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LinuxTLE was a community Linux distribution developed in Thailand and designed for the Thai speaking audience. The early versions were based on Red Hat Linux and Fedora, but starting with version 8.0, the developers have chosen Ubuntu as the distribution's new base system.
Status: Discontinued
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2007-03-28 |
NEW • Development Release: Myah OS 3.0 Tech Demo 1 |
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Jeremiah Cheatham has announced the availability of a new development release of Myah OS, a live CD built with Linux-Live scripts and packages optimised for the i686 architecture: "I'm proud to announce the availability of Myah OS 3 Tech Demo 1. This is the first test version for Myah OS generation 3. This is simply a live CD showing off the base system. Myah OS is no longer based or related to any existing Linux system. All packages have been compiled by me from build scripts I have written. Myah is now an i686 system. Since this is a completely new system there is still a lot of work to be done. This test release is for those who would like to see the work done so far." Myah OS 3.0 comes with Linux kernel 2.6.20, glibc 2.5, GCC 4.1.2, X.Org 7.2 and Xfce 4.4.0; read the release announcement for more information. Download from here: MyahOS-3-TD1.iso (508MB, MD5).
About Myah OS
Myah OS is an independently developed live CD designed for desktop use. It is built with custom build scripts and optimised for the i686 processor architecture.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2008-06-27 |
Distribution Release: Myah OS 3.0 "Dragon" |
Jeremiah Cheatham has announced the final release of Myah OS 2.7 "Dragon" edition, a complete desktop distribution featuring the KDE 3.5 desktop: "For all current fans of Myah OS and all those soon to be, we give you Myah OS 3.0 Dragon. Dragon is the code name for Myah OS built around the KDE 3 desktop. We chose KDE 3.5.9 since it's still considered the most stable and best supported version of KDE. As with all other versions of Myah OS, Dragon has full multimedia support and a wide range or software. There is a complete KDE desktop as well as KOffice, KTorrent, Amarok and many more KDE software packages. Dragon brings the best of KDE and the best of Myah OS together in the same system. There have been several updates since the release of Box. The backup LXDE desktop now uses Metacity instead of Openbox as the window manager. Firefox has been updated to 3.0." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Download (MD5): Myah-OS-3.0-Dragon.iso (695MB).
2008-06-12 |
Distribution Release: Myah OS 3.0 "Box" |
Jeremiah Cheatham has announced the release of Myah OS 3.0 Box edition, a full-featured desktop Linux distribution built around the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE): "Myah OS 3.0 Box is now available. This is a complete Linux solution built around the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. The LXDE desktop is designed to be the smallest, fastest and yet fully functional desktop for UNIX/Linux systems. It's important to note that Box is not meant to be a light system. Instead it's meant to be a fully functional system built around a light desktop. There are many extremely light Linux systems out there already like Damn Small Linux and Slax. Myah OS 3.0 Box is for people who want a full blown system built around a light desktop. Box comes with much of the same software that was found in Mouse Pro." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Download (MD5): Myah-OS-3.0-Box.iso (549MB).
2008-06-01 |
Distribution Release: Myah OS 3.0 |
Jeremiah Cheatham has announced the release of Myah OS 3.0, a complete desktop Linux distribution with Xfce and a variety of administration tools: "The long-awaited Myah OS 3.0 is here. 3.0 has been in development since 2006 right after the release of version 2.3. This release is a complete Linux solution for personal computers. It is created to do just about anything right out of the box without any hassle. There is full support for watching and editing videos. If you like music you can tune into online stations or even record your own. You can also write you own web pages or even use the IDE to start developing software. Myah OS also comes with a complete set of system tools to help with administration. Adding packages is a simple and easy task. Myah will also let you know when there are updates available." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download (MD5): Myah-OS-3.0-Mouse-Pro.iso (627MB).
