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Turkix was a Turkish live CD Linux distribution based on Mandrakelinux. As it uses Mandrake's configuration tools and KDE, it was extremely easy to use, and it has a fancy look and feel. Turkix aims to introduce Linux to Turkish and Azerbaijani speakers without any prior Linux experience.
Status: Discontinued
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2007-07-28 |
NEW • Distribution Release: 64 Studio 2.0 |
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The second stable release of 64 Studio, a Debian-based distribution with a collection of software for digital content creation, is now available: "64 Studio 2.0 is designed to retain compatibility with Debian Etch, to create a long-lived and stable creative desktop. We combine the stability and quality of Etch with a specialised real-time pre-emption kernel and the latest creative tools demanded by multimedia artists. Our tweaks to Debian include simplified installation and default settings which help get production under way quickly. It's our target that users should be able to get from a blank hard disc to a fully hardware-optimised and usable creative desktop in just half an hour." A Live CD version of 64 Studio is also available. Find more details in the release announcement for further details. Download: 64studio_2.0_amd64.iso (801MB, MD5), 64studio_2.0_i386.iso (773MB, MD5).
About 64 Studio
64 Studio is a collection of software for digital content creation on x86_64 hardware (that's AMD's 64-bit CPUs and Intel's EM64T chips). It's based on the pure 64 port of Debian GNU/Linux, but with a specialised package selection and lots of other customisations. It will be marketed to hardware OEMs in the creative workstation and laptop markets as an alternative to the 64-bit version of Windows XP, or OS X on Apple hardware.
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2008-06-10 |
Distribution Release: 64 Studio 2.1 |
Daniel James has announced the release of 64 Studio 2.1, an updated version of the Debian-based distribution designed for musicians and digital artists: "64 Studio 2.1 'A Minha Menina' released! 64 Studio is a GNU/Linux distribution tailor-made for digital content creation, including audio, video, graphics and publishing tools. Version 2.1 is the first update to the second stable release of 64 Studio. It is named after a song by Jorge Ben, recorded by Os Mutantes and covered by The Bees. New versions of applications such as Ardour and Rosegarden are the main reason to upgrade, plus general bug fixes and updates from Etch. It's not meant to be a bleeding edge release; it only contains necessary changes. It's a recommended upgrade for all 64 Studio users, without fear of system breakage." Read the press release for information about upgrading from a previous release and other information. Download: 64studio_2.1_i386.iso (798MB, MD5), 64studio_2.1_amd64.iso (817MB, MD5).
2007-07-09 |
Development Release: 64 Studio 2.0 RC1 |
Daniel James has announced the first release candidate of 64 Studio 2.0, a Debian-based distribution with a collection of software for digital content creation: "We are glad to announce that 64 Studio 2.0-rc1 has been released. The code name for this release is shamelessly lifted from the second track on Strictly Personal, the second album by Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band. Please note that this is still a testing release, so if you want to stick with the stable version of 64 Studio just use the 1.0 installer. However we think this release is in pretty good shape, and expect to release 2.0 final later this month. The changelog is available here." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download: 64studio_2.0-rc1_amd64.iso (800MB, MD5), 64studio_2.0-rc1_i386.iso (771MB, MD5).
2007-05-22 |
Development Release: 64 Studio 1.4.0 |
Daniel James has announced the availability of a new development release of the upcoming 64 Studio 2.0: "64 Studio is a GNU/Linux distribution tailor-made for digital content creation, including audio, video, graphics and publishing tools. A remix of Debian testing, it comes in both AMD64/Intel64 and 32-bit flavours, to run on nearly all PC hardware. Our latest development version (1.4.0) is the first release candidate for the forthcoming 64 Studio 2.0, which will retain compatibility with Debian Etch. Known bugs in 1.4.0 include: KToon requires rebuilding with an old version of Qt; Inkscape cannot print unless cupsys-bsd is installed...." Read the rest of the release announcement for full details. Download: 64studio_1.4.0_amd64.iso (770MB, MD5), 64studio_1.4.0_i386.iso (739MB, MD5).
