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Linuxfx is a Brazilian Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It ships with an intuitive Cinnamon desktop user interface designed to facilitate migration of users from Windows. It includes a video management system called Sentinela, a computer vision software with video analytics and software for access control (facial recognition and automatic number plate recognition), object detection, gender, age and mood detection. Other features of the distribution include a new personal assistant, a WX theme for desktop and system applications, and compatibility with software written for Windows (.exe and .msi) through a Wine port. Following the release of Linuxfx 10.6 the distribution became a commercial offering.
Status: Active
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2005-07-30 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Onebase DevelopGo 1.0 |
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The developers of Onebase Linux have announced the release of a new product - DevelopGo 1.0: "The Onebase Linux Project is pleased to announce the availability of 'Live Development Platform' for programmers. DevelopGo is a special live CD that comes with over 11 languages, 5 popular integrated development environments, 4 GUI designers, 5 GUI tool kits, extensive language bindings, wide collection of offline documentation, and with core Onebase support - all in a single live CD. Read the features page for more details on the software included in it. Note: It also comes with multimedia support." Read the release announcement for further information. The DevelopGo live CD and other Onebase products are available for download after a payment of US$10.
About Onebase Linux
Onebase Linux is an independant source and/or binary operating system based on the Linux kernel, providing built-in support for binary and source packages of open source software.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2005-08-17 |
Distribution Release: Onebase StudioGo 1.0 |
The Onebase project has released StudioGo 1.0, a specialist live CD for graphics and multimedia enthusiasts: "StudioGo 1.0 released. The Onebase Linux Project is pleased to announce the release of a new special edition live CD called StudioGo (version 1.0). It is a pure entertainment CD consisting of multimedia and graphics software that includes audio players and editors, video players, video editors, TV software, multimedia utilities, graphics modelling, imaging, photo management, motion detector, streaming, presentation.... " Find more details in the release announcement and features page. StudioGo is available for download after a payment of US$10.
2005-07-13 |
Distribution Release: Onebase Linux 2005x1 |
A new version of Onebase Linux, together with live CD editions of OnebaseGo and GamesGo have been released: "The Onebase Linux Project is proud to announce the following releases: Onebase Linux 2005x1 - Net Installer, OnebaseGo 3.0 - live CD operating system, GamesGo 1.0 - Exclusive Gaming live CD. These releases come with lots of improvements and new features like updated Onebase Portal (control center), Package manager, udev support with HAL, and improved hardware detection. Many applications have been updated, like Linux kernel, GNOME suite 2.10, KDE 3.4.1, Unionfs + SquashFS support for OnebaseGo...." See the release announcement for further information. The Net Installer edition is available for free download from here: OL-2005x1.iso (108MB, MD5), while access to the ISO images for OnebaseGo and GamesGo editions cost US$10.
2005-04-30 |
Distribution Release: Onebase Linux 2005 |
Onebase Linux 2005 has been released: "The Onebase Linux Project is proud to announce the 'Project Re-launch' by introducing version 2005. After 5 months of intense development and testing we made a hallmark improvement and brought numerous features. Our focus was not on bringing yet-another-Linux by simply repackaging or showcasing déjà vu software. Instead, Onebase Linux 2005 brings a new face of Linux with its improved file hierarchy, boot system and addition of Onebase Portal. The following link gives information about the prime features present in this release." Read the full release announcement for additional details. The latest version of Onebase Linux is available for download after a donation of US$14.00.
2004-09-24 |
Distribution Release: OnebaseGo 2.2 |
A new version of the OnebaseGo live CD has been released: "The Onebase Linux Project is pleased to announce a new version of OnebaseGo portable OS (2.2) with updated software that includes Xorg 6.8.1, Gaim 1.0, KDE 3.3.0 desktop suite, KOffice 1.3.2, GNOME 2.6.1, Fluxbox, IceWM, XFce 4 desktops all in one live CD. And also the latest version of Onebase software manager: OLM 3.1." Read the full release announcement, then visit the distribution's download page for details about obtaining the latest release of OnebaseGo.
2004-07-30 |
Distribution Release: OnebaseGo 2.1 |
OnebaseGo 2.1 has been released: "The Onebase Linux Project is pleased to announce a new updated version of OnebaseGo LiveCD (2.1). It features OLM 3.0.6 with German locale support, Kernel 2.6.7, and comes with 5 popular desktops - KDE-3.2.3 (Themed like MacOS X), GNOME 2.6.2 (Themed like Windows XP), IceWM desktop manager, XFCE 4.0.6 desktop suite and Fluxbox Lightweight desktop 0.9.9 - all in 1 LiveCD." Read the announcement and check out the screenshots here. Download: OnebaseGo-2.1.iso (620MB).
2004-07-10 |
Distribution Release: Onebase Linux 2004-r4 |
Onebase Linux 2004-r4 has been released. This is not to be confused with the recent OnebaseGo 2.0 (Live CD) release. Two major new features are the new Net-Installer and OLM 3. "Being a net-based installer it provides high level of flexibility in selection of packages and mode of installation. Also you directly install the latest available packs from OL-apps." The full scoop on this release is available here. It should be noted that the Net-Installer is only meant for new users of Onebase. The new release is available for purchase or as a free download (106 MB).
2004-07-07 |
Distribution Release: OnebaseGo 2.0 (Live CD) |
OnebaseGo (Live CD) version 2.0 has been released. "This release comes with numerous package updates, improved EPS and Docking. EPS - eXtended package store, a new feature which was introduced in 2.0 preview1 allows users to access additional software via this." The announcement for this release can be found here. The developers encourage users to purchase the product from their store in order to support the growth of this project, but it also available as a free download (457 MB).
2004-06-14 |
Development Release: OnebaseGo 2.0 Preview1 |
This is the first development release of the new OnebaseGo 2.0 live CD: "The preview1 of the upcoming 2.0 major version of OnebaseGo has been released. As the version number indicates there has been a lot of changes and improvements. The Highlights of these changes are: EPS - eXtended package store. This is a new feature with which you can create/use extra store for packages since the size of a CD is very limited. It is explained below. Moved from KNOPPIX's Cloop to Kernel's Transparent decompression which is more reliable, fast and kernel independent. First OnebaseGo release to include 2.6 kernel by default...." The full announcement. Download: OnebaseGo-2.0p1.iso (513MB).