'Beta 2 now includes more applications interfaced with Webmin as requested from both our business community as well as our community users.' Pioneer MigrationSERVER will be free to individuals and non-profit organizations wanting to run a web server." Please read the full press release for further information. Download: Ta_MigSERV_Beta2_1230.iso (648MB).
2006-12-22 |
Development Release: Pioneer MigrationSERVER Beta 1 |
Technalign has announced the first beta release of Pioneer MigrationSERVER: "Technalign, Inc. has released its SOHO/SMB server with the ease of use that Windows users have been looking for. MigrationSERVER Beta 1 is out for testing and available for download immediately on the TaPioneer web site. The new server is targeted toward the SMB market as well as workgroup servers in enterprise networks. The server provides not only a robust and simple to use interface for server administration using Webmin 1.300 as the interface, but the familiar KDE interface. MigrationSERVER uses Kubuntu as a base and includes additional features which were found in Version XI including clustering support." Read the rest of the press release for further information. Download: Ta_MigSERV_Beta1_1119.iso (632MB).
2006-12-08 |
Distribution Release: Pioneer Linux 1.0 |
Technalign, Inc. has announced the inaugural release of Pioneer Linux, a Kubuntu-based, desktop-oriented distribution for home and business users: "Technalign, Inc. has announced it has released its new Pioneer Linux operating system to the community. The first release is the 32-bit version to be followed immediately by the 64-Bit Version. The community edition includes many features found previously in Frontier and is available for download at the website. Both Pioneer 32 and 64 include Firefox 2.0, Thunderbird and KMail email clients,, and many others." More details in the press release. Pioneer Linux comes in two flavours: as a freely downloadable live and installation CD, and as a commercial boxed edition with CrossOver Office and technical support. Here are the links to download the free edition: Ta_Pioneer_Free_i386_1124_05.iso (678MB), Ta_Pioneer_Free_i686_1125_05.iso (672MB).