2007-05-04 |
Development Release: 64 Studio 1.3.0 |
Daniel James has announced the availability of a new development release of 64 Studio, version 1.3.0: "64 Studio is a GNU/Linux distribution tailor-made for digital content creation, including audio, video, graphics and publishing tools. Our latest development release (1.3.0) is the very first to be based on a stable release of Debian, the recent Etch release. This means that users should be able to add any packages they need from official Debian mirrors, including security updates, without breaking their systems. The forthcoming 64 Studio 2.0 release will retain compatibility with Etch, to create a long-lived and stable creative desktop. New packages in this release include Ardour 2 beta 12 and Xara. The serious bug with sample rate setting for USB audio interfaces in the 1.2.0 release has been fixed." Read the press release for full details. Download: 64studio_1.3.0_amd64.iso (727MB, MD5), 64studio_1.3.0_i386.iso (697MB, MD5).
2007-01-12 |
Development Release: 64 Studio 1.1.0 |
Free Ekanayaka has released the first development build of 64 Studio 2.0, labelled as version 1.1.0: "I've prepared a test 1.1.0 release, which is meant to be the first of the testing releases which will lead to the next stable 2.0 release. If you want to stick to stable version please just use the actual 1.0.0. That said, the new 1.1.0 release is just an update of the 1.0.0 one, sporting the new 2.6.19 kernel I've packaged, see this changelog. You can dist-upgrade from a plain 1.0.0 install using the testing repository. Note that the upgrade works only with the amd64 edition, as unfortunately the i386 edition was shipped without the kernel upgrade package." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Download: 64studio_1.1.0_amd64.iso (681MB, MD5), 64studio_1.1.0_i386.iso (659MB, MD5).
2006-11-29 |
Distribution Release: 64 Studio 1.0 |
The inaugural release of 64 Studio, a specialist distribution with a collection of software for digital content creation, is out: "The 64 Studio project produces a distribution of native free software for digital content creation on x86_64 hardware. After eighteen months of development, the project has made its first stable release available for free download. It is named in recognition of the work of Glyn Johns and Eddie Kramer at Olympic Studios in London. The distribution is based on the pure 64 port of Debian GNU/Linux, testing branch, but with a specialised package selection and lots of other customisations. The 64 Studio project also produces a 32-bit edition for legacy PC hardware." Read the full press release for more information. Download (MD5): 64studio-install_1.0.0_amd64.iso (698MB), 64studio-install_1.0.0_i386.iso (659MB).
2006-11-14 |
Development Release: 64 Studio 0.9.7 |
Free Ekanayaka has announced a new testing release of 64 Studio, a Debian-based Linux distribution with a collection of software for digital content creation: "This is just to let you know that I've built a new ISO with a new 2.6.18 kernel, which includes the latest patches and version rt6 of the realtime-prempt patch. The kernel and the relevant modules are the only differences with respect to 0.9.5, so if you prefer you can just install them from the testing repository. The i386 kernel has been built with HPET disabled, so it should work fine on dual processors too. For AMD64 users, please give it a try and let me know if the new kernel solves the boot issues with 2.6.18." Here is the release announcement. Download (MD5): 64studio-install_0.9.7_amd64.iso (687MB), 64studio-install_0.9.7_i386.iso (664MB).
2006-10-23 |
Development Release: 64 Studio 0.9.5 |
Free Ekanayaka has announced the release of 64 Studio 0.9.5: "0.9.5 is out. There are still some bugs holding, but I like the release early release often motto, so here you go." New in this release: "Fixed type in tasksel list; added dcraw; don't modify Ardour desktop file, it has been fixed in the Debian package; added mesa-utils and libgl1-mesa-dri; re-added Kino, re-built from Ubuntu sources; added Aspell, MySpell, Firefox and Thunderbird locales for German, French, Spanish and Italian; make sure that /proc is mounted before checking the network at install time." Read the release announcement and changelog for more information. Download (MD5): 64studio-install_0.9.5_amd64.iso (683MB), 64studio-install_0.9.5_i386.iso (663MB).