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LinuxInstall was a distribution based on Red Hat Linux 8.0 with personal desktop packages (Mozilla, Evolution, OpenOffice); latest Kernel; latest software updates; auto hardware detection; auto root account creation; auto hard drive Partitioning; auto network setup using DHCP; auto package selection; no questions asked during installation; completely automated installation done in 15 minutes and best of all, it's all in ONE CD!
Status: Discontinued
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2005-08-23 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Freespire 5.0 |
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Freespire is a new Linux distribution, a free edition of Linspire with all proprietary components and trademarks removed. The distribution comes with a free repository of over 1,500 packages available via apt-get and Synaptic. This initial release functions as a live CD only and serves as a proof of concept. It certainly looks like an interesting idea: combining the benefits of Linspire's excellent usability and hardware auto-configuration with a free repository of Debian packages. Freespire's web site is very bare at the moment, but the first ISO image is available for download from here: freespire.iso (316MB). ISO images for SMP systems and AMD64 processors are also available.
About SquiggleOS
SquiggleOS is a Linux distribution built from publicly available open source packages provided by Linspire, a prominent North American Linux vendor. SquiggleOS conforms fully with the upstream vendor's redistribution policies and aims to be 100% binary compatible. SquiggleOS mainly changes packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork.