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N-iX Desktop Linux
N-iX Destkop Linux was a Linux Distribution based on Fedora Core. You can download the ISO images and just have a N-iX customised version of Fedora with some additional stuff, like Java, Flash, Adobe Acrobat Reader, K3B and other software working right from the box. You don't need to search and install those programs. But if you also want to run N-iX tools, like XPlat Messenger Client, Cross Network Client you should buy a licence for N-iX Desktop Linux.
Status: Discontinued
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2005-05-13 |
NEW • Distribution Release: cAos 2 |
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The cAos Foundation has announced the final release of cAos 2: "Announcing the formal release of cAos-2 for ia32 and x86_64! The cAos Foundation and the cAos Linux development team are proud to announce the public release of cAos Linux version 2. cAos Linux is a community-managed and openly-maintained distribution of Linux using the LSB standard RPM Package Manager. This release identifies the stabilization and validation of the core operating system as well as stabilization of the extended OS. Members of the community are invited to try, use and love this new Linux distribution! cAos Linux 2 is scheduled to be maintained for the next 3-5 years. During that time, it will maintain a stable core OS ABI as well as receive prompt security updates." Here is the complete release announcement. Download the core installation ISO images from here: cinch-2.0.0.i386.iso (125MB) or cinch-2.0.0.x86_64.iso (152MB).
About Caos
Caos Linux NSA is a light-weight, fast, efficient, stable, and secure distribution of Linux that is appropriate for servers, compute nodes, network appliances, and even the latest desktop and laptop computers. It is maintained and managed by a team of computer science experts with numerous proven skills. With resources pooled together, they created a multifunctional operating system with mission critical dependability. Caos Linux is designed to run on all x86_64 and i386 hardware ranging from clusters and servers to production level appliances to personal desktops and laptops. Supporting a wide variety of software, Caos Linux is based on the best aspects of GNU/Linux and has full binary compatibility with the most popular enterprise distribution of Linux.
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2009-10-14 |
Distribution Release: Caos Linux 1.0.25 |
Greg Kurtzer has announced the availability of Caos Linux 1.0.25, and updated release of the independently developed, light-weight, secure distribution of Linux for servers, compute nodes and network appliances: "The Caos team of developers and contributors from Infiscale are proud to announce the public release of Caos Linux NSA (Node Server Appliance) version 1.0.25, an updated release to the NSA-1.0 operating system and new Live Media installer disk. This Caos NSA 1.0 release includes all known security updates, the latest supported packages, configuration tools, better support for private and public clouds, and enhanced hardware and compatibility support from some of our supporters including Intel, SuperMicro and HP all wrapped up into a brand new Live Media installer." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (mirrors): caos-nsa-full-1.0.25.i386.iso (1,827MB, MD5), caos-nsa-full-1.0.25.x86_64.iso (1,997MB, MD5).
2009-02-25 |
Distribution Release: Caos Linux 1.0.8 |
Greg Kurtzer has announced the release of Caos Linux 1.0.8, a high-performance distribution designed primarily for high performance computation (HPC), servers, and custom appliances: "The Caos team of developers and contributors from Infiscale are proud to announce the public release of Caos Linux NSA 1.0.8, an updated release to the NSA-1.0 tree. The NSA 1.0 release identifies the stabilization and validation of the core operating system, fully tested on some of the world's fastest public and private systems and architectures. And now with NSA 1.0.8, you get bleeding-edge security updates, the new 2.6.28 kernel, updated packages such as OFED 1.4 and GCC 4.3.3, a streamlined Sidekick system configuration toolkit, the latest Perceus 1.5 cluster management software, and Abstractual, Infiscale's cloud virtualization solution." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: caos-nsa-full-1.0.8.i386.iso (602MB, MD5), caos-nsa-full-1.0.8.x86_64.iso (675MB, MD5).
2008-11-26 |
Distribution Release: Caos Linux NSA 1.0 |
Greg Kurtzer has announced the release of Caos Linux NSA 1.0, a light-weight, stable and secure distribution of Linux for servers, compute nodes and network appliances: "The Caos team of developers and contributors from Infiscale are proud to announce the public release of Caos Linux NSA version 1. Caos Linux is a community-managed and openly-maintained distribution of Linux focusing on areas where Linux naturally leads and excels: high performance computation (HPC), servers (especially LAMP and general web), and custom appliances (such as file servers and firewalls). This release identifies the stabilization and validation of the core operating system, fully tested on some of the world's fastest public and private systems and architectures. Careful tweaking and optimizations have resulted in a very streamlined, light-weight operating system still suitable for a large spectrum of uses, from simple desktops to petaflop supercomputers." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download (mirror list): caos-nsa-1.0.i386.iso (584MB, MD5), caos-nsa-1.0.x86_64.iso (653MB, MD5).
2004-12-06 |
Interview with Head of cAos Foundation |
Linux Times has published an interview with Greg M. Kurtzer, the leader of cAos Foundation of cAos and CentOS fame: "There are 2 successful community based distributions available (Debian and Gentoo), but neither uses RPM which is what a large percentage of the community has standardized on. One of the reasons why there has been little need for the community to create this was because it was supplied by a distribution vendor for free. While the vendor still developed the distribution in a closed and commercial manner, it was well maintained, and updates were very reliable. The community seemed satisfied. Recently this model changed leaving a niche open for a freely available solution that had a reasonable life span of updates and maintenance." Read the full interview here.
2004-02-18 |
Distribution Release: cAos 1.0 |
The first stable release of cAos is out: "Finally... cAos-1.0 has been released. All of the blocking/showstopping bugs have been resolved, and many of the developers are already using it in production. With that said, keep in mind there are many packages outside of the core that are still stabilizing (thus you may see frequent updates). Please post bug reports to bugzilla so that they may be resolved quickly and don't fall between the cracks." To install cAos, you will need to download its installation ISO image, called "Cinch": cinch.iso (137MB) and follow these instructions to install a core system. Additional packages can then be installed with 'yum'. cAos is a Red Hat-based distribution with the goal to provide a stable operating system for enterprises; find out more at