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Batocera.linux is a minimal distribution dedicated to running retrogaming software. The distribution is able to run on most desktop computers, laptops and several single-board computers, including the Raspberry Pi. batocera.linux can be run from a USB thumb drive or SD card, allowing it to be transferred between computers. batocera.linux is based on RecalboxOS.
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2004-06-15 |
NEW • Development Release: Quantian |
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A new development cycle leading towards stable Quantian 0.6 has started: "The most recent version is - the first Quantian version based on the new KNOPPIX 3.4, which offers a number of exciting changes, and clusterKNOPPIX v3.4-2004-05-10 with the openMosix-enabled 2.4.26. Among the recent changes are, beyond package updates throughout, the inclusion of the 'SNOW' packages for R (i.e. rpvm, rmpi, rsprng and snow) for distributed statistical computing, the axiom computer-algebra system, a large number of physics programs from Cern, and more. This release is a 'kitchen sink' version - it exceeds 700GB and cannot be burned to CDROM, but either loaded from disk or burned to DVD." Read more about the release on the distribution's home page. Download: Quantian_0.5.9.1.iso (1,061MB).
About Quantian
A Knoppix/Debian variant tailored to numerical and quantitative analysis, Quantian is a remastering of Knoppix, the self-configuring and directly bootable CDROM that turns any PC or laptop (provided it can boot from CDROM) into a full-featured Linux workstation. The most recent version is based on clusterKnoppix and adds support for openMosix, including remote booting of light clients in an openMosix terminal server context. Quantian is an extension of Knoppix and clusterKnoppix from which it takes its base system of about 2GB of software, along with fully automatic hardware detection and configuration. However, Quantian differs from Knoppix by adding a set of programs of interest to applied or theoretical workers in quantitative or data-driven fields.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2006-03-02 |
Development Release: Quantian |
A new development version of the Quantian live DVD, a distribution with a collection of software for scientific computing, has been released: "A new release of Quantian is now available! This release is the second one based on KNOPPIX 4.0.2 and features: kernel 2.6.12, KDE 3.5 / 3.4, 2.0; a backport of the openMosix-enabled 2.4.27 kernel and openMosix tools from the last ClusterKNOPPIX release; very comprehensive support for GNU R with over 870 packages from CRAN and BioConductor, plus ESS, Ggobi, Rpad, RKward, RSPerl, JGR; addition of the Java 1.5.0 SDK enabling us to add ImageJ, Weka, JGR, Mondrian...." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download: Quantian_0.7.9.2.iso (2,726MB, MD5).
2005-12-14 |
Development Release: Quantian |
A year has passed since its last release, but the Quantian project is now back with a new version: "A shiny new release of Quantian is now available! Release, available as an ISO file of 2.5GB, contains almost 7GB of quantitative, numerical or scientific software. This release is the first one based on KNOPPIX 4.0.2 and features: kernel 2.6.12, KDE 3.4, 2.0 and more from KNOPPIX 4.0.2; a backport of the openMosix enabled 2.4.27 kernel and openMosix tools from the last clusterKNOPPIX release; very comprehensive support for GNU R with over 800 packages from CRAN and BioConductor, plus ESS, Ggobi, Rpad, RKward; newly added packages such as scigraphica, polyxmass, gromacs and more...." See the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download: Quantian_0.7.9.1.iso (2,448MB, MD5).
2004-12-15 |
Development Release: Quantian |
This is a new development release of the Quantian live CD: "Version, third release based on KNOPPIX 3.6. Quantian software changes: the Rpad interactive web-based R Gui by Tom Short, fully configured and launchable via a simple command or menu entry; about ten new packages from CRAN released since Quantian; about fifteen CRAN packages updated to current versions as of December 11; addition of the dse, CoCo, gregmisc CRAN bundles omitted in; new packages such as clustalw, clustalx, clustalw-mpi, seaview, iraf; Octave and Scilab updated to the newest versions from Debian unstable." The full changelog. Download the DVD image from here: Quantian_0.6.9.3.iso (1,961MB).
2004-12-01 |
Development Release: Quantian |
A new development release of Quantian, a distribution tailored to numerical and quantitative analysis, is out. From the announcement: "Version - the second release based on KNOPPIX 3.6. Quantian software changes: added about 1.2GB (uncompressed) in R packages from CRAN and BioConductor: by providing essentially all CRAN and BioConductor packages, Quantian offers unparallelled support for statistical computing, data analysis and graphical methods via the R environment and language. Several new packages (aspell, auctex, dia, electric, eukleides, festlex, gij, hdf5-tools, kseg, ksimus, mozilla-firefox...), some included most packages in recommended by the already installed ones. Updated packages with newer Debian versions: apache, aribas...." Download the DVD image from here: Quantian_0.6.9.2.iso (1,920MB); alternatively, get it via BitTorrent.
2004-11-02 |
Development Release: Quantian |
A new development version of the Quantian live CD, a KNOPPIX-based distribution designed for quantitative analysis, is now available. From the changelog: "First release based on KNOPPIX 3.6. Contains everything from the last Quantian release (minus CRAN/BioC extras). Updated throughout with new version 2.0.0 of R, 2.1.60 of Octave and numerous other updates. Meta-packages are also included from several Debian subprojects: everything from Debian-Med with the exception of med-cms is included, everything from Debian-Edu is included, and the KDE, math, programming and puzzle packages from Debian-Junior are included...." Also, Quantian 0.6 was officially released: "In keeping with prior practice, and as no bugs have been reported, was copied / soft-linked over to 0.6." Download: Quantian_0.6.9.1.iso (1,951MB); also available via BitTorrent.
