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Lineox Enterprise Linux
Lineox Enterprise Linux was based on source RPM packages from which Red Hat Enterprise Linux was compiled. Lineox Enterprise Linux contains all programs included in various Red Hat Enterprise Linux variations (Advanced Server (AS), Entry/Mid Server (ES), and Workstation (WS)). It also contains programs included in separately sold Red Hat Cluster Suite and Red Hat Developer Suite. Lineox has removed and replaced all files of Red Hat Enterprise Linux which have restrictive copyright by Red Hat, Inc. Lineox has also tried to remove all user-visible references to Red Hat in Lineox Enterprise Linux. The most notable difference between Lineox Enterprise Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux was the support options provided by Red Hat, Inc. Lineox, Inc. does not provide any support for Lineox Enterprise Linux with the base product. Lineox, Inc. however plans to provide binary package updates for Lineox Enterprise Linux as long as Red Hat, Inc. provides updates for Red Hat Enterprise Linux in source package format.
Status: Discontinued
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2003-11-24 |
NEW • Development Release: SENTINIX 0.70.5 |
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The SENTINIX project (formerly Compledge Sentinel) has released its second development version - 0.70.5 (1.beta02): "The second beta of SENTINIX has now been released, with a lot of improvements and updates. Over 50 programs have been upgraded. For once, the ISO release version-numbering is coherent with the fullsource package. You may now be able to boot a diskless openMosix node right off the SENTINIX Installation CD, installation of SENTINIX on a Compaq ProLiant (Compaq SmartArray (ida)) has been confirmed, SENTINIX is now fully working on a ProLiant DL360." Read the rest of the official announcement and changelog. Download: sentinix-0.70.5.iso (213MB). SENTINIX is a Linux distribution designed for monitoring, auditing, intrusion detection and anti-spam.
SENTINIX is an operating system (or a so called Linux distribution) designed for monitoring, auditing, intrusion detection and anti-spam. It's completely free; free to use, free to modify and free to distribute. SENTINIX includes the following software installed and pre-configured; Nagios, Nagat, Snort, SnortCenter, ACID, Cacti, RRDTool, Nessus, Postfix, MailScanner, SpamAssassin, openMosix, MySQL, Apache, PHP, Perl, Python and lots more. SENTINIX is shipped with a lot of programs, not all licensed under the same license (e.g. GNU GPL). SENTINIX contains (and will only contain) software whose license has been approved by the Open Source Initiative. Compledge Sentinel was the predecessor of SENTINIX.
Recent Related News and Releases |
2003-11-28 |
SENTINIX Gives the Boot to Monitoring Woes |
NewsForge has published an interview with the creator and lead developer of Sentinix - a Linux distribution designed for monitoring, auditing, intrusion detection, statistics/graphing and anti-spam - Michel Blomgren: "As a sysadmin, I have frequently seen the need to add more processing power as e-mail traffic increases. The e-mail server is suddenly overloaded and a solution is needed immediately. ... But SENTINIX is on openMosix. You add a new computer to the network, boot it from the SENTINIX CD, and a node adds itself to the cluster. In seconds the load is being taken up by the new "temporary" machine and the old server is back to running as intended." Read the rest of this interesting interview, which includes a brief introduction to the product.