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Pardus Topluluk
Pardus is a GNU/Linux distribution jointly developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM). It started its life as a Gentoo-based project before developing its own unique identity. Since late 2012 the distribution, developed in two separate branches as "Corporate" and "Community" editions, is based on Debian. This is the page for the Community edition.
Status: Dormant
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2007-06-16 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Linux-EduCD 0.8 |
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Linux-EduCD is a Polish live CD focusing on education, graphics, office and multimedia use, and designed specifically for use in Polish educational institutions. The latest version is 0.8, released earlier this week. Linux-EduCD 0.8 is the project's first release based on Ubuntu; it includes both GNOME 2.18.1 and KDE 3.5.6, a number of educational and scientific packages, LAMP software (MySQL, Apache, PHP, Python), software for development (Ruby+ Rails, Java 1.6 with Eclipse, MzScheme and DrScheme, Ada95/2005+GPS, Gambas, Glade), networking support and popular multimedia codecs. For more details please read the full release announcement on the distribution's home page (in Polish). Download the DVD image from here: linux_educd08_dvd.iso (1,366MB, MD5).
About Linux-EduCD
Linux-EduCD is a PCLinuxOS-based live DVD developed by Poland's SIMP Studium Techniki. It focuses on education, graphics, office and multimedia use and is designed specifically for use in Polish educational institutions.
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2009-06-14 |
Distribution Release: Linux-EduCD 1.0 |
Linux-EduCD is a Polish distribution and live DVD based on Mandriva Linux, designed for deployment in Polish educational establishments. The project released version 1.0 (code name "Valis") yesterday. Besides educational programs, the distribution also includes a variety of multimedia, office and development software. It ships with Linux kernel, with support for SATA drives and many popular Intel and Atheros wireless network cards. Other features and applications include improved administration centre, a live USB creator, Firefox 3.0.10, 3.0.1, GIMP 2.6.6, MySQL 5.0.45, Apache 2.2, pre-configured WordPress 2.7.1, SciLab 4.1.1, Celestia 1.4.1, Xephem 3.7.2, OpenDX 4.4, GenChemLab and others. Please see the release announcement (in Polish) for further information and screenshots. Download: educd10dvd_valis.iso (1,143MB, MD5).
2008-03-06 |
Distribution Release: Linux-EduCD 0.9 |
Linux-EduCD is a distribution developed by Poland's SIMP Studium Techniki, with focus on education, graphics, office and multimedia software and designed for deployment in Polish schools. The newly released version 0.9 is the project's first build based on PCLinuxOS (previously it was based on Ubuntu). This version includes new graphical configuration tools, an option to create a custom live CD/DVD or an image for USB storage devices, improved support for WiFi cards and HP printers, and a range of educational software. The distribution is built on top of a Linux kernel, while the desktop is KDE 3.5.8. Also included are 2.3.1, PVM, Octave 3, IBM OpenDX 4.4, Firefox 2.0.12, Opera 9.25, WordPress 2.3.3 and VirtualBox 1.5.2. Please visit the project's home page (in Polish) to read the full release announcement and to see a handful of screenshots. Download: educd_09dvd.iso (1,380MB, MD5).
2006-12-14 |
Distribution Release: Linux-EduCD 0.7 |
Linux-EduCD is a Polish live DVD based on KANOTIX, with focus on education, graphics, office, multimedia and software development. Version 0.7 was released yesterday; some of the more important new features include: addition of the Compiz desktop; integration of GParted into the hard disk installer; new boot options; Linux kernel 2.6.18 with extra drivers and modules; KDE 3.5.5; 2.0.4; a range of educational software (Celestia, OpenDX, PyMOL, Rasmol, DrGeo, Yacas); multimedia applications (GIMP 2.2.13, Blender 2.42, Amarok, Audacity, Xine); network and system administration software (Wireshark, Nessus, Iptraf, EtherApe, Cheops); new development packages (DrScheme, Ruby, VisualPython, GPS, GNAT, Glade). Read the release announcement (in Polish) for further details and download links. The Linux-EduCD 0.7 live DVD is available from here: linuxeducd_07dvd.iso (1,352MB, MD5).
2006-05-04 |
Distribution Release: Linux-EduCD 0.6 |
Linux-EduCD is a KANOTIX-based Polish live DVD designed for use in educational and development environments. Version 0.6 was released yesterday with the following features: kernel with extra patches and modules; updated hard disk installer, KDE 3.5.2 with KOffice 1.5.0; 2.0.2; specialist educational software (OpenDX, PyMOL, Rasmol, DrGeo, Kseg, KDEEdu...); multimedia applications (GIMP 2.2.10, Blender 2.41, amaroK, Kino); RadRails 6.2; Monodevelop, Eric and Gambas 1.0.15; Scribus 1.2.4 with Scribus templates. Read the full release announcement (in Polish) for more details. The new release of Linux-EduCD is available as a bootable DVD image: Linuxeducd_06_dvd.iso (1,336MB, MD5).
2005-08-26 |
Distribution Release: Linux-EduCD 0.5 |
Linux-EduCD is a KANOTIX-based live CD developed by Poland's SIMP Studium Techniki. It focuses on education, graphics, office and multimedia use and is designed specifically for use in Polish educational institutions. A new updated version was released yesterday. Most important changes include: upgrade to kernel, improved installer, better data compression with SquashFS, improved support for ADSL modems and laptops, new scripts for installing NVIDIA and ATI graphics drivers, KDE 3.4.1 from Debian's experimental repository, 1.9.121.... Read the release announcement (in Polish) for more details. Download: linux_educd05.iso (658MB).