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eZeY (formerly Open Xange, before Xange and Vixta) was an easy-to-use, Fedora-based desktop Linux distribution featuring the KDE desktop.
Status: Discontinued
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2004-03-18 |
NEW • Distribution Release: eLearnix (wheel mouse) |
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eLearnix (formerly known as FreeLoader Linux) is a GNOME-centric, Slackware-based live CD designed for educational purposes: "eLearnix is a self contained, Linux-based, tutorial operating system that comes on a CDROM instead of a book. We give you the instructions to burn the CD and load the whole thing absolutely and positively free. The only way to learn Linux is by running it!" The project has released an ISO image, code named "wheel mouse", for free download: elearnix.iso (248MB). More information on
About eLearnix Linux
eLearnix (also known as Freeleader Linux) is a self contained, Linux-based, tutorial operating system that comes on a USB/DVD instead of a book. We give you the instructions to burn the ISO file and load the whole thing absolutely and positively free. The only way to learn Linux is by running it! eLearnix was based on Slackware Linux, but recent versions are based on Linux Mint.