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eLearnix (also known as Freeleader Linux) is a self contained, Linux-based, tutorial operating system that comes on a USB/DVD instead of a book. We give you the instructions to burn the ISO file and load the whole thing absolutely and positively free. The only way to learn Linux is by running it! eLearnix was based on Slackware Linux, but recent versions are based on Linux Mint.
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2006-03-30 |
NEW • Development Release: VideoLinux 2.0 Alpha |
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VideoLinux is a PCLinuxOS-based distribution with focus on DVD backups, video encoding and transcoding, DVD authoring and format conversion. A new development series has begun with an alpha release of VideoLinux 2.0: "After a few headaches I am pleased to announce that VideoLinux 2.0 Alpha is available for download. It is using kernel 2.6.13 optimised for i686 processors with up to 4GB RAM, Wine has been upgraded to 0.9.9, added the Windows freeware DVDShrink. KDE is 3.5.1. For the full changelog see here. As usual please be aware that this is a development release and things may not be quite right." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download: VideoLinux-2.0-Alpha-i686.iso (480MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
About VideoLinux
VideoLinux is a PCLinuxOS-based distribution with focus on DVD backups, video encoding and transcoding, DVD authoring, format conversion and pretty much anything else you want to do with video.
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2006-07-07 |
Development Release: VideoLinux 2.1 Alpha |
A new development build of VideoLinux is out: "I am pleased to announce the release of hopefully the last alpha release for testing and feedback. The next release will be a beta release. There are many new packages and upgrades including: upgraded to customised 2.6.15 kernel by ocilent1; customised X.Org server by Thac to provide additional 3D support for many graphics cards; WINE upgraded to 0.9.16; added xDVDShrink 2.6.1; added Cinelerra 2.0." See the release announcement and changelog for more details. Download: VideoLinux-2.1-Alpha-i686.iso (483MB, MD5). VideoLinux is a PCLinuxOS-based distribution with focus on DVD backups, video encoding and transcoding, DVD authoring and format conversion.