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Recalbox is a dedicated operating system for running video games on emulated retro and console platforms. Recalbox can also be used to run the Kodi media centre. The distribution's interface is primarily navigated with a console game controller, though keyboard support is available for many functions.
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2007-04-27 |
NEW • Development Release: MCNLive "Delft" RC1 |
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The first release candidate of MCNLive Delft, a Mandriva-based live CD, is ready for download and testing: "Announcing the RC1 of the upcoming MCNLive code name 'Delft': based on and 100% compatible with Mandriva Linux 2007.1 spring; includes WiFi drivers, no closed source NVIDIA and ATI driver; 3D desktop - Beryl, Compiz and Metisse - for most Intel and ATI cards; KDE desktop with a set of Internet, music and video applications, games and more; 4 languages pre-installed: English (default), Dutch, French, Italian. Features: install additional software live, pre-configured sources; graphical wizard to create a live USB on a USB stick or external hard disk...." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download: MCNLive-Delft-RC1.iso (374MB, MD5).
About MCNLive
MCNLive is a Mandriva-based distribution designed to run from a USB Flash drive or a CD. It aims to be a user-friendly and complete mobile Linux solution for desktops and notebooks, running in live mode with dynamic hardware detection. It is developed by
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2010-04-09 |
Development Release: MCNLive Kris RC1 |
Michel Hoogervorst has announced the availability of the first release candidate for MCNLive Kris, a small Mandriva-based live CD with the KDE desktop: "Here we are with the release candidate of MCNLive Kris. All problems found in the betas should be fixed by now. If no new problems are found this one will simply be renamed to final. A small introduction for the people who didn't follow the betas. It won't have all the nice features you might remember from MCNLive, but the most important things are there. Copy2ram is present, remastering on-the-fly is possible again and even booting from USB is no problem at all! Note that the way MCNLive is put on an USB stick has slightly changed. There is no wizard for this any more, but you can simply dd the ISO image to your stick, just like Mandriva One. You should even be able to use Mandriva Seed to put the image on your stick." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download: mcnlive-kris-rc1.iso (381MB, MD5).
2010-03-09 |
Development Release: MCNLive Kris Beta 1 |
MCNLive, a Mandriva-based distribution and live CD, has been resurrected by the members of the Dutch Mandriva Club. The first beta of the brand-new MCNLive Kris, is now available for download: "After a few years of silence around MCNLive, here we are again with a brand new MCNLive release, based on Mandriva 2010.0. It won't have all the nice features you might remember from MCNLive, but the most important things are there. Copy2ram is present, remastering on-the-fly is possible again and even booting from USB is no problem at all. MCNLive Kris is based upon a fully updated Mandriva 2010.0 release, with KDE SC 4.3 as desktop environment. SMPlayer is added for your multimedia needs and since we do have a 'remaster' option, we added K3b to enable you to burn the remastered image directly. Firefox is the default web browser but you can use Konqueror from the menu if you wish." Here is the full release announcement with a screenshot. Download: mcnlive-kris-beta1.iso (377MB, MD5).
2007-05-23 |
Distribution Release: MCNLive "Toronto" |
A new, enhanced version of MCNLive, a Mandriva-based live CD distribution, has been released: "I am glad to announce MCNLive, code name 'Toronto'. What's the difference to 'Delft'? VirtualBox OSE, KOffice suite, GIMP, gThumb, gxine, gFTP, Bluefish, Quanta, KAudioCreator, Kopete, KDE Bluetooth, a bunch of networking tools and printer packages added. English only edition. Improved isolinux bootsplash, with keyboard navigation to select a boot option, different wallpapers, fixed (non-critical) error messages when shutting down the system in live CD persist mode." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. Download: MCNLive-Toronto.iso (466MB, MD5).
2007-05-06 |
Distribution Release: MCNLive "Delft" |
MCNLive Delft, a live CD based on Mandriva Linux 2007.1, has been released: "A new edition of MCNLive, code name 'Delft' is out. It is a fun release based on Mandriva Spring 2007.1, lacking any office or work-related software packages that would seriously distract your mind. A portable Linux live system for CD or USB drives, with some smart wizards to get the best out of a live system. Add software, set it up on your pen drive, run it entirely from RAM, write to NTFS partitions, create your own version on-the-fly, switch languages, make all changes persistent. KDE 3.5.6 with a set of Internet, music and video applications, games and more: Opera 9.20, Midnight Commander, K3b, gnomad2." Visit the distribution's home page to read the full release announcement with screenshots. Download: MCNLive-Delft.iso (376MB, MD5).
2007-02-04 |
Distribution Release: MCNLive "VirtualCity" |
After a week of testing, the final version of MCNLive "VirtualCity" has been released: "MCNLive 'VirtualCity' Final. Designed to run from a 512 MB USB Flash Drive or from a CD, this new version comes bundled with VirtualBox OSE, an easy to use virtualisation software which lets you run virtual machines at almost native speed. It seems that Mandriva 2007 and VirtualBox are a dream team. Create virtual machines, run existing VMs from your hard disk. Use this live CD (or live USB) in combination with a USB hard drive, packed with your favourite operating systems. The perfect mobile solution. Or just use it to discover what this virtualisation is all about." Visit the distribution's home page to learn about the new release. Download: MCNLive-VirtualCity.iso (358MB, MD5).
2007-01-25 |
Development Release: MCNLive "VirtualCity" RC |
The MCNLive project, which develops specialist Mandriva-based live CDs, has announced a release candidate of a new product that bundles a virtualisation software package: "The first release candidate for the upcoming MCNLive VirtualCity edition is out. What's new? The virtualization software VirtualBox OSE is pre-installed. Create new virtual disk images on a hard disk, run existing images stored on your hard disk. Requirements: enough RAM. Please give us some feedback, test and report bugs, either on or via email. A bunch of packages have been updated from the official Mandriva 2007 update mirrors, including the kernel. Opera updated to version 9.10." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download: MCNLive-VirtualCity-RC.iso (362MB, MD5).
2006-11-19 |
Distribution Release: MCNLive "Cherbourg" |
A new version of MCNLive, a Mandriva-based live CD with KDE, support for popular media formats, wireless networking and 3D desktop, has been released: "I am glad to announce a new edition of MCNLive, code name Cherbourg, a portable live Linux system based on and 100% compatible with Mandriva Linux 2007. Highlights: 2.6.17 kernel; 3D desktop (AIGLX) with the free X.Org drivers for Intel and ATI video cards; desktop environment: KDE 3.5.4; office suite: KOffice; Opera 9.02; music, video and image applications with most common codecs; Internet and networking applications for all your needs; NTFS read-write support. All this on less than 360 MB." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download: MCNLive-Cherbourg.iso (358MB, MD5).
2006-04-24 |
Distribution Release: MCNLive "Leuven" |
MCNLive is a Mandriva-based live CD developed by MandrivaClub in the Netherlands. A new version, name "Leuven", has been released: "I am glad to announce a new version of MCNLive, code name Leuven. Some highlights: 2.6.14 kernel with updated Unionfs and SquashFS. Desktop environment: KDE 3.5.2. Office suite: KOffice 1.5, Open Document Format, Firefox, music, video and image applications with all common codecs, Internet and networking applications for all your needs. All this on less than 350 MB." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download: MCNLive-Leuven.iso (332MB, MD5).