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URIX OS (formerly NetSecL) was a security-focused distribution and live DVD based on openSUSE. To improve the security aspect of the distribution, servers have been removed, incoming ports closed and services turned off. Additionally, several penetration tools have been included.
Status: Discontinued
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2003-09-24 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Morphix 0.4-1 |
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Morphix 0.4-1 has been released: "New LightGUI, KDE, Game and Gnome combined ISOs have been uploaded. What are the biggest changes? Well, after the recent poll I've renamed Morphix HeavyGUI to Morphix Gnome, and it has Gnome 2.4 together with a host of updates. Gnome and KDE themes have been changed, improved installer, LUFS has been added, the list goes on and on. Also, I've made an OOo minimodule people could use together with mainmodules without it. Partitionmorpher, IsomorphGUI and MCP haven't been included yet, but hoping to have some packages for users to play with soon. If you can't wait hit the CVS, do backup your data if you want to play around with PM." See the rest of the announcement, which includes links to download mirrors.
About Morphix
Morphix is a derivative of Knoppix, another live CD distribution. Morphix is modular; this means that it consists of a number of parts which together form a working distribution. What does this mean to a normal user? Well, that's the good part: it doesn't even know about the modules. They are invisible to it, save the startup-output on the console. So, if you don't care about how it works, just grab one of the combined ISOs and boot it! There are different pre-made cd images with a whole range of (currently GUI-centered) software. It has an easy-to-use installer, if you wish to install it to your harddisk, but it doesn't need to be installed. It doesn't touch the rest of your system without specifically asking you.
Recent Related News and Releases |
2003-08-28 |
Interview: Morphix founder Alex de Landgraaf |
NewsForge has published an interview with Morphix founder Alex de Landgraaf: "I actually started playing around with KNOPPIX in December 2002. I had a remastered version called KnopNL, because I was planning to make a light-weight Dutch distribution. There was (and still is) a lively community working on making specific distributions using KNOPPIX, but I saw time and time again that people had to "put KNOPPIX on a diet" and merge new changes from KNOPPIX before they could do anything useful. There was an adapted version called kix, which was pretty small, but not small enough for me. I thought up a modular design to build a live CD, which would relieve all the remasterers from upgrading changes and let them work on the actual task at hand. Thus Morphix was born from KNOPPIX. :)" The interview.
2003-07-10 |
Distribution Release: Morphix 0.4 |
Morphix 0.4 has been released: "What has changed? Well, I still have to fill in all the changes since 0.3-6 (changelog pending), but numerous fixes have been made to the base module, WiFi support has been added (prism2 + orinoco), USB has been fixed, and I've thrown in a 2.4.21-xfs kernel for good luck. Furthermore, all main modules have been updated to the latest packages in Debian sid, giving you Firebird 0.6 in Light and Mozilla 1.4 in Heavy and KDE modules. The Game module has been split up, and now the iso includes a Enemy Territory minimod instead of the Q3A or UT2003 demos, which are now available as mini modules separately." The rest of the announcement is here. Downloads: MorphixCombined-Game-0.4.iso (635MB), MorphixCombined-HeavyGUI-0.4.iso (443MB), MorphixCombined-LightGUI-0.4.iso (198MB), MorphixCombined-Kde-0.4.iso (375MB). Update: a potentially serious bug has been reported in this release, read the details before downloading.
2003-05-17 |
Distribution Release: Morphix 0.3-6 |
Morphix 0.3-6 has been released: "For the changes, there are many, read the changelog below. Now quite a few people have been asking me why we not move on to 0.4, but the road map states that we need a server module (logo hasn't yet been added to background and boot screen, anyone up for some gimping?). As I always follow my own guidelines *cough* i guess we can try to get this done before the next release, which will then be 0.4. Then again, reaching 0.3-99 might be fun too." This is the announcement, including the changelog. Download: MorphixCombined-Game-0.3-6.iso (615MB), MorphixCombined-HeavyGUI-0.3-6.iso (465MB), MorphixCombined-KDE-0.3-6.iso (378MB), MorphixCombined-LightGUI-0.3-6.iso (199MB).
2003-04-28 |
Review: Morphix 0.3-4 |
NewsForge has published a review of Morphix, a Debian-based Live Linux CD: "I was impressed with what I saw in Morphix -- a LiveCD distribution that could be used not only by curious home users and Linux evangelists, but by businesses wishing to set up ultra-cheap workstations. Imagine having the workstations at your office loaded up with RAM, not needing a hard drive, and having everyone able to carry their systems around on a CD-ROM. You'd need only a file server, while all the applications ran safely from the desktops of users. As soon as the users powered off their systems, all the unnecessary information would be erased, eliminating wasted local storage space while safely keeping users' information on a secured central server." The full review.
2003-04-24 |
Distribution Release: Morphix 0.3-5 |
Release 0.3-5 of the Morphix live CD is out: "The slightly-less-borked release. Focus was on fixing a number of annoying bugs, no serious features have been added. Main changes: X resolution fixed, boot options honored, preliminary ALSA support, nVidia install, SCSI install. Added dillo (light), added K3B, modified the icon set (KDE), new GTK2 theme (heavy), pingus 0.6 (game)." The announcement and changelog are here. Download: MorphixCombined-Game-0.3-5.iso (601MB), MorphixCombined-HeavyGUI-0.3-5.iso (440MB), MorphixCombined-KDE-0.3-5.iso (361MB), MorphixCombined-LightGUI-0.3-5.iso (192MB).