2004-09-10 |
Development Release: Quantian |
This is a new development release of Quantian, a KNOPPIX-based live CD tailored to numerical and quantitative analysis. Changes: "Fourth release based on KNOPPIX 3.4. Added over a 1GB (uncompressed) of new software, see below for details, bringing the ISO to 1.75GB compressed and over 5.5GB uncompressed. Added about 20 more CRAN and 31 more BioConductor packages for GNU R packages, bringing the total to about 440, including base and recommended packages. Added Gnumeric back in, this also pulled in a few other utilities. Add pcb to complement GNU geda...." See the changelog for a complete list of changes. Download: Quantian_0.5.9.4.iso (1,675MB); also available via BitTorrent.
2004-08-03 |
Development Release: Quantian |
This is the third Quantian version based on KNOPPIX 3.4, which offers a number of exciting changes, and clusterKNOPPIX v3.4-2004-05-10 with the openMosix-enabled 2.4.26. From the changelog: "Way more GNU R packages generated with a modified version of a script by Albrecht Gebhardt - about 360 packaged are added from CRAN and BioConductor providing unparalled depth for statistical computing; an almost complete suite from the Debian-Med project for medical informatics... upgraded throughout against Debian testing, with over 300 updated packages; total size is now 1.5gb for the compressed iso image, corresponding to more than 4.4gb of uncompressed software." The complete announcement. Download: Quantian_0.5.9.3.iso (1,498MB).
2004-06-29 |
Development Release: Quantian |
This is the second development release of Quantian 0.6. From the changelog: "Second release based on KNOPPIX 3.4. New packages: qemu (a fast emulator), as well as a variety of Debian 'science' packages: kalzium, celestia, starplot, openbabel, chemtool, xtide, viewmol, achilles, blast2 and two more calculators (gcalctool, galculator). Several bioinformatics package from Matt Hope's site: bioperl, biopython, hmmer, emboss, as well as python-reportlab. Experimental support for BioConductor...." Download: Quantian_0.5.9.2.iso (1,222MB).
2004-06-03 |
Distribution Release: Quantian 0.5 |
The Quantian 0.5 has been released. From the changelog: "Re-labelling of the last 0.4.9.* release as the actual 0.5 release. No real showstoppers have appeared, so will now also be known as 0.5 while work on the next round (0.5.9.*) should start shortly -- based on KNOPPIX 3.4 and the first clusterKNOPPIX release based on it." Download: Quantian_0.5.iso (695MB). Quantian is a live CD distribution tailored to numerical and quantitative analysis; it is based on clusterKNOPPIX with support for openMosix clustering.
2004-03-26 |
Development Release: Quantian |
Quantian has been released. From the changelog: "Minor bug fix release. Corrected /etc/ so that Atlas libraries are transparently loaded; this fixes the problem we had with parts of the scipy.test() regression test of SciPy. Added parallel computing toolkits lam and mpich. Added prosper and pdfscreen for LaTeX presentation, and preview-latex for (x)emacs. Added the lua scripting language. Updated R packages with the first current pre-release of the upcoming 1.9.0 release." Download: Quantian_0.4.9.6.iso (695MB).
2004-03-12 |
Development Release: Quantian |
Quantian is a new development version on the road towards stable Quantian 0.5. From the changelog: "Updated R packages based on the first pre-release of the upcoming 1.9.0 version, updated CRAN packages and a few new CRAN packages: multcomp, mvtnorn, relimp, and the uebercool rgl. Updated Octave packages based on the just released 2.1.56, and a matching octave-forge release. Improved support for Scientific Python, though scipy.test() still moans, we hope to sort that out shortly. The ftnchek package for Fortran'ers..." Download: Quantian_0.4.9.5.iso (691MB). Quantian is a clusterKNOPPIX-based live CD enhanced by a set of programs of interest to applied or theoretical workers in quantitative or data-driven fields.
2004-02-26 |
Development Release: Quantian |
A new development version of Quantian has been released: "The most recent version (packages list, detailed packages list) is the fourth release based on KNOPPIX 3.3; see below for download information. For the first time, we also release a 'kitchen sink' version (packages list, detailed packages list) which, by exceeding the 700MB size limit of a CDROM, allows us to pack more software (such as OpenOffice, scilab, grass) onto it. It is suited for hard-disk based booting, and may work with bootable DVDs. Also see the Quantian blog page, the changelog, the todo and bugs pages, and well as the set of short howtos for detailed information." Download: Quantian_0.4.9.4.iso (693MB).
2004-02-11 |
Development Release: Quantian |
A new development version of Quantian, a clusterKNOPPIX-based live CD tailored to numerical and quantitative analysis, has been released. From the changelog: "Grass is back, with a new package from Debian unstable. Several new Python packages; new R / CRAN packages, as well as a brandnew pre-release of R 1.9.0. Freefem, plotmtv, beancounter, sqlite. No actual clusterKNOPPIX and KNOPPIX changes This release is still based on the prior ISO and contains kernel 2.4.22 which may be a concern in some environments due to the security alerts regarding 2.4.22 and 2.4.23. We expect a new release with kernel 2.4.24 shortly." Download: Quantian_0.4.9.3.iso (699MB).
2003-10-02 |
Distribution Release: Quantian 0.4 |
Quantian 0.4 has been released: "The most recent version 0.4 is the result of three test releases since version 0.3, and corresponds to the last release" From the ChangeLog: "Comprises newer 2.4.22 kernel, a new OpenMosix patch and updated software throughout. Added RPy, ipe, giac, gap-character-tables, kile, lush, felt, mpb, wajig for the Gap CAS, kile, ent, added fonts for texmacs, and removed comedi as we do not have a matching kernel module for it." Check out the Quantian web site for more information. Download: Quantian_0.4.iso (694MB). Quantian is a KNOPPIX/Debian variant tailored to numerical and quantitative analysis.
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