2008-02-02 |
Development Release: Myah OS 3.0 Beta 1 |
Jeremiah Cheatham has announced the availability of the first beta release of Myah OS 3.0, a desktop Linux distribution with custom build scripts and advanced package management utilities: "Myah OS 3.0 Beta 1 is now available, debutting many many long-awaited features. New to Beta 1 is a graphical front-end that allows the user to install, update and remove packages. Myah OS will also check against the server for updates; if updates are found, a blinking icon with appear in the system tray. Another new feature is the Myah live installer, with a choice of ext3, XFS or ReiserFS file system formats. For those who have a PC that can boot from a USB drive, there is also an option to create a USB flash drive that will run just like a live CD. As always, Myah OS comes with the light-weight and very powerful Xfce desktop and full multimedia and DVD support." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download: Myah-OS-3.0-Beta-1.iso (631MB, MD5).
2007-11-25 |
Development Release: Myah OS 3.0 Alpha 2 |
The second alpha release of Myah OS is ready for download and testing: "Myah OS 3.0 Alpha 2 is now available. There have been many improvements since Alpha 1 was released. The main focus was on bug fixes and updates. There are still some unfinished aspects of 3.0 before it will enter the beta phase. There have been around a hundred packages updated to the latest available stable version. One of the new features you will notice in Alpha 2 is the graphical login named Slim. A new version of Myah's xconf program will help auto detect video settings at boot-up. This means Alpha 2 will auto detect your best video settings and bring you into a graphical state of Myah OS. For those with newer ATI cards, the new 'radeonhd' driver is included and works well. There will be downloads available to test out the latest fglrx and NVIDIA drivers." Read the release announcement for further details. Download (MD5): Myah-OS-3.0-alpha-2.iso (677MB).
2007-10-25 |
Development Release: Myah OS 3.0 Alpha 1 |
Jeremiah Cheatham has announced the first alpha release of Myah OS 3.0, an independently developed desktop Linux distribution: "Myah OS 3.0 alpha 1 is now available to kick off the 3.0 release cycle. This first alpha release has been very carefully put together. The only thing really missing so far is the graphical installer, which is under construction. This release is a live CD that includes package utilities and all development tools. Myah OS is built for the i686 Intel/AMD PCs, but will also work with the newer 64-bit Intel/AMD PCs. Myah OS uses its package management suite designed to be simple and fast. Myah is designed to be a full-featured distro, with at least 1 or 2 applications for every need. Xfce 4.4.1 desktop makes Myah run very fast without taking a lot of resources. Myah will also handle all of your multimedia needs." Visit the distribution's home page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): Myah-OS-3.0-alpha-1.iso (697MB).
2007-06-02 |
Development Release: Myah OS 3.0 Tech Demo 2 |
Jeremiah Cheatham has announced a second development release of Myah OS 3.0, a desktop-oriented, i686-optimised live CD featuring the Xfce desktop: "Myah OS 3 Tech Demo 2 is now available. This is still a development release but it should be fairly stable and have a well rounded selection of applications. It should mirror what the Xfce version of 3.0 will look like. There are still three objectives that need to be met before 3.0 stable: firstly, to get the system well tested to weed out any bugs or setting changes, secondly, to work on Myah's package management system, and finally, there is still no actual installer. Both binary packages and source packages will be made available and since the bulk of the system has been completed, development should come much faster from now on." Here is the full release announcement. Download: MyahOS-3-TD2.iso (679MB, MD5).
2006-10-12 |
Distribution Release: Myah OS 2.3 |
Jeremiah Cheatham has released a new version of Myah OS: "Myah OS 2.3 SE is now available for download." Some of the more interesting changes since version 2.2, released less than a month ago, include: "Firefox 2.0rc2 with support for Flash, Java and embedded video; embedded video is also available within Konqueror; settings for DVD playback have been optimized for best possible playback; 3D drivers for ATI and NVIDIA have also been optimized; a fresh Ksplash theme has been created to integrate with the bootsplash theme; several more mouse themes are now available; KDE 3.5.4 is now included as well as Linux 2.6.18; the boot process is much faster and smoother; CUPS printing is now up and running...." Read the complete release announcement for more details. Download: Myah-OS-2.3-SE.iso (696MB, MD5).